HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-07-10, Page 88
JULY 10, 1870
Owyhee are held in the churehoc in Clinton ac tolleve
WILLIS-(Canada Presbyterlan)--Ilev. A. Stewart,
pastor. 8abbath-11 a. ra, and 6.80 p.m.; prayermeet.
lag at 0.45 a.m. •, Sabbath sehool-2.80 p.m. Pgeneral
prayer meeting -Wednesday, 7.80
CAl4D-1IETH0RIST,-Be',G. Sutherlend,paeter,
Bibbath-10.80 a.m„ and 6.80 p.m.; Sabbath aeheol-
ZOO pack; young people'e prayer meetIng-Tnesday,t3.00
general prayerpeeting-Wedneeday, 8.00
BIBLE CHRISTIAN. -Rey. B. Thomas, pastor. -17.
Chapple £eStaflt. Sabbath -10.80 a.m., and6.80 Nu.;
Sabbath school -8.80 p.m.; prayer meetIng--Wednee.
sr PAIHIS-(Eplecopal).-Iler. IL C. Mathew, fag -
tor. Sabbath -11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sabbatt! eehool-8
:pan.; pane Rerviee- Wedneaday, 7.80 ; young
veeple's prayer meeting--FrIday, 7.80 p.m.
'Vont and.. Stounnitip Illatter0."
We omitted to mention hist week the
meeting held here of the Directors, of the
Live stook association, 'enck the action
they 'took - with reference to o.,'-sa-le tf-
thoroughbreslstock, ate., in Clinton, thia
fall, as, at the time, it was not altogether
certain that the sale would take place,
but now it is asatired, and every one
. interested should labor to.toakos: it a suc-
'cess: • The4sale willtake:ploce on the
Ibth and:16th Of October, comniencing
at 12 o'clock ,ertoli day. !file flrst•day-
will'be•deiroted to the isle ef horses and
thoroughhred stock, and the second day
This sale will afford a most excellent
--opportunity to any Who :may. have-foto*
such as the above to dispose of, as it
will be largely :attended by buyers both
from the *.T-i-oited States end' 'Canada,
Entries will be received Until the lst of
September, 1879r after which -catalogues
will be isittied.
'Town: Council.'
• • ••
The regular monthly 'meeting Of the
Council was held on Monday. evening,
•all*the. Councillors- prezent except M.
Gibbings, • • .•
On Motion of Conn. Menzies, sec. by
POBB. Sheppard, permission was grant-
• ed Messrs. P. McLaren and R. Beasley
to use the' street ia front of their pre-
mises for buildlogpurpesea. ' •• • ,
. ,
On motiot :Of the same, the sum :of
$18.15 was orclered,-.tOle: paid' Thomas
• Farquhar, for cattle . sold froni POD/Ht..'
The report of the. Street Ceniroittee„ as
was read ;4 -That :they eauld.
procnre ravelat tlie rite.cok
eor ,•an . ,re.eignent.1---that-itk,cord4
.purchase' and: used whereneceSliart ;
cestie's corner,-between•Coats'
r' corners,. corners,. aCiose Ontario St..., at the .
33. C. Chureh; that larger :iron gratings
be placed in the Mafia drain, awl the
culvert,clearzed , out. where neeeasairy
.and.that a sidewalk -he hunt to the -drill
• shed for the accomnieldation-of the vo--
- lunteera. The reperewae taken up•and
discussed,' clause • by eittuee; and finally.
. • adopted With the.eireePtionof the" clause
recommending a .sidekvalk.• to the :drill
• The _Finance- Conimittee's, report, 're-
comntending theipaynient .of the f011ew-
ingateconlits,'!iyas react Sithirfiee:
stens' suits, $164.O; . Cook, plat-
forms for .engine, $3.0; ' j." Ourletty
work on streets, $1i7,12-; Devine,'
stone, $21..; 'Goderich T'p- Caution, pert
••expenges for. Culvert' In .boundary,4 ;
W. J. Paisley, ticket :for tramp, $1.50,;
T. Wilson, lumber, $33.11'; A. Bay,
map of the 'town"' and Surveying; $50;
' D. E.. Kennedy, teaming, $7.25; 3.,
Hodgins„ .flag, $4,06; ..s, Fitzsimons,
-stone, $28. 'On motion of Coen; Torn:,
bull, sec. by Conn. Sheppard, the report
.avas adopted, • . ,
•• The Treataner's report for- the' half-.
year ending 30thjiine, Was read, show-
ing a balance on land of: $2,762.78.
The chairman Of the. Cemetery CoM-.
miltee made a 'verbal :report,. stating
thet they had commenced the digging:
of a well in the centre of the cemetery,
. -where it was -thought it would h.e allot
convenient. Thia gave. rise to.coosider-
able .discussioro„ _severe" of the Members_
...pirpreasing the view: that. it would „lia-ve
been better to have dug. a. well. some-
where -in the vicinity ofthe piece, where.
• it was contemplatedto erect' 4 litinse for
the caretaker,: • The discu-ssion •took
• wide range,-,•Couli. ChidIe . thought
• that the.building•,of alouie there shoold
not:have been postponed till next year;
• n. considerable sum•of-Money.wart yearly
derived from. the• cemetery;' and.:' he
.-thought more of it sbotild be spent there.
Councillors . Stevenson; Corbett and
Turnbull justifiedthe previtins action of
the Council in delaying the erection; on
the ground that the season, was so far
advanced that it -would not he much use,
this year, and Could. be: erected early
------ enough next spring, (loon. Forrester
thought aid thebuilding niigbt be precut -
'ea With, Or at least all preparations niade
: that would ensure its erection next year,
no- matter if anentirely now Council
werein a view that was agreed in by
Coun.•31ouritocistle.: The. following mo-
• tion, made by Conn. -Orkney, and.sec.
Coun. ErWint .Was then put -That
the previous motion Of Pettit. Turnbull,
authorising the Cemotery.Conitnittee to
peepari;Athe, erection ofre, hens° at the
cemetery, be •asieirided,. and that the
Conmaiittee be instrueted to go On and
lions, and place the well con.
venient . thereto; loft on a: divigeti'as
followe Moues, Shaprod, Erwin, Forrester -5. Nay.-
Mounicasae, Corbett, Steven -
ten i ciore„ Cantalon, LosIie, Giugow
-8. -0i motion, the :cenimIttee were
then instructed to locate the well near
where the proposed house is to be
The Property Corninittee's report re-
commended the clearing up of the Mar-
ket Ground, and that all rubbish and
iroplements belonging to the town be
removed to a led public place.
A verbal repot of the Health Com-
mittee showed that int examination of
the town had been made, and all found
an good order.
On motion. of Coon. Turnbull, seo. by
Coon. Mountcastle, it was decided to
obtain legal opinion es to whether Gede-
rich T'p Council could be made to open
the feed north of liolmesville into Cel. -
borne. •
Application was made by Mr. W.
Taylor, for permission to make a frame
addition to his store, but as there is a
by-law against feta, he was informed
that it was not in aro power of the
Catirioille-grant hie reqinist:-
• On motion of Conn. Menzies, sec. by
Conn, Turnbull, the account of Davis
PaY, Pf $52:54, for siindries, was order..
ed to be paid. .
• pirmotion of taiiia,:-Coilaatt,
Conn. Turnbull; the sum of $15, was
grantecl,the Huron Live Stook A.sSoeia.-
lion on condition that their fall sale be
held in Clinton.
Council then adjotirned;
Alm wifeofRev.-Tim-
Brock, of Paris, is on ,avisit to her
friends here. •
Ngw Soop.--Mr. A. Fair has opened
a butcher stall', in the market; this
makes (one regular butchers
ness in town.
Voreos' LisT.--The voters' list for
this town has been printed and will 'be
at once distributed to parties entitled
te receive, them. .
'a •
• FOR ER'OLA/93.-7111r. Thos. and Misa.
..Tackson left on Thuridey morning for
England, ,vie Now 'York. They intend
•being absent for three' mouths. :. •
THE NORTHWEST:: Among the resent
arrivals in Winnipeg we notice the
[names of Mr.. Fairservice, cfciderich, D.
; M. Walker, Tucketsmith, and A. Scott,
I Seaforth. • ' •
..•• • -,
' ROBBERY. •-• OR Tuesday evening,,
while away sonae one broke into
Tale's bakery and atole atlierefrom be-
attietio; three:', and-ftair'dolkitre.; This Is
tlie-thbd time iClinaz,Veen-Vtibbed in A
few wo4ths "
QupEn-Comerrox.'L-On the 47iiir
line of the,G.T.A., the other day, Con-
ductor Wade's express 'smoking car had
in -it representatives from more than
each of the four .quartera of the globe.
There werii' Warlike: Iridiens,
Africans; English; Dutch and Irish, be-
sides two intended New Zealanders:
it,0Ertiox..--TInt:Rev. D. G. Stithat;
'the recently -appointed Methodist
minister for .this place, had a reception
at afiii•residence of Mr. A. S., Fisher;
likst:Thorsday; *here a number of the
friends had gathered. for *the occasion.
The Wes present and played 4
number Of tunes, and the ecoinpany Were
bountifully' supplied with strawberries
and .cream. . • •
Hgavir SrotilSar. - Tire most -violent
ram storm that han been knoivii for a
long Arne. was experienced here on
Thuriday .morning,'' when the rain- de-
scended in torrents for hours: 'Seine of
the.streets in town were flooded, while
in.thecountay, where the land. was•low,
-felicea averuwashedont, dnd Some fresh,
1Y. ploughed fields' greatly' injured by
WELL- RECEIVED. -.At ListoWell, oii
*Wednesday' of last week;a number of
Peeplo assembled at the station . the oc
casion being' the welcoming of station,
Powlee and fainily-to the charg:e Vacat-
ed by -Mr. Scott. On comili oft' the
train Mr. Po wler and family were warm4.
ly'welcoMed and were: conducted to 44e.
personage, where an excellent dinner
had 'beeti-prepared, to-whieh 4bout- 60
sat dOwn, A pleasant afternoon was
spent. •
• .
GOT iirvoiln Dgrrii.--:-.I.ittst Thurs.
day a youth of this dawn, ten or twelve
years. of.age, went -down to 'the' river to
bathe ; the heavy rain of -the, ingrning
bad much swollen the stream Si fact that
he 'seemed' to forget, and'he was seen
carried beyend his depth; his desperate
struggles to save his life, together with
the Current of the river, landed him on
the bank, considerably 'down streek.-
HO fele se grateful for his deliterance;
that he immediately knelt down and
thanked God for it. • •. .
Accingors.-On . Friday lint Acre
was a barn raising on the farm of Mr.
Henry Welker, Huron Road, :As is
customary on such Occasions; -sides
were chosee, and an attempt made by
eiteh to beat the,, other. During the
• progress of the 'wrk a timber 'that bud
been carelessly left out of position, slip-
ped, and striking Mr. 'W. .Robison on
the bead, knocked hint to the ground, a
distance of about fifteen feet; sus -
tabled •ca., tut' oil the head and a few
other bruktes, but had he fallen in, in-
stead of mit of the frame, moro seriona
results would likely have ensned. About -
the same time a pike pole was thrown
.down, whit': caught a.young man mimed
S. Wise, on the• leg,. tearing the calf
thereoff•right down, inflicting a wound
froth which lie will net recover for some
Halo Huarr.-On Metulay evening a!
youth rimed Torbett, eMployed in the'
Woollen Mill, was sq pnfort.dnate as to
get his right hand cannght ifl a`!piede of
machinery, when the fleApli 'both sides
of the hand wits badly lacerated.
NaltgLess.-.-We have received -a CQ1B-
1:011lIkati.011 in reference -to a picnic held
in Hulett on the let inst. It contains
serious reflections 'on the management
of the stune,litt as the writer does not
give his name, we cannot publish the
DOD OWNERS. -All parties owning
dogs should pay attention to the terms
of the by-law relating thereto, which
Will be seen by bills posted around town.
During July and August all dogs run-
ning at large are to be muzzled, which
is a necessary precaution.
TAKE re Rgoviala, - There is fre
quently a large demand for 'eXtra copies
of the /slim ERA. About the only sure
•way. we, know.of to. get, xt-copy each -week '
is to become a regular subscriber for the
paper. • Then we will guarantee thot
you will get a copy without fail. .
NEARLY DaowNgn,,- On Saturday
last' a little child of Mr .Sampson Hay-
wood, ' that was creeping around, 'fell
into a water barrel that was stink in the
ground, and had it not been for the
'timely action of a neighbor, Who heard
its cries, it would certainly have. been
drowned •
S. S. Proxig.-It is expected that the
C. M. S. S. pienia and ex6nrsion to
Goderich, to day, writ be attended by a
largo crowd Train leaves here at 9.30.
NO( Bain9u.-The contract fpr the
construction of a new bridge at Grand
33en4 has been let to Mr, C. Purdy, of
Hensel', for $5,000. It is tole a Howe
Truss, with stone abutments.
„NEw Ratuz PAN,-Mefairs. Davis rk
Pay have purchased the patent to manu-
facture the pan in which bread can be
baked after the Vienna plan. The pan
is made round and close so that the
bread is steam baked and is said to be
very sweet, • •
MARE S0LD,--11r. T. C. Doherty, of
this place, has sold to D. Reeve, Buf-
falo, 14s bay mare, "Jolly," for $156.
This mare is a fine animal and Was well
Inrown, in consequence of taking first
prizes at agricultural shows wherever
she was entered.
-A-glorosr-a. Film --On Mies& •
i jug lest the roof of the planing mill of
Messrs. McCartney, Thompson 4 Scott,
was seen to be on fire; the application
1 of a little water at once patented
' what might soon have been a destrue-
I tive fire. It had ignited froin a spark
aupposed to have fallen frinn,the smoke
j:tack, •
- • --
TRE -IitusixTu ov jtivr.-Parties who
intend Ping to Gederiel: on • Saturday,
and-wisli-ta-Tprocure- hotel acconimeda.
TrixsTngs.-A lak-ge number ,of Cana- tie; should make known tlieir slaeire
thiltlifraf.e-WEe observed in differ- beforehand to Mr. E.. Doherty here,
enh parts of the County, and it is notiee, who is in a pesition to- make suitable
The train will leave
, returning lea.ve Gode-
_ n ,
convention; on
Tuesday, in relation to submitting the
able that the area covered by them is
constantly ioereaaitsg. The law requir-
ing thein etit down should be
strictly enforced, as a means .of
mitating the pests, . •
ter of Mr. Whitehead,..of this 'plac'e, i
left for Manitoba, on,Monday, viy Chica-
go; she intends spending a short tine 15
that Province, and will then ; return.!
On Tuesday Mrs, E. Steplenscon and
ehildron, left to join her, hatband,. wlio•
is bnilding bridges in connection With
the d. P. R. , Mr, Jas. Kerr,' also left
on Monday.
MaGnsxnaTife CASES. -On Thiirsday
a. Young man named •Tibbell. appeared
before Mr. McGat va; J.P., choirged with,
nsmg abusive language to the Mayor,
on Dominion Day, he plead guilty, and
was fined $1 and costs. W. 5reith was
charged' by the wife of -Mr, D. Canto- .
lon, (carpenter) with assault; this was
.9-s**8 s ti* ;''
"ind-117e• Mit7y7o'r;
and costs. A man named 5, Harvey,
.of London charged by Constable Pats -1
ley .with• fiewkinsrgoods without li- 1
cense, was tried by Mr. McGuire,
,andfined...$2 and wets.- Mrs .11enry,•
(knowri as Queen Agnes) laid informa-
tion before thelfayor,:egainst Cluff,
for using taunting language; 'bot;as • She
failed to appear against. him on Tues-
day, the 'case was dismissed with costs
'against her. Mr. Paisley laid informa-
Men With the Mayor, against G. Jack-
man, for refusing' to pay hie' Statute la:
bor ; ordered to he paid in five da'ys,
with costs. . .
. „
Impoivragr TO Solon Tnustgus.--
The powers of school trustees in rural
school sections in Ontario to levy' and
collect public school rates Were abolished
by the- Scheel Act paiSed 'this Year.'
'Henceforth rural School trustees lutist
obtain all tannies for nubile school pur-
poses from the township councils:. The
law further direets (ReVised 5011001 At,
s. 102, eh. 12). that trustees -must make
application to the council, to raise the
reqiiired amount at or .before the 'Au,
gust meeting.of .tlie council. Trustees,
therefore, should, leforethe end of this.
menth--july-,meet and estimate':the
amount of the aPpii6ation to the town-
ship couocil. • The - application should
be in writing. In December, or aas000
as the. taxes are collected, the trustees
will give an order on the township in
favor of their secretary -treasurer foii a
part of the whole, amount raised foe
them by, thntowniihip council. .:The or-
dersJor the...disbursemeot of the school
money -will,. as usual, be given on their
own sec, -treasurer. 7
Foe- IVIalarrooa.--.Mrs. Ross, 'd:tugh.
here at 10 a; m.
rich:at 5 p.•in.
Scott Act to a vote. of this &flinty, was,
'very slimly attended, and the proceed,
ings, for the tinie being, postponed.
In the- evening Mire. Skelton delivered
a lecture before a very 'good audienee
• her address being, well received. The
title of the lecture .was " Our Girls."
oracarrix "-mows:D.-Last week a.
Toronto, the members of :a .and•
• Several -lady boarders were poisoned •by
partaking of' vegetables supposed te have
been 'sprinkled with. Paris green or some
Similar poison.. Although medical- as-
sistance was called in, they were all sick
for three clays. -Among. those afflicted
was. Miss1L Nfenew, daughter.. of Mr.
S..Meonw of his town The f e s
a •
of this lady will be ploaetal le'arralote
en tirely_recovererr7••
'walk. around Clinton at the present
time ,:v• Show -to the* observation, a
number of . handsomely kept lawns and
gardens, in:order to produce which the
motto has apparently been "110 trouble
or expense spared." Those of our read-
ers who are floral adinireis will be am-
ply repaid for thetime they:take in in,*
ipecting. the same, and we only hope
that the example set by these florists
and domicile decorators may be followed'
-by many others, at anofher season. .
THE Ceors.--As the season'advances,
the ‘proSpects ef the drops are Watched
with particular anxiety.' So far as we
_can. learn,. all Promise well with, the- ex-•
zeptioto of peas, which were somewhat
boured by the rain and frost: . The fall
wheat was knocked down coosiduably.
by the rain, but a pod -deal. Of it has
• resumed its upright positioo,,, This will
be ready to cut in two weeks, and as the-
otber grains. are rapidly maturing, liar.
vesting Operations will be soon in full
• blast ouidereIikely to bp ' Over --earlier
than ustral:.
TELECM.A.ni OrriCE,-.,A.nother want
has been supplied by the opening of a
telegraph office here, the Dominion Co,
haring appointed Mr, E. J. Hill, as
their agent.
Orgirgro.-The street leading to the
railroad has been opened, And aceess
thereto much facilitated.
ticehas become prevalentio the churches
of this as well Its Other towns, that is
assuming the shape of. an affliction on
the congregation, and should be -greatly
eurtailed. What 'we have reference to
is the reading of promisetions annotince-
inents from the pulpit. It is well enough
to read those that refer. directly to the
-church-itself, but-tho making the papa
a sort of advertising bill -board, is. de-
grading to religion. Ministers arei not
so reuall to blame:for this, as those who
supply the notices. A notice is handed
him with a request' to read it, which ,is
oft011 done with as much re/uctatace as
tome display in taking a pill, but a dis-
position not to give offence," generally
ensures its readingat any rate. We be-
lieve if offieials were a little more
thorightfill in reference to the character
of the notices Supplied their minister,
lefts unpleasant duties werdd rest upon
him, and we are confident that congre-
gations would heartily endorse the action
• of any minister who refused to be.a party
to the continued " free advertising" in
this connection, To givian illustration
of what is dooe occasionally, see the fol-
lowing, which was anuounced as an
ducement to go on a picnic :-" A steam-
er Will be On hand to make 'excursions
On the lake.; fare, ton end twenty eentS,"
Exaaristasoo+sli„--2-The entrance -exam-
ination of pupils for the High School
was held in the Common ,Scbool here,
.on Tuesday and Wednesday last. The
nurnber'of candidatea Was twenty-eight.
The in examination began on
Tuesday, and will continue till Saturday
evening, it -is being held in the Town
Hall. The eXamination of the Public
School will be held on Friday, the •11111:
Parents and- others interested are invit•
ed tri attend; -It is partieularly desir--
able that ell the Children skSuld be in
Tna Onueoligs.-.•Rev.. 'Mr. . McCoy
preached in the, Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. 'The improvement:1 being made
in theEpscopal ChOrobLOOt yet being.
convicted, eervibe was held in the school.
house, but it expected the church will
be ready far reoccupation by Sunday.
Rev. Mr, Sutherland took charge of tho.
Methodist. ,-Sitnday. His
morning sermon naturally 'referred to
the relation of pastor to people and the
reeponsibility resting on tho former ; on
both. morning and evening he had large
Congregations, and the impression made
thereen was very favorable. ,
Is HE CEAZIr.-A. person in towii re-
cently went to two of our local magie
trates and wished them to issoe 011[11 -
moms' aggiii4. certain parties, but as
they &duet consider his case a good ono
SOL' himself a responsible party, they
refused to do so. Ite then wrote letters
to them, stating that he would brill.- an
action against them for opgleet of ditty,
and ivould take his case to Goderich,
but he was very charitahle, as be offered
to let the niatte[r drOp' on contlition they
would pay him for bid loss of time and
expenses„ One letter offering to com-
promise for 00, and in another for $40.
Similar letters were sent to private in-
divicluala, the amounts vaqing else,
11,,EnJutie Vamp FOW7o.-13.n in.
Was bold on the remains of a child
found in a heap of manure on lot '20,
13th con., McKillop, by Dr. Campbell,
of Seaford], coroner, on the 3rd. lost.
It seems that while Mr. McMillard,
who now occupies the farm, was turn-
ing his manure heap, he' carne upon a
rough box eontaining the remains of the
child in question, He notified the.co•
roner, and *Stu conaulting one of the
Magistrates, who considered that an in-
vestigation sheuld-take -places-he-issued--
hie warrant and appointed Dr. Scott as
medical 'witness' to investigate the cams
The following foots were elicited at tile
inquest, nauielY : that *Elizabeth Ann
Watling bad given. birth to ot living
male child two years ago, and tbat said
child disappeared. No. orri knew what
had become of it, toot there was not suf-
ficient evidence to prove the cause. of,
death.- The WI:Wings were rather a
disreputable &mit 'who occupied said
vihen t y moved.
into, Oxford -county -Fr- ° „
• 1tN
Tnagyagas' IgsmrruTg.-Tho • re
meeting of the Varna Teacherrelne
was held in the school house on J
Wm. Plunkett gave some neat sob*
of the questions in the -third cies:far'
ruetie for 1876; Geo. Baird don=
ed the Triangle of Forces), and ahowed
the application of the principle to the
solution of problems; Jas. McAndrew
gave critical. and explanatory netes on
" The. Cloud," by Shelby. ale. well rim-
dered and well. received re tatien was
given by 1Vliss Forrest. The next meet,'
in g is to be held oir September 6th.
EDUCATIONAL. -The following ia-the
correct standing of the pupils of p.s,
No. 5, Morris, for the month Of lune :
Fourth elass-,1st, Ilenty Clark; 2nd,.
Jabez Stub* 3rd, Stephen Taylor; 4th, -
Jane Hood: Senior third-ist, Mar-
3rd, John Anderson; 40, Ellen Wit.
kinson. Junior third---lat,' Thos. -WI:
kiloton; 2nd, Wm. Armstrong; 3rd, Jas.
Johnson; 4th, Wilhelmina Tucker.-- .
Senior second-lst, Wm. Beadouit '
2nd; Francis Stubbs 3rd; T. C. Wit--
; 4th, Jane 'Baines. junior'.
third-lst,•Francis Tasker; 2nd, Jacob
Brooke; 3rd, Elisa_14.icCrea ; 4th, Robt.,
McCrae and Annie Harris -on.' Senior -
first--Ist; Ellen E. Wilkiuson ;
Grace Taylor"; '3rd; Wm. RfnWii ; 4th,
3iarittir Masters--ancl-Maggie-MderK7'
Junior first-lst, Carolinelfaslain;2nd,
Peter Beadeure; 3rd, Wm. Ward; 4th,' .
Albert Haggit,
Orvicens ELEdT.-The following JIM
comprises, the officeis elected for Div.
308, Sonsof Temperance, for ensiling
quarter: W,P., Thos. Gledhill; W,A.,
Kate Jamieson.; R:S., Gecirge Stewart;
A ,R,R, 1%LB. Gledhill; Chap., Charles *-
Walters '• F.S., Wm. Cowan; Treas.,
AndreWHeddle ; Con., GeorgeElliott.;
A. Con.' /5,ettie Gfedhill ; I.S, Ida:A.
Walters • 07S-7"Thob. Ifeddle
P. Cantelon. '
CorreePondenee of •the ilEAV
'_ The strawberry ,fistival held in con
nection with the Pretibyterien clinrch
Was a 'grand sitcom,. the hall being
crowded to its utmost capacity.
., The hondred-yard foot race betWeen
j: S. Carey, -of, Parkhill, and A. McLean,
of Literio; fOr . a purse of $100, vras. ivon
by the latter on Saturday, JOne 28.
:J: K. mow,: formerly proprietor ,of
the Lucan job printing office, was thrown
out of a buggy -end seriously injured
last week, bot is now rapidly recovering.
A -strawberry garden party was given)
by the Ladies' Aid Society .in connec-
tion with the W.M. 'church, on the 2nd
.inst. A large crowd was present unit
the net proceeds anionnted to something
over' forty
• dolltars. Lcrari•
exPresytpe :'"t ,ton
exi the. 4tkof doubt
to the numerous excursions on the 1st.,
*the affair woe slimly patronized,- :
Thewife of 11r. S.• Gibson, of:this
place,clied on the 4th init., after a long •
and painful illness. . .
Roseeeir.-:-.On Saturday night, 28t11:
Jone, a' daring* robbery: was perpetrated '
in :the Benmiller, hotel.• The thief eri-*.
tered. through -the pantry window, and,
having. helped. himself to:the:Provisions,
i.arieaeked the 'house, evsy receptatda,
-w --.ttnytlitiWof-Value _might -be _coo- .
...e.aled,enipletely,, rummaged. •A.
pocket kith was taken. pu'-t';Or
lente-pecketi slin&-left-empty•eirli,
in the bar," The Om' of 435. was ab•
straeted from the 'proprietor's poeket..
The' miscreant„ havingfound the4tior of
the bar; • unlocked' tilt; 'door a:WhAde:-- • -
his exit: • ' •
4nst- reeeiyed, and- opened np,
For early Pall Trade,ebnapr.ising yery. assert:me:144 ill°
choicest goods to be obtaitied -03 the market, and'b.t OrjCes a":
'great -,:deal lower than last year. 'EY-RRYBODY INN*,k,E-D
9F.'21 SUIT SHOW:JD .SEE GOODS;:'.'r .
7 • will be received about the mid( e ofthe month. .
COATINGS' and. OVERGOATINO liOm. Glasgow,: .which
We have .a1S.O:,..re.c,e,lved. advice of ..40x4"n:t* oLIY:RSTErs: