HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-07-24, Page 2. . _ h THE 'CLINTON NEW ERA. xmeensmesrameeesss . rel.".• memsesaoseerrees some terrible Accident" Verlteps she under Ws name. Call Maria Burt.' Mtn. had been run over in tbe streets, or. Two policeman cleared the way UE'PQWEI OF ih10.1.3), iOb baleful potence of glittering gold, Deity worshipped by young and by old; Tempter of virtue, honor and. truth; Buyer of beauty in blooming youth; Is there aught within this world Of .ours, Beyond thy sway and above thy powers? 10 buy in the market botll age and youth, • Wonme'a honer audifialit Luring morelity downwind to vice, Purebasinoll and each at hils prieo, But there'd one thing beyond the reach of gold-- , • One thing that may not be bought or sold. "1 enter the legislative balls, 'Troffer a price, and the lawyer falls; . Judge in his ermine and, pleader at bar - Taster and .people are bound to n3y ear., One think only' no"gold oan buy, ' 'Tie the glance that beams. from a ldvelit eye. When clinks the metal,. ibeir principles • . yield, All and sundry for Me rush afield.; But, though•I have tried it again and again, —One thing I bargeinior, all in vain- . Whate'er I might offer on 'Chringe.oenaart -0 -I could never purchase a woman's heart." __Then.preloP klitbe 4o1or;_of_44..f10.1.1k, Griante&to me is tbe greatest bliss. Por I possess; as I know full well, What gold cait neither buy nu sell, The priceless boon of a woman's leve, That is only transcended in heaven above! been,injured while ridine in a eab. Mr. through the court for a woman in a •Ktirthew said he • well •accompany blue check dress and an ugly poke-bon- litnnion to Russel square to see if any net of brown straw, who• was attended news of Mabel had yet arrived ;- and if by 4 wardress from \Voicing. The eon - not, they must go to Scotland Yard. • Yid was ushered into the witness -box, They left the house tweet dingly, but at and the, Clerk of Arraigns was about to Bennien's residence they had learned administer the Oath -to her when Henry, nothing new, So in silent consterna- Bennion, who had caught sight of her tion they drove te the police office and features, started up with a torrent ef saw one of the heads of the department, blood suffusing his face, and leaned WhotoOk dolor -a, doscription of Mabel right across the solicitors' table to get a sod. obligingly promieed that inquiries closer view of her. Great Ileaveus r should be inatituted that night in all he was heard to falter. ' Who is that the hospitals and police stations, so woman that the afflicted husband might at least The prisoner stood perfectly ,collect - have tiding of genie sort on the morrow. ed. It may have been Unit her lips But neither on the morrow nor on twitched for a moment, and that in the the days fellowing could any glance which She bent for an instant on genets be obtained of Mabel' Benniena. AB whist resource, just a Week after his loss Henry BenniOn caused this adiier- tiSeraent to be ted in the papers; • Bunn mouth with veu •pretty- teeth. 4' 14 441. t i e a lady agedeanci_laatswrtee..sn°enteYn-tobinene5. LahSicliingaart. hw9liaarle4irnestallUaiiseh1 in figure, wavy chestnut hair, blue.eyes, ' Myiterionsly disappeared. front • her 'bine serge walking dress, • la sealskin jagket and a bat . with a red feether. •Linen marked M. B. A reWard•of one Ittindr tlponntla.'„Will be paid for infor- mation which shall disclose this lady's whereabouts, if living, or if dead to the reeovery .of ler remains if ,she 16,dead. •A-0ply; tO,Scotland Y.ard..:,...- . - , •-,":_-.1. • 13y this time •Mrs,' Ben nion's (Haan- :STOR:St;: pia your miiitresa leave no word as to when she stolid be in.?' asked Mr. • Bennien; compering his watch with the drawing -room ,clock and addreasing his • .4 butler. Both master and . man looked yery uneasy.' '' ' • • ' wen._ . hincheone She ;ordered dinner for l7 as T1SUal, so We supposed she would ,be 'It is 8:30 now,' said. Mt; Bennion, endeavoring. to look .composed Yoh • are sure DO eard .0r,-, note wis left' for scie.?' • , '.Qeite sure, .sir,' replied the, butler,- - who'had .zbeen i.unimoned up four or • • five times'. Within the last loni•and ;a • Ulf: to- -animist- Bitililtir ititertitiitOtibe Shall I eery° Up 'the dineet, sir , • 'Yea, you hest better; probably . your mistress ,has gone to dine With :her parents... I dare say she:selit theanote to my chambers, and it Must 'have been, m:iscarried.! • • •;. • Mr. 'BenniOn sought to quiet'. himself by, saying tbis;,,bitt he Was ill at ease,' He -was' a bairister in 'a large prattiee who had been •inarried about a year; and this was the • first time that -there had been.; the slightest hitch in the clock -work regularity 'Of his home life. • Except on Sunday's, . during vacation Mad when he was.abisent on circuit he •was accustomed to leave his home at 9:30 eyery Morning and to: return. at 3:4.5, When he, -would findhistife chees- ed to reeeive. Wm and the dinner ready. tele sersied....••.„; •1 • . • • . He sat down to his solitary dinner in • the large -hen** dining-rpom..• He' lived in Blume'. square,. 'where' all 'the. ipartmetite are 'spacious; and, ;being • prosperous Man, ;bill SorrelintlingS Were • •Inoridlis;„,in the Silnallesi batters' as •well as in greet (miss, dear. Mabel Pen-. • alien had made her husband nonatimtly, fed that -she 'was a.helpmate on whose. • lovingtevetion and entircifiankness he - •' could -1'01Y wholly., Abruptly &resell. titnent felt open him that all this was past and gone•and that Ina Wife • Would never more sit hiller place at the table -never 1 IIe pushed ay his plate and stared fit -the eiepty . laggard glance.. A creeping of die:flesh .catne upon him as if misfottine had 'entered his 'wine and were standing near hilt with her 'chill shadow..- He had started several times at the sound of cabWbeels, and even bells, and /IOW a loud knock at a neighboring door made hiui junip.ure with the- reflection that It Was pest 9 and .that. every moment •Added to just Canso for, alarm.? • • •• He walked. into•the hall, put ' bill hatrind left The houtiesvithoutspeaking to any '-of "the servants,. • At .the ' first ealigitandle belled •a handsOni And told, the' artier to take him to Egon: place; Where Mr, Iturthese, Mabel's father, Mr.'Kuithew was d'wealthy solicitor, haying a large fantily of sone and daugh- • tors whom he had all .W.tled .conifort- 'ably in life with the exCeption• of •one .daughter an invalid, who' raided .with Julia,Ituethew With her father and mother Were all three in the draw- --ingiroom• when -Henry Ilennion4trived,- and to the anxious,,question which le stansmered out, 'Have you seen Ma-, bell' they answered • in the negative. Julia at once saw that there wassoutething wrong, hot she Was not the person to offer any, comfort...Her .general (mew pation was to fie be." the sofa and say snappialt things. !Has Mabel left you she eaid,.arelling het eyebrows. . • vShe.headieappeared; answered Ben- • pion addressing • arid Mrs, • thew rather than Jelin, whose tone Shrieked. bins. hoped she. might have come . Mr. and..)/frat Iturthew both grow ,natith alarmed. They were too proud •. to Attribute their daughter's ditappear- • mum to any 'scandalous rditson, and eon. eluded old .611e trilnit have net with pearance had,been, reported editorially the papers and had beton°. the talkef the kingdord... At.the end of a menth he Put on summing feeling cen- .Yincedtbathe was.a:wiclower.- Among his- acquaintances .there butsarte pe -eon who didnot believe Mabel was dead, 'and that was, her sister, 'Tillie „ICurthew. ying the sofa in ter languid way, with novels in her "Lap; this -girl, 'w e Wonifl ..httio 'been isretty, but "--fOr dier hard look and triek of sneering, took no part in the disenagions that. were leld in her isreseneens rto Mabef's pro- lable fate, but she occasionally' shook heread and_emiled as if incredulously. When -Henry 33ennion•had seen her do .tbizeseveral thneS,' he ono. (lay. lost' pa-', iffittiptly Julia you don't Sewn, to agree With us ehoratyont sister's cleath;he said, look- ing hard at her.' Can you.. say any- thipg toenlighten us 1' • • , • ' hatieio • swered Julia, coloring. •- • Theo do You, imagine she has left rri6 purposely 7: 'What could make , her wish tobring thiSeorrow on tie ?' . I don't • believe Mabel was happy with y�u,' coldly " • • • n, ." • Time assuageti grief, for men must' work, and, no tribulation' felling upon a. roan who is not of- weak nature will prostrate hina for 'Ong. • Henry Ben- nion left his home in. Ressell square be- es:nee:RS:m(3404es were tee bitter :.but he went to live in his eh:ambers and relied to his work -at the, bar. , So it came ..te Pass that :about four y4ats ;After. his b.eretivereente ,Henry Bennion, going on the ,Home wee, retained to defend a • man aCcifsed, of.aecidentalinanfilaughter. There was nothing peculiar inthe ease at the out.• but in the course .of the, trial the • prosecution procured information tend- ing to prove that: tho ,pritioner was a desperate criminal who had been Con- victed of uttering forged notes two yelirs previously, but had escapedfrOm•prison, and•these Diets had a most direct bear- ing On theetharge of manslaughter, for • if -proved they_would. dernanstrate that the prisoner known' he Ain: whom he had killed; and" that, far front slaying him by accident, he had execeted h deeply planned murder; • Henry Bennion, whose client had been ont on bail befote the trial, bad:woken, ed on an easy acquittal and of mita() be did -his • 'utmost .to rebut the theory • whit& the prosecution had soddenly sterted ; but after, the trial had , bee• ts dragging -on. for seveial the (manse for .the Orkiwn7-4, young bar- rister of tie high statturrose and said: Mylord, centend. that the prisoner • wilfullY disfigured hielseir by scarring his features with Vitra. • I Will n.ow call tWo witneakiii-11E4 to his id.sntity'-' • the landlady of the lodging Muse where he was arrested fent years ago when °barged with forgery and the woman who was sentenced as his acconaplice and who is still undergoing a sante-nee of five' years' penal servitude at Wo- king.' ... wsz,..a hot. summer aftertiOon, and the ceurt was densely crowded. The blinds had been pulled down to shut out the hot sun; and there *as' but .a. dim light, which made tbe red robes of the Jedge and the scarlet tiniforni• of the Sheriff staxid out in bright relief; The atmosphere was stifling, • ' • The first.witness who appeared -the landlady had not mach to say. She could notidentify the prisoner because of his scars, and would like said she, to hear his voice, I-Ierity T3ennion object. ed, and thequdge agreed with him that the prisoner ought not to bo na ade to speak Well; said the Crown counsel ex- eitedly, this witness -has broken down, bat I don't thiek the next will. The prisoner Was her husband or her para- mour ; at all events she Was eorivicted ▪ d was.lea.ning dejectedly with Im elbow on the mantelsbelf, but when the pri- soner entered he would have advenced toward . her had not Mr, Eurthew checked him. 'Let tue try to identif her first,' said the solicitor, 'Julia, come with we.' Tbere was a Moment, of deep and solemn silence. The father with his daughter beide him, gated through the bars, endeavoring to deteet the linamenta of _his. other child, in• the shamegstrickeir- "figtito- before • him, Maria. Burt put up her. Wilds before her face and quailed. 'Take down Your hands, Twelve,' said the matron, curtly, and glancing at Mr. Kurthew, frame."-Otra Senses Gazetre,-Sol pply in she plainly saw that beads •of perspire- I'macecloilicatsthliaabcehlleelnd-ist's•JAAssi.ETshKreral'dsn:edyebartot; tion had pearled on his forehead. Yet, Biceadilly, London, after a moMent's hesitation, the solici- and 17°' the counsel for the defence thisre was toli seid hoarsely, so thele had to clear ! t.! Mitellal lie' Mclean pV red:bulk flublier vereue a flash—just n• flash and no more. hi zi throat in the midst of his sentence, — • Punter. • • Then idle righted herself and took the 'I do notknow-this-the person -do There neverlas been a time when thelmaling. oath. 'My name is Maria, 'size you Julia i' • • • • or Scr nanny .different diseases been caused said ,calmly. • No -o) faltered Julie, witb‘, beri ubyndbiliepttare dcl• faa cP Pt iti ?IT thepresent.tporfestehilet Is' 1 1 tr entire Bp?. handkerchief to her mouth. • • pulation of the globe resort to tbe use of ordi- . for scaling a barrel of eider, it is propos- ed to stop the use of wine in cherchee for sacratnental purposes. Ere'e• Cocoa. Giwierri. Cjineroame. "By a thorough knowledge ot the natural lawe which govern the operations of. digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the floe properties uf well -selected COCOA, Art, Reza bas protided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may •save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioue use of sach articles of diet that a ceestitatioa may be gradually built up un• til strong enough td resist -every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle ,maladies floating around us ready to Attack wherever there a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fora- • fid with pure bleed and a properly nourished - Now, tell me whether you -know that men; said the prosecuting counsel, • And you, Mrs. Ktirthew said the um," plasters. . . - . " • The principal ingredients nsed in malting pointing to the prisoner. Governor, addressing that lady. these 21astere are. Gum Olibitinuri-or better '1 have never seen him before,' she '1 do not know her ' repeated Mrs. answered, after a minute's steady gaze Kurthew, almost, inaudibly. She had at the occupant of the aooli. - - --- not left her place,' and had -only Cita ' Were yell •nob convicted with him one fearful glance toward the railings, nearly.four years agO of uttering forged theta -turned her face away and butt% out notes'? . • • ' crying ; under any circumstances her them to act quicker thainanY other Piasters 'He is an entire stranger to me; re- tears seemed-ustural.- -----7-'-'-"."•"''''-' -theriWer-b-efairtritlaTlattl-that-Drifrertlfair PlaStall Will d9 mere rtell service than a hun- peated the convict, quietly. Henry Bennion now stepped forward, dred of the.ordinary kmd. All other Plasters ' Why, heavens it is her Voice. and .the. gits6.which he vent on the -pri- are idoW of action, and require to be wern con-* There is no mistake about ib' exclitirti- sone): made her -cower. • .Hia ,, eyes tintally to effect a curerhut With these it IS da. 1 ed Bennion, who had smak back in his gleamed as if in fever, and there Was tiaraliwffleineteilheefirnecattant ...re is 4,13PAeq'th, e seat to bear the prisoner • speak, no.uncertaiety in theii. expression, yet 14 111:y possess all the 'soothing; warming, sup‘ • but now rose figain pallid and tre113,. I- his voice- was. beseeehingly low and p-6. : - . 'Oditing and streeettionieg eumitiesaf all other bling. ' Mabel, look' at llie 1 HOW is I thetic-ehnort a whisper;aa be mur . Plasters. Many who have been relieved of :allAr' RHEUMA,TISM, 7CIODOLOREVX ankva- It your aro there?' • • ' ed. ' Don't you know. Die, Mabel? Amu other pains in the KIDNEYS, IiKEAST • 'What is :the matter T. asked the Judge, leaning forward in his astonish - bent and beckoning Bennion to speak to hirn. • .,• . . ' ',My lerd, it's my wife I; gasped, -the • barrister, and struggling • forward to leave bis place, he tittered an awfill wail and ' fell.across the. solicitor's table, senseless: • . • The trial was•adjourned amid a scene. known ae the Eranluncense of the -Bible -Rub- ber, and Burgundy Pitch ; which, when scienti- fically compouncled,ls full of electricity, and when combined with thepure medicinal goals, is found to bp one of tbe greatest healing medi- ums ver brought before the human race. They arc acknoWlegecl by all who ,haNe used JULY 24, 1879 ao-.) - wishing to communicate vita Da. iteave A. late of Olintou, can do so by Malressbog him at 1408 Main strect, Buffalo, as. Y. ss • _ _ rAn. APPIXTON.-OFFICE-The Booms over the -1•4-/ Stare ei Ounairighainea Aikenhead-the Bquare Clinton. . Residence:- Ontario street, opposite the Church. • Clinton, July 10,1879„ %0TING, (011A.DHATE OF TORONTO NJ, Duiversity,) Physloian, -Surgeon, &o,, reeldenCe at 111r.,Hanninfes, three deers cwt. et the Tompprance Hall, Londeaboro, Out: Lon4esboro,Junal4,1679.• - -- • 11. sra.ssimx, GRADUATE OF Tun MEDICAL .1J Department of Victoria University, Toronto, for. merly of the Hospitals and Diepensaries New York, Coroner forthe County of Iinron,DAYFIELD: Ont. JulY 220374. 81 Whatever . borrible . mystery brought you here, don't be afraid to confess- it. You remember how I loved you.' '1 don't understand you, sir,' mur- mured the: prisoner, whose featuresWk re convulsed with spasms. ' Look at me again; ,give _me your band; pleaded' Henry Bennion. See how mine 'shakes. . Do yon think I could miatake my own wife? or SIDE, and believe. it is solely stone by the electrical qualities which the Porous Plasters contain, and Nyhich is imparted to the system, thus restoring -them to a healthy condition. They are very soft and pliable, still verylatl, hesive ; and a sure cure for WE A.K BACKS, PAINS IN ',ME SIDE .404:' Bto..‘a.sT1 and are invaluable to those ivlur have'a COED nf long standing, and often. prevents CONSUMP- TION. Some even tell ,us they believe they were entirelyenred.by the use of theta:a a long - seated Consuinption. • • =pared by CEORGE F.. • mITCHELL, Lowell, Maas of indeseribsble cOnfasion. • am nob anot yonr. wife, sir,': mut9 1tered. 0 (11 )y a t • , . Maria Burt.- -.... • .>, , la' . . . • 'No, that's not my wife,'"sighed.Ben.. !rhe Great 811°04h6riees 11. en. 1,4!Y and Outs. In the cell minibered Al 12, at thepion., dropping the ;era ic a a lend, Thsuccess that medicine§ have met 'Pernale .* Pennitentiaey, at - Woking, .‘ Mabel wouldn't . have -spoken like with shiee:their introduction to tlie public some e ,these , -Maria-Vort--sat.,...to-pw.;blatf.a.licter,,:,-;Wifh....iliill.r.,_--.....•"........• ..;:.......‘......,_ ...2.....„_...,.• „.,... ,...,:.._,._ ..e.ais..agopraxes mostskepbicaL her 'heed buried in bei' No, ab bands and her '' k 1 ' • that they'are medicines that perform what they . 0 wo.n ldnt speak like are advertised to: VIM virtees of 'theie made elbows resting on her little deal table. that,' repeated * Me.- Kurtbew, drawing Jinexhave heeT well tested:, and have withstOod It was a dismal place that cell), with its his. Saniin-law away lzy. the a KID. , 'N-..., their trial in a morat satisfactory Manner. For • TIONVSLEY GIBSON, PHNSIOIANS. STIP fkltorta,Aceonaheurs, Ae.•Ofilce,Battelibnry Street, Lest oonemieated Bank. • D. H. 'DowsLES, M. D. A. Id. Gasson, M. n , osacoa, mar is, nrn. • TAIL WORTHINGToN, PHYSICIAN; SURGEON,. raticouelieur, Licentiate of the Congo of Physician*, and Surgeons of Lower Catiadsnd ProtincialLicenti- ate and Coroner for the County "of HurOn. Office and _ residence,- The building formerly oeoupiea. by Mr. elm/sites, Enron street, ounton, Pin. -10, 1871. • r g y'. diseases of the Dlood,. Liyer, Lungs, &b., they. - • • Whitewashed walls red floor d d me a ong; this scene, is too •"t , an o or co are unsurpassed. We have testimonials of nil- .0f-Ohkum, , and, the 'prisoner .:wbo was for my wife; she ift.,ready to' taculons cure&.fif these'distaSes,...atell...el-raellY caged in it looked neither gracetal nor Mr•s' 41iril:Ievi? had al reAdY • fain4d" •titrzia:ot Yhne(Mneed isitalica-tebt let him trya pretty. , Perhaps'ehe had been. ooniely She dropped on the floor in a iwoon hilarious eireatii• Once, hut four years of penal servitude the pOsonet vanished behind the r'alls delicate persion, ,eY, are rirely'vege. table; had lent:her a gray, -sickly complexionL.withont giving her ulook. • - :. there being no Inirteral matey in them • he Her' hands were coarse and" wrinkled • fromoccupation in the htendry, and •the•lecks, of chestnut hair -which pro- trude4 under -her .white cap. were abort as a boy's. A blue cheek gown;thick worsted stockings-, and - 'heavy -nailed shoes formed her cestutne, which was covered with a number of broad arrow- heatlirrtild had nothing in the . Way of ornament but it' red llitdile oh the sleeves a good -Conduct badge. • Maria' ,Burt had almost completed her term of ser-. -- vitude, for she wasto be discherged, in. few; days- With n ticket •ef leave. • Apparently. the :.tecolleetion,. of this occurred toler; for, 'starting from the table, phe walked tett:corner of the Cell • onWhich hung a card _bearing the re- oord ef her emiviction. with -the date of heir. coaling release; and she -took a long . leek at it.' There were 1.10: tears in ler • eyes, but she prodied'. h hand:to her brow and a 'sigh. escaped her ,like a moan .of,pain: • . Suddenly a wardress, 'whci had been ' . kvu Yea re passed. vu ring, that time Mr. and Mrs. Kurthew both died, and at length 'Tulle's health, whieh had al- ways been so bad, broke down, and she lay in her tura althe point of death. On the elay'wliBit the doctors hadpro- nounced their:verdict. Concerning her, and when it was pvident she had but a few. hours more tOlfv,e, she 'sent for Henry Bennion ;and". made him' nOte• . That .woruaii,in Woking was Mabel, your wife,' he said: I knew, it Whet, I saw her, and 'I :have :,,fssertained it for ceitein. no*.' • • . • Ah„l' exclatnied BenniOn„ .rising,• with a lOok. of unutterable hol•ror inhis 'Yes;;don't scold ine, biit listen,' moaned Jelia, .and she wet° not made for .ezteli ether. • Yon used to leave her alone for 'Mitre. and Clays. cost is small, while the adeenticeeli derived. from their use will doubly repay you for your ex- pense' and trouble. The medicines are widely known throughput thd- Dominion. and are•for Sale : by the . principal . medicine &alit:IL' Try them, and be convinced that these medicines are no humbug. • No one who liaie tried the Shoshonees • rim has. ever pronouneed an un- favorable. ophilen of- thein,' no :..family where theylasabeen abed will i3a witheiit them,' Fall information may be harin all partibiffaritnedr- ing the' use, and the experience of those who have used them; by securing the Treatise or the Circular 'from *.anyArliggist in the Dominion, Fre. Price of the -Remedy -in pint.bettlps,,fil,; Fil1ie2tbents Wk. : .. . . • . • Joy tesnong the Zisile1ressi ' CoPELAND's SWEET CASTOR Orr, eduallY suit- able for' children ;and adults. Endorsed by over 600 doctors ih Canada. Tire difattilty of administering nauseous medicines, and the de- sirability Of bavinglhem ple*asant to the taste,' induced, T. CoPlatifl AO undertake reeparehes ' which' reselted ie the discovery of a•Sweet 9as. toroil pprte ' lpalatable, tit ihtiariohAength arittiniedibaIi ualities as. tbe orclonars -CioSter mod: wht e;.elniillty safe ;rantliiitem)!Ist ,ykt eating With Mere cettanity, 'and preiiticing,ziei- tiler .pauses,- nor griping. • Seine children say it is honey; others call, it syrup -they all say the She could not hear that, for she. loved like it. Onep,arent says7--" My children, drink to be made reuch-of. She Made the 'fi,,,ltitii:ov;.attheerlw4ozniiltlilbeary-'-e!'finWisebehcallttrleillitdeofftizi'el' acqaaintance Of it used i iii ad. TTvet tert.t•bwe iniother -" My little 'girl has teicen it twice watching, her through the peeplock And hole , in tbe . the door turned a key in . without aq trouble, -and does not .knbw Avila _whoin• else to, vsit. , ' t it is thoug she Yates the ordinary Castor Oil, entered tho cell. , • aortic:ter Was unknown '•to het,- but one! anewe never could get her to take it without a ' U3 the truth, TivelYe; she said, 'brusquely. Was that gentleman your husband?' , I've told•you no,' answered ludiffeteritly, be and another gentlemen and two ladies have come to the prison about you. They are in the Ckovettiorli Kann now, they have asked to see. the clothes you had on when-yott--:Were brought here.' ' . • And have they seen them V asked the , prisoner) whose eheeks became overspread with a faint tinge•of 4 NO, for conviets' clothes ire sold; you; will have a new suit when you go Out What sort of spit? Ah ! that interests' you,' laughed the wardress„,who was a bouncing sort of ' a soevant-girl. 'O1 i ,the clothes won't, be anything very giatid,• but they'll do to find a situation with.No- body will stlapeot where they conse from. 13ot hark t ;bores!' the Governor's befits I expect yeu:re gang to be sent foil' The saran's°wee correct. L'•." au - other. Minute I'm Matron appeared janglinga large bunch of keys and or dered Twelve' to fellew. bee. The pail -proceeded down the booed wing of the prison, so unsightly a spectaee with Its black iron galleries and scores of nail -studded doors till they dame to if privitto part of the balding where the Glovernor's office Iltood. The matron knocked, end in ti mement the prisoner Was ushered int.? an apartment .divided from the reef toflobr by a railing( of bars. ‘Behind these rails Maria Burt and the niatton stood alone ; in the other part of tho room was grouped the Governor Mr. and Mrs, Kurthew, Al- lis and kenry 13ennien. To latter • day .while She was with him,he-Was 'ar- rested for passing forged ewes and. she was taken as his accomplice: Sooner than let you find cant her bifidelity she preferred to let you think she was &mid. That is the Whele secret! ikna wiser° la Mabel now?' asked Henry Bennion with o fatal -sort of cal in. • --"-Sistrdied-fir-AuStralla 11x Months ago,' said " and she sent tile this for you -a. lock of her hair, :NVith prayer that you would parike her. Herb, look at ;the hair; Mabel was unite young, yet it has gray strea.ke in it. You .do forgive•ber, &zit you I' - • ' Yes,' in urn' ured the wretched widow - et. • !letter tbittii • Geld. The grand climax of success is at last achieve ed. The pow rejoice, the sick arise and walk. the rieh bask in the golden sunshine of perfect health. The physical miseries of the' human frame need. nOlonger be endured Dit. 1XXO'8 CratzrOmerA.GOI,DliX COMPOUND,forDyspepsia, Consumption, Sick Headache; Coming up of Food, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Bilieneness, General Debility, Drowsiness and Low Spirits: This wonderful remedy will positively oure, and that wherd every remedy has failed. To prove that this wonderful remedy will' de all we claim fer it you aro presentiel with a trial bottle free of co, by which you will readily perceive its wonderful curative qualitia, and tvlijoh will show you what a regular erne Oast, aiZO bottle will do. Por sale by J. H. Combo, Olinten. ilucklenie Arnica Salve. •The best salve in the World for Cuts, Eruisea, Sere, 1.7Ieers, Salt Itheunt, 'Atter; Chapped Hands, Ph i Rimini!, Gores; Mid all kirk& of Skin 1Druptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give „10rfect fiatitifaction in every CitS0' OP nloney re- funded. Prieto 25 cents per box, Plir sale by Gazebo, Gnome. • In the town of Worthington, Mien., where a man was recently fined $100 fight';" yet another -"I wish' you success ot your SWEET CASTOR OIL; it is a splendid thing 7 -sure to take the pace of all tho common oil." ,The,extraordiiiary demand for* this ithprove. no mit ot a staple household medicine has ;nought fraudulent imitations into the market, but the • Public can guard themselves againet substitutes.. (which unprincipled parties are attempting to sell on the repo tation of this article) by seeing • that the name OoPL.VNIVS SWEET' CASTOR ()IL, in both wrapper att direotion The undersigned% hating purchased Messrs. T. Copland Bt ch'S interest -in the above prepa- -r,gaiitiotleixiA, arm, now manufac,tdring :it fromthe ori-. '14_,OBTI.X.ROPI Rs 1.Y.M.A.N; Toronto. • AW.04.:70P.teisu's SwEcr CASTOR OIL. 'Ob. se1ve41ie.33Ame. Do net be deceived. Sold by all -,dieclielinttlealers, •'rice, 25 cents. T 61.A.LE REMEDY. Jejlt OSOD1CA14PILJ.S rhis wetlinfiekeet medicine -de uo iiupoaition bat.a. sure aaeafe-remedy for Female DWI: , tipa an& h stractione,from any cause What. evetiand altliongl4 a petvoriul remedy coal. tainanothing hurtful to the eonstitntion. 'TO 1qAtilIED LADIES It ispiiiiiiliarly,ranited, It will,in a fihorttime britig bn the zaeralg period with regularity. te ailsases of Istervous and Spinal Affections, Paints ito the llack and Limbs, Heaviness, hFenrt, atigusanynateleirgichsi t e.flerotIcionn,ePaaalapdibtaetsiOnwOhf.ittehse and, all the painful diseases occasioned by a d isOrtiered syStent, tli eSe Bina will effect a cure when all other rileaesiraialaileet. These Pills have !icier heen knowe.tci ten where tins direcItiona on the 2na peige of pain- plilfit, are well obeerved. Per tulipartlulnr, get it pamphlet ,treo , of agent. JOB MOSES , NEW YORK Sone cillOPRIETOR. $1.00 OW 1 ti cents for postage, enelosed to Northreads Ilytuae, T'oroato, Ont., general agentsfor the Donlinioll, luitUre a bottle containing over 60"pills by return tnail. . S014-14, Onion by H. tomb(' and Wt Watts .11 Hickson and V. Lumeden. Sea - forth" 3. iroa, Garrotabtookt.Tarker dz Cattle andsLlerdsift Ondericln B. Cameron Bay. iieldtias.Bonthrop,Itodgerville:an4 al ;meal. eine clealeISS. istellaroons _ nOBBET LOOlf.F., barrister .6te.,_lvaa enened an of- fice in the Victoria blook,'Victorist street, Clinton °Raton, MN( 28, 1t476. • • orrzy- TO LEND, IN LABeE OROBIALL SUMS -on-goott mortgage-seenrity;-atinoderatrratea-of•--- intereat. H. HALE. Clinton,Augutit 9th, 18139. 7-tf, ARRLS.GN LICENSES- OM OEBTIFICATES.- APply at the TOWn Iran, or at the residenea of the . subscriber, near the London, Huron- & Bruce Itaihvffy Station. JAMES SCOTT, canton, n, I . ssuer 0 M 1 .arriage Licenses- „ teTtnyous AND PITYSICAN DEBILITY. -A gen. , tleman, having tried in vainevery aevertised remedy, has discovered. a aimple means of self -cure: - He Will be happy to forward the particulars to en-pret- • ferer on receipt of pestage and directed envelope. Ad. .dress, J. T. Snwsm.,..Estp, Mayville Ilanimerrenitla . London, England. • A184' Tes • W. WILLIA-M, B.A.., .M.33•.;. 1.11.18 (LATE or TRENTON; OOT) Cnradnato of thlf University of Toronto,- ineraber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ont. • Orwres Ano„linsinnwow-,The:house formerly occu. • idol by Dr:Baeve, Albert Street;011iff6b. -21 /PIM CENTRAL HOTEL late Farmer's - •A. Street, Minton. 8. ME, Proprietor. Thiele. tel has lately been greatly improved and thorotighly r•furnished, and possesses every requisite for the com- fort and convenience of the travelling public. Good Stabling And attentive' hostler. Clinton, Noy. 28th, 1878. NT LIVINGSTON, LATE OF CHICAGO., • OA • purehailed the flair Dressing' biiariese -richyMi,IsetiporddriliciiiiiidiitliiiiittiTO-the pub- ' • • • lie ttiat lie vitt continuo the same at pc old siand, and • hopes to receive a eolith:oration of the patrefiagenceord• ed his predecessor. Ladies Hair "Wolk a specialt.Y. , .0lintnn,Ang.8, • USN '1101ISE, 1n:titres, J'OLLEY & Bellmore, proprietors. This lintel has been on- 19rgetlwed nowly-turnished:and 'ma eillhiclirerelass accommodation for the getterantrarelling public. Or- ders for rooms by letter or telegram carefully 'attended ” to. Good Sample Rooms. Vliartonis most beauti- fully 'situated on Cmpore Bay, mid tho 'site' of this House has been carefully selected. The brume is in... tended to supply a want long felt hy the travelling ' public, and by,tonriats, sportsmen, and. families wish- ing a pleasant suinmer resort. Steamers eaH daily; , • • REMOVAL • • T T.-WILKIE, L. 0,8., has removed hi eine° and. '4..remsiadreknoctsvil eto Itartt.tenbury Street, almond house ivest t,10, Clinton, Nan. ).5,181.79: . • MONEY TO LEND. • • apy sham t oqinoney- tot, larul„!„ on ;good, 'turtmoved 1 arnia only, a 8 pek'teht.; °Intro° yery mall. Sum no object if security ample. I -do not ' lea- money for any .Conontinr• • • a-onx a. PORTER, SE.S.FORTH. 610 To one. STEWART S, OLiNTON, FON .. SMOOtrIN. (3.0 *anon; kinds,solea and ohms. blENDLEN, or,i 40 All 'kinds repaired by,a practical Machinist . Work 'warranted. 3rAcausr a TO ItENT14. tlaS week oi•niontli • • April 3, tsp. . $tar .• • • • • --_; %Manes L'',U1IGEON DENTIST, Graduate of tlie 'Royal College 1.1 of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, bas opened rooms in the Victoria Block, Albert Street, ,Clinton, where he Will constantly be in attendance, and proper xl to per- form every operation oonneeted with Dentist) y. Tooth extracted, Jr tilled with gold, amalgam, or other filling . material. Artifieiall oath inserted from one to a lull set. Clinton, April 17,1879.,. ' 16 MRS. BEESLEY'S MILLINERY Eata,bliishment W. E. CARTWRIGHT • "A largo asaortment of FEATHERS, • IritOwisnys SILKS and RIBBONS, In the newest Rhodes. Also, a large a tock Of. FELT and- SpItAW ATS, • e! the latest styles. CORSETS; dah. • • Aga/410r BUTTiOCINPATTERNS Of garments of all description e a large stock kept on hand. • Felt.and Straw Hate cleaned and altered • . Large 'Astairtment of Ladle& Mantles: • . •Clinten, Mit 18, 1877. • . • , .• • lanA.Y'S SPECIIIEIC ItIEDX401Sk. , : TUBB VEARK. The 'Greet TRADEMARK. , . English • Remo:1K._ • An unfailing cure ' for Seminal weak, neat, Spermatorr, hen, Impotency, and. •all. diseases that follow as a soqinince et salt. Abuse, as Loss of •.. Memory, liniver-. 'N•irore. takbino-„janaltlharetailitatiotp,piamizi. ness AfteTalthfge. of %/Mien, Premature 015 Age, Ann nutny other r .., dieeasce that lead to Insanity or conscattption, and b. Promoter° Grave. run particulars in our pamphlet:, which wo desire to gond free by mail to every one.- . The Specific Medicine s Sold by all druggiets at 81par ,pnekago, or packer:me for 58, or will be tent free hy mall on receipt of the money, by addressing TUE GHAT MEDICINE Toronto, tont. • N.11. -r he domande of OnibusilleSS have neoessitated our removing.to.Totobto, tb which place please address ahl fustouir;ienocinoinnutonnicabtn yio,usa., riag- g.; jots: mut everywhoro. la . isrcomes Font the venue states by.iin wholesale raga to tau tittAgitits. EMporium .of Fashion. CARSON. 13L6-611, CLINTON. RcS . FITCH rriasse pleasure in announcing that she isnot, pre- pared to do DRESS -MAKING in the latest styles, rborIng been for pees sugaged Its niter in leading ear tablishmenta in American °Meg, oho getters herself that she ean give the most perfect satiafaotion. • She also iota iu Leek a woll-seleeted assortment el AfiLLINERY AND LINEN' SUITS And *Meadow/erre 'omit tho latest noyeltiort pertain- ing to the business, c UrlargetrtLIN teg.territn. • • Clinton, tray 16, WM. •