HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-06-12, Page 5JUNE TUE UL k4,VON NEW +'RA. 0 U For tiw Another run:through the Dry Goods market 0 T rogk1y T.ohint 0 - In the COTTON DEPARTMENT, In the LINEN DEPARTMENT,. In ,the PRINT DEPARTMENT,. • In• the• DRESS GOODS Department, In the BLACK GOODS Department, In the • HOISERY DEPARTMENT, 'In the GLOVE.DEPARTMENT, In the ,,FRINGE & TRIMMING Dep't, • In the SILK DEPARTMENT, • In' the CLOTH DEPARTMENT, In the HATS•& CAP 'DEPARTMENT,• In . the GENTS FURNISHING Dep't, In°the .CARPET DEPARTMENT, :• rte, In the HOUSE FURNISHING Dept, 1�1 In the MILLINERY DEPARTMElV`T, In..the MANTLE DEPARTMENT, In EVERY DEPARTMENT,, Will be found thenewest and best- goods •-to 'be had in the Canadian ' W _ •: market, whether imported or of home• manufacture, while the price of goods now on hand are at point of value that cannot be repeated on' the 13ulk of Dry Goods after this season. • ir•-IPECIAL::.i DRIVES - 0 M A. p . In.many linea; and GREAie BAno tis`s:in every department. :XLI ]: S I E-VEZ Tremendous: -Bargains: aHats, worth. $I u25�'or• .Sic. See 'them. = JOHN :13ODGINS,.. LATI. HODbINS .t PAi CLINTON, June 5,187ff. • • NTREAL 'HOUSE,:..CLINi! lams sm. ,A• R I L, 718 s 9.. 0 H 111 •GREAT %%% CLEARING SALE: 000 CLINTON. �aa TREMENDOUS BARGAINS, AND :PILES' OF FIRST-CLASS GOODS to choose: from. d 0 We .begin, .thisiniorning a big Clearing Sale of ltrst-class Goods. °lye will coffer inimense ,b aru ns to Cash Buyers and people buying large quantities: The Goody MUST BE SOLD, and the prices` must do, it. Among the piles of Bargains will tound • IlLA01C' AND COLORED SILKS, PLAIN AND RANGY DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS; LADIES HATS AND BONNETS, SUN HATS, SILK AND OASHMERE', MANTLES, WHITE AND COLORED. MUSLINS, BLACK AND COLORED GRENADINES, LACE CURTAINS AND CARPETS, PRINTS, HOSIERY AND *GLOVES, DRESS LINENS AND•,LiSfENTAND—PRINT DRESSES,' WRAPPERS AND ULSTERS, RIBBONS AND LACES, MEN' ' AND 130Y'S •'COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, RUBBER COATS; MEN AND. BUY'S' HATS AND 'CAPS, COLORED AND WHITE -SHIRTS, COLLARS, &c: WE GUAIi!A1VTEE. WHAT WE ADVERTISE 4 A.•ndr7 miry. OUT! .assertions out. in .euery .instance. So corse along and bring your'money. Wd advise "Beads. of families,: and others in want of first-class goods to examine the goods and prices, and be convinced by •seeing, that we . are no* offering' : THE "GREATEST BARGAINS' EVER SEEN IN` CLINTON. . Remember the place ----Opposite the Market._: $hov':flo�iuQI$n14 SATURDAY, the .6th INSTA Ail are invited to see the latest in. MILLINERY, MANTLES, &c., &cr Baia comptz11m E I]. , F: YEA; O1sPAf7MTEX7'. e F'=3Z ORZA23 S;Fitttna� Artr?'1', t8ib. CLINTON WOOLLEN • 000 lIII: iN00L SEASON haunt% ut#alu"oom .mene.,01,the .4,1).4/wilier wenl,l i•enpecir'eit it+in}li,the ptt),ife. Curt lie ie ready; ap naitnl, tn. nteird En • •All•hraucites of his .ilasin.ess witlhneatness .uul ri('4paich.. Not sithotxnding the bnrtt•thnes. -he bag kept itis 1'ateto; rutin*,' all Whiter, .and hos now ON 1 AND .A. LARGE STOCK Or 'WOOLLEN .GOODS 'Which he is prep,arcii to sell for ('nsb, or exchange for Wood, at prices 1eat than ever before. 34- (carding,- Sillnning; .Wcoivingg- : MannPacturing1 Coloring Gott, 011; SSING, & • Done on Alert notice, and eatisfaet en guaranteed. BLANKETS MADE BROAD WI»Tll; •p:l'tt1LIt ILL WOOL. onGOVT liti•ANf MOM, n 1 all work done'ttt prices es IOw nit nay Dlll! tnthe Uointy of IInron.... ;" 50,040 pound of W»' of W x1►tcc1, 1"nr w'hicli nett B gheet Market 'ries' vvil.Lbbe paid in coal, or'ex+tltitttg(tt -for goods. • GIVE tTS A. ,°AUJ. et INI,ttN ,°4fjy 1)tt. 14:r. • • E, , CORBET'T, :RIGHT & CO 0 0 0;---- eTT ST AFTER TIE RAIN, SOW YOUR TURNIP SEED 'W HAVE IT SN AT., N TIES. LAING'S IMPROVED, PROVED, SUTTON'S 'CHAMPION, SKIRVING'S IMPROVED, ROYAL NORFOLK, SHAMROCK, Y HALL'S WESTBUR CARTER'S IMPERIAL, YELLOW ABERDEEN", WHITE GLOBE. BUCKWHEAT, HUNGARIAN GRASS-, FLAX. 000 A.R-V"ET' 'r1"OOLS, n RAKES,BARLEY FORKS,TNS, • (something new,) HAY FORKS, CRADLES, THIST. ;E SPUDS, • TURNIP HOES. • :FULL STOOK IN" ALT, ABOVE, AT DAVIS PAY S, Mammoth -Hardware Store, PHN1.7C. BL_OC•K, C. L I .N T'.O' N 2 Cases AMERICAN and ENGLISH:STIFF FELT HATS justopened. The Nobbiest Goods in the trade. • Cases AMERICAN SOFT FELT HATS just arrived: Splendid Value. Our ORDERED 'CLOrHlYG. DEPkRTE! C. iutei• Cha s+tllarz h,iciti 'of cies yew. ttee, _ •is peoein y vc,i iut1liense' $aer '. Anybody in want of a' SUIT OF CLOTHES' would' -do • well to leave their order with us. • A ►`a►t1` fit ua.rauteeds. have e... very :fine, lot of " Stylish _Dress Goods d.• ress OOCS l` ale! OR: 30 LADIES1.S.!LK TIES, Which 1 intend offering to the people at 10, •121, and 15 per. cent' discount. The goods' are all new, and this Season's buying, but `.we have too many and want to reduce - them. educethem:- Every one who -wants a DRESS or -C OSTUME, will: get a bargain. • `So. come along. Butter and Eggs taken' the same as: cash. CLINTON, Juuo., 1871 tti . J. C. GLROY. JUST ,a 33C1TV , AT THIS: CLINTON BOOK STORE, Lacrosse, Goods, ..' Bouquet Holders, " Express VV"agonsp Iasi' :Balls cud c., • VtseS • • I'Ishin.g' .'.rackxe;, E'ire 'Crackers, e y ��i� • Croquet Is, Or siiVN Ri•n 1t1/'3s ..: Every :Garment 'gaup in° tie very .best- style, 114 .E ,d ,i hie4V•l)ip 1,580R/'J1/ia1'7' 0/' English, Scold' '1`!'WEEDS- ` WOESTED, COATINGS and SUITINGS, 7'0 CiT0OS ' MOM. 0 Pant • and .\rest Makers • wanted at once. R c!•.t4► J.T.a Lei itio 71-'.: alk + ;w�('�►w Cilon,u,4Tay'T, IPI,', • •• ~ W1I141 \VI1,1. JJ) SO.L1.i CHEAP: A CALL SOLICITED. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 'M'ILL'S . OLD STAND. DINGM A N • & HUMBLE.: Dray 181*. SCOTT do BOVINE'S PALATAB CASTOR 011. isprepared iia a form perfectly agreeable to chiliiren and most sensitive per'sont. Io'ikg Manufacturec the properties nate,and its rendt c ed of only and griping pleare s. ant in its action, but absolutely tattetess and palate- bk. It is pre-eminently the fistet laxative and ca. thattie known, anti as n remedy for Costiveness, Con- Atipatim!, and all Intestinal Derangements i t is. use: quailed, and is destined to take the place of Crude oil' and, all drastic gilts and purgatives. For Sale by AI! 1),i4 at 05 c*nts:s lsoatc. TSa'.,'t tail to try ir. EXAMINATIONS. fermi; outianoo examination to the CLINTON Riro 201100L, vi11 bo held in the Central Sch0o1:0 Tuesday and Wednesday; the Sth w Oth of July, beginning a 9 in the forenoon. ,trrliestions to bo sont to ttr the Bead Nectar beton. • the tat of June. 1, TorNI3VLL, Road Maater,. anion, May a7.Uth, 1879. E MAIM. 11tropeoste1•ree,• Tile Nxw Nravtsz Tome. A most• valuable Medicine for Nervous,Livcr, Stomata+ _ And 1Teurnatic CoasptAint'+; SOLI5 B' ALT/ bRT.1001BTS.