HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-27, Page 2*etiliddeilla eA obetboDimothletooialotadvotetti ilailteoM
A Picture
I Picture Framing Neatly Done.
" Pretty as a picture " doesn't
mean much sometimes, but
our pictures are the pretty
kind, and the kind that keep
their prettiness.
Try a photograph from
all Dress Goods
Three lots we offer for the balance of
this week only at the following special
price reductions
3 pieces Wool Dress Goods, in blue, brown
and black, worth $l.00, for ,69
8 pieces Scotch Suitings, 54 inches wide,
regular $1, $1.15 and $1.25, for - - .98
zo pieces nobby Shirt Waist Suitings, in a
great variety of colorings ; ideal fabrics
for Autumn and Winter wear ; 45 inches
wide, worth 6oc, 75c and 85c, for - .49
In all the new styles, in fawn, brown, grey and black.
Large stock to pick from, ranging from $2.25 to $6.75
. .
f essmailiilDeparimenifullnis now in
.Our �
Come 'and get your work done by up-to-date artists.
Alex. Ritchie
--Lovely fall" weather for the past fest
r;.; "There are some two or, three cases of
ti ria in Wingham.
olitical matters have first ,place in
e TIMES columns for a few weeks.
-.-The Goderich Organ Co. declared a
vidend of 6 per cent, on last year's op -
—The Daily Star till 1st'', of January,
906, for $L Leave your,order at the
—Mr. R. Vanstone will be Financial
nt for Dr. Macdonald in 'Connection
f eith the coming election.
—The curling club was not re -organ -
zed on Monday, evening. Another
meeting will be called in the near fu-
Ift —TIMnS and Family Herald and Week -
kStar till end of 1904 for 45 cents. New
bseribers should take advantage of this
raw rate.
—B. H. Townsend, late of the Wroxe-
srStar has moved his family to Blyth,
7rhere he has taken a situation on the
a —Mr. J. B. Rumball, of Clinton, a
trother-in-law of Mr. J. E. Swarts of
fine town, was stricken.with paralysis on
erednesday of last week.
is —At the Wingham voters' list Court
1 Revision held by Judge Doyle on Wed-
iesday of last week, the Liberals added
,a« and struck off 32; the Conservatives
padded 31 and struck off 21.
A-.-The License Commissioners for
a Arrest Huron will meet at Clinton on
reatovember ist to grant hcenses for the
lefetnainder of the license year.
a —Mr. W. A. Currie, Wingham's
ioneer is again prepared to attend
la any part of the county. See his
a another column: of this isaue.
S —A meeting of the Wingham Tennis
Ise)lub will be held in the Council Chem -
Ilex this (Thursday) evening. All niem-
s of the club are requested to attend
phbiSe meting.
b --Mr. Wm. Gannett's house and lot on
%loris street, had been sold to Mr.
J. Elliott, V. S. The transfer was
e through the real estate agency of
N. J. Maguire.
—The next regular meeting of East
awanosh Township Council will be
std on Tuesday, November 1st, instead
Thursday, November 3rd, as prev-
pstly arranged.
—The annual concert Of the Sons of
land will be held on Tuesday, Jame -
10th. Full particulars as to the
who wilt appear at this, the best
owed of the year, will be given in
Mr_ J. W. Browett, of Chatham is
in charge of A. L McCall & . Co.'s'
Atte, and will move his family to
as anon as he in able to procure a
Mr, Messer is returning to
Nora as Chatham.
se -Dr. E. S. Coultesand ArthnrKnight
returned to Philadelphia, the form.
epee a dental Milos and the latter
116111612 10 hie studies in the litfital col.
Ripley Them yoatzlgMen
Salitticisown in Wingham and their
will with them ilueoett. °
Did ye not see the large parcels
sold and distributed last Satnrda
leading clothing store? No d
are Balling and gossipi • ab
Ing near as loud as Ji
at the
t some
on did the
time I punched him wh- . he made the
attempt on my life below the dam.
A. R. SDrrrH.
—Mr. Jas. McKelvie, formerly df
Wingham was able to leave Sarnia hos-
pital on Monday after an illness of three
months with typhoid fever. It will yet
be some weeks before he is strong enough
to attend to business. .
—Mr. Robt. Marshall, who lost $90 on
Monday believes that the money slip-
ped from his pocket. There were nine
new Dominion Bank $10 bilis, and Mr.
Marshall will give a liberal reward if
the money is returned to him.
$LNC8 1896
Loftier Ideals.
Increased Trade.
British Preference.
Expanned. Markets.
Reduced Postage.
tL Larger Canada.
Labor Well Paid,
Immigrants Pouring In.
Sunny Ways,
More Money.
Carved Constituencies.
Official Incompetence,
Nest of Traitors.
Soup Kitcheus.
Exodus to United States.
Vacant North West.
Accumulating Deficits,
Tariff Tinkering.
Increased Debts.
Stagnant Trade.
Died in Scotland.
Miss Nellie Watson, daughter of Rev.
W. I3. Watson, formerly of Wingham
was,married on the llth of August to
Mr. Wm. Cotton at her home in Quebec
P rovince. Shortly after the marriage,
Mr. and Mrs. Coltsn left for Scotland,
where the former intended to fnrtner his
studies. Mrs. Cotton became suddenly
ill at Edinburgh on 14th September and
underwent ah operation and a few days
later passed away. Her remains were
interred in her mother's family's plot in
Glascow. The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Watson will be sorry to learn of
to 1 earn of their sudden bereavement.
LOST—A small bo containing eight
souvenir spoons, on s mets of Wingham
on Monday evening. Finder will be re-
warded by leaving a the TIDIES office.
Fifty Years in Ministry.
Rev. John Anderson, of Tiverton cele-
brated his both anniversary as a minister
of the gospel on Tuesday of last week.
An engrossed address was presented to
.him on behalf of the Bruce Presbytery.
Mr. Anderson's -first two charges were 16
miles apart, with 11 members in one
church and 7 in the other when he com-
menced. In the 17 years that he labor-
ed there he missed preaching only four
Sabbaths. After laboring there for
these many years he came to Bruce coun-
ty, and settled as pastor of Knox Church,
Tiverton, where he•preaohed faithfully,
and where he was very successful. He
resigned a number of years ago. Rev.
Jas. Anderson, of Goderich is a son.
—Davis' Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. gave
a performance in the opera house on
Tuesday evening•to a fair-sized audience.
The play was not put on in a manner in
keeping with its rendering by other
companies that have appeared in Wing -
—Miss Nellie Rothwell, second
daughter of Mr. B. Rothwell, of Listo-
wel was married on Wednesday ot last
week to Dr. H. Lange, of Hamilton.
The bride was known by a few Wing-
hamites who will wish her a happy wed-
ded life. •
--The postoffice department has just
begun the issue of the 20•cent stamp
in the King's head series, which with
this addition consists now of nix de-
nomination namely, the one cent, two
cent, five cent, seven cent, ten cent and
twenty cent.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church,
Glasses supplied. At Queen's hotel, on
Tuesday, October 13th.
"Sherlock Holmes" is the
very latest in card games,
The idea of the play is to
secure as many thieves, rob-
bers and burglars as you can
matching cards with your
opponents and securing
sweeps when a Sherlock
Holmes card turns up in
your playing piles.
Price 50 Cents.
Also all the other popular
games, including the new
games of " Trix," Pit and
Flinch. 50c each, postpaid.
(Successors to Alex. Ross.)
At The Bee Hive -
This week we put on sale a Special New Line of Men's and Boys' Over
coats, made expressly to our order for This Store's Selling. These coats aremade o
the newest cloths, with best linings, tailored equal to regular custom-made garments. and priced
to sell at a saving to buyers of fro m $2.00 to S3.00 on a coat. You cannot afford to miss this
special offering -
Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Win-
ter Jackets.
This store is ready for big selling of Ladies' and
Misses' Fall and Winter Jackets, every Jacket shown is
made of the latest material and newest style. Our Ladies'
Jackets nicely lined, warni and comfortable at
$5.00 $6.00 $6.75 and up to $14.00
are all money savers for the buyer.
We show n splended range for girls at $2.25 to $0.00
No trouble to make a selection from our large assort-
Wrappers, Stylish, Well Made,
Bishop Seriously I11.
Bishop Baldwin, the Bishop of Huron
is dangerously i11 at his home in London.
The head of the Huron Diocese is suffer.
ing from a stroke of paraylsis,, which
seized him on Saturday morning. News
of the serious illness of Bishop Baldwin
will be heard of with sincere regret in
all parts of the Dominion: The Bishop
has visited St. Paul's church on several
Presbyterian Organist.
The Clinton New Era in speaking of
Miss Sherk's appoiament as organist at
the Presbyterian Church,says:--The peo-
ple of the Presbyterian church in Wing -
ham, after having their church generally
repaired,have placed in it the most mod-
ern pipe organ in the county of Huron,
with tubular pneumatic action through
out. The person appointed to fill the res-
ponsible position of organist is Miss Lilian
Sherk, of Wingham, who commenced
the study of the organ, and is still a
pupil of W. Glenn Campbell, organist of
of Willis church, Clinton. Miss Sherk
began the study of the organ about a
year ago, and in obtaining this position
not only reflects great credit upon her-
self as a student but also upon her
teacher, who is well and favorably
known bere.
Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Brucefield was a
visitor in Wingham for a few hours on
Friday last.
Mr. Jas. Broadway has returned home
after a several weeks visit in different
parts .of Manitoba.
Miss 'Moore, of Listowel has been
spending a few days this week visiting
with Wingham friends.
Mrs. Geo. Swarts and Mrs. J. B.
Rumball, of Clinton were visiting at ffir.
J. E. Swarts last week.
Mr. Geo. White, who has been work-
ing in Manitoba for some months, re-
turned home on Tfieeday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wisebaker have
returned to their home In North Dakota,
after a three Weeks' visit with relatives
and friends in Wingham and vicinity.
Mr. Allan Caldwell, who has been
visiting in "Wingham and the vicinity
for the past three weeks, returned to
hie home in. Spencer, Mich., en Tuesday.
Garfield Malay, whose parents live in
Toronto, was fatally injured by the
bursting of a moulding machine in J. S.
Finlay's mill at Owen Sound.
The pretty straight shang a : , watches
with jealous eye o r suit: • nd overcoats
on customers as ey go passing by.
The bleakest part:. ' my life is better
than .your whitest. More anon, if you
want it. A. R. SMITH.
For the best makes of Pianos, call and
look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to
snit purchasers. They are the best
money can procure. Remember the
stand, near Bell's factory.
Rev. James Heron, Presbyterian min-
ister, of Port Bay, Pennsylvania, bas
returned hoine after spending a week
with Mr. A, McLean* and sisters, near
Mr. and Mrs, James Golley and family
entertained about Sixty friends and
neighbors on Thursday evening last, in
honor of 1Vtr4. George Cassels before
leaving for her borne in Michigan. A
pleasant time was spent by the guests.
Mrs, Oaiteels left on Tuesday morning
for Mftohell, where she will visit her
brother, Mr. Thos, Dodds.
We emphasize the • splendid valves offered here in
Ladies' House Wrappers, they are perfect fitting and made
with lots of goods in them, not skimpy in material or make
up, the colorings are pretty and prices at $1 $1.50 $2
makes buying a pleasure.
Excellent Values This Week.
We offer excellent value'this week in Table Linens, Towel-
ling, Blankets and White Quilts.
Dress foods and Trimmings.
Dress Goods values here make busy selling in our
Dress Goods Section, a caving of from ton to twenty-five •
cents on a dollar is worth looking after and this is the sav-
ing yon get when purchasing at This Store. We show ex-
ceptional new lines of plain and fancy weaves in all lead-
ing colors. also in black, at pricee ranging 25e, 35c, 40c,
600, 60o, 65c, 75o, 85c, 00c, $1, 1.25, 1.40, $1,50 $1.65 $I.75 -
The newest in Dress Trimmings are here to select from
with the same saving in prices as we give yon on Dress
Goods. It will pay you to visit The Bee Hive for Dress
Goods and Trimmings.
Men's and Boys' Shirts and Under --
There's been brisk selling of Men's and Boys' Shirts•
and Underwear,the new lines shown here are of more than
ordinary quality and value and many of our customers•
have already put in a full winter's supply at our money'
saving prices.
Ladiek' and Misses' Underwear..
Splendid offering this week in Ladies' Fall and Winter
Underwear at per garment 25o, 50c, 60, 75o, $1.00. $1.15.
And in Misses' at 18o, 20, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c.
Hints of Bee Hive Grocery Values :
3i� lbs Currants for
25o, 2 Shredded Wheeit Biscuits for 25c.
3 Tillson's Rolled Oats for 250
3 packages Naptha Powder, 10o. 3 packages Ammonia -Powder, 10c. 10c Choice Table Syrup, tin, 90
SiurnsONS—In Wingham, on the 10th inst.,
the wife of Mr. A E. Simmons ; a daughter.
BIRGE-In Hamilton, on October 7th, the
wife of Mr. Cyrus A. Birge; a son.
FARQUHARSON-In Teeswater on Oct. 8rd, the
wife of Mr. John Farquharson; a daughter.
MCLEAN-PATTERSON-At the residence of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Houghton, on October
19th by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. John A. McLean
to Diss Annie H. F. Patterson, both of W ing-
WoRDEN-MoCLOCKLtN-At the residence of
Mr. Edward Warden, Victoria street, on Octo-
ber 12th, by Rev. D. Perrre. Mr. Thos. Worden
to Mrs. Ellen McOlocklin, both of Mitchell.
EDGAR -TAYLOR --At the parsonage, Salem,
on September 28th, by the Rev. James Walker,
Mr. George Edgar to Miss Sarah Ann Taylor,
both of Culross.
NOTICE—I have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or interest at any
time atter falling due. Remember you
need not pay until you are requested to
do so by me. I thank all those who
have done business with me and wish
you all every prosperity,
• RoBr. MCINDOo.
THE BEE HIVE. Phone 96. WINGHAM, Ont..
,T cons -In East Wawanosh, on October 91h,
Mr. Luke B. Jacobs, aged 87 years, 6 months
and 12 days.
SAINT -In Wingham, on Oct. 14th, Thomas
Allen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saint,
aged 0 weeks and 3 days.
tg!gggg ggIfIgtgl
gWe guarautee our work, in
1 The latest styles of Mounts
1 always on hand.
Armstrong & Co's Studio
J!' I f f i f' ifi iMUUM
Night calls at Button Block, or resi-
dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school on John
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block.
Pickpockets at Work.
On Monday, while the large crowd
was in Wingham at the Laurier meet-
ing, several people were relieved of
their money and it as firmly believed
that pickpockets were at, work. One
man was relieved of $90; another of $15
and several others for smaller suns,
The sharp fellows, it is believed followed
the crowd to Lucknow as several people
at Lucknow have lost there money
in a similar manner. One man missing
$60 and others for smaller amounts. We
understand that a good description has
been given of these strangers who Vete
in both Wingham and Lucknow, and
word has been sent to different pointe
to be on the lookout for the men. These
tooundrels should be run down and pit
where the dogs won't bother them for
dome years. It is regretable that people
should be thus relieved of honestly
earned money. The crooks had an ex-
cellent opportunity to do their dirty
work an the crowd was so large, and no
doubt vititedboth Wingliain and Leak.
now with the view of relieving honest
people of their money.
C mp National, No. 139
OLD their regular meetings on the 2nd
and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd -
fellows' :Hall. All visitors welcome.
R. MAXWELL, C. C. R.H. CRow s R, Clerk;'
Applications will
signed up to Tues
the position of teac
wanosh, Applican
and salary. Duties
ved by the under-
vember loth, 1004 for
or S. S. No. 9, East We-
ill state qualifications
o continence Jan. ' 6, 1905.
Belt 182, Win atn, P. O..
Is now prepared to it nd the wants of those
requiring his servi at a reasonable price.
No necessity of sof • out of town for an auc-
tioneer. All orders left at the TraxEs Office
will receive prompt attention.
We have a Proposition •
which is interesting to every young man
and woman who wishes to enjoy the best
success in lif e.
EDUCATION is the key to our proposal
and to your success. Write, and write now,
for our plans. You may study at home or
at the college. Only a postal for all partic-
ulars. Address
The Oust Wish Remedy,
• is an old, well estab-
lished and reliable
preparation. H n
prescribed need
over 40 ye Alldrug-
gists in a Dominion
of C ada sell and
mend tin being
e only medicine o�
to kind that cures and
gives universal sett tion. It promptly and
perosanently cures all forme of Nerovs Weak.
Emission, Spermaforrhura, impetencll•
and all effects of abase or eroe9see; the excessive
nae of Tobacco, Opium or SNmutafiCS, Menial
and Brain Worr•V, allot which laud to Ie rlaltl,
nity Consumption and en Farb Grave..
Floe 31 per ckage er sir for a8. One cul
Wean, sir Wil cure. Vaned rtir t,5
oeipt of price. Send for free m et. Addle
The Wood f,
Winds**, On ', 0analikat
Sold in Wingham by A. I. McCall 3c Co , A.
L. Hamilton and Walton McEibbon, druggists.
Yonge & Gerrard Sts, Toronto.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Political Meetings.
Come and hear the questions of the day
the Liberal candidate in East Huron
has arranged to hold meetings
during the campaign as
Cranbrook • Thursday, October 20
Jamestown, 2.30 pail. " October20
Town Hall, Morris Friday, October 21
Belgrave Saturday, Oct. 22
Lakelet.... . . .... Monday, Oct. 24
rordwich Tuesday, October 25
Ethel Wednesday, Oct. 26
Brussels, (nomina-
tion, afternoon) Thursday, Oct. 27
Walton .... Thursday, Oct. 27
Wroxeter Friday, Oet. 28
Bluevale Saturday, Oat. 29
Belmere Mondfly, Oet. 31
Wingham Tuesday, Nov. 1
Oorris Wednesday, Nova 2
Dr. Macdonald, the candidate and
Others will address these meetings.
The Conservative candidate ot any one
in his behalf will be .given an opportuni-
ty 10 speak at the meetings.
All meetings will commence at 7.30
p.m., sharp.
Ladies are respectfully invited to be
eistagestessuamm !!mom
As shown, with high closet and copper -lined reservoir,
with corners richly carved, has met with every success. The
reservoir insures plenty of hot water for the kitchen, while
the high shelf or high closet provides extra room while
cooking and adds largely to the appearance of the Range.
This is one of the best Farmer's Ranges we have seen ;
has large fire -box ; burns both coal and wood ; has a good
sized oven ; has six 9 -inch cooking holes—in fact a first-
class range in every particular.
Price, complete with high shelf, only $37.00
Pishleigh's Hardware
Store open 7 a.m. every day. Closes 7 p.m., except Saturday.
Applications for the position of teacher in
S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh, for the year 1905,
will be received by the undersigned up to No-
vember lst. Applicants to statesalai'y.
J. T. CURRIE. Secretary.
Box 184. Wingham P.O.
Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con-
veyancing Bono,
OFFICE -In Vanstone Block.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock.
DR. OVENS, .of London,
Visits Wingham monthly.
Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and
Deafness treated.
Wingham Office --W. McKibbon's Drug Store.
Lon8p.dom. Office -225 Queen's ave. Hos : 11
Dates cf visits -Mondays, July 25, Sept. 6,
Oct. 0, Oct, 31, Nov. 28.
The underAigned hat for sale a number 'of
thoroughbred Large English Berkshire Sows,
from three to six months old, seine of which
have been already bred. Also a pair of young
boars for sale. I also have for service, a oung
boar, which was a prize winner at Toronto.
Marnoch P. 0.
'PUB undersigned offers for axle his farm,
east half of Lots 7 and 8,, Concession 11,
Turnberry. The farm eontains 100 sered of,
good land; 80 erred cleared, 10 acres hardwood
ush, 10 acres of cedar. On the premises are
good stone house, bank barn, Atone pigpen, etc.
•Aldo a spring ex'eek and two wells; and ie well
fenced w th cedar rails. Six m left front Wing-
Ihem, and convenient to chuteh, school, past
oftlee and blaekafnith shop. Deis] tetttes. For
information apply to RICH. OVALI,ACYiL
(8lenaunan P.O.
Lot 18, con. 7,Township of Turnberry,County
Huron, containing 100 acres. This is a first-
class farm; has been in grass for 20 years.
A spring creek runs through the farm. Apply
H. DAVIS, Wingham.
Wm. Armour&Son
Owing to the large quantities of Dairy
Butter now being offered for sale, and as
the quality is not as good as I think •
our market demands, in order to enoour-
age the making of
1 am prepared to pay from
Three to *live cents; per Ib. .
of a difference in price
as 1 must have good Butter. Parties
having good Butter to dell would do well
to eall at our Warehouse, as we are pre-
pared et atll time to pay gash prices for
good Batten.