HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-20, Page 4THE WINONA TIMES, OCTOBER 20, 1004. TO ADVERTISERS cis o oQ' changes iuust be left sa this *Moe not later than Saturday nootl. The copy for ohanges must be left not later than Monday eveuu g. �Chtalaal advortiseinenta aooeptod up to noon WeduesdaY of each week. neas=,. +� MaTA.BLlaBItD 1872 b � T WINfiliAll TINES. lg. B 81.1.1CerT, Puur.ssutaat Aare Vatotaityoa 66,6,6666 THURSDAY, OCT, 20, 1904. THE FACTS ABOUT IMPERIAL UNION. A: 'Tory campaign document says: - We have to thank Sir as7ilfrid Laurier that Canadian produots are not now recasting prefereuttad treatuteut in the British tuarket," and it goes ou to charge ,that air Wtltrid refused pre- orontlal treatment of Oauadiau pro - duets wham offered by Dar. Chamberlain -a fiction so preposterous that cue wonders at any writer giviug it publi- city. Mr. Chamberlain is nut Premier of the United. Ktugdom, and has never been in a pbsitiuu to offer Canada pre- ferential treatment, ivasnuuch as he has not yet succeeded iu uouviuowg the Bri. tisk democracy that a return to the pre- preferetttial policy which existed be- twoeu tue Mother E./unary uud her Cutuuies demi to 1o4O, would be benetl• cial to the lirttish cuusutuer. A British parliauteutari return (Cd. 1761) issued in 1903, puts the matter iu a uuteh.11 frost* hie 1,uiut of view. The wipers. into the Brutish Ielauds of fuudstutt,,, in. eluding wueat eau flour, bailey, oats, Iudlau cern, nue, meats, (tueludiug animal's for fuuu), fish, butter, eheeae, eggs, fruit, sebetables, sugar. tea, oouua and euuculate and coudeuoed utiik, amounted id. 19i2 to £19L,00O,000. '01 these the values supplied by foreigu Ysouutries and by British Colonies were ab luiluwb:- By Foreigu Countries .... £ 152,000,000 By lirivau Cuiu.nes..... .... 39,300,330 Total ...... £191,000,000 Id. other words, foreign countries sup- plied 79 per cent. of these articles, and British Colonies 21. India supplied most !tf the rice and tea, and Canada most of the cheese. Save iu these hues, fureigu countries entirely outstripped the Colon- ies. Taming next to the principal raw materiels, cotton, wool,flax, hemp, wood and timber, jute, oils, petroleum, rub- ber, iron ore, copper ore, tin, dye stuffs, paper•makiug materials, numaunfao- tnred tobacco and hides, the aggregate imports of the United Kingdom in 1902 were £149,000,000, supplied as follows: - By Foreign Countries £107,000,000 By British Colonies 42,000,000 Total £149,000,000 That is 72 per cent. came from foreign countries and 28 per cent. front the Colon- ies. The question before the British people is whether, in the light of these figures, it would pay them to give preferential treatment to Colonial products and dis- criminate against those bought from the foreigner conditionally n p o u their obtaining preferential tial ,treatment for British manufactures in the limited markets of the Colonies - So far as their opinion can be gathered from bye -elections that have . been held of late, they are entirely opposed to the project; in fact, Mr. Balfour, who at first seemed to favor Mr. Chamberlain's scheme, has practically thrown it over- board. But Sir Wilfrid Laurier has had no- thing to do, good, bad or indifferent, with this result. He said front the beginning that he would be glad to consider a prop- osition from the Imperial Government on the subject, but none has come, and from what has occurred at the polls, none is likely to come in our day. It is safe to add, however, that if Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain had succeeded in con• vertiug the British people, and had sub- mitted .a proposal to Sir Wilfrid, the Tories would have been the first to shout that Cauadien manufactures must not on any account be exposed to British com- petition.. Both parties would be glad to obtain preferential treatment for Cana- dian exports in the British market, but Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why flair Vigor dot be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. " 1 tors lewd Amos Matz vitt, ter alo+lg lash. it 11, Wised. a .0.111 ,tai halt rahototiA ow '#.t`.r°t :naraip ai n i to t►.lR IY• t Citttet.w ° for 1. C. Co.. Hair• the Tories Weld not '.stand for" its oo- relatives--not even to stave the lwpire. And yet they pretend that Sir Wilfrid as to blame for not getting the fernier, when it is obvious, firia, that he hes never had the refusal of it; and second, that under guy circumstances he could not have got it without agreeing to a quid pro quo. which the Tories would have regarded, as a betrayal of Canadian interests. POLITICAL MATTERS. Vote for Dn Maedonald.. The'Tory railway polioy-What is it? Let every Liberal in East Huron be up and doiug. The Laurier Government is for Larger Canada and Progress. Vote for Dr. Macdonald and four years more of Larger Canada. The three Hurons will elect support - ors of the Laurier Government, This is no time for a change; times. are too good for swapping purposes. Hon. J. I. Tarte has retired from poli- tics and will hereafter devote his whole time to journalism. A vote for Dr. Macdonald on the 3rd of November will be a vote for progress and contained prosperity. A prominent political prophet in To- ronto predicts that the Liberals will have six of a majority id. Outario. Contrast the Canada of 1904 with the Canada of 1896, and who can deny that the N. P. stood for No Progress. The Liberals of East Huron should not be over coufldent. See that every vote is palled on November 3rd. A section of the Tory press attacks Sir Wilfrid Laurier as a French-Canadian b+cause that's all it can say against The continuation of the Provincial election trial in North Grey has been postponed a week, from Oct. 31st to November 7th. The using of the 1903 voters' lists will be as munh a hardship on the Liber- als as on' the Conservatives. Why so much talk of using old voters' lists when both parties are equally affected? The electors of East. Huron do not wish to return to the hard times prior to 1896. A vote for Dr. Macdonald will assist in giving the Laurier Government four years more in office and another four years of prosperity. All Liberals and Conservatives who attended the Laurier meeting at Luck - now ou Monday, paid the usual fare. It was not a free ride, paid for by the Gov- ernment, as was currently reported on the streets of Wingham. Why should a vote for 13r. Chisholm be a blow at the Ross Government? We are not now conducting an Ontario campaign. A vote for Dr. Macdonald is a vote for the Laurier Government, against which there is not a blemish. The building of the Grand Trunk Pacific will open wide the gates of op- portunity to every young man in the country. It will mean countless new openings in business for those with suffi- cient enterprise to take advantage of them. Mr. Osler, ex-M.P. (Conservative) says there is room for six railways in the Canadian West, and Mr. Borden, the Opposition Leader declared last year that another transcontinental railway was unnecessary. East Huron electors should not send a supporter of Mr. Bor- den to Ottawa.. The Conservatives of East Huronhave not as yet, as far as we have been able to learn, announced a series of public meetings. Daring the elections of 1896 and 1900, Dr. Macdonald and Mr Dick- inson held joint meetings, but the Con- servatives will not agree to this order of things for this election. - Talking about scandals, some of us re- member the Langevin-Mctreevey affair, the Curran bridge scandal, the Tay Can- al, etc., to say nothing of the great Paci- fic scandal. It was of this state of affairs that the London Times said: "Here in the mother country there can be only one feeling, that of deep regret for the wrong done to the fair fame of the old- est of her daughters." "A transcontinental railway is un- necessary." - Conservative Campaign Poster, 1903. "We will immediately undertake the construction of a transcontinental rail- way." -Mr. R. L Borden, Oct. 10, 1904. "I did not propose the immediate con- struction of a transcontinental high- way." -Mr. R. L. Borden, page 12,62$, Hansard, 1903. Dr. Macdonald commenced his series of campaign meetings at Blyth on Tues- day evening and will hold meetings every evening from now until polling day. His list of meetings will be found in our advertising columns. Dr. Mae- donald has visited all Ilectione of the tiding and has met with hearty redep- tions. There is not the least doubt of his election on November 3rd if the Lib eras are tip and doing, It is said that the main argunients of those opposed to Dr. Staodonald is that he hue been there long coolish, and should Wire step crit and make way for another. It is at once a tribune to the ability tend integrity of the d�exter teat DO taut, I eriaUN dente can be brought *gab* hial that that of being able to . de wit all tho ie who hove motored to opposeiaiau ,ince 1887, His record in Parliament speaks for itself, Just why the people of East Huron should wish to exchange a representative of the stamp of Dr. Macdonald is not made clear. "I authorize the annonncement that I have resigned my position as Chairman of the Railway Commission, and have notified the • Premier that beyond reaffirming my strong objection to the Grand. Truuk Pacific scheme, I have no present Intention of re-entering public. life." In these words, wired Tuesday to Mr E W, McCready of The St. John Telegragh, Mr Blair made it plain that his resignation of the Chairmanship of the Railway Commission is not a pre- liminary step to his return to the Com. mous. When speaking in Wingham at Mr. Borden's meeting, Dr. Sproule alluded to the wealth accumulated by Hou, Jae. Sutherland and Hon. Clifford Siftoa since they had attained Cabinet positions He of course left it to the electors to con- clude where the money came from. These are very unfair tactics on the part of Dr. Sproule, and might tend to mis- lead some who are not acquainted with the circumstances of these men. The doctor knew perfectly well where the money came from. Messrs. Sutherland and Sifton have been very successful in their business and speculations, and made their money honestly, as have many Canadians under the good times since 1836. The Cabinet Ministers have as mach right to make money as private citizens. The whole business is "petty politics" ou the part of Dr. Sproule. In a Few Words. The last eight years nudor Liberal rale have been marked by unprecedent- ed progress and prosperity. Never were the farmers so well to do, so happy and so comfortable. '.Never were manufacturers so busy. Never were workingmen so much in demand. Never did they get better wages. Never did Canada bulk so largely in the eyes of the world, Greater progress all round has been made in the past eight years than during the previons eighteen years. Vote for Laurier and Macdonald. DOMINION ELECTION. Nomination .... Thursday, Oct. 27 Polling Thursday, Nov. 3 THE TIMES TICKET. Premier Sir Wilfrid Laurier East Huron Dr. Macdonald West Huron Robt. Holmes South Huron T Fraser North Perth ........ ... ..J. P. Mabee South Bruce Peter H. McKenzie North Bruce J E. Campbell Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Oct. 18 -The run at the city cattle market to -day was a light one, and trade was quiet. The slowness of the butcher trade was attributed in part to the warm spell of weati,d : Local butchers, it was said, are pretty well supplied, considering the demand, for butchers' meat, which, for some reason or other, has not been at all active the past week. There were some very fair loads of butcher cattle in the market to- day, and these sold at good prices, the top figures being $4.80 to $4.40 for a few extra choice. The average ran of good butchers was $3.80 to $4 for good butcher heifers and steers and common down to $2.50 and $3. Export -There was practically nothing doing in the export trade, only a few export bulls on sale. Feeders -The feeding cattle business is quieter this week, some of the buyers being about filled up. The trade is not yet oyer by any means, as there are still several shippers who have not yet actually begun to get in their usual stock of feeders. Good feeders are steady at last week's prices, but there were not many choice in the market to- day. Some fairly good sold at $3.60. Common stock are not much wanted. Stockers -The good, stockers are in steady demand, but the common are still a drag in the market. Sheep and lambs -With the light run the market was steady. All sold and prospects are steady. Milk cows -There is a good demand for good milkers. Hogs -The market Ie.weeker and,.prosa. pent,°are for lower prices. The best to- day were quoted by Harris at $5.15 down to $4,90 for fats. The day's run was 65 loads, with 705 head of cattle, 1,855 sheep and lambs, 1,300 hogs and 74 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. heavy $450. $4 60 Light 4 25 450 Bulls 350 400 do., light 2 25 2 75 Feeders ht 800 pounds and u - wards . p 850 Stockers ................ 2 75 275 900 lbs Butchers'-- Choice 4 00 Mediaibt.... , - 860 Picked ... 4.25 Bulls ................. 1 75 Rongh '200 Light 'hook bale ..., ., 250 Milk cowwa........ 80 00 /lEest ... •490 Lights4 90 Sheep_.. Export 825 $Holts... 250 Culla........ 200 �./.'y��._S�..prrlyn,�Ly�ambr ...... {i,I 85 Caere., each.... /.'...1.0. 2 00 3 80 3 80 850 4 20 3 75 430 2 50 250 800 50'00 8 40 850 485 1000 :.••.••hN*••.••..♦•..•. R...IH..........A....... .• I 2 i • • • ♦ • • ,,.,. • • IOh,my!' • • Oh,my!I • • How the Overcoats and Suits flew • 2 out of A. R. Smith's stand on Saturday! •• • • • A continual hurrying from early morn Z • till late hour ! It was a, regular •• • " Healthur Skelter Sale ;" and. still •• 2 the sale continues ! • • • • i' • • • Say, Mr. Customer, when you visit Wingham, if : •• it's during the next ten days, bring this price list and see j if it corresponds with A. R. Smith's Clothing and Furn- .• ishings, Chisholm Block, Wingham. Cut it out of this •• 2 paper. • • r • Fall Overcoats, were $5 00, now $2.50 • • • Ladies' Dongola Laced Bone's, marked size 3, but only • • run 21/, were once $2.75, for, per pair.75 •• • r • r., .. . Ladies' Wrappers, regular price $1.50, fo.75 • • See our splendid Overcoats for boy. youth and loan, at •• • $4.50, 5.00, 6.09, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00•, 10.00 and up .to 13.50 • • Our •special in Little Gents' Overcoats at .... 3.90 • • • Boys' 2.piece Suits, sizes 24 to 30, at $2.00 and 2.50 • • • Oar specials in Boys' 3 -piece Knickers•, at $3.50 to 6.50 •es • See our Boys' Suits,,long pants, sizes 32,to 35. • r See our line of Men's Snits.• •• • Rain Coats at V2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 and 9.00 • • • .�.. •• • • • • See our Furnishin•gs, Hats, Caps, Boots at d or Z Shoes. No more space to describe all. The half isn't • • told, but -everything a man or boy wears. • • • •• • • • • • • A. R. S11ITH. ••• Chisholm Block. -• • - WINGHAM. 3 • • ♦♦••••♦♦••••••••••♦•••••♦• ••••.••••••••••••••.•••••• WINGHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Oct. 19th, 1904 Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 50 to 4 00 Fall Wheat 1 00 to 1 03 Spring Wheat 000 to 0 00 Oats 0 30 to 0 32 Barley .... ..... .....•0 38 to 0 42 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " 0 08 to 0 08 Dunks, per pair .... 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 60 Butter...... .... 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 50 Hay , per ton 6 00 to 6 50 Potatoes, per bushel 0 40 to 0 40 Tallow per lb 00610005 Lard ... 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 04 Wool 0 18 to 0 10 Live /logs, per cwt. ' 50010510 The Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ONT, is unquestionably Canada's greatest business school. No other school gets such RESULTS. It is now current talk throughout the coun- try that the student who wants the best train- ing and a good position when graduated must attend this school. • 260 students placed in year 1900. 880 " + 8 , <; ,< 1902.902 875 " '< " " 1903. I1 these were placed in picayune positions worth 48 or 44 per week, the showing would not be worth the space in this paper that it takes to tell it. But when the salaries averaged over 4000 per annum, a few of them over 41000, the public should know that no other business school in Canada publishes such lists and gets such RESULTS Many of our former graduates are now com- manding salaries from 42500 to 44000 annually. WHY SHOULD IT NOT BE YOU? We pay railway fare to Chatham np to 48, and can_secure you good board at 42.50 to 42.75 per W Forlhe•bandeomnat catalogueublished by tinybusiness school in Canada, write D. McLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. GRAND TRUNKSYs EM A good time to go to the Great World's Fair, St. Louis, The weather is delightful. Through Tourist S ePpers to at. Louie every Friday. $18.30 round trip, with stop -over privileges at Chicago, Detroit and intermediate Canadian stations. Make application to d. D. McDonald, District Pas/Anger Agent, Toronto for handsome illus- trated booklet of the Woed's Fair. TO THE WEST deduced one -wap rates to points in British Columbia, California, Ooloradb, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington On sale cheer until Oct. 16th. HAUNTS FOR BIC CAME. The open season for beer and Moose in the Highlands of Ontario front November 1st to 15th, and from October 16th to Norember 16th in the Temag/rni Coantrjr make your arrange- ments early for trip, immioota« its, itU strated ittereture end #all 1., aAl2otdf, Alteitt,Wlntham. CANADIAN PACIFIC Ghan$e of Time October 9th Hunters' Excursions SINGLE PARE October 7th to November 3rd Mattawa to Niptgon, inclusive, and Kipawa to Timiskaming, inclusive. October 22nd to November 3rd Copper C1I11 to Garden River, inclusive. Penetang, Severn to Callander, inclusive, and to all points on Muskoka Lakes via Mus- koka Nay. Co. or Huntsville & Lake of Bays Nov. Co., and Havelock to Sharbot Lake, in- clusive, and points on Lindsay Branch. From Sharbot Lake, Hamilton, Windsor, Wingham, Teeswater, Owen sound and in- termediate stations. Tickets good for return until Dee. 10th or until close of navigation, if earlier, to points reached by Muskoka or Lake of Bays Nay. Co. Ask for copy of "Fishing and Shooting" and "Sportman's Map." Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents, or A. H. NOTMAN. Toronto. Positively Free Do you want a New Suit? If so bay it here and we will keep it pressed for six months free of charge. OUR SUITINGS FOR FALL. AND WINTER are matchless in design and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. _1116,6666666.. ALSO A LARGE RANGE OF OVE RO OATI N GS in all the newest and best mater- ials at right prices. oPrintings tn t anybody And say if you are going to get A RAINPROOF COAT do not buy a readrmade until you see what we Can Make you one to order for. We give you all a pressing in. vitation to call, R. NrAXV'E iL mon Ma Tilos. JOHN & JAS. H. KERR More Clothing For some time we've been giving very close attention to our clothing department. There isn't any one in the business that will show you a bet- ter assortment of Men's and Boys' Overcoats than we will. New, nobby and well tailored. Boys' Dress Overcoats and Ulsters. Youths' Dress Overcoats and Ulsters.. Men's Dress Overcoats and Ulsters. Come in and see how you look in cloths that fit. Chinaware Department We 'import direct from the manufacturers. .. Never in the history of Wingham was there shown snoh a large assort- ment of Fancy China, Rich Cut and Beautifully Decorated Glass- ware. The freshuess and fullness of our stock bring forth constant ex- pressions of surprise and delight from the women who view the display. We have every reason to be proud of our fine collection. England, Scotland, , France, Ger- many, Austria, Hungary, United States and Canada are all represent- ep here. We have the best assortment of Real Cut Glass north of London. Be up-to-date and buy Cut Glass for wedding presents, etc. It ranks high- er than silverware. The newness and beauty of our stock of Decorated Bohemian Glassware wins the admiration of every house- keeper. Possession is made easy. This week's store news from our Shoe Department. We've just received a. few New Lines that we'ed like to tell you about. 111110 NO. 1 -Men's Box Calf, winter weight, fine, roomy, comfortable, well made shoe. Our guarantee goes with every pair. Price - $3.50 NO. i2 -Old Men's Box Calf, ex- tra wide. If yon want "solid comfort" and perfect sadden - tion, buy this shoe. Price $2.50 NO. 3 -Women's Doug. Kid, patent toe cap and counter, dull kid top, goodyear welted soles, a very comfortable and handsome shoe. We offer them at a very low price $2.75 You'll like them for smart looks. You'll like the long wear you'll get out of them mud you'll like the price. 411.4 NO. 4 -Shoes that lead the feet to pathway of knowledge. Children's School Shoes. School shoes bought here are sure to•.piease. We guarantee satisfaction. 1U NO. 5 -Women's, Misses and Childrens' Slippers and Oxfords for evening wear. To see our stook is to see Shoe Fashions that are absolutely correct. 41. NO. 6 -Baby's Shoes. All sizes in Dong. Kid. Shoes that fit the feet. Special line for fat baby's. Vyyyvvffy'nnnmyyyVVsyyy YYVYTYVVYmMYVVVV,VVyyy 4 1 41 i 1 i 1 1 • 1 Allur GO TO 4 T. A. MILLSI E � EFOR t . i 1FgIt Coats3 ., I AND Fur Goods , , 1 of all kinds. 1 1