HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-12, Page 6• o THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Americalku 1 Tho 'steamer Devonsbire, front Phila. , aelphia, lost 155 head of' cattle during a ,gale at sea. A tramp attacked' the andow of amp. erVittegarruear Ilittercon,qu Wednealey. She was GO to 70 yeata old, Sophie lab rehayee; aged t wenty-fou a tied on Toesday in New York from the effects of swalloWing a pin ILIA Nevem- , her. .. There passed over the Lake) Shote ,ala.1%tiohigtol soutuorn taitwoy as moo than empty freigbt train a little oTo than ten miles Tong. The daughter of 0.• hoteakeeper at Der ]aware, ' .0. robbed . peg pepper in the eyes of a boarder as be sat . at dinner, heeaucte lie winked at ber. - a -N. L. Sgaires, ef• Colusa, Cal., cue victea of teardee in the arst degree, tommitted auieide by cutting bis throe t. ilis wife took the razor to him. , , Wesley Ilarditaaaatrieamer in the ' Auatin, TexaS; peattenti trychaseort fess ..)cl to,. haying killed Halderman, for whose murder Brown Bowen was hang- ed a year ago. . An excursion treat...Wee blown frem • the trackan Pride!: near Bleak Rock, - Utah. The brakeman was killed and the 'coaductor injured. A number of passenger.taere consideraalylejered.. >. A man and . Wife it. Tiptlon' Ind., agreed to separate:. Tbeia proVeity Wa• s divided, piece by piece, anti' nothing • was left bata baby and' a cew,.'• The husband gave the wife her choice, Anil - she took the cdtv, . •• . . A. murdered infant was found con. ealed in a field in Hall ClounttaGeorgia. . Allidoora Peeler, a11011(1am-ea eciantay girl,.aplaawledes .thitt tae child was Liq,a‘ k.,•-.'Slie ligred.it• teita.-fe.• its faith* freina diagraee.• .• , ' . • ••' ....• A boy at Chelsea, Mass., habitually aaiused •himself by henging from the ties of a, railroad bridgewhile. trains rbiled-tibelie. him, .'Otte day' liei jadka• ' himself up to see how near that a slow train bad approaohed, and his head was, taken off by the eoweatehea: . . . The St. Paid PienjeaaPresa rejoices in the fact'that ' so• many Canadians • care : alaaaitigltliaiitobalet-Dak§talaafitraMin- peseta, and urges de railway conwanies to send ou more- egents..._,Tatargeanina,• . be-tif of-Ctinadian- firrnais are tdeating in 'Dakota. •This is not as it should be.. A young woman beat on suicide went • alto it drug store at Council_ BluffsaIowa, !• tellitaMpaphine. . Thi.oleekt'attispected ter purpose, and sold her a pOtaerftil eme- tic. She returned an 'hoer afterward, expressed her opinion °a a - Man- who • maid deceive a dietraitea, gitl in that way, and dentanded _her. money back. a While la.. BarretaatLlittle 'child, -Ails ,avsallit* along the.•1441i:SusqiaebatitiA. ".at •Sdrariton,.Pa.,. biaThalisday, the- Wain • eanie thanderitig along.''. The engine- . driver.saw„ the. child, and .coupled the brake: . ---A-t -the samealastatita a -man named Bolaad dashed aheadof.the eag- hie and caught the 'child by 'its elptbes, ' .but too leant? peevent 'the. cowCateher • kneeking him nader, the. engine. Bo- land held on, dragging the 'caild ebead of the 'wheels Untilathe Malin°. stopped: The little. fellola awes.' briiised but net eerionslv. .... • ' ,. • . . , • At Noyac and -North Sea; Ori Mail,. day evening,. the aie. was filled -svith millions upon millions of ' bugs, •aboat the aim of a. Jame. bug, .svhial), it is supposed by scimeaare the offspring of • the vast amounaof woarns whieli des- troyed the hay and corn crop lastataiar: The captain of a vessel laitig in our barber that night said that bis atten- tion, was attracted • to:the buzairig or huminiug of large swarms of bugs as they passed by • his vessel Of •what species the bug e aro. whereat]) •• from, what they are going ta ,i1o; n.rkii ,. whither their are bounclats In et rant101.1 we should be glad to..receiae.-aaatta liarbor (L. I.) ,ExpreA, , . ' . • George Cobtanahad a discuesion with his brother -in laty, in a St. Louise bar, • room, as to boy -much:whiskey an able drinker ' eould put down at' a drauali b. • Coburn felt Bute be .eould. alaink a !schoonerbeer- glass- full, and offered to make tl•ie attempt if his relative wetild pay the cost. The glas held More than a pint, teal . tbe bartender, perhaps knowing better than (Jamas the quality - of the liquors besold,. warned Coburn • that the quantity was sutlicient to kill a man. .4Psbaw, that's only drink for a child,' said Cabana and poured all the whiskey down hi s throat witiloat stop- • ping to take breath. • He War proStrat- ed within a few minutes, and goon died. • A whale stopped ntRielatorid, B. I., to got married. -They were Met at the railroad station by a .clergaina,n, to whose house they had' intendedto go, .. but it was found that only live mintitea remained before the tram that .t,hey • wanted to take would be due. They deckled to have tbe aerenaoria performed right there. The time was expended in, making oat iho papersaand the station reader plaeuted,.' Only one minute left!' befate the tying a. the knot had beim dentitrietteecl. 'Stand lip :quielt, .oia the --itifibtei.; Thei the.whistio of the ap- proaching lotinnotiye westward.- 'You take each °diet for better * for worse?. the %taiga* cried, 'I pronounce yott Mati and wife.' The train 'clashed up and the an and wife „tamped aboard. • :, Tho Presbytery of Ogdensburg has ousted the Rey, J. IA, Icrraugh from- the pastorate of a church at Brasher's Fella lb habitually maltreated his wira. The messenger •of the.inlools Celt- tral Itailreadawaa robbed in a tarot in aihiceopea §_eturclay, of $9,00%, twa men wan-thteav cayeane popper in his Oyefl and escaped. A boy in the :Philadelphia. House of Refuge, beiog disobedient, was looked ia a cell ,while his Companiorte were en a - • joyina holiday in the park He Wit „, So ill -need that be hanged bintself. At New Reveal; 'Conn., Vigil Smith, aged t wenty, was arrested on Saturday, for attemtping to poision his enaployer • Phila. Cetera and family by putting strychnine in their coffee. I -le confess. ed that the reason was Crefat'saaon re- • payed birn for remaining ant late ut nights. . Mrs. Honore Limy, wilily driving home from Chester county, Pa., (Al Saturday evening, some cetton and. straw; in the cartage was ingited ay a • mat* 4nd blazed up, .Tlte. Iterse got frightened and an away, and betore be was stopped Mrs. %Lacy was roasted • alive and died on Stinday morning. The "Alairto- Greenback -era disclaim spalpathy With Ocinarflunisat Itiftr*cialz isra,7but a Greenback grater in Iowa tella his audiences that Communistu in France means tbe same thing as Socia17 ism in Garrearly, and Socialism in Ger- • Matta-• the same thing as Nihilism in "tussle, and Nihilism in Russia the same thinaan as Greenbackista in the United - States, . •• 7 •• Mts.' •Magdalena Banschaff, of Day- ton, Oa in a fit of anger, badly injured the little daughter of a -neigbbor last week. ' Sunday night tact. girl' grew ill. Mrs. •Bansehoff, antiopiating that the irl .would:adiea toininitted aiut4ide . by throWialtraleaselIfil a ettitteria 1$11n bad told 'lliiratabaral. if atlia• gfea ailed he would ki1l herself rather than •have. het' children disgraced by her.execatiore Taro stAciate .Itt, iWaongeoimary; NotiO 'are 'Very 'fetid' of wexirintr showy clothes, aecently took pains to get two. suits of theasame material wbioh. they' 'were. sure would not be . duplicated. Unfortunately, however, they left steno pieceawith 'a local tailor, in whese shop cd'affieFeliCatileY 'i'of studente, who procured suits exactly .Astaa.b.a.Kaaaltlathelearaapaeared.liathe.. chapel on tit° same morning with sitite of the sante tut afida•materiala •The - chagrin of the two >swells may be • im, , - • The Ten Days% War. ,„ • Now that we can cAlroly look back on it as an historical event„ the recent military campaign into Canada was ono of the most extraordinary on record, Ifehows- that the pi weeS or American; artua aroaa araw 84 over they -were: For the benefit of future ages it may be well to receunt tlitceases anal ie - sults of this wonderful invasion, which will probably be •historically known as the tea cloys' wttea • It i well kneWn: thea clana„da, by tke adoptiOn•of a tective tariff, abut out many of our American articles .from the Canack markets, This was more than A free- born nation could stand, and the Gov- ernineut was jest going to take steps in the =Mee when Mr. 13ceebtr called on it, on hie. way South, and told ib not to tether itself as be had a iittle regiment otitis owo, and as soon as he delivered his lecture he would go over the border and knock some sense in the Canadians. The Govarnnient said "all right,' and Mr, -Weave dtliaered bis *tam Neat -villa On his retail the .teenth 'Regiment let slip the dogs of war ad ,Mr. Beecher cried They adopted completely nes . aud un- tried military tactics. • Instead of -mov- • ing cautiousliou the enemy end th rovv- inK up:earthworks, pte., they bought return t1clet f ftpatteal. This in„, sured . their safe arriral and return, otherwise ' a eta against the railway companies would ensue. The Canada conrpanies guarded the frontier,but of canes° it baing egainst the law to mo. lest' passengers with.- through ticaete, they could n� nothing. •Tho brave • Thirteenth marched directly on to Mon treat and took the city triumphantly, notwithstanditig the fact that the Gov- ereor.General in person lett the the. - ,i 4 .ii.eq..,,i,:tings RN a Cure ' for •'Gam, . - ; ; ---aa • . . Several articles and letterehave been' tainted in German papers* late laud- ang the efficacy of theading of the coin. - twee bee as 4 titre for gptit. Here is .enaof alie• latest coMmumeationa, which M.'i*Iliria ::onlY a few -eiciati4ga. in . tae ifttiaa!'p .Eveking Gaz01,t1p.,e-a'-.1 was ly- ing in bed,' seas the -Writer, tsufferiag from a heavy attack of gout, admin. panied -wtthaviolent:.-Taiatainaniyaleft foot, Waerr I:changed-1a l'Oad iii•II.:BBV9S- paptip all attiele &scribing hoW,gont. matte: cUresl, by; the sting of bees:. I at Ode°. (.10terg4necl. to ,t1..tyd the re.*.i_ly, and sooneontrire(). (it; ins..falli ,lioi, .1?Y meane'of•Whieli a captured bee Cciald bel applied -14 the afflicted ,part. ,T than let2anterOat he atuag by Oxee, tidos in -inOfeeediiie, each, hen.:laiviagiliis sting behind in my 'flesh: Aftet a feW min- utes these stings were extracted; and whibn the pain caneeciaha therkhati suba Aided •I• feat& that the geati pia _had alsci left Me. On the .,xxane,e clay -I left my ;lied, and on the ,thearely was, able to -walk about. ..Fer some tithe nty feet' was slightly inflariactlaand I experienced sortie burning. senantien ; but in four or five days this left me, and I tatIS com- pletely i.eeovered .!.' • ' . _ . . ' L' 4ae s an Figaros. • 1.. 1 England '••• pays bet weeit a•4,000,900 [ and S.5,000,000 a year fde 'oysters, : . Tho reeeipis of tee, in America, last year were upwards of 60,000,000 lbs: •Thre e..aount orgeld it America 'on 1 •Jae. 1, 1879, wee $301,794,480, the 1 largest eve a reported in the, United • ' Ffetit .tho' clut, of it coal ' mines Prance make:3 annually 700,000 tons •of excellent ftlel, known ' as patent fuel; and belginta makes 500,000 ton, • • . As illustrative of the enormous pro- duction of beet in the United Statee, the fact isamintioacd that the quaatity • bandied at Chicago alone; in 1878, .areounted to 1,70;O00 qnarters-fully equal. to 170,000 tons, or more than half the.entire eonsnmptiop of Greater London: a . •61-•-aamer-r-r—t- subscribe for to Now Er4 it—L'AcKswirrai-ifo. 1131Ill 'undersigned having Parenased the stock and -It- leased the premises of Ma. W. 0-artur, an Albert Street. oplMalto Mr 4th'a ,41114 takes this names or notif$100 Wahl:mule and, the polite generally', that be tatenett aeaaaaa ea the atacapateaug Uskoessba all itw brenchtir,t and, therefore,' eeheitethaix cuetoln.-- Deing prraetleully acquainted with everything connected with the hualoOPS, Oao guarantee satisfaction, Jigarse Shoeing a Sitegisilty. STBPIXENSOB onotoo, April 24, 1579. . .• , g a g • j4;1 11V.:.4171 ti....40111.t.1"1:74 - U. P4 ail ate 8 cl i•Erto-• tr.„. gi;lbh - F4 at. #.`",aag aa 9:a. 2 la: tq: 09 1:11•El 'gra. 3 1 2. 4a -z.411.111 1,2 v'.1/419 LE. "6419. 1,1". - • • 7Ili Li! d -04-1R10411,tri. t. Wilia••••144... ii.mr4'-'4740 Lie • 41,44:61rA, AA' CO • • 01.14.?n,- §RITE'd, • • The . taiumphant TNEW WAGGON SHO Thirteenth marched • P 'through • the streets �f the donquered city, whith it is matlerstond capitulated on their own terms, and were back in Brooklyn in ten days, that being Ole limit of their exeuraiett tickets. • Of °berm the return of the noblearitift was an 'evatien. The wonderful celerity with .whieli Catutda svasakenqaeyedis dtie no -doubt tO the fierce and warlike aapearance of :Mr. Beecher. He was dressedin full: regimental aelform with golden epaulettes, wbile a velvet and gold. °vas cockade was fastened on his plush hat. He had a terrible sword, and -two> giltasparailecaraatectahiSabeicita: Mr. Beecher now-lookiaround for other worlds to conquer. -Detroit Ave Ne.ss •an IFt. 'A Parisiomance.. A thematic incident took alaca re- cently at the liffize of the Commissary otPelice of the quarter of. Saint-Rodh, in Paris. A femaleA . who h d all the •appearance of decreaititao and 01(1 age, and Who was actu..stomecl tobeg nearthe entrance of the Well;knawit ,chuacb, had dispute With another mendicant, who elatmed tbe privilege ofehaiing the coign of ,vantage under the,:aorch. • When taken efore the dommiSsary shatelated -her. -stry cif misery in sueh-moving teints that his heait was toadied, :Bad while recom mending more 'discretion, a t the entrance of a Placivotteligious wor, ship, he slipped a piece ofailvey. into WI hand: • She thanked bini in tones (narked 'with deep emotion, '::t t11,0 1116MOlit. when she Was ' crossing...411e threabold .of the ctlipallsearfelaftiee she let.fall alootav'arnet she Was -eari7ing, winch. gave forth a metallie ring. Stooping hastily teapick it ilia the iictien excited the.seSpteion of tat). anttionary, who .callied tier back, and as6ca her lto aemove the hooa that pirtially shrouded her face. The transfoMatien tom; pieta in a moment: the old dame tuna' ed into a damsel of eighteen, and the foot -warmer changed into a strong box. containing 2%000 fr. A11efforts to ob- tain information as to her identity Were •ututvailingrand-sheabitaheetratai, natiat the poliee.station.a-Galagnani. Wooden oho in rrtiiice are produc- edto the extent of about 4)000,000 pairs yearly. They are made itt Alsace and Barriers by machinery,- and in Loz- •ere by band. In the last named pro- vince 1,700 persons are engaged in this manufacture, and the yearly prodiet is 564,000 pairs. The best are made of maple. In- the provinces nearly every ladyaieseestses a pair of the finer saheb, for wearing out in damp weather. These have room:veins and - other designs carved oix the vamps, and they are kept on the foot by ornamented leather pieces °Yee the instep. •The manufacture of these pietes of leather is a regehte busi- ness iii Teranee. • An ideaof the depression in neaten], ture in England May be fermata froni thofal1 in.rents.. At ct recent meeting at Davizeta in Waltshire',oae. landlord said his income- m, froin. fararenas...had fallen. from X950.'to. £650 •or over 30 'per cent;,d .anin niae other.emies reats bad .b.oen _reduced -from 4690 to: $44.5,- £868 to 4750, £888 to l250, 4300. to 4240, ce450 to - ,:e400,• 4a580...to :2539, 1225 It.9•,t18.0, &80. • ... • • The doctrines of the Naltilistsatee fest leavening- the whole Russian nation, and ere 'long the leaven will work out VO u ton, le repreasive measures of tho. despotie'..rtiltir may postp9no it fr a.time, but Will come in file: end -none the less surely, .11:o is afraid or Itis police, a majority ofwhonx ato, in lea. gue with • the revolutimilsts; he is afraid of his army, the vYroater portion of Whose oftleers anal',„„men are also re- velutionists ;.end Ito isatfraid.of his sab- jeete'mbo arc waiting for, the accepted timefor the inception of a vast outbreak: Ilo knowe the State ef pdpillar, feeling, but' disregards it. Instead of taking waintiag and using other means. to ere- yeat trouble, Ito uses those mectits'which will hasten the occurrefice of such. trouble ; and in the -ends when the storm burets aboutitini he will al groat melt - sure ho able to blame -Only hiresolfafo,. the troublawhich ho has stirred oi.ky. means that -are condeilmed not only, by the people and press of lii. own couta try, but by those of •altneet all 5thee civilized eountriee where the people en- joy any, ltheata of apeeeli or action. • Thos. Friendship Desires to inform the peemle of Clinton and aurranntl; Ing country, that he has opened a Waggon Shop ut. eonnection with Conew & &MEW BhOkSnlith Shbri, ISAAC STRE'ri-i OLINTON, - Where hOwIli be prepared ordei:s Wagic•oityi;"Ctirriages, • fattters, on tio shorteet notice, ancl at the most reasonable rates,. )g of an kinds promptly attended to. ' GEN% 11111 A. CALL. Clinton, Afarch 10,1879. • Q-7-717 -7-FOR $10.50H . We syill,..endyou, bound in ha sheep, an unalhidge WorCester s Dictionary• - , The Portnightly R.. • For 050 year. J.UNI.: i, 167D tzlps:RARNEss--S110E, ATTENTION. ttaloa ataaaa, )ant,, et the fralta NOIICE, that the appointnout of MeSers;'; Mutual Fire Ins_erance Oompanfr of the Gle nty of Wellogton, la thi day:cancelled. ! • w. Ay. rAIKRAN, Es,, Mu, bsen appototoa • ogteanktof aormth4i7sattioowunif igixdrattv tout Lt,y4a, vaatunly,si Rotten, ewheparai aelu• ti"Dmini°44 1eider,. Oil AltIallul PAVIDSOlv, SeerTreas. ••••1•••• rilfluttlersigned has Opened o bal'oe,13 shop in tlio premises occupied by • •XL 1, STE;r1 ALBERT -MEET, MN= • 'Whore he will keep on hand an assertnunt of the otti- . ales mid stook penally found ba a store of this hind. Being ft praCtiodwbrkmen the ip PreParede;ealleate alt orders in good st;le. Guelph, 4th Dec , tf• ltopairinufrompt1;! Attended to. SEED WHEAT -• GivE EIA cATAx., S. KEITH% PEAS, * BARLEY, OATS, mt.., uity iai, me. u ,ka5 ell kinds ot Field, Garden end Flower Seeds. • raluvulug liILei4 MY Ott:Minim! ttb atepaalar- port accorded Me the post lyear, take pleasure, it' forming the pablit thatIhave, nt considerable expense, carefully seleettd my present large stork of sea. prOUS Iron the mea reliable growers. can confidently re- conunend the , LOST NATION and- WHITE RUSSIAN as the hest sluing varietres ..grown, both foi,quentity, quitiltY Suit 1y PriAS aro Second tch, • Wino in the Province tor parlty rand quality. • BABTAY nod 0.119 of the ery beet, •arteties. (g.01. hit and TI1101:11 Prod, rwiui, MAN 001„ n, and all, ether field and garden ameds fresh and pure. I alWay4. take' special 4:ayo tu s leekseedil 'clettuand fres from 11%irizoi fogs weed need. Allva)a ghtd to 'ahOW my needs, end giVti tuylt.folnatien•lea'retl,by tarmereurad: etbers. anattiatai art are; ' • Hamilton Street, abetallallteate :Hotta, atalerielt. Ctoderirli, March, ,t:Vrit1014. Retell Prlee, 1Vorcester's MakinllarY '4'100 Subserlption price, per annum, "Fortnightly"5.00. Or, we will givomrunabridged, bound in alaeopi W011- CiSTRIt'S DICTIONARY, for five yearly subscribers ,to nit; FoanolcinTra EnvIEW, or for four yearly sub- Serniers to the same, WO will give a copy of that famous • -work, bound iu 2.vols., Soatmalunar; Rumours, Agente W•li$ediz-to 'wheat we will pay a 'good. • 0011341i8E11012 tome:twain; their twenty. For particulars, order books, speeirami °epics, deA address the publish- - ers,• •Duran -ups, 0LA1IRE ib 00, AO -York Storonta-_ a . • REA.T. ESTATE FOR I, Vann LOt No: 84 in the First Curiceision aurora .1load) Tuckernmith, contain, bettered of first -eland land, about two mileit from, Olinton;fioard fenee.infrnut, good :hardwood millibar. ..g,q),xx saa'cle a superior dairy -farm. 2. Westifitit of lot i1ght,14,4,441oventh Coneen• - Sign 012141114M, tlaYaitrOaxoOdwHeat land, eirmlies . froni winglunmand eneldile frbn tbe 41e -flannel' Sta- I ..tioirof the 'relent°, Grey. and.Brime Railway. A small . clearance on the • f vont linlitnee:lardeood timber. • 'Would sell cheap for taid4CricielkingWinitOwn,proper• ' ty in Clintem. Appli, to the owner, Samuel Thrower, at PaledMllla, 01inlon, or to the Undersigned, • 4. 9ihellirgd,and.3;tiolivenient ntiCk:Storeiii the Al- bertStreettslockoiiiw Oecupleil by 11.1r.Sas:piddieeembe. e -r s • FARMERS, APPTION, — SIIT'TTI,B,V0117111$ or -table Farm Fence, Patented Ost.14th,187e, The Cheapest and iceut Parra Arum now in use, cost/og. lees than tile rails for a common rail fence. Family ° 'construeteilkeasily rolOPYOcli and- last longe'r than any other fen*, as it is reversible, %be material costs 70 cents per rod, and can be constructed for less than 10 cents per rd, so' the .entire qopt Will not exceed centtrper rod when ready to put.' tip, and two Men can Put •up ,40 rods Wore .1,teakfast, so that, se a Pam nee,itfraa4rPntaea are arinfrentat a glance, • • ,Ta lig 8.gOti A(andh?g, ea Fair's Lumber Zara' 4[41414 toitA, ItiffItts :for Sale, 10111,,i itiULLOY, Sole Agent. Clinton, Afril.n*, 4870. ••••• ° - Por 'tiftielafea° "et th0 aTarat and Lunge,. :-**Inibitaopto,00,901d1. • AsthMs. , • and"Crinsuniptlen. : • s ' • tracreeutationk has attalnetly inconseeneecaor !.1,1( m .. e aryellous cares it has prcidueed during the lilst•half •cantiwy, is a sufadieut assiirance to the. ;IlublIc thetilql j W.1((eF6',-teAllie the hapkieet , di reailtis thage:iiiil* itIdglIt`filli almost orkry• • .1 sestiod Of 'ci;iii* riktrol iirsons, pftlilielyk.'• '.inown,wialiareheentestoredfromaiarmingene eveneeepero.te &eases of ihe. kings, by its use. •• All viho haize tract i aaotairsilease its superloritY; and where its vOtnestkroldOno enolleSitaths asterwils.t medichle to OpMeglore.11eye ifi(dist,•_;„ tress and on/Airing peemiaatcaptilmonary wee- " tions...,•-aiienai.R2OMEar. alwa,Ya affords.laiL • slant 'relief,. and 'perdirine rapid aurae, of the 2 • ritilderVflrieties ofarombice eisoreeraisweit as ' the more forraidable diseases of tholungs. As a: safeguaril to children, amid the distress- ing Alsottees•whichllget_thoUrostalt&Chost of, • : Childhood, it is inraluebto for, byits tiraelY t(so; reallt,4,40.4reY06,0ligdAP4Irsterekte.101th,, .-,411,0iii(iLtioiio,:,katiaifliatala. at ovii-Y-trial, a8 :. th'elcuies if iaeatisteintly remattelea ittatea.re- inaricatie to forgotten. tee family -sham bo: . without it, and th080 . ivIn) bnve . Once uSecl it never will. . aaininetit.ritysicians..ttroughout the. country • prescribe it,•and Clergymen, often Ted011liaend it . froM their knowledge of,its elreets.'..."....., . .„ „„.....7_,.._.... . , . " rittrAanD ny., . -Dr; .1. C-. AYER & CO" Lowell, Masi". Practical and Analytical 1,50senniets.... ' • ' SOLD BY ALL DIIIIBCHSTS. BYBRYW:&,,BE. eios ,P air, II_ Ai se'rftle841:64fisaleaas7 esa,nEdrydslil: -,-....0 ‘'' c - --- Bol, Blotches, Timers, niii;lUi. fell! eV7a8 etr ulaosinetssi° i40:: • ,attnhhclee: a e.i. :it: ,it s::; .., Its ttri,:i9TA:g at vocrobrit K.., Ai: nnicteehyro -: Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald .unge, Pimples, Pustules:, • !!'.; ' i'• •a a _: 't5!Tetlilliel6: Itilittailit;. 4- :••-ei,ot - 11r.e4ness,!SterilityiLeacoribma, arising from. internal ulceration, sad Uterine disettse,_ Syphilitic and Mercurial dia• . !WD es,. repay, Dyspepsia, Emaefationi Geaeral Debility, and .for Purifyingthe. 131eoil. • ;';aPhiSiSarsaptitillais a combination of 7_,ategitalleatateratives -., Stillingia,• Wan- a'dihilte, 'allow Dock -with the Iodides . of Potassium and Iron and is the Most• ' efficacious tnedieine-yet .knotm ' • for . •' the diseases it is intended to cure.. . Its iagreclients are so skilfully:Coat- • Weed, that the. full'iltetative area of •• -e-aolrivassuiedread-While-trirtionillItt as 'to be harrialessteven. to ehildreu'it is still ao effectualastotaurge out ft eact theiala, . • systemlhose iinpurittea antaretauptiOn.a tahich develop, into loathsome disease. . The reputation it enjoys is derived • .:p0;ocIlrer,it..;afiPei:n17i:sts:::::ista:::•:i. thoe :bluvne". 1 its try repose in it, proie then. eiPerience from its cures, and the confidencitglhich accumalatea, and are 46ita,tintlIfieing mceived; and as many- of-these•cilSes are • ,pablicly known, they furnish convincing evidence cif the superiority of -this Sar- saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is Its supera "•ority to' any' other known, knan, that . we need do no more than to assure, the • p.ublic that the beg qualitiesit has ever poaseseed are strictly maintained : :7 • Dr. J.C, AYER' & CO., Lowell, Massa Pracriorii and'Anallitical Cliemists. 801.111 Bt ALLisDROGGISTS EVIIRYwRER'S. ^ • • -6.4.ahvit.:cial4;rtito stores'at tlieGrand Trunk etation belonging to 3osn49Hon. . ' •• t. Thelargo Mutely hen ding iltul lot„adioni 11the - Grand Tifunk Station, formerly oocopoia by T. IL Bel- fry, with ermine and boiler. Pronises well suited ter - manniacturingptirpOsts, pork-pooliii)g, 18-. Lot 0, onyletorM Street, ((foram. survey); a choice • building lot, betytetin_tdie_ki.2-11anavay.anit4he-ll4ver t -iieltdeneed, pleated witiatrees, good well, ‘te, . 6 Lob: 01 r • .lorio,k tr st belonging to ltr.- Ju)n PoWell, Good frame cottnge of ilve:roomili Well awl PUMP. Goad Wilco. Just south of Mr. Win. lierd's real dence .• lIA.LE. Clinton, Jail. 24, ltir. • ....: .. _ .A.• ir A. i:Z.,. 12, CONSTITUTIONAL., - C.A.PI`..A.tzlEf,XX , EtlICIVIIDEilr CHEAPER THAN EVER • 000 bawling that my business in thislipo is still „ • ceasinc.,, 1 halm, heel) enabled to pnrchOe no • Spring and • Summer Stock . . . • En pwohlavger quantitiog, thereby obtaining large mdtictions lot.' dash, Which enables mo to ! offer greaterinduccmcnts to all 'that may favot ..,--use.with-their'-patronage. t:B1 Please ea11 and exainine, an it'is no troubib . to away goods. HARNESS ' DEPAR,'VldElyti.T. • •tit thin department 1: W0t114 call the attention of Farmers and. others, to iny-very huge stock ' Of both LIMIT Aft Iina.ry,' Dotmix ',tun ErsoLn /-fausEssreade with the best -stook and workmanship.. leimploying wino hut the bosh tverkinea, a will gaarantee,an wart, . • lenum.irs vAurslus,.--A. very large assortmolit awl •cry elms?. Th1t5 ffMni 71) cents:up, lat. mut M•til class 81:11-NOLlii,-Irron nentS•per trniash, iq A i•O0111 Xhd-sheitrefleb:• •‘‘VBES.•0•ATARR . . • iiriobs! • . WARItANT.111l.. • yipToRI.A. B STO11I • • : JAMES .TWITCHELL. April 3/1 1879 Thumb ipplatal its WondorfiLluros • • j • )(we oho. Id .110.,6re.141 Gent&mait 811,0x the • rionditutioaal :- • • T. 31... lIAtraNa, l8isi, DreekTiite, Out. Dear SireaIt ignow two Yearn 01080 your " Conetitit- Lionel Catarrh komeay" wao Introduced to mo; luxe waited this long (0 800 if tho,ottra would remain p0., itnitanirt;•beiZoot4stosi:g nig; 510 ti.(1,u1),y0 Vtyou, 88,itfirst trt(10.'"V was acillAtit. My head for o;etlrbelfbOe'ri!j(4- nOspooted 11 to ha catarth. in reading lu your Circular I Mr My ealt,o described in many. pareleulars. The Ztjaa, ;:tildir 11141gEttliiitoliliaOlf tbel7=evn4trld ref= • lyinglong ;eT would feel like smothering, andbe awn. • palled to fat up in bod. i‘ty health and spirit fi were Boilers •• giudnes, and Mill Machior nery Latest Styles seriously affected, When your Agent Sarno to Walker- . 7 • • ",„ tou, in Angusti 18113,; ototraa Ono battled. Before At had used a :quarter of thereontents timid bottle, X . • • Rctrifiors., of. Improved 'Winds. • Akititactiari4ig rs M1 found decided relief, arid when r had (toad two bottlers and a 0114,1 quit tailing it, teeing (pito °urea of that ailment, and have not Used any sinee, 110 of late 1 hat° talmn Homo for s, dola in my haaa. A sense of .duty to stifferers from that loathsome disease, ClItItah,,prOMPta 010 to sdhel ybh this Cortilloato, unshlioitadi with Ionia to 000k0 What 11S8 01 11 you say ado proper. Touts tanly, W, TINDA.I,L, Methodist ihinivier, • Port nIgin, Ont. Mtg. 24,187s, • is' sit rot tattleneldat constltutiorialAre• terra Remedy, and take no other.' T. t11. ItAtionta, nomition Agent, DrOckvillc, Out, pale by .1,1 Praggists at wito pap Dozko. aor.fieitte. GRICTILTITRAI, IMPLEM3E1NTS STOVES of variousirinds. Bras's and Ivin Castings. • ,I4PP4i265 PRO.MPTLT ArpokDs.sT To. 0 FOR SALE. CHEAP-Second-bandngines and Boilers of 16, 20. aud .36 TrOrS0 rower ; also, Stave Mschine, Shingle and Heatlitig.i‘faellia'e. and 'Meal n • Jointer and Plainer. •. 1 Rule iT, rEeirIT. Gormatml, Feb. 1, 1877: 1