HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-20, Page 7�y oo lllto;,
TJ1E *INDIUM Ti!i $ OC20, ii44,
men. or elyi Ave"... �. +
At 8 o'clock it was snowing wildly.
"The pity was like the wraith of what
lit had been in the morning hours, Foot•
marks were wiped out as soon as made,
and the whirl of the storm filled the
town with excitement.
The bell' in David Temple's office wall
rung sharply.
"I didn't know Mr. Templed come
t, back," said Pete in dismay, sliding the
.latest dime novel under a box.
While fastening her veil Anne listen-
ed for David'e voice. His steady, umo.
l Dented toned came clearly to her. He
'bad returned and entered his private
oboe without passing through the ed-
: itorial rooms• A moment later he came
"I thought you'd be gone," be said,
pausing beside her. His eyes were un-
usually bright, a cool color from the
storm was on his cheeks. "I'm going
out again In a moment and will go up
town with you. I just (tame down to see
Marley," and he orossod to the night
'editor's desk.
Ten minutes later they were on the
:streets together. The snow stung their
faces, settled like a mantle over them,
.and in oaprioiotas skeins half hid the
blinking oyes of the Crowd they passed
through. Shivering newsboys blew on
'their fingers, crouching ander the stairs
of the elevated road, and white capped
tamale mon presiding over their copper
pans like magioians over a flame sent
'their rolling ory from the shelter of
The trains were Crowded at that hour.
It was necessary for Anne to take a
meat far from where David stood, and
she could only see bis big shoulders be-
yond an intervening dozen. By the time
'her gate came in sight after a difficult
walk the storm had reached crescendo,
and they were breathless.
"Oome up to the lire for a moment,"
said Anne.
"But you haven't dined?"
"Hours ago. It's almost 9. Come in.
I've seen nothing of you for a week."
"Just for a moment, then, if I may.
Besides, 1 want to speak to you of Dou-
aid, "
And it was of Donald they talked,
yet something in David's tone thrilled
and bewildered Anne. He had been sue-
' cessful in his interview with Donald
Sefain, had flung the first plank across
the chasm between them. But content
• for that did not explain the light in his
face, the passionate air in his whole
presence. He seemed reveling in nnex-
• pressed exultation. With a foolish stir-
ring of the heart Auue was conscious of
: it and waited.
As he talked he leaned back with eyes
half closed. The pose forcibly recalled
the first day she saw him, when be had
tried to prevent her becoming a news-
paper woman, the flung bank shoulder
and half Closed eye, the loosened look
of hair clinging to the forehead and
giving a boyish touch to his face. Then
be was a stranger, treating her like a
• too ambitious ohild. Now he was David,
Sao familiar, so well understood he was
like another self, and she loved him.
There was fright in this last thought
tonight. She seemed wild and strong,
but Chained by one invisible thread of
her own making. While she listened to
David she found herself endeavoring to
explain to her pride tho voluntary sur-
render of her heart to this man who did
not and never might love her. She
thought of the optimism in natural se-
lection and that it might be unreoipro-
She was only following an old Iaw.
• Other women had impulsively and si-
lently loved men whose hearts had been
• closed to them.
She knew that David was indifferent.
. He permitted few people an aoquaint-
anoe with hie intimate self, He sought
none. Yet no man had more friends,
Pete in the office, to whom from sheer
• unconcern he had never spoken a kind
• word, felt privileged in some invited-
.. oua way when commissioned to carry
home a parcel for him. Donald, in spite
of the untoward circumatauoee of their
t'Constant Dread
of Paralysis
i Lift arm got numb—Doctors
UIt;L, nervous exhausttlon—
Rsmarkable cure by Dr.
Ohase's Nerve rood.
Mes. CttAS. S. Ceevee, North Gower, Oat.,
writes ; "1 do not hesitate to recommend Dr.
• Chase's Nerve rood and would not begtudga
fifty dollars for the geed it has done me.
nit sir years I suffered
with severe pains in my
right shoulder and numb-
ness in my left arm. No
tongue can tell what 1 suis:
ered. The doctors said the
trouble was front the nerves
but their medicines proved
et as avail so. I resolved to
give Dr. Chase's N e r t e
Feed a orifi. After using
six boxes of this medicine
my health WAS se greatly
improved that I got more
CIO* and I used in all twenty.
• iieht hares Wide the result that I atm conipletelr
cured,. Ido riot feel that I can itse strong enough
• • Wadi In recommending this medicine to all wise
Steer is 1 did."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 150 tents a box, T.
, proteet you against imitations the portrait and
signature of Cir. A. W. Chase, the famous
teee"pt book atrtafele.tlrd en every box of his
1' Irfnge%>ete
lives, loved hint with all his heart. it
was not strange, then, since David Tem-
pie was, a man whose magnetism was a
positive possession, who owned the
passive supremacy which steals from
the recorded lives of Napoleon and Dean
Swift, that one woman should have
come still nearer to him uninvited. She
seethed defending her weaknesa before
an invisible jury and was acquitted.
"A spleadtd chance," David was
saying when she gave him her undivid-
ed attention again; "a chance not to be
bad every day. The partnership can be
had for an absurdly small 'amount, you
know, because the Englishman who is
cutting it all sickened in the climate
and wants to got home. But Donald, as-
sisted by the good business men still in
the Company, could make it pay. In
"Brazii? He'll have to go to Brazil?"
she said uncertainly.
"You haven't been listening to me."
And David leaned toward her. "Where
do you suppose they grow Coffee, Anne
—on Staten Island? Really," he said
urgently, "nothing will help Donald
like getting away from New York. If
it's hard to ant the old assooiations
here, it will be just as hard to form
new ones there. At first he would not
Iisten to me, would not let me lend him
the necessary money. It was a struggle
between us, and I assure you, Anno, I
humiliated myself to him."
"Does he want to go now?"
"He wants to try—glad even to stop
sketching for awhile, It need only be
for a few years. He will give up brain
work and uncertain hours for a life de-
manding physical energy and systematio
;. abita. raid I tell you," he said more
softly, "he's to let me send hie protege,
Joe Evans, to my old nurse in Connecti-
cut? The elimate down there would fin-
ish the little chap in a wink." Ile start-
ed up and took a few steps up and down.
"I never can forget my visit to his
rooms the other night and the sight of
the sink boy there. Donald is a queer
iaixture of good and bad, isn't he? He's
done what I never could do, been vicious
as I never could be, but he's made life
heaven for one Creature, urged to it by a
humanity which I scarcely understand. "
He stood before the fire and stared
into it. There was a line between his
brows, his glance was heavy, and Anne
knew he was thinking of himself and
what be lacked as perhaps he ne'ber had
before. Ile sighed and moved so that
his elbow rested cu the mantel. When
he looked down at Anne, she am again
the light as from a heart ratisfled which
a little while before had puzzled her,
"Anne," he said in a eauaing way,
"do I seem unlike myself tonight?"
She nodded. She could not move her
eyes from hie.
"But do I look like a man who has
come into a rare inheritance? Do I? Yes,
Yee," be• said thickly, "I want to tell
you, Yon have been so much to me I
must tell you now."
He took the chair opposite her and
again leaned forward. Anne sat motion-
less, a heavy coldness woightiug'!rer.
"Look at me. I am in love at last, as
Unreasonably, as hopefully, as if 1 were
There was a second's pause. To Anne
it was the ray between aspiration and
chaos, all that was possible and what
could Hover be.
"I told Olga today/ loved her. Anne,
and idle 1s going to marry me. You and
I will be relatives soon," he said gayly
and pressed her hand.
There was nothing to tell him. She
wan Cold and in darkness. She remained
apparently quiet while her heart seemed
cloven by a sword. She said everything
he expected of her, scale of the phrases
quite prettily too. She even laughed
while the mirth was dart on her lip
and David unreal and terrible to her.
After a long time be went away, and
she sat like a dead woman, yet curious-
ly, painfully alive to one thought. She
had loved him, and he had passed her
by. Olga had won her happiness. The
apathy 'either, and she sprang up, her
eyes 'suddenly wild. She hated Olga
and envied her bitterly, brat only for a
?moment. Through all her pain the rec-
ognised an unquestionable fatality. The
reason of her failure to draw to herself
the man she loved lay ■omowhere at
the large root of, things, ire darkness,
beyond the knowing. Olga's success
was just as inexplicable and impersonal.
The bitter fact she could fade and must
accept, but nothing else.
Unoonsoioue of time, she eat still un-
til voices in the hall and a knock at the
door seemed to come frosty a long die•
tames. Nora, half asleep, entered with
a letter. A. messenger boy in the hall
was rubbing his tiara with hit widened
Anne opened the envelope without
curiosity, bd't the words aroused her,
Brad pity for something betides herself
paced over her face t
Kr bass Agar -Can you loans is sty place
as soda virtu read tbiat Era afraid it's all up
with goof ,Too, sad he keeps talking of yott.
De come with the messenger. Ho wen'/ rive
Wealth the night. 1 Hare sot leave hes odds.
Anne looked at the elook. It was
after 11. She heard the Wind Shake the
window in fury, she sew this snot
moved like a trentendeas curtain West -
Ward, and a greening aid* in frena the
night, The sheat room balanus ink
gouty uuindutable.
When site stepped Opal her doorway'
tw04 Ike Gels, 11th wltad, as i<f recogatt•
irhg her affiant by tea** of tile storm
in her $ooll, Weirioutei hetwitkirtglgy.,
More than half the battle in
cleaning greasy dishes is in the
soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap
it's the best. as
There was relief in bending her heiidl
against the blast, in feeling the flakes
slang her face to burning life, the sense
Of being needed had comfort in it, and
the purpose of her errand surmounted
for the tirue the other dull, insistent
The street where Donald lived was in
the heart of the business center and
;mournfully quiet. The lights in high
tenements and old fashioned ledging
houses flickered on lonely stretobee of
snow, traffic was muffled, and people
passed as if with velvet shod feet.
Anno dismissed the messenger at
Donald's door and entered alone, From
the many small apartments carne sounds
of the life within. Through one open
transom where tobacco smoke curled
she heard. a ("erman's voice, raised in
argument, roll out, "Bismarck!" In an-
other roo'zn a •girl was laughing uure-
strainedly. Farther away the reitera-
tions of a banjo were like punotuations
on the silence.
The meaning of her presence there
struck Anne afresh and sharply. One
room of this big house was silent, set
apart, although no signet mark of blood
Nora, half asleep, enteredwtth a tetter.
showed on the door. Joe, the wan
picker boy, had become a personage
with all preparations made for a myste-
rious and final journey, and she bad
come to bid him an impressive farewell.
At the bead of the stairs she paused. .A
dread of the room beyond and the scene
to follow came upon her, and she half
turned away.
But Mrs. Mulligan came down the
hall, and under the unsheltered gaslight
Anno saw on her face the resigned sor-
row of the old.
"It's ye, aouahle," she said, with a
long sigh. " Well, poor Joe's gone."
Sho opened the door showing the dim
room, Donald at the window, his head
bowed, and Joe's spent body outlined
on the bed in majestic and eternal quiet.
Donald turned and came quickly to
Anne's side. He held her band in si-
lence ice a moment.
"I suppose I shouldn't have asked
you tomato," he said, lifting the snowy
cloak from her shoulders, "but Joe
wanted you. Only a few moments after
the messenger bad gone be died." There
was a defiant, unhappy smile on itis
Itps. "His reprieve was short lived,
wasn't it? And I had meant to make
him happy. I was not permitted, you
see. Perhaps I was not fit."
"Don't'-- don't — Donald" —• And
&nue, unable to say more, sat down be-
aide the bed.
Tho room was silent. Mrs. Mulligan
had stopped the clock, and the bands
pointed to the last moment of Joe's life.
The old woman who had so sincerely
loved the waif drew the cloth to the
sharp chin and stood like a figure of
!'ate, drearily nodding. 'rho boy's facie
wore the look of fixed appeal with
which the dead Can disarm even hate..
"A wild night to diel" sighed Mrs.
Mulligan, striking her palms softly to-
gether. "He was a small gossoon to go
SO far alone. Poor Joel Ye'll never
hould inc yarn for me again. I'll miss
ye, 'cdstia, 'sore I'll miss ye." Break-
ing'' into sobs; she went out.
"Annoy"I want to speak to you."
The words were a breath and spoken
over her shoulder- She half turned,
when Donald's hand was laid upon her
"NO," he said quickly, "don't look
at me. Let me say what I must here."
His dark, agonised face was bent
above her as she sat iu a waiting atti-
tude, her eyes on the silent Wools. A
lock of hair lay on her shoulder, and
Donald's fingers touohod it etonithily
(luting a moment's pause.
"How can I say what I want to?" he
asked helploesly, "But I needn't say
all, You know what you've been to me.
Anne, this room holds all my worse
than useless Hie has known --you and
what was Joe. His eyes are forever
, Closed, the drat Whore worship I felt I
deserved. You don't know whet thrt
meant to me. His look was like a wait,
ing pardon, no ?natter what hay sins."
She tried to lift her hand and speak,
but he pressed it back, still &veining her
"What I was to Joe, " he Maid, "yon'vo
been to Me• --that and more. The bond
between us makes inc know that in
some dear sense I belong to you* -that
you will be Inde glad or sad by what
I fluty become. Well, to away front you
1n a land 'where I 'shalt be alone and
lonely I'm going to work thinking of
you. Atter tonight Limey no* Mee 'nig
.wg=i to{' l'l r. ,V41 1 k• at, loll
Colne hack, And I may say to. yeti WO,
Anne,, What slow,[ must only whisper
from shadow and without a hope. I
dive you. You ars Mere to the than
creed or Church or pre,ypre, for you'vl,.
done what these couldn't. And 1 love.
you for yourself, apart from; this i 1to-
getber. I love you, Anne. I love year."
His voice faltered. Anne rose and
fared hien, It seemed as if chords in
her well' had been strucirharshly that
night, but in mine Jnsolvabie way a
wondrous Immunity had resulted. The
yeareiug eentimont which Donald had
always inspired in her rose to some-
thing more. In being hope, desire arid
strength to hint them was a reepousibii-
ity of joy and pain mho Could not whol-
ly accept, yet would not repulse. She
gave him her bands, her mouth quiver-
ing like a child's. Her eyes were all
tenderness and oonfidence.
"I don't deserve a love like this," she
said seriously. "How littleideserve it1
But I'll retnomber, Donald.'"
She sighed and looked at him intently.
"I'll remember all you've said." But
when his eyes grew more wistful she
looked away.
It was after 2 o'olock when Donald
left her at her door and said goodby.
She watched him down the street stud
saw him stand once in the drifting
scow and look back.
She went slowly up the stairs and in-
to the sitting room, where the fire had
been kept bright. A mocking presence
seemed to greet her. Just within the
door she leaned against the wall. There
was the snow padded window, the cur-
tain drawn back as her hand had placed
it. By the fire was the chair in which
David Temple had sat. She saw the
book on which her elbow had rested as
she listened to him.
In the shock of Joe's death and Don-
ald's unexpected words the memory of
the bitter hour spent there had been
crowded back. Now it started into full
life, and apprehensive disgust of the
days to come nullified other feeling
within her.
"Ob, to forget, to forget, to forget!"
She flung off cloak and hat and sat
dowu at her desk before the window.
Her lips were set and seemed to have
been brushed with ashes, Her eyes were
shut beueatb frowning brows. She
would forget—she must. She could not
bear 'the days to come unless she did
Before her lay the portfolio holding
the pages of her neglected novel. Scarce-
ly knowing what she did, she opened it
and laid her hands upon the leaves. A
phrase hero and there caught her eyes,
the name of the characters she bad cre-
ated. A deeper attraction for the work
awoke in her, desire for sleep departed,
and she felt alive to her finger tips.
She bent over the pages, and her pen
went haltingly at first, but by degrees
a new desire dominated, her, and noth-
ing but the thought and the word born
of the thought was real to her. All else
bad failed. This power in herself was
strong and true. Though all other de-
lights forsake her, this never would.
Her cheek was gray, and the light
had gone from her eyes, whose •lashes
were stiffened with tears. But she was
no longer unhappy. The drifting mists
of that strange dawn fled under the full
sunlight and found her still writing.
Seven months bad passed between
David's marriage in April and the fog-
gy afternoon when he and Olga with
some other hundred souls arrived in
New York on board the Lucauia.
Dr. Ericsson was at the wharf to
meet them. They were to dine that
night en familia at the old house in
Waverly place.
"Anne can't be with ns," said the
old an regretfully as the carriage took
them np Broadway. "Her old home in
the Country is without a tenant at pres-
ent, and she's taking a rest there. She's
been working too hard, too steadily,
night and day,"
"She's a fool," said Olga from her
corner, where she sat wrapped in furs
to the nose. "She'll be used up in five
David felt his heart grow warm at
the mention of Anne's name, The old
life would be delightful again. He had
lost many idols during the long honey-
moon and now longed for work, the
rush of The Citizen's rooms, where dis-
cussions on life's verities shot to and fro
like a weaver's shuttle. He longed for a
eight of .Anne at her corner desk with
bent profile or cheek restiug in her
band. His marriage should not alter the
friendship which bad been iu its way
more satisfying, as it surely was rarer,
thau love. A comrade of a pretty, clover
Woman was the best gift a men eould
have in life. And be knew Anne would
be glad to have him back, She lad
missed him, for she chose few friends,
and none had been to her like him.
"Teli me about Anne," he said eager-
ly, while he gazed with pleasure at the
familiar street scenes framed in the car-
riage windows. "She's well, isn't rhe?"
"Oh, yes, indeed!" said Dr. Ericsson,
with a bright ensile. "Why shortldn't
she be? If, as thoysay, a woman thrives
On admiration, she's had quite enough
to turn that dark tressed head of hers.
You know about her book."
"Nol Is it finished? You don't mean
she's had her beok published? She did
not write that bit of news. I call it sly
of her."
"Perhaps she doubted its merit, its
reception, Sho doubts no lobger. There
aro plenty of booke 'Awaked at the pub -
lib, but seldom onr like hers. Every-
body is recornnieuding it to everybody
"This is great news. Do you hear,
But Olga Wait &deep.
"Morgan did a good thing for himself
when --he got her for The Planet, didn't
lee?" asked Dr, Ericsson. "Yeu'11 miss
her on The Oitizen."
"What do you rneatil" aekeii David.
"I don't know What you're talking
"Bat leen knew' Oa* was no leapt
with' TeCHUM.""110. t ii
"She wrote you tete days—two weeks
"I didn't get the letter, then." And
David oat back, making AO WOO to bide
his disappointment.
After ieeruingehe particulars be WA*:
silent. He could not realize Anile wife
IOUs, Pad with her to a great extent the
fnfuenoe iu his Hittite desiredand loved
in the purest souse. He longed to see her
again that night. There was winch be
wanted to talk tellerabout, lie wanted
her to come down 4 room and welcome
hien. lie wanted to hear her bright ac-.
°omit of the multitude of, incidents
which had happened during the months
he had been away, She bad a pretty
trick when talking of bringing her flet
down upon her knee in the most gentle
way that had always reminded him of
a flower striking its head against a wall
--be wanted to see that, .end her .uplift-
ed fade, and to hear her quick laugh.
He had felt a similar but less intricate
craving for a chum at school after tI#e
division of the holidays..
Tho feeling strengthened during the
night, end,long after Olga had gone to
her first laud sleep on a bed that didn't
wobble he found himself treading the
Maim leading to The Citizen offices. It
was close upon midnight, He had not
been expected until morning, and his
cowing made a sensation. In a twin-
kling he was in the midst of the old,
life, finding at that unexpected moment
a snore of questions to decide and the
usual turmoil singing in the air. IIe
flung himself into the work, his disap-
pointment about Anne almost forgotten
in the earnestness of the hour.
But in the curly morning, with the
wet, first copy of the paper in his hand,
he stood before her deserted desk. A
sense of loss crept coldly over him.
Would he never see her sitting there
The old Temple mansion on lower
Fifth avenue seemed to wick surprise
from its windows at the changes which
had taken place within its walls for
months before and weeks after its mas-
ter's return. Staircases had been revers-
ed, rooms halved 'or multiplied, win-
dows made over and the furniture of
many generations removed to make
room for the treasures Olga had brought
with her from Europe.
When completed at Christmas time,
it was as beautiful as rare rugs, china
and genuine antiquities could make it.
Since her earliest memory Olga had
never •boon given a penny to spend
without the accompaniment of a cau-
tion to use it to the best advantage, as
there were few to follow. Later her in-
satiable need of luxuries beyond her
reach had been gratified by the mount-
ing up of bills, but the unpleasantness
of debt had followed and eaten half the
pleasure. As David Temple's wife she
found herself for the first time able to
Command money, and she spent it.
Luxuries became needs, fashionable ri-
valries troubled her, and she lay awake
devising competitive extravagances. It
was her ambition to be not only the
beauty of her set, but a famous beauty
and the most talked of woman of her
time. Celebrated belles of the past had
found a place in history either by their
splendid gallantries, wit or by the orig-
inality of their caprices.
The age she lived in did not view 'the
erst with the palliative wink belonging
to the days of Charles IT and Louis XV,
the second was beyond her; but a
startling outlay of money by a beauty
of good position could create a heroine
in this money worshiping time.
"Yon are splendid," Smedley Joyce
said to her, surveying her with monocle
held up. "You need splendor. You're
the very one to set the pace in sooiety..
We have no social successes here worth
mentioning unless I except myself. But
you can become leader and attract ri-
vals. That sort of thing gives verve to
society; '!he day will come when Amer-
loan society will not be the vapid thing
It is now, and even self eanplaoent,
nontraveled France will at least have
heard our names. You are beautiful,
young, rich and a capital actress. Use
your gifts well, startle by your original-
ities, make a feature of the drama in
the drawing room, spend all the .money
you can command in a way that will
create notice --do these things, and you
will be a success."
Olga laid the lesson to heart. Her
Country house on the sound, purchased
from a fallen millionaire, soon outdid
in coat and display her town bones. Her
next Craze wat for horses, and she had
stables built with stalls of oak,and triau-
miage of abpper. A chin Marie Antoi-
nette baudoit. on .the upper G9oa wap the
(To be continued.)
Point Out to 1'Iothero tl,e Way to Keep
their Cldldren Welt and Happy.
Rev. J. L. 1! rancoeur, Casselman,
Ont., is a kind hearted priest who has
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ioners. Writing under recent date he
says: "I roust say that Dr. Williams'
Baby's Own Tablets are deserving of
the high praise they have had as a cure
for the ailments of children For the
past eight months I have been introduc-
ing thorn in many families, and always,
the mothers tell me, with pertect re-
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without any 'sickly reactiou, and they
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ness, sleeplessness, spasms, cramps in
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you metStiletto testimony, and I Will
recommend the Tablets to all mothers
and nurses of sick children as I have
done heretofore.
These Tablets are sold by all Medi -
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by mail at 25 cents* box by writing to
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vine, Ont.
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Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa
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of 01 '
For Over;
Thirty Years
• The great rule of health-
esisKeep the bowels regular.
And the great medicine—
Ayer's Pills. x.ow�v "' s..
Y Low.lif, Rana.
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S D Y E
abeantiful brown or rich black? Use rmr acs, or irsaaotste ort a,>r. ansa oo„ rum". u. ir„
.•••..•••..••..••..••..... ••••••.•.•.•.•••.•.••s••
• We are sole agents here for the Scranton Conl,and willguarantee every
• delivery to be O, K. Just ask any person who bas used same and bear what
I they say about it. The following prices will not raise for 12 months.
s July delivery per ton>lots and over, $6.80
• Aunnst delivery... • $6 90
• September and 7 following months •" " " $7.00
To take advantage of the above prices,orders must be in by the fifth of
each month for immediate delivery or they wi 11 take the next mouth's prices.
Farmers wishing to load and draw their owa Coal will have 25o perton rebate.
Coal and Waod Yard
No, I—Rest Body Hardwood, per Cord $3 00
No. 2—Hardwood, from Smaller Timber per Cord ...... 2.75
No, 3—Hardwood, and Ash, mixed, per Cord, 2.50
• No. 4—Ash and Elm, mixed, per Cord . . , . .... 2.25
• No. 5—Slabs and soft Timber, per Cord, 2110
• Rough wood, chunks, etc., for furnaces and box stoves. -.. 2.00
• (Nos. 1 and 2 cut from green timber.)
• Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly cash.
• Wood and Coal Office, next Znrbrigg's Photo Gsl1 ry; Phone 64.
• Branch Office at A. E. Smith's bank; Phone 6. Residence Phone 55.
•••.••••.•••••••••••••4.•• •••••...•.•.•*•...•.•.•.
J. A. IVIcLean.
For the balance of this year we are prepared
give the following low clubbing rates to new subscribers
Times to January 1st, 1905
'limes and Family Herald and Weekly Star
to January 1st, 1905,
Times and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st, 1905,
Times and Weekly Sun to Jan. ist, 1905,
T112 'mats,