HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-07-24, Page 6• 0 4. ori.71,1" .•,4•0 1879 ,, • fruE. ULINTON " THERE'S. MILLIONS IN IT." It there is anything 'whatever you want in" the Dry Goods line, visit the Manchester House Clinton • • where will be found 1-woll-ossorto(1,01:Itst:61ass'-'Stock • Arrived Last Week, Ladies Gossamer - Rubber Circular Waterproof loaks,,,from 64 to.. 5fLincheslong. IVORY BUTTONS, all co1oia, in large NAVY tItif-P—ADTTS;- , Sud small sizes, ,„ • , SMOKED PEARL BUTTONS, 5 CARDINAL PRINTS, SI"Si • WHITE COTTONS, :PKA..713L_Lily_TTI.ON_S_,....12. sizes .041117... ,coTTovs,, NEW' MILLINGS, -all priessf , • • ANGOLA. SHIRTINGS, „*-• : • BLA.CK ElVIROSSED PRINTS, . . , WIIITE BRILLIANTS, BLACK WM.TE EmBossED PRINTS PLA.IN.,BLAdi PAINTS, 414 WHitg P IC S, CIIECK Atip. CORDMUSTANS, • PLAIN- BRO'WN PRINTS, 3 shndes DARK FANCY PRINTS, • BLACK VELVETEENS, iho dareot shade and finish, in 3 qualities, DRAB PRINTS', ' • GLOVES, all sips, both black . .• Money being Scarce People want still bigger Bargains, and they shall have them. 0,••••.,•••••••1••••1,0,••••••••••••••, .••••,•••,• ••••••,••••••0••••••••••••••••• MEN'S LIGHT SUMMER COATS, at cost. MEN'S LINEN DUSTERS, at cost, MEN'S STRAW 1::IATS, at cost. MEN'S COTTON SHIRTS and DRAWERS at cost k NEW ViTHITE•COTTON, superior valne.' • NEW CORNWALL SHIRTINGS, new patterns. 1879. 1879. SON-. ABLE. HAY FORKS, . all prices. HAY RAKES, - . - all prices. SCYTHES, - . all __prices. NEW COTTON:YARNS, Dundas make. SNATTEES, -. all prices; - 13ARLEY 'FORKS', all prices. NEW SMALL WARES:. CRADLE SCYTI1ES, -: all prices. NEWEL BROWN and BLACK, WA.11'ERED - • GENT'S SUITS for one month at prinie cost for ba-sh J. C. GILROY. CLINTON, July 10, 1879. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS. 000 «. • 11E111 i%VOCII4yEltEt.uS1411:itiht,:itttgteauTiltno commenced, the euheeriber would respectfully inforni the piddle tial All branches ofliis Business with and despatch. Notwithstanding the', hard :t,imes, he has kept his Factory running All whiter, and has iow ON 11.4WD A LARGE STOOK or WOOLLEN GOODS, Whieh he is prepared, to sell for (iash, or exchange for Wool, at pries less 'than over before. Stock WELL ASSORTED 1.1:1' every .dewetnielrit----- • 001 Carding, Spinniug,Weaving, Illantiottirm Colornig.Cloth DRESSING' be bl • • b , , • • bone on short notice, al---iitTaIrifireicon"-riltanttetl-------- We tryto keep the (Yoods'the people want, and we sell thern atasI,ow 1ATES di,t1; MAIN)); itS"Anrone-in-`the-business,.--,. All Sunnner-GOods offering at IZEDUCED -1)-RICEF.5. for -the—bal, ante of the•season,„ .•, . - -••-• • , , • • • 11.6.1).E 1311.0Alli ii,LOTH; Ert•IIER. ALL WOOLCOTTON AND WoOL, and nil 'nitwit dope nt prices as low up any ow In the COnnty et Huron. .46666 be paid .iir,cash, or exchange fat goiirlp • `.•"' , • . ' ' $'A QALL. _ . ▪ itbrigigs, wifi-rialibiite-fnisu.-8-6--°L-111‘°11"-illaY49)187(L. ' • TB• CORBETT; . 10,1170: ' • au -Li -sr -1879. Extraordinary OP ) Lsb We have determined to .cleir out the following • lines at . . , The balance remaining of our stock of -a-Erami ,momrvxm, AT TIIE • IVIACHINE' OILS, PAINT OILS. PAINTS, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, ao. • • LAVE TROUGH, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, • NAILS, Wirrii DIN G It AR D WA.R.1.441, BRASS •and EN4.1VIELLED, kETTLE'S, KIRBY . *REAPER AND MOWER. REPAIRS, .T.Slainntoth lrardware-Storer.&lber-t-Street, ' CL1NTO.N. , • . . ' , , . • LUIS Selii.POP.110▪ —MYSt. TIIS NawNstwAPoaw.,„ forNervotte Liver Stow :oh , anti Rheumatic Oomph' ' CLINTON' :LISTON. • BOOT(. STORE, ,SOLD BIC ALL DRUCG/ST8.• Lacrosse Goods, Base Hall Goods, GrOlitet Sets, ' Ring Toss, • • 01.78Mincttwo Iota tor Nilo. or.erclignistfee A -a. gages,on farni property. Situated OS Reittenbury, ..` Adreet,,neat theiligh Pahoolhouse_arlY11.1Ws eidtaldo :ors large family or boardiiii. 11*1ditaintrten•roollehr good woodehed, and summer kitchen. Constant eap- • ply of hard and soft water. Leto •sell stocked , choice fruit trace, 'grape vines, currants, ;rhubarb, and t• • strawberries, &e., and are well tented. Apply on Me • PraWien. ; • SAMUEL NEGAVr. 28,i879. . . . -flontinet Holders, VpLinteSS Wagons., -1.77T. G.oit-mArif . • • Vaises, Carts,• , • ,, 777 Tackle, . Barrows, EI ire 'Oradkers, 45c,•• • •• AIRING SALE 000 *1I0}1 WDLL BE OLD ()REAP. A CALL SOLICITED. s . • , REMEMBER THE PLACE, 'TILL'S OLD STAND. DINGMAN. & HTIMBLE. May 8, 1871/. •„. • s. —Recommend thi-Min ERA to, your friends. N 0 T E • . . . Togpl2P(ILW6n1j.tit; he promptly settled to avoid was. No persons are an- thorised to receive reymente or melte Battlements on behalf of tlie Consps.v•, except the nriderSigna: A • HORACE HORTON, President, • , 3011N CER/STIAN, secretary. MILLINERY 1YIANTLES7 PARASOLS, LINEN Goderich, June 13th, 1179. • COSTUMES CAMBRIC COSTUMES and • Property for • filET subscriber offers the followlag valuable pro. 'LINEN ULSTER, Sze • JL party for sole t —Lot 26, 5th coneeesion of Eirillett; • • consisting of 50-aores ott tho-Londeshoro gravel road, • • 04 miles from the Town of Clinton, all (Domed but one • • ' • ' 1 nI. and 2early all free .of stumps ; on the place le a N. B. -.These being all new and season-; °at" barn 4nd 1°g h‘"1". WWI Wate1.64' I" able goods; it is a rare chance to buy ° any of the .a.boAre lines. . • • DRESS OOODS reduced to ridiculously low pricps PRINTS --We will give the choice of all our stock Atin- AT TEN CENTS. -0. Among our arrivals for past week were low lines in, our celebrated BLACK, CASHMERES, BLACK SILKS, and CANADIAN SUMMER TWEEDS, the cheapest goods _we -have ever shown, . • OENTLEIVIEN..-i eave, your order for a $12.0.0 SUMMER SUIT. Remember,' a perfect fit guaranteed, • WANTE !----;"") ***r Clinton, Ally 8, tgio.. . 01:?.).A.T.13 & .00.• . bearing orchata. Aiso, lot No. 6 Ring street, Clinton, and lot'' No.- 4, on which la tbo Asho17.- Terms Ana other particulars made knoWn on application to the undersigned, on the term, ot it by letter, Craa Tor 10, • Wm. sMintsoN. Mullett, Jaly o /670. • Great AUCTION. SALE • 11 uild.iu 1.1:Ateria1 To nafldara, Esaoters," Mad nil others wise nre, expecting t___o erect Buildings, We will oiler for hale by I'ulnie Anction, on TUESDAY, the 29th day of JULY next, in lots to snit parebaserts All the material finished •and unfinished, riop, ln 'thO Planing • \1i% oit Main Street, in Seafort -, formerly ocenpied brAdam Gray, consisting of doors and door frames; window sash and frames, verandah rdofing, noonlding!3, wainscoting, pine and itardWOod flooring, eeihng, battens and sid-' ing, lap Ruling, cedar posts, gates pickets eheese,boxes, and a loge quantity of pine and hardwood lumber of all thicknesses, both dressed and not, amounting in value to about :11„400.00 This stook wilt he sold Without reserro, to the high. est bidder. Tonus sums nada kW, cash; over that amount six—months' • tpno will be given -on a'jy. proved joint MAO, Weivill also offer for sale the O.:men/mad Planing Milt propetty, either with et without maeldnery thoto. -in, comprising sip lots, largo shop, stotehouse, shed., Mauna stable. Terms easy, win be malts known 0,i Rale. The above premises will be open for inspeetton the two days previous to (lay et sale. For (arthot partioultup apply to SE(1011.0, 0014.ZENS ON - Or to.Godeticit • MOVE, Auctioneer., licatorth, AI 0 V :A. • • • • . CHEMIST`EDRUGGIST Rae remoted tathe premises anowsl se kite 0.03 Ct41.1NTTPN Where he will keep.for gale a Beloit and general ti'ssort- tuent of . DRUGS, OLIEMICA.LS- AND --IktEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, OILS, &e. P.v.qm'iptions,' Receipts, and Compounds eat:e- fatly Incate 112,),•leith, despatch: Clinton, Peb. 27, I•870•' - • • ivitLYNEY.T,0 LOAN; • ON EASY' :TERMS,: ' fly 'which the prineIpakein be repaid In part or an at any time during the term of Loano.• ' APPLY WO W. W, 'ARRAN.. Clinton, Idaz•oh.1.978. ...6* Sewing Machines 0.9 ALE RINDS, • • ni 1 13 *JO tO . . A17) 4t&I)J AS (40011 AS NEW, • kilutlo at iitActi/INE .101111XISItING• S kept UM lima. • illttfr.tronit rat )tiec--IftStiON STREET, one aeor west Of the Connuerelal llotel. • • 110.4tiOnSwOlvritY, , loot Office Ilex 10, 08991614, 09V. r)1 ri • •••• ••OLINTON„ . •• • ” • • • • • . • , • ". TRPVIENDOUS ARGAI PILES OF FIRST-6LASS. GOODS tochoose from • - We begin thigntorning a big Clearing .Sale,of nro:7014,04.f wo will offer immenie bargains to Gail) and people buying Jorge quantities : • The Goods MITT , • - WO- SOLD,. and the ;Orieetis nnist. do it. • Among the poles 01 Bargains Will be found • • . • BLAOT AND COLORED SILKS, PLAIN AND FANCY DRS GOODS, PARASOLS, LADIES HATS AND, BONNETS, SU* RATS, ME AND CASHMERE MANTLES, WHITE ANDCoLORED MUSLINS, BLACK AND COLORED ORE/tADINES, LACE: CURTAINS AND -cAitrEss, PRINTS, HOSIER! AND GiLoVES; DRESS LINENs ° AND LINEN AND PRINT DRESSES; 'WRAPPERS AND OISTERS,-RTBBONS.-AND LAO, MEN AND BOIN ;COATS; PANTS AND VOTS, RU13I3ER COATS, MEN AND. BOY'S HATANi'l CAPS, COLORED AND WHITE SHIRTS, COLLARS, &o. • v .• ..• • .• • ,•4 . • WEVAJAItAATEE WHAT WE ADVIIRVISE Aid carry oar assertions oat in 61).011 instaftee; ' So 0000 along and bring your money. We advise heads Of fithilies., find Otiiere11914,01t. of brat -class goods to examine tiro goods and prices, and be convinced by seeing, that We., are now oftoriug TEE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SEEN TN CLINTON. .terneniber the place—Opposite the Market. . . 7771.. .sz • ill. • • 4,1