HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-07-03, Page 5THE CLINTON'NEW ERA, CLEARING SALE! 000 CLINTON.. e TREMENDOUS BARGAINS", AND PILES . OF FIRST-CLASS GOODS to choose from. we begin this Morning n big Clearing Sale of l est -class Goods. ve will. � immense bargains Bnyeis andPeoplA buying large The Goode MUST irie_pr1ee&.must do it...__.. •. • Among"the piles of Bargains, will be found BLACK AND COLORED SILKS,' PLAIN AND 1 ANCY DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, LADIES 'HATS AND BONNETS, SUN HATS, SILLZ AND CASHMERE MANTLES, WHITE 'AND COLORED MUSLINS,.BLA:CK AND COLORED GRENADIN Eb;,j4ACE CTJLPAINS AND CARPETS, PRINTS,' HOSIERY AND •GLOVES, DRESS LINENS AND LINEN AND PRINT DRESSES, WRAPPERS AND ULSTERS, RIBBONS AND LACLS, MEN AND BOY'S COATS, PANTS AND 'VESTS, RUBBER COATS, MEN AND BOY'S HATS AND CAPS,COLORED AND,'WHIT.E`&•HIWtS COLLARS;'&c. WE GUARANTEE WHAT WE ADVERTISE And oarr2, oui assertions out in every instance. So come along' and bring your money. We advise heads of families, and others in waif of first?otaas goodsto, examine ,the goods and prices and be convinced by, seeing, that we -sire now offering THE 'GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SEEN' IN CLINTON. • Remember.the place -Opposite. the.:Market. - 117: .WRIGI3..*.(750 • 171 JtYLY 1870. ^s T.43.1=0 T3121It � r buttonsves SIDE SUPPORT to thii11006 =OK POSLwhi sitting er toopiaa t all strata OR OM ' Warranted sot to 01I9 OgeheAl.Magli Riles .off buttons, For sate fur - • JOHN HODGINS. For th e-- HOSTWEATIIE. KOOL KOATS, AND KOHL DRESSES. LUSTRE COATS, LINEN COATS, STRAW HATS, GRENADINE -DRESSES,: 'WHITE DRESSES, PARASOLS, CL INS: ON, June /8, 1879. : JOHN • HODGIN}3.' MONTRE Extthordiiiary Sale ot;tHER OF We have determined to = clear out the following lines at. The balance reinain ng, of our stock of MILLINERVILANTLES, PAA A O , LINEN COSTUMES, CAMBRIC COSTUMES, and LINEN. ULSTERS &e. .--These being alhnew and d sasonable goods, it -is a rare. chance . to buy. any of the above lines. DRESS GOODS reduced to ridiculously low•priees PRINTS --We will give the : choice of all our stock or AT TEN CENTS.. Among our arrivals for past week were lowbines in our celebrated. BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK SILKS, and CANADIAN SUMMER TWEEDS, the cheapest goods we have ever shown, GENTLEM EN. --Leave Your order for a $12.00 SUMIVIER, SUIT: Rerirennbery a perfect fit guaranteed. A. • . I-72, 200 'I r'It!d_ OP EiJ 'I '1;AJlttl DAIRY BUTT .tt. WAIV'i"E0 ! •w'tatr)ia tlar J11l;laoat TrtCb +w111• lbe paid.. r'I .. ..��...yy.30 CTM:'. sit :00... . GIlintolt, July ti, 1879. ^ r CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS, 00 .. • .. • THE WOOL- SEASON• having again commenced, the eubseribe,.'would respeetfiUly •inform the public that he is ready, as usual, to attend - to All branches of his :liiisiness. with neatness and despatch. Notwithstanding the bard times, he has 1 ept,his,Factory running all winter, and has now ON HAND' A LARGE. STOCK OF WOOLLEN GOODS, Which. he is prepared to 'sell for Clash, or exchange fel: Wool, at prices less than ever+before,, Wool Car ing, Spinning; l caving, 1a iiracturiag,'r,Coloriiig Cloth, BUSSING,. &a, Done on short ;notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. • BLANKETS F MADE $ROAD WIDTH, EMBER. ALLWOOL,`OR'COTTON A141) VV'OOL, and all !foci' -doge at prises' art low ae any 111111 In. the Count* of Dimon' - :50,000 .pounds- -of. Wool' ';Wanted, For Which the Highest Market Price will be Paid in cash, .or :exchanged for •goods: GIVE US' A OALtI,:' JUST . AFTER THE • RAIN 50..W YOUR TURNIP SEED ViT F A.V3 IT =NT ALL VARtID "IB3 . LAIN( 'S .IMPROVED,' SUTTON'S CHAMPION, • • SKIRVING'S IMPROVED,, ROYAL NORFOLK, SHAMROCK, HALL'S WESTBURY, CARTER'S IMPERIAL, YELLOW ..A.BERDEEN, WHITE GLOBE. • BUCKWHEAT, . HUNGARIAN . GRASS, FLAX.... �,- 000 'Too .,s RAKES,: SCYTHES, . SNATHS,.. _.. ,:. _ .. BARLEY FORKS, (something new): HAY FORKS,, CRADLES," THISTLE SPUDS, . TURNIP HOES, FULL. STOCK IN ALL .ABOVE, AT VIS & PAY 'S, .Mammoth. Hardware 45' e, 1DH O.NIX BLOCK. •CL1aTON., I:WOULD. SAY TO THOSE GENTLEMEN WItO . IIA.VE. NOT "YET CALLED ON_ .T, C. GI.LROY: FOR THEIR � _ • • QUOTE I NG THAT THEY WOULD RE SHOWING _`['HEIR WISDOM IN DOING- S() AT ONCE, AS . HE IS _ GETTING 'ITP SOME VERY STYLISII SUITS, AND. Lower, in price than any other House in town. ,May 29, 1879. E. CORBETT.. CI l\ Jo' \ June 26, '1870. NOTICE: ALL accounts due Dr. Reeve be paid after this dater at the once of Mr..Hgrtt, who will grant re• eoipts. Clinton, May 21st; 1879. . ,FOR SALE. SIIA.Itt in the O11nto>u Driving Park Aeaoeia. V: tion. 'L'sVensy.tloliar@•paid; 'a ll be:aoid cheap for .ash: A l � r pp y to JOAN RIDOUT. Clinton, Tune 1/, 1879. PASTE E. OoD PASTURE. Plenty. o'T water' and shade. I. J Fences in good order. tWttleand horses taken R. IEANSb'ORD. Stapleton Salt Worker Jiine 19,1879- ' 1 41JlTO1l i*r&1Li4im. _ -' .July 8, 1819. 1Vlreat, fall; red, '14bueh, $0 90 a 0 98 Wheat, fall, 'white, • 0 90" a; 098 Spring, ltedchaff, . .: 0 85 a 0 88 Fife, . ' - . 0 00 a. 0 92 Oats, 0 36 a 0 40. Barley, . • . O 50 a .0 00 Peas, . ' • ' '0 50 a . 0 60 ; Flour, .50 e . 5 00 '. Potatoes, • O 00 it 0 00. Pork, o 60. n 0 00 Beef,. 450 a": .5 Butter, • , • U 10 a 0 13 Eggs, . '•0 . '• 0 9 n 0 10 Hay, . •.. - e 8 '0`0 a 9 00 Hides,. . 4 50 'a :i 25 Sheepskins • t • `'0 20 a 0 GO • Clover "' '''' • 1 75 a 2 25Timothy - Wool, • • • 019' a 022 s AEORTIlt illi 1u Wilt. • Idly 3, 181% heat-- fall' . $0 00 a 0 98 Spring • . • 0 'So a 0.87 Outs ' . 0 40 . a 0,40 Peas • - .• .0 t:0 a 0 50 Barley . . » • 0 50 a "0 60 Potatooe .•• . . 0 65 a 0 70 • Flay 0 00 a 8 00- ' Butter .' • - • » 0 10 a 0' 11) Weol, A • 018 a 0*20^ m Itecoormen E 0 RA.. your= ` ends. FOR SALE. JTOuSE cull two.lots.for Salo, or exchange for mort- gages on farm property. Situated on •Rattenbury street, near the High Schoolhouse, nearly new; suitable for a large family br boarders. It contains ten rooms, good :woodshed, andsummer kitchen. Constant sup- ply of hard and soft water. Lott; well stocked with choice trnit'trees, grape vines, currants, rhubarb, and strawberries, ,t;c.,and ata_well-fended: Apply- tin'"tilts SAMTTEL 000AW. Clinton, May B8, 1879. ' Ft1 141 O,rA1,. H. •CUMBE, 0 CHEMIST E DRUGGIST; Itnst removed to the premiseaknown as Where ho win keep for sale a.seloet.and general assort.. meat of t)1t17OS, (i111,mICALS AND 1IEDIUINES, 1)Vi. %win's, . Otto,tto. Rce,iirle, and Compounds rare• ,''Mitt/ made, itpl,. ,r.(flt .th vpatvh, Clinton, Feb. 27, 1879; . • MONEY TO 'LOAN, ON EASY TERMS, 1 y' i'k'Iu1CH the principal Can, be repaid, in pant ei ,:111 af. any time iiili'ing'tife terns or Loan. r W. W. E,b..3:R.AN;;< (T'in'a , hfaroh,l87S. • A• CLINTOfi J. C.GILROY.' 4 • TU $T O E IV D, • AT THF. . . -LIQ TON BOOK. S ..T O. . � .RE Eatelt•osse �fxi►oals; ',,.Bougnret•Jf .olders,_.,`..Expiess vaggnN% Base 13.11 .I gods, ± Vases, Cit lits; Crowlet Sets, ` 4 040,hing Tackle, Barrews, Ring Toss, Fire CI aekersg• '&e.;.Ste. '\VB1CH-WI I L 13E SOLD CHEAP., . A OAi:t. SOLICITED. R1wnsput B, THE PLAc:, - "lrtm LL'S OLD STAND. May 8, 1879. DINGMAN & • 1UMBL.IE. SCOTT & EOWNE'S PALATABL CASTOR 011. Is prepared in a 'form perfectly agreeable to. Children and most sensitive persons. In its manufacture the properties 6f the oil that produce paid and griping aro eliminated, and it is rendered not only mild and picas-, ant in its action, but absolutely tasteless and palata- hie. hie pre-eminently the finest laxative andca. thartic known, and as n remedy for Costiveness, Con. stipation, and all Intestinal Derangements it Is tine. duelled, and is destined to lake the place tit crude oil and all drastic pills and purgatives. For sale by all Druggists at es teats a bottle. Don't fall td try h. EXAMINATIONS. 0 TIII; entrance eraniination to tho•OLIN'1'CN IiI(tII 9011001,, will be held In the Central School, eta Tuesday and 'Wednesday,, the 8th Atoka "` 9t1► of duly. beginning at 0 in the forenoon,. Applications to be sent In' to the need Master befora the 1st of Juue,. 2 TVi1N13ULL, Abad Master. Gtlntiui, May 200, 1879, PHOSFOZONE E4t*lh eB ttvl'orttost<nrees, Tina NSW Mkittrfls ToNtC. A most vnluabte Modioina• tor 1tori oity, Liver; Stbntitok •T•mid •ithoninatie:complaints. SOLD rlY ATI, DRUGGISTS.