HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-19, Page 5J uNk+ �: �f 1S1 if Till: i.;l. IN WN NEW 9 Poi the JUlle Trade. -....a« •.. N (i ...--rn ..... Another run through the Dry Goods market to; Tkorik1y BnorEad Toant In the, COTTON DEPARTMENT, In the LINEN DEPARTMENT, In the PRINT DEPARTMENT, p In the DRESS GOODS Department, In the BLACK GOODS•D.epartment, In the HOISERY DEPARTMENT, In the GLOVE DEPARTMENT,. 0 . In the FRINGE & TRIMMING Dep't, • In the SILK. DEPARTMENT, In ahs:CLOTH VEPARTMENT, �. In..the HAT & CAP DEPARTMENT, In the GENTS FURNISHING Dept; In the. DEPARTMENT, CARPET_ In the HOUSE FURNISHINO.Iep't, F4 In the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, E— i 'In ',die' MANTLE DEPARTMENT,' In EVERY DEPARTMENT, wain found.the newest and.be ends to be hail in the C•aiiadiaii P market, whether'irnported or of home 'manufacture, ttliile'the price of goods now on hand are at a point of value that cannot he repeated on the bulk of Pry Goods after this; seaaon. .SP C :AL ..DRIVES In many lines,. and GREAT BARGAINS' in every depnttinent.... _ .. T. -1E A' ]D S __�_Txemendous.: Bargaazzs. 1r� S i1or T i s _:._.. _._ _worth: X1:25, for 50p, See them JOHN HODG1 S, C[,SSTU1, luno o, lAa 4=b H w ( GREAT CLEARING SALE! '000 CLINTON. 4 TRE1111g'NPO,U;S . BARGAI111S4 --ANI. FILES OF. FIRST'. CLASSt~GQQDS to .choose from. We begin Otis morning a big Cleari,aF'''Sade of fi•sI-elass Goods. We .will offer immense bargains to Cas r'Buyerq and ._peiiple.buying large. nuan-titi,es -:••The-'Goods:. MUST SOLD, %and the • itrices-lmastsedo-it .� rlwon't the piles of .litu•guins Will be (onntt 1.44 BL A.1.; ii. ACOLOR. OL R.ED SILK4, :ROAN A11I) N,'AAOV I)t;ESS 0001);, I'AI(;1;;U1.ti,• ea ✓�u iEs IrAT5 ANT) k3O NEts', SUS' BATS, 4ILK AND CASIIbal:liE MANTLES, IVI{ITE 1ND.C1{;l.r) :ED .ill'SLINS, DI, ACIC AND COLORED GRENADINES; LACE UI+EtTALN8 AN.ii. l?AR4'ETS, MINTS, ItO: IERY AND (}LOVES, D1tESS' LINENS 3 tie- .. , AN.L) LINEN ANI) I 1 INT 1)11E'�SKS;, \ LU'Pl';il •ANI) ULSTEI;S, RIBBON'SANI) L3(l,$, ACKN .ANF, 'BOY'S ;COALS,'. 1.' :N I;S AND c iiS`I'S;'lUIflf EI 'COATS, MEN AND ..11ftl"t 1i.1'1'`;. A'Cit CAPS, tI+).LnRRED AND WI T1 SHIRTS, COLT All i, $c.• �VVHAT..W E • Aaov'ruTIsF • A imf carry 0111' 17 8.tt1'fTf1,17•s'- 0711. h • every i4i8lanee • ,So come itloua awl .luring Your -money: 'Sri.. c dvia'e`lienle gf fuwilies, anti athtrs in°a+a)rt of tryst class goodie to se,antino the goods and prices, andlie convinced by seeing, that we ars tun .otRriOtt 11.1.1:1e; (1.:,1 Ail lh'[;.IS:A1't.(i?4f • • C4INTON R I L, .,1 879 �owl�oo��en ON • SATURBAY, the. 26th INSTANTe +•All are invited to see the latest in MILLINERY, MANTLES, &c., &c sr -room comxpaJmrri is ple.P tJi'1'11i1:i1'l', V! futon, April ✓3,1, 1874 /!r CLINTON WOOLLiNiM1L \tit; ROUL H>;aiO bac,,, alae, ,,•Quinn} td,tba anbaetibet would rnspeelrnlly !Morin bo iv' Toady, en nun'ol, In art n•1 t*• Y:'Remember the pita e Opposite . tl e Market 000. JUST AFTER THE , N SOW YOUR TURNIP SEED it Wim' HA r2n ZT i 'CTA.RXBITZ B S. LAING'S IMPROVED;' SUTTON'S CHAMPION, SKYRVT TG'S IMPROVED, ROY.A.L NORFOLK, SH AMROOK, HALL'S WES.TBURY, CARTER' -S IMPERIAL, YELLOW . ,ABERDEEN,. WHITE GLOBE.. HUNGARIAN. GRASS,' FLAB BUCKWHEAT, • H: :.R,vE ST r ' o OL . RAKES,-••-SOYTIES,- & ATHS-, BARLEY FORKS, .(something new,) HAY FORKS, CRADLES; _ • . .. THISTLE SPUDS, TURNIP 'HOES, • t''iTLT, STOCK IN ALt A BOVE, .AT -2-Cases AMER ICAN and ENGLISH STIFF -FELT just opened. , The Nobbiest Goods in HATS j the trade. 2 ' Cases ,AMERICAN~ .SOFT :FELT' H .ATS' just arrived. Splendid Value. • 01{DERE DifiAltillE)T DAVIS PAY'S, Mammoth Hardware Store; PlircE,Nix BLOCK,' OL1.NT.O$. CflILZI :`W9dVC& EBB J�� IIROY- Sell 0.. DRQ': GOODS; GLOT�IN ;'gti'IS and 411 WIC40113M •SEGEL 10.MtIa & . tON rntEss t TJ'ofs utlra.T7 , ' • •• BACK and COL'D .LUSTRE'S . CHEAT'. CASHMERES, in black and oal'8red, CHEAP' MERINOS, iilaok:and colored, CHEAP. LINEN COSTUME GOODS CHEAP, WHITE :PTQUES.CEEAP, MUSLII5S, striped, spotted anti cheek; gHEer' Ladies, misses and children's GLOVES CItEAp 'LADIES NET GLOVES CHEA'P,' . HAVE :. 'A PORT-C.OT,TIThi CH X. BLE'HED COTTONS CHEAP. • TWEED nd°CLOTHING •O 1E.L HOSIERY HE -AP.' .. PRILLINGS CHEAP. RINTS CHEAP PRUNELLA SHOES: CREAP. GROCERIES' CHEAP. • EVERYTHING CHEAT', CLINTOS, June Ill; 1879. At .T. C. GILRO;Y'Sr,. ti'Nd9i • LlIB .virjll r9'igi.o,i o/• 0if,' Aeii'.O'(i, .,, !a jri'ori.ng tta 'i,u-,,;e)!Ov 31GC7"•i'st.. • Anybody__in want: ot;..a $WT_OF_:°L:OTI1ES would do well to leave their orderwith us, >$ii Bali Goo :. -Vases,_.__ he public that. JUST Ra3CIV3+717, AT THE . CLINTON, BOOK STOP:4 Lacrosse Goods, BougUet Holders', 1+:cpre* s Wagons, All l)ratitches ot'his .,.lin si lkss with ikeatneiss and despatch.. Notwithstanding. tit, luta lcel't ]iia 1?uetory running ;till %%inter, Ind hn'.trotvt ON .HAND. . LA,RG•E STOCK OF WOpLLEN GOODS, which he .is _prepared to Hell fnrlissit, et; exchange for Wool, at prices less than ever before, \Foal i a.rding, Golariag Glath, DRESSING, & Dom, an shalt notice, and satisfaction ;,narsnteoel. • itt,rtNKivi'r'3 iil.tillE, )ittotn It"f111'Ci, LITtlint AJT WOOL. On C0r'!l'ON AND WOOL, and all seselt.dono nt prices as IOW as any mill le the County of littron. 50,000 tl.Ota lt:llt1sW o01.. WMuted,. Par *ditch the 'fru...hest Market, Price' wilt be Paid in cash, Or, ei('hatrq••d for goads. GL(NT0N ,ibt, 3). IO?i. GIVVI OS A dAL ,, El 3 E4 CORBETT. t::441 • good it guharanteed, or i'o .sale Very .Ga1rment'..got up in thevery. beet -style. ,r1 i I; it .S'PI,711NI)JI1 ;1�5',ti'()%ilial/+.1".'C O/!"; .. •- a .. y. 044 Y sJi', . Sito(eda id led f aahalli;r1i. ret IIrE E.11S WORSTED COATINGS .`aiyi.d`SU'ITINGS, '( CiO Pant and Vest Makers Wanted at once. . . r, •r, Naar 1..11170. Ail )112. +l►. L 1.1013.111, ..'iftc Crotyinet Sets, Ring Toss, :Fishing Tackle, 'narrows. Fire Crackers, . &, 'e. WHICH ViILL 4.p.1 $OLD C)1EAP: A CALL SOLIGITE1), • REMEMBER 'TELE . P'L.ACE,. YUILL'S. .OLD STAND., • Stay t;, lAiii, DIN -MAN . & $i7MBLE. SCOTT & BOWNPf PALATABI CASTOR OIL Is prepared in a tom perfectly agreeable to children anot most sensitive persons. In its manufacture the properties of.tho oil that produce pain and griping are eliminated, and it is rendered het only mild and picas - ant en in action, but absolutely 'tasteless and palate,. bee. Itis pfecm eptly the finest laxative and Ga• thnrtto known, ps a remedy for Costiveness, Con. stipation, and all Intestinal nerangentents i e is tette• quaked, and is destined to take the place of crude oil and all drastic pills and purgatives, . For sale by all 1)ruggiot+t at as cents a bottle, Don't fail to try it. • • xAMINATIONs. /1\Flt entrance examination to tete CLINTON 1JXG I l 8C1l00L, tr01 bo held in the Central Scheel, Mit 'Tuesday and Wedn Osdtly, the Sth and .. 8th' of Maly, beginning 41 9 in the forenoon. Applications to bo sent in to Ho lima Toaster btfots tin let At IT Mill. t..:CilitNl)CJti„ Tread Master. Olintoa, May nil, 1f,79. • . P HOSFOZOtl E E1t2lr o, 1tricrAtearfiirt*, i ' Tim )t..% igr v i'i'o\n. , - ,t , Inst 1'alnablc iit,Ucinn • /,� fur V(rvor',tivor,Stoiad.cli V a,,l! 0 i nrl)!aComptaintn. SOLD R'Y' ALL bR'C3aorf3T£S.