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The Clinton New Era, 1879-08-14, Page 5
1tivo1'1sT 14, 1879 r�+.•w.r TliE (11,11‘110,N .N LM! ERA. AS A SPED .ATION T • Cons ,dated '.r.: Bilis Wheat, fall, red, bush, $0 95 Wheat„ fall, white, 0 90 Spring, Iledchaff, - 0 88 s •Fife, - - 0 92 ., -. q 0 35 Barley, • � 0 u0 taken. a .. pat Peas, • 0 50 Flour,- 5 00 Potatoes, _ 0 35 • • BORN0- Notice,. tlt:tittr,--lu Scnfarth, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr D. Curry, of a daughter, IIasosaser .--On Saturday, 29th June, the wife of Mr. H. D. Henderson, Ulster P. 0,4 of a daughter. 4,4 N&)TIOE IS HEREBY :GIVEN .that all 1' parties found trespaxsing on Park Lots G.,. I. and L., on the west side of the Great West- ' ern Railway, will bc.prosecuted according to law, - " U11�1N7'tIFiY nl�itiF'i._..._ ..• A, Cl. ,7011DAIN, Chutes, duly 17,1876. August 11, 18r +. GOODS_ rived 14 Ladies Gossamer,- Rubber Circular Waterproof. Cloaks from. 54 to 50 inches long. T_.....IVORY BUTTONS,!_all colors .yin large ge. and small sizes, SWARD- 'PEARL' BUTTONS, --6• sizes, WHITE, PEA.RL BUTTONS, 10 sizes NEW FRTLLINOS all 1i lees,• BLACK EMBOSSED FRTNT,S, .BLACxi AND WIrIir E)1130SSF.1) PP.INTS • PLAIN.BLACK' PRINTS,' P9:, .IN BROWN PRINTS, 3, shades,: DARK FANCY PRINTS, DRAB PRINTS, _S•L.et4-Er, •N4Av'Y BLUE. PRINTS..•, CARDINAL PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS,' GR COTTONS,. ANGOLA snTRTINGS; . . WHITFJ. ERILLIANTS, WHITE PKS, t lHEC k .AN11=C() R I l.f l:i S.LI N S,. BLAOK VELVETEENS, the Correct shade and finish; iri 3 qualities, - • ' • ':ItTD CLOVES, all sizes, both. black Stock WELL ASSo..tTEu illi ever' cicpart11ieUi, • We try to keep the 'goods the people wait,' add we Sell them _. _atmos ZOIC' J'iATJ S A'LT. itiOLxND, as any one the business. AII. Sums-Good-s--ofit ridg::st-R raDuoEn Pn sauce df�tltascrn , _. - • • CMS TO 16;18'6. Butter, Eggs, Hay, - Hides, Pork, - - - Beef, . • Sheepskins • Clover - Timothy ' - a.0 96 t a 097., a .0 90. ' a 0 95 a 040 A. 0 60 a 0 50 a 5.50 a 0 ',0 • 9 7 a 0 9 ' 0 .00 a• 0 10 ; 7 00 a 8 00 4 50 • a 5 25 • 5e0•a 600 4 60. a 5.25• 0 26 a 0 60 3 50 a, 3 75 • 1 .75 a . 2 25. "The Cattle and, .. Sheep binrket rot ':trent Br•Italn. i` tris �• "' Boni.- re- Tho follail talo is J'nh n Dell- li, S port-for-thu-week.ending. my Lal,-JB`C'J' LoNhos, Monday, .Tuly 28.—Best beef, Rd to 9d per lb ;- inferior and secondary, 7d per lb. Cattle gat market, 20,300 sheep at inarket,'1.6,0t0, 1Ve have hada middlingsupply of cattleas regards quality •and, in coneecli:tenee, prime. breeds have eget a firm and ready sale at full quotations. _"'LIviiirobL, 14Mo daY, July 28..—Beef, 6d Q. 8}d per Ib ; mutton, 7d 0:9d. 'Cattle at market, 1,569: sheep at market, 15,135.. The::snpply.of cattle at market' .was less than on lsst-Monday; ol'aheep-and•iambs:: much larger. • 'Cattle were sold •ratifier bet- ter, and so were primo lambs. Sheep, owing to the enormous American supply— about6,000-were much worse to sell- GLAS(Gow, Monday, d my 28,—East beef; 81, per 1b, inferior•and oecundary, 6•d ©, 8d per lb.., Mutton, 9d,per lb; inferior and secondary,f_6. d VI! per Ib. Cattle at mar- ket, 770; sheep at market, 6,652. There. wasa short supply of cattiest market, and generally of 'middling, quality; Demand very dull. Inferior rather a;lieaper. .. GENERAL 'RE:geiu s. --In the English markets primo breeds met with a ready sale -at. good Prices -,-but.- -i:n-•Glasgow--niar-kot-s- prices are slightly lower. ' - ' IPL„ memease.....amegen Land for Sale. • ri1HL subscriber offers' for sale 39. acres, .L more or less, being east pat t of. lot No. 31, in the •lth,eoncession of the wwnship .of ' Staeley. Frame barn and house on the place, never.failing spring of water; soil, clay, loam Terms easy. For fnrther•partioulars_agply to TJ'AMES FISHER.; f %' % 1 R1. awTl&•�I' a TCI:S Ol "t Ti Ai�,y�7,_tS7A = e nc JOHN HODGINS, Manchester House .MON J LT .1 Y" -- .1. 3.7 9 .. Extraordinary S 0 otc�p(.J�j � ft • • LLf1q,C037N75D.UE to.fl,[EGODES:MRTOUN• A nay .and llanufactnring Company (Limited)• must. be promptly settled to avoid costs. No personkere an. thorized to receive payments or mato settlements on behalf of. the Company: except the undersigned: 1011ACE HUSTON, President, JOHN. CJIRIS:rIAN, .Secretary. GuSarich, Ana 18tb,.1870,.• BEWARE of Imitations THE proprietors of P:HOSFOZON E , would caution the public that Phosfozono is now put up and wrappod with a light, slate colored .wrapper, having 'the dircctions,e,,ic printed on it in English, French and German language, onAhree sides, with the Warne of the manufacturers on the back. 11.'0111.F o.PIflat IS GF.NUf� Jt • TOWNSHIP OF HULA -ATI', Voters' List -1879. • urmo1rALlT 06 Coir sTx OF RL'1aON. 1. OTIOE is hereby given that I have trans - milted or delivered to the persons men- tioned in the third and fourth sections of the 1'' Voters' Lists Aet," the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant. to said Act, of a11' persons appearing by the last revised assess- ment roll of the said municipality to be en- titled to vote in ,the said municipality, at elections for .members of the Legislative As- sembly and lot Municipal Elections; rind that said list was first posted up at my office, at Londesboro,.on the 5th day of August, 1379, and there remains for inspection. ,,. l to I; ec rs ato the- �. �ntlod_.ailt4?� exammo list, and if any omieetone or Other errors are found' tliereic , to'take inTia disi a pieces' cti ge to have the said errors corrected accordiug to. law. Dated this 6th:day of August, 1879. JAMEb B1tAITYs'VAITE,. Clerk of the said A111-0eip„ality. Voters' List -1879._.: 18 9. IIAY FORKS,. HAY RAKES, SCYTHES, SNAITHS,: BART, .:EYY FO MKS, CRADLE •SCYTHES, j879 AB. t E. MUNICIPALITY OP THE TOWNSHIP ole STANLEY, COUNTY OF 'tIUILON. N°TICS is hereby given that I have trans= witted or delivered to the persons men- -Honed in the third and tonrth stions of the ' Voters'. Lists. Act," the copies .required . by said section to bo so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said' Act,. of: all persona' appearing by the last revised asses snout roll of the said municipality to bo en- titled to vote in the said municipality, at elections for members of the Legislative ,As- sembly and at'Municipal Elections ; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Varna, on- the 9th. day ofJuly, 1879, and there remains for, inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the list, and if ;any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said. errors corrected according to -lam 'Dated this 29th. day of July, 1879. .WILLIAM PLUNKETT, Clerk of the said Municipality. 'Voters' List -4879. . aGINIOIPALITr•O6:THS .- Y..LLLAGE ' OF BAYFU'ELD; .COUNTY '46 ulnae\. •. , • . • 'OTICE is hereby given that I iiavL is le; - . ••mitted-or.-4e8-veredw{a the ;perfsons lien- tinned=iii-the thirstoinljeurtii-seetions•:of-ihe- •-uVotets' -Lists=Act,'?• alis copies required -by - said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant • to said • Act, of: all persons appearing by thelast revised assess• meat rail`of-the'saiirniuiucipahty,-'"to be eu-' titled to vote in the said municipality, at elections for members. of the Legislative As. eembly'aud at Municipal Elections ;' and that said list was first posted Up "at_'my office, at Bayfield, on the 4th day of August, 1879, and thorn remains for inspection, • • -• Electors are called upon to eeiamine the said list, and. if any errors or other omissions are found therein; to take immediate'prooeedings to ha�'e the slid errors corrected according to i'aw Dated' this �:th clay of Aug., .1879. - WM. A. MORRISOL,• Clerk of said Municipal ty all • price$ - all prices. all prices. - all prices.. mall prices. ▪ all. • ices. pr MACHINE OILS,. . PAINT `OILS. Al NTS, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUS�-1ES; &o. LAVE TROUGH,. PUMPS, LEAD "PIPE NAILS; •B TJ 1 L D.IN,U� HARDWARE, LRASS and ENAMELLE°I?. ICETZ'3 rES, • E:IRBY REAPER' 'AND MOWER REPAIRS, Am " q 173 1liainanoth' 1lardifare Store, i,Albert'-;Street,.' .. CL.1NTO14.• ray. 400 :. We havedetermined to clear out the following lines at. C OCD 111 - The balance remaining of our stock of ILLIN RY, v MANTLES, PARASOLS,. _ LINEN .COST'UMES • CAMBRIC COSTUMES, and . • • LINEN ULSTERS, c :. .: • ;> • � • � . N. B. --These -being all new and season- .able eason •able;.. it is a rare chance 'to ; buy goods, any of the above lines:.. DRESS -GOODS reduced to ridiculously low prices PRINTSWe will give the choice of all our stock ' AT TEN CENTS. Among our arrivals for past week were low lines in our celebrated BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK SILKS and CANADIAN SUMMER TWEEDS;' the cheapest goods we have ever shown, GENTLEMEN. --Leave your order for a•$12.O0 SUMMER SUIT. Remember, a perfect fit guaranteed. W200 'i1'lrli!i OP !`111f4T.Cr,ASS DAISY 'BC'1'1'Elt. itbk• ��TEUP - which the' *111 be plaid. o .. VISI -713331, O1R,AI31:3 A 00.• Clinton, Ttiiy 3, 1879. • J UST: IN. Every' Yoiing Man. 0ou1d : see OUn' •iNEW TALI', 'TWEED'S, the- highest toned goods ever exhibited before an ,intelligent public,_ and all for 1.L PEP.; SUIT. This is ode' chance iri a• thousand, and .don't miss it; of the •a -ie,,• titin to:�,ttl act alio' attention1 *Ladies, s, t00, if ' :t3lso, Something they' wilt -but call and let dis'show them our new' stuff. C. GILROY.. CL1NTON, 1nx: 15, 1870. CLINTON RE1YIENDOUS B.,ARGA-i•r AND PILES OF ' FIRST-CLASS GOODS to choose , front o We begin this Morning a big Clearing, Stale: of : ' 'Goods. . We will Offer : immense bargains .to Cash Buyer and •people buying large 'quantities.' The -Goods •MURT. HE SOLD, and the piiees—miit do it. Among the piles of Bargains will be found BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, J:'LAIN AND FANCY :DRESS GOODS, ,PARASOLS, , LADIES HATS AND•BONNETS, SUN HATS, ;SILK AND. CASHMERE IVIANTLES,. WHI PE AND COLORED MUSLINS, BLACK AND COLORED GIEENADINESi LACE CURTAINS AND CARPETS, PRINTS, BOSIERX •AND GLOVES, D1tE3S LINNN$ Al ll'•LINEN••ANI) I'liTNT D1tESrSESt WRAP.PBRS AND. ULSTLUS, IUBBONS•AN LACES, • WEN 'AND: - BOV'S • CO,&TS, - PAN.1 S• AND VESTS,, RUBBER.. 'COATS, MEN. AND ;BOY'S TUTS ANTI CAPS; COLO1 33 AN'll,tiVFIT7`E'SItICTS,.'COL4E1 , .kti • WE WILL SELL Wal • Paper;. Crauet Bas a --Balls; , F�as, •.B�o�l• �lietHorders, ag Va�e�, AT COST., .AT THE SLI] TTON' 800K STOP]. IL= i a 73 • o.- :moi G :dill iiiii-II M E fir a Z.E _ u a� Irami +moi a fir: . • lewd t t'ia2Cxq Imo; 1;'V1:R, tvnity INSTRUMENT WARRANTER. ,Iniyal, 181.1. jrj GUARANTEE iTE. WJA,T-. WE A VERTUS Arid Car1:71 026' assertions oust i'tt a iery So come along and bring your. money. • We advise heibls• of families, and others In wan of first•class goode to oxamide the goods and prices, and bo couvineed by seeing, that wa • are now offering. THE GREATEST l3ARG•AINS EVr;R SEEN 1;t/ -CLINTON. Rer,ember the- place -'Opposite the Market. 171.......... II, WRIOLIT & 111: Prop(ert3r for Sale r w �.... . 113E petty for sok offers the foilowinn valuable pro,. te:-tot28, 5th concession of ' nailed, consisting of 66 acres on the Londesboro gravel read, 21 miles from the Town of Clinton, all cleared but ono aero and nearly all trop of stumps ; on the place to a Mine barn and log' Louse, is well watered, and has a bearing orchard. Alae, let No. o; Bing stroet, Clinton, and lot No. 4, on which is the Ashory. Terme and other partieulets made known on aphlIiatlon to tho undersigned, on the fernier if by letter, CLtxrO'l P.O. EI rGM AN &. HTJ BLE, Mullett, July 8, .07f'. ' • Wu. SkiftlISON. ror Sale.. Lr•OUSEend two lots for sato, or exchange for r cit• L g ges•dn farm property. Situated on Rattan nary p etherise marl uow suitabl• e' `"aui'eet Hoar the lI! h Soho , 8 , y for a largo family or boardsre. It eon rooms tains ton , geed woodshed, and summer kitchen: 'Constant sup- ply of hard and soft water. Lots well stoned. with ohoiecfruit trees, grape vices, currants, rhubarb, end etrewbeirles, he,, end are well fenced. AA,ply on the preini110. . Gunton, MAY 1876. 13AA#VSki >1t1a(FA W. •