HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-26, Page 3• -JUNE amu, .._.... THE CLINTON NEW ERA, A little nonsense nc,ir•and then. Is relished by thewisest men. I see you are on the watch,' as the thief said to the guard chain, A country blacksmith out. Westput up a notice ; , No hosses'shodded on Sun- day, except sickness and. death!. A Dutch judge, on. conviction. of a culprit fpr having four wives; decided.: ' Ile;llasli bunishtnent blenty; I lifsmit ••one!' Itis one of the physiological mysteries why a boy's hands will blister so mueb A Vet -Up Sob is 1llatrtmony lIOw ANOTItEIt ' 1•ELLE4 Cli11'[ED IN' AT THE LAST MINUTE AND TOOK TUE (llBL. • ' I liave .• been .a .subscriber of the ,Ness Letter for the lest ton years,' said a ' broke -up' -looking young elan coming into this office yesterday andsitting dawn in front of the managing editor, 'and I call upon it for cid and essiet- anee. The editor looked rather pointedly at the oloek, and asked what the could do forthe visitors?' - Why, I want you to hold up to pub- lic acorn alit" detestation a fellow walled' °lever• .eoluedian could do, but .i4 vain - He flung himself ain,.He`flunghinlself against their rigidity;. it is no use. -The audience was evi- dently on its best behavior, ami the cur. tain came clown at last amid a silence• and oppressive and almost melancholy. After the,play, Bill, worn out by his - extra exertion and mortified at his want of success: was passing through a public' room of his hotel, when he was stopped by a tall countryman with the remark : 'Say, mister, I was into the play.toe ni;ht. Were you,' said .hill. 'You const have been greatly entertained.' Well, I was ! I tell you what it is. now, my mouth is all sore a -straining sooner on a hoe handle thanthey will Money and a mean redheaded girl to keep .°iny face straight: And if it named Morrissey. hadn't bean for the woman, I'cl 'a' ' Scandal" ease, eh ?' laughed right out in meeting.' ' A heap sight worse, you see i t wins engaged to be married to that girl p 'Gleed $tory. �, -tier flame's Maria -and Dr. Stone The following: incident is related of was to bitches up the first of the month, thevenerable Dr. I`Teshit, formerly so I asked this mean. cuss, Mooney, to •president of the Dickinson College, be one of the groomsmen.' Carlisle, ' Ile consented, of course,' , 'It amazes mo that ,ministers don't ' Yon bet he did. You see, Mooney write better sermons;; I am sick of has a big. black moustache and -and all the dull, prosy affairs,' said 'a lady in that --and .he's a good deal of a masher, as it were. He said he'd try to slake presence. of I3r. Nesbit., it lively and pleasant for the brides• wenitui to write sermons,' suggested on a base -ball bat. I had no time to stuff the chicken,' apologized a landlady to her boarders: Never hind minnow, it'sitougli enough as it is,' replied on of them, '' A. young lady the other evening kiss ed in the dark.a young man whomshe1 mistook for her lover. Discovering the mistake she said, It's not lie, but it's. nice.' A brute • of a . man says when you want to get the best of an, argument with a woman of thirty, you should lead of with, 'Now, then, a 'woman' of your age,' etc: • , _i i• -s The verdict -of tlie•••corgne rnqnest on the death ofat child•was: 'The ohild. was suffocated, but there is no evidence to show that suffocation \tai'before or after death.' • • • No comedian can make as laughable a face as\that made by the -small boy when he firings •a' jelly jar •clown' from the closet shelf and observes it to be full of ten -penny nails Blow, gentle breezes -=blow !'•sigheca. the spring poet, recently; and the next moment he was chasing down the street after his bat, and .yelling ' Stop ''err, stop 'er !' at every jump. A small child being asked by .a Sun- daysohool teacher, ' What dict the Is - raelites"do after they creased the' Red. made, your hair raise a: foot, Why, he Seh-r-u Ts.ty eel, " Idon't-kumviithlam, g wtt . '-- e lea' - stein, '_begs -nu thug_ _ h -my --Marla but I guess-th-Cird„ Frei their' a v-I.mean: that: Morrissey girl.' ' When do'yeu intend. to go.:'bank ' Made love. to the bride, ..olr?' I%like 1' asked an exile of. another. 'Ti(Exaotl'; and she a -letting hint do .. . y, g I live till I_doye,;and God knows whe-it- wand -you Well,, yesterday' they, ther I will or not, Iintenil to visit ould said. that they were going t� have .a Ireland once: more before,I lave• this final rebearsel that night, and to make _ -7.- . country: � the ,:thing .uioro..perfoat�they.irifended .o An Irishman, at -the inirninent. risk. got Bings, the young divinity student;' of his life, stopped it runaway '.horse a to read the service. And as I 'was go - few days ago. The owner crane up after ing over to Oakland with a load offurni- a while, and gnietlyromarkdd 'Thank' tura for our;.new houses' IXooney said you, sir.' ' An' faith, an' how are ye a he would officiate in my place.' grin' to divide that betwane two of tea?' ' That was kind of him.r` replied Pat, • 'But wait a minute.. -When' I got Elder sister (to little one, who appears back and called . at Martha's" house to take great interest in Mr: `Skibbens): about : eleven: }i. ; ni,, ^IL found Fall tlie. ' Come, little pet; it is thine your 'eyes party sitting round the parlor. looking shut in sleep.' Little pet ; ' I think not. very serious, except -the brido who seem - my eyes 'open :ed kinder 'frightened; ' Whiit'e,• the when you and Mr. Skibbens were. to- -trouble ? • aaidI ; what's happened•? . C' gather.' Well, the fact is,' says that. -cheeky. Mooney.; there's been; the most: sings- Old 'bus driver . Now, there's n lot lar accident, and queerest .mistake you e -nice girls in this cuss :ere:o� the oti ever }lea rd of in your life. Nott see, side, sir. • Their •ma drosses' em out, their 'pa drives 'em out, and 1 brings 'em down young then o£ a""S in`day,' j'oa' see, and yet they • don't seem to ge off But it's no 'easy matter, my good r maids. the (looter.. •' And diel be ?' • �.-•' yes,' rejoined' the finely;, ' but yon ,., ` I tVhv,• lie _ actually inxcTtC-lave.LO a l are' so long about it: I could Avrite four. Got the otbei groomsmen ft ri- onein hail ..the time if .1 only bad a des. by flirtingaviththe: whole jat,_Told :.text•. ' _._ : 'elm it was•the correct thing in Europe. ' Oh, if ti. text' is • all you want,' for the groomsmen to kiss the brides said. -Dr. Nesbit; f I will furnish that. maids all round before and after . the Take this one from Solomon : ' It is ceremony, and -that they ought, to ' Meet 'better to dwell in a corner of a house and practice to get the . thing in good top than in a wide house:itl a running order. brawling woman.' ' Did they practice ? said the editor, Do you . moan me,, sir...,? itigoired laying down •his l)en. • '-' the"lady,. quickly. • " ' Did,tlicy ? Why, it was just disgust , Oh,: my good wornnu,' was filo re ing the way they .went'. on every .oven= ,tet ing. To see that villain Mooney pre- sponse;- you will never 'niul:e aser monizer ; you a,re too soon in your op - tend to steer•down theaiale and back plications.' up against the chancel .rail.,, and' then, when the meek service was over, kiss ; ; Sucitery's betting Tien, and •paw around the girls, would have ' somehow l' ' Well, how is .the -spring; trade ? . Said a gentleman' to a friend the other day. 'Dry goods. never brisker,' was the reply. . ' My wife, shops all . day, every chairin the house is,00vered with bundles, and I think of sending' .my pocketbook out of town for change of air -it's so thin, A. full -bearded ' grandfather "recently had, his beard shaved off, showing a clean fade for the first time'for a 'num- ber of _.years. At the dinner -table his three-year-old granddaug ter noticed it, gazed long- with wondering eyes, and finally ejaculated ; ' Grandfather, whose head you got on ?' Sympathetic sister : ' Don't .be. so cross, Billy: What's the • matter with you 1' Billy : 'Why, . Tommy Stubbs Ws got the measole, and I ain't' S. S.: 'Never mind, there 'all be • plenty _ of . measles' left when he sl done with re -4C; em ;• red 1eadecl, big-footed•wife upt he very. be a good boy and mind all the,Sandayr, worat way. Accident,. indeed ! Why, school teacher tells' you,' and ,perhaps We' the plainest -pub up job: I eyot sawv. ou'll heve'em' too some `da'p.'. in the whole it of my life., 3 ust lot 'em have 1t in italics •af ou . please,. A bright young mien; who sought help , � y , P from a benevolent institution; said. he a,nd•I lI take 500 extra copies . . Was ' eicceedingly •orphaned, ' - .' How is . The editor said lied attend to it,,and• .that?' asked • the au raja sten enter u se, sindo written • •tb 7�bI.,.t:; 11Tenne_..to- we were rehearsing the service as usual, :and Lv>tas.:a-holding Ma,ria's,.liand_. j ust. like this; when young.Bings got sorter absent-minded, se to speak, : and ' the first thing we knew he pronounced us roan and wife in the regular form, and he now says we . are married in real' earnest. ' Too bad ant it 1' . . .'•Singular rhistako,''said the editor. 4' But the "worst of , it was the :way, that false-hearted huseey took it. 'She. Paid it was -pretty hard, but; . what couldn't be cured must be endured, and that she 'supposed they couldn't $et a divorce under a year, anyway, and a lot. Dr stuff like . that.' "Peered resigned to her.fitte, as it were. Mammy, l Exactly.'; and then 1 o y c •hi pled in with a lot of stuff about • not. crying over spilt milk;:and said he'd 'take the furniture off my hands, find pay for the ring. Said he'd give liisneto for 'eni. Cheek ?' Why, that roan .has more gall than' a pawnbroker's ,clerk, and I, want: you' .1tlr Editor, -.to show hint and his •11EEsetat Eorrous.:-I see dot most el%t�loty-iOhles_sce�nr!i bglexli'ealtmrets- µnowtays, and I tought preps mepee .I can do dot -. too, ''se•1 wrides all apout vot dook blase trait mo•:lasht summer ; you:know or.nt you dond know, den I ddlltrayou-dot--Itatrine (dot- is mine_ vrow.,) and me, ve keep•some'shiokene for a long (litho - age, un von ttty she, sait to nie;•-'"•Sookery,-'--(dot-is-Iniell-tains)_ t vy dond you put some alga under dot olt pule. lien shickens, I (Hein she vents to -sate.' ' Vell,' I sait,•''mepee Z' guess' I vill,' so I Molted oud. somo'uf to best alga -rind .dookum oud do ,de parn .fere do olt hen make her neeht in do side of ;de hay -mow, pond' fife six'voet tar -Now you see, ;I reefer vas .feri'y pig up and town, but h Vas booty pig all' de vay arount in de tittle, so I koodn't reach: III(W .PItf D BUTT'Elt,. btr. A. W. Cheever, EtlltorN, E. "Palmer, owns a fine dairy and gets a high price for fancy prints. In an editorial, Nov. 2nd,• he said, "The Perfected Butter Color made by Wells, Richardson ea Co., we have used for several years, and have found nothing equal- ling it, although we have tested about every- thing of the kind made in this or the Old Country.' It is the strongest, cleanest, purest ani cheapest butter coloring we have ever found, and for all we can see, it is absolutely perfect. It should entirely superoede .car- rots for coloring butter, and also alI the pre- parations of Anaatto." Fanners if your but• ter is white du : not fail to try this aplendid preparation. Tor full particulars inquire of Watts it Co., druggists, Clinton, who have it for sale, as well as all druggists and merchants generally. Sample size, 10 cents, 25: Mounteastie's 11 ILLS. rrine 8CB80RI13ER RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO inform the inhabitanteof:Clinton and surrounding country thathe has started his » •up dill I vent nod got a .parte], and yen' thy hed rise up py de nesht, dot 'olt ben' she gif mo • 'such, a. Vick dot my -nose• runs alL;ofter. my face mit plead,• und. ven' I •todge pack dotblasted olt parcel het preak, and I vont town .kershlain. Pv cholly, I didn':t.tink 1 kood goinsito aparr..I pefore,' put dere 'I vos, and ".I NEW.,. •SAW M, I LL, . ON HURON STREET„ • Opposite the Great Western Station And.ia prepared to Cut Logs oiishctres, ol- cheap for Cash. n nWide-. K 'S ha d...t"a 7in3-"'-BLrIC a o H' 9iasaisoLU. 1 e MIJiJN'x'CATx F. OLINTON, Jan. 17, 1878.• ' CHEAP• BOOTS. kiest French Calf Boots MADE TO ORDER, ' frolic $fl to $4,, , AT 11. BEACOM'S. Clinton, April 24,1870.' NEW WAGGON SHOP. Thos.' Friendship FARMING LAND TO LET. mimosa ACRES OE' FIRST.CLAaS LAND; IN: L Clinton, south of the Grand Trunk Itauway. u, BALE, Cltnton,AIareb 87, 1879. MoKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 6GMPANY TIROS. NEILJ.NS$ AGENT,,. 'mom tic. ohm, /fanners wielting to insure will find this Company ane ofted on (ho best andeirhomed cheapesi1 it to inenroonbe in, Arisentd willtothbee at thnformati Agents' office, 4y • Canada Company.Lands. ALIST OIr LAMS IN ILLISON° FOR SALE BY the Canada Company may bemoan et tHhe ofHALE.'ice of thqunderalgned. Desiree to inform the people of olinton:and Surround, ing oountry, that ha has opened a Waggon. Shoo in• -oonneetion-with,.Concu 8:.4onest-Elea annul, hop L ISAAC .STREET, • • d INTON, Where he will be prepared to execute all orders for «attgona, Carriages, Critters, Sleighs, &o., on tbishortest: notice; and et the most reasonable .rates. Repairing of ell 'kinds promptly attended to. • GIVE 11174 A'CALL. • Olinton,Mareh 18,1870. fit so -dite dot I, lcoodet't glt lie cud 'ef=. FOit-i&d SllOES W. H.-SIIVIPSON.' T_TAS OPENED OUT -A STOOK OF BOOTS AND' J.J. Shoes, in,conneotton with his 'former business h 01 the latest and:most Fashionable St` yles Wliteh.Ile .rill scll et moderate price.•• He will rylso do aOSTOM WORK 8& Repairing, A ctLL-RIESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. feryway.,.vy. fest (vest)`vg's' bushed vay O osit6 the Post Office.. up• lintel.' my arm -holes;. 'vera I fouint'.I p vos •dide sb'tuok, I holler`. °Katrina i Clinton April s; 1879. ICafrina 1 1'.und yen she.kooin mid see ' • iso shtuck in te parrel up to my: artn- holes,- mit •my face all ''plood. and aigsf py cholly, she chust Ittit-towri on to hay and laft• and iaft,-' till I'got so mat . I Salt, 'vet you lay dare and ldf like f oft wool, eh 1 vy dond you koom • brill me Mid ?': and dee she sat' upand salt, Ob", pipe off your chin, and bull'your fest team,' den she lait pack and left like ,sheivood sltblit horsel more as ever. Mat,_as _•vos' I to ht to myself,' Kat - rine, b air Englieh bootyo of but she a o s, g I oly snit, mit my biggest" dignitude, Katrina, vill•you ball me cud dis par - rel ?' and she see dot I. look booty red, so -she snit, •' of. course •I •vill, Sookery,' den she lait'mo and -.de parrel town• on our- site, unci I Hook holt de• door=sill: uthl ICettrina she bull on de pal rot, tint du -first znete_I_yellet '.donder, and blitzen, shtop dat, ,par cholly; ders is nails tittle petrel!'. yetisee te nails shuv • town .ven I vent in, hut ten kootn out dey,shtink 'in -no.. all de, vay remit. Veal, to make a short shtory log, x tell Katrina to go. und `toll ntxypor Hans - man to string a saw unci ` saw. -me dis prate ,O . .e , l0 COOm tlm l0 i o to ehblit Himself alit laf, too, butho roll me over und saw to par'el all de vay arount off, und.I git up mit half a parreI arount my vaist, den Katt'ina she say,. ' _Sockeiry, veto •leetlo till X get a battern of dot now ofe't skirt you haf' on, but I•didn't snit a vort, I shust got' a nife and vittlo to hoops off and siding dot confoulttet Olt parr+;/ in de wood- pile.. .• Pimepy I koomin do hawse, Katrina she Sat, sosoft like, ' Sookery, dond you'going to but some aigq .untor dot olt plue hen 1' 'don 7 salt in nay deepest Weise, 'Katrina, of you offer say dot to the again I'll git a pill from •you, help me chiminyi eraoious,' 1 dell you, he didn't say dot any' more. Voll, •Mr. Edidor, ven I elite') On a parrell j ow, get a ,K dond shtep oil it, I p$ "V'erry • drooly yours. • ,Socnurry 1 AD uicu'1, ' Well,' said the. applicant, ' you see, Cap's, my first father' died and my mo- • ther married again, and then my father married again, Lind somehow or other, 'I'll be blamed; if I believe' I have any ' parents at all.' ' Yankee hill,' a famous actor in the 'Why don't they bite ?' • inquired the first Tear °f°tho present century, used' to amateur fisherman, after three 'or four tell au amusiug•etory (which -Mr. d': B. hours of utter silence, ' Perhaps your Matthews' re -tells in his article on The bait isn't good,' some one . ventured to Amerioan on the Stage' in Scriibner's for observe. ' Well,' replied the angler, 'if *July), of the earlydays• of the theatre the fish were as hungry As I am, they in this country. Hill once' showed'-- would bite at anything, though they to rise a professional phraso-in a town got.yanked as high as a meeting houses ir, the Western part 01 New YOrk the next minute,' Then.' ho quietly whore no tlieatridalperformances had' walked toWards.tlfe lunch basket ever been given. He found the audi- The following startling announcement eines assembled, with. the women treat - was given out yby'the parish clerk in a ed on One side of the hall, the mon •on small church in Somersetshire recently, the other),exactly aa• they were used to where the rector has divided -his labors tit inclirch; and throughout the playy between two churches t •' I gees notice :the most solemn silence was 'observed. next sunduyhere wort be Sunday, They wore attentive, but they gave' no say that a'losition as a reporter was always opento him on leis go-ahead jolClnal-=cant 1ri•2eT1Cco nos v .r is s Letter. • z , An Appreciative' Audience. cause Rooter e. golti toy t Other parish fishin'.' >< y this the aecttstemed cdm gregation understood that the clorgyman would be Officiating sill another parish A few miles off. evidence of • approval or disploaeuro'•, there was no applause, no laughter ; "vox 7 ' J MORTGAGES, NOTES, a.. AND QTIIEn - .• Good -Securities . Purchased. O'NV :Y'ANC CNG., W. W. FARBAN: .Cuaton,.NO 0,187". NEW TIME • CARD. Cltnton,Jan,17,18711. 8 PER •CENT.. T' To Farmers & Lanni Owne4'si MONEY ' TO: LOAN . PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING: • PRiNTIri'. PRINTIN . PRINTIN' At the above low rate of interest. . PAYMEN'W$ eau bo' miido`almoat any way to suit the borrOWer, • .T INTEREST 'Pa able Annually Oran sum eau be id on : he: •rioci ,al, at thea en44 of ,-,�. _ . Td any year. ., • ' • Po rturthertn(Orme Hon apply to A. S:"FISITER,,'C1,Ix2oH:, Clinton N'or. 21st,1878, • TINTING. INTING. T11 ST A1911. • Ts OFF1CL •:: •ls eettipped sritlt • NOTICE. N is ��� ING� M'AC ALES THE SPL NDID SEW THAT Th e 'very best. Nlachinerr v. . 1.1„ NORSWO'RTHY Has sold within the lest twelve yeara,.havc alt giver. the very best of Satisfaction. Everybodyee4Yne delight. ed,, with them. Be not deceived:in buying a Sewing. Maohino, ],ut goo H; NoaswoiTFFy, and you•will get' the beet Sewing aaohinethoworldoanprodaoe. Prices ..�.....•to_suithe ttmAp Infill tithe tti suit thg•lluyg},a,,.,;_,,,.,, t °'P LICE AKA � . AGII NE A A4. t�irwll+G nr � s .� .� , from 4110 to $70.' Cali and ]cave your ordor•wbere yds. will.get perfect SEWING and. KNITTING 111XCFIINES,. Rud the very bostof instruction. • Sewing. ilfachi+tea of every ouctl•e' Repaired.. . Being a practical machinist, allwerlc done is warranted • " to give good -satisfaction. ILa,lnuorn TIIr. PLACE -HURON STREET, one _door west of the Commercial Hotel,. Ii. 2fORSwORTHY, Boat Orrice Sox 107, $m5 CLINTON. CET. .E' 4d. • ill the:'vt!ay cR t' FAST'']' wW1.SE'MAN ,BROS.' - BANNIN'G ata: EXClANGE OlTice ,allAND TRUNK RAILWAY.'. ON AN''1i A:i:TER..1tIO1 9A'ti;' .TUNE .DTII, Peseenger'.Craillswill leave Clinton station a, fol1owe f+oxso i+A(r, Extyrese, 128G p.' iu' .�ttatt,-7 DI a at., 0.65 a.m., 0.801!•m, . GOING Ws, n.=Espies," 4.00p. in. ; Muer?, 6:63 a.m., 1.19 p. m., 9.60 p• _ m:- . • .• .. J. HtCI(S 011?, General Manager. A. STRATTON, Agent et Clinton. SFintdrar4une-101 ]8'Fflr. NEW: G: ESTABL SHIYI N T. QRIN EN .FAIY, MERG ANT TAILOR, 1Ltviug opepetl out a Shap nn. *Huron Street, Clinton, . 1 CiTANTON; ONT. : 41O'N.EY TO .'LEND en first•clttss farm property, at 7i; per cent. Agents for: several first-class. PIRA MO • naaf.' COIDE1V'l' TNS'URA �CJ1 . CQMPA.NIES. ' TOWN . TICKET AGENCY For the Grand Trttnk Iiailtay of Canada.': We issue Tickets to alipointa on` the G. T. R., alleo to•.th'e Eastern unit Western States., • • .g" PARTIES ,GOING TO MANITOBA Can prOcure- Tnaotcuc 'lrricy-te AT LOWrsr• R4:l•ra.. :PASSENGER AGENOY 'FOR, the Cunard and Inman .L,ne of Ste-anrets •. 1. WISEMAN BROS, Clintoa,Mar'oh-27;1870.. 8 M .:IJ `..f) S . • A. LARGE QUANTITXt it Ell. Penn'o Ron, • CLINTON, • ' .0 ' The Lergrst it s4Ptoe it'-or::'I'yp To. be found:in any country office in Cana.. da, Its •prices 'beioig as reasonable 'aa those of any similar. establishment; and a. competent staff- of workmen being „alwaya, .engaged, give it unrivalled facilities fey • the executionof all kittda of : • " • NE. CAN'.t.IILE -PRIN' INO. *a - 4Y DODGERS HANGERS. STREAMERS.. POSTED;• HILL HEADS. -LETTER-HS-ADS • MEIbEOR: NDAS. • • . • - STATEMENTEt. NOTES. CHECKS., ORDERS. RECEIPTS. ' ALG 1CLAPDB -OLt BTRI1Z(t.... (. .. ,. rth market.• '• tro»lo no t e �mo� od re, t� � . Seed Oats, black & white - SEED.. PRIME TIMOTHY and CLOVER And proofired a WELD,ASS01i'1'LD• STOCK OF_ GOODS imitable for his business, win bo pleased to SOO all hid old Customers and ae many now Ones aa' may favor him vita their patronage. CLOTHING 11' .f1. }1 ti:Y:SIIORT`' NOTICE AND AT L1f:.t,otAnbii'11. 4#s•. a.. A xitlAl, ICY SPEC"l'1!tii,iiY t3ffi.tCI I'JID. A. •Jtsrsey City tniLn forced his 'wife to there was not .even a smile ; all was eat i:no shavings to humble her 'spirit; l - e .. . • . ,i i eft u ,• o�ombox tt;o It lid �ra',lief 41� � �or �t , t ,r. �. tl�r • axx F'1,itris Olt VS W, II. P,ER.itIN. Clinton, $1arelt L.O, .1878. .w TI -J . Call ands e •ia:m lex and get pion, Se ttish .Commercial Fire Insurance' :Co. nr' GLASGOW, . Capital, • l'wu Millions entomb Assets, - - Si1.1500,000, income, - - 1,000,000. PROVINCE 01' O it1'AilIO 1iliRNCit. Head Office 7 'Toronto Street, TORON0. • BOARD OF DIRECTCIIS roma b. lltAFtctn, Esq., Oltatt•rnan, President Canada Landed Creditbonlpany.. // Jona 3, PtAtt tni, Esq., of Bryce, Ilclfurrioh & Co. 1Vittrati ALI.\AN»Ftt, Eaq,, Vico-Proaldbnt •1oderal -- 31ank of Canada. IN SPECTOrt•-1tOtiEf+T..M1cLEAN. • RESinENT'$ECRE'TARX --.. LAWRlENon Bt10114N. Deposita& with the Government et Ottawa, for seen. ;rity of Canadian Policy holders, 8100,000. This Company iasnos Policies of tnattranoe against Mercantile, man- loco or damage by Aro or lightning, oh mo , n rates. e rro t u al risks at n afactnrin germ and ho soh t� t . g, Polities %reissued irony and lossos settled directly by 1 or 'without lite Toronto oftlao, w y AilProfnitime taken in this oonntry are in,osted in Canadian aectirltita. 11fl!'a11 US &a ;SON, i++;t•: y ERs. O EIX. t,_ silent stillness: Dill tinct hla utmost to and now the courts are lumbered 1 tx� lt'N t YOB Gf.fl4;1 �ti tirt fC f ' fit sale the ict, ; he ilii' everything •ti . Wilt' tilt, eat'. create'. aa•v.e t9'i!i. " .ltaon,$u1'tt'.9417. . • LNG... pR,INT .. PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING,. PRINT Ga LNG. ' - ING. INTING,