HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-14, Page 721.13“1.'teT 14, 1870
ER On �YJI1.1,. id the center of a vast mineral region—
r.p:Amozn, ceteeleseetres leo, lens two railways are coming, her imelters
mem, of forme builiers_eity or aro Arst-elass, 'end there is no reason to
dust, log cabins, shanties, frame houses doubt that the city will continuo to be
—built of pine awl rcady for a first. a permanent mining camp, and a ills
class centiagration! City of extteeees. tributing depot for a Jorge area arouse,
twos., mitm broken,. bosk_booses,. sa. trv, -and be able to euppot.t it consider
loons and ,gttobling deus Datighter
of the mountains, bigh bore, (10,800
feet high,) if not higher-hred, hut two
years old, yet full-grown, scene of few sue -
ceases, of ninny disappointments, what
of her 1 This, et ery. tatty. For one for-
, tune made here in legitimate mining
ten aro male by downtight lying—real
'stolen pure, spectilative lying. .0ome
nothither, thou manorenaallmenneennt
but rather go west, buy rich eastern lands
make a home, virtuous and happy, ti.s tint
nearer way to fortune and heaven !
In 1860 four thousand miners, merry,
recklees, jolly, washed millions front tho
California.Gulch along which the °mho-.
nete smelters uow transform the rough •
yellow silver ore into huge bullion bars.
able „population for many years to come,
But it is a fatal error for people to
flock hither, as many hes.° found out,
expecting to shovel up fortnuee sudden-
ly, or with any degree of certeinty.
Prospecting for a mine is a very pre.
carious way to fortune, and •not one
per cent; of those who pursue it, ever-
realiee on their Ventures, Ivbile thon.
Saab bankrupt themselves in vain et- '
fort to force these rock.ribbed moun-
tains to give up some of their treasure..
Look at some facts, dear reader. If
you will turn to any current number of
the it'eee Kerk. Minipnleecord, you will
find in its list Of dividend! paying mines',
only four credited to -.Celoracro. This,
it is true, includes only stock coneerns,
In "i6 Jim Gallagliete poor_fellow, .but as :nest „of the ,hestsnnnes..ere of
struck it rich,' and a new er a dew/led-on thie5httraotiere411.0 lietetfoede a tolerable'
the old Gulch 4 digins'' DiscO-vere After' safe elle to the prOdts of the busineas.
discovery. was ,made, mote. et' less i•ich, The total product of all the gold and
generally less e oNvners edrouly advertis-
ed their aside,' and hence Leadville.
Front the roOthilliof ilie equito Beege
on tLe east, recedes:a broad park, west-
ward to the A.t kiinsas riverand on this
is bitilt the great miniog camp. Beyond
the river rises the SnOwyllange, the dome
of the continent, its timber fine 11,500 ft.
above sea -level and itself:omit shrouded
with eternal snow. ie
On a March evening, packed in, a
eetech Plirry ...thirtemt .9,1 her .. ptIgrint sr
after two deys of roughing it up the
valley frorn Canon City, creeping noW
along the edge of fearfel precipices,
again through the level but ettrty plaie,
through clouds of duet end summer
iteat, v.:oar correspondent f.aelied the
large quantities of buffalo meat, wild -
turnip beads, aud hot caldrons or other
eatables that are nameless. The awn -
011C0 was composed of about 5,000 In -
diens, but as only thenten occupied the
circle within, the common people, wo-
men, and boysrliad b be satisfied by
vtewing the performances through the
interstices in the leaf? barriers, All
had their holiday at4ire. Tbe thesses
of some of the chiefs, and those acting
as directors or priests, were gorgeous.
'When all was prepared,. amid Ito,
waving of banners, music, and loud
shouting of the 'assembled throng, Weer
fifty braves entered—each an Appolo—
painted and naked to the waist, except
a prolusion of ornainents, with head -
0 dresses of beatitiful feathers, their black,
glossy hair reaching down to their
er garments, which wore most beauti-
fully- and artistically arranged. Each
carried' "in bis hand: an .artiatnentail
whistle .r-natle •froth the bone Li an
eagle's ming, which Weld blown. shrilly'
during the dancing. Each .also car-
Vithi bouquet:cemposed mostly .of the
Wild eage, Their appearance rind. re-
•ception Neese growl and-finimstog.
The -first . afternoon's .performance
.wonld have been palled wonderful for
Hsjliy Ofleroism and power to endure
and euffer.: Many had from. fifty to
two hundred pieces cutout of the living
flesh from their arm s and back. e The
dence,wasicept•up :UR night with uns
abated fervOr, every' • perforinence
in something Ile* and Startling. But.
le, elle inornina torture reigned anplente,
tu-en dancing with two; three; awl fear
• buffalosheles. suspended front .holer. erit
ini.their flesh. One Indian dragged on
the groUnd, eight -in -Wald head a fastened
in the ft* ortile hack; end in•the.
steeping • posture he' was forced to as
erone they had:lacerated-or- torn -the.
etas itt his hack to the extentof three_
city uf unlimited peetessootons,.of etudsleekes1 with liars, and onfortimetely. ttichese • Others were .held. hy four dlr.
slush, suow and soft pfitiA• 14)1.y 1nw1 imene of them aro' them literary fellers,' Went coeds; two in ths breast and two
using it liberdliy oi.f.ui.ry xieff.-0 ,aier. who eau write,end'are ofteuhieed,to wi it in the backeLfastened to stone Stakee
Enteritis the 1 t tit il*;b 1 fli;6s-. op.great thinerel'outptite':eindellsertessiesia„.' and still others were faatened to the
olaet,d iu- :ire city 'cam,. tory , casting a There are whele i gunen ts. of them in cenOrleile•VvI. -fare
lurid and cerlieene glare •.0 vrr :many Coletado.who. lie by eentract, and Jareterud to the breast and back. •Serne;
oew-tado grase'
's • abawing the -earth oftettin •thit. employ of men whe_ follow' n addition to Wog .fastened by the
that others noglitei
be dog on the ine,oet
; he ,burainess of' founding new. towns, " flesh of their breitets,:badituffelo head
for other victims. • • ' -Wining•eampS,'• which they hasten :to uspended. .from the back, and. :they
Then and Tut inonthss:rienent lodging q. out' jilt° town' lote, aed.then •tley would be. seiked by the hanginoeheads.
and jetired unlit one wonld think. their
' for man heeis
-or heest' wee.. liar d ' to find out purcs'. fellow etrikefe
half a bunk in fl °MAIL Wit If thiSty to a little Surface earbonete, and 'forthwith life • Wonid. be • forefeiteda Others made,
'7':617.f5;nOO7 tt7EAVTRITS"Tfa'tarrerirri'll"trlirPtttriefied"Til-gTell4;41-1$0•11- •••-cr.'1.0/4.....40Vt§,,,.40 • 'bi'euk
was ..th.e..,:usti at i 'iott. A- fa.), u felled" ''.2.40.1odn'itty *or conree dt'stined:•to bedoften- noticed • the'eAnteetfinente to be
rs1(H-o-5.:41:91.0.111111.4t.e.ii,..ax!,Qkuir:fnehes. feomeethe-
and tor waist, .of better,. torn, ettett en 'State, . Aelance..hoitee; with faded bean- body. ..Sothefell faint and exhausted; mid
floors, Or stood 'ap• :and dreanyvd *thotie nUrl red bot ltquoz a; is opened;.rendy 'with .wild shouts, and the din: of Music,
s7ars Stosvergsteresuolte41-Niitli.-941. tinelusen
Gain bliug hi earl brothels. 'held., high ries of the eirastok 7,-eti.:-4-posters'estyl ()dee
• re lry itid hash -and Igdeing,' places .newspaper 'is started, thetthe virtues'.
took the seta' and worry tendeetoOte :Or -the Phtee may he. duly set forthewhen
in, Basil:esti tote sold lit. $700' and. the speenlators ore ready'for • bnsiness.
rept:: rauged fi out $300 tr., .:$1,3.00sper There are several such .places in Calera -
month. Hay woe *teeth $1,40 per •ton, do. .:• Let putehaders look :o.htseor as de•
mirk mei dollae per galoti.leuii Jersey • •pot earda read, ," Re tea re of pickpocket"
lightuing 25 cents per shoelese-thiuk of A to the expense of ufl, it boats
silver mines of .the State, for 1878,
amounted to. $9,000,..909!. Divide this
sum, vastSas it is,amongnIl those who
sought for the lucre, and definctiug ex.
.pensete • each man would iipt,..feeve a
dollar, since • more money is ell:Ways
gpsnt in developing a' 01101'4 ceuotry
than ts itt iny:giVen ;period, dug but.
After all the blow about • this emit, of
the thousands of &Lifts sunk in. the dU.•
trict, not 30 are yielding' are, and but
17...ere4e1ivering-'dro4o the smelters..
Few of these are giving a first-elass to,
turn—sAy 50 to 75 'ouilegs • per ton,
Iii 3. C.110heing • eonetantly
published 'of immense yields usver yea-
ized , and of heavy sales- ireinweiteetreft--:
ed. This wicked 'world is largely over
• •
much of the grain unn,t rot in the fields. ,
On our way. recently to and from the ,
monntednia /two diller;eit retiree), I oh -
served that at least half of the 'whoat •
WO paseed was lying fiat and tangled in
the field, heater.' down by the rain ;
atorme, All Will he difficelt to out and
meth meet tot or sprout befoee it caol
he secured. Adding to tine the immense
amount at grain ana other food crops
destroyed by- theinundation last month,
tied it looks as if • Sinerica would be
called upen to feed Germany, as well as •
Engletel anti Ff•ance„ next winter.
White Africans.
1' 1IB under4ignedlias oreurd 41 1.11Tn0FS taiop in the
.1: miece tasieocceeIcci by ,
Where he will heap on hand flU assortment et us' arti.
pjeg ancl, storlt i.istutly found In a stole of this kind.
Oclog a practical workmen, bola p1•0110TELlto:oxeoutoAll
ordara in goodstylo.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
• Givv. Xi X Al A C A I.
Clinton, gay it, 1479. STEVW.S8.
18 •
•331Hjor Pinto, the Pottngueee explor.I ,,
j . s 7'7.
er, who has just cvoseed Africo from,.
13enguella, southwestward to 'Nota1,1LIVEAPOZ—•-LONDONDIRRY-ALASGOVi.
tl.seribes a race of-whie men rolleZed by I
him near tht
e head:palters of the d,. I SHORT7ST $2A PASSAGE,
ix.,.zige op : ; . - ... , . . 1-eawn,34itersittedialeandliiit,e0gel'irk:
- 4. It one daynoticed that one of the ets tat Lowest Aketae8.
carriers was ft white than. ' He beton ,
ed to 4 lace eutirely ueknown up to titgi;1 EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC..
August 2nd
c •
peesent day. A great white people ex. i srsirertstrail.,..ee.............. .. :, . :. ... . ........
ist vie SolitS4.-kfeiee,,,Zir n Vie . is ' .149.,nnuAvviaAteN .`". ....... : ......... ....:. • ,...• " .21•3/1111
Ceneasians, ilia in-place- bring out friendsrome old of hair havel.eos,vegstee. , -. .
rattles desiring to fth
• '
Oaseequer; they are winter than the , ewee
country, can savq. ineptly by pirehasing x repaid mild-
wites t 014 the agent in Clinton. .
. . . ..
Liverpool,' 'IsondentIerry, (..,,E.a.sge-w; Queens's,
•town, 13'elf4t, Lonctbn; Bri$tol, cardilf.
row at:n elephant the shaft is complete- sor threligh tickets and every iutOrtaatiOn apply to
ly butied in- the auinitiliC body. They1 'Agent, Clinton.
, a' d 1 1-91 . Clinton 'May 00,1878
live en roots and the ehitee • n 't I ' ' '' "
. -
enly whetethese supplies fail them that j ,,,,:aseass
they hold any relations with the neigh- I
hotieglace, the.A.m4rtelds,.--from—lkhotit
The CassegnareS are an entirely noma-
11 1
dic rece, and never sleeptw,o.nights in LINDE-ill-.
they oletaiifood in exchange for ivory.I .0
the sante encampment. They aro the
only people in Africa that do not cook
their feed -in pots. They, wander about
in groups of from freer- to six families,
Over all the, territory lying between the
Cochi and tthe Catango. It would
seem that frotart oroesing 'of the Casse-
queres with the negreen ii'f other yabes .
sprang those mulattites-ofejlreeetenth,
•whorn the English call Bushmen. The
latter are, however, better ofr.thanethe'
Ca ssequeres, and use pots in oboking their
foods' while 'their dis1ositions4a1Fgood,
though quite. opposed' to civilization,' '
their heads covered with elnall tuftt „pt
• very short. wool. Their cheek bones
are prominent,theirs elms slike_thrtee. Of
the Chinese, The men are cstretnely
isohnst. When.theydischarge, in ar--.
• 1ttdoy. Life. ,
What a, truly bSatitiful World we live it! .1
„and, beeirns; and thouiiifida of mean's:1'614 ens
isameate-isselYseserensestioyeeno better when
perfeetylietilth ; but how ofiiii-acithe
ty of people feel like giving it up dishearten-
ed, discouraged -Rad worried put with d' ense,
when -there ie 4o:PeosioW-for--t4iC- Trq.„ -
every eltireterr calf aa'atly obtain 6.tisfac ory
proof that Greeir'S August Flower. will mike
them as free front disease as when born: Dys-
'pepshi and Liver Camplaint i tho • direct
pause of seventy. fi Ve per cent of such; make.
dilis as Dillionsness2indigeStion,, Sick Head-
ache Costiveness. Nervous ProStration Diz-.
• ziness 'of:the Bead, BalpitatiOn of tab Heart,
• and otheidistresalug sy CU pietas. Three doses'
Of August FlOwer will *prove its woncierfel
• effect. Simple bOttles, 10•cents. Try it'.
,it, ve five cent ',guzzlers,' 'and
•.13nldngs went lt mushrooms, ara
hammers volleyed likein gm kntry While
e dozen eel nai I I bueied with orders for
• 3u in bet. lat.10.0._ por..thotieesel.,echaii-
it's canted $5 per day, laborers 5'2.50 to
ribont;$1,000 to sink a Shaft 100 feet,
as much. More to prepere, to work' it,
if pay -ore is reached. The Whole busi.:-
iiess is attended at all stages,' not only
witlitexpeese, bat with such innumer-
able -uncertninties, as tomake it a pre -
;Wend -all weaton merry -era belfeerez. eariOlie eventnre for Mee, , of limited
ed multitude °quid manege to Inalre, it. 'tneanS. Bout' deate-.reeder, if yetis:Want
The inevitable -eettetiott.tit iu :Loathe to tey your dock, count. :the Probalsle
ago. Buildi4g.Oased„sataf.0 and rent eclatand ditticulties, and pitch (41' 1
-tumbled, the,Wliole town is 1abled 1•ter AneVe-'gtist4' f -e; you thri;:farkts,:and my tisk
sale,' and business or .41 saris it, dull,'is done•
while hut:tire:4 are Aaron Smith' fed a Mob that -hanged
entployment, and . the grorfes- along:the Georde Moore, et (Jai -lisle, Ind.,. and
.etretrus have .hocitme the habit -tions • was complimented by his:.eomrades. for
of Lead'. ilia- refugees, .teainpse Soule: hie"holdness ill that outrage. A few
titnessalled end there are ten men in the ntalita afterwards, a Party of fun-losino
state ready to take ever y.jolt that offerYoung men dragged.him out of his bed,'
.3.tt,WderaLhareiebeens eq Win i rn fibis pill it roneerotied hit sleek, eurl- told hint
fieiet tneirateeity.-ebalf a. doon cluriog
my Stay. the 44.,eat rush 'hrotiglit
oftdprs and- Many, yet- rPmai rt. • Sunday
is 'as strictly observed as v. -eek clays,
uusinees and loot,eacee gen:1g 'on just
the FilThir-d The ohurehos, hoWevele.ere 'abjectly begged' for mercy. .lie is not
• well-filled. with Serione4eople•eseeriously- tlee -perialartnanthat he weS.heforo tine
awl- weird songs -spade, ef,e-itesasperreet
andemoniorri. - • - I
The dancers neithei took food, sleep,
hoe water during the festival. Their
dancing; their invocations, and their
.prityers were fervent. They 'laid their
faces on • buffalo heads while -praying
for eniccess in 'hunting; and the priest
Nvept and asked the Great Spirit togive
thein succoes in the chase and let diem
have food for their wives and childi•en ,
also, to give them plenty of hprsese. to
prosper them, and help them to subdue
their swamies. •TheeeedArgfplly
removed in a spot tone feet square,and
-Nvitlthe a white ernes was made.. This
is all they knew, and with no teacher
but nature, we must judge thont'-oldrit
ably' Count snot imposaiblo. that
which seems .unlike? Their Ilberalit
was anibtfunderl. Oyer 200 horses wer
given away,. hetiderf-great- gnantities of
otter artibles.
CROP r4o16Es.
1 -Minnesota the wheat averages bet-
ter. than'last year, but not ,as goed as
anticipateria front -10 to 25 .bnshels is
0.14.1tite tioath ',hour • bed .coitte, Thera 4, „,,
Wonhili‘veilteen • pitzleil to 'answer if . •
he had asked. them what be had done to • The oat crop is now harvested' in the
displease thein; but,'to their (ie;tridish- timer part of the State of New Jersey,'
;tient) he confessed numeroueibefts, and The crep-is a geed one,the grein heavy
and plenty of itt • . .
• • Writing froul'Texag, a Canadian says:
coneidering how hest to stock .er `sell a trial of hie renalitice.:2 ,,—Everything 18 very dry here this year.
worthless hole -in -the ground. But the - - , rope in this pert or the cenntry ere I
mot HIS of the 001; t7J otprove „with_ -eiles...sune_nattea--of,t he •••!.1c..1 le A: -94-irrOst,--n-P 0 Ill ple-to-fail ' -4
sgP, itrul in. titne xival 'N_ef w land . •-•••••-ef , • • gentleman' who lately travelled
Chicago, and by and. by. Coloeado may A I otter.' et:Myer" afl the. Interior 1>se• through portions, of South Carelinsaye
. take into ber Itettl. les prosish Boni 0 on Partc?ent rrckm ' Dr- 1.7.: _Woodbridge1. he.pew hundreds of acres of corn that
for murder ! Aikil net, tis now, Id, her ttgeuey physieian . for the Fort Peck wotild.not yield a buslible tothe acre.
Jim Baehr's, first-Ciase murders, out, on 4gent3ye giV38 th° f°11°Wing graphic ' Offinial reports SAY that the grain la
$300 bail. Judge Doiven • .will not ah- description of the anuuttl tsun -dance'. the south ofFrance has been harvested:in
wteessdiegrace the ,judieittl ermine. ' :of tile '''.3tonx Nation, which took place excellerit 'oondition, andstleit in the 'meth
. The health of the .eity ,is good, con- no,l,' PoPlar River, it 'Montana 'Terri-: and west .iii tO0C1 !Lyon, ge erolt may be
bidering the Mtn nde, hol.ies of -Heine bevy, in the letter:part og "May :• expected. ••
end an atmosphere imp's), sr? ' •,- ctiii'Scrti;e just witnessed the great In- The San PeaneiscO papers are
ilio leaden leaden of smelters. It is true' tar dian;festival, of the sun (Undo,' or wor- over trade pvospeets. The 'Herta
pneumonia, erysipelas, rheriniatism and ship of them.
'!e".. (.1reat peeparations
sore.throat prevail,. and thonish slow of Imo been made for it; ,and eVerything
aure, Lir:snot very often. fatal.. Many was.'on the grandest ,scale, -The.city of
41, htareted furriners,' •*.not -.tefore acenelodges was moved, and: the Indians en-
loined to smelt high. liviug' groW1' it camped on a . beautiful plain inelosing
good deal at thaeliamto d tairh, a 'bellow SititilYelltirgo etiongb -for the
leut this is beteruse theft early ednea- movements of thoueands Of. horsemen.
tion has men neglected. , The Majority In the xenter .the great pavilion or
who die hem f,t11 victims to rain, telt- medicine lodge was -erected; 150 feet in
ing on too much pressure for the alti- diameter, the outstrip formed- of small
t ud tisane' collapse. Ond timelier states posts of green poplar and willow; thick.
that of 150 funerals he has attended- ly- iuterwoven , with green blanches.
since' last August 25th, 100. resulted Itesting'On this and on a rude frame -
teem. too Much 'spirituel' censttletioo, Work Within, alt around .for about 20
and adds that the mourners- were so feet the speee was coYered with .lettffaki
.irunk as to brekept with difficulty front skins, .forruing the dregs-eirclet with
falling into the open graves. They places assigned to the musicians and
saya!---t Free] the present outlook we
Shall have as avast a surplus ' of Wheat,
wo.01, wine, oto.., as l'ast year—perhaps
more In the aggregate In round figure
our breadstuff surplus last year equaled
. 600,000 tons, and Nye eee no reason to
think. that it will be :any lesi this year.'
• It is estimated Mott the, countries nr
Europe wiles° grain °rope' falis•slitart of
the home demand, will rege 280,000,-
000 bushels of 'wheat for the coming
year. As the United'States last year
raised a surplus of 329,000,000, end a
much larger crop is looked for this sea-
son, the prospeet for high prim as, the
• result Of a gearcity is not encouraging.
• The safe .Way is to sell your wheat as
soon as you can conveniently draw it to,
were only grief stricken; perhaps! in-
stead of rum, fires • and blankets are
needed here the year round, at night,'
and a fntioue snow -storm, on the hot-
test day in July, exaltes tiO alarm.
of whiaPthririt Itt'aNIWays' inethe.
actors or ditneera,, the center was
the great medicine pole, fifty teat higlL
The diameter of thecentral space, about
.100 feet, Was open to the broad sunlight.
• :AI the men ocinipied the del) eit's
ere, w ere t4ey-w,ersAealsied ,tbe
A IttiNtate lotto' from a gentleman in
'Eastern Germany , -says ;-7-Thers, hits
been nd summer, but rain -nearly every
day. The thermometer in tny rooln'
market, is chiefly used in lee tnanufac peafoemence of tWenty-eight do tin ous ranges from 69 to 75, In some places
tnre of bar -room detoctions.- hours duang which time about forty harvesting has -begun, btit unless, we
What of the future of Leadville dogis LA% immolate& and eaten, besides have fferMe ,warnt, dry weather soon
eincor,• thanks for the liberal share at patronage
a/lorded him, tind would also intimate; that he leas, during the paet winter,,laid in a large stoek of tirat-elass
meterial,andris nowprepar4d to make and put in, the
. ,
. . , .
.. . . . .
. ,
•. . •
Of everY asieriptiou, on the Snort/TAT Novak, and
• • •• . • on the'most reasonalelmterms. •
ROineinbbr the place - next 'door to A.
..Matheson's Blacken:11th Shin:7i.
Clinton, April 19,1877,
MONEY TO- LOAN n Approy'ed. Notes,
A numberof good -FARMS POR. SALE
•Amity to O. A, •ILARTTi Attorney, eee,
• 'Clinton, June 200 1878. •'
A .A
1. to the public thathileepsraireantly oirliand
a large and superior plass Of
J. BiDDIA.Q.019.1:134
Watch ad Clack .Maker,
Wouldrespectfully announce to his eustomers sod t..••
public generally, that he has removed into Ills
building, en
01:POSITN tan 11f.u1trr.
when he will keep on hand a select assortment of
Clocks, Watchesdawelry, and severware men kindi,
Which be will sell nt reasonable rate& Repairing
every doseription Pr oraPPt atton 4 (11 tt'"
1. firenr,nasiirus, Si0.1t71.
Cli0leu,Doe.. 01 1878. *
Cocks, WatcheseTeweliery, &e
hiseinecretheolci '
4101 OsrhElnirrOcTatiraltjituf • •
friends andeuitte..,
Desires t
t310.h1399:y:ig. •
:otiortto tecet tar •
Ile Would ale0 takerhisoppottunit, O'Istating that Ile
hoe taken hie Bon into partneri:1211),watt that the bug.
neas will be °endue Lain nituro under Ihe style of 8.
ynwtnn & SON. The dun willkocp on hand
• Watches, °looks, 4'ewe1lery, Spectacles,
• d •And all ether artieles in their tut,
All kinds Of Pipe Repaired and Alounted.
. itepairing,olosaingdo.,, doneou short notar, la a. -
iv or k man1 k a manner; and on r o a son able t errilii
C1intonsluic.0, 1877.
meet% epottett oat• a Ain»
CCM?. Trimmings atd.Robeti,
'With's, splendid HEARSE, VitXi doisins always
Than.ean be procured at any othcr place.
A filletock-of F-17RNI.TITEE
• • Always onhand. 4 ,
, . .
. , • • THQS.:8TEVEN801.1.
Clinton , auxioitsee.
e uce
• •
uron• Street, Clinton
000DS imitable tor145 bitsiness,.,will be pleaseLle-
-2see:alrhbr'eler:OuifterdErs 50,1. 10 tuo'hy. now ..oiLte
may favor ittm wIte Inc,r patronage. ••
:6110 -TRW ETV:ATZEIE6F:811.0:25-111€107"
AND *AT BL.l.00NAlf1.1l
01:tiortmoil of Oont'i rionilthigs dock. -
In order clear but ins present, stook, and
make teem for Fall importations,.the Vuhscziber
•. offers his -present stook of
Clinton, July 3,1879.
•.4 54:,te
...• •
In this department I *would cell the attention of Farmers and'Othors, to my ve'ry hirge Stock
of both mow nsn HaAvi, Donate AND Snisme IfA1100E14S, made with the best stock and
workinansinp. Employing,none btit the best workmen., I vvill gnarantee all work.
. •
TRUNKS anot VALISES. -A very large ossortnt4tt and vory cheap. TIVONSS from uv.
ist ae.(12ua class SifINGDES, froni 46 cents pot bunch,. op. A roOm over the shop to let;
ALD. GOPDS WAITANVED. As':.4pprentice wetted, to Irate Unruess lraknig
. •
f IIIE undei•signeliartng pur_CI
chti5et the atockand
eased the premisesW
Of MR. W. A LEY, on Albert
Street!. opposite Kr. Pair's Mill, takes this means of
notifying hie Mende and the public generally, that he
roends carrying on the Blacksmithing business in all
s branches, and, therefore, solicits their costom.-
ing practically ampiainted with everything connected
with tho husincsa, ho can guarantee satisfaction.
Kovno shoeing • a 'specialty. • • •
Oilnton, Asril 2.4 .1479: •
Pupils attofilled at their own residences, it neceatary.
...RESIDENCE—One of:
liataa, May 10,1870. ,
Ailit all kinds of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds.
reterning thanks to ins patrons for tho liboral sup-
port aecOrded me the past year, I take .plciteure in in-
forming the ptilrlinthat 11150, at considerable expanse.
carefully selected thY present largo stook Of seed graina
front the meet reliable growers. 1 eau confidently re.
• • emmitend the - •
myth° hest spring Varieties growniboth for quantity,
rynelItY and railltiftpurposes, My PEAS are second to
none in the Province tor purity nnel quality. BARLEY
and OATS of the very beak varieties. CLOVER and
TIIIOTIIV• seed, TURNIP, MANGOLD kl,,and all +Altai
flelil end gerden tieeds fresh and pin). I alwayil take
special care to selent seeds glean and free front all not.
tone mood aced, Always glad to elle* my seedsland
give anxinformatietz desired -by farnierd 'and ,Othere.
ElitElviliEglAT STAND,. . .
Imailtan Street, alavie Oollierae 1(041; tfulerialt
•asaeateb, %mut, tele.
.A. splendid asseettientatisfirst-dass SEWING ',MACHINES aloiaye on land. NEEDLES
.• and everrfurnishinorept in stook. „
s 0. RE p. A I 11.1 1\1" S 0 P.
Sewing. Machines of every: meke repaired, and newsperts kept on. hand. Being himself a
practical machinist, all work tleond.here is warranted.to give good satisfaction.
61,1arges *Pclerdte• H. INTORSWORTITY, Poet Office Box 10.5.
Ictsrott Street, one dOok west of ti.e Commercial plotel, Cliniou. . Out.
*•;.1 '
p • .
, INCORPORATED 1874, Euccensori to ThOO4S011. & of teritoltell.
gricultural Erigine "Works •
'•• '• • • : ' "-.""' "*"
. Is.I.R..E. OTO1FtS ; . ., •.
. .
. .. ..
HOBERT THOINISON, PrissIns7T.; A. it, WiLLIAMS, Vzon-Psss, 3. .ALI-IX. OrtANT,
So. -Tess. ; 41`. ItEDrplID, W, MOWAT, el.' CORCOILAN;a-W,' AtAItStrALL. . .
' •
• Johnston harvesters, Single .Reers.,:. Mowers and Combined •_Machines,
• Broadcast Seeders', Seed trills, Horse Powers, Sawing
Machines, Grain,Grtinhers, straw efottets, 'plows, Gang PlOWs, „
Builders of Steam Engines and toilers, al] sizes,
WATEit WFIEEt$ Ans ALL ICI,NDS� flit11/4.1A011111.1-ARY.
Contradors far Grist and Sato M1U8 conaii,kk. ' Also for 'Water Works for ciiieg, idiom ana.
Ditlageg, on tfie go* s'oteri.. or Meese factory Machine* a Spectatiy.
• 44dlierie,1114904014 IstitirmfAetaving Co., strootiord, Oro.
Feb. 9, 1876,
. .