HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-14, Page 6T 11E CLINTON 'NEW ERA, emp trance. ° This colunte is supplied by the Women's eroperance Union. '“100k. not thou upon LtI;O-Wino when it is reed, when itgeth his color in the cop, when inovetb itself • m , A. the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth Ili.e au adder.v..Pao. e. 23 vs. al ;PA A Wanxixo.-:-A• man catt never recover from the effeeta of each a seven years' petite -lee as the -4e that 1 suffered, morally oL physically. Lomas learned in tomb a "Oelttiol aeci ten, foegottert ; impreseions made in elicit a iititace of sinare pertnanent.f the nature sv warped iu such crooked ways most • eetain 11 tome degree the shape ; lodgments_ are -made by such horrible contacts aud as- anciations„, that within hot the tnighty Spirit of tied cae orad it te. YOU lit; e-Teoy to you, Velciughack at the Jirb where. 1 -id Scorching -tit the bed of torture where • the iron entered ety toati-yes, looking back ,at the poet, 5tec14iug aa 1. truat I do tinder • • tke arch Of Limbo w, ono bac of which, resta - c1,--oz...vans14103,-.o.ther . on Ithe „Sonny,aloties-,T• earailise, I say to you, (11 Vie era the aw u1 eVif sprOadiog around youi, bowaro ! Tamper tit With the accursed thing,.and/may-,Cled forbid that 3 pu ehneld. eircfAifferiis qtave suffered, or tie called t,i) fight soch iv64410,as Lfooglit f�r hadi and soul,-.Telta B. Gougles..tlittobiotimpltv, Ounn-ron Brooklyptnan. writes to the New Arerk $ad. ; "1 drank :nor° intoxicating liquors- Wool .tho year. :1857 to elle last cloy of 187S than any othei• person lever knew or beard of ; and in the tociuktiafoi kg* wing .this Wore OureeelidtTli •ieracitre5 faro did Otte- ee<it oh -many Others; andeffeeted perma- nent cart* „, The rentedy ia this : When a man fleas he toast ,havo a drink let hint lake a drink of water; ;say two re4,,,,t1rhei . swalloWs, its: often as, Mhc thirst or craving may desire,' Let hint continue this prac- . 'dee, ,Nia :old:chutes will laugh ; but let him perseVere, and it will not, be a week beftire the appetite for any kind of attain- laut will disappear altogether, and water he, taken to quench the natural thirst. If at any timc. the victim should feel a craving, ---4ttkillatake,the.firatapportunity,'„and obtain . swalloW of water, and he :can 'prise and repass all aloons. . When he gees home at night he will lcd satisfied and be sober, :tad have money in. his pocket. I cora- „alarmed th,firt Practice the first day of 187:4, : and nevoithink ottaking a drink of AMA - twenty -six feet, large trees entire, such. as walnut trees, with the walnuts still sticking to the stem, and the leaves and branches in L perfect state of preservation. At t wen ty. eiott kat doop a aoft chalk is found, mixed with a vast quantity of shells, arid -the bod is eleven feet thick. Under this, vegetables are found again, . , Napoleon's l'ropheey. Napoleon the Great, when at St. 110 - Woe, spoke as follows to Dr, O'Meara: 4 In the coniso of a few years Ruseitt will leive Constantinople aud the great- est pat cif Torliey and Greece. This I hold to be As ceryin as if it had already -taken placitse-• • ri the Patera], dOlupea things in a IsCw years Tnrkey intuit full to Roselle - The ,greatest part of• her rio; ['illation are Greeks, you may say ere lenssions. The power s it would itejnre, and who could ottpose it, are England, •France, Prussia. and Anatria, „Now, as to Austeift, it wilt be very easy for .travit[c t.p elt/44ge, • her assietatto by- gitipefkorabervm. and other prciiincee borcleriner, an the Austrian 'Dominion, ,reaphing near the Constantinople. The anli,leypOtbesia thet Prance end Eng- land will ever -I -a -allied with sincerity; will be in order to prevent this. But even -this alliance will notavail. France, • England end -Pussia, cannot effeet it, and Once mistress of Constantinople, Russia gets alt the commerce of the, ilgediVrransan, becomes a. great naval ii.ow-eleeetnd Odd knows what -mar littp. pen. •Sho well tetierTaI with England, march off an army to India Of ,00,000 good soldiers, which to Russia, is notb- and 400,000 Cossacks, -.and Eng- land roses India. Above all other , powers Russia to be feared, especially Liv England. Her soldines are braver than the Auetriani, Red she hes the means of raising as many as ithe pleases. A hunclred years hence I shall be ap- plauded tor my efforts to re-establish the knigd atrof---Polandi-and-Edeopkiespeei, ally England, Will latneut Unit I did not succeed. There are only three rdethode of attacking England with effect--detadt- ing IrelenO frees her, capturing ha Indi- an possessions or a descent on her coast.' TUE rj0,1 413STINENOA PBIrOIiJIAi OL nee. REortatirres.--;•The inhabitadts.ol the East were not aecustorned then, and are not accustomed now, to indulge in such ” het and-e041101434ettlekeesA--es-whittleeee, "rem and brandy. These are almost peep- „ --Van TroTAtri erica ri: But even Wide * -*as eLof roducing debatichery; thitt Je-ifairaVI-nMt is. c ifdreo to in. delgo it at Itsuch abstlfienteLWaa.7' • .wise -ann prudent then, it is fa , more so to -day, the.preSenee of the fiercer forma inteMpereace,that.'prevail • around us • • e'verywhere. `And, considering that the use of intoxigatingliquors is uot a necessity to , our nature, but positively pernicious to the -bpdy ; ponsidering, too, how it beelmula the intellect, and demoralizes the whole soul.; considering how insidious is the. habit of drink in its, beginning, and bow desperately' fatal it is in its grip, --how like gettiog into t,he outer circles of the 3111.313ft-ore, or. the -rapids of Niagara; considering how Many .91ur• yonnvinen of the fairest -premise, • and the •baightest intellects, have found themselves, by-and-by, Satneon, blind - .ed and shorn of their strength, and grinding. . in. the. Prison-lreatte of .the,Thilistines-it does seein as if, al). of us wheAave any re- gard fpr God. or buinianity,.onght to unite m an earnest and. detern:iined effort tar- reat the spread of this dreadful curse.,-- 4eptist freather.' • ” 500 head of cettle, tbe largest shire merit made in one boat, left New • York for Liverpool, on Satnielay. • The home Edwin Vorreet, ou Satur- day, trotted a mile in the unparalWed time of 2,11 on the track at Tarry- town, on Bouner's farm, near New Yorke The inteniini to soon give a public exhibition of his speed. English and Foreign. • • (beet) Victoria once exeluiled an A.merican from her drawineeroom be- cause she had remarried &wine the lit 3- etinle_ofeher. dierpesed_leeteband Usecni ' FROlTpyLN Safi OP A Gams, or If, says a weita iiva German contemporary, we reckon that atingle grain of wheat pro- : dives 4ft,e' geeine, and that these fifty-wp1 producelfty gra iris more, and se en, we 6 nd In the; mend. year., . .... ;graint •In the third year 125,000 grata In the sixth year,- ....... .15,625,000,000 grains', In the t*Olith year..., . ,.244,140,025,000j000 mins* The third year'Lerok would. give 300 men one meal, letivtngenouglAranto'lead eight pigs for one day, . The produce of the,single gram in the twelfth year *Mild mace' to' supply all the inhabirants of the earth with . . food during their life -time. How TO IVIAKE COu'r.T-PLasrsa.-:-Soak isinglass irt..a.littlelwa.rm water for t wenty. font hours, thou et/operate Pearly all the water.by gentle heat, dissolve the residue a little proof-spirtts of wine, andstrain the whole throukli,a, Piece of open linen. The strained tnass'-ahould 4 stiff. jelly when cool. New stretch a Piepe of 'silk or •.sarsanet on it wooden frame, and fix it tight with tacks or patiketliteade• Melt the jelly and apply it to the silk thinly and evenly • with a badgerlair brush, A second" coat- ing must bo applied when.tho first has dried, When both aro -dry, apply over tho whole aurface two or tithes coatings of balsam of 'Pere:" -Plaster Pine blade tetrad to be vory pliable, mar fiever breaks. Ponery Meret.—It is stated in a Ger- men paper that the -purity at 'milk may be tested by the followittoo very simple method: woll-polished knitting needle is dipped into a deep vessel of.trtilk; and immediately withdrawn hi an npright position • when, if the sample be pow, sono of the duld will be found to telhere toeit, while such is not the case if water has been added to tho , oven in the smallest proportions: • Uri enartitotrx0 0 if ItIOSITillM, --At d113 City Iredina, in Italy, and about foil:: miles around it, wherever the earth is dug, tvhett. Over the workriton arrive at a distance of eixty-threo feet, they COMG to It bed of chalk which they hero with ao auger, flee feet deep. They then withdraw from, tho pit before tho auger is removed, and upon its extraction the water bursts up through the aperture with groat violence,. and quickly fills the newly made well, which continues full, and is affected neither by rains nor - &meth, 33nt what is the most remarkable in this operation is. tho layers of earth as WO deaden& At the depth of fourteen feet are found the ruins of en ancient city, paved streets, bathes, floors and eligerent pieces of mason work, 'V ndor this is found a soft, oozy earth, mad° up of vegetable, aria et American. Yellow fever has disappeared from New Orients but is validly spreading , itilefain Phis; -Abou t throe- weeks-woo-the:jure -cap pet In the, adjuster's room ,Of the San Frandsen -Mint was taken up° for the first time in ffve years, and Was brned ,e. foe the purpose of reducing the =limn. latiOns otfilinge. The value of the bul- lion obtained -was -$2,400, Thomas E., eon of Sir Thomas Beeves, Bart., Norrolhe England, suicided at Daniel., Cele •on_AlredneSday, by. taking morphine. Ile left a letter saynne that' his life had been nsisspent. la had Bright's- disease, and was very despond- ent. lin was 26 years of age, and heti been away from home a year: A gentleman living at Fruit Vella, near Ban Francisco, lide in hie -pets -tea; pion a' fare floral otiriosity buten- istshave repeatedly affirmed was a myth. It la g,eniiine' pink pond lily., some-. What larger and possessing a more deli- cate pretume than the white potid lily; Ie is the only specimen of the.kind ever known on the Pacifie'coest.• . It is reported that Lord'anieriu will be removed front .St. Petersburg to Con- sttintinople, with instructions to insist, upon tlitrapeedy execution of the requir- ed referme Seaisetee , An officer in the Austrabi Army late"- lv snatched a soldier's cravat off and knoeked his eye O"ut 'With the bnckle, because be thought he wore his collar too high. bonald Maelifeneie's West .Afticen eNpet4tjon for the format ion.of_a_t_rgl.• ing'station at Cape Juby, eirived „there on blip 27th. The party wes re- teelved by the netives.- , . The whole Of . the Latin quarter at Serageva, Servia, was burned on Thum (ley. .• It was caused by an explesion. One thopeand buildings Were binned, in - eluding the Catholic and Servianchurebe es, and 10,600 persons are homeless. , Ou and after the first of October nexe all trarniairtferia -grain on the New York Produce Exchange will be cop- dueted on the cental system, instead of by the bushel, It bas • been' psed in California for some 'years, and proved far more satisfactory thhtethe'old way, . ASocialist named SoMeoff, imprisoned at Oclease Russia, has just died in the --lrcrsvital-f'rorn--the-eflbete--of ,a terrible -- burn inflicted with the intention Of self destruOtion, Ile was leund. in a cell eittine."over e petroleum lamp. The flesh Oe'f his fingers- wasebonsumod, and his back up to his neck horribly bu,rned. He Was remove:3 to thb hospital, where. he died.. AutuT 14, 179 — AriTENTION". • ladi FURNITURE Oanada. Oompaalv , • - • - - A LisT oP IAND$ IN. aultox Ion seem nee a 3.- the Canada Company may be seen et the office -of tba undersigned. • 1dATA linton.Jalt.,17.187ff , 'PHA CIT T ONE. OP' • BEST..1.1004,14 PA,IDETts AXE Ntrlitl.r. that the appointment of Weser •.1. INIA.sox Ifun,,,x, a umaan, / gents ei SPRING- BEDS,, mutual Fire Insurance Colgan oi tut Co nt; of Wellington, is till day I:ant:elle ATTRE$sEs- rAitit" has hcon sppointed, , • ogatala9p1 pthit tt inentlunrd't hv ntilit pliery,WilinTh.e!itelpil atrel 1,31ilittm and surrounding country, that he hes 401 Des .147b 1)Atiaieir*T°rNel." imbeeriber brae to inform the inhabitants of llyn, Or Nod a let lollitura More ON YICTOBIA STREET, QNfi rtoon soma .or negueos. Parties in need of anything in hialito, aro respoutio4 invited to call and examine Ills goods before parches. ing elsewhere. Remember the place - Vietoria Street, W. B. CRICH. • Clinton, Jude 19,18.79. . o z :K,TrArist"Fpn. • = tio:u ticilikoc;sion 'toad) Tuokeremith,teantainavalicres o firstrelsiteland, about two milei frfriOlintbailltitalippape iipiront,gogd hardwood Maher; aftiy biriatiddit enperioe-datiy.farm. 2. West Half et I4ot Eight in the Veventh domes. don of Turnberry, fifty sores, good wheatland, BLICIniie#5 from Winghom and one mile front the Glenannati Sta. tion of the Toronto, Cirej.atid Brno Railway. A small clearance on the front balance'. hardwood Wilber. Would sell cheap for ettel.4 or exchange for town proper- ty:in Clinton. Apply to the owner, Samuel TheoWer, at Eall.'s Mills, Clinton, or to the undersigned. 4.. Tho largo and conve.ntent Brick 2t00.0, in the Al. bertStrentllloek,now ocaupied by Mr. 3a6.13iddleeembe. • O. FIrst.olass grain store, at the Grand Trunk station .• belonginb to A, Itonleion. 7. Thol4rge !eatery huilOing and lot, adjoining th• e , Grand Trunk Station, formerly occupied by JITi. Bel. o. -fry, with engine and boiler. Prediimes woll suited ter etutettreeetriee purposes, pork -packing, &G. • 8:1.ot 0; on yieteria street, maiden surveil; a ' building lot, between the 0, T. Beihviiy and thc River • well -fenced, planted with tree, good well, - • 9. Lot 2), Preilerlek street, belonging to M. Job» IN CANADA. WILL BE MAILEDPowellGood frame cottage al live J.( urns. Well and , puler,. Gees, garden. ,Tast Rooth of Mr, Wmakep, • 1P- 1 ire-rOsid0000.* TO ANY ADDRESS IN THEITNIT- HALN. ' the Dominion. Pmaimal y AVy1/ 0.0 4::11:- =7, 0,1 X.4.1 e 4 • if mreeaststoit'. 4 t'' • - rn Igt"10:43,c:triellret,i7,1130trt'ss, 4011,1EkutUirk,-itA,,liTo Brigades,. ecroful6a, tiarri. frorn atty. cause, and a tun. Aired. other fliseiveti are, caused 14 an a eid fatmeirt, ' whieh pro lance inflammatory actien• Ilruntort's Ab- sorbent will positively effect a out.e in it few hours; by dab4ogr8bleintig, tpei.liit.pc.115.111pett,xlso,lvfir,00niini.vliaccteiyeilutieollu.048Segsltdrebl. • •W. I. attiTYN,0130*i: Ont. beet *Z. =1' tett Cfi :5 Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of,A BSYSIO, and for ourin_g Costiveness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Foul -Stomach, Breath, • Headache, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, *. ' Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Bil. iou sness, Dropsy, Tumors,Worras, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Fill, for urifying the Blood, Are the most ef-' ED STATES ,OR CAN' ADA, FREE. biz POSTAGE, FOR THE KUM OF 'rho Weathee Englend (Invitee 'the present Boasts% has been unprecedentedly wet; mid tar mets nee .experienvinggreat •• di -laced tv• in-savingempse.1,1 from a friend in Biafora we ascertain, that in the month of January there was only 1 clear day; and it rained --7 Pobruary, .61 -ear and: 227Weit- dayeT March, 7",clear and 13 web days, April,: • 2 clear and 14 wet days; agay, 3 clear and.18 wet •days ; June not it single elear day and 21 wet days; or for the whale six months only 14 eh' ar. days 60 _Oleudy, 95 rain, 44 froat, and 6, snow I. , . Russia hesniany. and varied troubles. It is estimated that the eattle plague will infliet.a loss of $24,000,060 upon tho. empire this 'year, and millictine of bushels of. wheat areeheinge destroyed annul:illy by emill beetle,' la Whose OestructiVenese no sufficient check has • yet, been found. As an inducement" to the people to -destroy the 'bleed,. a re. v,,ard . was offered foe every quartof them that were bronght id,. dead or olive ; but $8,000,900 ben expended, in this way without effect. , • ' The Marle,Lane Epee s of ebe 2Stle ult., takes a yety" gloomy View of the 4ayeet praspects:inefleciat Beita in and the 'Continent. . •it siiyseee:' 'The aintore Innate fattireis Of .aine. OWii''. ail& other countries arp . the chief -vietiulte of. the catastrophe. Nexe than, perhaps, their labeurnrs will SUMO i,n. the order of suffering, and it is to be feared that . many industriiiiis neen thrown out tit* emploYmenteduring the greet ag- ricultnrat crisis that •is now blade able: But in the eases of' workmen -Who. are forced by the stress:of bad times to em- igrate, there ie often the comfeet of -feelieg that neoessity to them is the mother of,. better ' fortune than they have enjoyed if Times had been prosperous, The laborer sees employ- ment Slacken' liere and goes wgere he niay .wcirk for himself "and 'earit..a com- petency. He never sinks . below' his status unlesS he stops Where there is. no Work 'for him long enough' to be- come. a pauper. The farmer,, on the other hand, Insy lose his all in a, seas011. BO ntterly bad Its the:present one, and he will then be in tt, worse pesition than. the laborer, as he not only loses a posi- tion and. conifortsinvitich hd has been neetistorned, but ha is 'less able to 'get a A boy was 'driving to Botiton With a lood Of meat, It eves a dark night, arid be wes•singing loudly as lie entered a suburb of the city. -.4. policeman, itt•. iending simply to stop the noise, sprang POS'-'0VO the 01143Ovi of a Ire°, grabbed the horse by the head, arid 'cried out Steite." The- boy thought that the po- licemen was highwayman, apd'shot puttingOtit one or his eyes. • John t alter was indicted for =1*(1(4 in Guadalupe County; Texas, and re- leased on bail. He empleyed his liber- ty in attending religious services, and became a real or pretended eouvert. He went to a Methodiat 'camp meeting, and was celdreising. the congregation, when a rifle ball penetrated hie brain, and he fell dead. Some friend of his victirn. lied fired from. a distence, With uneering aim. ' • - Froderieli Malchtei a.. murderer, ven- tured from his hiding place in the weeds' to his .henie ,Wilberton, Itt He feared the affects of the law, lege than he did' his neighbors, who, as he knew, would like to lynch bins. ilungry and fatigued, however, he res.olvcd take the risk ,of this visit, . It wits night auzi, after eating a hearty Meal, lie lay dawn on a bed to sleep, lirst plating a loaded gun within yeach, and stationing his wife at a window to keep a lookout for lynchers., Ho had not slept lonalie- fore she awoke Mtn to say that mounteel Men. were appioaehing, tinhesitat- legly shot himself through the heart. A farmer, in the upper part of this count3t last year, at different times, lost five hems, All w6r6 ttikon sick; rely much in timbal -tea way. The last dne was out opeiietiter italied, and its maw Was foundto be -completely packed with sand. There is no doubt that the °there were killed by sand in their maws. The man on the kern that preceded this gentleman -carried on the butchers' bus- iness, put up' a great deal of corned beef and eves in the luthit:of pouting Out the pielrel in the field of the barn, where it was very sandy, In licking the ground tO get tho salt the horses had filled themselves with sand. Indeed, it, is said, they pawed it deep tele in the seed e6 get, the salt.--egaston,"Vilit., Star. enatee, ;lite. ea, ism A GREAT .0 E.R.i: • .:—F011 710. 50- • feetive and conge- r. mal pureative ever . discovered.They ' ...ave_nuld.,:but 44- :...„...,...,ip......e..,,y feallal ill their " operation, moving . the bowels. surely . mostilierouo-hand and without pant. Although gentleA in their operation, they are still the We Will send yott, bound in full Sheep, un et:shill:lee sea;:chpig.clithar- 011COStei_Oti011allY tie Medicine t at c.-- - Is : mis_tviorvaightly_Rovie:v7,..,7 .ee. tiIiiigi, t.1..incijo. inalleh-. -atairnl-eheotevenlelAsi°;edd;vceine-alnlet- ..... ... . -,,eror oliNi:yel„. . ,. .. ' 140-0(1. Ill small doses of 'one pill a day, i I %CM ---d'ae tirev-erg.aus-uni--- -' pronlowVigmeas health. Retail price, Worgester's Dictionary .. .. . .... ..$12.00 Aygles Pius hal;C• been known; for ' ' Suloicription•price, per annum, " Vertnightly”, , -more Ul, ••an a quarter or .. a cent • ,tny,-, and have .. ebtained-S,World-Witle:.4reptitation.XorAhen:*---,-.,- - virtues. They-teerect, tlisetesed action irf• ''- - '• the ,severat assimilative organs of the body, and are so •coinposed that obstruc- tions width], their range:cduoilrely'redlyowthyiteh- ir'. . stand or evade the. Not 'cure; the every -day .complaints of sverp, body, but 'also formidable' and 'dangerous.: , .• diseases that ! heve hailled the best': of: human skill. *- '‘''While they,produce power- , ful effects, they.arceat the same 'time,,the . • safeet and best physie for :children. By evireaperient actiodetbey gripe much less • than the common *purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not inflamed. . :They reach the vital fenntain a of theislopellee,„ . and strenethen the system by treeliff,;,- 'it Illigillallill ilflplati it:. Woniorful E- I READING MATTER, MAKI:NG- IT ,urn , ,.• froni the elements of wealcoess. . ' ' ' . • - Adapted.to alt and conditions ia i *-7-' • ' . ''''''' . all climates, 'containrng neither 'calomel ' • . . , -... . , ONE OF THE MOST INTEREST- - , , gear ze1*a4 a Rem,eild Genuentan ,,,,telie cif ate nor,any deleterious drugethese Pills.rnee - • • - eeenegigueieea/ Beetedee__. • .„: : be taloa with. sefety branybedy, Their' ' segai-ceating itreseetee them: eyer. fresh, . • BONES *ANTE CI.' ,IfAannto,'Zifo.,'Brockville, Ont. ' '. , ' Dear Eqr,--L, ifI1101). MIQ yodra since your "-Consititu,. '13.alleitgllIpAnr.eeSi;h..veeing4ralieles,Iliniio to take.; 'while ' Kenai Catarrh Itemedy" was introduced. to me. rhave waited this long to see if the ouro would .rainaitv per. frOm . their nee in any quani,irtIP.' °Ill arL•se. . manont before doing this, my duty to you, awe t lirst • , , the happy effects seamed to me to be " too good to be . rasentert pr. '• , truo.". I was afflicted in my head for years before I ' suspected it to be Catarrh,. In reading in year Circular Dr. J. :G. AVER & CO.; Lowell, .61 ass.,. I sewany'emie deserlbediin rmiily particular4..:The in. . , Priiiatioal and :Aindytirialeheinlits. ward" drop"from the'libad had beecene,ferY disagree. SCAM' Int ALL DRUGGISTS RVERYWIIMIE. . .. Or; wWwitliriveratrunabiliged; bound. hi-sheen-WWI- .CESTEWS"DICTIONA1M-for-ilve yca'rly. subscribers to Tao; FbirrxIGHTLIC RGYIEW, er for four yearly self.. scribers to the sante, we will give a copy of that famous ' work, bound in 2 vols., .SVImitv.k,rtatax, ItaradioN. iAgents Wanted: -to .vhom va, will pay' te good. commission to canvass their locality. 'Per particulars, PER. ANNIT.M. IN Al)DITION TO order books, spehyten eopies, address:tho publish- ers, . IISIXQEDX, CLARKE & O0'.• ; . 00, York Sif.", 'Vireo to TH. E LARGE AMOUNT OF LOCAL NEWS CONTA.INED IN EVERY An ix A, pa pa ISSITE, THERE IS A COMPLETE • O.A.T.A.Cl.x.3.)NtexlIZIUTAOlice/gem ST.Tig.MARY. OF G-ENEIIAL NEWS uRES 0ATARE, AND cA.R.gruLLY SELECTED .PAPERS P;UBLISIIED; • Good wagea ean be mado.by collecting and. shipping hones and horns 16 no • , f ..„11ags leaned. Prompt. rentittance, Per further, particulars,itddreas • • - PETER R. LAMB & able and a choking sansatton often prevented nie from 3141g11/FLOTIfilERSi TORONTO. polled to sit _up in bed. Bly health and Lmirille Wer,i. t'°" ' ' '' - "nyingl long ; I toind feel like on:tethering:and homeM-,- . ' - -."----.::' - -7--; - • — . - -.-- seriously affected. Nifhen your Agent:came to walker. I. , ten, id August,1870, I Bemired three bottles. Before I - B, E M.0 V A • had used iie 'quifter of the corftifitCbtond UAW; I . . foind decided relief, and when Msecl'IWO.boll les ands third,1 guitlaidig it, feeling...Ono cured etthat ailment, and have not need any silica, till of late I have :taken some for a,cold in my head. A sense of duty to. • sufferers fiom that toothsome disease, Catarrh, prompts me to ()end you this Certificate, unsolicited, avitb leave' to make what use et it you may Bee preper. ' . .' . _ . Y. "W".,tTrInt71).1).. ALL, Methodist minister., rite Okapis 9141°4't'ON 1•10..01311., .11aft removed to the proMtene known &a : ..-. Pat LIgin, Ont., Aug. 21,1878. Aa for tiftlenindie Constitotionai to.' atof • __,... ,.. . : . • - ' -I 7 tarrn Reinedyt 'mid take no otlien: .., , . . , ,,. • , • • . ElE ' 71. riA: _la II gi::---,i,,....,::„. r, ‘...'", - . i'k .4. e; ]. )10,-67-4-6v311710 ..17110in.gilswg's Afzi et not:::::,'1D6'0:: ;;I:1;1". mij.;iltSiistandardthe_greatest article ce14etei s. e CS m poi' it I l- e IMMO,' CHIllefICALS AND MEDICINES, pee Path% i Its effects are as Wonderful Mitt :1,3 • • • DYE STUFFS; OILS, *e. . • : ' .. u, with, despatch. - 01.1Y IT, , 8* TRY IT.. .6atiSfitctory as ever. ' . , . i youthful color. . , .. . . .. P.,e$eripyons, iteeelpts, aud Compounds; aft:. ..;.,-,-..--,..,-,--..,.. • ....; • , • ' :., . It teatores_grey or faded hair to ite minuet; reb. 27i870.1 • , VAllitIAGE lir(fIlliS It reinoves' ell ertiptione, itelung • . . . . . X ON E! 'T 0 IA 0 4 NEw 4 • IN 'B t Y T Pt . _ i cooling, soothing. sensation or great , and dandrulf. It gives tire head — ON EASY TERMS% , comfbit, and the scalp by its . use , bedomeSwhite and clean. • fly which the prinelpel can „..., ,. 13y4te tonie properties • it restores loo repaid la Part or all at • ,,VF. 0%, ‘: ' elle capillary glands to thOr hOraltii ........ .V1:7...1:. . 1 , vigor,'prefetiting baldness, and mak- '.2 A .,: • iug the hair grow thick and. •strong. • As a dressino' nothing has beetiee.... vAT 0 iblind so effectua' or desirable, . A. A. IIriyes, m.p., State -A ssayee of Massachusetts, says, "Li.,,g14,0 con- . stitnents are pure, and eareftilly se. leeted for excellent quality'. e. and I censiclel: it tho BEvr PIZEI'A itAil"ION ' for its„intended purposes," • Price. Ono lhillar. . 33.1101gningiliageeS DYC) J. IT. *COMBE, CgplIgT P. DR1JOGIST, Where he will keep for sale a Select and general aisdrt, ment of . • • • lio cvlionngt,a man Capita' in the rani thne during the term ie ,siet.lit To • Bettor ain't . ' The valid climax of success is at last achieve , , W.FARE' AN. . ed. The poor rejoice, tho sick arise and Walk- Whiten, Mareh.1878. the 6111 IsasIt in the golden sunehine of perfect ----- frame need uolongee he endured. Da, Xxxo's health, Tito 'physical miseties of tho,human S JAM ES C LARK ewing Iittachines • esmonxi.t. Clo.t.,DeN Cot POUND, forDyspepsia, Consumption, Sick Headache, Corning up of •Vas.pleasare in minium eing to the Inhabitant/I (it Myth Food, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Bilionsnest, General Debility, Draftiness and Low Spirits. This wonderful remedy will positively cure; and that whero every remedy has failed, To prove that this wonderful remedy will do all iP E 1) . we °Win for it yott aro presented with a trial bottle free of east, brwhich yott will readily perceive lei woliderfal curative cmalities, and which will show you what is ropier ono dollar size bottle will do. t1 For sale by <I< IL Combo, (Malan,. ' Beewen/A to -idea Salve. • Tho host Wm:, iu tho world for Outs,Bruisea, Sores,. Ulcers, Sall Rheum, 'ratter, Chapped Hoods, Oh ilblaina, Corns, and till kinds of 'Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to gist west et tee Commerbisi perfect satisfaetiot n eyery caie or money r0. funded. Price 05 cents por box, 'For oalo by It.Combe, Clinton. • arid vtchnty, that he has opened out in the Carriage making busineas, and i&now prepared to 1111 all ordera for . • ' AND MADE AS GOOD AS NRW, All kind§ of MACHINE mit IVISIIINGS „Icept an hand. Inorstono Tltr: rr.ita-lre1101/ STAt1.1T, one door t. . ,.. . It.. NOUSWOItTlit phi Mese 110X 105,, '• Opposite the Dominion 'Pelegraph Office. ' CagrOtt, Otit, Dly th , /f ay 23, lf47S. ' OAARIAGES, WAGGONk BUGGIES, Pee., upon the ,hoftt0(*nOtle, and at the Most reasonable rates. NOno lmt first•elass workmen employed, and the very best material used, IlEPAIRINO attended to promptly , and entlafeetorily. TIOneE AtIORING it spookily. • Ahoellt for Fleury sARriculturel Implements, ( Ons ot ti.bEst mantllaetorieti in Canada. Call and atfd samples of neepers.11owern, Seed tirMs,lIorae Rakes, Ploughs, &c.,40., before purchasing eleewhere. K.4i* SHOP ON OIJEIFIN $1tEE1..01 • FOR THE WHISKERS. This eiggant preparaeion may he relied on to chan,ge the cola or the beard from gray or reny other undesite able shadeeto brow{ or black, et d1- C10t1Qt1 Th is pas' * applied, beingin . . one preparation, ax1 quickly and el- fectually produces a permanent which will neither rub nor wash oil% Manufactured by R. P. RAU,. & CO.; 1t/AsiHIET,A0 NAIL &lit/ All Dogging, oa beam ko.11012o, a