HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-28, Page 6a • The 1,Tpti and nowise et' Reroute, 1 will go omi'cturn to toy place, till t hey aa. Daniel Dalton, one of the oldest present- ' orain Nevada, died, at the Turner heuse yesterday, ahem and in poverty. He was the locater of the Richnuanl, Eureka Con. and other nano that in the ,past ten years have yielded 860,000,000. He sold his in. • terest in the Baby Hill trainee some years ago for $50,000, with which he went East. The ruling passion that seems to possess so many on this cutlet had a firm hold' on Dal - SOB and the money was soon squandered, and he again returned to the scenes a hill former labors. For some weeks he has bean --an- inmate of tha county hospital, and an object of charity. When ho became • convinced that his death vras but a. matter • of time, he sent for A.saistant Distribt, Attorney Fitzgerald who had been his friend in better days, and that gentleman had him removed to the Toner house, .where he passed peacefully away yester- day. No better cuismientary on the vicis- situdes of life on the Pacific coast is need- '• ed than this. -Eureka &Wine/. • Thu Greatest ot their Mud: 4 • ,;,0",: The largest ocean in,the Voratairstb 'Pacific. '• " • • • 'The largest sea is fbe-IVIediterranean. Theelargest lake, Superior, • , t•IThelargest Viteri ithe Attiazott r , • The•largese gulf, the Gulf of Itifexioo. The laigest cape, Cape Horn. ° • The largest bay, the 13fty of Bengal, • . The largest island, Australia. • . . The largest city; Londote ' , The largest public building,'St. Peter's' church at Rome: ' • The largast Intel, the Palace hotel iti •`Sany"Prencisco. . ' ,„„ - gliirila/t0,64t ,-steitaiship; the . Great --- The largest .Cleeert, the Sahara. . " „-The largest theatre, the great. opera , house in Paris, • The largest eetintry; Russia.' •• The largest park, the PlieerliX•Park • Dublin..:' • .Tbehighest 'mountain, Mount -Everest of this Himalayas. •t . •• The longest, railroad, the Union Pact, fic and the Central:Pacific. • • • , . . The largest,canal, the Great Cainat iti • The largest bridge, ti•hat over the Tay atc 33,411006'f, Scotlryid„ The' largest. rifiltGakr•depet, the :St, • Minorite depot.in Ianidon•, The strongest:fortreat„ Gibraltar, : . 'fl1b13oi knowledge their ()deuce, and seek t-ity face; in their afilictiee they will seek me early. He referred. to the wars in which England is now and had recently been tlngaged ; tbe depressiou of trade ; and now,' said he,, 'as if our troubles were not sufficient the weather refoses to assist the processes of agriculture, a,nd prayer is asked for, Some think it quite certain that prayer will be the means of making the rain cease. He for one, slid not think so. There were a good many reasons why ,prayera would not, be heard, but that the threatened judg- mute would.fall upon the land. If -this -land wati te eciatiritur,te- be the cradle of , liberty and the Geepel, then it must pacts through its seasone of adversity. He could not wish, ill to hie ,00untry, but if the peo- ple would not remember God axceptin ad. versity, then adversity ought to he deeired. If crime was still to flOurish,If drunkenenss • was to be as prevalentaa at present, if paths and blasphemies were to be beard en ail sides, if our nation ws td•go oti 'shedding • the bleed ef;Joreigii countries --invading those lands where she had no right to place itter hoc—itpd. Pod will famish them' it Was not. for •the righteous ,inan then to interpoic and. try to stay His band.'" .. • ., . • 'Sian merchants r.ceentlY zetutll'A-,.‘1, r e interior of OhinaleSt:Fi,tezsblint 0.4 urnished•terrible .elefaHs2reipating the famine which has for Borne dale „mit preyailed, threngknot ceetain provinces '1. thegklestia , ire. 'f•41fey depteut ,, ., ,, . many: towns :an •; 'Villages from sheer starvation, and -state not•enly thaVanthrce• • • •pophagy is practised uponthe'bodies of the dead, but. that farniehed men attack the 0 041, Wein allegettinit heiWasireeiset'. livingvand,°ptey uptp thena.ith4procrity,. theikainierition drew naendiftritatwItelia. been arrested for some petty theft and in whose professional wallet the mangled re- mains of an infant were 'die -covered.. This man confessed to the magitittite that' for .. some time previous to his seizure he had • lived exclusively upon the freak flesh "Of .:,--. human beings, as he•could. not surmountji•jsiOttpat.l3retv-, that of (feed &dime , (11l11101JS FACTS,. •„Tlrr ne Sinaltes'in 'tear Zealand."' t The ixiagpie moth, so-called, feigns death when it is captured, to -facilitate its escape. Setieral specieeof African ants are over an inch in length. 7 This is kot the Bort that tlie.ristiges.ea. The o•lititetienf hingink bells on the pecks •of animals Prevailede/ Roman' tjares, aitd�es even to -day.. • , A chicken was recently hatched in Eden. ,V,;tik,whiCh hied tfireelaills, trCgittil'0,1° eyes, anrlibp.t/3i3a.,•b091;...s.!3 ,Elik it isEhvierenrinps fact, ieel tatabliefied • , by scientide examination, that white but - ...ter dim] prefer white flowers to light upon, and yellow butterflies prefer yellow or 00- #4100:20hme tndot • the notice' of a Russian merchant was that • of it young man who had. persuaded his • . father to p,,sist him in murdering,and.stib- Setjuently eating a girl tai whom he was etrathed. Men have, been- excuted tor - .E afarsKtaill(dif a'ot sena have slain their fathers in order to ap- pease the pangs of hunger. In sonie of the • northern districts whole Villages 04114 etO7 pty, their inhabitants having one .and all • hfot nt ,food • • - • Apetaed tt ,1 hired lanes, 'A' ' ' :; " . ' . I." . • .There4ae 'thirsty Lor folly: inargiffies: iil" Cuba'rich. sugar planters who have bonght their titicefrom, the:hocee gy v pro ni en t for rifi Riaq: .,dollittsand cents. These are sneeringlyeilled stigar-nobletnen. • - Davy Crockett, though he had never en- jpyed six months' Eichonlipg in. hislifer.was elected threw; gtirnee to Cierigra liana •Ten - nestle -K -11e fell at the battle of th 0. Alamo, Texas, after killing a -dozen Mexicans. • " Three years after_the seed of the orange aireejtedepriitispd,flie,./4rennd-pf,:trpaiieal regiode, ilitels•feeiti`gfteeil feetiggfr, indite fourth yetii-Will yield a hundred oranges. At ten years it mill often produce' tyro „...,... ,, . .....,. — . ._ ... .... ; .' ' The firitaide tilltortni•rittlio'''Sitiilf of infanta, which we ate apt to assoeltt Y ' teiRthetrIlithead Indians, exii‘a a1s in 'Franoe,iw•heie the nurses of Norfna'iidyAry fci.gitite-Had-ritifgai:IOaTeliape, while Iliorie of Brittany:endeavef -to -make the rey4 d,,:iffl wi 4and'..Iid egai 1. pqa eit ,6A-Tl'Ariltif`y atdittig,r4tarly i ig4hoilihieih46414ncter, iv rthilidoia. . -, The proposition te 'utilize the water power .of the Falls Of Niagara- has al- -ready been referred to. -The anacnitit of ,y,.11, it-pass;tover•Niegera Falls iivesti- THE CLINTON NEW ERA. A Florida man who owns, one hun- dred and fifty thousand cattle, is a Miserly recluse, living in a hilarity whielf has neither Iire.plitee nor chim- ney, He 'sells his surplus cattle in Cuba; be eeldom sees strangers, and hts hides his money in ca,ns on his land. A rule of the Illinois Central Railroad provides thet doge shall not ride in passenger car; but a big and ferocious bull:dog walked into a car at Chicago, appropriated a whole „sedt, and rode 800 miles unmolested, "He had such a. Meaning sinile,"•-was the • conductOrls- apology for not ejecting him. Tho Rev; L. Martin was not in his • Presbyterian Pulpit at the appointed time at Missouri Valley, Iowa, and the brother who went to.the reverend gen- tiernan'e house found him!,drunk in his room, where 'he had' drankft pint of whiskey all by Ilimself.,,-.The congrega.• tion wits fjinkly informed '�f the rea eon fogy the pastor's absence, and he die .apfelitIcl from the place Mt' sacni as he , was sober enough to comprehend the situatien. . Amovelty at tlie "Union Stook Yarde, • Chicago, on Wednesday, was the arrival Of 300 'Steers from. Br001nriabia.' Two '1,yea,ra agn they were ,driven to 4 • non. Mr.. Wake: „:-rOrt ta P.. i•rt•-••=44s • , Conservative papers are attacking till, ildVihrd Blake. • Theyeliarkeliin with dishing up old ideas and remind •us that the representatio• nated with Hereand was afterwards advo- cated by'Mill ;•that arbitration for the set- , tleraent of strikes was discussed twenty • yearsago, and in general charge Mr. Blake with being a scattererof borrowed ideas. The chances ere that'the same :papers 'to- , morrow er after will.be telling the people that there nothing new under the sun,' Why, the world ici fallof'f borrowed iddai0 few.men do nearlyall the thinking, end the • rest follatring very, much' like a Reek •of ' sheep, after the 'bellwether. Originality.is a gilt given only to the Tew, ". and! these few are the: Stuartli, the ''• Habbs•;14.000,__Htimes,LiKailtsi Mills, and the good and bad minds that startle the World with now theories from tiros to time. But there are Men who have originality enough -to think for themselvee in at lesser .0403 [than great minde, and who do. not only think but dee, mid of Such a•class the H�ii EctWard Blake is - one. Canadians iihonla be proud of (ambit man; but poli- ticians car, bo • proud of tie one savefthe ebedient serVants of one side or the other. • in,politioal strife. Mr. Blake should be invited back to reblic life by all parties. We want to gee public issues threshed on 'the floor of the liaise of Obnionms, grit), varices:exposed and obtuse, laid lbare, and • the Hon. Edward Blake is ono of the men. *veil calculated to do it, The aonsertratives - should be able to Afford to take a broad view of the satiation, or if they cannot do that, ' they should. at least have tact- enough to , assume a virtue which they do not feel, arid •do Mr. 13lake justica—Montrod She. gip. Snnpg.son IInrd 'BMus In England. A. correspondent of the New York Evange/ist, writing from London, says: / gnd Mr. Spurgeon'e morning diriceurse of yeeterday notieed, at some 'length in this morning's dailies: The weather here con.. tintuul wet ana cold, and a bad harvest' is . threatened. The churches have been ex- horted to pray for fair weather. The arch. • bishops • and biehops have issued their Weather praYers. These eircultstances gave Mr. Spurgeon his theme forhis morn- ing sermon. His text was in Hosea v. 35: = witowo..6 viryori?i4g,4,..40o '4aes *obi there. iiiey have noiv. conic by rail. They are believed to be the arid impOi- tation of the kind:from that far off mi.- giati. They are rough, heavy cattle, with plenty of opportunity for.iniprove- ment by feeding. hour being common between London and Dover, London"and:Tork, and Lon- don and 1-lastiegs. Trains go at 42 miles an. hour- on one of the Belgian lines. The fastest in France- and Ger- many da not oft(ta exceed ‘10, and in other 'European Countries 10 is the , maximum. .. Hon. RieIlard Asheton Cross, Se- cretary of State for the notho Depart- ment, in. a speech at 13ootlese, Liverpool, on Wednesday, referring to the depres- sion affecting agricultural interests, said the agriculturists in the-teigbhothcaid of New York suffered 'far more froes the great impottetion of corn and cattle into the Eastern States from the Great Weatern States; than the British agri- culturists suffered from the present de- pression. lie added he Was not at all alarmed at the great amount of food coming from ArnexiCa.'• •'• Thisthe reason Why Indians. ride free on:the• Central Pacific-:=Shertly Otte? the reed came into operation it is related that a wasbout ocourria near its eastern end. A n Indian sawthetrouble and comprehended. the danger to the eoming train. He ran five rniles up the track, .siophed thri"train, and saved, the passengers, -When Crocker heard of the Oecorerice be Denied an order thnt Indiandshotild thereafter travel free •on, the Central •. • , Charles _Read° 71Erlintilone in the story which Nithen Sayles, • of Golden, Col., tells of bis own 'expert-- enee.in.,being ,congned s aerazy. maw.. •the ' perseimtdrs *eie hieire 7 land daughter, who •wpiild be bepedttecl by • hiedybig intestate'. He says onoath that they induced a jury. of six .ofTlis enemies:te pronouncehini insane, hired. atrute to keep hini on his farm, tanadeffort_10...e.seate,i • was a a leg and_ a hip its pettiencliculai7driseent 4rintft be• Wien At 150 feet without crinsidermg the rapids,' which represent ' further fall Of '150 feet: Tkelorce represented by the principal fall alone: amotints tcf 16,800 bortie-poWer,' an amount which, if it had to be produced by steare,wonid I eaqtatelan;,elf Peed ituraV &Pleas ththzco;Mo-,Coo,61;i34 of‘'eeat- peran- mum, taking the consumption of emit at four pounds per horse -power 'per hour'. In Other Words, all The coal ictieeCT rsa413 ink klie....4vOild, Would el , tb•Tpkiciiiee lh nniotfiit'o?.7P6i,ver that annually runs to waste in this ael.fut fall: .- • . -sBev. Trinity chure,ly, Petroit, aecidenttly but fatallyehot O rthasland OnWediii4d4;13Y yining man named, Iaroes:WeightiDctir- The ..crat crop of Illinois this .year amounts' to 54,664,560 bushels, growii on 1,681,10 acres, an arraere of 331 bilithela per acre. The total, value of the crops netimated at. 02,000,090. More than a dozen policenien are on • The great fair of Nijui Novgorod, in lEtuseia began on Saturday and will last two anonths. People assemble from ull: the Russian ,poseessione in Europe and Asia; an more literal .confusion of tongues did not prevail atIhe building of ..the Tower of, paha than that is ,; to be witnessed. at this fair. Tn. the pro- ducts brought, every. race and nation is represented, though. the main article's arelei, 'grain, wool, hic166; iron, copper,. camels' hai4 and horse hair, cotton, furs,* jewellery and trinkets. •As this insti- tution is th8 international trading post ',nits highest stage Of Oriental develop- ment, there are, no known article* of manufacture that, do not legitimately belong to the fair... The sales; average abOut one hundred million dollars at each tneeting. . ° Mueezn Witt. QUT. —.A, few years ago ' August Flower') was discovered. to ben cer- tain cure for Dyspepsia and•Liver Complaiht. A few thin Dyspeptics made known to their friends lloW easily and quickly, they had been cured by its use. The great merits of.Green's ;August Flower bootee heralded. Ahrough the country.by one sufferer and another, until without advertising; its scilebecame immense. Drnggists'in every town in pomade and Vnit- States,are.aelling it- - NO. :Persenditiattrieg froM Sour Stomach, SiOli g(?atlit"*,'Casiiie- nesi; Palpitation of the newt,' indigestion, -Low Spirits, etc., can take three doses with- out relief. Go to yoiir Druggtsb and 04 a 'bottle for IS centiend, try it: Sample bottles 10 cents. , TP $6000.,A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a (lay, In your own locality No risk; WoltIon ao as veu 55 men. Many MOO more than the amount stated afAvo. No one can fail to mikemoney fist: Any' onif Min --ultra work.. oaaan.mskeiro,n 50 broken by has,gailer,. find stcde. cents.tola an hour 1- deveting your evenings and auiaiiy his property,„ The man le vouched for ewe tinie to the 'brie need. xt °Oats nothing to 'try the business. Nothing. it or money -making ever a• s entirely Sane. ' ..• ' offered boom Business leasant and strictly honor-, • ,A. Missouri farmer has been fignring oil the damage •done by -does in that „State., In Oh. tyrt wo. ',conetttea 10,602 sheep have -been killed: He estiinates • ties to• 4'6%000hog' viill •'Mounteastle s MILLS. • the number :of dogs in thirty-two coun- thrive'on.the food necessary to support an riblelvdied. dog, and at the end of the year Weigh 200 pounds ; therefore, Itzthe'fonfifor tlierie :462;00G: -Up' ':witif given to the hogs, it would _niake 000,090.peunds,of pork, worth at least' six :cents a pound, or $4,550,900-e, twice the value ot all the wheel. hotieera in the:State,:ind More than twice the .amonnt need by the .State for School ;• • , • ea4114iii*Ck4..A,Nie:i-1.0e;'›Tev,114a)• - iintlia!' trip ritianthe gandwich 1•':rt• hiving passed thattime with the Xing. He tells a pretty -story about: 036 Xing' and Queen; wlioniust be apluclry, royal 1,1)4r, 'Itbrc Ices,,epr 'excursien to the rmaiia o the' litSliMei lug* • early in 'July, and the Xitig•and Queen were Of :the papty.---:-WheRiiira. island:. - had been reached, the breakers were 'found•te• her:se:bad. that ;aio, small nip4 U LJ 't nnodUnd.‘. ,Ofe iilt;tour' iirtionry;Mtigangtel Tgu Can 4° - A. MONTfi guaranteed, .815 al day at home made, by the lane- trious. Capita' not required; we will start you. Mon, woraen,hoys and girbt make atelier eater at work for ue than at anything The work is light and. pleiteant, Those who STO wiss, who ,ets this notlee send, us, and sueli tie anyone oria cr right at their eddrese at orate end. SOO or theirtfleliA4,..00Otly, outfit andterms free, Now is the time. Those already at work aro laying up large sums of money. Address TRITE' & CO., AanNeta, Maine. 80 C/HEA-P BOOTS. best Fiena Calf Boots. MOE 46 ORDEB, Iror from $1.1 to $4,- • neAcosys. Clinton,, April 24, 1879. 8 PER CENT, • To„Farmers4 Land Owners 1V1()NE,Y TO LOAN 4.t, the abeye low rate of intereet. 4 PAYMENTS eau 1;43 made almoct any ivay t‘i snit the borrow,er. • INTz4NAT,:.A)4y0,1e , , . •. 0,14der, it yoto0„an to know ?theta the beet' paYinglitilinesibefOre.the Odic amid arinead4oes' and we will send you full particulars an private terms free; samples worth $5 also free; you. can.then make np your Mind for youireelf., Address GEO. f,iTINSON• & ?ortlaud, Mein?, ' .-+ 80 , AINUST 28, 18.i0 PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING. Or any sum can be paid on the principal, at the end of ;Mir ' ForfuitherInformation apply to ' 1 4-1,,§6.-X1s4PIE.AS.1.,.1'.9:'Pl.:: Clinton. N4V,'Slett1878:,-' ' • A ' I ' "' , trial in gew York 339W for trespassing, ,on.private premises, cTibbing, striking, ille,gal arrests ind Cortitnitting'ethiir of, fenees against the persons 'arid -Property ,of•the •Citizene. • The dead body of Chas. P. Cummings, formerly a wealthy broker, was found eni the steps of the Buckingham Hotel, New, York, 'On Tuesday. He ;became Antra:operate after hie e s death,. two years ago, and wasted his fortune. A pun who failed: at JUnetion CRY, Ks;, and was, releaSecl on payment of ivverity,ave cents on,the hasnow come forward and insists On paying Ilia whole indebtecinees, with interest. The jury will.please.return a- verdict of ono- tional insanity. ' • Capt. ,Tosepli Boyle, of the Mississippi steamboat Heroine st4ppeil ashore at 1Viandeville, La., at -1'd alas instantly kill- • ed by a negro whom he' once whipped. Tho Heroine, On the return trip, brought an exeursion party of lynchers, waited NV;hilo they hanged the negro, and theii•. earried them back home. . Mr, arid Mrs. Arrnitage, of dolam bug, Ohio, heve a vevy small baby. It is liptle girl four months om, lacks a few °linos of weighing fiVe ,pounds". •At its birth thie babe weighed j list three-fourths of a pound, and an ordinary finger -ring which 'ayes placed on its arm would go easily to the elbow. When two months old it weighed two pounds, when ten weeke old three potindie and new at four months it'weighs five: poitas. It is as perfect as any child can be, and is nota- bly healthy and "gdod•riatured., •l• rrtE suesciESITOTEULLY ligas _o_itug.i;leatthheeittelearttleLMiuteasiilstirroundink N E"W SA W ..M , • „ ON MORON STREET, - Opposite the Great Western . , • Anittd preifared to,4 • kas. *turtle& ifrom „ a t We; Cleft ko'is 92t hrct'es, o?tieg' for•dash., ire hie alio Lid NI ifE oi mc.)-F.Tryrc.A:wiik.to,••• . • tirirorf, ,Taii.17., 1878. • • . in.yonaiilown; and no capital dated,: Ten arm Wye the bud - nese a trial*ItheWexpesSie, .Thebeet OpportunitY ever Offered fa those will- ing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yOureelf What Y can do:at the Wish:less we offer,-, pose but that the party onglit tEreidin ;111sifiroOd Mike great PAY c'; "Plf):2443411`1"vu61,81.1; Rebore. ; The Queen assented to the 3v/vrign:r7fikcrill'131111120:1471WhiChIPT9 fit 1,6;791;15 proposition, and botli King and Queen gutiit free, - Doletioompiam of head, timme: up. Address, II, & Co., jumped :overboard and struck ont. 'They: raevrtialniasinkan tiffe e • the„,,wieves wit • consummate 'skip; 'Ana' rake reached land: ' They not only Avent•whoi;ti no• boat Could lio;: • litit braved another danger for the place was • alive with sharks. Englishand Foreign: The. rehire Sti 4 ng and: 64ritintie.", • An overflow of rivers is again reperted in DerhYshire, 'Warwickshire, Leicester- shire and Staffordshire. In 'Wales thou- sand of rierrie of crops are still submerg- ed. Hundreds of cattle and sheep were. drowned. • Queen Victoria's johrneys from Eng- land, to•Seatland 11TPi eitimated to cost. $10,000 aPlece. A pilot engine pre- cedes the royal train. The express trains' 06%06 Deepide Railroad only run 'when sheis et BalmOral. . It seetns now that Talmage . has not made so tremendous A sensation in Eng- land as wrts„at first reported, the titer:its abont the immense srowds that attend. ed his services, being .riaid to he pure. :fabrications coneoeted -by his advance/ agent: The.failure of the Maize crop inBub, 'prick will entail a largely increased con. raw:1436m of -*wheat, as the wheat mop, though of good quality, has been some. what reduced by the dry weather. The price of breactstuffs will be higher on 'the lower Danube. The'swiftest railroad trains are run Vngland aceording trra German GoV. eminent report, a.apeed of 50 miles an 101mm? MUTUAL FI RE1 igtmAit TQom!)ANY I - - i-Eio 13'4E114. CA.PINET PIAICER , • • • • 00/15..gli pi olt • N I T F UNDERTAKER.' &a., .• , • SiXiinton, • BANKI)111 au IXCHANIR•Office .• „• e '. CLINTON, ON T. ^ NTING. P INTING. PRINTING. ,S, PR TING. TING. ING. TX' I -I 353— MONEYTO LEND on first:arias fern - , proParty, ak7i per cent, .„ AginesiVoi •satiOral jiAt4lit4 :FIRE,1014.1 'and 4 COIDENT ThiSTTIZANCE COP.X.RiPT.E,ES. r , TOWN 'TiditEr.r AGENCY Rtiiiw4y-of.,aiwo.:.4Ivoiu° 44.4e.tel'041 on the 0,,.1%:AtLiA(4'."-,tiii e Wekteriviaraim.,'‘ "PARTIES GOING:TO MANITOBA NEILAN%• AGtWity • •• 111.11•1110K, , Earinere7wiehing to insure Will dna this Company. One ot the best and cheapest to iinitire.in, and will be Waited on at their homee 11 inforMation be sent to the Agents' office. "• .0: NONA 'I' TO keettleo. finORTGAGES, NOTES •• AND 6TMER- ` Good Securities .Pu.rchased. CoNVEVAisterNG, mr•:' •ty_. DURAN.: citeteu, Nov: e, 1878. , 47 NEW• .TIME CAIW. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, ON allo AFTER. MONDAY", 31/ND Pa.heengerTtaine Will leave Clinton etaiiiin as follows • Genes MIT...-txvresS, 12.40 p. m, m.10.55 5.m.1 8.80 p; m. Ponta Wistre.-.Exprese, 8.00p. In.; Mixed, 8.40 a.m., 145». 945 p. L., 3. RI01180E. Saner Manager. A. STMLITON, Agent &Clinton. m Minos, /nig " Can, procure...Mumma Troicurs'aT 1,r;wEsr , tistaanwenit a*.exisretzkon,-• .:0; 'tlterdazigItironii Line are ieag,,aati, . • • NVIggAIA.11 . . Clint o ihkierch 27;1879, ' At .1s equipped with The verybet Vlachinory • • • 311 A1li • ' • "7. Scottish l'i• onuiltildil trielitsillatia Co OF GLASGOW. • . ' 1111111ous*Stirling. Annetta. ' -••• 1,001n010. • , ••• ,,.. .a'lSOVINOEOF 0ETAIII0 BaANC11. gead. 0ffioe ;-7 ermite ;Street, TORONTO. " nofkin O DinterOits • , Soniv L. BLAtxxt, Esq.,' Chairmen, President. Canada Landed Credit Company. • ,3;on5.i21. paviare, Esq., of,Bryeo,,MeMarrich WSLLIAM ALEXOP,M14.. AMP", Y1914iiolIgiOt • 7t4a.T.41. Bank of Canada. • : INSPECTOltr-ROVERTMeEEAN.. ' RESIDENT' sdnumanY(.4 lat.7.1114130 • E,31,9,44.1gt. • . Deposited with tho Govorfiment fitoriPtaTrivePrfoow rity of•Canadian Peliey,Eoiare,sigg,goo, k 4. 4, This Company issues .Policierof Ineurane 'O.against loss or damage by ore or lightning, on mercantile, man- tfaeturittg, farni and household risks, at current rates. ,7:PolitsfAsere leaned from taia losses settled directly by the Tbronto die°, cvitheitt delay. • " 411 promiums taken in „this ceuntry aro inv.isted ID ,Canadienbeqititios.:,, ' ' • STOBEN ILiDOUT '.A.O•igl' FOE, 014111T011 Clinton, auly 15, 1877. 10..$nitoba. ana loth •• . NORTH WEST TRANSPORTATION 00"1, (timmED) enrin .invgest, most powertul, bot equipped Stoamo .1 on the lakes, competed ofilio_foliowing Doatst- • Capt. I. 11. -Sytaesi. 41171111110, Capt. 11. Anderson. (/141,MAIII0,' pant. M. Robertson. One of the above =tomb:lent steamers winleave Wind. sdr ovory Eriday morning. Sarnia everiTuesday and h'riday evenings and lioericri eter., y Wed neaday and' dSaturday morning, for DA- luth, making close and Street eennections there with the Northern naliroad, for Manitoba and an points WOOtirand calling at Kincardine, sotithantpion, Brute alines, ninon, satin Sts. Mario, tinehipieotan, Silver Isipt, Vrinoo Arthur's Landing, weather permit- ting. .„ Polies shippitig stook by this line will make OA good time, get cheaper rates, and rectify() stook in better eon, dition than if shipped by rail. Ver tickeie.and intorthation, apply to WISIIMAX BROS., or the, G. W. n. Agent, Be sum and bny yoUr tickets via N. 1V, T. co. 31°11'1116m. IIENBY ;MATTE, Oeueral Manager. In the w. iiy Of And has linrgest Assortment of oi,FA . • To be foundin any country office in Cana - de, Its prices being as reasenal?Ist. as flose ef ally similar vistaftlialimeiie (and a elipetietent,ptaff K3..fpWo4ncii,inthing qtlwayS engagea,' give it uniiialleefitellities • the execution of all kinds of j•.141' •, 1:z - • CANTU:14111N • _0— . , -.WI,IjS ,pop,Girsg;At.• ER:s; s BILL }IE. e . 'li LETII• ;STATXtA131VrES: NTS. ' MEMORANDAS. ECKS. ORDERS. • • RECEIPTS. • PLAIN' oa .cor,otts.4 • • ••"+-0 Call and see samples and get prises lf,..HOLIklEs 4 SON,' NW EA.& CMOs. , PRINTING. PRINTING. PITITING. - PRINTING. PRINTING. • PRINTING. PRINTING PP ING. P