HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-08-14, Page 1TI VOL. 14, NO. 33. *Elfte4S--41,50 Pee Animism, in advance. AND CENTRE ITURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. MINTON, ONTARIO', THURSDAY s AUGUST 1.4, 1879. tliw*ilutrtiOttittntO. Wanted, A COTTAGE, Five or six rooms; lame- diately. Apply MCILSON'S I3ANN. Clinton, Ang.18, 1879. 4 Good Farm, 'Wanted. 'AV -ANTED -TO RENT, a . good faMi.- b the pefebborhood of •Clieton. Apply, etating mins, &o.„' to Box 106, Cr,niTos B.O. (Hinton, Aug.18, 7,870, -18 Stray Iamb. IJAME into tin; premise8 of tbe subscriber, lot 26, 6th eon. p Hallett, about the bat ginning of july,--aBWE IAMB/ meek4 the ear. Tee Owner is hereby notified to prove property, Pay charges, and take it away. JIDedrll.REY SNELL. Hulls% Aug. 14,1879. • Caution., IHEBEBY FORBID any. pet'spn or persona negotiating a certain Note made by nie- in favor of the Siolde thinding Mchine Co, of Toronto on or about the 18th day of JOY, • 1879, payable two months after date, as I have received no yalue for said note, which Pi payable at the express office,' Brimfield. JAMES D. PARK.. Dated at BaTtleld, Aug.A.Ith, 1879. +m Tiouse to Lett., — • .• • . . riao LILT, house containing eix rooms, Bard and bat •L ,Irafer....,,Apply to , : 5119S nounTe...t.sTrat, ssc;nee..o. Clinton July 9th, 1879. • . _ • Farm to Let. filo LET, for a term ot years, Lot • IS,. 4th .1- con. of • Milieu -lee acrefe.40. cleared. , There are en theliremises'a good frame horn, • log house,yoeng. orchard, &c, Rent low„As , improtemente are :to be -tee 0,'. • 'For terms.. : •. . . . . . .apply :to . • , - ..... . .* '. I..- centaa..alig....toak - ------------tiriereake4;e7rAiell*NeallicitefTe-F--, • • -,e'---e-- --- - • - -.- 1.111..141111:LvirPat Ptesolas staining from Liver Complaint, Dys- Persia, Diseases of the Storotteh,,Xldneys, Fever and Ague, ete„ shonia procure one without delay,- DOSOMPTIVA TREATISE sent post freo, on application, orders by mail promptly attendeiLto. , • dE" TA C 1M La tge "A" CHILD'S pans r'2.00 each, RESBLAB, PADS, , .... 2.00 each. SPECW. PADS, • 340 cich, • -ABSORIITION S . ALTS, 200 pitt. BODY PLASTERS, • see each FOOT PLASTERS, 50c, pair. . SPLEEN BRLTS, ...........,10.00 each. Wo are Solo Ants for South and centre Huron No other parties within these limits RN authorized to sell them except through us. - ' HICKSCIN & BLEASDEIA., 4Re GREATLY obi! Albs .Redlicedi Prices. . • subgelipur will Offer the ballince.of his • Summer stuck of •• BOOTS & SHOES AT rmtly IIBITC111 PRICB For the next 60 days, •Canaillan News Items. - New Hamburg has decided to pur- chase a steam fire engine. , On the farm of Mt. W, Uglow, Dor- chester, 158 bushels of wheat MS thrashed in 2.hours and 10 minutes. •A seven-year-old child of Mr. F. 'Mc- Cann, Ottawa'fell into a tub of scald - int; water, OP: Friday, anl was so badly scalded that it died, . • A thirteen -year-old son of G. Robe, isc living near &Wand enrage, caught, his chitties en the tumblinvoct of a thresh- ing machine OIL Saturday„and Alig in- Stantl, ki114. Sunday evenine, J. Euglish'a farmer ofilfflowiriAwli Widerffilin; 1Y1.111st -on• his way home from Woodford, was theowrift-em his wagon, and I eceived in- juries from which he died.in afew houre. • Me; L House, Whilst working on Me. B. Nixon's farrh, lot 25, Con. 1, 'West- minster township, recently bound.1,024 sloyesote_tris•ire three hours.' This is at thsrate of 341,- per hour, or nearly. • .. six per minute;.and. is considered Very_ f",tt :v.o.Irl,...Mansore: of •Strathroy., lately sent the Marquis of Lorne and Princess 'Louise a pair of young -deer, ...male and female, bred. by himself and named Lorne and Louise. recognitionOf the gift he received from the Governor- General a beautifel and valuable watch - pendant, •. s' •. - The eteFiteler-City of Oweu Son -nal -of the •Colling,wood and Lake Superior Royal Mail ..Line, arrived at Coning,- • To make room for, Vail doodi., • • wood, on.Sa finality, . with a number:Pf . • • • • _L. . :excursionists and other passeneers, rind. WM. TA.1,1,,,a;40.6.11.ush.ele..of..w.heivti-arer-Lon-th • . :Canada 1. aerke:RarlErvv- is pusheti forward, and men .aro iiralemand; • end the work is progressing very • favorably.. 'The crops,. on Manitoulin Island five very fair prom* and.. look The se w mill at Little Current'. is burned down to the ground., GeorgeGrifilths; who, - since September last, has been filling' the po- sition -of Secretary 'to the -United...Em- pire. -Club; ---Ter-onto,7TabsoOnded fast: Monday. • Ile had not. balaneedhis books since his appointment as secretary. It' kvias not known that, the :man hadab- mended till Friday, whin a letter was -re- ceived from hire stating that such was the case,. and "thatthe. state Of his affairs. compelled hiteto take the step .110,110 done, 13,efore going. he borrowed .$92 from tlie steward of the club and vari- • ous sem -from' °Thor. ilea -pie. • falcations at -e 'expected:to rtinonnt :to several thousands: , Far -m• For Sale,-. fr-HAT FIB:ST-GLASS -FARM,--No-,--65-,- on • the 15th- eon. of :Goderich Township,. be- . longing to Mrs. O. Gorden .; will.b.c.seld -for. mall or on part dredtt: -Only one ihjle from'Clintou, The farm -contains -eighty acres of choice -laud, • in good.condition, fine orchard, &c, .ApplY to• '. H.. HALE. ' - Clinton, Ally 21, 1879. " • • ^' • • • . . Lot .for Sale, • • • f HAT eligibly situated quarter -acre Lot, on Queen Street, adjomon,- • the resulence of Mr. E. Holmes, is offered for Sale on 'reasonable terms. Particulars .on.application to , •• CURTIS STEVENSON. • clinton, July 17, 1879: . !.'• • Seed WiltAT for Sale. . SCOTT & BOVINE'S. STOR 01 /s prepared lit a form Perfectly ageaeahle tO children and most sensitive persons. In manufacture the' • properties of the oil that produce pain and griping are eliminated, audit is rendered not only mild and pleas. ant kt its action, but absOlutel tasteless and palate - btu, It is pre-emmently the finest laxative and ca.:- thartinimown, and as a remedy for Costiveness, Con., stipition, and all Intestinal Derangements i t une- qualled. and is destined to take the place of crude oil' and all drastic pills and purgatives!. .For sale b all Druggists at as cents a bottle. Don't fail to try it. . • /1114. subscriber has for sale a qtiantitY of:1 •.1 seed wheat- of the ARNOLD VICTOR' exoellent grain, stands the winter. well, ,and giVes a good, . Sample can be Seen at the Gr,17:TON NIt:Wint.t office. • - • . .......WIDDIA.111 • • croaertee To qnship, Aug. /rim. • Storioiser For Sale or lo Jot . _ ' A isARGE 1fRAME STOREit0EsE- known as -No. 4, situate. a.C, the Grand Trunk Railroad Station, Clintcm, Is offered for sale or to rent on very reasonable terms, Bar- ticelars on application to . / • • JAMES R0j313,— ' •:11 Herald taco, .8.711A-rrotto.- - - . ...Property for sal*); • glHE subscriber Offers that.conieniently situ- ated farm, Lot No: 215,.1.6t11 noneession of .• .Giodetich-Towhship,. containing 80-tterest nearly all .cieared, for Sale, • It is good- clay soil, Well ' fenced, Under good cultivation ha good build- ings and three wells On •if, ;, ten acrea of.stimmer fallow,- -and 'Sroderieh township, slily 17, 1870. • • —0 d • 14- 142,..qii.g.141 NrY•'''1- El 0 • - ? E,t = H 14g • Et.g74 - -Ea ri"e 55a •„. • , "" e ". . . • •Con, AiLa e ▪ • Rir4,S-1 Notes .Lost.:. . VOTICE 18 HEREBY' GrvEil that all 1.1 parties are forbic1,47nrchasing negotiat ing the following notes of hand i -One of, $220, given by Geo. Sheppard, of Blyth j two notes, one of $100 and another of $50; gtven,by Mx. Hicks, of 11th con., Godericli Township ; one • (-41100, given by ,tapeth Holland, lltb con;, Goderich Township; one of goo; given by If, Young, 9th -con,. Goclerich Township, All ,The Club held a meeting tki Toronto; on Saturday, and, after wind- ing up affairs, cancelled the engagement ,with the chaniPion ' and dissolved. „Heneeforth-Hanl an -will -have. to 'paddle his own gene°. report of the' F.Ing- lieh races wae.read showing Oat during fli-08 months the club had been in ex•.: istende it had Paid over to Hoiden P8.,- 000, not including eXpenses-: 4. letter -.was read freer the- .charripion, acknow- ledging the -Club's liberality and thank- ing, the: members for their kindness. A•balariCe. $800 remained after re., funding to 'each member the $250. acl-: vanced by kith, to defrey., the,/ -expenses of the.Englisli campaign, along With:all the prciporty of the Club, consisting of bdat4, boathouse, oars, . • . „ A exchange gives an account; of how eertain Torcnito bierclunits have been carrying on an i„llegal trade laces, silks, etc., with their. American. cousins: A poStmaster in Grundy County Ill • .1 beeame stispieious of packages and let- ters bearing the Titionto mark, Consulting with the American postal authorities, he -was ',instructed how JO act. A letter from a dry goods chant in Toket to city phortly afterwards passed uncles. the hands of the Grundy countY: postmaster. On being opened, it WAS RAITICI to be-a...private circular soliciting orde.rs„ and stating _that said .house was. sending large quantities of laces through the matte Le .411, Parts of .the United States, such manner as tO•save the *mint of the duties to the purchasers% --. ,A.o 'a recent sitting of the ;;Division Coutt at Napanee, the wife of' a cenfirm- ed drunkard stied a, liquor -seller for hav- ingsuppliedherhusband with liqueelafter been notified not te do so.; and recover- ed $20 clareages. In this connection it may be ineutionen filet .by 'recent A.ot passed by the Legislature of Massachtt, setts, known tho " Civil Damage Act," the owners of buildings leased to liquor -sellers aro liable as well as the lessees for any 'damage °tweed by the sale of liquor in their establishments. The effect of WS law has-been a decided diminution in the number- of drinking houses. Many landlords, who had their promises rented for such purposes high figures, have cancelled the leasee owing to their becoming liable as stated. .g 6, hes M ,a-'4 z•-e-gfa' s res p. M R.A.,0331-5r7 ninorriint CARRIAGE & DDILIVERs% HARDWARE • *Awn ma favor of the. nudersigned. • , • NV111. COLOLOT.T44/I. Goderich Township,. July 22. . TO gorrAtIoR BARGAINS TENDIL-111S- vviLl, be reeeletel by the -undersigned, ue THI.R EE- BRICK. STORES, II: in the Towe of Clinton-, Plans and specifica- tions can be seen at my office, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILL/ AM COATS, • Clinton, July 17t8, 1870, • ^ • to the leth of August, for the erection of Valuable Farm .for Sale. -- Tkiti Vogt -half of Lot NO. in, In the /tit con. Cession of Wavrano011-99 Auteuil. Elta one of the beat farms in the County • I-, of Iluron, and eittiate in one of the beat farniing tectioes, with good roads and good markets. The soil throughout is a heavy clay' loam, *ell drainea, ' and all good wheat land. About 84 acres Ore cleared, fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. The buildings are mew, and consist of a two,story frame dwell- ' Mg, and large barn. The orchard is large and bearing. Tbis valuable farm will betiold cheap and liberal terms of payment given. Apply to W. W. PABRAN, Olinten el'.0. eiliTiai.; My 04, 1879. , TX HAVING BEEN BAD11 11XPBRS,SLY, I,011, 'turn' ENOLISIt, unssi,01:410 Aziotic.itc 'ARMIES, • 0511...' A t,IMITED ieVANTITT, ar It • J. It A,04.1 "Sr 79- ,9./T.RLP 11.411.111YAPH, 1.31.,A0ESMIX.IPS 0041., ,11.AP 1:110.1V, ("Azar -Rib L..4.§igt), tit 'WA g MANTON, :vily 10, 7970. INII•1101,1111•11•114411,1•41 ^ 444-04- ghe-valueble trotting -mare Eva with a record of 2..28, was gored to death by a buil at Mount Clemens, Mich., On Wednesday, She was owned by Mr. • Walter Fanning, of Belleville, who re- fused $4,500 Tor her a short time since At Truro, N. S., on ",l‘fonday, three •young scamps, dreveya hove around town until'it was thoroughly- exhausted, then they took it to ;field and inflicted fifteen wounds in its body. .with It` jack - km , • The poor. brute did .frofn ex- haustion, • The wretcheswere arrested. At M.ontreal, On Thursday, a poor fa- tuily were thrown into -great alarm dur- ing a wake on the body of a deceased child by the wiod blowing the flame of ainstAllsdrapeyy and setting, it on fire. In extjuishing ne peor wonian hadlier hands and arms burned • , • • -Geo. Welch, conductor of a freight; train on the a 5. R., attempted to get into the caboose_ when the train was in inotiOn at-Ilagarsvillei-en Wednesday, ,And wasthrown under the car. He received suh 'severe injury that he died shortly.Afterwards. • , • At Montreal, on Friday, there wile q,eite a 1;l1/1 en epme of the banks. As one of thceincidents connected with the run on the City and•District Bank, ono woman drew $430; and 'before she had gone one hunched steps frodt the bank she discovered thet•her pocket hadbeen -Orr-Pridav----a--veersatl--aeeident .curred at a, barn. raising on the farm of Thos. Mighton, in the township'of Ben: tincir, ahowtpree miles from -Durham, by Whieli two men, Mr. J. Mighten, and b.§ illed,„and nine oeheratrijuret --esevera Ortieln -verY Thenaide-nt was caused by the plate fallipg. ' ..". 4,000 people gathered •rit Sarnia, on {E4 HOLMES tit SON* ritsbIldlisterd. • Whitechurelt. I'nesclay, to see flanlan's rowing. TRANsFit. _ MLP. Rennie iuri pur. An unknown man was killed on. the I chased from 'Mr. 3. Mowbery,liis dwell - G, W. 11. 'nen? Bothwell, on Tuesday • ing and store; the latter gent haasretiiiteont„ •• night. fiotn business, bonding,a nud ew • The High Sehool at.,..St. -.Marys has ,{ , x.- /..:„..?0,,,lse• been.I promoted to the renk - of a Celle:- ' .Picsic.--The '0, W. IL e bmployees elate •nstitu to , .... . W. G. ci:,• B. and. L. ..c T. division.; was. held their, annual picnic, 'at. filiati,. Sa- G. 0. Magee, • of, London, Ont., killed in San Francisco, on the fith, by terclay, "23rd inst., t'()limes, prises, and a runaway team. ' ' ' ' anmsenients will be attractive, Ontario, end are mist up on the shores, ' INA are dying by thetisands iii Lake :REPOrocs.— Rev. 'Mr. Dryers, of 'Winglunn, administered paerament se,,:. causing a terrible odor. . ' )(itticyetl.. tilit;%0,,IIn.Sil.pern-"deOrsh:lorich,d.ibstT.:.; ' America') rail WayAgents' are in Otte: officiating at Wingltarn quarterly sex - w a endeavoring to indeee intending emi• . vents t� Manitoba, to g6 to Nebraska vices, Sunday 10th, fl.?.e pulpit at Ulster, . . / ariir4fitineseta..--- . b'iuk'ablY-fille'd-j' M''' T414e4-16911.T1--' ' " A eonple of Listewell :firemen have Stortsurorsu.--4 large, tleati substan- been arrested for setting fire to build- ,. tial storehouse has been erected on, the lugs in order that the brigade might be grounds of the 0. W. R. Co., here; by , celled out 'They admit their guilt. 11Ir. 3. Martin, for storing and ..shipping:, :41TI-hdoe ID): tleildli? tar- tCh°evdee 11Zelr'lictaittencIDS2:10alli; . 6fis 0Ang'ehinvilsiuertol-rtil'alePillatInacontitso'liii7111Iisslgarerndts. payable on dernaedHowthis is se cured, if secured at all, is not known. i on the Islands gives v,ery fete 'Pre/raise, 1 . : , . for -the - benefit . of hihealth. The. crops s. A very. sad and fatal accident occur- wed look weNAll, e hope the Cnampi- - ; - . ,, • . ti e.:i', 1 red near the tillage- of Hanover, . on one" wrn ill be able to •eet the farmers' Friday, by which,,Miss Adams lost her wants there life at a picnic partyAfter tea, while sifr,r_...41atvelling n the neighbor- , enjoying a welk in the woods, a tree I hood we find but fewsheep, the ayerage ' fell, instantly killing Miss Adams. ! let kept by our farmers is •froni 10 to The first _European vessel entered. the 15,, it is lore to find anytitIng like a Gulf of SC Lawrence three hundred and • large flock. They 'are, profitable, and forty-five yearri ago Senday. • tieing money may' ise Made- from them, a also-the'feast-of-St. Lawrence; the day weilter 10 months old 0111`,~ithis 41,4ce, - was fittingly observed in Quebec by re- letee paid all expense of rearint, liatila ' • ligious services. ' a geed sheep will bring as much per • •In Springfield it,•"deteitinued atten .11..0 pound- for the \Oleic weight alive, as a , 111 hen. wak Made:to burn the grist mat -Owned good steer will make ipey,Lponed_foride_. A. little boy, -five-years of :lee son of Mr. 1.): McInnes of. London whilC _ . tun- nilig about barefooted on Saturday last accidentally struck one of his large toes against, a hard substance; which • pained bite slightly for a shoi't time. . But little 'netice was ;taken of the injury, however, • Until,- the 'pain -vender:ed.' tine -lad almost frantic. Medical aid was Summoned,' but. the doctors could do nothing t3 alleviatt. the pain, and.the peor boy died from lock- jaw on the following Menday 'morning. Some months age Mr. 1-1. 11. Dorman; of Mitchell, had e young Newfoundlend dog sent to him' by express from Streth-• roy, a distauceof seventy miles. After having the deg several weeks he sud- denly /disappeared, and as he was Anuch- admired, for his immense. :size , and beatify- IVIr.:Dermaa thought'. seine one had stolen him: Nothing however was heard of' him from the day he disappeared until' it few days ago when Mr. Dorman 'received word frern, Itis friend at Strath. rey that the deg had returned home.- • Both passenger and freight treffle• on the ...Grand • Tretik railWay,•;'are Very heavy. jest now. All . the regular ex- press teeins east and West are crowded,. aral Mammoth exceraions pass, throtigh Stratford 'alinest every day: -We are ?info' hied that, all thwevailible ears ,tire engaged for every. day, in August, and still larger 'business is eXpected in Sept.. There is not an empty freight car stand- ing, on aey Of the aiding's,. so great is the amount- of foreign traffic 'pouring Over the road. Both .the elevators at • Point Edward are....mmi_cedltek,..,lheir ut- most capacity, and vessels are to be seen at all times Waiting . their turn to diseharge their cargoes. The outlook for the fall trade. vias never brighter, Whieh will be good hews to the proprie:' tors in England. • ; ' . „ 'Coot 'Bergess, the well-known come- dian; Was cencernen in what mighthave. been an ugly sheeting scrape in Toon- to, on Wednesday of last week; He has been living in New "rink for some time, but came to VorontO a few days ago, and on Wednesday, while bc ,was in his brother's saloon, a man named.' Wiclgery came aceornpanied by Alex. Blakley, a cigar • dealer. There had been trouble about family inattees -.be- tween Widgery and Burgess some' two years ago. and Widgery becoming_ abus- ive -Cool fired at him with a revolver, \Victory returning the. fire. Cool fled, and Widgery and l3lakely hung about for some time, watching for him to re- appear, threatening to shoot°. him on Sight Widgery was shot, in the arm, Cool Burgess.then left Dirento, and ap• peered on the stage Of a variety theatre' at New York, 011 Friday, seng a song and gave n recitation for encore. He beettme,excited over a remark by a per- son in ,fitgAo;n•orlienec and stated "I am not a murderer. It was forced upon me. That man • ruined • my wife and wrecked riry hopes. X am only sorry T did not kill him."' woe. loudly, tip. plauded and left the building. 14 wee arrested in thu theatr ,e on a telegraphie requisition from Toronto, for felonioua. assault upon Widgcry. 1.44.10:1( ' Aresseci..4arteas,sTmonnte---steer,,-..pays---- ftirgiirEf0Aectan- 1-14thi4041-4L1- ' !liege was done.. It is supposed vayevery year by wo-ol.'• beea lighted by tramps.‘ • . • , • erl,. to prochree .first. 61 isa mitten; sheep. fer expert; take the ,Ctataiwold grerfitee,d :TheatitheritieS'of a Montreal Catho-. :4„ lieXherch receive- somany- bad coppers . in their contribution -boxes that they ' MId it eeeessery. ,to Melt them *nee a HURON ITEMS. month. • In this way they hope to pub 'cni:the Vent their -corning back to them - $, -them out 'of.circulation, zind 'thee pre - Br uisels Soh 9,)1- sal artee.oul arnerrnt . ' • • . y • Rev. R. -W. Wallace, Of the COn,gre- • to $1875early' ' • •• gational Ohurch, Londou stnprised his Port Huron and. ela.rnia Othifellews cengregetion - by seddenly announcing .visit.0edey1ch next .1.1fonclay. • his resignation.: The cense. thereof is ' cow was 'lately ill"" .yet a profound!mystery.- The rev. gen- tleman; being questioned, said he Would not make any statement till Thursday evenine, when ,..tbe cause will be laid be- foee the Congtega don, • " • " John7Dieltie, Ortho, 5th- conees. session of' robe, camp near losing a field Of barley by fire the other ,clay. Being deeirous of taking.a snioki out - ting his barley, he. struck' a' ;match, and. after lighting his pipe threiv the .matelr away, still burning. Shealy after- wards the. stubble was discovered ' fire, and it gave • some trouble before it was put out, • A'probably fatal accident happened at Grimsby, on' Menday, at , the new brick COUrS0 of erection for the Rev. L. AleXander, by_ ills fall of a seaffold on which kvere two tin- sileiths,nareed Irwin, of Itamilton, and Wiltriot, of St. Catharines., Tho lateer has his Skall badly, fractured. The ac- eident Was no" doubt due to the pareless„ manner in which the Scaffold Was pat up. Nothing could be better than the T011owing-ailtensed advice 'given to the farmers by the Cobourg &Athol Lab those who .wish to enseee againsefoture failures,- set to work to grow ,more-Irtief and mutton, underdrain - their lend, spend more time, trouble and money in manures, and they will find•that every •tart---IMf Mr. 4'48 Fansen, }fay.. . Mr: Rockey, of Winghare, is. expeti- mentingin a shipment of,flour to Hall- tusinese difficu [ties con) pel 1 ed the resignation of Counbiller linne, Wing- Seaforth haw reduced, the -ustornarv grant of. $100 to the Mechanies. Institute; -: th 360.• Mi Gece..racii has'•disposed of -.the Unlink Rotel, lIerpurhey, to Mri,' Thos.: IC.nex, formerly of Seafortlt, ;fee . the . slim of $1, tog. "7- ••••., A. niali 'boned Syphers, cheese ?maker • at Bletavale, Cleared out last week. His departure was hastened by • a woman. claiming • to. be his forsaken wife, suddenly appearing on the scene, The toWeship clerk of Riephon. writes ns foliows -Nr. Editor.—Don't you. think it Would be a good thing if the` Touuship Cle4re woeld have a, conven- tion .occasionally IS 'Isom municipal matters, se; that there might bemore -uniformity their dirties.; „•- The following teachers have been, , gaged--41-eirtinection• SeAfortir School clepa•rpeen Maty • Dick, of :Myth, ;pi I try $275 Gth depart- ' ment, Miss L. Shaw, Seaforth, salary ' f230; 7th, or Juuier department, Miss JORri Reiss, Attlissels, salary $230, . Me..,Alex. Nichol, of Brussels 'has bought lot 18,. con. 7,. Morris;••.for the season .1n this country is suffiaiontly sum of $4;27•0; the purchase ie. 0611, • siderecl a bargain, as thelotis a geed . ono having:80 apres ,cleared, (without a Minim) and the remainder being tiered with pied hardwOecl; " succeis is guaranteed to oue•fartners." D.urins• the - storm on Saturday:2nd " , inst., th;barn of Mr, J. McNair, lot ; On Saturda. y the wife 01' Mi'. .5:111)05 22, coil. 15, Grey,' centaining a large Dunlop, of the township Of •I-Iead, re- quantity Of fell wheat, bay, OZ., waS ceived a severe and possibly fatal injury struck by lightning and entirely dts- from It bull. The animal was known troyedi The fla.nres spread •so rapidly. to 1)e -vicious, -2 but. was suPposect-ld be thnt' "numb- thno olOPood to 1;°°°6-a---- • afraid of Mrs.•Dunlop,.ehe having nets: ripen., of horses and d wagon', Tloss. tored it on previous occasions ; Wit on- $1,500. No insurance. the morning in question it was raining hard, and she had 011 1111 cilskin coat, and she thinks the animal did not re- • • Ltttest General: News Itemoi ee,gnize her. She was milking a COW Croat distress prevails in Para 14,- a few feet froth the door and had 060 people have revolted Oving to the' ed her task, when the 'lull charged at stoppage of supplies for their relief. , her, knocking her down and making e A serious riot occurred in Belfast on terrible wound about ten inches in at- Meeday night, canoed by, a Catholic prOceSSiOn. , Many persons wet...injured. • salubrious to produce a mod 'paying Crop. Ddif.t continue to lOok to cereals •for weelth, but let the 110d, the Anita,/ bring such substantial returns as shall Meet any deficiency in the- Others and tent acrots the lower part of her Abdo- men. The bull tried to follow up the attack, but Atm Dunlop, with great presence Of inind, threw the can of milk in his face, whtch had the °fleet of checking the now infuriated brute and enablinmher to make her way into the house, She has 13ein removed to the Pembroke hospital, anti lios in a. very prOCtitiOtlel ceedition, . , , Much damage to the erope Lan.' eashire and Cheshire has bean eaused by Ovordow of tho Unrsay. • There has' also been some legit ef,dife. The London Post says the Royal CoMmission eh the Depression of the Agriculturel Interests will send tom- . tnissioners t4 Canada and the 'United States to inquire int* the food suppliwo. •••