HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-21, Page 1at, VOL. 14, WO: 31. T448118-01.59 Per Atiouum, Au advance. vccaravezmarezemazz011az - Aose9luriap, gnu gkatettigtmentO. . gervant Gn9..Wanted. -10[TANTED, A good general Servant girl, by the 10th of September. Apply to • MRS, Ga W. IllIWTON. onnten, Aug. 21,1670. .Parcel •Found. Fomcp, in Clinton, on Victoria street,' on Tuesday, a parcel of *thing. Tifttowner • canhave the setae on paying for .this. notice; and applying at. the resident% of Mr. WM. neer G, T. station. -• ' • • • Clinton„`Ang 214, 1879, .•, -• `• • . Caution --• juice. -ThenblioCUtf�fledRgftiflSpiIr0bfte!flg.Lim0' Juice end its preparations, warty of which cou'sluifi X000i DEZETOR10170 MIXTURSO. add BYO being offered by the vendors al; substitutes for. the Genuine Linsurruit Juice.. To oneare the obtaining.of Montserrat,Lxu FRUIT Alma and its prepar- ations, the ptiblic is requested to -see that every bottle Purchased lie s the Metal Capsule with the Trade Mark of the ZIONTSICERAT CO. 013 it, 8.11W011110 On the _ • - Bo re you ask for*, MONTSERRAT!, and see that you get it. • Good Farth. Wanted. . — WANTED TO RENT, a good farm • in V If •the neighborhoocl-of Clinton. Apply, statint terms, dm., to Box 106, CLINTON P.O. Clinton; Aug.1.5, 1870. 18 v Stray Lamb.. /IAMB into the premises of the subscriber, lot 26, 6t11 con. of /Tulle% about the be- ginning of July, a EWE LAMB, nu:irked iu the car. Tne owner is hereby petified to prove property, pay charges, and take it away. ' HUMPHREY SNELL. lluilett, Aug. 14, 11379, • • - - _44 cs. /1,121.iffeWVPMASS/SCIMICIT W11.111/15101420/15=252q.allaueataCCLUCC.17,1.1001.111.17/WOUIMINONTOW AND • CENTRE HURON GENERAL„ ADVERTISER. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THTJRSDAY, AUGUST .21, .1879. a avtan• Tho Sign Lifor rid inseases of the Stemacii,..10 sioys, Favor 1_11ERSONS suffering from Liver ConTlattit, Dye - pepsin, and Ague, Ike., should procure 'one wit out delay,- DigtiCILIVIIVE TIMMS/1 sent post free, on application. Orders by mail promptly attended t6. f) tra • onuars raps '61.00 each. REGULAR PADS, ...... 2.50 each. SPECIAL PAM . ...„ 3.60 each. ABSORBT1ON 25e pkt. BODY PLASTERS,60c each . •FOOT PLASTERS, „ 50e pair. SPLEEN pkairs,• ... . each. Wo are Sole Agent for South and Contre Huron No other parties within theso ilintts are authorized to sell them except through us, • HICKSON .8c BLEASPELILI . • SEAFORTII. Gil-EATLY7.;.1 LETT= Pli031 A CATHOLIC PILE - LATE. We copy the following letter from tho last number of the Sarnia Observer., addressed to that paper by the Rev. Father" Beansangf as it will, to some extent, explain the position of of the Oatholio electors in the, late.contest in this rlding A. WORD OP 1Wrn0ticenou. ' DEAR Sin :---You will understand that I only identify myself with the morality of po- litics. With pare politics I have nothing to do --these belong to you and the club; The very feet that Catholics are in the minority in this Province Would seem to kis- • thy the position of independrvt neutrality,..vis re cis all politicul parties, Whose • PrikkOLPIg13 in the last analysis as we think, are now Catho- lic.. It seems to me we do them Perfect jug - tide when weAcal with them on their merits, and tbey'approach us fraidily and Opened hand- • ed, 'Unless they expect more than we can he them, this is all they can fairly expect. """DibITTOlilliffik-tio?:-If I don't Mistake you, cflii is.the tone and tenor of your editorials, and in fact the feeling of the representative men of your party with whom 1 have cornei ed oed..Price u. • contact; that is, if I understood them your Sparty highly honor themselves with the new depar era; of Christain Which. gov- , ,. iber.will offer- the balance 'bf his ,-I- Summer Stock of BOOTS SHOES AT Greatly 11:1MB PRE:S 011:1 and underlie many vital soeial issues. Perhaps you will allow mete say a word in vehement condeinpation of the pract"ce of in. troducing intoxicating drinks at onr election: meetings. and the employment of men who. are not ashathed to encourage such pi notices,. As far as my experience goes„your party i3. not responsible for this et andel. I will add, field:1y, that I look with gravestispicion up. on principles of mon a hi? permit themselves to ootne into my parish to demoralize my peo-. ple 1 I think We have had too much of thia de.grading work, and I think also tliat ruen who respect themselves should discounten- ance it by all manner of means. Any way I sincerely -trey we may not. have a*return .of •the sae scandal. upon any future occasion. Fom rt he next 60 ays., i„ no part of My intention to hold. the park • • . • . . responsible ,for their shortcomings ; but I do To: make room for Fad Goods, • • • •k•eitutol.i.sang.. 7, 1879. • T.IIIIREBY FO-1BID•any peisoir6rIterion's • -- . -. negotiating 'a, certain Note made .by me in favor of the Stehle Grinding •Mitchine Co., of TivontO, on or "abort tliIStb."-tlrefitily 1879, payable two, menthe after date, as I have teceive.d-orr-valtie forsairtmete, which paytibrea"the •eklirekrtailltrerRructlield. -- • -- •••-• JAMES Dated at Bayile3,3,.Aug. 1670, .. -Farm to. Let. • • • say:that they:ought to be mere careful as to the character of the men they eppley on such oecusiort s. , TAYLOR... ••I, have the honor' to remain . 'Yoor ob•ed•t serv't•g • •• R. BEAOSARc! lriik 'LATE roLryfral ce:gias*-Ei WastretioN, SCOTT & BOVINE'S ST011 :01 Is prepared in a-fornt,perfectly- agreeable to chilciren • .and emr&ste intr ItsbegonrtduIn itsr;ineaenctrac.t4re the . ffiginated. and it is, rendgred nCoet mildgarnipcinpileaaT. ant itt its action„but abiolutely tasteless and palata- ble. • tiiertiIitalsere.entinendy the finast laxativ6 and ca, • stipation, ancnt'aTInatt:tirLT n'clrgE?iset,',17,Tt (loaned, and is destined to take the place of crude oit and all drastic pills and purgativess. For sale „by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. Don't fail to try it.. • • - TflO LET, for. a term or. years, Lot 18, 4th .1 con. 'of Hullitt-100 acres, 4.0 cleared, 'rhere are on the premises a geed frannii barn, leg house, young orchard, ctn. Rent low, as improvements are. to. be made. For terms apply to ••• • *m W. W.FARRAN, Clinton. _ • . • , „ Farm For Sale. • . ITILIAT FIRST-CLASS PARM, No. 35, on: A. 'the 15th con. of. Goderich Township', be- longing to Mrs. C. Gordon ; will be sold for cash or on pact credit. Only one mile from Clinton. The farmcontains eighty pores of choke land, in good condition, fine oichard,-tt.c.• Apply to '• H. HALE. Clinton, iuty 21, 1879. Lot for, Sale. THAule'eligibly situated Let, Qex.on Street,' adjoining' the residence of Mr. E. Holmes, is offered for sr -N on reasonable : .terms. Particulars on application to J. CURTIS.' STEVENSON... Clinton, Icily 17, 1879.- Seed AATHEAT• for Sale. '111{E. subscriber has •for sale a quantity of I- stied wheal of the ARNOLD "VICTOR variety. This is an excellent grain, stands the • winter well, and gives a good Sample can be seen at the CLINTON Nan, ERA • •office, WILLIAik..1 WISE. Goderieh f 0 inisitip, Aug. 70.87?, •• a - .Storohouse For Sole or To 11.8111. A • LARGE FRAME . STOREHOUSE - known ag No. 4,- situate 'at the Grand Trunk Railroad Station,'Clintom is offered for sale or -to rent on very reasonableterms. Par- ticulars„on application to ' • ..TAMES MBE, Herod office,..4..eir:vreortn. Proilerty, for',.Sale.. rrillE subscriber offers that conveniently situ- .ated farm, Lot No. 25, 16th concession of Goderich Township, containing 80 acres, nearly all cleared, fqr sale. It is goodclay soil, w,011 fenced, under good cultivation.; has good build- ings and -three walla it;oa ten acres of summer fallow, and is: only two .thiles from Clinton. -- Apply rerms easy. to S. RUMBALL, . • SPEOIA.,L BARGAINS i • 1 ti 0 8 ire 6 O ri P4 MoR'',1•3•:a• 471 1 "ri ,f;gcT•4 • )Aroirte ..a • St.DLIILDERS' HARDWAlli Stu 7,--Now:that the excitement of the late inenfornble-election-havsubsidedrand.--as-old Huron has•11:)een visited with no inconsiderable share of inisreprestmtation for it 'sayings • and doings Pending the saine, it is'considerea' neyficant • justice Our independent electors,,tqAufelna. the public as to the prin- ciple• of lode' policy therein involved. • In the first place then, heknowledgiug the old Axiom that Union is Strength' our voters Mangurated the:' Emitters' Independent Club of North and Weet'Huron,'at:the opening of the present year. • Tho objectl of,. the elubis obvious --to consolidate our toilet:nice; arid to 'prevent our people as far As 110O1b10 from be. Ing disunited. • The policy of the.elub is in. dependence of, but not factious opposition to, any political party, being free tomake terins. with either or any. of them. In its constitu- tion it says 'that in pure politics the 'members are absolutely beyond the .control Of What is called .'clerical milizence ;' but.should a ques- tion of religion or of education turn • tip. it is expected that everyone will back up the church as good and loyal Catholics. • • • • '-• .Having h Separate School in our midst the clubresolved...upon bringing its whole influ- ,enee to bear on its behalf; andwith • that rib, ject in view they passed a series of resolutions .addressed to the political candidates claiming :parliamenterybenors in. thio. constituency,- itt they made "attain improvements,' which they specified in th,e Separate :SehOol Lew, the- condition of their suPport.' of anyone seeking.their suffrages attire. ensuing ejection for the honors of parliament,. • doe coarse of time the sitting member respondedto these resolutions, pledging: hiei, self by every means in his power to 'coMply with the..imposedconditiolt,' in a letter which .vas considered highly satisfactory by the club.'" . In.the'inearttime when the new School Bill received the Royarassent, del, Ross ehdercied it loth°. Club, and the club replied by ender- singhiin as their future; and tried member for thb4fouse of Assembly at the next general. ;election; And here it maY be observed trek the Colonel. was-th nlY candidate who took up the gauntlet, .wi exeoption of another who put in *an apPearenoe after the Bill. had rectucci the Rival assent.' • . NoW, sir,this being the state of the vise aubmit as follows ' • Firatly. Was the club MoraIlY and honor - „ably bound the candidature of del. • Rose ; - • ScoOndiy.. Could any metnber of said club honorably and crinsistently support bis tient'? ' . • Thirdly. Could tho pester (cc/rise them. to support his Opponent? • • ForAho-rest White strictly adhering:lit the tone'and tenor of the Syllabus and Eneycliciif of our late Holy lather on • Christian. politioa, 1 have instrected iny people as to theta moral obligations reapeeting the franehise, which they were to loolempari as a trust for which Ahoy would bo held responathle. L. Itt conalusion, Mr. EtTitor, it Viiii-alDTPIY. amusing to notice the pertinacity With vadai. wrong headed agents -spies ,eveti in God's house, and slanderers whd only hurt _them! selves- refused to be convineed that it Was not for the .clinrcl1. SJId tho eatoe of Catholic ed.. "cation but distinctively tor,the Iteforin party the pastor of Ashileig labored,; forgetting that n tho 17th of September ho allowed his 'peo- ple 'without „ otiestion,, according to the . tone and tenor of the constitution above referred to, to act 'upon their own ,responsibility, simply beeause the religions principle was involved; on whichoccasion the Tory .Membet, seetmed the majoxigy and the victory,Let thorn soo to it that they sleep nob Upon 'their oars the next time, always -remembering that thentotto of tho Ashfi oia boys is Palntam qui *trait feral. I have the honer to remaiu .... • Mr. Editor ,' your oberl't eery% • • 11:13tAarearto, Eingsluidge, Aug, 2nd, 1879, P..8. -Pending oflicial publication, to repel the slander abovereferred to, with 'yatre per - Midden I wonainform the pilblie there' is the highest authority for the Statement -the doott. tnents are in my possession -that all. insinu- ations and charges respecting a Certain Meta in which 1 Was concerned. were ,,wrong and gronntljeett.t JtB or to Naw °film, Clinton, ' • Valuable :Farm for Sale. • • ' • The East-lc:cif of Ldt No. 21. ',a ike't 11 000011111. Of W111011010111•99 A0e138. ''REING ono of the best farms the County .1, of Huron and situate in -OLIO Of tho. best farming sections, with 'good roadvand good markets. The soil throughout is a.„.1kavy clay loam, well draino•d, anct all good. wheat land. About 84 tidi'd$ are cleared, fenced, and in a high state of Cultivation. ' The buildings aro new, and consist Of a tvfrostory frame dwell- ing, and large berm The orchard is large and hearing: ' This valuable farm will he sold cheap anti liberal terms of payment given, • Apply to W. W. l'AltitAN, elintou Clinton, July Ws 1870, NoTIcg.. A LL ACCOUNTS DUB TO THE GODERICNFOUX. t. 13114110d Inanufaeturing company (matted) Verat be promptly abated to ,avold costs, No persons arean. thorized to 'receive 'payments or make eettiements 031.' behalf Of the Ootonany,etoopt tho undersigned. 110EACE HORTON, Preoident• . 3'0THI CHRISTIAN) Peet -Miry.. dederieh. Itnie 18tl I8/0. • • . . , BBvav:Bs viiivDlis.„- i , roll-filated '1 Shot, Thr $2.50. ' minim »von 'mot .Exeigestv FOlt TEM DNOUStr, untie) AN AND A1TDRIC/41 AligIES. ' • . ONLY A; Lair tED fe0A14. 17TY, M.EACEY'S. ,S11.gibl.11Alti.)WA .13.6401691111771%. COAL, 134.11 MON CALCINED PLA'ST >ft WA PEP Id Jr R. TANT011, 4`ttly 10, 100, Citri 'ad him . .••• • One of Mr. .L.Mu rpby's teams brought to Mitchell, last week, in ono load, 144 bushels. �f wheat. . • al' Lit Armitage of London 'while working in a brickyard, was killed on Friday, by a clay bank falling on him. ' J, Ball, of London, being determined to die, took a large dose of -Faris green, but the dew Wesatptaa4e.. and acted OS an emetic. :Eight •hundred buebels, the first of the oat crop of 1879,. wore sold at Win- nipeg, Man.i'on Thursday, Irt sixty-eight cony, per Inishel. • . • A load of new barley was bought on Friday, at Belleville, at 50c. per bushel, else, a load 'ttf riew-ryo-at-tiresame Teo: • The grain was cif iirst.class' quality. Somequick work was done on the faini of Nr Csliill, of Ellice, recentlY. by Mr. j. McCaffery;,he thrashed 500 .brisholsof fall wheat in seven hems. • A limit extraordinary, ease of Child- birth occurred on Friday 'at the .vill4ge of Canton, where a woman:was *liver- ed of. a child in the priblie reed without an attendant of any .kind. •" Mrs.. Eaton, lin old, lady who has been residing in St. Themai for many year* past, died suddenly 'lately. She was in.. the ea of. th tert• d ing. a', needlewhen she fell'Isreic wards and expired itnnly.,' ' is expected that 20,000 baakets. peaeheri will be shipped 'from Grimsby station Alone this seeson, and this esti- mate seemii reasonable in view of the fact that the trees are literally bent to the earth with fruit. •... .. • At the Ontario.. Teachers' Convention ..heldart Terente, is .. eeolntien wee, pas - Sed. in favor of throwing the •Universi- - .,tradnated there: , • m the . same advantages given to men ties open .to . women andeonle7i7,.. : the •The.committee of the Cruiticla -Metho- dist Charelafer- the Stratford district, to. whom' the qmiticitl iof holding n. camp meeting .was -referred. by the conference, have decided, adversely, and. in ecnpiel, (pence nerneetiog.Will.:.be.held. • • • Extensive ;preparations.. .are being made 'ferthe exhibit .for pro7 dude. • at • the Dominitin. Meetiogs are being held' in different. parts, Of the Province to .arrange the celleation and forearedieg of roots, vege• :tables, grain; Ste. •• •• • • - A man refrned-7-11. of London, died pn Monday,” from Icrckjaw.flo was . engaged in it -fight Hotel about a week ago,. and received injuries Which.Were very serious, He' has since„rmiurined in... hospital; . but never rallied, and diekateritated. L. liartnhurger .13 Co., a large firm, lately failed in Montreal owing the Consolidated : Bank :$60,000. At , e meeting of the creditors on Thursday ten: &mita' on the :dollar were offered. 'Partly sect; red, • ' this firm) the principal -whish I:was a traveller4or. a cigar house, Ceti:mom:ad brisinesan.n the fancy goods lino two or three yetu.s.sinee with- out any capital, and he 18 a fair. speci- men of the clerrs of cuitomera to Adieux the shareholders' money o'. the defunct bunk haS gone, • ••Th e' Emerson 'International,. says Langton,, who owns nearly 1,000 .acres on the ,Pern bine River, sevenaniles west .of hem-isi said te -have 110acres of - as. fine' looking wheat. and .oats as onocould -wish to soe. The seed for .the wheat wair•grown.xm Ni Bradito. 'farm, in the suburbs of Emerson. • Tlie -case of Mr. Langton is an example of wbat energy gen accomplish in. the Recl RiVer 'Valley. • Fornierly in business near 'Petet'borotrgh; Ont., and.nofortn- nate or unsuccessful; Ile correhiclecl to try his fortunes in this eduntry, and - bringing his family with him, came hero ono year ago, and by hornesteadin,g, pre-empting,' and other way,e, secured about 1.,000 acres. of yaltrabre land -,on. the tenibina River, and went,.to farm- ing in. earnest; Next year he eipeots to lieva '250 acres.in crop. .• • • • ' The financial 'community of Montreal waS thrown into A commotion on Friday, lay' the 'ennobircernent. that Me. ,A.ngus,• General hfaintgor of' the •Bank of Wm- tred, had. tendered . his resignatien, Which hed been ancepted. Various • surmises were at once made .ris to the . Cause for this step, which wasregarded nt first thought, as almost it calamity, Iri coniequenco of the unqualified ad- miration for, arid 'confidence ,in, Me: Anges AS it banker and the 'Manager of one 0,e the largestbatiks in the world, 'Upon enquiry it appeais that My, An- gort has tendered his resignation of his own volition itt consequence of his at'- b duotis dales irs,General Manager of the brink. Mr,. Angus is to remove to St.. 1 Fatil,,Minti., where he Will be connect- e ed with - the management of the St. - Paul Mintieapolia,.and 11.tanitoba 3 • • .113. 111014NIES SON, I publishers. • The shipmente efdairy produce from The Dominion Exhibition promiees to Montreal to Great Britain during last be it great success, The Secretary, in awner3,a3mlo8upnateedkatgoe1840,0f 6b9ubttoe7s of awes° a later --" have alroady more entries to this to the Loaal Committee, states date for Ottawa Pxhibition than to the 11 , A. man named Hickey, hist week, on test., boned 10 sheares of oats in One same dale fc'v 1.°E°nt°' 1486 YeaP•OU minute, on the farm of Mr. IT. Wade,. township a Hamilton. A sheaf every. six seconds Would seem to be about as quick work as could he expected frdm an ordinary mortal.- • A, visitor recently counted on Sussex -- street, Ottawa, one of the principal bu- siness thoroughfares of the city, no lese than • forty-seven 'empty stores, princi- pally large blocks. Besides these there wae also the Clarendon House, • one of the largest buildings in the the Rev. A. Merkel, rec- tor of Chester,' was so badly burned on Wednesday, that she died from her inju- ries. She was riding in a carriage with Iter husband, who was smoking a cigdr,- epark from ,which ignited Mer- kel's clothing, and before it could be ex- tinguished -her body was badly burned. l'411110 'Walkerton • Telescope notieek, a Imre' idea adopted by merchant of that town for closine- up old accounts. It is . to Sell them °by public _auction. Due notice of the nature of claims, and the day of . sale, will be given, and any accounts not paid by 'that' day will be sold to the highest bidder. Every debtor Will thus have, the Ammo to redeem his ' ticeount . before. it. ia posed to trio Some months ago •R pretended single lkiimae arrived in ,Otte4m--arid: took beard, at a. Queen street 'heuse:. A weed carver boardirignt.the Seine Jihree becanie .Ona,mored .of and subsequently •mattied- her... Subsequent events. re- ..-veeled.the: fact OW tho. yen eg...woinaill .had been Married. befere;:arq the secetrict, sitting on the Straw stack lied their hats husband took it ngood joke and .was. • airtiefied-te.:let-her-depart-in4peate.-art-Te:6-1-WU:s9fees, return :,to her -legal.. husband.for ditsving water, wliich ddificiy Married. Woman sailed from Que..- Wtis Standieg•near, . wasanstantly killed. 'rejoin ..her hisband,,. Who' knows •Ple grew. etaelz AVlisatit ' bee on Saturday; lolled' for .SPetland. • 'to.. bpi.'17.r was ]IOW one. kna, Iraq. not 'been u6thing..of what.las, own rred-her • .in operation:ten- days;... One of those : .terrible catastrophea • : The•following will be 'of 'interest to ..which We., have .often -te• chromelo 'farmers : " •• a:Meeting of Millers throegiuti too groat nee-of:ardent spirits.; • . beld :lately at Gnelph;- for: the purpose occarred'On. betted the- steamer Armenia of • 'considering tbe present system . of during her pasSage from Toronto to 'Ha - buying 'grain,. it • Was .th.own that. the. milton' On Saturday. Mre..Armatteng, eYstem gives net • encouregemerit to the a:resident pf,Torainto,l, wig -Walking •up .firriner to Clean or offer a 'geed Sample; and down ther.-salOori, With a WO in her" rre. the poor 'sant* always being" More avers, when. it drinikeiftnan, Whoseniane in proportion to its Value than e ;best.. is ,nnknown,:appromni"d74her oiroking a --4.1y74§ therefore ..unaniMenely resolved Ciger. The nom staggered.' and taking that, jingles) to all concerned, they the eigar out of his Mouth shoved 1t would; On and 'after the first day. •ef to one:Of the eyes:sof'. the 'poor little in-. Augrist;•' buy •aCcerdinf 'the .` feet, striking,' the, pupil and instinitir ing.soile, Which is the sante as • the blinding the child. • Tho 'agony .pf. the buyers in the -County of Waterloo have youngster end: the terrible grief of its adopted; and which 'gives' satisfaction to mother 'Fan le better imagined . than, :both buyers and sellers.' Wheat stand- desoeibed. Strange to. say, arrest:'' ilia' • weight of 60 lbs being the. was made, • . ••• • lo. off; 58 Ma:, 2 Off,f.',.,57 iheo standard. • " If only,58 lbs. to the.busliel, It is,said by: ofNers of the Treeittry • trepartniorit Whehington that in fie. 56 ltd.,. and .an additional cent for every. nada 'Were Are ganga of coiners Counter additional ponial Off. • 'felting Ainericuir .There are 'AO. A. heavy ilarfider Storm on • 'W.ednes- bank neteforgers. Who have turned -Out. day of last week,. did the following' da- a -Very goodelooking $5..bill. The lathe mage 'in, Ontario :•-• The. • barn Of G. • work on the con n terfeitis very fine and the Dunlop,' of DeWnie, Was . struck •' ithitation of fibre,priperfair: -.The boon - lightning and -burned, together witir.all terfeited Ohre iS in..rnere • regular liees: his seerien4ile•otip,711Se. Dunlop. bad-inst. than the genuine • and the:back ' entered •the barn ri • load of grain .shade .The greaff'defeet ..the whoa the...lightning struek; one absence of scroll Work Over,. And under of the horses, and -so seripuely injuring tbewards, Series1875," in 'the • upper; Mr. Dunlop that he died. a -few hours .left-hand e.orner' of tlat.firee, • The mills-- afterWards. , A. barn helanging • te. tion was undontitedly -inteetional. • "As.:. Reid, was .struek-and tangy destroyed 3.•• soon as .the .conntefelt extetrelvely ad - the barn was- said to eoetain , 'three, vo.'tlee'L - • differehce • years'.crops. barn and stable,roWned made • public, the. .cennterfaiters • Will sinned, "fir contained his crop and a Penelen, was struck • and' tetally con - by Mclorttlyn,10 • the 2nd eon. of •ncliortile7 .t.h.e. plate. S. O' £7. to remedy: all thei•:,- published defects turd send .forth new largequantity'offali.wheat. which had • ''••• been threshed.onTV it few dart previous.. and nearly all his;farrri .amplements. The wifo of 3., .Wrightnian, of Bast Dunham, was killed by lightning.• The been of J. B. 'Conbey'„ 12, coil, 5; West Paletlen,-..was atruCk, •and berried may rest assured that tbe Exhibition will be a great suceess and that Qttewa will bo put to a severe fest to accointno- date the multitudes that will flock there. Lastweek a little daughter of .Mr. T. Wood, of East Garafraxe., was so badly soalded, by falling into a pot of boiling water, thet. she died the day following. While Mrs. I'Vood. was about to scald her !milk pods- the baby in an adjoining room commenced to cry. She went to attend the hArnt, and tiering her sence the- older child' Maar atm -fried into the boiling water, or wes knocked in bY tbe dog. • Miss Julia Barna Holman, the well- known actress, died at Loudon, on Sun- day, at. the residence of her parents, . Some nine weeks b,sinoe she WES taken ill with jaundice, arid towards the end Iter eonditien, was such that her friends dared soarceiy hope for her, recovery, although medical •skill -of the highest ordee was employed. Sine() her child- hood she had been on the stage, and in ler, professional' career had visited' al- most every portion, of the 'United States and Croatia. . .• • A. fearful boiler explosion occurred on the 14th inst. on the 10th con. of the Township ef_Gpsfield„.7Mr...4. Gor- -don was engaged thrashing Gu»ning's gram, and about ten o'cliie,k, whiLe_the. rn en were standing a round -the - boiler looking at the engineer making' some change the bOilor laTiret, threwing , fregments 2'00 .Yin-tla off. The boiler terned coMpletely over -And rested cm its side., SriVeraf of the: intrties were inj'nred,e-brifsnontr-'serious157::---- Two Men- • .lithiteelfurciu WilaTnert.-:The past week hasbeeii . damp and cold, frost on the morning of the 150, 'Free sites for geistmill; or grain store- houses 'ere offered. here, excellent open - to the ground, with its contents, ing for bUsiness. Woolley's house about two miles We regret to learn that the wife 'of' from Aylmer, was struck and corepletd. •Mr. Forbes, Kinloss., and daughter of ly destroyed, together with its contents. 3'our late townsman, Wm. lirunsden, is The family barely Osealied With lives,. lying dangerously ill. •A hi'ege barn, situate on.lob Mr.. Hanuilton, of this village, has otWest Zorra, peopoity of Mr. T.'Tate, rented the joint stock company's stare- . was struck, the contents, being the ce. house, at Blyth station, and purposes tiro crop of the.farm, were .in half an doing a laro'e grain business. hour it .smouldering mass. Tho policy Our seho.ol begins on Thursday, 21st of insaranee had expired only a few inst. An addition of 16 feet has,..been days. The barn of .1...'Crockett, of Dor- added VP the building. The increase of cheater, was Struck and burned with all pupils attending achool necessitate e its contents, including waggons, buggy, second teacher. Norman McDonald, of the 4th cen., ICinless, While threshing the other day had his hand caught and badly damag- ed, in the gearing of the machine ; he will lose a finger or more thereby. We aro pleased to learn that Miss R. "In her left hancl'ere riches and honer."' daughter of Mr. Thos. Miller, . Walkerton Scheid Board examination, 'Unless, has successfully passed ancl the etrescafs crop of grain. Messrs. 0. W. Watts W. Hoare, and A. Chain. pion Were on their way to St, john's with a steam thresher when overtaken y. the storm. They stopped on the vadand held the horses' heads, bathe atter reared so wildly that the ma - &fiery was all cest into the ditch and broken up. One of the horses plunged with such force against the' engine that. tS breast was.ettt open.