HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-19, Page 21
. A Swettlob Puent*
it matteis little where I WW1 130112,
Or if my parents were rich or pair;
Whether they ohrank at the cold world'e scorn
Or Walked id the pride PT wealth fieemo; 4;
Nut whether1 live an honeot mon,
Ana hold niy intemity. firm in my eluteb,
1 toll yen, brother, plain aft 1 an,
It matters muci!
matters little how long stay
In a world or sorroir, In and eare
'Whether in Yenth 1 am called away, .
O DVO till 'My benes and pate are bare:
Sot whether I de the beet•I Carr
To soften the weight of advereitro tourh
On the faded cheek of my fellowmen, .
It ;natters much t
mattere little yehere ha my germ,.
' Or om the land or on the am.; .
-Aly purling brook or 'neath' stormy wasp,
It ;natters little or nought to me; „
But whether the angel Death cornea down
And. ;narks my hrow vfith his loving tonel;
Ao ono that :Mall wear Alm victor'!: crown,
• It matters much!
Tho Hon. .c.lherles Fodor hed-
jtist retarned from his wedding. tour.
During the heated term while rteraliz-
ing in one of the .pictueesque villages
',which dot the Green Mountain State,
:be had met with a sweet little blossom
of a girl, who won his heart with as
little apparent"offert as the sun attraqts
to himself' the myriad arops Whic
•formed his beneficent cloud -servitors.
And even as they are transformed by
magical. touches of light into a gorge-
ously beautiful series of pictures, se-wes•
.. the. newly; _Dead° husband's, mental
World chan„oed to bird by his intentie
•leire for Stella. •
Though but. little past twiddle age,
lie bad become soniewhat cynical an
•-world-weary,. until the einpire whi�li
ehles alike over king and p.easarit was
establishing in hie heart,
• Husband and wife wore seated in her
cosy boudoir:. They had been engaged
in an • animated dismission over an
article which 'had just appeared in a
prominent „monthly.' -The gentleman.
was arguing against=his" own .1'.
just for the purpose oflearieg his little
wife's bright answers . •
"Suddenly a thought struck him. He
•drew a.letter from his pocket. 7
See, Stella, hero is a letter from my
COtifiill Belle. I went you to read it.
It is the richest thing Illtve Seen: for
ng tinie.""` ".• •
, ..,Meetleen CHARLIE...74 1111Ve te-CeiVecl.
-your"*weddirig, . cards and :.ncite: which
yeti want with -theme telling me about
your bride and where yon. found her.
. .Ofeicinree I mut offer you', my -sincere
oongratulationS; but do not be veXed
if I toll you how surprised tun at.your
choosing a wife from the wilds of Ver-
. Mont. Though being so polished your -
elf, you will.no doubt instruct .her. in
......thensegea..9t-society before introducing
let inni -.critical- circles. Shell call
soon, and am ae ever your -loving
• cousin, ' BELLE REVERE:,
. Stella's eyes absolutely sparkled with
, -mischief aseelergave the letter back to
- "ler himbitii:d. A brilliant idea.entered
. • her head, but she only said: • • '
..Your cousgedoes not seen i to hive
an exalted- idea of our
I depend on Mrs. Peocter to rectify
— her false impression.'
I think I shall bo the means of Bur --
prising her. shall endeavor to dose,'
rotid Stella. •
A. few days atterthis .Revere
called, and . seni. up her card. Mrs.
•. Proctor hot..conae fat:evil-immedia-
tely, and After a Eine the &day setae• '
tedions.. : , . • '
• 4 It is ail I expected. It is evident.
that my cousin's wifelias Mae know-
ledge ef the proprieties •of etiquette,'
was the young lady's thought.
After •ti.• time Iirs. Proctor entered
• the room. Accustomed as Belle was
to the numerenseeacoidents Of society,
•he --seaecely—keefilitee-efa
etraight as bet new ceuein came tdward
. ,
. Her dress was a bright, vitas -green
Silk Mit se:she-it the, skirts -that it draw forth its responsive noteit would
• Yes, there ain't herdly zio room at a yotinger sister or Mr. Wilde, wbose
aIL Bat you missed lots of fun, Zelte married We had been spent abroad.
Maypole and his cousin Bob came down She returned a widow to her brother'e
from Bostin,g, and they beat all for house and lived hut a few months, and
danein', The way they swung you what SO Dalurttl as to leave her young
round is no end of sport.' child in such a peaceful home. 3Iore
4 Oh r said. Belle. • than this, for leations of her own, Stella
And our minister's darter came over. did not t 1 hitt. -
She's a mighty stuck-up piece generally,
cause- she's been to boarding -801100
but she knowed that Procter was a eitY
Severe tieuel -during the evening she
detected h lusband in an .untieuel
scrutity,of 1 self and dregs -
feller.so she made olltetnentitee.. - • f Whi4 d You Bee Charlie t
•:Axe %urn artistic; and -take -
•toy Pdttraat • ;5
Innbeeat as Stella looked, she knew'
perfectly well what was Passing -through
his mind, tut she was mischievous
enough to tease her idol if she did 'love
him dearly.'
'Oh !' again sighed 13elle unable to
get a word in edgeways, for r her. new
cousin's flOW of lar*uage as as eon-
tinuotis and rienling es the of a
brook. '
' You'd °reit(); seen the eicien's
darter ! She had on a yeller dr _S, and
a- eyee enapped just •like black dm- lIer husband pelfl,:her saucy speech
'mond& ' • YOU 11ever seed such black by catching her in bis arms and rub -
tar on girl's head afore. I tell you, bing his e•mciustache againat her soft
she looked orful pretty' cheek•,
. ern -glad you had. smell an enjoy;
,able time;' sct rising 1P -4o,
I You must call and see we. Come
•itiound with •my cousin and spend the
evening when convenient.'
Stella smiled, showing a row of
white, even teeth, which made her face
even more bewitching, Belle took her
little hand kindly, and -said:
- eke- good •-ca re of Charlie., He- it„
thi bright and shining, light in our
whole femily, and is very' preeioes to us
all. • ••.e
3 Her voimicitliVered sligbtly, for ,her
proud heart was aching beneath her
• colc1; fashionable exterior. She felt
that her dousin's lot would be a sad one
after the first elemOur • had passed
, e, .
away. •
• . Stella detected the tremet, and look-
ing.at Belle, ea* geors in her eyes.
Her own clouded in sympathy. • The Would yote like to go I' •
• girl saw that her ruse had been only • 'Yes, I would, most decidedly. I
too successful, hit she was not going to have an ardent desire to see something
change' her tactics just yet •; so she only of the society of this famous oity.' ' •
put up her lips--teinpting and red as
the cleft Strawberry—for a kiss, and
ssid simply.. •
4 §_top, Charlie you ' crush my
dress • Behave yourself, sir
Charlie glanced at the dress with its
profusion ot delicateefrills, arid answer-
ed, carelessly, Peliew, little one, it
• will wail,'
'Much you know about' it, sir. It
takes the best of.a day to.iron• dress
-.Charlie. raised his. ay eine ws„in
• • 'Is my nieuntain daisy so extrava-
gant ? Ietrn afraid after all she is not
the wife of a poor man.' .
_ .
Stella smiled ; the loving leek which
• accompanied these 'words contradieted•
their meaning. ' .
See; l‘itr,' Proctor, what a grand
affair is coming 'off next .weelt 1 The
cards eame to -day.' •.
. •
and then mingled with the• throng or leave bie,1 and the lost pig behind, end
e the train Was again pat in motion.
enly Alice Travers uttei ea an Arrived at Eperiee, the paasengers de-
mantled,- their. baggage, but wets in -
exclamation of Curprise.
Wby did you not tell nee that stoe formed that le could not be delivered, as
thee man with the beggageehook would
net be there until' the arrival of tho
lesittrvtginne, bauntd ation eLnuoitthilniigs
Langford was 11I town
13ecauee I did not know itiansweee
'ed goncieely. Is she here
4 Yes look Over at the extrecne •end
of the drawing -room, Do you see the ^ That is the way they trayel
Belle raised her eYegle,asetertnet look-
-ed inethe direntioneindicetted„
Travers. She gave a start of surprise,
rooked again, then said:: ,, :1
I areefurely miateken,"•. 'The lady
is the wife of nay •ctirtsin, the Ilon.
Charles Proctor.' ••-•- •
'Perhaps you think if were to meet
YOUli; Beeston.Ieilinfiltknet knew you,'
said Alice, sarcastically.. Stella Lang-
ford is a Bostonian—one of the belles
of seciety-has queened it for several
•wintere, *and moreover,..one my
intimate friends. Come with me and
I will introduce you.'
So the'two girls three -dee' their way
to the spat where Stella stood. As
they cnine near 7e1Aough to attract bey
attention she 'flushed- deeply, glanced
at her husband, then came to net theta
with a pleasent look.
• CePA re.elly. be•
could hardly believe my eyes, Charley,
this is my friend, Miss Travers; trom•
Boston. • My,lresband, A lice. • You
-were travelling on theemn in:74 fit the
time, or I should have sent ion "cards
to our evedding.' •••
Turning.to the' astonished Belle she
extended her gloved band With a depre-
Matirig . • '
• Good evening, ma belle coueine,
pleasant to filed you in company, of •roy
dearest school friend. • I bope she will
give you geed reports•of ' • '
Belle hoWed silently, evidently upon
her dignity. . The group attracted a
good deal of attention. Two of them
were strangers in the city, and one was
that cynosure of ail:eyes and hearts—a
bride. '
--'She-evas surrounded by the brightest.
intelloarerthe day, exchanging 4 bon
mots' and •witticires, arid proving her-
self to be no. mean antagoniet. in. the war
of wards. :•; • '
• Belle's eurprise was equalled. by Ifee
consin's. •This was a new pliaSe of Stella's
character, and he was burning. with,
inipatience to.hear the promised expla-
nation.• . •
Before the obese of the evepine Stella
managed to whisper. AC. Belle,__'°If you
Will forget •and forgive I..will. I saw
your letter of congratulation. to Charlie.
•D008 tlifit explain -matters -sufficiently I'
• 'Belle's face cleared' as it by inagio.
She gave gave Stella's 7hancl. a, fervent
pressure,, and Brad: .• '• •
I see I am, after an„ the greatest
offendereed had _no idea th,e_stnpikfel
low would.ehow it to you. But,' she
added, pleyfully, '1 •think _the stage
missed a bright 'prearnent when a cer-
tain lady beeame Hrs. Charles Proctor"?'
• Stella's' explanation: preyed eneirely
setiffactory to her huabend, • She Was
an heiress, arid did not • wieb to be
soughtfer money. . So' when She Wade
her annual visit to her .dear (*Lunde,
she laid' aside her rich garments and
dressed like ea Simple country maiden;
but eniture end refinement do not de-
pend eupen. costly reties. So, like a -
good violet in her tedlet, the :even* of
girl in cream -calmed silk,and " g' -dungarY'' ••
Forty tb gamete belonging In
the 'British rikeippo*stiwieerilied du
inhe.war\iq Arglm,9i0a14.
• Giitt bundred milhorthewepapers pass
• through Toeteefifee, annual-
ly, an amount of mail matter difficult
to conceive of."
• Ah I party at the • Montagene's:
Well, yoi. mint get Belle to go with
you, and select something handsome to
•wear. I want you to look as well as
i. I love -him -very my, of them.'
. Itissed her, moved by her avbw- ph, I-Erale n—oed
anything, Chai'li
el; and somewhat reassured, went You must ,remember my bridal trolls -
home. .•• , • semi is still in its- freshness.'
.• • .
Charles beard Of her call., . and. made I 'Mean you must buy something
it in his way to drop, in -one evening, elegant. Your fixings are pretty, and
expecting to htar pleasant things said all that sett of .thing, but I want your
about his girl -wife by hie cousin, who,* toilet for this occasion to be worth as
like himself, wee an ardent lover' of much as all of the things put -together
•gietee - • • rfhleh-Y-olielientoLuncle was able to give
' • I Well Belle,' said he, with. aesunied
.itidifferenee,.After .tko, kaa spoken of Stella smiled. to berselfat these words,
• earans thing's, ',U-na did not aFproaclf 17111 134c coaxingly: . •
eLet.me have ray own•
way, just this
the subject elearest his"heart;.' IIew da • •
you -like Stella I'• • • once, Charlie, I premise., you that I
will net disgtiMer '• •
Belle was Very trutliftil,.1 and hoped
this question would not be asked, hat When a woman Says she will-' •
*said , •• • •• ••. . ;Imitation was edea
`.8he If very: lovely, Charlie.' • , • abruptly, for Stolle thrdatenel to' -pull
4 And is she net: as winning. , a little every individual kaicin his head if he
epitit as one co,u1c1 itiiagine .• - kept on, would not 1i/rale-rine
. Belle hesitated. • . ••• • ed at. such a threat, and frone-Such. a
She ie undoubtedly a sweet . little^ -source? • .•• .
woman, but, Charlie, must say it—. 7 The:evening, of the .partyfcerne, and
isn't she entirely Uneducated Stella Made her appeaeance in the par-
• The ,gentlernan/opened his eyes -Wide tor, whete hueband-' wee; awaiting
in -bis surprise..• ;• :"• her. • • , ••
• '1 see you are blind, as all lovers are, • She hed•not put on her 'wraps, faille
'nit I mean it. And couldn't• -you• wished,to see. her, as he; said, •in her
• refit her a little about her dress I She
..dreSsea innevery-peculiai style.' . • -• • ---Ile-stoad" for et-moment-ailent from
etur sure;•Bellethat you •must be astonishment. Her dresti -wee A rich,
prejUdiged. •Aacording to my ideas, cream -colored silk, which sweeltin volu-
• sbe has elmost faultless taste. • At any „thinous folds to her feet, which peeped
rate, , she .always looks. as pretty and
.fresh as a resebude • aiiii;Belle; said
he • 'east •away all false notion -se -arid
Make up your 'rnied to. leve, my little,
nicanatain maid as a; real belie fide 'throat by el idiamond star, Which cmiglit
&Amin should belotead.' •:, . the light. and Lela •it". in irrideseent
. So I will, . Charlie,' said Belle im; .-sparkles. . •
pulsively, antl inriae •resolve to In; each. shell-like. ear, a. diamond.
.try and •remould her according to her, rsollitaire shone like adrep of crystalized
"own ideas. • • • • • dew; arid a butterfly, gemmed with the
When the young. Man retuened.LiOrne strine preelons-stOrtes,•was poised on a
Stella met him at the doer, as was her tremnleus'spital stem mid the braids of
uStial eustona. It was ver leaient to 'bereiburident wave' heir.
think of the wistful face on the watch• Is this my little Stella/ Where is
fol. his coming footsteps, to know that my mountain devedrop,?'
bus hand upon the bell would not. only 'Here,' said Stella; playfully:. point-
ing to her , diamends,• !do they nOt
.please you I'•• —
full glory.
olit clothed in,clainty white kid boots,
• • Her -dross Wits a cut decollate, but
• her snowy neck was (fevered by •a ber-•
tha-ek round -point faitenedeet-the-
displayed her feet, An old gyre lace --------------- paiof rsoifeet flying down
• 'oollar was, fastened at the Peck by a:' But, darling, I- can't understand
. ' hew tny tittle Stella can wear genes fit
-cornea • pin—a1 white, ,exquisitely cut
• head upon a dark iround—evidently of •
foe a Queen's ransom.'
- great -value, bet so large that it looked ' Seine time I will explain more
. Mit of place upon the girlish. ,figure, fully. • Now I will merely telFyou that
The sleeves were cut tight.to the arms, • they beloneeed to MY Mother:. . So yen,
with a Rail of' the same old laCe A tile see;I am not the dowetiess maiden. you
the stairwayjust *to Meet him. There
pile always •a Veesent warmth about
his heart as he drew near. home.
Stella. was dreesed, in pure white•e A
knet of fragrant flowers at heu. breast,
another in her bair,, were her sole ohm-
151141144. L11 Tie heal ever seen her simply
dressed, Etna theei,ght that the 'adage
enuty unadorneewas trueiem
wriste.• thought the'
If she had stepped out of tonle old You caunot be more wearbtly
fashioned platethe could -not -have pro: in Lot ease. . Aowed,than I thought. ...You are Stella
comprisee all to me.'
Stella put her eweet lips for a kiss.
'Fore'eive me; dearest, if I have not
been quite frank with you. ...I wanted
to be loved for myself alene---end so "I
am, and you are the noblest litiebend
and am the, happiest wife on the
whole brentd. continent of -America.'
This answer dosed her husband'olipi
for -tlie present, but. as they stepped
into the carriage. and were whirled away
to the scene of gayety awaiting. theM,
he could scarcely realize . the +tuition.
Who was this little wife of P ile
reit us Omagh the groued had been out
berleath his feet, rt was like firtdieg
ewe& wood violet, transplanting it, and
sented qtelint nppearance.
Still, her fresh complexion and deer
out featurea, the dimples lurking about
her pouting lips; , the .heavy, waving
hair, banging in two massive braids,
•sehOol.,girl &shim), down her back, form-
ed a tOht ell8eMble her "dyne Was
polverlass to spoil. ' ••
Belle 'could, understand how her
• beatify .bed captivated her favorite
cousin, but she mourned over his in-
• fatinition, and, when she heard Stella
speak, her voice was low And musieal,
iven upon her: wedding day her
white dress did not seem to be of an
expensive 'tutorial; thotigh, if 00Usin.
Belle bad seen it, •sbe might lia-ve en-
lightened his manlike ignoranee and
whispered to him that the round of
point !nee With •whie'll it was trimmed
would be considered worth? a •place in
the trousseau of,it 1-)rincese, lied Belle
also been told that it wits an heirloom
in Stella's family, she would certainly
never halm penned OA leiter whieh had
been -the cause -of the deception resorted
She was net consoled. •to by that mischievous iittle ludy, ea
' Good -morning, Mrs. Proctor. t phnisbnaent for audacions advice,
wish to present my congratulations to ,Charlie thought his bride Was entire-
• you, and also to apOlogifie for my ab. ly dependent uperipthe uncle with whom
• tenet) from your wedding, to which my she Was a scholarly, refined eeciingvhis wild wood treasures turned
cousin kindly sent tbo cattle,' .. r,„ old maw : Snell as' you often fined' tee ea:lava:6)d garden berth ty, vel
•vet rime,
Mimi Belle Ileveteliad a friend from
Boston staying with her. They were
mong the inVited guests, and •areived•
tit the seen° of giddy rather late.
As they entered they exehauged.
eteeetinge with the host and hosteee,
• Stella dropped .a trehool-giri courtesy.
'You are very kind, rin euro; but ray
uncle's house ain't very big,. so if you
had a COMO we might have sent yeti to
a neighbor's to sleep.'
'''Then it is just as well that I Aid
not accept,' said' 'Belle.
• buried with his books sante out -of.
• the -way country place.
• All that he cared to know abont her
anticedents could be karma from •the
family true which bang iti their !daftly-
turnished little narlor. •
Ito kneW that Stella Was tile of
• 44
ot t
a o
a f
rP's oCQA., ornATBYttl, 41,11.1 OQMPORTINO,
13y a thorough knewledge of the natpra
a which govern the opetationi of digeation
nutrition, and. 14 0. careful application
heap° properties of .well-selectLed eoP0a,
pees hag provided odr •tirsakfailt tables
ba delicatCly flavored bevemgeWlikiti may
o us Loamy heavy doctor'd bills. It is by
judicious use of such articles of diet that
onstitution may be gradually built up Tui.
strong enough tolesist every tendency to
ease. hundreds of subtle nialatliee are
ting' around no ready to attaok 'whereeer
re is a Weak point. We may esqape many
atal'shaft nurselVes well ferti-
d with pure blood and a properly nourished1110.-Citil Service qazOter-Sold
okets labelled--"Jougs EPPS & Co., Ho-
opathie Chomiets, 48: Threedneedle street,
d 170, Piccadilly, Lendon.
PRYSIOTNG 110128P.18.
JUNE 19, .1.67,S1
• ifigbift11 ROA* .
nit. APPLETON.- OPPIOE at DAY thue• and
st NICHT lime,- The Itoome over the Store of
Outininghan16 ft Aiken/mad- tl.e are.clth •
eiteioe, Deo. 20,1877.
IhAivoreity,) Phyoloian, Surgeon, &o., residoloo •
at Mr. lilanning'o, three door!: east of tb e Temperance
Londeebero, Ont. ,
Lontleeberod'une 14,1979.
Department of Victoria University., Toronto, for.
nugl,y,of the JO:vitals and Dispensaries, New York,
Coronet forthe County t.,:f /thron,BATrzsr,n, Ont.
-."-July•22, Dad. • • • ' 81
Many.personsphysle their horses f requ en tl
espernally eVery,sprhok. This is a great 'error,
and one which has caused the 1088 01 many vain -
able horses, as virile milt is usually given, often
prothices Inflammation of the bowel, which gen-
erally proves fatal; lt also weakene the horse,
and thus renders him more liable' todieease, or
less able to throw it off -what is required la a
inedicine which will operate gently upen the
bowels, and act upon the liver and lungs, remov-
ing all obstructions tberefrom, vitrifying the
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without overtasking any, which is accomplished
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Arabian Heave Remedr-it is always, safe and
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signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. -
Northrop & Lyman, Toronto. Ont. proprietor:3
for Canada. sold by ail medicine &Riess. -
nTs WAFERS (pm great public remedy)
have now been in nee over twenty years, hence
rt cannot he said that they are on trial. They
have been thoroughly tried, and pronounced (on
the authority Qt Moe° whose lives and health
they have proserved).to lie a sure, harmless and
eminently salutary preparation,and if taken in
season will Invariably cure (solos, eoughs, sore
• throat, and all bronchial affections. One fair
trial will convince the inost'okeptical • Sold. by
all medicine deplore, at 25 cents per bees:.
.• • N ***3 161
DOW84X 011300„N, PHYSICIANS, 9I111.
ancasilecoacheure,se. Ofilee,Battenbialy Street,
tart Consolidated Bank,
D. II. Hayman:, M. 13. • A. er. Greene -et, le
Clinton, Xay 10, 1877. ,
Aecouelieur, Lb:outdate of the College of Phyeician,
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti-
ate aml thironor for the County of. Huron. Office OA
residence,- The building formerly occupied by Mr.
Thweites, Huron street,
Ciluton, Jan. 10,1871, •
• --
itistellatitoits arbs.
nouxat NCLUOTEIO 0101 Wotan TEN Pre
Pain cannot stay. wheyo it is sed. It ki" the
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ses -PH.E8 and hmenor Titounsiss,; six 'to
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lank,. of Brookfield, Pa., says I.went 30
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oilcloths' cure of a Crooked Limb. by ski appli•
them." Another Who ha's. had Atithma for
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_ore." Rutile Robinson of Nunda, N. Y.
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"erreiwIlAsenli X51•-1:TATIONS.-48k far D. Thomas' Me
.0tric Oil -Soo that the signature of 8. 14, THOMAS,
on the wrapper, and Cie name NonTnner & Ly -
as blown in the bottle, and TAKE NO OTHER. Sold
y all medioine dealers. :Price 25 1:euts, Northrop &
°pfiltoBellinthLe°V°1KetiOrP iba4rbilOotker,IVIcto' thialailt7e4ent,eaffiliTteonf...
Clinton! Illay es, eine,
1,:, (Ira IN LAftvGEt011 8111A4D 8,11111S.
LtL d moxitg ge secant, nioderatt rates of
Interest. H. Mu
Clinton,Augast 95, 1880.• .
ILL Apply at the Town Hall, or at the residence of the
subeoriber, near the London, Huron Bruce 'Railway
,Station. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. „
'Clinton ,April 27th, '1818. •
• tlemon, 'having tried in vain every advertised
remedy, has discovered a 'simple means of self-ettre.-
He will be imppy to forward threearrieui ars to any pot-
terer on receipt of postage and directed,' envelope. Ad.
dress, J. T. SEWELL, alsq., Mayville, Harameramith •
London, England. 818m
Lyman,,Toronto, proprietors for the Dotainion. • •
nyre.---Beiectrie-SeIected and Electriied.
the rosastill lingered, though its gam.- The Areit.• .1!"‘""n!el..nestiettf !wild
"The hest 4alve 'lathe world for Cuis, *also, 't
Sures,. Illcere, Salt Itheuinjetter; Wapiti" 41
• Hauds, Chilblains, Corns end all kinds of Skin
Eruptions. This Salve guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction in eYery eaSe or money re.
funded: ' .Frieda 25 cents Per box: • For sale by a
J. H. Combe,Plinton. •• • •17
• .Free of Cosi. • ut
• The moSt wonderful remedy of the ages'is ;b
now pladed within the reach. of: alt. Bo lie
rich or, peer, it costs nothing to give this
great renierly.a trial. -Dr. King's California
Golden Coinpound, for Dyspepsia,•Sick heed- t
ache, Low Spirits, Loss of A npetite, Som p
stomaeb-, Coming up of Food: Yellow COM- k
plexiieu, Genertti Inactivity and
Drowsiness, Liver 'Coinplaint, Jaundice and t
Biliousqess, for which' it is certain and speedy g
duff). No person should be without it. In
order to prove that it Will do all that We claim
for it yon'are.given a trial bettle free Of test, ;
which will convince you of itslruly wonder-
ful merlts, and show yeti what A regnItir one h
dollar size bottle will do. • For eel° by di. 0
Combe„ Clinton. • • " • '
. , • p
Travelling in Magary. :
' •
• . "A. irav,eller mho. _recently went by
railway from • Kaschau to- Eperies, in
•Hungary, relates the following incident ,
of his knerneye When about a '
fro al kaschar,t, thd ttain stiddenly step:
ped on the open road. The passengers
threw up the windows, the locornotivo
shrieked, the brakemen sprat% from
the train -everybody thought an acci-
dent bad. happened. 'What Wes it /
fat. and frisky •little pig' bed escaped
frOM one of the ears, and was galloping
wiidiy ovinethe cross -ties. Now began
tui exciting cliaCe. The frightened pig
toolt to the fields, the drover after him,
while the brakeman looked idly on. and
patiently awaited the capture of the
pie'. • The chase ,cmitinuing 'fin. a eon-
siderable time, the brakeman and finally
• the engineer took a hand in. it, • the
Colin tueanwhile- remainieg etationary
• On the main liuet • IIavineee been un-
successful, the engineer and brakemen
retttreed one by one to. the teein-eill
bet one brakeman- who carried the hag -
gage ehaekeboolte_. ..Aftor__ waiting
while for him. the engineer eotteluded to
Thnsitecesa • that. these medicines het :inet.
ith• since theit inti -to -the publicsome-
eara ago, -proves plainly to the most skeptical'
hat they:are medicines that perform What they
re, adyertised to. • The virtues of these medi-
Ines have been wen tested, and havir withstood
•heir trial in a most satisfactory manner. For
iseasesofIlis Blood, Liver,. Lungs; d:c., they.
re unsurpassed. We have testimonials 'of •mi-
zieuleitis cures of thee diseases, and of Many
hers. If any one afflicted, leG'• hini try a
bttle of the Remedy and a box of Pills. No
njurions effects will follow theiruserto the most
•elicate person, as they, ere purely:vegetable;
• es no Mineral matter in.them..•.The.
•�t w iile the advaiitigiii-derived frees
heir .use will iloubly_repay. youjor•your ax -
ono. and trotible. The methomes are widely
wiwn throughout the Dominion. and 'are for
alO by • the. principal medicine dialers. Try
bein,. and be convinced that these medicines
re no humbug. No. one who has tried the
hoshonees Pills has ever pronounced an un-.
avorable opinion 'of them, no family Where
heylutve,heen usedWill be Without them. Full
nformation be had °wall pertionlars
touch -
ng the use, and the experience of those who
aveused thein, by seenring•the Treatise or the
irenlar from any 'druggist in the Dominion,
*roe. .Price of the 1emedy in pint bottles, ;91;
ills 25 dente a be*. •' •.
. .
____ • . • .
• mines ie ciao DIN' 4a,
Well knew)/ inedicineis no imposition
at a sure and Safe remedy for ',Female
sales and Obstruetions,froni any (tensely/sat. r
yer; and althetigh a powerful remeily,It 1.11'n (It'l*.-11XE1)ICTI4B•C°'' .
WILLIAMS, • B.A.,•;••ii.13.,
(LATE OF 1a55105, ONT,) ' •
Gradnate of the. University of Toronto,. mombecr of
the College of Physicians andeurgeono, Ont. .
Orrice AND linprnmveg-The,house forinerly
pied by Dr, Reeve Albert Street • Clinton. 21
MILE CENTRAL MOTEL --late Varner's Albert
J. Street, Clinton. 8. PIKE, Proprietor. This bee.
tel has lately been, greatly improved and thoroughly
refornithed, and possessos.every requisite for the cora- -
tort and convenience Of the travelling public. Coed__
otabling and attentive hostler. •
Clinton, Nov. 28th, 1878.• •,
. • • "
LIVINdSTON; LATE OP emets.eo, iraymet •
111, • muchasedtho Hair Dressing businesa lately:car-
ried on by Mr. Belmont, deairee to intimate. to the pub -
lie that he will continuo the same at the old eland, and
hopes 'to receive a continuation ef thapatronage accord '
ed'hie predeceeser. • Ladies Hair 1Vork specialty.
.• Clinton, Aug. 8, 1878. •• • '
'T...?tssif 110E8E, WIABTON,. 'ONT., YOLDEY &
AV Edmore, proprietors. This hotel has been en- • :
lamed end newly furnished, and now offers first.elass
• accommodation for the general travelling public: Or.
dem for rooms by letter or telegram carefully attended -
to. Good Sample. Rooms. Wlarton is ;nest beauti.
fully situated on Colpey'e Day. and the site. of this
Hone:thaw been earefully. selected:- Tim:house is in.
teaded 86 supply a want long felt by thr travelling ,
publiet and by tourists, oportsmeu, and families wig:.
log a;pleimmt summer resort. Steamers call daily.
• , RE.MOVA Tee •• •
• . . • • .
T wee -eau; L. ix, 0., has removed' }ail alto an
residence to natteobery Street, second house yre:ST -
of the lfarket Square.
41,...ritml, Jan. 15,1879. • .•
HAVE any anieunt of money to laid; ou g'ood, •
improved farms only, at 8:per cont; charges very
small. Sum. no object if aeourity envie. I de not ' •
lend money for any Company. •
Nov:8,1878.• Sn'Arount.
e:e.o ee ceeo. seeWeue 9, otnerox, POD •
' • .
SH,117.7; IN" Or 1 \ ./X.AC:j1--11.1VMS
Yt111.111113 Mak Styks and prices. NEEDLES, 010, ;Le
Ali kinds repaired by a Practical Maehinidt. Work.
•warranted., ICAcrincr s To DEM by the week or lomat:
April 8,1579''
tQl:illGEON.DENTIST, Gradual e of the Itoyal College •
cd Dental titurgeous of Ontario, ha's opened rooms
in.the Victoria Block,,Albert Street„Clinton, where he'
will.constantfy he in attendance, prepar d to per-
lerin 1SVary operation connecied-with-Debtistry, 'Teeth • -
extracted, ffildd with gold, amalgam, or other filling
material. Artificial:60th inserted from one to a full mt.
Clinton, April 17, 1979, ' 16 •
. •
MILLINERY Establishment
A '1i,rgo .agsortnient (if PEAT IfEllS, FI,QWEES,
BILKS and CIBBONS, iu the newest shades;
Also, a laage stook of PELT mid STItAW II:12S., 61
thelateet style'. CORSETS, &a.
'Agent for DUTTISICE'S PATTERN'S of garments of ' •
doe:options ; a large stock kepi, on hand.
*Felt end Strew fiats Moaned and altereel •
, .. tile Assoitifient ,6( rAtelles' Minces. .
. .
Clinton. et. 19, UN7. .. ' • .! ' '
4ABAY'S srzcytYao namicrari;. • • • -...• •
. .
TI1ADE DiA1111. .1,11° TRAD1 Mins. . ..
English Remedy. ,.. .
. . Anunfailing our°
tix for fielninal weak. . 4 ,
hil...06; • allf4'1Pn, el rPi lm°1 ECCiallit 1680Yre: : ' : '4. ":4:14 1:. --:-
.•- ,.,
. sOirlerigb el Self.
"•• that follow as, a. •
.:,te. ,,,,, • - • ' 'fbelgO;;E: 1;1011'N'eci..1.• -':' '''''.'•t:'
ro folic, 1:816„),•,..eall,tsaitaule;pain ../Ast41.•Takiw„,
• 2, Lila Baal:, Dim. e .
a eeo of Vision, Promatare Ohl Age, find many ether
dieeasen that lead. te Insanity or coesemption.. and ft
Premathre'Clrev,e. Full. porno:thud in- Ofir"paniphlet;
ythich we desire to Send frce by mail to ov-Fiy one.•-• -
The Speeille :Medicine la so1,1 by all druggist:: at 91 re.r.
package orii packages for 0"5 or will be end free 'hp
531111 on 'repeirt of the numay, by addressing
0 Toronto, Out,
alb SuOthinghurtful to the constitution.
A B -Tla demands of our bust:sena han
ve ear agitated
ositainint overee pine by tetutn mail. •
eole in Clinton by 3. H, Combo and NIT, U.
Vatts 1. etielisoir and r. trumeden, Sea -
; 3% Kidd, Carrotibrook; Parker ,St. Cattle
*p ebutiarly suited: It win,itt a shor t "r V'el"Mg 80 7."°11i°' 80 whi°11 14°° P.1°"e Et'14""
ring on tile tn.onthly period With regularity.
O alleases of 'ean
lerydus d Spinal Affeetions,
eine in the *Batik end Lirebs, :heaviness,
atigue on slight exettiou, 'Palpitation of the.•
oart. • Plysterice, Sick Headache°, Whites, • "•Pe E jr 0 A T
) •
na an thopainful 615068108 oeeasionerl by a
isordered system, those Pills will effect :tone°
These Pine have never been lw
cnon Th fail ..:1
'it. (03113E'..
ben all other MeauellitVe failtd.
here the directions on thc; page of tient.
I -net; are well observed. s.
Ain future communications. - • .
t' Sold in Clinton by- all drugants, and everywhere In
caned& mei the rnitea sto.teR w an whoionie flint re •
tail drogailds. • •
'Per full partienlers, get 0 e135i4l1415ee,o1
tfas preielsoitecen.as
l . .
,.10.131‘10SillS,NIIWY011,1t Sotat PneranoTon,1 jx) i,,,
$1.00 and emits for postitge, enclosed to ic•
orthrop Toronto,- Ont., general wherehe 1i11eep fersale seiceteml general aeseit:',
gents for the Dominion, will insure 11. bottle • . 11012101
. •
)1.6 F. lOraftnw Oederiehl- tee (.e.ieceen, no.] Peeeeeetone„ eceeepev,eceit c.eniteoumb. toe •
. •. „ „
! folill.4!1'14°.!111: "414 aNT(11^7'.
inotedore.1 elinton, f'elt.
..' • .. • ..