HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-14, Page 8ti CLI i ...i , . . • .- , . NTO NT NL\V ERA kivI BROKEN' "-On TIleStItly, '1 little - Ameeels,,eseeeleeseess boy, son of Mr.-1V'o, -Sheppard, broke 0111.11‘911 ionsexostr. his arm in two 'daces by ct fallfrom a trae. •sesosss are held in the churches in Clibton as fellows ODDPELLOWS. - The ()ddfellows, of _,.., sv11,tas-(osasee reebyteriso)-Ilee A. Stewart. Clinton 3.1t01111, (40dOrie1l ill a body on 472g at 9.45 a,m.; Sabbath school-2.00pm.; g - 01,,,rioAleialaY neXT,"to :4ssist ifs receiving the pastor. Sabbath -11 c„,, tn. and 0.00 p.m.; prayermect- Troyer meeting -Wednesday, 7.se shoe Port Huron awl Sarnia orders. The rail- wey will give reduced fares. No APPEA.1411.-- Aga -lest the voter's list Of this town there has not been at single appeal, somethitig very unusual indeed. The clerk naturally feels well pleased, that such is the Cilf30. , RICKED we' A TIORSE.--00. Wednes- day a boy named Crorilon, working, with Wits Wm. Craig, on the Boyfielcl Road, glIntl41---mta-ZoluttAltivtitattito- s_wateldekedsie. the_facesslaz_a horse, Itie ._ . ----- - ---- --- jaw being shattered, and. the -to -War Pita inueeeneeat Order or Boresters: cANADA.11ETIIO3IST.--Itiw.G.sumerlan1,pastor, Sabbath- 10,30 a.m., and 0.80 p.m.; Sabbathsehool- Om p.m.; young people's prayer meeting-Tuesday,11.00 p.m, ; general prayer meeting--Wedneallay, 8 00 BIBLE CHRISTIAN.-Itev. 3. Thomas, pastor. -W, Chopp, assistant, Sabbath -10.30 am., and 6.20 p.m.; -Sabbath school -2,80 p.m. prayer itteeting-lVednes, 7.80 $T. PAVLS-tEpiseopal).-Rev. 11, C. Mathew, pas- tor, •Sabbath -H. am, and. 7 p.m.; Sabbath sehool-3 van.; publie ttervice- Wednesday, 7.50 paa.; ;elms peopre'a prayer meeting.-Friap.yv.se p.m. TUB OLINTON NEW Elt4. 'Alit,WsT 14) 1870 District Court Maitland No. 1 held its annual meeting in theForester'shall here, of the face badly cut. NOT SO GOOD Loons. ••••••••••••. - Bat few fasteets had been in with grain that day, and the buyers sat in the shade of a building discussing crop prospects, whou Mr. Mauls of Goderich township, drove across the market, His witegoa„ was ttt once nionatea Jay one of ate buyers, who pulled up a bats and, inspected the gran. "What aro yeti giving to -day for wheat r saki Blank, "Ninety-five is all we are paying, but as this is a very good sample, IT1 give yon ninety-six," was the buyer's reply. ‘,‘ Ninety-six the mischief 1" said Blank, and the look of contempt on his face -was -as -visible asestars .ort- a -cloud- less night, "You don't mean to say that this is the best you can do for, fine, 1-1, B. A. f4. --A meetiug of the Dire°. at wheat like that. Even if T do say tors °rale -Hallett Branch Agricultural it myself-, you won't get a better•qiiality Stioietv will Ito held at the Commercial s . ,et than that tide years Come now, mise on Wednesday, the 16th inst. The fol- • , - Hotel, base, OM ;•3aturciay evening, son limo, : •lpwing 9fficers form the executive: -• -o. 9, R. -Mr. D. Stewart, Bluevale. the purpose of completing, do arrange- " No Lcan't do lt,",replied• the buy, - - ii., w. LI, R. -51r, P. Robb, Clinton. . ments for the fall_ show. 0. S. -Mr. J. DW. llowlands# 01httion, . P. -Mr. E, Clarice, Listow 1, 4,-mr. A. Cousins, Brussels, . Tho courts represented wee: • court lloiver of the Forest No. 3, Seaforth-Mr, lirott. 'Court Clinton .1 Maple Leaf No0-Messrs, Wm, Shop% partland E. Hull. " • - .Court Princess Alexandria No. 25, liru,sels -,Idessrs. Oeorgaltogers and .3%„Smalo. • . • Court Nattbod No. 25, Wingham-Dir. John NOlianiht. Court Royal Oak NO. 20, LEsTOW011.-=Mesim.-11,Elli0tt and 1.,"C. Clarke.. Court Douglas No, 27, Ritteinle-Mr. D. Stewart. -Court Prideof the Neat No. 31, Londesboro-Messrs. J. C,'Thompson and John Haggett, • Court Coderieh No. 82, Qocierich--11r.,Thowors. Court Harriston No. 34, Hill71a011-Mr. Miller. . !Court Princess of Wale* No. 115,.Palmerston-Mr. John • • Thompson: . • " The by-laws for -the i•egulation of, the. • cOurts Were passed. • The usual court -huainess was transacted; and variouseattt- ters in the interest of the order were fully discussed. Votes of thanks to Clinton court; for their kind entdtainment of the visiting.brothers, and to the secretary fen his sertFices, which were suitahly acknows ledged, brought . a very pleasant. and. numerously attended Meeting. to a close, Unanimeusly resolved that the thanks of the district court be presented taMeesrs. Clarke' and Elliott for the able reports they presented on by-laws. The. next .• ' • r `. • - -ill rase the niee's l" • . s . and Ballhe, 15, for Carlton, ,and Messrs B ; • meetine alse place -at lastowell on wards seenred theironwork. of -the -bridge, . • - • - - - • .• - • • • -r • •- • s • • " Nos Ono 'red cent "-Waa re Came on, 23, and Fowler,. 12 played -well A Tome CLems..-- :Recently the Mayor received a letter from a Zurich watchmaker, offering to place an .eight • day clock- in: the Cupola of the market -building, warranted to keep good time ' "011, hang the crop in the States," and strike as loud -as the bell *mild bear, was blankrg ejaculation. " What has for the sum of $200. , . that to 'do with Canada, and what dif- --Smshi" Fart 7-t--The-s-other-selay- ferenee-does.Liveepool sittotationsamake., -1- several * small boys vreee before the Haven't we protection to keep mit the Mayor,. charged with stealing fruit. -I-Americans, and: dOn't we eonsiime our Owing to their youthfulness he did not I grain ,here. l'm a National policy sup - fine them, but.•dismissed then) with , a porter, and you ctsn't, fool rue. Didn't reprithand. There is considerable of this Porter and all the rest promiee us good predised around town, and boys, who prices for Calr grain, and we ought*to snould know betteriwillsbe serrely dealt get -it; Why, you don't °filming More- tNieith if brought,before the mayor. . than we get a' year ago." . "Well, I canT help it. If you were Bernoe Comat'Aer.--The tenders for ' er. The prospects are that there will bee pretty fair crop in the States, and tA'S we've, a good cropneve, the -prices will vule lostc. Besides; Liverpool quotations don't leave much of a margin Re it is.". SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS% UELP.M V. CLINTON. On Tuesday last the members of the cricket club played a rnatch with the Guelph club and suffered their fitst defeat of the season. B. Cameron 23, and T. Johnson 14, were the only double scores. The course was in a eery bad condition for the b.owlers, and good betting was impossible. Below vrill lie found the score; BUMPH, man xxxxxos. SECOND ISNINqe. c Howson It camerae 6 net ollt Lock o iiteVii*Oi4i;Y) camerae .10 eta not.bat..., iitaddook o Lash= I> }Towson 71 Cameron 4• Beau 0 b IlowsOu o 'Amhara 1.) Cameron 2 Booklet% 0 Cameron b HoWsou . 1 'lid not bat. Soule run out o Cala- OrOn- I -not -out - Butler b Howeon.. .16 qld not bat Mitchell c Cameron.b NOW0011 6 did not bat conolly not out 0 b Howson . 3 , Xuowles at Cameron. , , , b 'Hailand: „ _, , ,...0 .(na "Ant ista'....-.. ,.... newer run gab '''' • ' • • 1 did not bat son BYO.. ......2 Byes 1 Leg lace2 Leg byes 1 Widos, . 'vides , - . • . :total 58 Total ..... . . - - - -17 Unipiro-Wm. .Taokson ; seorer-G. 1110Taggart, . nowLING ANALYSIS. °yen. maidens. runs. nriekeds Canisroli 12, 1 26.. . , .1 Howeon .., ,14„ 8-, _, -37 ' 2 Harland , ' • 5 2., . 14' Q - - - •- --• C1ANToN. ' Plan" INNINGS. .. SECOND INNINGS. T, Fowler run out b Atiokle .. * . _. 0 b Butler. . . ... -, , 0 .A. lkioEwait iiiki4io.9. 0 lienrY 1.; Re111i.,.. 7 II, Cameron 0 salt- ohell b Henry.. ....21 h Nv b Butler '6 T. Johnson b Ilcury.14 b Henry. 0 J,, Harland c Hewer b Henry 0 It Butler '0 3. Howson. b Butler., 2 0 Booldess b Butlor-f0 J. Laeltatu run out b Ronry 9 not out ..,.", - .... 8 Weir. liansford 0 He- wer b Henry 0 r hliteltell b Henry.. 2 . n. Forester s ..1lIatl- • dock b Hoary 1 e ComitillylfRater.7"L C. Locke not out - ..'4. 0 Itlicklo b Rettry..... 0 II. Bennie 0 Mit011:0)1 b Henry • 0 o Maddock b Butter, , 0 fOOnSil enough to believe the National now ' 3 Byes , . , .. ........ ... „ 1 Policy would increase prices, that is 141112" I Log byes'. . , ...... ... 1 2 wIaes...,, ...... -... 2 the rebuilding of Helps! bridge, „on the boundary between East and West Wawa - posh, wore opened here on rricley lest by the cennty road I CommisSiOnera There ' your fault. Yon won't de any, better," ' Total .. and `de louyer Slid oft' the load and *as 47 ,Total • 27 Nvalling away when.Blank, called Out, CARLTONS• OP TORONTO, V. , CLINTON. 0-.0. • Was fisse offers for the work put in ; that A. match was' played between' en eleven of 111r. L. 3, •Brace, of Wingham, at ' "'Hold on, there. 'I hate like •any- of the above clubs on. Wednesday mi the thing . to , take that, •hut. T want the ToreataCricket ground. Some good bat- vas$2,800;beibgeonsiderably•the lowest., he awarded the centred.. • Tholiiiiiest monerpretty bad, Say, noW,shonestly, tling was displayed on both- aisles -Messrs . l':•tt 4 Ms, T' r f - don't • you think thes Nittional 'Policy ' Ballworths 23 ; rninkil; •12, Andereme 10, the first Wednesday in February 1880' " Well,• I'll be luin0' el ' "I'l• , r . • ...Si ISLE'Amixt3,-INte find that the re- • - , 0 t. , . ve got vo • .1.1 for tlieir respectiVe sopres. --The•arlons - hundred basheis like tide, . and' I didn't _ • were suocessful by 27 races. .. . ,. ,. " -,----•••,—,4-**4•41.--,-:—• • mark:tin eurlast Week s Council lemon • I i • • - DIOR BiNGLAND.-.-Lnet Wedeesday Mr. , „.„. in reference,to Mr. Paisley,. •littea been • AULTI?bis:E0'.01, m..u.is,(s: scalOulato to teke • less than die-tw.entsk• - • man isNi.Nos(1, Chas..Spooner left •on a trip to .the Old misunderstood, Some sunposing ;that he. five for it, but I 'Sweat' it's pretty hard Anderson •It Howsou.10 you oat 8 . . _ . . - ze . 0 II ttY a G rut out o It Howson . • Octuntry. • • .s. r' had been absent front duty frequently,.whon• ends got to take less, I wouldn'tF.s 'anks o Howson b ' --11,ETINSTATED...`"-"-Nrc• D'ART:4' w11,9,s• In jnstice to him,. we might sey.that he e••:-: e.n.c1 .,§o -.snub „about:ado:Jess.: tnyself,;',..a1=11%.-iii•tisaid:•tris '11-P6=8.1'.,F!r.n?!7'.i I) -00ffifia-tif-..iiid-botiiio... iiiiiiiii,:it.,;,,Lti4'btit T'wortedlikir-a-Slirvir'lait-fall,-in..,Hallwortliy:c-Ilowson-',--:•:.,..--,_:. ,; • . . . relii5Viii 7 fib iii .. tli,T.t "hank Wei e wig; an: . . „.,.s. el...Holton ti Clifildroll4 nourreedshtStsseeelqinisleeen ve-inst1 ateciss 1 ,.XOttglIt :np,,tha,t,bul:kad eels' !.)9b,!2•.0i§qt trying -tO,:--,C_011YillOS : my --neighbors- -that- ' Itgatma-elAi-ohe'••ic;a2--1:1,--ss,-7----------- tWic'e inside of Six months,. and then On pricet3 ,s•go .11.p it the.-- y!cl.:oitii- vete Con- Baird . : • 1 e told It Caqiceon '.3 ;11COnflgily,2'.otornipkto...Alo' ntreal.'.. . nocasm.., J o d c e y .._ setvattve,• end when they•sell, and find 'fond ' ' 1 il,n1 ' 4.. ul s are I be avoid- . i • . Borland b Baird. „, 0 not out .. . .. ...,•0 • amilcIotr"'DADAfig.'-.L•L: OA' Friday-, !mai> Damson; 2run oat o: .:-.. ..edratid had also-secured-4v- Person'.to--they a.in't lip-uor: lik.elys to, -be, ' tlieyt. .110.6,(itSricks on . ...... . 0 . _ j•)..(7, al."°F,7....t. :Weatitot Ovening last -seine Contemptible' Wretcli- attOnd to the eel -feral duties 'for -the time si • • . hall- i . h.,. ...1 ir , tl ' „ e . , I-, . ... ,,, ve me co tun a., :. nee • ns • namei"not. out • • • ' • 1 b lIewson . • • 15 hurled 'a large -piece .or brick through •• Lowrey assents ..,,: o • s -nowsert --.1 being. : •. • , , ' • • • . • • ' much, I'll never be such a feel: to •wolle• gums- r... ..... ... 40 'Extras. .. . • .. . . .. .. ,..2 the . gigs !front door Of -.W. Q. Searlo; . PRRSONALS.---44. ,ThS.• Whitehead is' this' way again, and I don't know. but ss. ..Tetal ' _ Mayor.. It is supposed testi:iv° been .65 • ,•Tetal • 48 in town ; he reporte thinga as -very pa- What I May jump. the 'fence myielf." - •dane oat .ef spith. , . . .. . . CLINTON. , • antragin et it the north-west. • s s • ' ' As he took the ticket from the bUYer, 1 In81 INNINGS. . 'SECOND INNINGS. ,..1.4.-. Lneer 'ron Kases,fOri. 'Monday Mr. _ .1V.I.tS, floss, (daughter .of Mr. ,White- lus gathered:sip the reins and itarted•for •"1"4".""tarb Bloke 2..0 tillilwOrtlib camp ....° his Dfiiid'.'Wfv.ie,-01:-, the .6th corri--of Hui- head)retur ned from lianitoba, on Fliclays storehottee, the leek oface e - m 'rt ' 'i, '..'Mr. Jas, Kerrr etarned from the same dicating•aeything 'het pleasuiv at the • onstoWn nnanteten 0 c 0:10-ateif I; ii.;riina 7 Fowlsr 0 Thanitton b ' ' " . • Blake • 1 ' 1.1 Campbell. . • le ' lett3-eccomparded by one . Of Ilia sons, . . . . . . , . the . left here for Kangas, .where he purposes place the stun° day. ,••;:-,..s...•••, . . . .: successful Working and profitable.. re-, . - 23 a o • patting in a fell ,crop in some land lie • Rex. P.,Straith, (sett of Mrs P . Striiith)' sults of the- blerised. N. P. • IlCameron otIaltWoettx • . • • artana b Blake : .,.. 7 b FHamilton h Fraussranks • 9 has rented, and to which he intends. retttreed •freut prat#orow, Manitoba, on • .1.1towsini b Borland- 1 b 'Campbell 0 ' - moving .his &Mils, next spriug. - , 7 . . • Moildays ,:' Ire -hes'betin la.boring at s etsaviTostA ANIS, DAliOTA: ' Laskara c atid,h lier-. • • 'Baird b Borland. .., 2 '.b Compbell Owns= No'rEs.--Saorament Was ad,' Intesion woNs- therafoe &out two years,- • • • . 'ministered in connection. With the •Me-' but not liking the location, • has accord-. : -TIM'fellowing extreete from a private, , ' Blake • 1 13 Ca tupben."...-- •., o thedist Churoli, on Sunday, alaige num - inglyreturneds • .• ' • ' ' letter, reoeiV.ed by a gentleMan here from toorxtenrol) trltoul: g 1 Introiliccfaiii 0 0 'bier partieipating ;therein. - •• Rev. Mr,. Mr. and Mrs: Richard Irwin 'left last Mr. Chas. Morrow, • Fite -of • this plepe, . Extras - - 4 ' ExtraS, 6 , • . week .for a trip tunong the-. Eastern . and: will be of interest :• -4-. . • . ' • ' Total ,.. .47. ' Total -. • 30 • .. ' Stewart etecurded the C. P:. pulpit, Se.a-• • . forth, on Sunday, Ids place here being .Southern •tStatee., • • . , - ' .'s ' ." I went etraigheop to Winnipeg nn my :iv ,Clinton. tieket,;., the city is much Vetter .Caiii.---A football CIO) has supplied in the morning by Rev. Mr:- J. 's••••Mis. J: Ounninghtnieland•lifisslL ',I.' . 3: GOTBALL than.' expected, to.find • it, and is; in my been fox medhere-With, a Membership Of -Barr, of Ilarpurlia,y, Mid „Rey. Mr. Stevenson left en,i Visit•t0 I).etroit yes.: opinion, going to 1:MR. large eitY in a. very . about thirty: John .Thtneford, Captaie, . Craig, in the evening:. • ..., , ..,, .:, ,_ •• terday, , ' . -• s , 1 ,.. • .. • .feW years. The 'sail is' onaitf. the richest • , . Corbet Locke, Sec •The clui. . - C.OLIAII toNE PROIIIIN.•,--•Ori Wednei- • • The wife Of - Senator' Ail -mils, ' of • To. on the Continent; ' aad Will some clay be a 'commence praetice at...Once, .. 'ond.:4-qay. <lay' evening of last week, Mr. W: Weir; ronto,' Oirether.of Rev. Mrs. Sutherland) splendid coentry, INA this yearit 18 80 wet. . of the Bayfield Oen., was; unfortenate. together- with her daughter; are Visiting 1 did not go out west at all, . -besides, I got tinder the Rugby rules, : ...' . . 'cliigusted with. the. way the Dominidn. enough to break, his collar bone, •While • , . . . . here, . . ... ..-..,:,:..`• :' ' : . . . • *Government have im.pdled the lands. A Fiiir;,- A tire, Sup pOsed ,:to . be in . the letting- int2 rt tea,g,gen.. • It seems *that. man that wants land Must ga back I-50 . a few days •previously, in lifting a berth milea before be can get any •withont -he . ,power, he haderacked the hone, (though not pays pretty clear for it ;' all the good lands ,iiet aware Of...it it the tiiiiiii)• and -the ex- arereservel. I -left Whinipegifter a fear ertioit,ol' 0`etting igte .the.waggen, cean-- day's residence:there fully impressed that pleted the fracture. • . • . " it no distant' day it will the.Chicago. of . • Canaan.; went up. the river by steaMboat . CLINTON :Fing BAIDADR.-ThR 11101ithly to Emeesen, •with the intention of geing, meeting of the Brigade was held on the west bf that, otrt-ltr -the Pembina. n;oun• i 1th inst. There WAS a fair attendance tains:- The same oldutory, no good land. e.00d. order. Barley will be O. fair crop, ef smenshire.*:, The eegine.inid - engine nearer_thaa. 100 miles west, all reset:red :.--. • • for- Ruislans, ; Oansidiani.-can go .!west, or oats yery good, peas end spring. wheat, - houses:-Werastheroughly-cleanede when want, so after teso day's thinking over the . : ottly middling. Root crops promise; an Luke Treueesscaptam,, 'leek sate Omits • 4. little' routine business was trenseeted,S Inetter. I"cerite to the conclusion eet to gp ,abundent yield.' The general operatieas GODER1CH TOWNSHIP, Tmennas.-Mr Donald Ross has hetet engaged in school section No. 11, Gode- rich township, for the year 1880. Mr. john Smith, the present teacher, is going to the Normal spited, to finish his pro- fessional examination for a second-class certificate. RUNAWAY. --Last week Mr. Thomas M. Elliott, of Porters Hill, drove a load of barley into the bare, and it be- ing -dinner time, he was just getting off the waggon when the homes took fright and ran out, scattering the load pelt moll, In their mad career they ran over a new reaping machine, almoat to tally destroying it. They then ran over a picket„,fencesend gste, and finally were stopped by colliding with a tree, which broke the neCkyoke. The wag- gon and rack were badly damaged. • .. , , . . .iana .. i not out.. .... . . ......: 9 • Ralleford c Borland . ..s s_ _ .,- ' , • • • .,•,• ..„.• ' ••, .• •,, • .I.T.t.liS" •.4.T.E2mED,-.11 may,. oaturuey's vide*. a. Eke -afield, was noticed from and Sunday lest were ate cooleitsdaye here list Melt. We oeuld. not ads. experienced WS stunnlelc• imported niornires tearnikany partictlam in. zofer1 tomatoes and gmPes were. last week' mice there:Ws ' • . . selling its town at. -10 and , 20. cents a THE OROPS.- -V p to yestercley the pound, respectively, homegrown thetas •Weatherbas been very favorable for the toes Sold itt% the. - same; A. umber .of ingathering of the crops; and many have I. - Brnsselites•eicusioned.eo Pert Stanley ltusTawar11.-111014net eveningjgiTT-last week a handsome spen horses belonging to Mr, D. Shanahan, of the 3rd con. 9f Hnllett, that had been tied to the fence for a:feAv moments, broke away, and started yen- ning wildly. The vehicle to which they were .attached, was soon detached and badly broken, the horses shortly after being caught. - e02121ENDABI.E.-.A, few days since the sen of Mr. W. Spindler, of the 5th COB. Of H11116ttcdiffd'frOM40Ter .--The•stokness and the preparations for his had prevented the father cutting his fall wheat, which was getting too • far ad, van*. What was his surprise, the day after•the• funeral, to find that a number of young men had „cradled and bound ' • ' GODERICH. VAcANOIEs.--It is said that there are fully one hundred vacant !losses hems, some landlords having foer els' five empties on hand: , •13orLen • ExeLosiosts - On' 'Monday 'morning a boiler exploded in the plan. ing millbof Robinson Lawson Buchan- an, situated tear ti -se railway. ft is suppeggcl the' boiler had been idiom ed become tamest empty and that Cold -wa-- toe was let in. The•dortneof the• boiler, w,eighieg one hundred and fifty pounds, was ,thrown one hundred yards, and other. piece -of the boiler were .found still farther aWay. Wm. •Robiesen, son of iNIrs llobitison, was badly inktred; probably ..fo tally, He wa"s; fennel. w.ith rjcETIR, RorAL Am% Masosue.-.The ing officers were regelarly installed in Bxeter on the 7th, on the opening of a new Royal ,A.rch Chapter 1-0. It. of C., by lit. Ex, Comp. I. If, Toms ef (lode - rich, D. D. G. Superintenden't, assisted by Ex. Comps. Benson, of Seaforth ; F. J. Lawrence and Chas. E. Robinson, of • Gederich ; Ex. Comp. James Sutton, Z.; Ex. comp. Wm. Matheson, II. ; Ex. Comp. F. G. Simpsoe, L; Comp. Geo. Samwell, S. E.; Comp, Theo, Gidley, 8. N.; Comp. George Wiless, Soj ; Comp, Wm, Hayden, Asst. SO ;. Comp, W. H. Burke, jun. Soj ; Comp. Henry O'Neil, Janitor, 1(1011141.0 ES1rit L L . harvest, home pieniests talked .pf 'by the peeple .of sans_ Nw'teeeirtkisty, .to -take place in about two Ilenoven.---Mr. Love our . village shoemalcer for seine time! pa,st, has ro- nooved to Seaforth, ;where be purposes improving the understanding of are pet). ple in that town. We wisit.hint success. 1 Cosy Wool) Bungrai.-On Tnesday a spark from a passing engine ignited a ! pile of cordwood, belonging to the Grand I Trunk Company, Our farmers turned ' out to a Men; but notwithstending their -exertions- to -check -its • progre.ss3 twenty-five cords•Were oonsumed. . SPRAINED WRIST. --On Saturday of last week, .Mrs. 1VIiller, while driving a cow from her garden, fell, and, it was - feared broke her wrist. Medieal aid „. _ veaeLannimorif4,..w.hen_its_wass found tO__s_L-. • be a severe sprain; undeteeereful atten- tion the wounded arm is getting along nicely. • :•,„-„, . . STREn TuesdaY, .0 steer belonging to, Mr. R. Ferris, was struck • by a passing train, and rolled down an •,--- enibankment fifteen feet high... Unlbotc-: . ot's declare the steer must have taken a heavy dose of electricity, by the way it got tlown tTiat litukk., • - LL BMW's. The'followitie are Cie -dates of the Vail hibitions of Agricuhural.8thifetiis in thisdi- I-Inflett Branolt, at. Clinton, Taesday and • 'Wednesday,. latk and .17th S,ept; • South 11. ut.op, at Seaforth, en Thyreclay and . Friday, Sept. 25t11 and 26t1t. . ' East Ruron, at Brussols.011' Thursday. and ' 'Priday, Oei. 2nd And 8rd. 'Meet -H•u Stephen and Ushorne, at Bieter, on Taos - day ami Wednosdoy, Sept. P.S'rd. nod 24th.-, T raberry; at WinglittliK'ou- Thursday and. -7" •-ll'iddiiy; Sept 2:3tb anti seta, nest • Wawanosits. at. BelgraVe •day, Oct, 8tb.. , - • 7411114.-.031., Ili 41; 7l1P(.1 ho sustamed He had one arm brok is • j w- f MO- Astrid-, "MA bedy•- lathes- Buehatan, a* son of Mat of the' propric-• tors,Swee badly scalded, but Ito bones woe broken. ITt is very ilOubtful if he ivll recovet. f Robinson has died Singe • the alioVe was type.) • Sub$cril)e. fgr. fie IOW VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON, ONT. xx \VITA. OPEN' :ON MONIST NEXT, •: got in the priucipaleportion thereof in on Thursday.. Large titimbere eengre- gate at the, stations nightly. Only e few went from here to 'Point Edwerd, on Tueiday. A. gentleman who recent- ly removedhere from another pelt Of BO far from 'a railroad, if possible. Em- Of haryeat be completed earlier this alert it *as 'resolved that one hundred Ontario, was infOtened, prior to. his re- copies of by-laws be printed; and that, niorasi that as; no freit grew up 'here, She brigadameet for practice on. 'Men- he. would have to pro -Vide* a sup143%. day eyening, 25th inets, at 7 psmssharp. This is a caie of ," where, ignorance is A'InV VARIETY , or Want; *Last' Wigs." Quite a heather hereabouts have eprie,g a largo quantity of a variety of got bib on what' -is known as the f3lckle wheet called the Arenecte was sown in this nitipplillerhood; and has been found. to turn out very well, the grain beirig large and plump, and proving midge proof; it is bearded, like„ barleys Q11 ._,Jection is taken to the grain by mfilers, ' adcount of its „hardness,. and .dark color, but if it can he grown successful- • ly, we presulne faerners Will . grow its and Millers willAtave to find some way of making- use cl it. - • Grindieg swindles Farmers won't. fhiq a bettor placesire the county to do their treding, than Clinton.. , THE Itustatr op . Derses.-On Tude-. day night a men waS fOund lying in the rend, -.A.IheP44 Street/ and a horse and buggratanding 'Ora yin a ditch close by. A couple of residents thereabouts who had Come to his assistance, felted he was not badly hurts but considerebly (intik., ',Suggesting that he had better PRESENTATID.Nt'7---011 Frielay evonieg go. to a hotel for the night, instead of the tettehot s and officers of the Metho- driVing home, the fellow asked one of dist Sabbath Schoettnet at Slieresidenco his assistents to get, in the buggy and of Mr, Wm. S. Milan& foe the weekly aCcompany Mtn thither, to see that no stedy of the lesson; . Ho being ttbout 'to 'farm bad him, This he roseced to do, remove to Winghtun, they took advise- andlesot in but the snan retained a tight thge of the micasion to present Mr. and bola on the 'fince, backing the buggy Airs. Harland, (who were both cennect-• into the &telt, throwing both out, and e(1 with the Sabbath School) with the -baggy on top. Singular to say, the Wheddon's Commentary on the New man helping was the Only one hurt, and Testament, 4 vols. complete, and a copy the fall sobering up the ether, set loose of Smith's Biblical Dictionary, acom a utost abusive tongues which was be - palsied by an appropriate address. Mr. stewed ungrudgingly on the one who Harland who was centpletoly taken by had came to his assistance. The fellow surpriae, gratefully acknowledged the then made two or three tripsup and down gift. They leave next week for Wing- the street at It reekleria pace, eVentitally heal, arld'eatry,With then) the.Well-Wish- houdinglor his hoine . in the 'vicinity of es of a Mtge circle of atquaintalices. T.Andesber0, ' erson in 'Manitoba, St. -Vincent in ,Min- ;than last year. , - - - . ;. • .. • ..- n.esota, and Pembina iDakota, • aro • all .- within two miles of each ether, just at the .• K. 'CEP rrilE,F. Ovr.,-.7to, -.viesy of :the beundary line. I Went totheland office many burglaries. of- privato. bowleg, oe- in Pembina ; jionTeetead'Inact could be bed, • . coring .01 oyer tho. country, an "e‘ 2c- - .so two of us hired.a horse and rig. and •changeseniibly suggests that. p6dIars Of iiint•otti td.sosome -of it, eta were iiretty. dinall wares ahould not be alloived to .w01:016ased with the prospect. I thoughts enter private dwellirteS at -all; . fca Ode .1 weeld go back if I could net strike sw"e' 'reason -Th; inajeriCy, of thMn cerry thingsbetter, although I think it. a splendid ,...,ty ,,.,Lt„,k the„ A, not wish ts gen, and npoomg, fthiuk 1 havo done better here. •"".." "•'-'""' ,.° ‘'.'" . ,.. ' .1 have bargained for op aeree, .en. the" only Outer pi wow dwannas at all, for terms, for five years, lam to go on to it right the sPurPoge of Wing- how.thede nre con, teiiii•e, (he my Mend) WM .1)0 up a house, struded in order to. accomplish -an act stable, find all the horses, ploughs, wag- of theft at Melt. Of eourse itis iln- Vas and everything that ii -needed ; he is to. 1lag0 lialf the crops and bear -half the .poisible to tell how a burglar . knows so expenses. Out of my half 1 will have to well where V riluableS... would likely be pay him -back half the original cost of the kept' 'without being lorewathd, -. but 'it horses and plant. At the end of five years seems clear that the above illustration we •divide everything,. land and -all, each is foended upon fect,sted it wants more taking half ef everythtng. .Thes land only that more supposition:to prove that the impPast . •.' , . CHRISTY'S ENGLISH STIFF HATS, CHRISTY S ENGLISH SOFT HATS, •• • "• . ' AMERICAN FINE FUR HATS, AIVIERICAN WOOL HATS s CANADIAN FELT HATS. • Our American veils wo. import direct from: .Buffitio and. • L'New York, they comprise .11 •bettlitiftti assortment . show.. di lead ing 1tne in CHRISTY'S:. STITT" gag . . • .0nr. steek .0i. "fin,t.s QANNOT .04:(141,11,11.4) in: tOwn , . . , • • • arid ve. find our business steadily on tile inerease2 . , the same tonna fili the great Dalyrymple .1 ttffl' IthICETVED, PEI: S. S; (.4ANADIAN, • cost him 00 cents per , tiara This it -just majority of burglaries are not committed. has, only on a smaller scale, I would not without the burglar 11i1Y1116" 801110 know- ,. • . . ' - take $2,000 for oly bargain now. if I could. ledge of the place beforchandeatd what oCOTCH.. TWEPIDS . not get another likecould no it, which I t °Ur" ."'y a stranger "'Id l'ave °F 1 bale f FINE S here. . Money hero is made by the thou- gaining Information than the above,- it , sands ymybrother.iulaw waft offered:1(v oue is not easy to calculate, The only safe ' . • ' . • eection, whielx cost hire $4 per acre, three weyie not to allow a peddler of any de - years since, ,$20 per acre, this was yeettr. seteption whatever, unless 'he is well day, sq,000 cash down, and the balance in known- to enter the weinises. The 'a ehort time. Thie is the way thinge go ' tise 1, . , , - stores are toe oireapest p ace in the end on here.'.' ------64-0.4.---- .... to buy from. The, regular established SEVEltat of our readers are so well business is the proper establishment to pleased with Mr. T.. -ilegyard's letter patronize. Wehave no Coriffdente tylett- on Maniteba, that they,,express the hope ever in stted peddlers of any deScrip- " ho will do it again, ' 'Porn • will no tien; and the most a them are nothing doubt oblige his kiends at an aar)y. day,. nIbrq or less than ii band of rogues, cLINTON.. 1. •PURCII ASED IW ,M11. JACKSON, IN SCOTLA.ND, .AN1.7 COMPRISING A MAG/NTI-WC.ENT BANOB OP GOODS, Jackson's Clothing House, •