HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-07-10, Page 6'MUM:NG CATTIM. 1.10w IT. IS •OONB IN ICaNitAs. The New York ,Sua gives the *lug. instructive ucCount of cetela, g „ Xmases', trout the pen of a practical odor ; It is the early dewy) of a May (ley in web' *4' atasatee A ttlie rolt. billowe of -exteeedeja dire , to the ut- ' ;reaelneWebe Mete esplains are covered with a rich , growth,. of Mu° taint goes. A herd of .cattle ie eleeping in a c.orral by a creek---cowe, two -year-olds, yearlings anti. calvea, A fevr -twines are, picketed with 'Write ropeon the prairie. ep,Mett,Ideof +saddles, blanketsawl bridles 'cliattg en Pegsbj/ 'the coml. Inev. 'Tha ecene is eminently peaceful. Oceaionally a cow rises, end, walking to the salt bar. the sat hen noes her nose, as thought she bad .eerions thought* of pick - Ung it; go as to insure ite keeptngthis eea- ., feur at ay rate; e,a,nd wales over to the sotatching Po„sta'rred there stauds eulcbing her neck Up e.nd down. Su ideely stopping, • Ott geeekeperelteyed, at aewelf„ Which Bite oultiellaunehes. seine hu wired yards from the Corral, sitting there' peusively,, lookieg at the groat summit of (rash unette. ee•After gazing at the wolf until a ttishodes, • 'ilia' Cow lies "cletirn _aaiv Top. dp - breathing Of the Ceti* the ;meriting cells v..ef tbeemeedoW-larke, the soft Zi6fthq indnDW h jetted ehrough theAlide4' tfir4 der grasSe are the pub/ winds' heard. As • the east grows red, occupants of a large - dug -out, situated by the bank of a ereek, lounge slowly put, andw¼ to the water where therdrnelennel-Writtlreellie-lattereir • speedy operation, es the herder does not ' waste time -in- washing... One gine to feed the esmaieserce„ era andeeadelleeehumeetbe; YeidtheiebuilliCafflartticleMilit eh13 blealifat: This • meal consists Ofcorn-dedgers, or baking pee'der. busecuit; Tried 'becop, end,, strong coffee -Wain* •or sager, Theta may he .290 cOsett.in the "herelt none are milked. •" • • TUE Kt EDElt,E St."UPIN . . with as little trouble as Possible. As rule, they do not read, do not -think of aaythiug- but the cattle. TO atteritIthese . • well is, their ambition... After breakfast the bars are.taken dean, and the cattle' stririg slowly out of, ehe. corral. Forming: . n, long -lines, . they .;follose, Oa deep,,well - more trails that lead to the feeding crepitate. It is a very leisurely 'Merrill. Now and • then an animal drops out of file; eitts a fete mouthfuls of graes' but soon drops. into file again atideettlimea intitebilid. On rettehing • - the desired feeding. grotind, ehe "etittle spread and being feeding.. • At abotit ten -ezcloele they. are ,fult, ;or, neeely, soteend, in - .a listlese Mandel, they Change feet*and feed toward water. • Arriving theetNe.the •- herdedrink, Mend, in :,the *atm!, , 'and ;ad „ fl•gf.t1-.401tX,,4,th_ettli..941elevni4nitietit two or three-1161*i litunen, ()met. „.,Ae the , . , sun gets lo*, the mane again spread. and feed. As the sun• ks to the bedew): the ----ereldefilitiiiiitY•force them to.. bee ,tdiVatel ---"---Fthisircerlale and- btethe" ;tide': that 'have - fed up toit,. it isgenerallidaek.": Bers are• put up, 'Mines Maked. out, , tplePeredooked and eaten, andthe herders- go -ea bed. •alrherdeetheiteleti.raa 'few animals that' lead oif ethat is, they -will riet remain -on your range, but. constantly :endeavour to • ' y1ftsti i. Theitti imaleire generally yellow or black eteers ; • litiesoinetinees cows and heifers tee gtitItY ()titbit:, trick: *Of courtieethesearninalseare told es soon aa poseible; but, Until sold; they .are the cause of avast .amount of, hard,. eidinge,.. Manyeaee the vtleilces,maect 161104k theld'orithite liabit, butel neeer ktektyt„linefAffetegiefli17-1-FilitTeenble a largrilili.`ee-ysear.eld heifer, coal black in color, which sad a greet desire to feed in a ravine that we did want her to feed in, • Almost daily we would"hates to alive her back,. Gem da y a new herder; neettetome.d , THE CLINTON NEW ERA. wheel's around, frin be eyes, and1)el- lowing a ref cryeithiehes /lead on for the bully. '1 bese"ie Surprised; but geta to ,work as ,ttei expert, and the rebellious .dow. ,ifly whipped (these cattle fence wife t "lieene), but the cry for liberty hilderstated by the rest of the herd, and ni'di A unanimoua movement, they all 'tent on the tyrantrand if the Iterdere do not in- terfere, they kill him. The bully,- being whipped, turns to run, audd-o hater finda that the whole herd • is after him; As one anituel gide near hint, he receives vicious dig from a shop horn. Be in oreasea his speed, but emu anothee euitetil eomeaeup,ta Itieu,eanct etiothee stab iaethe reau14-eelifie With a'AtteOcle4--lon- gue alidli`ibella'breething, i lehdfrig 'the herd, aud the herd, with extended tongues' eed 0,prIgtitel,ftii14 area, folleWirtge-Jfeers, co w14,'(*I'VeseYttil/tbellieiring 2e -t him :" And kin him they will, if the berderseleeleteetintlhaePtIT'titeel . After a lesedgfethrNited tte belltle, a marvel of gentleness and consideration. A calf (weld whipAtim,,,.. Gnee left tny herd for an -0d4dje nittitliikAvas surprised to fintliheiattlettinehectlatednd &deep pool in the ravine. They were eriv eft#93r..:igrosOy eenteetter the ttconteentebel, 1aslgteheteitaileekjbeir ecranedeneek-astbe-y-lrioked-over-thabanks- of theepondeell indicated. that toonetbing taa't.tOntlie".•R•lihAtakdrO'lloAte end eyeing. idg er bee v yeivbiPeqe*teeerroene'liinring' the, cattle. ' They gave way for me.I rode tip to the pool. There, standing iu deep wat.er, watt the bully, a ring of excited-. eteers apd,c4weettandieg aroeudeltite, but tleage to ' put a atop to the - fon, and left the bully iff:th,e water to cool •off. I did notate°, him -forfa weeke •; Then 11° ,,f0i+1 bbf4-AtiatiisOi •-• •. 'ateteatela in the herd ' gets badly' wounded, it will be killed -by the others if great -care. is.. net -exercised.. The sound apiteele • ,, itteruettssf.i 'taxi THE SIOK. or wounded ones, Itlooks hard,' atel ,the unthinking. observer emnarkee on the. 'cruelty eho MI toward One auothei by dumb enituals. It ig simply an expreseion of the Mittinct of the animals,•by which th.ey. exe peet to we -Ed -off attacke of ' wolves, and to prevent their pi•Owlingeabout the herd by temoving the induce-4*a to it. The • mal is ..wouridecl; • badly weundad el, the 'wolves sniell him, and, from far and near, gather abet* hire. The cattle, in their wild Mete, constantly ineved, up•and down tha water coursese, sce when they killed the sick.aniniel„ the,Yeleft thabody behind, Novi they kill:the dick one "for the 'Mune :reason, and daily feed. about bis carcass. ..e.lEhektily pee heed .Lis, fetee'etilves*itre doing -well and are fell -of play; grape is .plelity, ,ittecithe "herd, as a whole, feel -splendidly. •Thy.are teeny amused, ego.. 'Jackrabbits :4%••Plakt-YrillXansas.,,,katlAr44.neverfaii, ingseivce_ of .amalielidelAC.30. ..tha cattle., Aca004.goft4e ilfiktir4egf#01:0 tbee'etealfi. ,hOodei 01'4 iSi.siMplyeehateedetra-iefi, the ace tienaof ettieeihelinalie 'ele• ealf finds big jeckeabbiteaadevereeleritutally;-itt interest. ed in tookingat:this wildleetettte eggitio ugly •dpproachleg him,' she gazeiretttnpepere eyes at ..the Btnttll ,monsteie • Aettithetealtjoine thereandeitchrigardtheettintal- -,BeJahoing to eatier eleout,ite th e,e,t tention Of the herd is attracted, and they all came irp"..te. have a decokeatetheriackeeekleeiseurada •toegetelipe and junipleiantly off. The paeteleeljefol- low the rabbit sits down, tigafritObeikerc- ed tipeat,nel When be agitta jdneptedtf, kieey ciper around him, or, with ;pretended alarm, they.bellow and run away. • • Many men who. :came to -1.-Cadeeaili, 1669 eiietteOnteeethe eateleeltetneete.:, bringing Inimigt Won • staff ales at Oastin 4nrdfin;)Ne;w Yrj,shows thaf,0,2,4 imMi<vrants landed (Mile& the lira she te • a months of 1879. Mx increase of 19,856 over the sante pitied: in 1878. A. Watt was arrested in New York the.other day while trying to butt his head against an iron letter box. When taken in charge he tasistekthat he Wee a three cent stanap, posted for Wash- ington. A farmer in Maine recently put up a large Umbrella in a Reid to Ware away the crows, and was astonished a %vitae , . to„ a ice. ito rta "e4,,e#tle,. . : ; •,,:. 4 i : :: *C. kti "I • PI, CULP GUT= TUE. P, tiv • out of the ravine, and frightened her so badly • that she would never again leave the herd: • We all told him to cci ahead with his plan. • Riding near the ravine he disthounted, and, ' taking off his -coat, crawled throuirh the • tall grass until directly over.- the heifer. • Then, holding -Ate outstretched • coat in front of bp exeboted sOcies of war., ' dance, aefiortipattled by tinetiethly yolk 'The heifer Was frightened—paralyzed with fear, in fact: • She stood motionless, looking up at the horrible figure above her. Then. the awful fact impressed iteelf upon her brain that this apparition wife a new 'kind, of beast, destined to drive her and her • kind from the face ef --the prairie, so :elle • might as well die righting as starve to death and sherun, not away from the grinning, --dencing, howling idlothehind the coati but at him. Dropping -the coat he had no use for, he turned and ran for his horse. The horse 'qujokly ealcula tea the chance,_eed, , coraiug to the conclutiOn that the cow would • catch the. dancer before the &seer go* to hira, ran Off. The wo'uldtiee. frightener of• • cows ran for hi.e.life, and hoveled for help. The cow gained on him, and when her het breath strpck liie naked neck he fell. The cow 'pasted over hineeleut in visaing stepped on his back, driving the: blood out of .his mouth and nose. I3efore she could turn on „ him, the other herders went at her end dove . her tiff. Onseeing him dismount we had rid- den rapidly to hien, well knoWing what tietildehtippen. la-neediess to say that the youth never repeated that experiment. The cattle of Texas are not afraid Of a • man, nor aro they afraid of a horse ;. but • they afe afraid of a man on a horse, • They . do not understand, at least do not seem to • Understattd that a man on horseback is is combination'of • . Apparently they • regard the two es one animal, and one that is too powerfel for them. To get off a. horse in is had of wild Teas cattle is al- most a man's life, awl exporieneed herder will tweet dn it, , after en it. rainy day to And la • Bre,fs,Po0coo, GiutTitrukAttO COM1MOTINo. i FirjRNITTIRE I '4vill'ilty,* thoretigh leneeeledgeot•thenatteral 9 lake tvlildh govre ern ttleVratione 0,444400o . • and nutrition, 'Atid. by a caftil application 1 SPRING Bk EileiS of, the line properties of well-seleoted cocoa, 1 Y Arr. pps has provided Qat brealifatt tables save us many heavy doctor'e bills. It is by ltir.1Y.1.-ATTRESSESe with a delicatplYilavored beverage whisk May 4s o the jedieions use 0, Ouch. articles of diet that —. • 6 A constitution max be gradually befit up utt- • 4 tit akrOng„Ph011gli ,r,e1.4139veM tentiteliV to TIMM subsoriber begs to inform the inhabitants of &tease, Ifundrede of subtle Maladies are .1. Olintop and surrounding country, that he luta • floating around mit eeedy to attack ,wherever . literate e tvealehretetf4WAPPYte*Pe-Y.P7 011011011 a tin Furniture.. Store, a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well °rte. heti wIth ptire WO t li st prepeeletiontiejeed . ,t r ON VicTroBIA S'ilittt fransi02.--f,Init Seildee:Patsite-S d. only in [Packets labelled—"Jardiss EPPS tiT Co,, Ho- ., utteegethic telt emiets; f de TiAXea4,ne941,, *Yeti . ..nil l'7 170TicadilyLondon. , • netherOthehireshtIled togethr ,e , ONE, DOOR If•QU'Ell 00 IffiEkliLfS. Parties in need of anything in al ne, e.re rose Under it. zrite,npo!cneoryievfatnIra, wfiatv:.itaneipedait iarnaenntuouf,..: 44 a toatuti:Eie 1;.101474:11;07P:41,71:31:aes qt the lianvolotleodewtoheorael.1 awl examine hIs goods ',before perehea- , wea .488 e. vt8tv:frg.4 fory R. enientber''the' plaie trietorict Street. usual manner, I -le *ea sitting on a (acci*Ce. chrenip; illitnultaion- of' the contact with a olgthei litte, which .out Tile AAretuo.ts,Brx-Sahys is presented to tile "nten, "ne 1208.72:,”;* . • His bead inntrly ofF, ITO died .in two' Pabalowith the' asshotn46.4-elts ectlay horse.cait whiQh was. .it;iven tt cet?all • . rapiciiy fl, tO a door -yard, when he came into • cause, W. B. CB CI -I; yas a _,. curseive of Moat diseaaes of the eye, acute or chronic loilatnnottiOn, Whether induced by scro- EAL ESTATE FOR SALE . telfigrara froro Repias sey",i ftitoue Megin oe otheewise, weakliest or defect R lidilrtiv • of vision diminished torle.ofl themptic nerve Ira -Cogswell, -adeeintstratOr -or the; es, - p= r a -diseased State of the-tisstles constititting LUt ink ViraiCohojetbn (Harem tate.of.Josepti Stehhint, WAS ........1 .•L td that org'an. Also, for all persons whose voCa- gide T%kerinxixtu. opt ' 0,90,do: of Vic class land, 13eing abf•irt IA his book accounts nd reAltlil'O' au• inee'leeekt action,. et the eyes, -aben tiro infieslrenrOlinionOlita fence 'arrant greatly worried him. He put ail tli• thegalve will act as a Chardr restorm. a Uni- h 'good . ardwood timber. May be made s superior dairy fend . orm healthy *lotion, where weakness, pain and _ • ' ,• ••,, • Liking, St011a and bOrfifid thOtn. ,_ papers and $2,500 in money misery may nave long tlireatened a fatal' ter- 2. West Ralf ef Lot Eight in the Vieve th G ne Re then rainatiee. It is the moat simple, safe ru d f L e ' tromwt xi "vt 'g sign of Tumberry, fifty scree ood wheat Iannd, si:roirt: ng moan marmite from tioteicninnun,sid, poured coal ;oil on. the ' tinier, li lit d " v g e it of whi hit ie made a' 1 rperfect? d tl Wow, melody•eeei, deseevorstl.' Tkof inaterials • ,,,.. ..1. , Q . . re at e, an sios Y7 Clearance on the., front .' Woke li doli- h tion of the Toroateqerey end Bruce Itailway. ikemall hei.„ sr woo * er. shut the doei and was consumed • / in the compounded with elaborate' care and exactneas, Nyoulft gall eheap forogis11,*o ' hat' Ile. . He tried. 'to yersugi-do -11,11LitifA safe in its, application, being used externally, by In Clinton. Apply to the ro=e finsge f" tvwn ',Mery ''ot-oourse;wtoidifig-tlitr-p. ' ' r a to,die with him, hut she fled i t hooks and e f • JULY 10, 187'» ATTENTION. retattz NOTIOri, that the Appitill/raent gems: SlAsos 1,touseu, et Uenhall, so Agents ot the utrano danger _shies,T,Lius,jounton,:oc to. the undersimgnueerht9we"-t n error. which necessarily attends the introduction of 4, The large and eo; uven'ent .Briek th Slock,1191V00C11led 4131111(11Innat. '-e`a4sti ulh'01.01"a` 9,17: bells4"t A XOIIM " ei and OLD CanoSte SOAPS rl ire ei:iiltble watch Chej ixtfrt 57c. beloogitigt.A.31,,ntoson. iaUyUt • Apur w.4.11.1,ms struolporO Iting-,:;a; 54 kEtto.„cins!rom •fivisgtepr anaeoyeild tu,the B. First-elase grain store, at thh in aud Trunk statien j 'Zi..P3SO4.11400$544.rr gEi front theeold?storms of the Winter. 'I; :did this. and mode a roistake.',-The reason 'wily shed* are 'dot good. is, that the cattle ataiscl,Pader .them - when the. cold winds' ,leloWddidee'eftide. to .10(ye• the shelter, to ,fitedelet drink;e'ond witenteeakened'inethis lick Cif feed', they lose vitality and Middle together for wertnth...:Thiebuddling is very ,dringeleue ; the Outsid e 'cattle want to be On the insideeend they pile up oneSachother.; This pilling is called e atartking,!. and When once begun,;sorne . cattle • :tee Imre. to he8e. efieie yea • Out 'of -One' staelt',:ie.tetek„ ;." . AN . "sCo'ffiliftf.: a,t4`tlie time /-". iiiiiiii' t-Fibiig-I (c% . .utii.y.krq, agriss4;;;•illkonoP•-tPgief..• , . ilim,fgers• have repeatedly examined it vet is iffnaveditiatf, an 'irpefirriatielit picisteluires Gi7a:,,Ta?grlutflialt:Ik, ZI-14211:6114-i!idetei tiltitlIteb .0 and boiler„ PrOilli8138 wort suited f:;:: and pronounced it perfect fit. every par. • "IlIX.1.eP.ItylciPr'fil°413itli:i:coNrItil'et;firgiL)Nr;igetilrivellfe. frY' wi-t4 "rn° tjetilar, It 'Cannot be made to move, - 'It enlacing noW and improved triacidnery for mak.- manurcotor ng purposes, pork-psaking, &a, ing a more perfect box ter the Eeu-Seeve, have 8, Lot 0 onVietoria Street, (Oorden a v )1; eh 0 bending I 't', between the G. T. Beltway 'lent dethealli41° bwearotchatimeatkoerdsoslyutpyOngpaalriti,oefv.ie;tnealtntaerteeirl c°Drel'P°ild• with e , , ' culare, Advertisementsvmto, We calf attention O. Imt 24, Preileria'k "street,' belongiug' to Mr. John to tle e it ' ht tl Cse be regarded as Powell. Good frame cottage of five rooms. ' Well and thevOuton the Wrapper Cir- well-Ione:a, Wanted with trees, good we&e, .' r is so charged „ with electricity that 'changed the Tael)s Tvlatux mi the cover so as to out and put into anOther set of works. coungifae!,'tingin, Ig ' ° levy(garden.' Jest south of Mr, Wan. eeept /.)}721.`IT AI HARKER, Itoreeereiresnee. ' Clinton, Jan. 24,1879. ', B. BALE. . The particulars of a horrible tritgedy ' ' Propteetoes, Freedonia, N. Y. itt' .Brinevene Tohiti; '"Eent ' Con -ay, Dle,01-1,14MOP At ril-NIAN> -• -- Mutual Fire Int)uranue ColliPanis Of tbe Co plyof Welliegton, is thi daYrancelled; rhatRAs, ten., hos teen appointed Agen• tior this toy/nand vicinity, and is now prepared to take applications for this Company, the cl1eltPeat tin Dominion. • order, cramps remnsole, copl.'reas. Ouittpiridtft coo 1518. tf. Toronto Agents for Canada, • reached Grand Rapids, on Thursday. • . ' - • a Pros--• machell'sSelladonna I mproved.tntlia Rubber porous The wife of Emanuel Berg • perous farmer, who has 'been afflicted , • Plaster. Tor several week s with • a mild- -fOrin 'of1! : ' 1.-Ire.M ite:,,er hes been- a tima when the healing insanity, but was not considered dati- of se many different diseases has eheen caused gerous, was. on Wedneaday afternoon by outward applicatied ao the prest*. It isen , eneispute left alone With, her children: , i. • When ptilaraineeidiftag ethloA•tee:irveeerolritaltfQo.,tfhteli el.oel:tpifreq rpcioc. ,Bergy returned froth the Min' field in mirY plasteti.: , ' e -• . • . which he had teen!, woxien,g,teh• e .fp,!In. d ., The prindipal ' in.redients Used hi. •makin-' -hi§, Wife and theee_sinall children dead,_IficeN,he;41:14e atteile"ritatn'ejitiltellelcan'el? oiTtahliellinBitiler--birete- . Viied•thhildre-:.b6eor,a,1. 1_aYr idcoBmpkoutt d,aaPiit's& f.u1..w1. " ho-if.c. -hT, ewo th'-Ae-cn"tI _syc,ie• uti- he,-timm_ an. laaiogk, t .n t 11,- and thew taken her own e with w1en cdnibiried Withethe..pureenedicitialegums, a rervolvec obtained.without ,kno w- iS • tO be one of the Kreittest healing meal. ledge irt hbiethisblitUi ...-e, ... ...-.t. - uras ever brought before t °human race. .. ' . • . ,. .-:-:::, ,:' . -,.....:,..-.:,7-=, . 1 . ,,,rvg,-,,„. , ,,,v, , ., -XilVY..0,99f,t,ged.i.?Y• allAvb9 iiii 4. Used them; if) aCt qUicker ttritti ant OthWrlaatera , ...,t, Phistera Will da,rnortie4,tieryice than a him,' •tired of the ordinary kind. All -other Plastera • are slow of action, and requireto be worn .con- • - , tinually-to' eilebea ;cure ;-1.04,,Witiktliefte it is en,- - '1i:rely different; .the instant .iine',Is applied ,tbp •' . r,' pittient willfeel itLeffeet. .:3 'F.; ' N • TbeY possess all the Soothing,.*wariiing, sup; • parting and strengthening onalitiesof all other Plostera, Many who baize been relieved of • ItlIBITMATISM; TIODOLOPEUX, and va- • rious other pains in the KIDNEYS, altEAST •,or SIDE, and believe, it is solely dote by the • electeldal ceialitiee 'Which the Temue Plastera. • contain, and virbleti: is imparted to the syetene, thus restOrin; them to is healthy condition. - ' .Thiiy ore very soft and phahle still Very ed - !waive ; and a sure curd.- for "%YAK BACKS, PAINS IN THE SIDS ANDSRS A.ST ; and tire inVoluable to 'those •wholiave e COLD of E: 1. •ifit 'ilurtgc'ea:tvic.1)!tteerilPtesvAr b°erteritlI33... . Were entirely cured by -tile use of them of is long. seated Coneumption. ,.. . "Prepiar6d by cup:Rol E. 'MITCHELL, Lowell, Mass , • : , . . . sold by all.Drugfosts Thos ' Greet. eheshoneee _steamily one ' ' • tIL 111Itpit OP 0A.TTI,tilt.ay1, A. DULLY • among them. There is a Voss. cow, and she is hated and feared, • Of ugly disposi- tion, constantly hooking unoffending.cowe, greedy in eating, he realtes hereelf genet - ally disagreeable. Or it may be Butt the bully is a steer; the characteristics of she brute are,a1I the tonne, The root of tho herd are all afraid, �f her or .hitn. Singly they cart do nothing. Matters go from had to worse, and cows life becomes aimed unendurable in the herd. Something has to bo dene, and that moon. The bully in walkieg .tilong gives some unoffending cove a than) thrust in thembe. Instead of• run- ning off, as 4xpettOci, tho etrieken cow TWELVE DEAD '45ne Morning. 'A -neighbor of 'mine toOk thirtyetix dead :beeves Mat of one 'stack.' After losing the twelve steers I took down My sheds, and that ended the trouble. • When the cattle of Texas axe • weakened by starvation and lack of water, theY are unable to get up without help. Then the herderare obliged to tail ' them. • This eousisfs in taking hold of the tail and yet - ling at the anirnal. When it struggles to (wise, the herder lifts on the tail and so, helps the feeble brutenp, • He is reward- ed for his kind attention by haying the animal lower *ahead, and,, with a weak bellow of rage, stagger et him, intorit to kill him. A Texas cow that has to be tailed is • about as good as dead; few eiN!1* get over it. Again, when cattle are weak, they will deliberately commit `suicide. I Intv.e peen a steer Walk into the deepest place itt. a cireek, throw himself clown,. •aticl • never make an effort to get out. If pulled out with ropes, and set pll his lea, he Bret chases the herders, theo cooly tueris around and wallneinte the creek again. " Father,. Ron, and grandson , were caught stealing together a t Ilubbardston `Vermeil b. • • Mre.• Mary Crevistan of Bellefon- table, ., gave birth, on W Ceednesday, to a female nondescript exactly resenebliog a frog. • • • Ainiost every Friday we now have' tx hanging or two somewhere •in this country. . No more healthy Signs of the times could be noted..---ICansas paper. A letter mailed by alatly clerk in the of'fice of Superintendont Allackford ab NYashington, accomplished tbecirouit the vvorld westerly in, 71 days—the' fastest time yet *ported, • According to the San Francisco 0a0 of Stine 16, Chinese are coming as fast asever. There are now a larger number of Veesele,on their way to this city than at any previoue tieie many years; lis7ery merchant vessel, vhich .will take b y • ragsettgora is erowded with Chinese., CLF TO v ' '- ONE OF THE • thsv. uVer vbefdre,:-Aried., and t ab one of thise . • . A G R:E.A T • OLB' R • ' -FOR $10..504- wo will Affild.7011;b0W411111 fail 'sheep, an urillinfege WorCester's Dictionary.• Tme • htiy Review; . . t- RotaiL price' Worieinw*Mittionoiwyt1.4', Subscription price, per anunni, Fern-dal:alio . 4.00 Or, we Wilt give wiiiknahriaged, honed in, elaseP, W.01I• CESTAIIIIJAWCIMIARY for subscribers tO THE TOUTNIGILTiN ItivitNiy9r sof iour yearly sub- -Beriberi; to the same, we will give a copy of that famous ' work, hound in 2 vow., Svesitraa,rmisr, Bar:fawn - . :.,Agealtst;,,W.Bitateek-44 geO4.- ''soiniettenorctotanittsethatelciatilitr-2-X*I'Vertleolet0 order books, spactmen eopies, Eke., address the publish. ere, • " • IfFILVOUDS, CLARICE & Co, 60t. York St., Toronto RHEUTIATIN Erysipelso, scrofula plirri. ago, skin irrant,forkaleerafrom any calm, and' a him. dred otheri ditatattes owaped by an aol4 ferment, which produces, ingsaduarery action. .Bruaton's Ab- sorbent -will posItivefreffect a-enre- in ir few -hours, -by - absorbing to acid poison from the ayetera. Sold by egoista- Price, cne. Advicein particular caseafreev •W. Y. BRUNTON, . London, Out: Ayer's Cathartic r tbe Purpose* of a 10=44 Physic, •and. for ouring eostivenleas, Jaunctioe. Ind tion Foul...30)2=0v Breath. - Headache, keysipelas, Rheumatism " Eruptions and Skin Diseases, DU,' • BEST thCAL AYER., The anemias that these medicineti have nst with since -their introduction to the public twine • yeara ago, proves plainly to the most skeptical • that they are medicines that perform what they -are .advertised to The virtues of these medi- • cines have -been. well tested, and have withstood' • their trial in a most satiidadory mariner. Air diseases of the Blood, Liver, Lungs, dtc., they ars'unsurpossed, We have testimonials of Mi- raculous cures of these diseases, and Of Many others. If any one ia afflicted, let him try is. bottled the Iteinerly and a ,b6x 6f Pills. No injurious effects will follow their use' to thit most delicate .person, EtS they .are purely vegetable; 1 mineral 'Matter in them The IN CA.NAD- A, WILL, iniA.i.,10,1Y TO -:ANY ADI)11,Ess rrif ED STATES :O.i.NA14,: FREE POSTAGE',' FOR THE SUM OF ..• PER ANNUM. • IN ADDITION, TO TII•11.1 LARGE Al4fOUNT bv,:r40cAL Ntws .coNT.A:AN.ED fist 4vERY ISSUE, THERE IS A 3.001tXPLETE , SUMMARY OF GENERAL •NEW.8 AND pAngiutax SELE6TE1' iiArrlor„ mitIcii•rd. IT ONE OF "pit MOST INTEREST- r4P.ERs rutt,i.smoD, a there being no cost is small, -While the advantages derived from their use will doubly repay you for your es, - pease and trouble. The medicines are widely known throughout the Dominion. and are for, sale by the principal medicine dealers..Pry ._ them, and bo oonvincea that these medicines • • - e no-hiunbug No one -who -has tried the• Per '21°44fr"• ' Shosh nem Pins has ever pronounced an un- Buy: . • 8. TRir /T. • .IRJiivx0P coNsTivimorrAti. nap4sr ,8 CATARR . , g • dv, • • . Thouiands Applaud Wondorful cgrti I .g • • • . Heal. what «.-Reverend Gentleman saris of the ••c'et.ista atonal Retef;— Y. J. Ffsterinut, ESo.,,Brockvillet Oat, . • Itear is sow two yearc Bowe your " Oonstitm, tional Catarrh Bomedy" introduced to me, • bars waited Ms long to see if the cure:would radiate per- truti.II I was. afflicted in nix headier years 'before 1 mimeo before doing this, my duty to you, alint liret the happy effects seemed to me to. be too good to be seopeoted it to be Catarrh; In reading in your oir .1 sow my cage desarIbed in many partfortlars. Tbe In - Ward" drop"from the head had become yeir4isoaree. ehie, Mika choking tionaation often proventednitfirom' lyinglong; I would feel liko smothering, and be Corn-. petted to sit up in bed. My health and (Titles wer-o serlouttly affeated, 'When zoo(' Agent came to' Walker- ton, in augest,1870,T secured three betties. Before I had esea a quarter of the contents . Dottie, .3 found decided relief, and when had need' two Lai lee and a third, I quit takirig it, feelirierdinietired'Ortliat aliment, and have not *Bed any since, Olio' late I have Mk= sorao fors cold in my head, A, senee of duty, to • oniferere from that loathsome disease, oaterrh,yrompto me to sons you this Certificate, unsolicited, with limv!. to make what mot of it ion =lay see proper, . ' ' Y°, t'TVISALL, Methodist minister. Port Out., Aug, 24, IBM ' • toutmess,Dropey,diumors,Worms. Xeuraiea, as is Dinner rill, • • • .fortg.urifying the Blood, : Are the most a. • fective and eongee • nialpurgative ever e discovered. They are mild,. but ef- • fectoal in • their operation, moving the bowels : surely and without pain. Although gentle .. in theif operation„. they are still 'the most thorough and searchine cattier. - tip to'cilicke,that can: employ4: cleans- 4tig tha stanibki and bowels, and even the blood. In small _dosek of One pill a day, ,they .stimolite.the digestive organs and ePrennote.vioroueliealtb. •• 7. • •• areAkite,e.-.31ave.,: been known- for • there than' altifirter-ora telituey, and ltaVi) : obtained a world-wide -reputation for thele • • virtuee... They correerdiseeied action-lh- the several •assimilative'• organs of the , body, and are. so. composed that obstinee ,tierisi:..leithitietheir Tango -can rarelylvithe Blend or. evade them. 'Not Only delhey • ctire the every;de.y complaints of ec.,.ery- - body, but '_alse.fhrinidable..and.dAgero.us • diseases that have (kilned* the 1,bbie . .human skill. While they produeePieivere fel effects, they are; at the same time, the safest and: hest ;physic for. children. By their aperient action they gripe mar less than the common .purgative, and never glee pain when the bowele*.re not ifflanied. :They reach the Vital fe;tilitaingifikageod, " tind strengihenthe s,ysteiribYtreeingee; it from the elements of weakness, " " Adapted to till ages and conditicins in • all. cliMates, containn4 neither calomel ;nor any 'deleterious drug„*these Pills may be taken:Vithsatety by. anybody. Their suear-coating 'presteves:•ehent eVet4resh, •and makes -them pleaeint- to tekei.'while being porelY vegetable, no harm min arise'frOni their use m arty quantity'. - pc:Erma:0 AVER& Lowell, Mass" • • Praetaal and. Ana -Wilco' chentatav- ' SOLD AY ALL •Dm.u.iorirs XVERYWAKIM ' Ask for Littlefierld's Constitutional Oa- • tarrh Reniody, and 'Malt nonther. Itcamsti, TionilMen Agent, Drockvills; Ont.... Po sale /4. all ;Druggists at gill; Our Dollail f °Sera le opinion of them , ttri fanhily wttsr they. have been used,esill be without them: 1 till information maY be had ,Ott all rdarticidars touch- ing the use, and the experience of those Who. have used, theM, bY securing the Treatise or the Circular frail any •druggist itt 'he- Dominion, - Free, "PriCe of the Remedy in pint bottles, Pilte 25,cen1s is box, _ THE GRIUT FEMALE REMEDY. Wk. z914.)19.*J4 4.*.E.1_11i0.10 `this wollknowii rdedicineiS no imposition but a sure aad 'sae remedy for Female • cultder oral Obstrutstionti, from any causeWliat. ever ;and although it powerful remedy, it con. -1 taine%tothing hnefful to the c.onstitutior, . •• I TO ;VARA -UFA) LADIES It la otionliarly baited. It win, in a short time.; brim; on tbe monthly period 'with regularity.; all3asee of Nervous and Spinal Affeetions, • RENEWE Tuts" standaid rettielils compound- ed 'With the ,greatest cave.• . Its efreofs are-aS' WOliddrilh Turas. satisfactory as ever. • •" It testOres gray or faded hair to its •yotithful'color.. • ` NEW CARIIIAGE 1V0.11KS . • ' and dandruff/ It givei the head 'a • It removes ell ertiPtions, itching ni tiSLYT1-1. • --. JAM:ES CLAR.K. Pains In the Back and Limbs, Ileavinees , • • • . .• . ratigneon %light eiertion, Pelpitation of th ; diaOrdered systeiii, these Pills will effec t 4 6 ure' I Emden the painful disease& occasioned by A — blakiillg DI.111111088, and Is now pr:eparod to lin an orders tli,11%ii:16;ilt;° 111 tor • heart. liyeteriee, Sick lleadaohee, Whites,' when alt other ineatia htti,e• failed. 1 • ' •ThescPillshoNo neier been known to tail CARRIAGES, WAGGONS,BUGGIES,. Ere,, where ten dirt etion.e on th4 2Ttd pato of yam. r " phleti ere eepll obSereell. 0 i upon the shertestrotiee, and at the moat reasonable rates. None but iirst.eliam workmen employed, and • Vor fall parfieelers ,gat a paraphlet,f roe , of .1 the very boot uuderhilusea. 1111POIRIISO num:lace to , promptly' and satisfa:pteoortialyit.l. 110118B StIOICINO a j• trastost ks,rmw youtt s* otz Paoent ram $1.00 end Ili cents for postage, etielbsed to .Northrop 45t.Isytnan,Toronto, Ont., gartered agentsfor the Dottainion, Will 1/10Lit0 a bottle containing over 50 pills by retniti ineil, ' Sold ie Clinton by J. IL Combe mid W. ll, Watts 1 E. Illeksott and Y. Ltimeden, Sea- , Ageok fjorfs..Agilaititatalliiiplefents, Ono 01 5110 belt inatufaet °ries in Canada. Cali and 800 Vann:deft r,f limpets, Mowers, Seed n rille,Iforee Takes, P1005118 Iso, A�, before purehosing elsewhere teeth:, J. Kidd, Carronbrooletl'arker « Settle 1t • ana Joratoi, Goaortch, Genteren. Bay- ra- 14110P ON ettg.t:1 debit tt8mBonthrObittoagetvilloltInti all m' e.di• °pie); it‘e the Doinialen Telegraph °Mee, Obletlealera, Illyth,lidy 2811878. •ceieding; soothing sensation of great .comfort, 'and the sealP by its .use becomes white* and elan. . 'By Its_ topic Properties it restores • the -capillary-glands to-tIreir 'Aortal - vigor, preventing baldness and nude- in,,ee the hair grow thick :nth strong.• • As n dressing; nothing has been • found so effectual or desirable.. ' A. A. Hayee, ALD., State Assayer • of Massachusetts, spys, write eon- stituents arc fiure, apd citrefully se - looted for excellent quality ; and ' consider it the 13nsT • PREPABA.TIO'N for its intended Purposes.," Ieldoe, One Beller. 341eckiugharcira ,t0761) *FoR THE WHISKERS. ' This elegant preparation rimy; he relied 'on to change the color or , beard from gray or any other an (1 es i able shade, t brown or blaciant dis- action, It is easily applied, being in. oe preparation, and quickly ,and fectually produces a permanent coldr, Whieh will neither rnb nor wash 011.. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, tit DE4 NASHUA, Ittell„ all Draggles, tad Dtalept IsYAW - 57