HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-27, Page 1THS 24, Make it Ore Macdonald, MN Pm for East Huron VOL XXXIIL—NO. 170 7. AMP 'NGHAM TIME4 EI A YF.9R ]N MAN WINGII'AM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1904. • Fine Tailoring T .....-.....ms=7 AILORING is our business, and it wouldplease us ex- ceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Over - coatings, Snitings, Tronserings, etc., for Fall and Winter wear. The pat- terns are the handsomest that weav- ers' wits could produce. Come in to see the new ideas, a n d talk the matter over with us. Quoting prices for tailoring means nothing, as yon know, but what you can get for your money is every- thing. The best dressers in this commun- ity are our steady patrons, and if yon favor us with your order you will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk, at any rate. HATS AND GAPS. • In Hate and Caps we have all the latest styles, and when you need any thine iu this line you should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from. Prices 15Oo to 83. New Uuderwear, Ties, etc, arriving daily. aseria Hoffluth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingbam. Ont. No witnesses required. ca DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,414,000 Our Bulk Teas Are as good as we say they are, probably better than you think they are. They have no fancy names. They need none. Simply ask for our 25o, or 85o, or 40o Tea, and you will get in your parcel this store's idea of tea good - nese without paying more than yon ought for it, Of course there may be people who have formed a preference . for some other brand or blend of tea, who wouldn't care to change. But we have noticed that the great majority of those who try these Teas of ours stay with them. R, A, Hutchison e GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Farmers' Notes discounted. `Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 30th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. 1R. Vanetone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid rip, $2,250,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00. Total Ae&cts, $25,000,000.00. Real Estate Notice. It will pay you to come to me to buy your farm or town property. Never before had I such an ext, nsive list t both in town and coun- try) for sale. I have about 6,100 acres of lard, comprising some of th.. best farms in the coun- ties of Huron and Bruce. and now is the Mind for the intending purchaser to have a look at them. I. an also suit yon in town property no mutter what you may desire. Prices rang- ing from $400 up to $4,000. Col•ection of rents and accounts a specialty. Life and Accident Insurance effected. C. .I. MAGUIRE Beal Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. President-- HON. Wirt. Caisson. Vice -President and General Maftager sa J, TURNBULL. Assistant Gett. Manager—H. M. WATSON DIRECTORS ,Toho Geo. Ruth A. R. Cy�oA. Bi ]generis, Inepeotor B. Willson. ' 114 .371/4 OS BANK. 'rnteretit allowed en deposits of *Lee and np- wards, and added to 3rinoipal on 81st May and yeth November each year., Bpeoial Deposita , oleo teoeived at current taus of interest. W. COUBOVLD, Agent • DICK/NOON & 13OLla;Oy SelieHprs, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. The Regi ent Weaker. The stores of th Wingbam Company of the Huron Re iinent have been re- moved to beadq rters and the regi- ment is now redu ed to seven compan- ies. Originally i consisted of ten, but No. 10, Bayfield, ecame defunct some years ago and m re recently No. 9, Ger- rie. was transfe ed to Perth to keep up the strength of at regiment. Efforts are being made y Clinton military men to revive No. 8. Smart youth wanted. Apply by let ter. Box No. 4, Times cffice. Hunting i't Licenses for hun May be obtained b; at this office. The deer hunting lice particulars are req plicant for purpos name, residence, and eyes. Appli will be promptly TIMES. Wingham: tions interfering son, the time to the 20th of No Licenses. ng deer in Ontario writing or calling ee is two dollars for se. The following ired from eaoh ap- of identifioation:— e and color of hair tions made by mail tended to. Address Owing to the elec- ith the hunting sea - as been extended ember. For violins, guitars, mandolins and small goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's music store. Presentatio) A very pleasan Christ Church r evening, Ootober therhood of St, A� of their members,! who was leaving course of study f whioh he has of with a copy of Prayer Book.—L Cummer is a fo dent of Wingha wish him succe Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers 1, O. O. F. The members, I. 0. O. F. will,hol the Town Hall, on veal her 1 l th, for th', ham and viciuity good musical prop and refreshments tations will be les at Listowel. event took place at tory on Thursday 8th, when the Bro. idrew presented one Mr. A. E. Cummer, ,istowel to pursue a r the sacred ministry, oxen for a profession, Evan Daniel of the stowel Standard. Mr. user well-known resi- , and his friends here in his new calling. "At Home". Maitland Lodge, au"At [tomo" in Friday evening, No- Oddfellows of Wing- iid their triends, A am is being prepared rill be served. Invi• ed in a few days, HOUSE TO RENT, QUIRE. Apply to C. T. MA - Liberal Com The Liberal corn Macdonald block is and friends of D Laurier Governme present every even polling day. All i on the list in any can be obtained and any informat THAT DRESS GOODS SALE.—When in town just take five minutes and see what we are offering. Slaughter sale of Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats, —Men's, Boys' and Youths'. We have decided to clear them out. G. E. KING. Bishop All Canada wi His Lordship, occurred at L morning, of last paralysis which o and from which scionaness. Whi able lot, and the had reached a parture is none th the moral and r Dominion. As a a living exponent Christ lite, his which ell ohumobel forts batt ill ittee Room. ittee room in the pen every evening Macdonald and the t are requested to be g between now and ormation as to names f the municipalities ere. Also literature n that my be desired. 1IMILL ENDS.—Just received, another large bale—mill ends of cotton, at ISARD'S. Come quick for bargains, New Post Last Friday a merited work o office building a contractor is Inc ly as he is able t expected that t be finished befo is very nnfortu not commenced building shoal way at this ti started when t Baldwin Dead. 1 mourn the death of ishop Baldwin, which idon on Wednesday week, from a stroke of curred previous Friday e never regained Con. a death is 'the inevit- distinguished prelate age, 88 years, his de - less a distinct Mai to' roeai of this Woos fo hristian scholar. and f the realities of the r was a force for geed and moral reform et. ffice Building. umber of men coin- Wingham's new post d Mr, S. S. Cooper, the easing his staff as rapid - secure the men. It is foundation work will the winter sets in. It ate that the area was any weeks ago. The have been well uuder- had the work been e contract was awarded We would recommend a visit to Gra- ham's Greenhouse. The Chrysanthe- mum Flowers are magnificent and the Carnations "perfectly lovely," Frances street. Cleari g Sale. The R. H. Crow er Co. has made ar- rangements for t e moving into the store lately vacate by Mr. W. J. Greer. The store will be r fitted in the most up-to-date manner a d will be ready for occupancy. about the 5th of November. In the meantime the rowder Co. will hold a great clearing sale of clothing, hats, oaps, furnishin s, boots and shoes The sale is now on, d parties in need of clothingor furnis ins will do well to 13 call and secure som of the bargains. See large advt. in t s issue for prices. FARM FOR SALE—North halves of lots 35 and 36, con. 1, Township of Mor- ris, owned by J. J. Denman, Blnevale. Apply at once to C. J. MAGtrutE, Real Estate Agent. British Colu Mr. Malcolm F school teacher at considerable busine Colombia shingles triot. He has over fifty car loads Among those he so A. McLean 8 oar Found 5 cars and 1 Ings. Mr. Fergus duped in our midst the banker, who is a Mr. Ferguson will Brunswick for abon is Shingles. rgnson, formerly arewell has done s in selling British Wingham and die - taken orders for or spring delivery. to here are Mr. J. loads; Mr, James cars to Robt. Hast - has been intro - Mr. A. E. Smith, old friend of his. e staying at the a month yet. NoTrCE—I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me, I thank all those who have dono business with me and wish you all every prosperity. ROBT. MCINDOO. The Ge The Conservati' putting of East Huron. What with the Censei of 1882, when carved to suit part of Perth and Hur other counties. Wallace township, Wellington to defea is brought batik to N and South Easthop Liberal, placed in N where there was alre majority. Part of placed in South Pert sex. Many more ins Of the Tory gerrym Under the new 1a are restored and the composed of munieip of Huron, The Co keep quiet on the tin tion, and the electors gratitude to a Cove righted a wrong by li Liberal M A publio meeting in Dr. Macdonald, the 14 East Huron, will be hi ham Town Hall, on next, Nov. 1st, at 8 o' donald, Arch Hislop, Hurou, and probably e speaker will address th, tors should attend this; the public questions of, Ladies are cordially i, will be reseryed for t eting. the interests of eral candidate in d in the Wing- uesday evening look, Dr. Mac P. 1', for East other prominent electors, Elea - meeting and hear he day disoussed. vited, and seats m. —The Daily Star till let of January, 1900, for $1. Leave your order at the Trams Ofiloe. • A Flourishin The TlntEs man ape Monday at Walker & tory, which Is now iu g and found every pe workmen are trow wor order to try and over dere that are arriving received last week to $5,000 for goods to city iu the West. Mr that the greatest diffi securing workmen. Walker & Clogg's fin niture and mattresses and their faotory is o busiest industries. rymander. es complain of the iawanosh into East is this, compared save gerrymander the ridings were purposes and parts counties put auto oder the new law plaoed in North James McMullen rth Perth. North townships strong rth Oxford, were dy a large Liberal Sottth Huron was and North Middle - aces of the wrongs der could be given. (county boundaries Huron ridings are lities in the county rvatives should ion of redistribn- ouriti show their ment which has porting it, Industry. t half an hour on Qlegg's new foo- d running order, on busy. The ing overtime in e the many or- ally. One order ale up to nearly shipped to one Clegg informs us nity he has is in The demand for upholstered fur- s growing daily e of Wingham's Dr Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, Loudon, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church Glasses supplied. Send Boys to chool. Our attention has be called to the number of young boys ho are . to be seen on the streets of Ingham, when they' should be atter iug sohnol. A number of boys are leo employed in various places in the own, when they should be at school. ar friend tells us that he is prepared t give the names of boys who should be t school. The law in this respect shoal be enforced and boys who are allow to roam as they please, should be w e attend the school. No child should be llowed to grow up in this enlightened ge, without obtain- ing a fair educati —TIMES and Family Herald and Week- ly Star till end of 1904tor 45cents. New subscribers should take advert mge of this low rate. Wingham The new ordor i. Wiugham weigh entire satisfaction able to learn. Far with hay and other ed find it very hard Police and this is inconvenience. Dr new arrangements advantage. We ar people have lost up' endeavor to find th is not as it should the farmers the ve ble, and enconra trading in Wing Police cannot be many other duties be constantly at th would like to see a• in this very import . eigh Scales. counection with the scales is not giving far as we have been • ers coming to town articles to be weigh - to find the Chief of arising them much ymen also find the orking to their dis- led to believe that ards of an hour in an weighmaster. This We should• give best service possi- them to do their am. The Chief of :xpected to do his nd at the same time weigh scales. We improvement made nt matter Do Your Kno . . How comfortably, ch:: ply and quick- ly you can go to th G eat World's Fair at St. Louis, 160.00 i : nd over attending daily and all delig ed. Send four cents for handsome illustrated folder to J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Check That Cough Do not allow it to become chronic. DR. FOTHERGILL'S 'Laxative, Quinine Tablets" will check 8 cold hi a few hours. Does not cause ring- ing in the bead. Gives quick• relief for all feverish con- ditions of the system. oulaiiinwprearimminrimir iron SALE BY Walton Mckibbon DRUGGIST. Neat door to Poet Otdee.' CHUR. NOTES. The new Metho ist Church at Holy- rood was opened . Sunday last. Rev. Dr, Gaud will preach anniver- sary ierinons i• Ripley Methodist Church, on Stand . , Nov. 13th. Communion ser ices will be held in the Wingham Pre:.yterian Church on Sauday next. Pr paratory service will be held on Friday vening. Rev. S. Sellery, .A., B.D., formerly pastor of Wingha ' Methodist church, but now of Dunda has received and ao• cepted an unanimo a invitation to the pastorate` of Wa street Methodist church, Brockville, or the ensuing con- ference year. Reports presents vention of Ontario outo showed that moved or died d ordained and 4 ea leaving a net loss sidered a very church's receipt $449,000, and in at the Baptist Con- ed Quebec at Tor• 7 members had re- ng the year, 13 were e in from abroad, f 10, which was con- erigus matter. The or all purposes totalled tease of $29,000. For the best makes of Pianos, call and look through D. Bell's stock. Prides to suit purchasers. They are the best money can procure. Remember the stand, near Ball's factory. "Jerry fro *Kerry." This Co. • will ap ear at town hall, Monday night, O t. 31st. This Co. carry their own nd and orohestra. Read what the Ow Sound Time of Oct. 21st bas to say f this attrac "One of the bright( comedies and vend struck the town in & Perry's combing a jammed house la parade and exeell direction of Mr. P favorable impressi sponded. "Jerryfr sketch in which M of the best cornedi The show is even b vions appearance, eially showing the training." Watch Monday, Reserve Call's drug store. st and clean ville ;how nanytno ion, w ch played to t nig t. Their street nt band, under the try, created a most and the crowd re- in Berry" is a bright Patten shines asoue ns in the business. tier than 011 its pre - the orchestra espe- esult of high class or parade, 4 o'clock seats on sale at Mc - t farce /that has s is Patten Bible Socie y Meeting. The annual meet' ig of the Wingham branch of the Upp Canada Bible and Tract Society was eld in the Metho- dist Church on W nesday evening of 1 ast week, and it wa one of the best annual meetings ev held by the Society. There was a odd attendance, The officers elected for a ensuing year are as follows:—Preside t, John Kerr; Vice President, Robt. C rrie, sr; Secre- tary, A. E. Lloyd; Tres carer, Rev. N. S. But -wash,. The chair as occupied by Mr. John Karr, and a le and practical addresses were deliv red by Rev. D. Perrie and Rev. W i. Lowe. The musical program wes under the direc- tion of Mr. Frank Hil , and included a solo by Miss Laura H ninth and selec- tion by the Methodi t male quartette and a mixed quartett . Collectors will make a canvas of Wi gham and vicinity in the near future, a the officers ex- pect that the dons one will amount to at least $150. Little sneaking irks will be found out, bycottin,as i were, Now Shorge, rimember you tee to.dcheat Dan Shan- non in the black Is,t'th shop. Question, If you scheat w' • so young, as the German says, h neh will you scheat when so old? Pile of Overcoats, and Snits for Boy, Yon . and Man at honest prices. A. R. Sin H, Chisholm Block. Situation in Discussing the p East Huron, the Se last week says:— Chisholm, of Win the Conservative tion to Dr. Macd the Conservative officially selected quietly canvassin for several week said to be a stron party but he has work against. this constitnenc held union meeti sometimes they Ings in the sa time, however, Dr. Chisholm d Macdonald's me is holding very f ings but is depe vats canvas. I wise, speaking f It is well known one of the mos platform speake dinary man ap advantage along electors should didate who h ref e lames he is su public platform constituency' su should weigh side. ast Huron. itical situation in forth Expositor of East Huron, Dr. ham, was selected as andidate, in opposi• ald. But, although candidate was only ast week, he had been and feeling his way before that. He is man in the ranks of his a very strong man to t the last election in the two candidates gs and it is said that th rode to the meet - e conveyance. This e are informed that clines to attend Dr, tinge, indeed that he w if any public meet- ing largely on a pri- this, perhaps, he is m a party stand point. hat Dr, Macdonald is able and convincing in Canada and an or- is at considerable ide of him. But the ve a suspicion of a eon- s th public e to discuss 0 p sed to uphold on the and in ata intelligent h as East Huron, this cavils on the Liberal PERSONAL. Mr. Will. ()mitts • as returned home from Toronto. Mr, W. Fishleigh of Ohesley was in Wingham for two is last week. Mr. R. S. Sturd , of Owen Sound spent Sunday with is family in town. Mr, Chas. Jobb has returned hgQme after spending sev> al months in Mdni- toha. Mrs. Geo. C. Ma • ners bas been spend- ing a few days wit her mother at Dun- gannon. Mr. and Mrs. Ge H. Mooney, of Rip- ley were visitors • Wingham for two days last week. Mr. and•Mrs. J. 1 . Yottug, of London were visiting at ' • e former's parental home in Wingha .• over Sunday. Mr, James Ker , of London spent a few days visiting with his sons, John and Jas. H. Kerr at "Woodland." the home of Mr. Joh • Kerr. Rev. Wm. Lo e was in London on Saturday attendi g the funeral of the late Bishop Bald • in, and also attended a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Diocese of • uron. • John Wilson, prosperous horse -man from Wingham, 'nt., is in town visiting his old neighbo , William Robertson Mr. Wilson ea : he hears considerable talk on the pol *cal issues during his travels, but say the G. T. P. policy is meeting with t a greatest favor.—Nan- ton, Alberta, :ws of October 13th. Mr. G. For ie hae returned home from Bersford, an., where he has been residing for th past two years. Mr. Fergie inform ns that he shortly ex- pects to re eive a fortune from the Old Land,.hrough the death of re- latives of his f ther. He is now in com- munication wi h parties in the Old Coun- try. eTo Save 10c. a doyen on Eggs. Many private families, as well as gropers, knowing that eggs will be exceptionally high (perhaps 80c or more per doz) this Christmas and during the winter, are now using the new liquid preparation, " Water Glass," which is reoontmend- ed and used by the Agricult- ural College at Guelph, to keep eggs perfectly fresh. We are now selling this Water Glass in 16c packages. It is simply mixed with water and poured over the eggs. We invite all to see this new article. 11.1.McCall &Co. LIMITED. Drugglats and Opticians WINGHAM, - ONT. 1 LARGEST AND BEST IN WESTERN ONTARIO So far as we can learn no Business College in Canada graduates so many and at the same time such large percentage of its students as des the For a Hunting Trip And one which will bring you the best results, spend a few. dayt..Ju the T e m a g a m i ,D i a t r i , reached, via Grand Trn R ay. This dis- trict abounds i e and other large game. Call t rand Trunk Agents, or address J. McDonald, District Pas- senger Agent, Torouto, for descriptive and illustrated booklet, entitled "Haunts of Fish and Game," which gives full information as to game laws, and the best districts to go to. FIGURES T Everybody r v d s t y ue. body buys postng this comparison of 5 ment in 1893, rind rule, with what it administration in 1 1896: — Postoffice deficit. . Postage in Canada, Postage to Great 1903:— Postage surplus Postage in Canada Postage to Great B Vote for;Dr. Ma the Laurier Geyer T SPEAK. e mail s.v E er - .F stamps. Look at e pnstoffiee depart - the Conservative was uuder Liberal 3: .......$800,000 .3 cents tain 5 cents $300,000 2 cents tain ....2 cents onald and support ent. CENTRAL STRATFORD- ONT. Our courses are up-to-date, in- structors experienced and fa•ailities unsurpassed. Students may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Business Change, Having sold my Real Estate and Fire Insurance business to Mr. Abner Cosens, I desire my customers to extend to him the same liberal patronage they have given me in the past. S. YOUHILL. In accordance with the above I may any that Mr. Youhill's path r t: will receive from me the same c• re• ful attention he has always givtn them. Parties wishiug to Bell or buy I rop- erty would do well to see me bi lure deciding. ABNER COSENS Wingham's Leading Shoe Store ummunamtan Waterproof Shoes for the Ghildren. We have a line of Waterproof Shoes for the Children that are just the thing for the mud and slush of the early Fall season. Made from selected calf skin and made to Keep Out >Z(11 Dampness They insure dry feet and are a profit- able investment for this season of the year. May save a doctor's bill of many times the price of the shoes. 81.00 $1.215 un to $1.130 according to size. W. J. G EE Shoer to the People. 1 1 7 r