HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-19, Page 8TUE CLINTON ..7NTE*-
*own zoul Zontiohip VtAtttro.
• '
• D03111NlION PAY4
er• .
leekese, oe Hunoe.—The animal
synod of this body is now .sitting..
London, the several Episcopal mini:tors
heeeabouts being in attenclanee, the to-
tal number of ministers present being
large. Mr, J. Ransford is the lay dele
gate representing
pated-Prade procession --.Fire bilgadUinton,
eta co/sera/cm in Oliaton-4 big time antici.
vrocessiog-Owitibition of steamors-Vol- clams have passed a by-law prohibiting
•unleer parade—Athletic sports—Oicket cows running at larg'o, under' a penalty-
:data—Torchlight procoision toy .klrentenof $30. If enie(' out this will effect-
13alloon ascomtos, , ively prevent the "cow mil -awe
f; Cows 21? Leeoe.--Woodstock lioun-
1 ,1 age? :g
Tho committee who had the matter
-in lewd, of getting up.a denionstriation
for the 1s1 or .Thly in this town, have
eucceeded well and have issued bills
aummincing the particulars ef celebra-
tion that is likely to, surpass anything
*fore witnes.sed in this county, should
The weather pi-ove favorable. Two
year ago a trade proceigeion Was given
hero, whieh was witnessed by ' many
and greatly appreciated by all. Singu-
lar as ie may, seem, no other place in
Huron has ever had. a similar colebra-
' tion, and it remained for Clinton to re-
introduee the 'affair. We believe this
•teeter° of the clay *ill be on as grand a
, scale as previously, naore so, if anything• ,
and-corribined-with other -late' •
• •will make . the weaken a -memorable
no. Below we .'Ave a synopsis of the
events that willtake place, with the
order in which they wilt occur
. At 9 a. m. the fire brigade, with the
steai engine, two hand engines, hose•
reels, die., followed by an immense trade
procession, , representing ' the leading
menufactures and. tradeSmen of the
. town, Will parade the. principal Streeta.
• At 11 a. m. the fire eompany will give
an exhibition •of the working or the
• engines. At 12 noon'We. 4, ComPeuy
Clinton Infantry .will fire a leo • de joil
on the market Square. Commencing
• at 1 p, in:prizes will be offered for the
usual athletic sports, and during the
afternoon a cricket match will be played
between Seaforth and Clinton kiricket
Clubs. in the evening a *Promenade
• Concert audo. Strawberry Festival will
likely be held inthe town hall. At 9
• p. in'., there will be a torchlig,ht proceie
mon, numberingahout four bundred,
:imposed of Clinton Volunteer Co.; the
• „Vire Brigade with engines, ewe Gode-
- -riche-Brucefield•and-Clinton.Oddrellows,
• and Clinton Forrester's Conrts.. ,And
--thiiTaTi.ainTifferifeir u Pwitli
a balloon ascension at 10.30 •p. in. A
band will furnish musk (16411e -the day.
Clinton Councillms, Who are remodel-
STRAwnERgy esereet,...__The leatee her. Fowler, after nia.king ecven runs, °leaned
a winis chutvil inteed holdine - ox scored
bowled on a shooter from. james. Ku
"" three, andwas caught. Howson cleaned bowled
for 9 On a shooter from Barber: Johneon, the
prettieut bat of the team, plum], a splendid
Inninga for thirteen, when' he Wail run out.
Lashain was the fifth man to bat, and the very
first ball he got pent Ida stump ftying,being
the first time, in three years Mathis wickets
have been taken. The sem o now stood at 28,
being a very small one for five a the best we.
Dennis was eaught after making 8; liarland
ruu out for 4, and Wade bowled for 3, the
whole side being out for 40 runs. Kincardine
norefi in their first innings 51, iu -which Bar-
-ber•played a splendid game for 18, being nicely
caught by Johnson et point. After lunch row,
ler was put to bat, malting 7, when he was
caught. Rennis out for 0, and Howson again
M hard luck, was bowled gor I,. J01110100 again
played in aplendid style for 12, When he was
caught at point,. the score now standing the
ante as first innings,. 5 men for 28 runs. Har-
land was the sixth mato bat, making 21 runs
in splendid style, and making things look much
brighter. Lasham played in his old. style, and
got 12 by some good drives, the inninge closing
for a total of 64: •Kincardine bad now 54 runs
to beat, but the boys worked, for all they were
worth, and when the tenth man Was out the
home club were ten rang abort. James playtal
well for 18, and ltitadden for 15. In this in -
Pings 'IOWA MAC; 30m0 splendid fielding,
catching both Samos and Barber, the two best
bats of the team. Johnson succeeded in
taring four men in his poaition at point. The
'ground was the worst the dub ever played on,
beLg very soft and spongy, and makmg it hard
*cork for the bowlers: • The club peek v,ry
highly iifKinoirdine, ;On
arriving at the Royal hotel, kept by our for-
mer towosinan, J. C. Millar, they were intro,
dueed to the mayor, and one or two members
ef the council, by Mr, J. Henderson, formerly,
of this plaoe, and in the morning the mayor
escorted them through the principal streets
and buildings of the place. Taken altogether
it' was one of the most pleas:nit visite. the club
have made, arid should the mayor of Kincar-
dine ever pay this place a visit be min depend
upon receiving a. hearty reemitiou front the
members of the cricket club. The next match
is played here with the Seaforth obib on
'mown day, commencing at.12 e'elock, sharp;
The following is the .soore with the Kinear-
dine team :-- ••
• lsr• Maxus. • 2No txsilms.
strawberry festival at the 'residerice of
M. MeTageart, Esq., on the evening of
Friday, .2/sh inst. ' be proceeds are to
0.0 towards the tiding fund of 410
0)1111'01. Partiallftra will be 'found in
advertisement 01110Where.
WELL DONE.—At tlityceerit compe-
titive examinations of Toronto Vniv or-
sity we notice that two former eaten,
clients at the Clinton High School. have
been adding to their honors. Mr. R. I.
ling the by-laws of this town, would do Thomson took the first prize an Meta -
well to introduce one after thie fashion. 'Physics, and D. M. Itaensay a $100
" ORANGE SUPPER.—On Friday evening
last'an Orange uupper took place " at
McLaren's hotel, bere, to which, there
was, a godd attendance, In the course
of the evening a silver tea service, worth
$50; accompanied by an address, was
presented Mr. W. W. 'Connor; in recog-
nition of his lengthy ,services in connec-
tion with the order. Mr. Connor -made
snitable reply thereto, The balance
of'fbe evening was pleasantly -spent in
responding, to the visual toasts.
SfirreioNT OF WHEAT, --Mr.
l'errin is shipping fifty cats (20;09,9
bushels) of wheat 4o,Livor000l :Ind Lon-
don, 16,000 baatela' (40 -aim) UWhtch
is being loaded 'fromhis win:On:mos
here: Although the crop of spring
wheat lastjeav was generally eonsider-
ed. small, the shortage was more than
wade up by the large yield, of winter
wheat, of which there must have been a
large acreage and good .returns, as the
shipments from (Mai -fin' of the crop of
1878 will be about' double the ainoant
of the crop of 1877.
• Wesreme RIFLE ASSOCIATI(a-r-the
•annual meeting of this asseciatiOn com-
menced in tornicoa, on TuesclaY. The
••' ova, ereGie sonowe
A /MU; • Oct sebrns- to haVe •beelt com-
• menced hi ;the Scientific department Of
-the Clinton High Scheol. Several rectd
of ehemicel allperatus have been pro-
etired by the Board of Trustees, in ad-
elition.toethe, appeeatus elready purchas-
ed:for lecture pui'peses. Thiii
complete in themselves, and are for
practical use by the students .who, to
tlie number•ef 'about twentyive, spend
every Saturdity;Under the direction of
the scienee master, in praetieally testing
• and illustrating the instinictions reCeiv-
ed through the week.' Each • setorill
aerve four or five students at one time.
Board's are -laid on the top of the desks'
•• • in the science.roern, for tables; and the •
inside of the room .appears like a hive
of bees, each intent.upon his or her pare.
tieular part in the *ork. • The science'
master, has'aprogramme prepared and
alls out the:p.articular experimeettO be
performed, and all work at the: same
kind of work et the elope time, •the
- --teacher going .freari place to place, di-
recting„and ieetrimiing. This appears
to US to be eluet the course necessary to
fix permanently in the minds of students
nof only the general principles of che-.
...raical science; but what is of much +/mat -
'prize in Classics.
Brute LOCALS.—COld. ,And hot, het
and cold alternately, may be said to de-
scribe the Weather. Vernier was right
when he said there would be lots orrain
this season. On Fridey and Saturday
there was a very large quantity of Wool
marketed here; the high prices paid by -
buyers was Whatbrought it. It is well
that the party breaking the pile of stones
on the market has the job by contract,
otherwise it would be a dear job fertile
town. • Mews. Watts ik Co, had the
Union Jcele hying in limier of Harden's
victory, news of which was • received
leieehatore 8 -am. on Monday marninge
quick work that, There will be very
:few' baliblOrs left hare soon, as one after
another they are getting married; our
youngest medico •beino the last who has
left the state of celigacy, It is said
that stramberries'and r9team go well to•
04-either—we. wouldn't inincl being in a
position to spea,k feelingly on, this pin,
but •" if you earet,----hove- canyou, can
you T' • Do not make any arrangements
to leave town on the lst of Julye-big
time here that' day', ' Rev. C. Fleteher
occupied the C.. P. pulpit on Sunday.e--•
Nearly half of 1879 has passed away,
first nnitch was the "all -comers," and ' . • • •• • ,
in this there -were siirty-eight entries. •
Twenty-eight 'prizes were Offered and SP°Irliff AY]) 41111.61%/fE,Nrig• '
out of this number the following. were •• ' time 0011001.• SPoRTS. r
taken bymembers of the 33ed Battalion' The drill competition and athletic sports in
or Huron 'Rifle *Assaciaticai : . • • •• 2nd, connection •with the:Clinton High Scheel,
Lieut. Railton, Clinton ; 4th; Maj91.- 0. were hold on the lath inst. They *ore wit -
Missed .by upwards of dve hundred'epeetators,•
Wilson, Senforth ; 12th, -31. Munroe,' and prevedto be a brilliant 'success. By the.
Seafortb ; 17th, N. Robson, Clinton ;- assiduous efforts of the pupils, assisted by the
-19t11, Captain J 0 •Wilsee Seafoitir • hhIdeese PI metly..°1 the town folk a eataz,
• ' ' " ' ''' logue of ' valuable prizes were secured. The
23rd, •A• W'• 1310e.8(101i_ •---, . • day was all that conid be desired, mild. clear,':
, Soperinesoe CoNVioeioxe.e.-Weaule- and breezy ;, and' as the yeung athletes, :in
lisli f_thi_ot_teek- 'file'. ti_st0..e... COB vjet,.i9n,s's .their neat and elegant. suits, made their ap-
GoDuition TowNstitt),
of the Huron Road, having
procured an
agriculteral Mean) eligine or the 'Water -
bus make, arid Mr. W. Elliott, of the
7t1* con., 24 separator, from the foundry
of Messrs. Glasgow, 'Macpherson es Co.,
they intend working together and will
dont-Alm render good seevice in threeli-
er importance to the student, the mi.-
•-mitest-details of ceperiuseetel Cheie•
-Cry. We shall be. Mistaken if this new
departure in the science room does not
tell in favor of our school.
. • .
TALL GRAIN.—LaSt Week "Mr. tfaineS
Keane brought in a sample ot fall wheat
that lee -had:tallied on the farm of Mr:
Ches. Wilson, flay, which measured five
feet. high: It was pee:0y heeded out.
• NEW DiviSioX COune•-.1,.,A. new Divi-
„atm- Court, to be known. as the:Tenth• .
Division Coert for the Nei -Ay of 'Hu-
• ron, hes been establishedlot the town -
:ship of Hay, with an office -at Zurich,-
• ABOUT TO LEAVE, --,-Mr. W1.10
has held- the position of teller in the
• • /Consolidated Bank, here, for some thee,
is about to leave the service, and his
place will be filled by Mr. Draper, of
Toronto, •
Cirexot or Time. principal
changes Made in the yenning or rains
on the Grand Trunk is the edrlier dee
parture of the noon train eat, and the
later arrival of the afternoon mail, •the
tiroolof the noon train now being 12:35
p. me and that of the afternoon mail
3:30 p.m. A mixed train now leaves
Tor goderich at '6108 nee. •
that a plonk: under the axispiees, of
Me Egraendvillo Grange, will be- held
Perie's bush, near Egmoxidville oa
Tuesday next, the 24th inst. Londes-
hero and Eipppii Granges will also unite
-with them. Several speakers Will be
• preeent„ but it is not intended to occupy
• much time in speakieg, the object of
•tho affair 'being that all may enjoy
themselves tk, recreative milliner. A.
large turn mit, lied good time is andel-
• emfeti. •
made y magns •re es in ns county, foi l'eartice" i?eter°•-theddien:lit, •ap,
tho smiles of our fairest faces;. and cheered by•
b t t tl
total .nurnb0 Slightly less :than- 'for ton band, they appeared,not „oriwerthy ths
the Previous quarter. There- aro 'nine -ehouts `at thwooliseene ; Ana "fdii. manly
ing and. graceful action, -wore well worthy' the
Olympian glory for -Which they tio nobly eon-
-tended:- The-heennesikef the Ooatestsmad the
general exhibition of physical' talent, were al-
lowed by. competent au thoi ity, to be idly canal
to those of any similar games at our best not-
Versitiee and aoodemies. A Very interesting
pat of the. programme was the•drill exercista
'and* competition. The 'company was formed
from the studentsvand drilled by their teacher,
j. E. Bryant;they were dressed in
volunteer uniform, and performed the various
‘4 wheelings,”. turnings," and " marchings"
in good style, 'as well as some good. " skirmish-
ing" and-. rifle exercise." 'Per thie compe-
tition some very beautiful prizes were offered
by the high school board, and itleo two by the
kindne'ss of Major Murray and Lieut. Hailton.,
Before presenting the priits, Major Murray
addressed the oompany,, congratulating -them
'imou the accuracy of their movenients,,the pre-
cision Of their obeilience: to the 'military corn-
-mends; atid-their general soldierly: behavior.;
he concluded by appealing in patriotic and olo-
quent terms t� thernsin be true -to their colors,
and to -participate in the general gratitude of
the. town towards' Mi. Bryant for his untfring
efforts and unflinching' zeal. The pidgin per-
formed their duties efficiently, the universal
harmony of the day -was unobstructed, and the
• audience at alitimes pleased and pleasing. It
is; indeed, one of the most praiseworthy lea.
lures"..of oureitcellent high settool; that physi-
cal trainirt is not noglected,,and great 'credit
must be accorded our teachers :for thus seek-
irig to develop, in unison, the phYsical_and
mental. We append a list of prizeo, and Prize -
takers, arranged, in order of merit:—
• cases of violation of liquor act, twenty--
five chunk and disorderly, twenty-seven
of' rissault, and. a ntimber of iriclieideal
cases.' • Of the .convictions; thirty-seven
-�f them are ..by. Goderioh Magistrates ;
seventeen by, Seaforth ;• sixteen. by Clin-
ton; eleven by Exeter and thiritesix by
Brussels. . The:highest fine inflicted was
•$24.50,emul_theetetal emonnt of .fines,
THE CROPS. — Notwithstanding the
Many drawbacks :they have been„Subj ece
to; the crepe in ;this neighborhood leek
• remarkably 'well. Hay, *ha it was
fe'ared would be a slim crop,. nOW'giVes.
promise of , a good yield,. and • Will•Socn
be ready' to cut. Fall Wheat: in 'many
lecalities. Ire.ad;With 'every -pro-
spect of yielding well, 'and- it has not
yot been • attaCked by. any insect.. pest.'
Spring wheat, oats and barley are corn-
ing On well ;peas 'were badly nipped by
the ,trest and fora time it. looked -as' if
there wiitild be to yield ok all, beCeVe
leern. that, te. some ,extent; they'. have
recovered. from the effects •thereof, end
may be. ii' fair erdp; 'though perhaps ,
litcle late. Corned whichcomparetive-
lY little is' grown around here, will be• •
owing to ttEr cold. Potatoes ap-
pear to -be doing well, the ,attacks of the
bug :to the contrary, notwithattinding.
Taken altogether, the prospects. for a
• oodeend-2abendinit. haett-'est-areeencetire
-aging, and there certeinly never was a.
period, of late year, when a gded har-
vest was more need -ed than. now., •
• •
Fowler b 341308. 7. Jailica 22.131345' .. 7
Knox° Tyre b Bar- .•
ber 3 b James ..... . ..
Howsou•O Barber 0 0 Barber„ ,
`Johnson run . out 13 e MoKay b'Earber.. 12-
Lashain' Barber 0 Barber • ••„ 15
. Dennis c' Temple ,
b Barber' • 3. b.James . .. • . 0
.Baritind run. out t James • 31,
Wadob Barber .3 b Barber
. W. Railton b Bar-
ber a not.oug „.:.. ...
2. Raustord b Bar-
ber • 0 ;mines ... 0
. Jaokson not oat 0 .0 Barber.' '
Eyes • ... 2 Byes
Leg•bycs„ . .. tog byes . . ... 3
. • • Wide* • • • r
Pausgyranox. -- On Pride).* evening
last the wife of Rev. A. C. Forbes, In-
cumbent of Trinity Chitral, Bayfield,
received a handsome. gift, in the shape
of a silver card basket, from the child-
ren of ,the Sabbath School, The present
was accompanied by an address,- to
which Mrs. Forbes feelingly replied, ex-
pressing ter gratitude for the gift, and
regret' at leaving her many friends,
10, 17(/
1501.:111 1163301.:••-•OFFIVIal, RETI.T.R1Vs.
c c
Polimg sub division No. 1 Sti ea
" " 2 103 22
" 80 25,
.4 4... „ 80 47
e IVE1141.4,--:Werit inconvenience
has been ixperieneed idniny' in this
neighborhood in consequence of the stop-
page of the mille.of Messes, 1:Tuber•Bros,
which has been broirght aboet lei their
financial difficulties, and several, who
ham logs -at the saw mill, urge the run-
ning of the mills by the assignee, This
certainly would be to tho interest of all
Peaseerees.--On Mondey we
call from. the.Rev. James McLaughlin,.
,formerly ef this place, has been ap-
pointed by tho • Missionary Society. con-
nected with the 'Methodist Cherele t0.
labor in the North-Wesfe The name of
his appointment is. Victoria House, and
iteieeeiteete :eight -hundred miles north -
West -or -Wineipeg; etwO hundred
Miles beyond Battleford. On arrival 'at
Winoipeg he will start And cleici t� his
future home, which place he hopes • to -
renal 'prier !teeth's drive.' 'His time
during the week will partlFbe °coupled
in teaching.- It is mowed -that reerode-
rick lady will accompany hine but not
113 a Miss.• •
The gentleman referred to in the fel-
lowing paragraph, from Monday's 1114
is well' known in this vieieity; having
been brofight up on a farm on the Hu-
ron Road, a little west of Holaiesvillo
Key. John Shaw, the avesident of the To'
',onto conference of the Metho'clist chureh, has
been in iho Methodist ministry since 3.850.
His first appointment was Strathroy. He has
always been deservedly esteemed as a diligent
and faithful scant of the church. He has
occupied some importaet positions and boo
often been cleated by his brethren to servo on
1202310 "Of themost important committees, ire
wai.ohairman of the metropolitan district for
fonryear ,s 612d was secretary of conference two
years. Ms eleetionee the' office o1. president
must be particularly gratifying to huntelf see -
fog that the conference is hold in Port Hope,
where he is just conlpleting the third year of
his ministry4 tie presides over the &libel,
Miens of the confeesnee with great acceptance
• and cot -14110a the business with the ntmost im-
partiality. Whitby is to he the scene of ere-
sident Shaw's' omit term of ministerial labor.
Ire Was stationed there a foviyears ago,
PART I -Throwing the cricket liall,'elass
ist Elliott, 29 Broa4foot,71d Gibson. : '
Three standliig Juibps-,1stBrocAltobt, 24. Job al,
eton. to:411mm •
• • • • ICINCA.11DI.NE. •
1sr ' .
--Putting-the-sto1ie-1' stAlicenliOadr2d-3Eurra:
34 Agnew. ••"'
Runninglicro.sten•aud.jurup, clots 2-Ist Hine.
2d Steep, ad Bncluman.
Running 1iig1iiutnp-r18t Elliott, 24 Johnston,
8E1 Murray. •• '
Throwing the ball;eleas 3 -1st. Stenbury,
Tiumpun, ad McGurn,. .••
Running hoiosteri•andlump,classi--ist B rood.
foot, 2E1 Aikens, 3d Gracey. •
Melting ,foOt GraceY, 3al‘tarral'4 ad
.yeiniston. . • •
Otintiug ElliOtti, 24 Aikenst sa
'Long lump 'With 1Cilty, ind .Fiteop, 3(1
Buchanan, •
" Standing l'ongjainp-ISt 'Broadfoot,
;id -Murray. • - - " - -
• PART I1. -,Best drilled inen-ist Alitenheaff;
ad Moody, 3d Aikone, 4t0 Juokulan, 5th Sloan.
. 'Flat raise, eltiSit 9 -1St POO, ad MeGitrua, ad
:Irwin. • 7' : • •
. plat taco, 'Class e-ist 0Oets, 3d Steep, ad
lblgli main with poieeiseilkenhead, 941JOhn-
ston, 34.Einott. . • • • .
• Three -logged raee. olass 3-11.15 Tni,nball. and
pairo, 34 McGarvii, and Irwin.: • . , , •
Quarteronild.reee-Ist Steep, 24' Coats, ad
•9.°111nablif-Mile vac. e ail 'Murray, ad.
Ploody. •
quarter -mile raer;, class 3-1St:Palm, 24 IrWin,.
3d Turnbull, .
• ButElle race, eitissi-est Ai1ooihea1,2dElliott,
011 Broadfoot.
Hurdle raco, 015551-lst ColitS, 24 Steep, da
iguehamen. .
Mat' rare, 'class 1-1.s1 2t1 Allreils, 3d,
Murray, - .
Snot: rate-ttit Floods-, 24 Johnston.
Steeple' C1iase-1St Alkenbead, 24 Moody, ad
EX -pupils' Coats, 2124 McTaggart.,.
Strangers' eace-ist Smith, 24 Wheatley. .
ElitampIon rate-iitIlreadfoot;3d Alletalheed,
oalittinpionSeip. oass 1-101 Elliott, ad
'Championship. claSS 2-lat stoop, 481 l'atr,O
• On Thursday last the ffret cricket inatob of
'the aeasoo took plaeo s:t Kineerdine, betweert
the deb of, that place and our home team, re-.
.stilthig, after it close Minted, in it vietory for
our home elub by tea runs,. Clinton, -as usual,
losing the togs, were serit to the bet, VoWler
anti Knox !acing the' bowlitig of .Tames end Thee
Majority for Bishop
sult-diyieion ;go r
$29 180
100- 40
44 BO
31 62
• •
Majority for jaokoon
234. 236
Polling sub -division 10. 64 35
- 04 2 37 45
tt ,, 03 65
”. • 59 22
353 178
Molority for Bishop 171 •
Polling stingily/610n No. 1 ........ . 57 101
it . 4
• Majority for Bishop
•• .22T02.21EN.
Polihig eub•division No. 1 44 82
It " 2.. ..... ..... 76 71
.44 " 84 40
" " " A.. - •. 76 41
101 29 t
4,• 744 41
280 256
' 34
- •
roliAT:esitialhitteiGivofionerrolintlifeswhii00.Tezo- ‘i ;,,,K.8.1:1..I.71.4.: • . . . 35c52 . 277
14 • 45
concerned, andit is to he hoped the as- I • '
I " 3...•
.. 31. i0
.. .4 24•.E7'.
signeo will see his way glee!, to do it, -•
79 181
IILYTEI.Majority tor 4 aeksOn ' 102
"• SEAVOIrril. " .
Busixii:se is very fiat here. '.' rolh.4ug enb•division No.'1
• .6 14 2 45 45
REV.- Mn. CLAIM 1144 1'0111'11Ni frOtll e,. " .• "' ii .... - .... . -, . ea, cc
Conference. •
SEVERAL promieent politicians here •gajority rot Jackson : 151
. 1216 -
say they have cast their last, Conserve, EXETER. .
tive vote. Why is this.thusl • , Polling sub•tliv Woo No. 1. ...... ....„ .. 44 104r
41 1. • t4 2
nevrieeo. -.5,48 90
• A 5I10i11! th114 since, in boring for •
salt, the drill broke at a depth of several• :•-liftl0403" for r Jaek8.9u
hundred feet. • It 'was feared that it
would : he • impossible to. reeover the ootnnifitostb
p co and a new shaft would be neces- - - •liecezerinexioN, '•
ry, but we learn that machinery was
recently procured frOmPetrolie whereby
the drill was recovered, and boring baa
since been proceeded with. • , -
• Mts. Hecker, wife of the proprietor
'af the, Maitland Hotel, Gedeeich, died
lust week.. On the 28th of last month
a W•i.ilitei• died . •Mr lioskei; luis the
syropathYeof_all' bells. efilictionL.
me tinier -since- a-woniattin reeidente
of Bruesels, was taken ill, and atter „a •
lope ef. time N0212; to all appearance
. 30
•SoWu.KnY,. .ti'Weda .dead. ,The ,sti pposed corpse • *as, Inuit,
•Madd , .
ford- - - _summed Harland ... 11
.TemPfeii',I4-11-n's"cni • • . • • • •
b Harland. . . .. • 5 b tansford, . • ,-.. , , 0
. Jmnes run Mit... 7 o'.and b. Howsint..:. 18
. Rapley c Jolibson' '
b Howson. , •• 0 run out.. ..... ..,'. .. 3
„Tyre b Howson,.. 3 run out
.RohertshBariana 1 1) Bitneford •
. Barber c Johnson .
b -Harland . ..,. . .. 18 c anti'c Hera:In, .
. McICendrick, rim •
out....,.. ' •. 2 . . . .
..b Goode" b now- •not nut ..._. ,,... , , .. ..0
son • 9 stumped uariand :. •1
..Sweeneytiot oat.- o e Johnson b HOW0021 0
rg byes • 4 Log byes .... , : ... 0
•yes. ........ 0 . Byes • • 2
•"lititics 3 WIdes. •
• *43
!Total Clinton ... -101
Total KincardIne. . ' •
steope, umpire W. paw, stiortir.
, BoWt.1.12,2 ANAiirS10. • •
pvers. bulls..tnui4eus. ains.
Cow804• 195.- ..7„.- tag.2.• • .t.4
Randford ' 12 2.... ;-.25.-.•;-..•„.
Harland• 8 ..13
Steen evork.is now -the order. Of the
day. Culverts 'tire being rePairedand
this with statute labor and Council- jobs
will pu tilnim' once =relit% a --Very effi-
°len t state. The, late ran& .have bad
n Very beneficial 'effect on • the props.
eapecially the spring grains whiele arEi
now. groWing vigorotisly ii1ii presnift a
y'ar-yy tine appearance,
. .
made ready- for:ii ftineral obsequiee
wheieche opened :her. eyes and askedfor-
a driok.The:person is Very aged, but
has, the tiPpearance of living ', for .fio e
time yet.
Taokorsuuth •
'Hay •
417 .
67 -
: -1;1 . • "
329 188
234 236
• • ......... ....... 353 178
• - . 280 256.
S 339 277
eodPehiiench. fewnshiP.. . .. • ••• •• • • • - • • 78 181
... .. .... ...'„ 151 156
Baydebi-.... .. ........ ... .. .•
;•• ......... ...... .. ... .. 30 10974
1893 1733
-"""-- for-ilishop,,::?."1*. Vitat
• • .
• Sule Register. , -"
Horses, Waggons, haruess, bankrupt stock .
•, 61 Haber Bros., at Londesbero, on the •.
t20rd inst. ,J. Howson, .auet. • • •
Henseltold furniture, • property of Mr..P..11.
• "Whitiog. on the Market Square, Clinton,
.on,the 21st inst. D. Mathison,
••--.4.4Oletpouclooce of thue.lit, .
, Sidowalka are now being l'opairid and
ileW 0110$ put down wherever it seemeth
necessary, which *ill add greatly, to the
pleasere of pedestrians takiege their bps -
Ornery walks. . • • - • ...
'It weinld not be amiss for some one
in 'authority to take• steps to prevent
in our villegOor although' we like to inTIR:#4w 1I
such indiscriminate use Of the catapult
-see boys.ammie themselves in eny hat til
manner yet We do net like the idea
e . .
4-b-esol:' fling 'a ,torget hr everY Small We :show the largest 'arid finest stock .ofriMW-And
(7ootis out,. .
pNgrl HATS,.
oNll'hltalhkeb3attoorynotris.8•08:feMof 'STRAW. -tovin;--ietnprising—tho latest
• A foot race is to, be run here 01
281h inst., the 'distance to 1)0,100 yai ,
aud the state, $50 a side. The conmee
titors are Mr. Joe J. • Carey, operator
G.T.R., Parkhill;:tirid • Mr. A. McLean;
of Luca% The race is expeoted•to be
extremely olose, the contestants being
pretty evenly matched, hut the feeling
is slighily,in Carey% favor; who rens
with such °age and agility as to auger
well for his succese. Both parties are
now in active training for the match4
meern feetival in the W. M.
church, on Tuesday, 3une the 10the was
more than a success, every porton seem-
ing to enjoei themselves to their utmost.
The speeches of Messrs. Galloway, Laee
ley, Leith, Sherlock and Rusiel proving
very' acceptable to 00 audience. The
sinigng Of the choir wag excellent and
the solos of Mr. Corins 'wore nmsterly
load and well otkrned 111/:
On the morning of the same 'day the
scholars ,belonging t� the elan& of the
tfoly Triuity, were entertained at 7/ pic-
3U0 in 1?, MeTllica•gey,
.40 -0, •
'Vire present ono of tho finest 'Furnishing Stocks. in the eonntry%
aekson s Furnishing House,
VIC() `0014,1: 323 ILA+OCIC,
• .