HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-07-24, Page 74.1V
• juix 24, 1.870
Veenti Information,
—Boasted coffee is said to be a
erful disinfectant.
—Phosphorus may be handled WA
impunity under water; in the air it It
ioflan by .very sligb tt-frictioe.
he!, wintlif velocity
thronilfue dense bar Of *liter that
would carry him round the world in 4
'fortnight's timf.
—It is a remarkable fact thakno ves-
sel propelled by steam was ever struck
1)3')tglAtittng nor iny ,ship which was.
built 'Of troif.4%
To Climax SPONGES.- -When rely foul
wash them in dilutt'd ittrtaric acid, alus-
iiig themafterwads 'in. water ; it wi
make them very soft and white. e
cartafolitd, auto the • acid Well, 4is it
.thvi....Carolinats and a, averages
• n
• .
-:--The„annual production , IWO i
80,60-,060 pori. Uu his is a small
amount When cowl:are with ,the
duction ti 049 (44•0!4
astern countries)
where it reached/hist year a total of
150,000,000,090ipeunds. This it.; three
thetittattd4iinea eaore.than is itrodueed
in the tTnited States, aud Is about ten
times tlrawarght-of-1 he -largeat erop-of
wheat produced in the Prated States. The crops • cfh Tor 1.97 ,
-A IC. 9 '
Lanop E.(44 tritsim.L„rpo give some though somewhat above the average, do
idea of the bustness done by egz dealers
•in the 'United State, we quote from
theSq(entifitt,t .4)attnicat.1.;'--The"bgt
tied° iii hiti canary', is egimated by
competent, authorities to equal $80,-
600;000 tryetiet:- -The ha vrelled „eggs rez.
emitted yearly at New. York reach •9e,er.
500,000 barrels; valued at $9,000,000;
and this is but ono branch of the trade.
Itis said.•; that Philtidelphia robin:nes
-80,900 'doz. eggs a, day. The •reeeitits
in Easton for the 'yette 1878 were oyer
6,500,000 d ozen.. Bet wean 5,000,600 anti -
6,000,000 dozen are annualry •exported
from the country.. • The millions of doz-
ens cOnumeci throughout tli,e country
without passing into dealers' hands if
is impossible to estimate. ,
.4tetaarizmaad exchange
01tYA A ?Ilan ,zdver an* Protai4illt
The first art ival of new Ontli al, Chicago
o . "ailed on.•:Thursday, ,
' febfated-Shorthorn hull, knosyn
awl, e Fouttli Ptake of •Geneya, valued
at $16,000, d led. on Friday. night at Win-
chester, Olat k county; ICy. •
Chicago grain matket has "Leen °Liftir.
siderably excited during the [last week
owing to a rapid decline- in- thepripe of
graiu and pithisions„
A. per 'on of the roof of a new round-
house, litchis heinplittilt at Entfalei
fell i fon Satarday,tartjuring twelve men;
o whom died on Sunday.
The thermometer stood 111 ° in the.
'ohade on'il3e 12th inst..; nt Oliarleaton;
S. O. One hundred sunstrokes occur-
red, resultiug fatally hr20 casee.
' Looli out; I'M going. to %boot you,'
said a twelve year.old boy, as he aimed
a, gun at some school girls, at Lexington.
The" grelAllatidlret:14t7.-'0P-- iiti, 11'd.;
Itillind one nf. thorn. ,
'cAl flintla,'11.. . r., tie°. foto" birids,,i
etilnlOtiitl'hy Mr, G. IVA/lilts, get-inn:irk
•:,quarrel, and one of them being struck,
ty• "'",,itV•the hottam ettontieg,,' Ntipthir Tr
Mrs . •ltlilla'vient to the door rtMlinstailt:"
ly fell dead ftom fright.
not equal those of 1678.. There is a
greater acreage, but less average yield
,perActe,„„ The indications are . that in
*nib ,the• i4e-trata,,tvetil the: least.' and the
berry larger and plUntper, than the aVer-
[ox • • r
'Cflt11101. 'with the offehea of • klasing a
pi etty girl without. her °patient.
thin,' he said,'bnt•the dignity of its
'office pritients the cella from cothrnitt-
ing the Same offence. The temptation
to drdinary person would be irresist-
ible.'' ' • • ,
"Itohbera began to tii-old John Hula.-
cokin his house at Colevile, Pa., but
while they were at w.o1.1 the noise of an
apProaching .' waggon alarined them:
W hile their .attention 8 thus diverted
,Hitiseciff-g9t loese,-SeVed an axe,:' and
. with a single blow severed a'hanfrom
.onadf his assailants.
to pay ono hundred 'dstilark. He need.
ainatited.lertn,and did not Oiose.up,the
blank devoted to d011eir, a -lid -010 pass.-
• Sing as negotiable paper, .sotiebody • in-'•
• and fifty! after the . one.: haw..
_ handl
. •who preaented it
• ...tss • thedrawer;and the Supreme ,Cofirt
'deeided..thatthe Soaker of the note *as'.
liablefer its face; becatise.throtigh stk.
ligence. he did not draw, aline between
- the..4s-rord fluiintred" .11,M1 tilG printed
- word 'thillars.'7 • Any , testimony that
the droner might Offer to °Stabil& the
»fact.that,lia.gtive thamote,f9r
41§4,,tiolars.4 must go for nothing, es
tbero VaS 110.thillg on the face of the
iiiisti.salietiink,that it had :,been. altered.
• Evidence, of any alteration on the ,face
o ,.the note would give changed the case.'
. :Let this be. as,lesson • of all drawers •of
promissory notees... Ne'orie can bo too
'Cardiff lb ,6ttah ittatters.'• . •
GOLD ...ORANGES' Cosoit.—It.
well kinaWn that the Inman body
tains hunters and -in ac-
tion to, and. ha.vinga itke4endeney to,
ward;,baser • as nitric and stil••
acids .haveTriainely,:to.tainishOr
• ' dissolve them,' varying in quantity in
'dift'erent ' :porriona;„ otothis tliFory . we.
have ....abtualant. proof, in the etfeets
which the. wearing of jeWeIry •produces
• on different persons; ThoUsanda Wear
continuillywithout any. ill effect, the
• .Cheaper class of:Jewelry with brass. oar -
wires, .wbile
if-Others Wota the Stinie.
article • for n `TeivTanys -they 'Would be
troubled with sere •ears ;"•or„ in otluir•
wOrdsi.theacids contained in the Sys-
tem Would so act ,on, the larkse As to"Pr5
anee.111 mete. Instanees.have cranny -
red in ,which tatialee of jewelry of any
grade* below • eighteen' Carat have beep
tarnished in fey' days teerel,i from
the abOvss•neseed "cause. True, these
• instances are not very frequent ;
theless, • know:, them, and
• they are' sufficient •to Owe- that it is:
not in every Oii$ the fault of gooas..not
wearing well—as it is 'generally" called
• ----but the result of the ,particular con-
stitution by which they ere worn.
suniption ' of rubber by • one manufaa,
tram's. continuea as large as ever,
ports amottnting to abota '12,000,000
pounds pet annum, chiefly frotia . South
Anieriea. The. prier) ranges. from
twenty to, fifty cents pet pound, the
oheap.er.gradea coining foal Afrita,•and
the finest frotn the valley Odle Amazon,
where the tree's. prodneing it aboUnd.
over vast region, one-half of the en-.
— tire yield 'going to the United States:
The consumption in the manufacture
of shoes equals the demand for all
. other purposes. In the manufacture of
rubber from various raetallie oxides—.
chiefly; lead .and zine --ate combined
with it ; the quantity of the latter, de-
pending on the degree of elasticity'aiid
, abet proprieties required in the Article
to' be teantifacturet; and the Indittio.us-
ly ecambiniog these substatides with the
rubber in , suitable proportions to pro-
duce tht 'desired ondy.as well 0,$ hi pro.
perly itlifterwaeds, requires
• great experience And skull. A. certain
degree of. honesty on the part of the
mantifttetures is also. essential to abstain
titan introdueing inure adillteratieg
substances into his compounds,' and
thus deepen the *duet at the expense
o f its qitality,
Frank Davidson, a hrissonti condemn-
ed er, reinftrked Welt, I'm
net the first man 'ever hung, and It's
ohne:7,1)AL thn, atter et' a minute or two/ any-
how, Pat dead cettain a going to
Scareely any rains have visited the
upland counties of South Carolina in
eight weeks, mid it is believed that, the
rally planted corn will not yield one••
eighth of an average crop. Cotton also
ihffera wrath.
Another panic has seized the citizens
of hIsniphis, who are leavinglthe city in
great nnrobere .every train.. Ten.
fresh eases of fever have been rep -rifted,
and there is every prospect of the fl is -
ease becoming epidetnio,
A large nunaber of sults have been
brought against Allegheny Co., Pa., in
the past week for losses incurred during
the jiily riots of *T.T. ,,rt The total loss
for which that aotta,rstttIta1 19
$2,700,000, wilit14,40.1.setionsly embar-
rasa OA comity te pey.
Women are gradually 'making theit
way iiiikthe pulpits of more than ape
denomination in the United States.
One no longer •feels astonished wheu.
among tint ordinary religious news one
reads such an item as this: The Pee.
Gnetin has become the plistei
'of a church in Westerly.' "
• The 'United States „Covell at Cat e
Hay tivareportti that the" importatiens..
efsthetialand greatly mteeeded,the ex-
ports in thaleet three years 1413,0 drain
th4onntry! Of ppecie. • The Merelainti
milies are" sacrificing their plate and
jewels piecemeal to immure necetialtries.
Such hard times have, never before been
kno W n '
The day"df the heaviest mortality in
-111-enaphis last -yen? was the.-14th-of-Sep-
_tember, When the -deaths, as -fiber as can
ba ascertaiiiid,exceeded one hundred out
of popialation of about 6,000 whites
and 14,000 negroes. -.Of- the 6,000
wIlites,. 4;604, died. Not more than
.200 of the whole number of White:per-.
sons escaped without an attack • of the
fever:, and most Of these had .beeti vie -
•time of it in previons epidenties.
pArtinent of; Agriculture on anly
shows...continued depression in the 'Tree-
feettelott hesoaneropovinlasthesaereage
in Juno. shows a decrease of foni.,..per-
91)41... ,tiii,:bondkilnirtoCi,hi-dri*IfilvtOr
The tit*
Or Cent. 'Mere than 1878. For. ,the
Whole country, the contlitisin•Ofth*crop
is:' mere favorable thanat the same
Aim in. 187-8, The condition:. of: Ills
fruit cropIcir the wholaeountry is • ...•. . .
Perdinand'Airnired.,_0... German, 60
years ofnge, ,of New; •York,..hatl • been
missing for laes eral 'days past, matthis
anorthic:Os were forced:* open: by the
police. One, of the most diigusting
sights ever witnessed presented _itself.
•Aroaired; who hadevidently been dead
40 Pilit144.qa.37•30vas, found' 4114 :on
' *1 •!#360:1„; torribiti decom-
posed; and partly 'eaten .by •Tiie
pollee found nett leis," than twenty; GAS
in the room, and they bad greatdifficul-
ty in driving them out. ;
.;•„,•A vitings,Ady. in Covington, Is.y.; had.
'di, many anal* for her handthat to
put a stop to futtlier:annoyinee She 'in-
vited fifty of her friends and relatives and
all her lovers to call in the evening at her
residence, under the ptetenee of. meet-
ing woharming lady from Washington:
The friends...nearly. alt came, and the
lovers turned out. to a man, . Then .se-
lootillg ono of the latter, an insurance
agent, she stood tip before the -minister
whie--"Was .present with" the overjoyedsuitor, and was married. The •conster-
nation _that seized the remaining beaux
may be imagined,. :but 0:moot be :des-
cribed. ' ' •
grhe, gret Sowing-tunchlne Is 1 Fu-itNi[T-iTitE
tla e slays when' the,e0Wing-machino " • t
int ladle imported, one, and for a :
hid from the ken of her native tailor; lvIATTRESSES.
This functionary was the very slowest
was in its earliest infancy, a lady r SPRING'
. • •
long time kept it e Mysterious working
TO•h•T 'N'PlICF* Chu t the eppoin'plept of Dents.
BEDS' - Italcsill. ea 4014 of the
Mutual. Fire insurance Company
01 the Co uty of Wellington) 313 caneelle
40.79;n3t1:ir trillittitoitwotsol viEerrigh711-114:11 ii'll"n41)waPPPr:Pilia'rtael
to Cake applications for this Company, the eheapest iii
Liie 11°41411°Bny. outer, ettAinza nievgisaktfea,n
of proverbially. slow ease,. and
. f over
rin subscriber begs, to Inform the Inhabitants ot
wasted no en o me a ng
bent and, stitch. One day his mistress
comes to hhu arm -laden, with yards
upon yards of seine drese fabric. 4 Dir.
zee,' says she, 4. long will it take.
you to run these breadths together?'
TrflO day,: Minis,' -replies *Piave.,
Missis, plenty too Much work.' 'Thre'e
days Nonsense! Three hours, you
rocup. You are a I'M laq MOM, and
I'll cut yner pay. Give ma tho stiff:
I'll do it myself,' Then the lady re-
tires to her hourdior, from the Annost
penetralia ,of which sharp and eon,
tianciattelick and whirr reach the;tail-
or's. ears. He can't tligke7011t what the
sound, is, land he is touch too lazy .to
speculate on it. He continues to 'chew
Jusd yawningly to ply needle and
thread. 'After an hour or two, Missite
'comes hack, raid throwing at My.. Mid:
zee's feet theraw material now fashion-
ed into a ecitripleted 'skirt, says : "literal
sot- you, wanted :three dart, you
sleepy fellow, to finish • this,and I have
done it already.' Astonished, Dirzee
beans over the drapery, examines the
seams, •serutinizes the stitch, and satis-
fte that alf.:is proper...sad an,
tailors is Fon
11$.4ndeslP*040 litl4rAtOdkigol
'English nna,FokeIgn.
.Tho war expenses iu 5nna; 'siseri.na
jfiStilvtigMnift7440-4.066ta."244Y... _
idElarry. Palmer,. the tempos' theatrittal
manager, orthi3.11rni Of Jarrett...4 rai-
nier, died inthainden, Eng4onSattirdays
- The; Botapartiats liavel„deelareds- by
resolution, that PtinceJerinneNanoleon
inhairyeb.eeonie herttof ...the E. ortaperte
. .
Annnfoundedi:ruinot WAS.011trelit::On
Saturday that anotherattempt would be
Made to wreak the royal railway. traun
-from:Windsor to PortsMouth. '•
The agent of- the Canadian Govern:
mint Starts for Manitoba 'shortly, with a
party of Lencatabire, farmers who, have
decided to emigrate from England:
. The evil of trades -unions receives a'
new illustration in the `strike which has
-"just been initiated at Falls River. The
whole original body of strikers is said
to be not more than 800 in number, and
it endeavors to arrest the industry 'of
15,000 Working -men and working -wo-
men; at a IO§s to theni of not less than
100,000 a week.' The 'originators of
the strike are recently English • immig-•
rants. The west prominent of thena has
bean described as a weaver wild can ob-
tain employment in nor o of the mills on
account of his bad reputation, and -who
has been twice Arrested for keeping his
,own child at work incontravention of
the law. The indications all are that
the strike can only succeed in producing
temporary derangement and distress.
A. letter from SAG Francisco deser'bes
a (Weal' states of affairs in that et .
Large numbers of wholesale and retail
stores, and also dwelling -houses Are enn.
pty. Crops have been: good, "'hut the
people have eaten up their substance in
anticipation, by extravagant modes of
Many of the merchants have
been idle for eighteen months, and some
of them Consider i safer to hold their
goods than to risk the sale itri the chance
of never being paid. Confidence seems
lacking—a strange state of affairs for
a people Who have always been energe-
tic and hopeful, The excessive gambl-
ing in mining stooks is the chiqf cause
of this state of things; and if all; hands
would get to work atsl Prodtice some-
thing, time wotild 'change for thebetter,
All ()Wm, from the very young to the
ofd wan of eighty; ledulgs in this stock
gambling, and about one in a thousand
makes a *dia.
There 'Noe the *A:40e, and•..)A (014
the mat on which he hadbeen squatting;
lie- ..iticks. over the little. brase -vessel
whieh. holds his drinking Water. he
scatters7 right and left' threadi. needles,
thimble.;he stops not • to nut on his .en-
-dttlsr-trr-to'atlj-ust'.leosened ,turban and
waistclOth, • Seatecl. arid bewildered, he
runs for Very life into the bazaar, sh�ut-
ing he got* 'along, .
[The Evil ono! the Evil one!' He rici
tailof business, that Meneslions°, I -lis-
ten! I 'hear cry..• eleek;'. cleek,
.cleekr : Two hour time he neber stop
cry. .,..Pen 'Plenty too muche.troe dis
. word 1 tell. Eberybit. true. All work
donefinish!I:not (hz*- back -dat
1.q*.i!,..494,•110• never, did,4,--akanfoirs'
1. Clinton Ana agrrounding nountr70 that ha haa Guelph, dtli Dee..1878
Opkti thlit Ituriture.
• e
Patties in need ef willing in hie line, aye reepeotfully
invited to sail end exanine lrie goods befpre, -grebes.
trigelsewhge. t
Remember the place — Victoria Street.
• W, .11 CRICIL
Clinton, Tone, 12, 1879. '
w*. t4A4E,v9xt $4.1
I. Farm Lot No. 34- the.Firet Conceseion, (Enron
tA p -"A4
I 4, VC A
RIO) Atielserssnitlit Inn 4ipe9§soverejliss lend,
&bout OM Sallee froOlinrondaserdieneirininalit,goad 1jft. , _ .
hardwood Wilber, Illay be tirade g impeder deity farm.
RIEU-NATiam Vitil:713g luatif!erravrg a ,
ago, skin irritation, tileers from any pangs, and a hun.
died other diservea are cense& by An •acid d ()Meats
w4ioh produues inflame:a:tory tiOtton, Braiuton's "Ab,
sorberitiwill positively effect a curb it( few hotrfa,14
absorbing t e sold poison from the eystem, Sold, by
argggiat.. Pries. Sac. 'Aiirke in Pettientar eateefice.
; • W. Y. BRUNTON,
!iL ruler; Out.
2. Weat Ralf az-Sett-At is iss'Eskets C41ses-
81031 of Turnbeny, fifty scree, good wheat land, sirmi.es
from Vingham and one alga Irom the Glenennag Sta-
tion of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. A small
'Amine° on the ' front, balance hardwood timber,
Would Reit cheap for cash, or exchange for town propei-
ty hi Clinton, Applyko the oWner, gainuelThrower, at
Far's idills, Clinton, or to the undersigned. .•
,,', ' .
' 4. The large ornd convenient Briek Stora,. in tbe Al.
bert Stroctillock, now °coupled by Mr, Jes.Biddleeemhe.
, G. First.olass grain store, at the Grand Trunk station Ayer's Cathartic :..Pabgs
. .
belonging to A. Jamieson. •
'G*Ia.ndhl'orlitioreStiaactitenY, fobrmulkel,r117 :CuculiPlit 1111;11.nili”."!Dbleir. 7atorddillft:::*".714:iicalluosfvt:amnrstioanagt.lr :hie:87J' 1
lismiriaitin umr-wile,"Promilies. well soitotH '-'11.11rtlglii. 4424 gelna*D1=1,40,- --
manufacturing purposes, pork -packing, de.
iousness, Dropsy, Turaors,Worras,
8. Lot Si, on Victoria Street, (Gordon sum); A ce hoicNeural a, as a Dinner ?ill, .
Winding lot, between the G. T.Railway and the River for aping the Blood, I .
well•feneedt planted with trees, good.e'elt. Ji;e• ' Are the most el.
• 9. lot 24, Froderiek street,liclonging t Oltfective and conga
. John •
'Powell. Good frame cottage of five rooms. 'Well and nial purgative ever
InlmiL-Gend.garden. .10Laeutic of 1Tr. wip, slap: discovered. 'They
herd's residence, . are raild;""bitt-e-t
Clinton, jan. 24, 1,979. , ' ' ' ', • . 'fectual. ' in their
operation, moving
the bowels surely
and without pain.
in their operation,
' they t thorougharstilu
l atlacl .
. , --. searching cathar-•
T' -11.e.-P.O.;_tlag-hl t/...y_' R•eViellltr' ' in,,ethe stontachand bowels, and even the,
tire mei:eine, that elm be. empleyed : cleans- .
WOrcester s , Dictionary . ;
— ---• ........." : :...... t ifiy$,,tikoltigle the digestive organs ant
,91,041.e, yoo.•• ----. •••• :11.6000:10.;:ain -SM211-dOSOS-OLO,110 'Pill a daYi
• olteEtss::::tac,:::.ercxops LzTeAr.'Bit: foot: otinyner.sy.e.
Otibiletiption-priceipoHinnum,-0FcrtnightlY2'....- roe
Or, to 'lit give en untbridge'd, bortudin sheep, WOE.
erly subscribers ' More thatft quarter of a century, tind_have
, Ainil.:Ysi‘-'-Pa'ricir..ilarliateitivetr•been' ikno-7-vm7f92.-
tct THE FOUTNIOHTLY 1.1/011tW, 0 1010100 ygOly glib.-
FlOrtbers to the same, we will give a eopyof that fainons
work, bound in 2 Vols., 81.7PERNAT,U1W4 ItEtdOION.
order books, specimen copies, &o. address the publvdr:,
ere, ' • . ' BELFGRDtd, CLARKE Si CO, .
: go 'Fork St. Toronto
-Canada- :CompiiiY,Landsi.
• The value of food .and' supplies lea -
ported into France during the first hilt
of .1879- shows an increase of £10,846,-
000. compared with the same period.
of 1878. ' ' ' : •
A 'boy has been fond on a , farm in
France; wholes a habit :of making an
incision irate -tie 'necks of thecows he
attended and; sucking.• their blood...
When arrested be said he felt .111., and
thought 'tliVbicod wohld enre•hi tn. He
hal a muuia of arrextraordinary kind, .
',General GOurko, %Governor of Bb. -
Petersburg, is' a very practical men.
He *received a letter- whie,b said ..'.he.
wouhd be poisoned. Not,at
he sent for his cook and thni•addresead-
that.personage : • You see this letter.
Read. it. Very well. Now 'keep • in
tnindi the first time I get the Colic.' will
hang you.' .
A privateletter irons a friend in Ire-
land, dated." june. 28th„ we make the
following • 'extract We have had .n
dreadfully Wet season: it has rained
roe the past IWO Months almost Woes,'
santly,.and the drops aregyeatly injured
Canadians toe, are destroying our mar-
kets,. in.,sendiii,g over so' much beef, pork
butter, . andcheese, leaving but poor
sale for our own. With high rents, wet
weather, and an over stokerl marketthe
prospects are anything but etwouraging.',
The lateat dodge by which charitable
petite in England are imposed upon
is a very simple but ingenious one. A
man carefully, but plainly dressed, visits'
the Oh utehes, is overcome with faintness
during the service; falls into the ;aisle
'and is carried out, to the great distur-
'lance of° the COngregat10.11. A pitiful
tale_of starvation and Want is told in the
,iestry Wheitthe man revives, and, of
doors°, a 6:affection is,made to relive t,he
pangs of hunger which the poet nattre
starers. • .
At Ptiday's •sitting of the. London
Common Council, England, the report
of the Committee on Markets WEIS
adopted, The report reeetaniensis that
in view of the trade in American cattle
extra lairage be provided at the foreign
cattle market for 1,000 head of cattle
and 10,000 head of sheep, aleo ten ad-
ditional slaughter houses. This extra
accommodation, it is estimated, will nest
425,000. An arrangement hes heen
coneleded.with the General Stam 37.14.
'vigatien Conipany which will secure the
1.180 of their vessels toy transhipment of
ntimale brought from America,
, LIST'OrLANDS IN icunotr ron SALE 31Y
the RanadaeriMpa.nymajbatiedi th-eliftleeol
th,O, rinderstrierr: . • • - .•
; qii,nton,Jan.1141,1479. • • •
• .1 .
G R.P.A 07.E.E.R
will aeud you, boliiid in /all shep, an till t
fo.A.,DA:ftma atiemitity-sr.
q.8,. 0 ,A T ARE
obtained a world-wide reputationfortheir . • •
.,.. 'Virtues'. T.T1i4teotrect diseased ' action' in •
, the' several aSsinfilative organs • of' the ,
body, and are. SO COtripOWd that obstrne-
-tieps„tinhin.titeirynage can rarely with- ,-
:' itattree.eviitla-theirt-....7.-NOi iOnViligilti
eine tha•every-day complaints Of every-
body, but else formidable and dangerees'
'diseases that . haie baffled -the best •,:lOf -
: human skill. . Whilc. they prodnee power4. .
• fut effects, they are, at the same time, the .
safest; and best physic for children- By • '
. their aperient action they gripe much less. .,
than the common purgatives, and never•, ,
.. give pain When the bowels are not Jawed,
-. They'reaCh the vital .fonntaiiis,of thabletal,'.
. • ,,•,, ,,,
. : -.:•-' . • -, . , . . . and strengthen the. systetra by freein' :::' .-,it '
Though Apjaut. III woidedui Cr - I, "item the elemerats of weakness.
• i . . 0 -Adapted to tillages and conditions in
• • ..all 'climates, containing GaitliOr calomel... .
/44,,, ,i,g4t .k Reee,,e.n;€ 0.6itienia.ii iit,.4, ,,ohi,•
mar any. deleterious dritg, these Pills may •
. . . .
vo,,,,qiNtimaik,,,,A1,._. il, - . .. , he, taken with safety by,anyhodY• Their •
, T.Dlle.arGeivefe.neoliwottegatvilleatinoc:ty:o.t.
." eciatI.ti tai- i a81117 4°Iraetisnsh eV:. speitYe aessanthtkir take; white
• tional Catarrh Remedy" -was introdueed,tiriane% I lir. : being purely -vegetable no ,harm:can raise- •
. .
waited this long te eee if the Mire would. rem izi p ,,,.
intent bolero doing this, my duty ±1) you, VAI OA 1303 from . tnew Ilse 314 tiny quantity.
um happy,egeots (mined to me to be "100 good to iiq • j - 7
." ,I was agitated in yearn
nay hoed for before -I ' , .- • rm*,,,,um*. 111 . • •
suspected it to bli lm
Catarrh, In iaing in your Circular Dr.L. C. AYER & CO, Lowell, Mass .
I 136W room described in many parkicifiers. The in.
.ward !,s arw.tteeitte tot; had booms, rety,disogrogitina, . .sca..x!Fr,BanytiCAT4a1 ,a,nphAun4iilys,t1sea_1.:1 vi,44:31ierv.vmmiers. E. .: .
Ole, sluts olzokiassoasitieu case pVoircate9 in° ‘.
- . .
lying long; I would feel like smothering, arc! bdcoin.
pelted to' sit up in bed. Ity health and spirit ,s were
eerionsly iffested. When yolir Agent oeme to Walker. * ,
ton, in August,1870, I secured three betties. Refers 1 I ,,u4.,
had need Ft quarter of the contents of one bottle. I el
found decided relief, and. when ,I• hadarsed two bot 3.
end a third, I Ott taking it, feeling unite pined of that
ailment, arid hese not used any since) till of late nave.
olle me disenee, CatarthInoillills 1 R
tekenreSiom thitiosrmare for ecoldathein ray head. A seimel of duty to
me to smidgen this Certificate, urienliiiited,-with Iota ...o.t.
to make what use of it you may see proper%
. Yours tridy,
. .
PotkElgin, Ont., Aug. 24, 1878.
- . . It .. TINDALL, Ilethodlet milli:4er, ' ',Lai rilci . EL_
, . ,
.,Atik for tittleflelit's Constitutional Ca^ ;
. tarrli, Remedy,' and tak e.no other.
- - ' .1 EREVIEB
TI. liReel:wn Linninin
,. - ') • _
I. p. " p, ...... AgentOtroeltrille;
. . . t. . t21319 staricinid artiCIO: is coli)poutiti:
I . . ioOnt. ' ,
i FOr 'sfas by di/ Prtfriffidts (11 (1/, 0',"' 9611". ed with the greatest Care.. •
.- - . Pei" -13010e• - '- '-,-:-''' • .;:- -IIts: effects tire as ivontlerfuland AS., '
IT: 8* TRY IT. i.li i
IT. . Satisfactory as ever.
• •
• • : . '. *
• .Xt.iesiores g;ray or:faded 'hair to ,its
youthful Color. ' • " • , '
NEW CA:iiitiA.61-E 1.1,011KW
. • .." ., .
_ . It temoves. all eruptions • itching
4r.i'STATEs: OE: CANA.D.A; FREE' ,
and drincliut ' ' It. gists the..bead a.
, I PI 1:7I-4-7Y-.--TH . cooling; Soothing sensation of great
OF POSTAGE, FOR. TIIE sua OF comfort, rout the, scalp by its use
becomes White and clean. '
Has pie:tsars in eirnounoing to the inhabitants othlyth
and vicinity., thethe has opened out in. the Carriage
Making bristness, and is now prepared to 811 all order*
upon the Shortest notice, mid at the moat reasOnehle
rates. None but first.clase workmen employea, ana
the vbry best matortitt used. ItEPA/IlL'IG attended to
promptly end eatisfactorily, 1/014914 8110 tltr4A
, specially.
Agont for Fleory's,Agrialtural Implemonis,
ono st nis best manufactories in Cane da. Call imam)
samples of Reapers, Nowera, Seca Drills, florae Rakes,
Ploughs, Sca,,,to-,, before ptirchasing elsewhere.
ta' SKOP ON 4141DN, 24VitlIZE11%!
IN•ef. pApERs RuBtxsugp, j. 0 ppoofte theliondolon Telegraph Office,
tlay 213, 1878. .
By its. tonic .properties it restores
the capillary glands ..to their. normal .
vigor, preventing :baldness, -and mak-
ing the hair grow thick and strong. .
AS it dressing, nothing bas, been
found so effectual or desirable.
A. A. Rayes,111.D., State Assayee
Of Massachusetts,- says, wile Con.
stituents are pure, and ertrefully se-
lected for excellent quality and I
consider it • the 'BEST PREPAIlATIOli
for its intended purposes:"
PrIeet One
Zuokiz.gharres Zro
This elegant preparation .may be
relied o11 to change the color of the
beard from gray or any other tuniesir-
able shade, to brown ol• black, at dis-•
cretion. It is easily applied, being in
'end preparation., and quickly and. or-
tectuall3r Preditees it permanent edlor
Which neither tub nor wash oM
Manufactured by It &C0.,
Olt ts all /haggis* MA Delos 1±Ilellotatt,