HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-26, Page 6fee Csuedan Remota oF Crops frena tfl parte of Canacht, are very encouraging, e Tbe total e um her of deaths from s.; i• psx 4 Ottawa since January is 80, A little boy named :Kitchen wee drowned at New Hamburg on Fticlae. Thieli pen ny, the Mai k ham murderer, has been sentenced to be banged on the 1.2th September. . ;McCormick, of Moorefield, was hilted on Wednesday by being thrown • from a milk Waggon, W. C. Be, it St. Thomas miller, has cleared put, taking eboet $6000 of other people's Money with him. Al Mount Forest, ou Thursday, Jobe • nett fell fromthe reef of E, Sherwood's new building, and vvas killed, 4. At Edmonton: North-west 'Territory eggsesell readlynte50 cents a dozen end frets!' butter at 50 cents a pond. Jai. Carpenteze living near. Dublin committed suieiclo on Sunday week by cutting his throat from oar to ear. While Mr, Leohard Rupert, -of the 9th con. of ThurlOw, was ploughing, the „elearatuened up 96.1mgee 25---eent pieces, _ - . , It• ia new suggested that "Mullen should be matched against an ocean steameit• on 'hie jouroey boofe. He • leaves England foe Canada on the lst • of July. . George Fleming an old resident of •Prantford, and et • one time proprietor of the Brant IfoteLis dead. 11/letting ▪ Whitham, another old resident, died on Saturday. • „ . • A grand iteepfion is tO be given at Toroutoeto &mien on his return home. It is expected tlie ,reeeption. will ' be scarce y esain erior o. a o be given' to the Marge% of Lorne, - Fred. L. Bload,.nged eightemi; son of Fred. P. Blood, lawyer,' of. St. Clair, snicided there on .Wednesday, with lau- dateline: It is supposed that the ewes° was trouble with his eweethearte John's, Nfld., ai. inhuman inothee buded • her Pow -born infant alive.----Fortunatelyits hand • wits left - sticking through the earth, and 1.39rne boys discovered it:and saved its life. Th-e-arniy.Lworai-liaEtiriffirrelig15-6• )V Annan, Colchester County, N.-. '11.,* in immense number* They stripped the woods au tivo farms and at lesteccotints were moving-towaids the grain fields. ••A. little fellow, eight .yor& °lit sen of •Mr. John S. Coppip, pf Mitchell, • got his collar bone .broken on his way home from sohool-en Nonday. 'Heivas thrown dOwnhy some larger boys, and the result was a diroken bone. . • Friday evening a young Man named • Robert 'Walker, of Mount Forest, white leading aehorse alongthe road was kick. ed on the chest by. tho • abbnal: ''••-.11e" • lingered' until S4utelay nsorning, when death ended hie eufferings. • He . was about 28 years of age; and followecl• . farming in the Township ef Egremont. • There are at present 300priSetiero confined in the Central Prison -La num- • ber rather below: the average. With the exception of-a,Tew_ wird aro SiCk. oi crippled, all bushy engaged in one. em- ployment, isr another,. .The prineipel induatrieS carded on are these of brick- • making an.d...brocen mansitaffure., 1 The acting police magistrate of.King- d , on gt,e- judgment in fever of. the livery stable proprietors in .the case brought against them. by the cabmen. He said there Was my dedision in either English or Canadian courts prohibiting liverymen from .exercising ;their ordi- nary calling on the Lord's Day within the meaning of the statute.. • Engine NO. 136 Of the 'Grand Trunk Itailway-Ongineer, John 13enwick- -mune entref elna-eliop -Mitrehe 1, -1-876.-,- and has tun 200,000 miles in four years and three =paths, with no repairs. The engine and enginer are 'edit run- ning and in good order. The fact hits never been accomplished before hy any engme. A tramp *belied been fikotrided •with lodgings lot_the night by Were: ren, near Acton, decamped on Tuesday ,morning With two watches' belanging to the family: .An'inimediate ketch re- etulted in the capture of the thief and the recovery of one of the watches at .Brampton; where heis pow in jail. John McAdams, carpenter, aged abetit 24, fell from the .tep of •Biteglon'S new • building he Brantford, on Thursday, • beaking -hi ei neck, Causing instant death. McAdams was raising some shingles with a pulley through a Male in the roof, and it is imppoited he slipped through. , • .En.falling, ho grasped at a rope 'that was hanging to.,a pulley in the roof, but unfortunately he got hold of the loose and of the rope which ranthrough with hira. • In the OtttskirtS of Arthur village, on Monday morning about sir, o'clock a • naan named Geo; Antionapp is supposed to• have' sttnek his Wife on the head with an axe, bmakiag in the skull, from the effects of. which: the WOtrtan died in a few hours. The mail disap- peared, hut was afterwards fettled and taken, , The ItX0 was found covered with hair and blood. The Mu hale On two Or three previous occasions, attempted to oonitait rideidteely hanging and. been cut down by Wife. Further particu- lars will follow afteeinquest Great ex- citement prevails. : Dr. Field boo been appointed potice etgistrate far Woodstock. The °amide Teweerative le to Inmate milted in the Comity of Carleton, at en I eat ly day. • • •, Some naiechievous boys attending the Union Sehool at Osliewe, collected ell the straw buts tbla could be found, in the hall of the building, and placing them, betroth the etairease: Bet fire te thew. The ereake making its stra,yinto the scheol-roona, *darn:led the inmates, who succeeded .in .0xtinguishing -'-the flames before any extensive damage was done. _4. pro fonnd sensation was emitted at Stratford on 'Thursday, b,S,` the unex- pected announcement of the death of Mr. Michael Hayes., County Crown At- torney. Deceased had not been- in en- busb health for some time, but was not confined to his house until two -days , ago, when 'nothing serious,was entitle Hives has been wresident ! of Stratfordfor soinetweIve years, bay - frig been appointed to the position prior to Confederation, • • 4. Lusan hotel -keeper, named John Cain, the proprietor of.theBoyaleTiotel, _ was cleverly swindled out of $150 at! • New York, in additive to the expense of travelling from Lucall to Now :York . ,aid back. ete few days' before he re- ceived a letter from a man:calling-hip- - self Wm. A. Ross, 'telling him- to go to New York and bring with: him all the Canedian dellars he could scrape together, as Roes intended to give him -theeeedolletra- apiece:forethettee Ctnn are - • • rived at New,: Yerle on Thrusday with $150. He met BOSS and was taken to • • an office some -where down town, where • Ross gave him $450 for the money he leaLbrought, Dazed by this generous treatment Cain pernted the money to be taken from his hand e And put int? a satchel. • e was then requested to sign a receipt, after which he was placed on s cross town car. • As eon, as be got into the car Alts-Caie opened the sat- chel and dieMOvered -tharhe •had, been duped. Krol rot brown wrapping paper was all that the satchel contained. He .notified the pollee, and Detectiee .Flens nigan arrested Ross the same alight. At the Police. Court the -next moritiee .theeprisniier--wasTemandedr . . . : • e• - •• a dimenovel, and had coramitted several American.. TILE CLINTON NEW ERA. EQUALIZATION TABLE, Mutitett-PALETIk8. Acmt1,1. • A.shfield Colborne 63,950 33,500 51,674 Grey , ;63,800 ILLY 52,450 lIovvieh 64,409 53,500 ,• 52,120 " 54,516 Stanley , 43,362 Stephen • 53,000 'lltickeremith ., 40,970 Iurnberry ..,....; . 35,068 lisborne , : 48,100 Eeet. Wrawanosti . 41,530- • Weal. -Wawimosli, 41050. Hallett • Nu /11,11trIl Marri$ • • it • • -11., • • _ tee. „ g, 14 $§ 37 1,468,162 37 28 81 30 • 38 85 30 40 30 44 29 44 • 28 Vinalized vain° ot. tled Property. 1 JUNE * 1879 valee of Per -1, A.,8"3,0eiliera ct /7 • fien:1111parilozreedr t y , _ ., $4700,000 $17,000 $1,431,046 ;i2 00 $1,018,400 • 1,230,400 • ,,„ 02,125 1,070,865 2 75 1,331,625, 4.911,938 116,266 1,713,520 2 25 2fi,2).3„204 1,786,400 127,600 .1,003,000 2 00 ,i.4,000 1,625,950 •104000 1,754,118 2 00 1,730,850 :1,935,000 145,125 1,554,056 2' 25 2,077,390 2,033,000 • 147,125 • 2,332,145 2 75 2,180,125 1,824,200• 1174270 1,595,940 2 ,25- 1,941,470 1,635,480e 122,661 1,203,270 2 25 • 1 758 141 ' 4734,430 •, 130,086 1,752,510 '43400 1,864,566 • 1,59e,300 ' 98,750 1,785,910 • 1- 75 1,683,060 1,802,680 122,910 • .2,0054863 3. 00 • 1,925,590. • 1,016 .,972 ! '18,904. 987Ci 9,0 2 25 1,085,875 , 1,852,400 ' 126,300 1,667,555 • 3 00' li978,700. •33 I 1,162,340 ' 83,060' 965,520 2 00 ' 1,245,900 4374,450 03,712 .1,073,500 2 2p. 787,500 .„.„ $26,315,890 01,628,693 24,805,113 .... : . ,• $28,132,153, - , ,,.•• e..--------- Tal oi I,1419UA1IZED vATivE OF TOWNS AND VILLAGES. • * TOWN OR VILLAOR. Estate. iritrgg „Total value. Equalized Blyth • - • Brussels. r • r 2 '1,495. PlintOrk, 9'; r...1 430,520 Exoter.e. . e. . . . . 418,365 -Goelerieh. ... 1,052,335 . Seafortli.•. •431,090 • ° WingliaM• •. • 315,080 •43,450 • Wroxeter .. 97,391 • 16,200 , •80,777 ,•',5 7,223 •$ •ol,000 8 160,000 122,753 10,000 • 132,753 • 130,000 63,170 304,665. . 235,0,00 93,500 ,529,320 '450,000 64,000.• 482,365 . • 310,000 128,450- 1,180;7.85 77,876: •51.1,960 :450,000 - •Y359,675 •• 320,000, • , 115,000 i 83,2,03,809 1501,1684 83,709,122 83,180,000 83,180,000 ' • 'J ota' value 'of Townthipe, . ▪ 'Towns and .. . .A jeweller in, South Royelstoni-Yt., ---ei rowing match, has been arranged, spied on the:finger' of itehighly-esteenieci for the 301h August, between Trickett yoring lady who was shopping in his and Layedok, at Sydney', Australia; store, ,il ring' that hail been. stolen • from -.1200 a side, for. the eh empionship of his etook. Sho told taloa, in response the world. : s • . : . to. his inqUiriefiethat i.t had been given A.g1acc at the advertibingoolutens �f to her by h boyish sttitor. This led to the Glasgow newspapers tells 'more Alio ' discovery -of a-soojetY of tilia'ves, plainly thanlanguege the deptheof rnis- sons of 'respectable parents. . The beys my. that has becinl'ereated by the• bank AuuLiecret-signe,_past3Y0.tde.:_andLoathEii.4.--faiim.6"-. _Ile. .eyemed_hateisseee-ieei lie -after- the manner -they had about -in- --supplements id accommodate its -adVer-1 Worcester's Dictionary, , tising in the depti•rtthent Of auction sales .__, • • "D• • _ burglaries. .. '• • • • •• - ' ' - Ofliontleholdfurniture; and the columns - The qortniertlY ••eteirievri The•San Feanciied 0./iroieeeee has res of the Mail, -..tirewsi.Citken, and Times mettarileeovoteegFteol; : ourni oyt ieoanr a, 1,5 .. . . . . . 4 i 2 burni from various counties io Celifor- . 'are crawded by the same class .0fadVere ilia, which indicate that the farniere Of VienTente: •-They are, the epitaphs on . . . „ - - ---e- SUbscription price, por-anumn, .”-tertnightlyl',.. COO . -- . . bound in:i Sheep, Wcie that favored region wil/ be blessed with henscede graves in which lie btiried onl3r'swr'ewia!si gnivrecaelourtitrVia aro year y suhser11366‘ ii, bountiful harvest. A much- 'larger (lila conifert . thlat,-. many ',will have acreage VMS - BOW11 to .wheat this year known when tieey have travelled into ' a a° " a 4 A "8 aorlbers to the same we will give py f th e tgo Lo THE FORTNIGIZIET 14:VIEW; oi for four y arl work bou-nd in 2 vols. Surumodunan name ow. than for several seasons peep; and the the beyond. • .' eeee.e...„ ,-,.....e-e-„:„....' Agoutis 'patinted-to Nlik0111 WO Will pay' h good yiela cif this staple will be proportion- ately great. Corn is looking, reinarkably ,. , me .. •r-ii,jipit v,oic... • - ee---,• OgIllElBiOE to canvass their looalltY. FOr Particulars, order books, specimen copies, do., address tho publish- A.TTENTION. IS MS, that the appoilltMent geefire. • B0:4 unusoN, or nonsati, as. Agents og tho . Mutual Fire Insurance Cornpanyg • of tlio Q. -0, ,?f WeningtOni aaY C0001104' " ties beau 1111,0141tOa the Domiuio • Guelph, dth 71)e:.1.°).C81:78, P •1)1(21:1°E;S.T7e14' . i'llIPPPP i'v AC1, pi. ° C=Apepri ,- * rninni"11 11114/74/4VY Ott -efir> 1:= .Pefc•A hmlany.otbe!4'.s liseasemz red In Sow home •Brvalpeles, wattle, parti- 111"K111171811-, ago, elan irritation, ulcers from any gauss,. and a hen- • fired other diseases art caused by an acid 'ferment• , whielvproduces Inflammatory action. Brunton's Ab sorbent will positiveireffect a cure in A tor totiro, ty °thing e acid poison from tile' system. • Bold by, raggistF. Pc, Advice particaler cesestreo. • y, BRONTON, • London, Cut. • Recommend the NEW ERA to your ffiendg. A GREAT OFFER. a. - Send yeu,•bound xn full sheep, unabrulge When Fanner huaft, of New York State,. bet his son a -dollar that he could reach a Crossing ahead -Of nlocinnotiVe he lost hy Aye feet as tho. son testified at the, hen:test.. • • • • • Lilly of Snowlaille who some time ago shot a .schoolmitte be- cause she would not love her, was on Thursday, Found guilty of naanslaughter, mici the Court imposed a fine of $500. lgitOh.disSatisfaction expressed With •theeyeseliet. Aar. fether paid the .fi:se. and She was :released. • • • „The ceiirtehip of Miss Allen, . by Adair' Wilkerson, at Marshall, Texase was diatasteful to her .fatiailee the driving .of the suitor away was essigned to her brothee Alleni!walked into the . • , room Where the loving eoniate *ere sitt- ing, -pointed-a-0*i at Wilkerson; and told him to get eut,:7-Wilkeeson drevi-a pistol and 'declared his intention tO'stay: The firing was simultaneous and .4,119n. was killed. ). • • . . . Rivicl 13ebertson,- of Newcastle, his issued a. challenge' to -rote, Elliott, who -was recently. defeated by miles straight away, the race to take OW either at Saratoga, Oswego or Springfield, in the ;f_Tnited States:, The t3taes are placed at X400 a side,. and Robertson will allow Elliott R150 for eipenses: • Elliott has 'the privilege of Axing the date to suit his present en- gagements. . . • A singular instance of the verification Of .a dream • occurred Polk County .somedaye ago; A young daughter of Mr. dreiuned. one night. that, she had been burned to: death. ,The next Miming sbe Went' with her 1)1.0010e lett! the cernfieldto keep the birds front the planted cold:, they, htilft-a- Lite, aiia while they, were warm- ing themselves the clothes of the girl eatight,fira Her little brother tried to extingetela the flithats, but could net: She died the next day: . • , • James .13,urne murdered a man at Gaiedsville, Ga., two years age, but. was'. no f euspetted. He cenfessed the crime, hitt:nobody believed- And be had no means,•of proving his own guilt. He told.where the body 'cots hidden, and it wile found there, yet he was discharged from custody, the authorities believing thet lanwas ittnocent of patticipatin'g in the 'deed. Ahnost discouraged, he still pet About collecting. evidence ugainst hintielf, and had so far eticceeded that, whee he re -asserted his guilt • on his death -bed, he was believed, • woman in Los Angeles, Cal, be- came p.ossessed of the notion that ber little girl might; by slave staiyation, be brought to Web phySidal condition that she veouldebe • translated to the spirit world without dying, with that ()fain view elle CO the child on fruit only, steadily diminishing the quantity, until the vietirii was horribly-einaelated. Neighbors then interfered, ratich to the displeasure of the Mother, • who de - blared that the jittie one had readhed a point Where visions of spirit life be - Mimed the neatoess of the expected eleinge. Ay-p.es: arzapari.11a Fin Scrofula, and air sceofulous diseases, Erysis . petits, Rose, or St Audio., aly's •Eire, Eruptions and Eruptive diseases of :the skin; • Ulcerations of thee Liver, Stomach, Kidneeeti Lungs, Pimples, Pubtules, -.4- Boils, Blotches, Tumors, * Sore, e e ism a ITt Rheum, Scal6. euralgia, . Pain in Salt • the Bone, Side and Heed, Female' 1Veaknoss, Sterility, Leuc_orrlicea From internal niceratien-, and 'Uterine disease, ''Syphilitic and Mercurial diss _i(ieiarsoia.a.ilb.eoeprilyit:'y174-yert teprifor-p-Emineif;iinegti•othea-,7-•-•-. • This Sarsaparillais eernbination of - vegetable, alteratives- S till ingia; drake, Yellow Dock - with the Iodides . . of .Petessium and Iron,. And is the most 6 eirrettuiOus metileitue yet known ., fox • •• -the disehses it is intended to cure.' _ Its ingredients are se skilfully coin - billed, that the full alterative ffect of each is Sassured, And -while it iS so mild as to e harmless even to children, it in stilt so effectual as to purge out from the ' system those impurities and corrttptions • which develop into loathsome disease.. . The reputation it enjoy is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the coun•• try relies° in. it, pro IT /110/' experience of its usertil • ::Certificates attdsting • ilS virtues 'have . accumulated, ' and are constantly being . , received, and as manrof these cases are • publicly knowntthey fernish convincing. , : evidence. of the superiority of this Sar, saparilia ovee, every other alterative . medicine. • So. generally is its superi- ority to any other medicine. known, that ,. 'Fre nee.d.do no inor.e.than.to assure the, , public that the best qualitiesithas eyer posseseecl are strictly maintained, . PuLPAnitti , C. Praotteat and Anirluticlit Chemjsts. BOLD BY ALL latclOOISTS LwBRYWEIERS, . ors,'• ' • per:moms, CLARKE a 00; well, and the vineyards ,are in healthy` ' • - • Many clergymen have it pul VOICQ. • • . • SO York Bt.;Toronto conditien, and give proniise of areabund- . ant. • vintage.. All together, the,proraise • of tlie fields is that it year ofplenty and. prosperity is in store for the Golden State.- ' •• A lady in Portland, Melee, called at.. la:jewellery ,stere,; and after Making a purchase wont home,. Two hours.htler a rifessenger called at 110 lioue• and in- formed her that she hid left something at the. jewellers.. , :Now,. Jet ine; see, . she niusc'd ( what can it bo? Here is - my pocketbook, a,nd there on the sOfa is my fan, and I :have got -thy gold 'watch bere,nuci ray bonnet, why, where is my bonnet.? obi there tt is on the oor; it fell off the :table -and really I can't' think what I heve :forgotten. why, to be sure 1 HOW absent minded- I am! deglare if I havon'tfotgotten nty dart, ingeprenious little babe And so she bed -only that and nothing more. The Salt Lgio;Tribuite has t&-.1 fol- lowing of the Motintato. Meaelowenassaare. is now the very pic- ture of -desolation,. :Before -the Mormons' Murdered' ono htindred and thirty-one innocent men, -women and children there: in 1857,, the meadaWs. Were known far •and wide cia a parodied in the desert, with , an abundance of grass, crystal streams and over -flowing staring/4. To day the geese is gape, the water course dried up' and nettling -bid ndraerwaste marks „the once beautifnl spot. It is said that the earth is also sinking, and tho bones which were collected after the masseote, though thrice buried, continue. to re.. appear, while settlerin the vicieity shun theepot ashaunted, and say that the winds 'freer, the naeadows bring 'plercieg cries foe help to the ears; • John. Xeinualer, at South Holyoke Mass,, on Saturday, shot his three children,: Atinie, aged 6, I.Admilla, 4, Aany,.1,.becaupe lie was unable to Rap- port them He has been ant of work since Febtuerye. sept. -his wife on "an errand And called the eldest child in- to the house and tried to poison her with cyanide of • potassium, but she threw:up the dose. Kenunler then took the second child into the front bedroom and shot her through head with a pistol; be took A111110 intoe bade retina and shot her also. The youtigestehihrwas lying oe ()Med and hs shot her behind the ear. He left the house and tom a sal. don -keeper What he done KA was as. rested After the arrest he WAS cool and ‘3aid he wile ready to let the law take its course; he could net sup'port. hiteehilds ten; feared they would grow up"and cn ter hott408 of prostitution, ttha thought they would be happier in heaven., He hadvplanned it For ten divas& kill them Tie is collected, and apparently sane.. Itenunter is ettopletely nvaredroin. eata.m)../da.t I. ISP. • When they are out of ehurch they • CONSTITUTIONAL • clivrA.nann. speak as other people cle. They de not empty it deep cheat zote when they en- quire ,c,„ the Initeher respecting roast beef, and they do not use a clanasel me-- notone when they- discuss domestic , inetters with, their wives and ehildren. Bet as . 800n as ...they get into clia'reh they unconsciously assume an artificial tone and they are apt to do this when they have any devotional functions tcf perform. Itstiae Often leen observed that if a•ininieter who is diatting &idly and nattirally•at a tabto should be asked te say grao, ho witatiddeAty assume hiayulpit Voice, 'artiCulate with it dur- ing the cerenaoey; and then resume the ,conversation in ha, proper voice with the dexterity. Of a ventriloquist. Tho. pulpit voice is probably atrributable in a large degreo. to a desire togiVe solem- nity und impressivenesi to the per- fornaance. It results from an 'effort to convey to thOluisirees the deep sense /af awe whieh may fairly be supposed to strffese the clerical mind. But the me - stilt to the listener is far mote likely to lid an almost•irresistibletendeticy to go to sleep. The effective voice in always the natural voice. The skillful actor touchee every chord in the entire gamut of passion, and he•givos force and effect -to every phaseof,--sontiment,- withoub. putting any undue strain upon his vocal machinery. A great truth numb be far far more impressive when it iEl urged in the speaker's ordinary tOnes modified puly by whatever inlinenceir of shame feeling may govern the speaker's railed,. than when it is offered in. an artificial voice, about which there ean he no sus. pioion of genuine,pasiiion. REAL ESTATE .1r011, .84:11t1, • . 1. ihirlit Lot Xo.'34 iu tho,ilun Concession (11.nrott Itoitcl) Ttickersnlith, contains-08 O.C1'00 of firegieless land, abolit two miles Irons cilium', board fence iiiirontigood hardwood timber, Any be made 4 superior deity farm. 2. Weet Ralf of tot Bightlit the Bleientit 0011136(4. WOO of Turriberry, fifty seres,good wheat land, sismiles from Wing/ism and ono milt from the Glenannan Sta- tion of the Toronto, Grey aad33ruce Railway, 4. small eloaranot • on Qat front, balance hardwood thnbor. Wouhl sellcheap' Lor oath, or otthango for town proper- ty in Clinton. A.pply to the owner, SinnuelThrowet, at Pales Blills,Ciluton, or to thtrIttaleralgned. ' 4, Th� largo and tiOnvonient trick store, in the Al.. bertatirect33lookstfowoceapied by mr.JaibBiddlecotube, Plrat.oltuw grain store, st the Grand TrUnk Station belonging to A. Jakileson. The largo Ihotory handing and 164 mu6!:1114 tho' ntataiTtunk station, formerly oompioa .1AT, Bol., fry, With, engine and honor, rrembes won loit,ut for mentiteetaring garrotes, pork.nockiag, ae. 8. Lot 8, o%Vittoria Stroot, (Gordon aiirvoy); A axoltl o blinding lot, ottreen the 0. I!. hallway and tho Turin. troll•fontod, plantokwith trete, good *oil, &o, vitat3001, attoot, betougiog to ut.. a.oh•tt 'Ono of the boatMamitattorloo iJ1 Canada, dell ilea ate samples of !teapots; Itotroto,, Stod Drills, gorse Itakoa, Is*owell, Good /taint oottago o/ nre room Well a ,Pletigh°+ 16", 46',1"lbr° Pur°1146111g el")2"°' • . n Dump. IlloOd garden. •Titst sonth cl mr. Shop. goo* opt giusigav wingtv, 44, herd a residence.- • ' 11. jultb,metsopyoAtiorthit ?abahttea`riltvirapix Offiot•. • URES gATAAR, Thumb Aliplauct its Ved.oful Ansi .iteio, i&(atcc-flevErout fienaeinaa 4a11.4 (if the " G'oastitutiona? Remedy Ileannvo„Edo,,, Brookylffe,.. One. Dear Sir, -It is no, two years since your " Constitu- tional Catarrh...I/broody" was introduced to rae. I have waited this long to see if -the cure would' remain per- manent hefore doing this, My duty to You, as,at first the happy effecte OCOLOCit to me to be "(00 good to be true."was---afflicted -in my head-fer--years befero.I. suspected it tole Catarwh. Xn reading ill your Circular "1 eiew My ease described itt many particulars, The iu- Ward "drop"front the head hail lumotuagree- able, and %choking sensation often prevented me from lying long.; I would feel like smothering, rind be own - palled to sit up in bed. to health and spirits wore seriously affected. When your Agent came to Walker- ton, in Augusi, 187t3 1 secured throe bottloa. Before I had used a quarter of the contents of one bbttle, I found decided relief, and when I had used two bottles and a third; X quit taking it, feeling quite cured of that ailment, and have not used an since, till of late X have • taken some for a co/d in MY head. A sense of duty to sufferers front that loathsome disease, Catarrh,prompts tao to send you this Certificate, unnoliaited, with leave to make what use of it you may see PrePer, . •'Volpe trulY, , W. miumr,b,xothodiet Bort Aug:.24,1878. Asic for Littlefield's constitutional Ca. tart% Remedy, and take no other. T. ,L 11. Xfautano,, Dominjon Agent., tycookvillo, Out. , Pew said ht alt 2ri-uggis4 at oply On Dollar • - - • • , pet • Baftle. - 'IVY IT. 8* XXV' IT. NEW CAIMIAGE wpinis 'IN OLNT14.. , Eras pieltwIte la ituUmmalugto them:habitants oi Myth and violuity, that to boo oponod init in tho Carriage makin g basilicas,'and It no'w propared to 81101 ordors for OARItLiOtg, VacttpilB, 131.10GI1S; upon the shortest notice, and at tho ;float reasonable tato& Nemo bob firat.olaas workmen employed. and ,t.no "try boot mat,orlaingotoodi.41117. ZULU, ING att,ondod to promptly and eatidattorily: ,nonst 8110EINO 3 An far Pleury's Amodettltorl imptifolits A.Yer's erry Pectoral - • For Diseases of tits Titoat' and Luita* suohasCoukliertleidis.'•, `.• Wh�oin 06 U Clap Bronchitis,. 'A:stun:ie.; and Coneumptlou ropetittiOe it bat tittailieti, in eon-Beeson:a or emenuirviiikies cares it tiasprodueettattriat the ' • last half century, IS 4atifficient:Assurance tO• the public that 1011411 Continue to realize the happiest , -cresulth that °fin be desired. ' hie:nest every section epnatry..tiiere arc poisons, pebeely lonenro,whohave been restorediromalarraingtord '7eyen,tiesperate disesses of the Iiinge,.by as use, .6.11w1(o have tried t,atknoiviedae its sap cri orityr Mid where its virtaes are linemen() tat Iles tatto as owlet medicine to employ to relieve the dis. - tress mid suirerimit Peptillaite Ptilmoaary affeo ' thine. enslutY PSOre1Ur. itlYtitYs Agorae la. stant relief, and perforMO rapid •cutee of the • milder varieties efbronehist disorder, tis well ail the more formidable disesses of the Magi. As a safeguard. to children) amid the distress'. ibg diseases Which beset the Throat and Cheat of Chilean:m/11,U Is inictilabtottor, by its timely tiae, ' milltittulea are fowled/ad reaterea to health, ties Modieble galas mends at every ttlitf, ae tho .ctires it is constrinity prodacing are too re triarkable to be forgotten. $0 family slioulil b$ viithont It and those who have once elect it • • 116 .UVeticreweititit'lleUseate-leilis tbrOnghtlli. tite toltitrtt peesoribe its and clorgyinen oilee recommend It from their knowledge ot its mreete, ' oftErAftto CAVER. & CO et Lowell/ Masai,. Vcactikal! and Analytical Chemist', t) ) Arr, nitglOGgSti EVV,WOMETIla