HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-28, Page 4L, gkartrtiOrwItt5 tltiO *lea Notiet•-Davis it Pity. Change -J,•0, Gilroy. Farm for Sale -fl. Bale. Stray Steer ---D. Shanahan. Sale of•Lancle-A. v. Roo. Plano. Wanted -W. If. fling. Store los Sale --a. 0, Steveneon. Cordwood 0utting-4, Central Exhibitton-L, Parkinson: Poundkeeper'0 Notice -J. Wheatley. „ New Fall Goods -R, Callender On. • Opplee et o -day's NISA may be USU. as P44 lieek Stara of Kessrs, Dingman& Humble, and W. IL ltansforil, Albert Street, Pried 5 vents per copy . . flititon. (614 : • • .0r.piciAr.., P.4,,,PP,O, OF Tim Ootillit, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1879. • NATION/tit.: • ------ • As there is iavery probability that, this question will soon be mad".1 a plank . in.the platform ef some party.'in the country, we intend, from time to time, to show up ita:wealtpoints,and the al -surd its ad vebatet, To ZO:lhis in the best manner, tied let our .readers see the ideas' of national • e.errency advocates, " w.014iii•Ye 01,42us erxtraets from their Writingnidking few comments upon •. _them. Thefollowing7We. olip thin. "PorMill Gazette ' • ' ; "If the credit cf this. country.. 'ot ovrs is god enough with. "Englith •eapitalists. that they will advance Money on our bonds, why it not good enough for -our people,. to be as-. curity for onr legal tender notes?, We owe the British bondholders upwards of one bun - area and tift.Y minims of dollars, for which we are paying nearly 5 per cent. -Would it • not have :been better to have issued that amount of -money, 'so that our ownpeople would have been the country's 1oadho1deri4 and the country this supplied with an abun- dant quantity of money. with *hill to carry . on business, and develope.our resources. 44.Sensible person; with "it few um- , naents refleotimi, Se.e the absurdity • oftlin•abeva statement, • • Supposing the Government had issued. bills. instead of • going W 'griglandto borrow, What would: ./they laave.done with -.them? .TOok them to-Eng1e/11d to:buy railroatill'on and otheOreqUinites W build the Interce1.o- ......3114 and Pacifid. Railteads;:' canals, ite,4-. Mest • certainly 'not.; .03ey WOuld 'have been 'utterly' usoless. . kaile farmers and.other ..proclueete take thetri .11i. ex- coange for. 'their products ? No; -that': c.ould not be -done, ati 'inerehants : could • not take' our. Government's: promise to pay to ;England to pay the .menufactui- ers there ,Or..their. goods. The truth Is, we....do not really berrciw money, but kind, that ii..artioles the produet of la- boi. which wewant to have the use or benefit of. . at. once, and for which use and .benegt Wes al•e:Willing•to pay an mi- nim' rent, .Or interest.. The ,difficulty yith.a.great many:Teepleis that they' iniagind.. that :the-. cireulating modinin; no. matter what -is; tnetal or,. paper,. hai.some,intrintlie value; andard,;..ait' is. . really the..case, a mere representative . ' We sheuld,tonpose the- failuro . . ' et the banks lately,iwiitild'. have taught •: them the lessen that the liver, no Mat-, What is printed or. Written 44mi- it .a wortlaleSii unless the PailSrAvhe issues it is able and willing to anak good at any moment the promise that it giv.es.. ' • • "In our Canadian tweatiy-five 'cwt., coin • • there 18 jupt .17;1,..cants worth: of. 'silver -just rauch.intrinsielainc."--Tlw-extendt centa •ie -"fiat" Money:. Do no find any inconveni- • Oboe with it on that account? -rf money that- .. ie one-third "fiat" is foiled to be is neefulne• -money of full intrinsic value, why,shoold the " fiat" be limited to one•third, • Why not have 4' at money" altogetherrand. thus ova • tke necessity Of uaing up material that is luable for cemintirOial _purp5ges.° • . -If the government were to, iasitojnow: otthese win than wasnecessarY to per - ter n2 is 'functions, that i fraotiena1. changes of a dellat,it Would only .be taken, at its hullitm• Value, the same aa. was done -by the.A.Mericall silver that.ciren- . latedin Canada e, .few years -ago, - No :more titan Was • neeessary 5o fttlfii the • . duties of change Could be-forcedinto dr- •culation, for so soon as it merchant. ad. . cumulated more than:110000a pass back oVer the Counter, he '.Would -It to • the hank, whieli would noon reftisd t� take it, as. it eould not get rid of 11. ie not a legal. tender to a larger amount --than ten dollitrS. 1 The idea of making nfoney oheap, that in to get it for lOW interest,by making it plentyis absurd, fot if it becomes mare abundant thanin needed, asea, medium Of exchange; it Will net pureliaseastreat tm ittantity ofthe pro - dads of labor tis if it as less abundant.' . , ONE or IRAN*. TEE CLINTON NEW ERA. o 17,---°-wweevesewWWWW.Feel•Plevrewee• Vs ACCUST 2,8, 1879 The 4. 'M. Gibson Manufacturing • Co., of Mitchell, has elosed it -doors with a total liability of -something near • $i0,000. Whet its assets are is not de- finitelY known, hut is said to be in the noi,ghborhoe4 of sicp,000, but we fear that when they come to be examined • • they will be like, the aseets of many other bankrupt estates, worth but little. It is ooly couple'of years since this oonodn waS voted a bonus, 'frcnn the town of Mitchell to the extent of $15,- 040, but fortunately for the town it had only got possession of about 86,000, and how it has come to grief So soon it is hard to tell, witheut-we conclude that its promoters and managers never had any other" idea than that of nierelygetting hold of the bonus and living upon it and • as -Much more as thdy could lay, their bands 'upon. • • It is to be hoped the country- has had its, filkef bonusing-mantifocturing estab- lishmeiats.,- and that in filture all such establishnients will ibe left to theenter- prise. of private' individuala.. If any • kind of buSiness is. -needed in a. localitYr and there is'every prespeot that -it -.would be succeseful.and.a paying investment, there are plenty of parties to bo foun.l. who would embraCe the opportunity and Supply the demand, The great trotthle at .present is that therein:1We, mechani- cal and menufac.turing interests are overdone, and the.iinly remedy is, leave thom and go to farming. • . • 'EDITORIAL NOTES, • .. The manager of the Hoclielaga cotton Mills_ -one of the largest ih -the pro- vifice,-states flab -their business paid 'them. better ; under Macitenzies 'tariff than under the present, The Montreal Star advocates the abo- lition ofnoroner's inquests in cases where there are reastinable evidences as 'to.the. • , cense of death, claiming that a great . saving -Would -ensue tothevenntry there- by.' An idea Ivor thy of consideration. Some time ago a paper in the *Mist - ere part .of the Province noted th'e .111-L rival of th,o ..".•N. P. line there. , We have.anxionsly a.wiiited its advent .up tivest, bliCstifitt; have not bean , able tO - see or.hear anything of it. . , Wg had a practical illustratian of the work- ing of the N. P. last Week, -when we lied to pay $5.50 duteon, a, keg of ink; 'Which was formerly free.:-- Winglaam Timq. - There must he a mistake somewhere in this.. The consumer should. not pay tbe. duty; it should to- tho producer, at least' Ala cyas. time argument Of Qonaer- vativei list fall, Onr.friend. Should a4 . . the government -..te return...hid money anctlooli to the manufaeti4er of theirili for the diity:. • • • • "The situation of this country is rilarmingnough to•rouse the atterAien. of every manyho pretends -to a concern for the. eetintrY's elfare."-ticnius. We ask those of our leaders aCquainted ,With the financial condition of Canada •toltlay if the above quotation from this -noted• vv. riter is not applicablehere,:. be- lieving is we do, that If a elieck is not speedily piit on the downward career of Canada', she will ioon potation where the. ward 40itinkruiA" will searee- -ly convey in idea of its ruin. • A gentleman here, who is.. Winewhat qualified to speak •'en the" matter, said every fernier speke te.on the nub- ject,--was sick of National Policy, and .quitesatisfied that it Would „ de them no good." Doubts being exprese! ed ims to every Lone being 'dintxtisfied with it, he re-iterateg tl3e statement, ad- - ding that "he had • taken-Wi1e7ular pains to 'make encuyies whenever he bad an opportunity,:. and although he carne amens a few CorteltratiOs who professed a futtfre faith in. it • they initted that it had not adything like „fulfilled their aniieipatiens." Lodwin Vogel, the Swiss historieal painter is dead.' „ . . A disease pronotinced to be Asiatic, cholera is raging in the southern ports o6 Ohina; • The workingmen of -Sheffield fewer the emigration of surplus labotir, awing to the dell prospects of trade in England. A. T. Soule, of Rochester, offers a $5,, 000 prize for a single -scull race for the championship trf the world, providing Han - Ian and CoutneY will row tn it. ettor 111,0srowrs., s .D1.1/14N, Aug %I. -It is etated that alr moat a famine prevails in the West of Ire. lend among the tenant farmers. • PERSIA. A deepatcli free% Bushire says that should a second dry winter occult Persia will be threatened with a famine as disas- trous as that of 1872. CORRESPONDENCE. Fine Thine for the Doctors, ro the Editor. of the Clinton N'eta-Zu. The sudden fall of froth 20 to .30 degreen in the temperatnre hoe produced wide with all their attendant evils, and i he doc- 'tors aro litiviug a good harvest. The voice of fashion has proclaimed that tbere.shall bo no tires in our siti ine-rooins, during the sumtner months; stove k are taken away SERVIA. and ;stored in some back regions, and our Belgrade, Aug. 25. -The Mainc harvest fair friends set allivering in their porior,o, o servis is very tropsoinisiug, in otiose- beeauee the alumnae toys it is summer, qinence Of the drougth. Numerous tiro and they have no nouns of making a are, have been reparted daily, in consequence of anal pride prevents them from saying they the extreme dryness of vegetation and the are cold, until they can stand it no longer, heat of the sun. and then the doctor is called in. It does • --Atorel*. not surprise me at 411,410. tIija m an ara,of Vienna, Aug. 25, -2 -The International‘shew, end even sensible people ore drawn Grain Pair opened this a.M. The Austro. ' into the'inaoletront.- 'We liva in a very feat age; every one s bent upon out•shin, ing his or her neighbor, both 11.) dress and in all other things pertaining t tone house- .Hungarion whetcrop is 9,000,000 metric, centals lege than last year, hut owing to accumulated tooks only 2,900„000 centele need be imported. An importation of hold. Do not think for a moment that my ec4e:spsto)a0r;ty0..00 Ti "beet 1.4t tcecnrotapi8a 1°1 of wrys ea mmalr able)) uf for farm° a tan it, adf:orcaatc'eaufeolif fitr ie ls e idni.:tuern;8117arre; fus • personal and very dear friends, and any ontar limn= - tittle benefit that may fall in their way 18v • London, August 25 ---Mr, Scott; 'a well. of corse, gratifyiug. I can, with the known agricultpral authority, stat -ea that PrOverbialseltiahness obachalara, draw ;the outcome of the grain crops to onethird Lie to my comfortal le fireside and latigb at the miseries of my frieods. It, would be useless for me to attempt to reform the world, au 1 wilt get all the fun I can -out of the follies of others. • • PRELIM FIIINDLET, CLINTON, August 17th, 1879 •• lose than the average, thus inflicting 4 loss af 425,000,000.upon the cultivators. Six. teen or possibly seventeen million of quar- ters of wheat will be required from abroad'. Mr. Scott also estimates the deficiency in the potato crop ;will ,cause a loss to- the cultiVators of £15,000,000, and h defici- ency in .beans, peas and rye inflicting a loss °U3,O0QAS:10, It isdeglared by competent judges that the min last Wiiirdid-nareo- damage in eeme districts than ail previous excessiie, rains; ' ' , •UNITED -STATES. • • Washiqgton; Aug. 25, --The latest re - terns shelve the average condition of corn on the 1st -of August was 83, against 93 for' July and for Auguat of last year. The Middle States all allow a high average to the area planted. • In buckwheat it shows a decrease since last year. In NeW York and Pennsylvania, which grew hall of the buckwheat of the country, their loss will be about 3 percent. The condition of the potato crop Is 97, atfainst 88 -in July. In the Middle States the showing 'rises frem 95 to 102. •The summer of 1879 has been unfavorable for the hay crop, the drought in june and July being very detrimental. In the -New England and Middle States the crop is good, but short in all Sonthere States. - ' •- • ; •The Herd Times In Relebkf. The United States Conant at QUebeb re- •-norts $5,500;000'capitarhas been wholly wiped. out by the failure of the 'Consoli- dated, .Fixellangef. and • Ville - Marie *Batiks, besides it.loss to 'depositors find biIlholdersig Ulf. a ..rnillionmereL.,-,..The.. Ilipieciation of the last • twelve month in stocks deralfitaCCanada -exchanges is estimated ,at $40,090,000/ and---the- bottoni-iii.net yet rettelted, - 'The protection policy recently inaugu- rated -has failed to produce- any other effect than decreasing the revenue and' inereasingthe cost cif living.. But,worse than all is the condition -of the working classes in Quebec. • During the past wiii 'ter there was acarcolY any employment: The few who labered on the Dafferin Terface received 40 to 60 cents ' daily, being mostly carpenters: • The present wages on. the nevi Government building are 60 to 80 cents, and on harbor proveinents 70 cents to one dollar,Inany; of these employees being:skilled mechan- ics: It •is estimated •that there are seven,theneand •workingmen -at present unemployed in Quebec and its suburbs. The Consul says that the riot of the 15th inst. -was entirely a question of bread' A••• DIIANGE. 1?011 THIK BETTER. There are many signs that thP great ile. pression whieli the 'world 'has initpassed. through will ' not depart without having -conferred some great benefit upon the bus- iness .-conimunity at -least. Ono Of the great*/ Of these benefits Will be that fraud, even in high:places, will no longer be dealt with lightly, and !yell:Why will beno longer waited on initninals. The right of Speculation with other peeple's money was until lately, lookedupon as samethinglike alperquisite to • certain !aces, and losses sustained in this way only 'subjected' the speculator to the loss of his situation.' Now, however, thia is all more or less changed, What terribleandoverwhelm. ing losses innocent people may be put to by those fraudulent apeculatora..was 'ninde •painfully manifest.,.by .the failure of -the Glasgow Bank. The.justice of the nation, Winch had apparently. 'Slumbered,. awake, and -the directors .who 'where responsible mot with a crushing punishment. Sine, the.agatnple has not been lost. Evia in the United States, .where Such Crimes met with something more than _gympathy at theameriminals.are suff,ering as they deserve. It 'Mho' remembered...that-a man named Durfee, the treasurer of :a cotton mill, speculated with the money of the insW token, and baiting lost it cenfessedlo the directors, and then inade over,all the pro-, Perty he possessed in order tb redeem the loss. 'He expected to be let off, but the directors had him imprisoned for embezzle•, Medi, • When the result of the action of these directors became known, a brother- in-law of Dotiee, named Paine, also the treasurer of a linen mill of the same -place, eoefessed to -having etnannitted the seine critne. Immediately 'after making' the 'statement, however, and before any actien could be taken, he nod to Cuba. Paine for yeare used the money belonging' to the mill to keep his own areditgoed, a proceel,• iughe thought justifiable in as much as lre was tbe sole endorser of the notes of the cotepeny. Each year thedeficit grew meat- er, and finally in order to make good the lose, he used •large sums to speculate in cottcnis and like his brother-in-lawand in Mime lost 'wavily. Then came tbe Confes- sion, followed by the cowardly flight of the' wretched, disionorahle man, The treat- ment of thew men is ono of the signs of the times, and the precursor of bettortimes.- Illontren1 Mtn ekr, . ,.siestut KngDies 'and Instetnnee• - . - . . 20 eke Editor, of the Clinton 21rew Era. ' you be kind enoug.. to •giv entitle in your jetitual to a few remarks th have been' celled forth by an article the peered in your issue of the 7th inst., heeded "Steam Eagipee and Insurance . You say that the recent action of the lVfoltd- lop Insurenee Company; hi declaring' that • steam. engines Used for thrashing at. titegorna Pint At Stook 0., •10 nom o 0, Clampaigne. . Patented:. 5, of a° who. may be insured: .ur that •-conj- pany, are at tbe tit* of the. farmer, had. TOWNSFIIP 0F GODERICH, peeped. ooneiderable talk among the farming ' Maitland . .. . . 81.... Patented.. ••••••• 40.53 .. 2 225.;1 8 -..:;•• 441 028 cornrannity, a short explanation of how 706 . 114 Patented... 44 88 such a clause . in the. by-laws carnet to be S. W. Clorher 58 13136131111:1411 : • :11. patented... 2 55 adopted, -and the eatise of the publication of the: seine by the president and secretary of the company; May not be amiss. , . The reason -of not'insuring buildings within one himdred /aide of any building Where ;steam poweris used, was adopted on account of an application being Bent in by- a farmer, who had a steam saw mill, Wherethe piles of lumber extende.d-all the way. hern. the mill to the bares, .The' risk was cousidered 14 'Very -dangerous one, and .as the amnpany wati_oot up „entirely, at the -interest ''of the., fanning . _Community, and not in:the interest of !mannat, factirrers, :the clause 'sires adopted steam thrashers. not being thought of at that tithe. ,EAt the seMi-arinnal, Meeting, held om.thi 4th -of July lest, when the question of ateatn threehers wae mentioned; itwasihought beet to publish Clause No.10 of the by-laws•of the eon:many. with the Tie!. 9f..lVeiding •iihpuld any occident 000u; and that any num- berTerniUheicift*:tiFireemitE-e.iiiiiieerniiihr, request the president to Call a general receipt, for the -porpeaeof :amending the by-laws, if considered necessary by two-thirds of those who might :attend. . The president 'haa. the power to cuil1 it geoid meetinutt any„thae, in the interest of the•Company, ;Any can be amendedat any: general reeetingiry,a two -third majority. • .:.• • • ' You ask why it is that oppositipn to steam thrashers exists,. jf it is not the result of pre•;* judice, whet in in As one:of the direeters of the McKiIlop:Company, Ion assure yeti there is no prejadice-or feeling. of, Any kind against steam.throhers or any other improvement be- neficial to the farming commit/thy, : The ,McKillop Fire Insurapco•Co. is ' cota, tioked: tiTtnent'entileiy ol farmers, itridreitheir particular benetit, as no property is insured in. towns or villages, n'ot even in the:rural districts, Without being.a distance of at least 76 feet•from any other bnilding, except 4roupth -of farm buildings, •• . • There can be no diffoulty With any bootie each peraoainsured hoopoe a Mem.. bin of the company, -and has the Same right -to: attend themeetings. as any otheiinenilier-L•to vote for the election of 'directors -or Carrinove any =mahout to the rules Or by-lawa.tbey may. think fit, 4 ruiner has spread in. genie Icicalities that members areresponeiblg, if called: Upon forany amountl beyond -the sum 'joined. hap& of the directors 401 be. insufficient to 12662‘, caee cover the Josses guatained, then each•Orthe '398 If at time the frill*alue of the notes in the. OF 'It. .AY., , ORPO. • „rStented. • ". 3 34 • t.... •.1 15 • ' 4 go •Pitented... ;WM .,.• ; ... 1 13, 3 20 .• • • Attented.... ' 348 ..... 1 15..... ' 4 58 J., in.their premium ncitek-such not•the nlooseprepr.ashonalbl ebienspariedginniipedro.tpoorpt4iyonatoutrbgesirr los, 300 L205 • . ... • • • • - 7. l• :prPaialtge.enalitetteeddd •••• . sfi. than the wilt* of: his note; unless otherwise • 416 ' odfetaetrinj etetdt • . Patented. .. • 1 01 ...... 1 10: ' 2 11 by the directing:. ' • . • er Jell h, ihr sy pihroestr_ ,s_prsisat :iline 43ry;r;i: • )3E143;:::$0,.r:en, toe. .8st.19„.11.. .... .. .. Patentd. 33, .11 '11 153: 46 N (Between rdadallorimbect "• ' av:011thlierduse!oafl 1;1? • ., that the notes shall belithelved when required „The MoKillop Eire Insurance Co.. is a Noel 13.' (31134ednogreiell.TotvitsItip, „...245 , 4 64; „.... .1 1382 • ' .3 10 1 15.... 4. 31 institution; where it is in the power of all the members:to: 'attend the.nreetings; and get ,any inforniation respecting the ivorkiag or :expen. dithre that theyiniay require. The president and seeretarfhas alealo give a sworn state- ment of the affairs of the company to the tcr- vernment annually. • Let the farmers take a: general-interestinthe affairs ef the coinpany; . and 'attend the .general meetinga, ood, it will prove a great saving, and no danger pf.paying. money..witheitt anykno 'wledge-of what be- comes of it. There is ie large.steff of salaried .0flittials to. uphold. -. • . • :.' • - 'Giving -the above an inseitionin the oialum of Yoarjrnals- you will raueh oblige; • ' • " -, . jolts MeManan, . one af the board of directors. nehr,s1tr. Aag. 28tb, 1870. • 1. al II El A. 1U-1 11-1' BA.T.4.13• OPL5ri)s FOR TAXES. COUNTY Cok' HURON,} To Wit; j • By virtue of a Warrant issued under the hand of the War- den of the County of Huron, and the Corporate Seal of the said county, bearing date the Twentieth day or An,gust, 1:879, to Me, directed, for the collection of arrears of taxes due ()A the, undermentioned lands, 1 hereby give notice that unless the said .faXes, together with -all lawful costS arid Charges, be sooner paid" I will, OD edoesday, aickilay of Peer, next, 4.1, TILE TIODR OF T,51'0 OPOLeelts Ps N., AT Tim .couRm Rous4 DT THE: TQWN OF GODERICIV Proceed to sell, bi• Public Auction, the said lands,• or so much - thereof as rimy be'sufficient to discharge Bile)" arrears Of taxes and the charges thereon, . _ Lot or Pareel Of Lant1,1 VOncosfon, 5tVetorrotTnotij. I 4,axo.,... coemoStatsigodo, [Tom. " TOWNSHIP 'Or ASEIPIMD; • S1.................... ...... .. ... , „ . ..... , 16. pait 4 • — 8rd East Division .100. • Patented.: 857'41• •50„,, 859 91. 4th'..Ra-5t• Dtgisiet „25... Patented,,. 12 38 ...,.. 1 38.... 13 76 Oth East Division . "ratentea:.:.-- sr 6011 West Division..3.00- Patonted.., 37-45 ' • 2 00.... 39 45 gthWest.Division 50.1 • l'atented... 16 50 ,...;. 1 48_ : 17 95 gth West Division ' 50, -Patent-ed. ,. 19 80 .. 1 58_, 21 38 125h West Diviston. 2004. ' Patented. 102 65 3'60 106213 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. , • ' . 84- TowTsuIP OF GREY. . - .50 Patented:,. 25 91 1 73.. - 27�4. VILLAGE OF ORANBROOK„ IN ,gREY, 33• ••''".-7 —.--:—, ',' . 4.. . ' Patented.... • 8,48 • ....: 1 28:',.. - 0713 • VILLAGE OF . WALTON; IN GREY: . ' 14, W. pat L „.";. • ' T20. . . ... • ...:—.------------:-•-- • .., :1,.. • PaLtrIt011.',, 9 •„19 . VILLAGE '-OF iuRicar, IN -'HAY, - . .•..... •Kneirs Survey. .. ..,••• .. - ..,-1,5,.., Patented.... 8n ,.. ,.. 1 13,, „ 487 Knell's Survey............. -1-5,..„ Patented, ., ,3 67 „,..., 1 15.... • 4 lie 50 neje Survey.......... -1..5-, Patented... 2 84 1 13.....*. .3 97 51. . ; . . .... ...... ..... ,. Enell'S Survey.”.. ... . . ..1-5.... Patented.... 2 84 1 13... . 3 97 62.... . . ...... . ..... ... .. -Knell's Su3v(13'....4,,.... -1:5.; .. Patented-. 284 .., .`• 1 13. . 097 .53 .... . „ . ... •• , - .,. Knell's Survey.,, ...... -1.5. .. , Patented... 2 84' ..,.., 1 13.. . 3 OT 54.,...;::•.. .. .. .. . . . ... Kneirs Survey- ..... ..' "1.5.... Patented, .: 2 84 . 1 13„ „ 3 97. 68 • Kneire,Survey.. ... ....,... -1•5„ „ Patented... a 23 ,...,. 1 15..,. 4 88 70. • Knas Survey ' "It.. , -Patented:, a 67, 115..., 4 82 80...•, • ,-, ....; ... ,,.,..... ;;-1. KnelPs•Survey:...........” .,1-5•••1 Patenteth, • - 3 67 "*" ' '1 15 " --4 84 • 81 ...-, ' KnoWs "12Survey, •.1•5, Patented. , 367 • 1 15-:. . 4 81 7-3L-warrsurssy..... . 7777:*' "."71707.7:7--Patonted.., 3 r 145,-,..., 4.787 . . • '. , 113,,. TOWNSHIP .OF ,HOWIOK. - . 21 7th ..- '. •••;. ,. 60 Patented". .. 10 81 ....... 1 33. „ 12 10 , , :HOWICK VJLLAGj Olt GOARIE IN HOWICX. 0,- • . . . . , 161%.• • ; ... • . ....: .... * . . , ' „ . A 5,.. 'Patented... 13 O .....'. 3 40..,.. . 14 81 , 162 163.. .. * • p ' .. -1-5..... Patented... 134f . 1 40..... • 14 81 .1-5. , . Patented, 4 10 .1. 18.... ,- 5 28 214. .,........ .... . . . . ... . . , ,, ' ••.1 5„., Patented, ,,, 4 43 .„1 18,-._ 5 61 218.. .. . .... .. . ......„, .• ..5-5..„ Patehted... . L 84 . ... 1 10...... , 2 94 210. ..... . .. ............ , . ' - ;.1-5.... Patented.., 1 84 1-10.... •. 220 ' t. -- ..1-5„.. Patseted„. ' J. 84 .,.... t I 10.-- 2 151 221. ., . ' -1-5_ : Pateited... 2 as 1 is. „.. s At 222 •, ..1-s. Patented- .2 38 . 1 13 • 353 223 . , • -7-- ..1•5„.. Patented.- 238 .. . . , .1 13• • : 353 • TOWNSHIP QF HuLLETT. , S.'151 8 rxt of N•1;a1:t Sa ijid4th.'• 10 IiNented . • ' 110 14 1 80 T7 1 35' . ••• 13 12 21 . ; • . .:;,.... .. . . ; .. . • gth. ' s . ...I055000.:::: Pvaaatteeentintte:dd:,::, 1215, 4007 . . „ It 670s : : . : !. 2188 391 E ,1 Vi 8th '`' vILLAGg..0F,..1VIANCHESTER,- IN -HULLETT.. s ' .. -,---' ;--- .# •:t. '-Patented.,. 1 15 • • .• ••• 1 10. -. ,.. 2 25 76, • • - -• .. Patented .. 97 „ 1 10 207: • -VILLA.GE OP BLYTH, INCORPO:RATED. ' • , 3 •••KeDonald's Surity , .14. Patented,; • ' 3.2 73 , 1 38 . „ 14 ea. 68. . KeDonald's .Survey .... ..1•5.:"..- Patented... 2 96 • ,..,1 13.... 4 oa • Meeounelrs Survey, 9 .. Bleak 0 1, Patented... 2 06 . ...„ 1 Ia.,. 3 19 • ifeConnetes Stirvey,„ 5 .. Block E.. .. , ... • • . . • . . i• • " Patented.., 99 ' ,...s.. • 1 10.. 2 09 . . A427,1;TI =CZ:Wit hi 4.; SPOoNsit,-In Clinton, on the 231•41 lust., the Chas. Spooner, of a (3014. Hulett, 4th con. on' the 20th inst., the vs,ife of Mr. Jas. Reynolds of n Moog.- -On the. lfith inst.:, the wife of Geo. ' fliscox, London, of a son. MARRIED. On2iair,s8vin1e15-M0per1At3r.-4t B tin in Dior, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Dr. the, Goderieh, Mr, Win. A. Charlesivorth to Mies Jet:Miro P. McCullagh, both of Clinton. MArtrater.i-llonn.-:-At the Central Metho; • dist church, Stratford, on the by the Rev, John 4, 'Williams, D. D., assisted by the flev, NW, Clement, Rev, Maitland, Fullerton, to Jeunie, . eldest daughter of the late John M. ^-1tottb, Stratford. . DIED. txtruialos.-In Clinton, on the .22nd inst., 'Lilly M., infant daughter of Mr. ;brim Gibbings aged 0 months and 6 days, °Ammo:v.-in Stanley, in the 56h eon., on the 19th hist, Margaret Cameron, (laugh:. ter of Mr. Alex. 0113n01;i1, aged 20 years; VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS,: INCORPORATED.. „ , 4 ....... .. - ... .. , „.. Turnberry Street.' ..... .. ....1.... Patented... 18 03 .• 1, 53- - '20 10 51....„............... .. Turnberry street... .... .....1:... Patented.- 14 95 ,1 43.... •16 88 , 400,.,...;,,I.;,.....•••,.. Alexander Street". • ... .'...1.... Patented.- 4 19- .„1 18.... 5 87 410......" , quecm -strew. .. , ..,. . , 3. . Patented-;---' 4-19 - -' --, - V 18 • ,,--6 -37- - `-- s .. .' TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. ' rot a E A..el,N.„ 29,iith.- .•... ....; .. • ..... . - -Kt ..• Patented... 12 60 . ... 1 38. , .; 13 68 - II ' „dd.- Patented. ,. 8008 . .., ... .,., • 1 83 . . . , 32 76 1°tit 'TO. l'ir. NSHIP OF STANLEY, .• •.... . W part 30 . 4tfi 's ' „ .11 • Patente'd. • 4 08 ' 1-20„, . „ 6 10 • :-"DINSLEY 'TERRACE, IN 'STANLEY, Sub. of Lot .36, in lst Concessiom • . . . . .1 11.:., - 4 23 .,,, .,„....„ . ...... . — , . „.:i.... Patented-. 3 08 ' • . TOWNSHIP OF. STEPHEN, 4 01111 18th - • 60,, Patented... 4668 2 25 „ .. 48 87 •18th • - ... . . . . .... ••••._„.4.•-cf5„.:', ",t0t,,,..,,,r,,!"•-4,r. e1,:trfill,..,.....,., „ 2, 58,,,, 46 08 11 i 0 ............ . eA ......,..,.......-,...,.4,3(134,( - •••„;g4i.z.atug,td.4-1.4,.......t....._ .0., 1, • • ._ • ,,, •._. , • vli.tApli.'; or' BLUEVALE, IN Telt-113E11,11y. - - 14 . ,--• ' ..,1. Patented a 00. 1 .18,. 4 21 . 80 Duncan's Survey ' 1 , Patented- 1 Oa ;..... 1 10-., ' 3 08 87- . ..... ,.. , „. Durteatt's Sitrvey .. : ... .. ...,?,..., Patented.,,, 1 93 ... .s I 10..... 3 03 VILLACI1 OF WINC-1-IiAb.I, IN TURNBERIVV. •., ' . • , - ./'•,. 170 Government Survey„ ,. ,A,,,. . unpalented 4 04 1 18.... • 5 22 . 174 Government SurVey.... ... :1-, Patented-,, sL41 7... 1 15..,, 4 86 271 , , .. Government SurVey..,. .... f,,,.. Unpatented . 3 30 „.... 1 15,, .. ' 4 51 278 ...... . ..... ........„ Gonerninent Survey...". . ...,I. „. Unpatented 3 30 ..;... '1 15...:. 4 51 302 ' .... . ... GovernMent Survey.," .....1.... U,npateneed 3 30 ..., - 1 13,,. 4 51 . 803. „ „ , „ 05-vorpirloaSurvey„,, ,1,. . IInpatented 3 30 ...., .. 1 15:- . • 4 51 604 305 ......... .,,,,.....,,, Government SurVey- ,, -, „... Unpatented 3 so , 5 15., r. " 4 51 808 Government Survey.., .., , ;... UnPatented • 3 80 • • .. • • 1 115,... 4 751 309 • Government Survey., . . . , , Patented,. 461 1 8... 6 9 • . Government Survey.- ........, Painted... • 4 61 ..,.., 70 310 ... . .. ........, .... , • ., Government Survey.., - ,. ..,. Patented-. 1 10 1 10, „. 2 BO 224.,.:..,,.,...... .... ., Government Survey.,..- ..., ..:., unpatentoti , 8 61 :::::: • a5.. l 15..:: . 1 goo 325.... ,.. . GoverinnotitKolvoy.....,L,L ... , .... Unpotented • 3 6 . , VILLA.GE OP WI103CETE1, (.1Nd0B,' PORATED), • 6 , go, „,„.,„ ........ .;., Carrot's fitiivey .. „4. . Patented. , 1 (0 4 1 10.... g 10 earr0P0 BMA,. .... ,.,.4,,.. Patonted... 75 5 10..., 1 85 ' , , ... ,... ., • . Patented:- 1 01 . . ... 2 37,. ,..,,,,, ....... ...... Oarrors Suryey,.,.;”. „ .. „ „ Patented.. 1 01 ,,1 10. 1 10,, ,. 2„1.15 39,..., ... . ,. ....... . . .• Cures ffurvey, ... 0011D5y, Treasurer's Office, *I Godericli, Attg. 15, 1870. f • . A. M. ROSS, Treasurer; .County ot.ifurab, , •••