HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-26, Page 1.7— 7 t -AND C'ENTRE HITRON CW L ADVE RTISER., 6NTARJOI TRUP 'SI)A-Y, JT
TNE.. 26., 1879, Or Ver APROM11 Wks. 1190, I VOL, 14, NO. 2 4.4 [it Ulyfield.. With the View of bri Yflig the or.X91111118. tile assessment' of Lim tols'nu to thq Rotit'
VOTINTY COXINVIL, toil froul tbe ilrecelpts. Including balances 85419 t0 I kkn4 villages ; Re;lucod 1; 0 paid teachers' ty 6
dol4ondeaboro; wo recotnutend that
andrincreaeod I,
Tbt4l 'P414 EOr Site$, SC120011104$08, &C. 1150 52 . ., i . yinigittee, POgilSting 4(,Pf tile (,'0UTAt$- F.fta)f LAST WLEXl to the Ov I lyth by the galne a. . CZ 9 L 0 8 T ,, . . I Total put(tfor AI)paratus, zo .......... I 11 (is Ilrus's0s, $5,000 and reduced J 11 age, A. Do fs Julie 18- Nloyej ly Alt,. Webstor, See., by.. All'. fop) ght . Ing fires, file), ac.. affi 08 4-44 15 Useter tlie:elimo amount; egrant I . ktoZi t"', SOUND MAP of the lortalneli's (It ClilitOlc- The follo,wing report of tile Jail alld' a rant, anli carriitta, that this Coullel son, be ippolt AIA!Ay One retaining the avalloo to title thloo will be fle .1 . I lialanuo on, hairl ........... 031 17 ! hilm, $15,000 irld reduced Wroseter tilt) Peal, r Nov'o, recoraitiond that 116r Satl( b(, Court House 00allnitt'Ple was read anA lier-ty to the Cuncil of Asti Id to coll rou"ded, (slippos6d to ha-gellepot taken byult,falio IV( .641110 Amount, ! Y0ur*00mmlttQ0 trusts tahen with reforeno6 to struct 47500 OMAN'& 3J,UJBLJ4 1d shop), adopUd :. f,jilll thAt the resOlt of-tileir labors ruay prove' frol tile Cleek of thel Gloullt
Low09t ))aid inalo teach er ........ $23 00 A, lo Pool. Ill Illuton"Tuloo 26th"1679. Repou'r O:p THr, JAM A$D PovitT Bous , of a lea aaiteacher ..... ....... 377-00 tat S isfactqTY to 1,110 Cotilicil, nd if 80, to potition. from rods wide, 41, I uw Avorago salaq liaid foipale teacher ............ AQik SO& tile equali4ation is a praotical adoption of Ck, lis,killi collialittee of In vest i"tition
lorled by blon on rateable 4052 00 NI'W by 'See _N 0 T I 0 T', by tal6 a oQuiraittee leave tn 1, orb that ill ttvxation I
'1410-y, that t1re stiktatory gral; a i in 41id tif. upil cliro led., that of last year, we think- R-0 4guitlst', cortain U, id
3 0.5 viongratitlato the Council so, .......... section, the HEREBY GIVEN-thAt [tit Parties Are ho'jai 'alopf! 01
Nforbld trespassing on-viorbhIld If Of Lot 0, 2t eCAton-aVd igh (jolt In tratiou pot- pull! avorago tt011aillivQ, Concession of aoderfoll Towitialtill. Atly 0140 Acting well Itept. 'The draillacie 'is Laolved the,mul o - 'e X vexed question of how t rvoullaiend hat; f, '001110mlttec , Sollools be lo ....... ...... attend 44. Olt), 1) e a, f ir oq0aliZl;tiQlr expendituro on bull hig-And t ukliall "Cul ooa to recomaia it be (if tile wl-le bf Judge Toma, f'; Ailniwivin Win] A* 1) C,V xary to this notice, will.ba Rro oovvted According they
and Clinton antl tbecastititaNaticill itl O a t )ted.. also that o trap, be'pl,%`cod on tile pipe lead- ....... ... ...... eoubty NY the expansive aid (if asiess- he appoll jog from We kitchen zilik ", 'I Client 00 ot which is 'reapeqtfully at .1ler pitpif, 4yerage Attaudatice ............. smpartx4ynent, mmissioners, or otber re(pired,to pay tile ahluriea Intiolkinry, $11011, as llaA hqgn cupboard be 6curetf, ' TheiQ are tw () Pei- TOWNSHIP Or Y W, P hit N sited at piftellt-1 ollo of thell). orp lv fi)ro Oje' ft MIN 11 8, lie ding balallms from 1 ly sugaosted. of latra years. . titly, JR CONIVENTION he toaph sciiiers ineartiol; Jolij,livittee. 11. otar 1, id, r te%p i re salarioli, end, t1l,tt il Fknitn6bL(J 811Z ol Alir Of spoctfolty ilubinitted. RX4A.0K Alahlb Lgittoltiatioll , wl 9 I hold a intiane; u10tal in orsito n Sclwollroues_ 3177 93 the X.op i4 fivo ClintolfTpiaporato o4fall,. 00fis be tlfken` o baavii) hiai retupy(A to tile 61l r T. (TAniiow. lold r All 14e .......... It I Clio Clock to too 14 22 1011111, All ktfil 3 0 ell TIUESDAY, flitt Inviiid qlotat ald.fr llg Itlug grio1i fuel, o_ .472 I)$ 6,W lthe purpose of talking in,-) amsiAlrati lie 4iZi litol I coupty for the nae pairs be made upon tile Court and 'Clio Qoantiil' resolved itsolf into Cmfv Th Coancilfloo-ndil6unled 'Y ukt-Er '(oil of the Scott Aot to, 0 vote of the loeo ltt. Millistert; Of 4hers intere be'the town -4 *h 'I 0 i t tee 13; --with- M rr -Dotitorr-4-4, '00GOApd,anaall, oted in the taumilli of tv, A p6ti I ivit fri 1 in t le 6 a-.4-111100 tile chair and, the roport was-ailtbjePted to Tovu9r;,4;ke4 cause, are avitod to, attexo& supeilvisiliti 17 -7' ;illd Laulver. DwW imid 11140 t 30000 t4k ryurfill vd ttrrod tn te* pretty -Y, pf the Avorago alar vaid inro ago 00- wh ell it of the'Vourt 1 as hverage saigry paid tomato teacher ............ 2IT-00 in the cupol 0:' witil Pike lre port oc-Air. Dowar, w4p It$ by tAxation. oil rateable pioporty_.... 435.5 20" Jun 3,400 96i 1879. .4! to the coniftluniolitiollsrof T. W, Moved by Mr. Hays, loo. by Hr.7irt" - - - 7jT- '- - - - C to st pet, pupil in ttrx4trdil oil rate. Inspeator,of prlao ' -k ) it,,, $4355.20+10611 ............. 4 10 Clegg, that 20or nareft fidjed lo W at Xr R Uj Lan; or Iii1t, DIMA it's t t' l be llptlucted filorn Tur ,.borry gt'the oq via tho eular&rtunt of the jail, opwrnit- a, , t1ba per putill, ayerago atton Alice, . -
(I GOD 1,)LS1 UUE. Plen'ty -bf water' ava Ehads., -- fhe llX tee' reowarriend that the rit;uXer'be ia- 'I zed val'ile, p.er acro of' tlig, I fifor tbe current year, Lost oii it divii iou guod OIL er., volitio And horses tat, - -
croased in -the 'cell nd cot ridor gatoti. hand, cost I)) taXatfori Is ns have Por'pupil ., ...... . J i ' I o80 I b -So Concerning tire Boo,6ndinavian looks, yonr ire_ ey a majority of six, f;taploton Salt Woll' Tine 11 ot silirloiwif, inFortna,irort Moved by Mr. Diapk, aeo, by Alr. 01r. 9ceat"t tbe procee 9 -'T9)YkfSIllV Or xlo lcl . s to their saitablquegs to warrvilt. their 11fiPts vill, fliat the. 2 'O ac aken b e A FOR; -SAL Total recell Is, including froln r", 9": unTotiilp,ald for. teaclu oin by tbe in ill's Clinton DAYing Park Awoola-' 1"ho iterlia givell ulay not, 1)0 qe 3037 I?.. : aocte(i to, tional tines mentiomd ill said' couimunica, the townalifti.of Turnberry, b.( -figh sQbool 0 dollars pald will ba, cot the pieritiring of tbe udtli- ars' 57 town of Win it is Ot%I pilkt for 75 05 corrvot ill ore'r respect - its I Cash. Apply to, lion. Tlfo - rcconinielid 6al 'the -iron Tt tit Ili for IN fuql, &o 706 20 10301-88 from the. equalized value of "Tuinij.'eiry by ab I it 1. till very Ably R'lld 'TORN in tile Ile plltoetl f free frorn rfult -ly, cor -y. -411114.12, 1879. its norvi oxflnnid .... .. 'tile sllm of $10'000' Carl -lea On 11 division -Arltl - wall ti) Ivll, nd that they bo slup A tit all They Imerle ,and, Geonletl by a majorit -of . NOT I nuile teillitior ........ M as I olin PoBsibly ivo. t1leul. Tile by, Me in nalvs'is illid. _ 0_0_00 Moved bly He. Wilsou, geC wea6gle of 40 from the Yiuilditlg* I ery conslilor- j,oweit s.oary teacher ir, that the equali. reedininend thill; t6ii Warden's. ililmittee ll,611 f,)r uilding is v -150 OD Milla zed value rilootbed. l21i ,tic J.00 00 Average salary paidni, ......
soit- and Brussels bejbc, LL awroo q drp Dr, PooYe call Ila plad atbi, tbis -lie bost . of a- lint air fli ru m 108 $&tile aslastyeari; viz, a,Nt6ry nd insti,uptiva date k thppfpqio-o who*will gv avvt-rot end. It will.be romelubered that it) Took- kvertlyc alary paild foinalo teacher ......... L 00 for helltitig'the jail, and also lone for Eevied 1w t.xatign oil rateapid pr000rty.. .. 7.3r,3 74 .9315,000 and 30,000 rospectiv6l T,4 1) a t. Oil oeipta. or 4111,00. I . . ieoil %Aivistoll and that they roport at M by a majollity of tion witIr sclin-A- p ... . 84 by ALIV. the next lizoetingof the ootlpoil. YII I, furl I molp ed byAfi - Clogg, tvIr. 3ftl, taxittion per pupil, ii%`rga attendAlleit 0wi of n, to ereport .'I 0-T I 00.11jillittec rboonamend, that im 4o .ivvk be !t Donald Chat the qctinge. lial-161tilro 23,- 7185 titaken tit' pres4vat. toward the 6filarg eoiL.11f afroin 1871! e 50 ;,a, ilia 4 if liml 611, halldi the C04t i 40o-O-JIVTS DUE' TOTH to by) 164 ove-l'. ()it
E G 0 111C 11 Y OU N ; of the jai,J, i illioles will licar'dill sonio' pro. L XAttlilitaturbig (Livilitoa) iiias Tota paid, (rill oiltes And Witoolliolnes... 12,75 go tion, 19 f tic S' oitiod to each otber in their equalized $1 ll -old costs. - N6 POYHOnfl =6 4 00 ,,r, Pill) litortlrv*
116 IN' I'I'd 2 23' VL - 0 spectfullyntortttoo. Total paid for ppratus rol a ............... p . . , 1, 65
v prize i, ettlOnstiltS On il; i; :,., 5, 0 70 r pu tl 6vithige ........... hVA, 06 to ai pf which,is rii. TotnIall,1 tor a Ili the to%n* of, Wiri -it -DitT J, Ot po ell ( 7 -(I l3alailov, -oil llarod!. ]list year, report %ippertr ' t u giii Tet 'iect!lpt i, inelading balance from )IO AM RORTON, Piasidont, rill ialaries... To I paid for tabbe sotionj-:, Lost Qn, N -taofillo.'oeybial Road WgIle.t, salltry pt id, 000 00' -L lic IV
relow i"
yivlo -1owcst, saliiiy inlid, mlo 450 00- .11' paid site And building, &a 'by a inajork 6F 26. tit i4il 4500 T)e Vied mcvojl la" so by. Mr. - Oil rafolib proporty"'.' Alt- ed -y -filagfng, the villaa of eq by :Dr. Mel RF, t F.j,,-R - P -6R' foloviii -tl4i+ ip, firbs, hil, 01' it, lool BL
sec. b
b tad.,.fo liattuat the sajin of , - ....... ........ 600 be gran -610 '00, 'VO.A per Ju 11 go utte uce, 1,4606,460M .8 58 8 $3.1 scho. of" WITIVY11" ." O ' ;-ttlgy for fernalo tcaqhers.. i .... 3i $2 of 6*185002 0 Rini I G.lpglil "thee -1 tbullaing'abill(do- '_ / ars now.— ratepayor, taxatioti on raeable i0porty 3,010 Of. fthfil. f Intl 1A1 ion b a;, 4naj y tli Wk of Grah till 0 oil li d - : . Y ,9,ptiobin am's brid-tre ib Qort ill t1l,;fttIiOu1JQr pupil enrolled; f T alidiod vilrrollod ............ ........... 0 l'&tlou 1) ing. ari`y.l la*6 eattendaft ti Tlt 01'so, ib. by Mr. bU4 93010.074 232 ....... ............ 10, 70 la or pit il a*6 Ili tualon per pulilli Average attendalice, by Ale. so
th, t (If va Eqtial upon Council. , ! : . . , 11161) r V 11 . - . . , I . -11,11' OF,, ization ton raptort* of -A urttil.Thurs,' it,' by Misties DoWto And ;ubil thewadjon ued' Rojecting expenditure on builft-, avid lithatou logl;
by reatiip't the ITotal pki for 3U i (ill hand, coFt in taxi itioni.1%, nd3)u or -p our 0 .......... ............. pa d for situs And schooil Lir
L 11 1. i find sq t 0.1 villa4l., (if Blyth 91131,000, fiat 1011- ti, r or FOR SA. I33 e.tj cal-fied ottt. le , 'I _... , w T1 Totallildforn Tot iltilig firds, fuel, 0134.0]? MYTH. J), Z wern., 'W w4uA, two idftlbr gale, 't tl a olnittil ftf _71, Moved by'Mr,, Coo sbc.,hy Al 'Vic Co. 011 J1j1Lr4CllUUr tic , 26 lH.1203 0 hisaverort a - 6 j ii T. tllL.rl 4, . 11000 110. I . , - Y trAto, itilliling 606 20 arried hpal a io Ad- be-siall) 4 for a large falaily or b6ardeim' 1 bontains ten .rc7oirs, ()QullC 40 44li4be.s.6hool. . salary pah .. . I 1. 1); it vf 0I r h htd, and ativilmor kit9liell. - Constant sup. as t,) giVO, County 0.011 . 110 75-0 -00 f'r fightim, 1702 08 fires,. A. 14t Nico wood toacher., T Ward LIest salary paid niallo tomolier .. ...... 150 00 he (in resual'itcl ti;u m0l it I Of 1144 Vd Soft V fttor- Lots stocked with s arnotided, 1, ,hot( 5 i,h all for ex. niale teacllor ........ 449; 374 tib and'. 5 ,4 -bi whnit tgoeR, SM118 A1IllOR,ftiTautd;'Tltubokbj and act Nos li 't OXOO ing abPondaribe-At till) County r 283 33,1 CoTiticil-, whert it was adopted. n Oil I a,I fift] Rl' ' Paid, lhaltl* toa6lici ........... 600 00, [Thiit W.. Y of apet, t,vultll ook lied, 250 00 I qualization iable i ri- full will, IA e. 90 ol -6a fr ed i" wis d rld r Q31o7,04 paid feiviale teacher, ........ TL11, ihoi8chool ilairui L to 734 21- found on our W ...... 0% le"t by taxation Oil rAtea Is pagej pel ondance, ; A;i ........ r Ili Cost In taxation pe ipil enrol ed, irraliv -. (:iimmiiiiicatio'uf;ofli. lir. 5 $0 ............. ...... sri'd 'e -do ed ejoctlfl, -t I. b alica hieband,. the Actual c6it per ptilill o.............. 'I Co ' 6il to attend '4itenitly And musical ', * err'tg'a' *c' , , * ....... or, inviting members of the N 0 f( )T). was School Inspect -r X11 ttma toil 14 As full 917 4,21- ill) Cl) - t 1HE , shaTah(Adevs of kow, ev, tipil onrolled..... 04 oil building and'ba
Ground Qolnlomny arb herolly-notiftad thAt the At-, f . . - ., T ell M111',weri e it oil halvd cost ill toaltioli"i-I'ag atitertihment in thd to e. Fi i0d I I V. . 1. 11 I por pupil onrolloa th 3 0onipt.-ily in -6 fully Voting lip'-AndIll Tile ii 11 I fA 2.10 'tile Ullddr the of t1w -id ttd -4,81 C 1)0:lr All :to lioting Qf, 1 li6 sharelidblerif vAil lye hold A t, s (iallwnidcd oliverition,then in 4esdio6 VIANItoll. q, ,I lHL a -road ti'd ord' I 11 L ag fulloviol; till Tor to r, j,otal aid r tV&eol 00 - ored. to be filed. Total royalpts, inclUAII, -Qvu 1877....$2S40'53 Thelolloydug rlipmL of the Road A7)d M3.,, when ft Account iiffi'be subluitt04 and explained, paid foi itos 455 71.1.. it fl- bee Total poid to 1D 00 Total . OhOWing the roviriber in whi(314'the MudiuIr tip, Ila a alaries ....... $1820 00 Bridige Committee was -read -alid adoptlitI., t -to Ili(, Agi'jj; uctiftl'.4tid the propel -by obt)aioonipany disposed of. , Aitkirt 66i Total paid pi, Ii, fuel, &q., 420 88 ODV 00' Total'pat for ilia, &e ...... 200 M lIt creditors of the talliallicir tl -Tot4l pald for ll,iTbtfiig Arcs fuel, &o.. 432..20 2462 40 c6,niuiifte l 9661'ei by.takin A I Ib 6 ,all , X1 F.F111011T OF OADAND BRIDGI; iahns ovith W, W. FAMUN, Olivvtob,.bofaile tie. Its Pli tho (" , - / I Goa_ ,o man tier ,lis 13 - 'Oil, tlie followino. refeirred for a &!ink OF j is Ce oil linid., proocado,of4lid #oil leviloub in lipid Ill.,00 toaLbel'. and he said'Oomilarly are req6sted"lo, scittle th t tile 4,6, t Folar liald ivale teacher ...... .0 00 5111 050 0 il419 00 W-tonebom ... 278 OU beg:to reporli.iis-'16116ws -Potidoil of ]: . imme next, oil costa r A1!rMJI at Cql nty . r 280:.00 LoVied bytaxation 01), rAteblet property... 2553 18 -ilia (Ahers; for -a bridge oli tho boutl-', Tit on $5074 88 Cost !It to ation I'(1
, ! , i * tia and 0 tht ccauut x viol b p '136161AIC o.. ............ h n 'ailld ' j, "L, Ite or Iluril oni.cillo pa(" t, ri taxatio? 'I vomgb a. ell It4 68 davoeq, ortha Vitland, rdli6dimend that Mr; ........... n, blay'2 1161064 pai 25.,t.18-L 2.14- ....... 10,46 ToGibson exantin6 and reprt tipowthe liarille. 402 ...... 110 aCC0UTkb-f bilpes ount, y a oil hand 0. be, var-I IT I t :tile ill ax t0ll is 6q ............ 4 lin his district- divectioll vrifle hi$ wV6 to , t 7 Z. 4.7 per loupil, mveraZe aftolidvalce odg(, of Elio raiAls to Ret in do, .......... 7 Swd*ber , F eiti for tile .13(ii, i d orderLd bi "upil, tit. Qlal-0 I beil. STRA16rifillY rhSTIVAL, uridEr iho henMr. -of Totil receipts fr6w ll m"ll Inc" fell 111M Aot the Ladios. Aitj 0ocitty of Willis, OhAr* Regarding. A 60 tin is of-Aless;ls. Sf096 ; 6 ! go Mr.' Girvin,recoinmendinf, certain TOWN8111 V O lcludit`kbal- - .
TAtal roceiptq, 22.11 -aice front 1877 ..................... 'bo wtus out of roach -W6 t1l e watet., re lettilig tll...... "'2005 01 - -bon f1daty-be6vecri r Tobal pald lot alarles .... 6,10483 70 to Wllis' 13 ice, . building; sitcs ... :18716 80 ing guard fei 'or gravel rovid, r S6 pltd ' oltelsors' lialgr ridg;3 on tile 0IM116ticl Toil,, ]laid sties avid .303 00 rlfa st and West Wiwanoslr, and other %,,hall lie her-dittigol-i Una 6110 Wat - sqjg, that it be i 08610ence of M. McTagga)t E aj it wvaillo Total liald ......... so oo or Horse Bb66 r, I p -.%1d for lighting.fires, fuel, &-a 68,W51 04100*03 'reptifte ft bther brift,di, ro0orn-mend that, carr V Tota )rr the eeliftiq of of'tho commitice tb.,it tholool) lillinicipa 1-. T-Ital )'A: Werit 6f, ft f . . I . .— I. - the repairs, siYokon of should be oxe-, l c ,tount, ties 6hoold rmy for oas oil h4lia, 6100 87 ........ .. IDA Y 'Jd lr C mi i)aildIngi, the correct expiozi work L -to ate, ot .County inviloo. Mle i;50 00 orpol repairs as necessary to t1le, bridge at Myth. d6no by hirfll,- &iixl, It was I'llo i I guliou 9 wi &he illuminated, and o.advallssio tor, i d 10 C, will be ebail I 11or of Avorage Ralary paid nuild ; ; - - - - - - - - icalion trotn1ho./lieplity 4p.ir, al ourlt t $0383:17, tualthig per pupil 'Onrolleft (3 -till ly., i lik1011ti011 1 0 t)lii-Atlffin Clio millute hat .......... ($4531 'eava tan AIR& t 11222),,,44.0q, and far pupil avolagbattond. bommarql Oat the-kepairs suggestod berries mud artion. parfiesiphing fee Ta fo StraW. I*Wli a7 50 , -0 ligfit It fluid Vrocure it slid InAtiurcerjAl lovisio-lint. s , Of courso tbo.dvit injo. L byiaXa tjou on rteable 2081'0 AllcO us necessary i roak8 thi's ridgo 'la'st two -ttir _Deput Lt2616 atl6vi r pupil, Whels -ed it o all some of t6i --oning, 11roceeds are to -go' fbwAjAs. tiso Inq the a, 4lic'motiori of Alo;r X ittaxation would reduce the rate PC Ninji, tilt in 1,11 pit onro tell 9 81.6. llu Ming fund of thd d1lutCli. . .. - . V . . ruld n cofibacC of )ACKIllop, rvslc Q for of $100'to ........ ]GA-ance is. ilialle for -Is Islolivo anc municipal years lont,of shnnia b
tii The (11I.Cife vogt It give]]. port of i,- L. Qlbsofi; allowing the COT%- inipl-Ove the Ill) lr;dnry betwoon XdKillop ll. ...... I ' " 0 ."I Illwd tlid, hollor to be tralitsleb.by.1dint As with tbo -troip the wck the , X T. and Logan on: condition" fliat oxiienditure on bulldill,, Your bcd ititit t ing to 801v andi to. L116 ii1otIftt or -wIIOIa W PSA Ila sooll in a blaze, 'tile cou n ty lorbli gtarifan equal arnGuilt" band, oiliib noff. 1) li)vAli; 1. 'P.. Si Ile, e$12 atid also I IentliYnliig coifltde r a
mo,ttoll of MeDonald, asking a- giant oing so ofil '? I . I tookYoff to Ov GIL nd. that the su tie and re by the L or1lit, Olo iYas -T Total 1,0411,1:3 incluill ng 0aW be 6arried out. oe Total ruld flivourlb, out. unrcirttitlattrl A. -be d. lotion for grant of $200 to ton of G oderjoll, to 00 the motion of r. Connorl file r ilin to ant. Total ydkl r 6unfittoo bog leave to subrait th, It .:, ilk, 28 the rippr ach of. hli Bit go he b'nildin". . yf;Qld b r id lialfted'ollii Ining ruan named Hotic ti. r 414 84 34 visual achodtile', showi; z thd ildgult of their 6011cessil I Totalill, ii oin of Mark- khliti'-grant- fit, I belotighig to t ed, 8.9 also iho i6quest of Mr. Garrowl - I , f ldhors, in 1,110 aSSOF34rhent for liklrale 0 With regard 0 (11fand Bond Brillgo, haiii,. fire -to'. the uppor, julilt of 'ofi of, tho' staiutor araut to' ......... 1,379. 'lt*i to ill -a in e Ahat'i portit vi)l bo observed that the equali- Godorioll'. Minton, nd Sltaforbh Ilig pald 111ale tealolick.. i ...... ... 450 00 Vatien jo Ille Santo As lait year. Your aLid 13 pool liati !h your coto mittoo havingetal the piano loibing, ileresult being thitt lie. - UTIULITYll-, Schools be paid tit one f6 pay halarieg ].,owcst ;allcry pld niale tetelicr,. .......... 320 00 lis of Clio $&Ilia, as pet- ell "llis* badly 61 -flea '. aboub., the - face, and Avorage litlary paid lukle teacher ............. $80 0), ruittoe orobf the opititon, after tbo, eryl. by Ale. ones, engineer, we believe that it Vile, The conimil;too kvcra 43 f4a '.j '(ill whieli prZ nOck.' The ocoasiort-oft which the m6ob- before summin iltion. 267 Pil 10Z cd our labors, billigo donstruoted. according to viher elf Sign report that tbor estimates for. the our, Lcl,iiiif by on Val6itblo ...... 47-50 20 fllat ille differoilt, the pl 11 will e mbro 0 t was hold.,was thck elebration of the' A N D ECONOMY It taxatioil por flupil ellro led, a a d 1-Y, than W , a()?)- 13), k rant yea- arnOLInt to 961,155,03 ;'rixclusive ........... ............. *1 66 upon very woll sittified to prac. but aL -oro tibout eitilit huntio older- neco $ary for tile plifee ; s ten. Love Feast,wid. t1J 0 ti;ally tile equaliza in bf last year', ders, li;live been filavertiaijil f;r, -we roCoru- liunVed. persons in thb* buildng, a larg a rate of one mill tint! 64 190. of 7 -lo C. =ildituro (ill ne11,11 Y sug-Ost-, tiviend that thliy Ila otatuinvid by, thoAvur, out I t . AI' Aila the -equalized of the- 006xily , coficl diid that. thoro numbev Kllo being aid Z cost In taxation Is M fell6wo) y we ea ah(p 'Alessill, Hardy Aferizio's ni) Ad . Nara those prosent 96 No 3"ou, Ira slid that a b -'Iaw bd Issed Por pupil 07 uand rcctlnvm , lhhposibg be above wriount, also ii Y -15W pups Y2 ir AT atnisoij, and, if they are atzsied- m-ith the x ? 'it . . Ilia q aaders offerod, to onfor itita fliatirrio; litib his'remarlks weie Soddenly 1100d YELACE OF WROUThIt 0 %6 , izatiori. 'It, tvalf suggestett cost (if tile to to raise a surri cqual. to the Legislative 'IbAL rriaA ed van or s4m a of - tb p not aat6-1 'Otlbollftt byl tb6`eOnfU"6iOf1 which tollowod e(plivalont., he county Ito. riteolpti, Including balan o front IS77 ... 41,048 09 i V -V , ,_ I , - Oonbradt for its erecti6n, and if mishap. Women ocreattied arid. inert , u port tt ifild before tile collimitteii, votal paid for teachys, kdarlos Ovv P9 as incorrect, and I'liey recom.. flea, to g`et 0, 0heaer plan prepared and th( . ?I Total pld for Alto, selloolhouga, 83 Ion , 4 the clock of the. Council collect call for bew tonders. shouted, and t1itito was a or 11troligh 4. ariftifiled. and f6und satisfactory. Tiltalpald p)r ItgIlting fivel, fuel, 1580 20 informaiion obtainable it, to the All lif which is reopeotfu submitted, blo to (feb, out at doors ot tual area of each township, fee use next lialaviee on jiluld ........... $218 08i A, Gii8oxf - Tho bi avery Of1forner in rushing butside' 0hairmao, ydar.- Since thd roll of 1878 wail made tip OXIS 1 01(11A Mlt 8hi r id it, to ................. 560 to, with- tile Idnip foctur alely put an ond to Salt r aid ... .... 167,50 Xceping 11116 Council adjourne'(1. to, Meet at ;8 tboonfilaion, otherwise the conaellubtices nd orderrid to Jay oil the LOvie by tft I b1ft tatcMild pt CY, $1 O' , 0. - acres,, taken in by Witigliam. 'Apr a wotild uridoubtedly haVe beelft S61iells iTho report of the t atiotA 06inint AV m too wilh read . I I ill view wo have increased the citualil, ortVi 14.92, o'clock a. tn. 13 t 01jaeoordh i fustr c's ro 1( ta;blo luthil Vriday afterip "41l IftJO.'. 04. *bb 12001 19d Printing municipal grau Ito The report c
Allivoll bv Ali, bi, Me livid glopect Ofore inily,be borro. valtion of Wingliam by $15,000, bill tint . Iowa,' litta 4um. of $zoo' ;a gA out, duty, to froduco the -ad Included also. Take J1070.0141442 , to'unill cot, isilaeting it to be Commit tie, (it fol wo r It t 105og .0 - k, trIbritioil a a 00 Multal 'of urtilbOrry, .,Without instruc- ooA 4N I' T Ii`4 00M11'rTs r""01'"ad h' per upil so tioni, voegoidod to question to iPORT. 00vl nd M., ....... 6 1"R Iron aud Hadware, Marefia109 tion pot Molical Aid as go atteudatioc'. Mr.-Q,nno f sby tile tlio s4i o time ralilim, In reference to patitions from S.S. 'Xo ....................... ...... Mince tbllt. no aotinil be Mad', And Bridge Ia A t1ho i friend, its f tiatioy that Tornberry 7,110 Clio men's led di-issod, Ab mine the ax % 0 -I*
tlfil - " a by these 200 acres, i*k&I -, that the report "v ro 4A hould t spootota be a Jyod"Ao exii of Mr. Dowar be if6llowinj tpublished iti th;, intelf, Withreferetice wolf. ......... 11E C