HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-09-18, Page 1•‘.
• Y: -OL. 14, NO. 3S.
TEDOD-ti1„50.Per Amount, 14 acivience.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1879.
- °$txv Aarerttottnent0.
Servant Girl Wanted,
WANTED, a good general Servent
TY Apply to
MRS. W. 130.ffERTY, •
Minton-, sot 18, 1(0.
. Wanted
• TumEmAtELy., a good general serVant
girl. 5
ApplyAca. 138. IIAZTON,
mintee; nopt.:17; Witt; • "-
—Farm inStanley.
OT NINE on the, -second concession of
.1..A Stanley, ii,clioiee ,farin of •one .hundred
acres, about 80 cleared, exCellent soil, ,good
buildings, orchards, 8tc,, will be soli on favor,
able terms. Apply ou the premises to the pro-
prietor; Mr. COLIN SMITH, or to
El. RALErlinton st.; Clinton.
sept. lith, 1879.
Farm -in
A SUPERIOR FARM, of one hundred and
five scree, comprising 'part of lot* thirty-
three, concession seven, Hnllett, and, well
-known as one of the -best farms an. the "Base.
' Line."About 75 acres cleared; good clay soil;
frame bowie large leg barn • good orghafa
terms moderate. Apply on the premiles to the
owner, Mr..GEORGE ARMSTRONG; or to
11. HALE, Huron et., Clinton.
Sept. tub, 1870.
Insolvent-.A.ct of. 1875
AND Al1END1NO Aims: _
In the Matter. of Viim Cole, an Insolvent,
A WRIT of Attachment has been issued in
XI- this cause, and the Creditors are notified
-to meet at my office,. in Goderieb, ,on WED-
NESDAYI the lit day of Ootober next, lit 3
o'clock to rCeeive -statement of his af-
fairs andlo.appoint an Assignee if they see fit,
and order the affairs of the estate generally.
• ROBERT GIBBON'S, Official Assignee.
°aloha Assignee's Office,
Goderloh, soptomhor saloon. s
A 1,
• A:
A Specific Remedy for all Suallunler
„Cesisplistuts, such as Itlarrhoeat
D78enterY,Vainp4a Choleia,Cho•
leraltforboai Cholera Xxartantopt,
Sour Stoiniatlx, CiriplOR
and an dtrangeinents of, the bowels, caused
by using improperfead,anoh as raw Veva=
gablea, xenrIpo or soar remit. bad
Ming, impure water, or change of watovehan.
gee of the seasons, exptisuro. No matter from
-what cause or in.Whab form rimer° sebfoottO
any of thenibove odniplainte Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry will relieve you,
and a' speedy tura wilt bo eireated without
injury to the syetern. 78 is manttfrehired
from the Wild Strawberry Plant, and 1,s free
from opitiorand.othea'injuriona drop. For
Nilo by all deniers, at la. 160., or .8 bottles
• for it. .
TORONTO. , • • '
• Third Annie) Sale, under the auspices
of the Huron Live Steck Assediation, Will
be held in the ' • '
• lertrno or SiALE.
Twelve nionths' credit will be given on tar.
nishing smarty satisfactory to the own& of
the stook Bold. • •A diedontlt of 8 per cont will
be allowed for cash on all sales.
M. Y. McLEA,N, Seaforth, Secretary,
JAMES BIGGINS, Clinton, President.
• F. GRAIL&M,-Goderieli, Auctioneer,
WEI).NESDAn OOTOB.gli 15th, .1879,
erniunencing it 12 O'clock, nom).
There will be offered for sale a large number
of Imported Stallions, Thoroughbred Short.
horn Bulls, Cows. rind Heifers; Thoroughbred
Sheep and Swine, also Improved indFat Stook.
This Sale offers Superior Facilities. for both
Buyer, and Seller. Several of the Best•Herds
in the Province will be represented, and the
sold will he attended by buyers fromthe United
States and all parts of Canada. Catalogues
can be had on application tollie Secretary.
Entries of Stock for•Sale,will be received until
the !tensing of thosalo, but Stook now entered
will not appear in the sale catalogue. Tfie
Secretary will be at Pike% JIotel, Clinton, on
the afternoon and evening before tho sale to
receive entries: There will- be ample accom.
xnodation at Clinton, for both Man and beast,
which will be provided at the lowest possible
rates, _
11/41-0110E & hereby given that the under -
s sig.ned will not be reeponail3le for any
fiabia bentracted in his name witient hits writ-
ten order,
naliett, Aua. 288h,
Stray Cattle: -
'UM'S into subscriber's ineinisee; Let 52,
Baylielcl Conceosion, about the „middle of
Augnot a red HEIFER, end red and white
-STEER, both coming three. The owner is
hereby notoica, tO prove property, pay ex-
penses; and tate them away.
croaerichgownship, Sept. 4, 1879. ,
A. firm in Toronto, employing twelve
hands, daily commence business by re-
ligieus exercises. •
At $tratford, on the Sth inst:,:uo less
than 38 •ears of excursionists passed
through, for Toronto, .„ • •
Nine cars of cheese were shipped. op
• Stray Cattle: Saturday irom 13elleville by the Grand
CAMR into anboCriber's premise% lot „Se t
. .-1Trunk railway for Europe. .
een.ears of poplay wood for export
Bayfield 00D., about a month, tinco,
, one
ro, the ethei. red the uryttea States via ,Bellevillewere.
and two REUTRS, elle red and „gm red and
white, all two `Years old. The owner fa' hereby
notified to prove property,, poy charges., and
take t,hem away. • -
Goderich tOwnship, ,Sept,. 8rd, 1879.
Dissolution of ,Partporahip.
XTOTIOE iihereby Oven that the pertnerahip hithert•
.1.1 existing under the name and style of FISHER,
CHAIR & CO. hes tido day been diesolved by mutual
eonsen .
A. S. sum%
mArtz vownsinin. ;aux CRAW.
TN connection with the above the undersigned would
beg,leaid to etato that they have entered into ea -
Partnership under thd name and atyla of 01141.13, Mao.
WilIRTER & CO., continuing imeit1000 UP ternierlr, at
the Montreal Rome, Clinton, where they hope tbmerit
a sontintance of the liberal patronage bestowed ua the
old firm, Ali ouzatanding debta of FISHED, onain ds
-co. wake collected by the new iirra, (except some that
shall receive notice from A. S. )itoho, reserved by hire
•as per agreement), and all liabilities of tbe late aria
shrill be paid by them. •
wrrions: ZORN GRAM.
Mont Tc,wssunn. TORN liaow11111TER.
Dated at canton, 6t11 of sopt.,1878. ,
- WIT24111801
re aiming" my eonnection with the above Dry Goods
hasinoso, with which I have been identified for the padt
twenty-five yeara,d tato this opportunity to thank the
general public and my many friends for the liberal Pat-
ronage and hearty support accorded roe during the paid
quarter of a 'eentury,•and have great pleasure in roam-
inending'iny old friends to continue ail b the new Ann
of 011170, MacWHIRTE11 & CO., the game bushman
relations that have sq long. and happily existed be-
tween us.
p, M. _
oaded at Stirling on Saturday.
D, McBeith has s,old hie farm'of
100 acres, on the • 4th con. of Downie,
to Thos. -and Adam Miley, of Mitchell,
fer $6,000 cash.
Polling took` place Friday, in West-
moreland county, N. B, on the Canada
Temperance Act,• Returns so far re-
ceived shovv. 5$2 -votes for the bill and
-98-against. • •"
, . Mr, John Shields of Ciimminsville,
we with a serieni, if net fatal, accident,
• while endeayoring to catch a horse. The
horse kicked him, breaking three- riba
and injuring him internally. • •
Dr. Schultz is urging on the Domin-
ion Government the necessity of moth-
fying the Land taw so RS to allow the
settlement of homesteads • of 160 acres.
each, throughout the reservations of the
Northwest, •
.& retopin machine in East Williams
lately cut down• nine acres' of wheat in
one day, and on that day a young.' man
-Geo:' MoDeed-after walking' two
miles t, the field, bound the Whole alone,
• between -the hours of 7.30 a. m„' and 6
Sept. 29 & 3ll mid It, 2lld &-3i11 Oct
• Praia Liars and entry papers may be had on mai-
oation to Secietary. , All entries aro requested to be
made on or before 20811 Sept. Eailway arrangements
have been made for One Fare to London and return.
Steam Motive Power furniehed. Size of turned alien-
ing, 2 18-82 inches; revolutions per minute, 800. ,Ex-
,hibitors to provide their dwn pulleys.
• , WM. AloBRIDE,
Weston Pair °Mee, • 1
London, ist Sept., 1879. I
Shot,',for $2.50..
- •
SIEt zrAgp WARE; BLAOK09.21177'H'4-
cIPINTON, uIy1O, 1870.
4 1A41°
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...On Monday, 0, shocking occurrence
took Pace on King street, Toronto, in
which a lady lost one of her fingers.
two -boys quarreled on thestreet, •and
finally closed 'with each other. • An
elderly. , lady :seeing the boys fighting
•stepped up to -separate them. •In
rage one` , of the boys turned, and
catching the sfcond finger of the; lady's
handbetWeenhis,teeth, hit.it off at the
'second joint as clean as though severed
with a knife. •„
On Saturday morning Wm. johns,
on descending a well, which he had been
digging on the farm of Wm.' Giinnin,g,
near &ante/vend which was about sixty
feet deep, was overcome with foul air
and fell to. the'bottora; where he lay un-
conspiousHis comrade .atterrapted to
descend by being tiect,in a bucket;- but.
after •descending al3ont, thirty feet he
wan drawn up nearly euffocated. TWO
ethers next tried to descend but failed..
Grappling•irons .were then: resorted to,
and the body was raised after fonr help*
steady work. • He Was foitind to be quite
In April lest Dr.:Warner, ofNiagara,
had seen pieced of baggage checked for
Niagara at the Great Western •Railway
,station, ''Toronto; but refused,•tot•take
an eighth piece,- which he. said ditr,tiot
belong to him. He left withont• taking
with him the trunk.* qfiestion, and
that same evening a Man claimed band.
had it removed. The doctor,. on dis-
covering Ma • Mistake, entered • a suit
ageing the Company for the 'recovery
of,the-value of the trunk -lie---had--lost;
:Thecase was tried in the Division Coin t,
Toronto, when the Judge deader' in fa-.
vor of the Railway Company. ,
Two tramps giving their names as J.
and J. Brodhagen, were committed- to
-gaol for thirty days, by the Stratford
Polite Magistrate, for breaking open a
cat' at the Port Doverdepot. The two
started on 'a tour from Chicago upwards
Of two Montha ago, their joint ”
being nine cents. They .;went west to
Texes,:back to Illinois, and from there
to Montreal. After remaining in Que-
bec a few days they loft for Sarnia, and
carne around vie London' to, Stratford.
When arrested one ofthern had a 5 cent
nickel in ,his.-tiossession, having. in all
their peregrinatiima only been, called
upon to disburse four cents, -
.At the third enntial mile of thorough -
hied live stock and seed grain at the
Guelph Model Farm, attending which
were over a thoneand farraers from
every section of the -Province, the fol-
lowing well the average prices obtained:
-Shert-horn yearling bulls, $73.34;
Hereford bull Calves, $150; Ayrshire
heifers'$30 ; Cotswold shearling rains,
$20; Cotswold rain .lambs,. $14.12;
Cotswold aged ewes,$10; Cotswold
shearling owes,. $16.16 ; Cotswold ewe
lapabs, $9.75; Leicester shearling rams,
$19:66 ;• Leicester ram lawdr.s, $14,88 ;
Leicester aged•ewee, $14; Loieeitter awe
lambs, $10.75; Southdown shearling
rams, $13; Southdown ram lambs, $7,66;
Southdown shoat -ling ewes, $13; South-
down ewe lambs, $0; Oxford Down
shearling rams, $25,50 Berkshire boars,
$786; Berkshire sows, $8 ; P. A; Wind-,
sor beers, $15.25.; spring wheat (Rus-
sian No. 7), $1.18.
On Tuesday, the steamship Navigator,
left Montreal for Bordeamx, Franca,
with a cargo of 69,281 bushels of wheet.
Clarke Brown, the West Winchester
murderer, is saki to have conferaled to
poisoning a Miss Hilliard, abont it year
• One land agent, in Port Huron sold
640 acres of Sanilac County lands to a
Canadian last week at $6 an acre, pay-
• able within a year.
Two bi others by the 'name of Deal,
haVe been itireateirat Montreal, for be-
ing the kidnappers' of lir.. Jaffrey, at
Toronto, Their guilt is -established, •
.A. delegation orEnglish, Scotch, and
Irish tenant fanners sailed for.Montreal,
on Thursday; to repert on the advau.,
taoes of the Dominion for settlement.
• Steamboat •competition between the
city and Toronto Exhibition grounds,
is_so great that one company is_running.
its boats to the exhibition grounds for
A Montreal man is buying ryo this
season in the vitinity:of Menotiek fer
the Belgian -market-.• This is the first
year that rye has been sown in that dis-
trict in large quantities.
A charivaring party visited ' the reSid;
mace of Robert Patterspn, in the town-
ship of Pittsburg:, two nights last week
and On the second oceasion were fil'ed at
and tve o persons wOundecl, but net fatally.
• A man with his -wife and two child-
ren.souglit a night's rest at the Agnes_
street police station, Toronto, on Thurs-
day. The quartette were making their
way on foot from Ottawa to Windsor.
Michael Burns, of Halbert, kat 'week
got the beard of a wild oat stuck -in, his
throat. He gave it no'uttention at first,
-hitt soon the throat began to ,Swell se as
to threaten, suffocation, when he was'
coin in polled to seek •medical' aid, and .
was quickly relieved, - " • •••
.Arneng the curiosities to be seen at
the. Torento:Iliduskvial .Eelibition is' a
hen. blow. if' th,43.,-, inventive genius. Of
country would st set himself to;
work, to 'CliSeever something "that Weirld
sit, on deliiiquciut subscribers and. make
theit .paY up' their past clue accounts
thei:e would be • happiness. in every
printing office in the- litnii.'Port. 'Hope'
TiMes, : ,
• .
turns out' that the two nien
who attempted to kidnap Mr. Jeffrey,.
of Toronto., some tinie pavionsly visited,
at on untimely hour, the Hon. Oliver
-Mowat, and were very..ttrgent in their
entreaties that .he Would' favor them
with his presence at a .political meeting,
to he held that evening; but the honor-
able gentleman was not to be . taken :in
with .suclischaff; 'and refused .to stir."
The St, Mary's Argus says .:-Two
years ago in this zieigliborlidOd 'improved
fermi of one linridred acres' wero 'worth
$8,000 mioh' • Now they are Worth from
$6,000 to $7.,000, and few purchasers at
that. .; At one •timei fbrnitit could be Sold
by merely giving it out in the neighboi'f'
:hood that they. were ,for sale •,noW it is
hard tO Anda purchaiev unless by• ex-
•iensive advertising- • • -
• The Brttird't.E.3.43ositor. chronicles
. the 'nuptails-of Mr. J. B. Halkett, of -
-tileifBLightbody,isilerias-49elle •Panierd"
Otaa-o, and
Mof )3i-ansford.
There is a ?malice in connection with
the courtship in this. case worthy of re-
cord. Both • are staunch temperance
workers, lsdiss Lightbody being Secre-
tary of the Woman's' Tem perance Union,
and Assistant of the Grand Scribe, • Mr.
Thomas Webster. • In -thin work the
parties Were brought' into eorkeripon-.
donee -•Withent having rriet one another,
and in time anattachtnent was &ruled,
wiAch culminated in tile happy'. event
recorded. • , • '
A, young inan who:follows ' the Busi-
ness of telegraph.'Operator in Toronto
was the principal. in an:loan and :wage&
giontnly act toivrIrds a young lady.
ThOcenple, were engaged to be married.
Tueirday *as named as the day' for the
deremony. On the Morning the bride,.
a Young Woman of nineteen years, .with
a number of' friends,'Ivipaired• to th'e
Church whore she wus to meet Ler in-.
tended husband. The hour appointed
passed without the groom putting it an
appearance. A messenger was despatch-,
.ed to the home of flie absentee with the
information that everythingWas.. in
readiness; and his presence onlY was re-
quired to complete the urrangeinents.
Instead, however, of 'returning with the
Messenger the young man sent beet:
word that Le could not come, AS his°
mother WitIS sick." This piece, of in-
formation east a.gloom • over theparty
in the 'ehurch. The grief of the ,young
,wornan who had been so heartlessly
duped was very bitter. 'Several of her
male Mende conceived the idea of mak-
ing the delinquent youth acquainted
with a horseavhip,' but they were finalll,
astioastd from carrying" out their
Has* Dutch hericultural laiiety a11 hOw
• The regular rill show in, 'Confliction
withIbis society, was held on Tuesday
and Wednesday. Owing to the very
unfavorable weather the first day, the
attendance was rather slim, but the sce
cond ttirning out fine, it was numb bet-
ter. The articles comprising the indoor
department were displayed in the town
hall, and were, altoo.ether,it tolerably
fair _assortment.• vegetables titer°
was' a -very good display, but not many
competitors, Mr, John Copeland had a
collection of over one hundred varieties,
embodying a good many rare specimens
in° this sectionlie succeeded in tak-
ing 16 first and 6 Second pritzes. There
was a good assortmeat of frnit shown,
particularly 'in peaches, grapes and- ap-
ples. Ladies work was not very largely
represented, arid' only a little of it a
particularly good quality. --Some reall
exoellmit pencil drawings. were exhi-
bited, that of Miss Stalker being ad-
mirably executed, as was also that of
Miss and Master Stanburv-all.o£ these
were students of Miss MountcaS4 and.
theie Wbrk refleCts Credit on he'r tuition
The show of horses was ntimeroueand
good, and what shorthorns were Shown
Were good, but -its the Messrs: Snell wero
thowing at, Toronto, there were but few
on the ground. The entries of sheep
andpigs were not numerous, but what
there were they were first-class. There
was n large and good display of poultry;
Mr. J.• Refine showing some fine &MR -
Spangled and Black Ilainburgs.. The
Messrs. Cantlori Bros. had some fine -
buggies and' waggons on the ground,
: Below is the prize list: • .
Heivr Duancurr• Houses -Brood mare,
having raised foal in 1879, 2 entries, ist Mrs
T McMichael, 2d T 'Moon. Spring foal, colt
or 'filly, 3 en, 1st T Moon, 211 J
Three year old gelding or filly, 3 el!, JMc.
Milieu, 2d J Shipley. Two year eld filly,..4
en, J McMillan, J Avery, Two-year old geld-
ing, 2 en, 1st II Gilmour, 2d J Grier. One
year Old filly, 4 en; id -J McMillan, 2d Mrs
T McMichael. •
GEN,ERAL Poltroon ,Heasits-Brood Mare,
having_ raised foal in 1872, .4 entries, let ..T
McMillan, 2d T Trick. Spring pelt :or filly,
en,S1st j MoMilIan, 211 T Trick. Three
year old gelding or filly, 7 on, J Stanbury, 2(1
W 'Robinson: Two. year old 'filly, 5 en, 1st G
Watt, 2a McMillen. Tivo'year eld-gelding;
5 en; lit.,PNott; 2d J Govier. • Olie year eld
filly, 5 en,- Ist'W Robinson, 2r1 Mrs T Mc-
Michael. One year old gelding, J Mason.
•Span general purpose horses, lst prize by
Glasgow, Maopherson & eq., 2 en, J. earning%
2(3 T.M Elliott. . • '
ILOSD oft CARRiAGE Honsus.-Span carriage
horses mares or geldings, lstprize G. SwartZ,
ft en, 1st McTaggart & Co., .2(1 J Shipley.
Buggy horse, mare ongelding; lst prize by J
13 Weir, 1st Brundson, 2dJ Shipley. -Road
and carriage colt, foaled in 1819, by T Tip -
hug, 4 en,'Mr McCallum. Boadeter era, two
.year old, lat prize by_J Beacom, J 'Brunsdon.
Yearling colt orfihly, J Copp; , ,
tuoaononnazn"Carni-We could not get
the prizes in thili clues, wring to the judges
book having been mislaid. ,
NAirimen GfEADE. te'A.rrtri•Same as procoe..
, Liicromits AND TRETE GRADa
ram, 1 entry, H Snell & Son. Ram lamb 2
an, 1st and 2d II ' Pair aged ewes,
having raised lambs itt 1:879, 1 en, H Snell &
SOW:- Pair shearling awed,. A. en, H Snell &
Son. Pair ewe lambs, 1 en, Fl Sneltit'Sen.
Aged ram, J Corning% -Sliearling ram, en,
lst El Snell & Son,'2d J earnings. Rain lainb,
4 en, lst and. .2r1. H Snell SC Son. . Pair
aged owes, having raised lambs in 1870, 1 en,
M Snell & SOD. Pair shearling ewes, &en, lst"
J earnings, 2d II Snell & Son. Pair owe
lambs, 2 en, 1st, J Cumings,*2t1 II Snell &Son.
LARGE BREED ' Pic8.-2 entries, Boni-, It:
Bean. Sow pig under one year, ,F8taubarY°.'
Boar pig, under six months, J Stanbary. Sow
pig, under six months, J Stanbury...
SmAI.r.. BREED Proii, Surrote.-4Bear, p ori-•
tries, lat:3 Gofer, 2d G A Cooper., Sow. hav-
hig-littered in 1873, 4 eii,ist and 2t1 J Gorier'.
Boar pig, under one_ year, 2 en; 1st and 2d J.
Gorier: 'Sow pig under•one year, S en, 1st and
21 J Goirier. Boar pig, under aixnsontlis, gen,
J Gevier, 2d W Stewart. Sow pig ender
six mentlur,.3 en,•lst and 2cl."W Stewart,
Sutra, Benno Pros Binixssitan.-Boar,
°little% lot M 2(1' j8tiinhary.' Sew ha*-
ing littered in 1879, 2 en,- lat H Snell & Sen;
2d Fitzsimons. Boar. pig, Muter one year,
J Marion. Boar pig, under la glin3ths, 3 en,
let Id Snell at Son, ad /Motion. jpig, un-
der six ,rnanths, 2 on, lat II Snell dr Son, 2d J.
Pota.TaY.-Bleek Spanish, 2 entries, let and
2nd G. Cooper. Light Brahma% en, 1st
Snarls, 2d W Stewart. Dark bralimas, 2 on,
lat 1 Keane, 2d G Swartz. Spangled Raw -
burgs, 3 en, let J Keane,.2d. J Silver
pencilled Naval:mega, 3 an, ist Keane, 2d J
Smith. liondans, 2 on, 1st. and 2d Smith.
Gams% 7 Ontriea, lst and 2d Or Irving. Ran-
tamk 1 entry, Mrs T McMichael. Ducks,
.2 08, 11 T Fear; 2d jisTott, Muscovy duck',
W Stewart. Geese 5 On, let and 2d H
mour , Turkeys, .2 'en, 1st AV' Stowait 2c1 T
Par. Singing Bad, W °Mier. -Collection
Of Pigeons, a en, 1st J fLeane, 2d W. obinson
Irarvemenrs-Two horse buggy, open, Cant -
Ion Bro. One horse buggy, cover° , (AntIon
Bros. Fanning Mill, lst and 2d M /VIeTag-
'garb & CIO., Gang plough, lst" T Tiping, 2a
J B Weir. Pair iron harrows T
Demograt waggon, Catalan Bros'. Set horse
shoes, 3 en, -1st Soros &.0buch, 2d T Tipling,
Wooden pump, 3Ferguson. Wooden axle
patent skein's. hint r waggon,lst °tuition
Brea, I Brunason, Wrougt Iron beau
plough, with any width of share, lot J
Weir, 2d, Jones & Couob. Horse hes or
scorner, 3 Iirtinsdon. •
lit prize doriaon by a' Brunsdon, let 11 Bea -
cow, 2c1 T Fear. Spring wheat, It Bean.
White oats, J Mason. Collection apples, 1st
T M Elliott, Clinton NEW ERA, 2a J Johnson.
Fall apples, A Innes 2dJ,Iohnson. collodion
apples, 1st T M Ehiott, ad j• Johnson, Rue -
sets, T M Elliott, Northern spy, T Al
Snow, T 31- Elliott. Manninth pippins, W
.111orgap', .Ithode Island greetings, J Johnson.
Spitzenburg; W Motgan, Deldwies, T M El-
liott, Fell pippino, 3 Lindsay, Strawberry,
S Anarews. Yellow crab, J Smith. Bed crab,
J Smith and J Copeland, equal. Grapes, let
R Irwin, 24 W e Searle. Plums, H Joiner,
21 T M Elliott. Peaches, T M Elliott. Win-
ter .pears,W. Morgan,. Fall-ilearsi:-.1 Smith.
VEGETABLES.-gollecVon of vegetables, jnO.
Copeland. Potatoes, ist J.Lindsay, 2,1 J Ew-
ing. Long !WinWord wurtkels, fat 3 appeland,
2(1 J'Lindsayi ij• Oope-
hind, Altrergbadrf MirrOei",' rst &Lindsay, 2d
T Fear. Long orange oariote, 3 Copeland. ,
SVhite lielgiau carrots, ist J Copeland, 24 W
Morgan,. Swede turnips, let j ;Copelstna; 2d
T Feer. Grey steno tnriliPP, lst J slason„ 2(.1.
J Copeland; -White globe turnips, 1 Copeland.
Short garden carrots, "1st ,T Copeland, 2d A
Tunes. Long, blood beets, '1.01Lindsay-r2d
Blood turnip beets, for table use,
J. Copeland, Parsnips, J °Nyland. Winter
cabbage, 1st J Copeland, 2d J Ewing. Oanii- -
flower,ist ,r EWings, 2(1 j Copeland.. Onions, ••
grown from seek-----terri Fear, 'ea II 1oiner.
Potato enion%4 ()Operand, Corntist
diews, 24 J Copeland. Water.nielons, J Cope-
land,'•Musk melons, J Copeland, Citrons,
it j Copeland, 2d 114i)asas. Ton,itoc4, lst •
,T; Ewing% 2(1 W 0 Searle; leggest pumpkin,
ist j Copeland; 2d W Morgan. Largest Serraub,
ist W Morgan, ad j Copeland. Celery, 1st
.Ewingsi2d: J Copeland. • ••
MANtipieruans.-Home made cloth, E Cor-
bett. "Horne Wilde flannel, no prize on no-
annt of cotton warps. Home made blankets;
Weorbett. Factory'anade cloth, lst E Cor-
bett, 24 Itirs S Stokes:. Factory made blank-
bett. Double set feeni harness,
Newton &.Defints. Set single boggy harness,
Newton & • Dennis.- Collection Cabinet Mak-
ers werk,. bureau, centre table, and whatnot;
Broadfoot & 13ox. Speeimen marble work, W
II Cooper. : "
.DAIRY PRoirocE.-Kog salt butter, Is; S
Millen, J Gorier., Maple sugar, J Johnson; •
• Maple molasses, lst J Johnson, 2d W Morgan
20flias crock butter; donation by S Pike, list
W Robinson, 2d J Govie v. Horne in oda ebeeee,
'Mrs McMichael. • ' •
LaniEs WoRK.-ll alley braiding, '1st
Payne, 24 Mrs 8 Stokes. Tatting, Miss -Payne.: -
0roebet,iValc, lit R Beacom; 24 Miss: Payne. •
Embroidery in .Cotton or Muslin, lst Mrs T
McMichael, 2a. mio Payne,' Embroidery Ati.
ink; MiES Payne. -Bead:work, let'Miss Payne,
2d It Beacom. ' Etat ng. .wersted, _ist Miss '
Payne, 2d Mrs S Stolid-% Knitting, Anon.,
.1st Miss Payne, 2d Mrs T McMichael. 'Patch „
workin silk or Velvet, .Miss Payne. Patch
work in qailt,,lat,Mista,Payne,'2(1 it Lawronee_i,
Linenshirt, hand made, Mrs S Stokes., 'Cot-
• ton shirt, linen bosom, Mrs 'S Stokes, Fan*-
flannel sbirt, lst Mrs S Stokes, 2(317 Lawienete.:, . '
Plain hand sewing, lst Miss Payne, '2d Mrs S
Stokes. Wax flowers, R H Beacom. I3ourplet •
;of natural fioWele; lst Mrs John Stephenson,
2d W 0 Searle.' Berlin Wool Work, flat, lst It
Lawrence, 2d Miss Swartz. Berlin Woolwork-,
raised, Mrs T McMichael. Pencil drawing, ,
prize by T -Stevenson, 1st Miss E Stanbury,
2a B Stanbury; • Wei:Olen stockings, 1st .Mrs
8 :Stokes,", 2d II Lawrence,' •Woollen Gooks,
:1st Mrs S Stokes, '2d J 'Johnson. liroollen • •
gloves, 10;•Mrs.. S Stokes, 2a, -A .-Lawrence.
Log cabin quilt, lot Miss Payne, 2d Mies
Lovett: -Dag Mat, Mra J Femme.
old' general purpose there or gelding, 6 et, Ist .
Watt, 2c14.•Nott. By Alunes. for spring
foal sired by Sorrel ClontL-4 en, lst Mrs Ma -
Callum,' 2d T Tinting.. By E eerhett, or a - -
pen of four finest *piled (sheep, H Snell &.
Son'. 'Penmanship by -a• boy finder 14' 'years
of age, • Master H Stanbury. Three , pair .
lamb's word aoelni, by, S Pike, J Johnston.
Collection of ladies Work:, by K11 ItanefOrd,'
lit Mrs T McMichael; Mrs. 6" -Stokei, roconl-
mende4 for aedoifd;
The Manitoba exhibits at . the Do -
Minion Exhibition, of which there :are.=
nearly 7.00 entries,. will afterwardsbe
eihibited at Brantford,lIamilen, and 7
London, and then disp-Jsed of in suth a
manner as to advertise. tlie Province to •
the best adrintagq. •
. The ..Vicia-llogal party • arrived -
Hamilton on Monday, and Were accord- • ,' • • ,
ed an enthusiastic reeeptio 1. They
'visited London on•Teesday; and Guelph
on •Wedneedity being siniflarly'received
at both th .:vkploarecs.
Longlive the
Princess ',guise She advises the young
ladies of Chtnadti tipstudy, the art
m3oking. Wald that she 'would cross
thErline, and say as much : to our girls;
who have never yet learned that health'
and ipirits must first be sought at the
hands of the cook."' ' • .
The Toronto' Telegram doesn't think .
much -of the mitionel. currency move- •
menralthough it has been aconsed of
favoring it. It says t We think now,, •
as we'have always thought; that a ha,
tion cannot make itself irredeetnable.
-money, .any more thanan individual
that is no reason why we should not be
fair toward those who think the'. other
way, '
A Swain:MN leor.-Dr. Fowler's Bre
t-aot of Wild strawberry is without a doubt,
the safest anapaest reliable remedy in ex -
'Atone°, for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera,
morbus, sour stomach, sea -sickness, and al/
summer eimplainte. It ads like ellerm.
Its effects are marrellOns-reliof instantanl-
ous,eure opoody. Physicians and all wl
use it recommend it. It shoild be keps
.in every home itt "hie amnion, for use in
eases of emergency. For sale by all deal.
• Ore. -'Milburn, Bentley, & Pomo*, pre -
'Watt ANnliRtatoaltallwheat,anyviiriety. a prietorr, Toron to.
• •