The Clinton New Era, 1879-06-12, Page 2ft 'Wafting for dlother.”
The old, num sits ftn. his easy -Char,
• Shrinlifirleg the atm:wets away,
dreeln that le all his own,
On this gladssome, peseeful day- .
. children hey° gathered from far eta neer,
Ale obildmn's children be,side,
and Merry 'Tacos are echoing Wrongis•
The " Homestead's" halls, so wide -
But far away in the 08re hing flown.
Orondfather lives again.;
And his heart forgets that it ever IPew
A ehadov? of grief and pale,
/for be sees hie wife as he saw her when—
sa. =trim comely and fair,
With her olilfdron gathered around his board
And neVer9.Veeent Char,
OA? happy this dream of the " Auld Ling Syne,"
Of the years) long, slipped away! ,
And the old man's Ups have gathered o sroile
And his heart grows young and gay.
Rut a kiss falls gently upon his brow,
From ;hie daughter's lips 00 true:
"Meer' hi ready; and, father, Beer,
We are only waiting for you!"
The old man MMus at is danghfeee
And he looks at We table near,
There's one of ne missing, my child," he says,
"We wiltwait till mother is lager
There are tears in the eyes of his children then,
.As they gazo on an empty chair;
Jior many a lonelY year has pe esod
RiiicQtar pet withithemlliere.
Rut the old man pleads still wistfully:
"Wemust wait for mother, vote:low:"
And the let him met lu his old arm.ehair.
Till the sun at lait sinktelew„---
Then, leaving a smile for the children hem,
-He turnefrom-thepartleewayv-,----rr,
And has gone to mother beyond the skies,
With the dose of the quiet day,
Mr Cressineton etarted discomfit- the holly, and. b1e-----*they won't like it
edly. ' . •
arn sure 1 inealit it all right Bot ehe was a inisener in his tight
enough, Cornelia, I certainly wanted elev.
Walter to know what a little darling °If what 7 If they find you and me
our Mabel is, end what a oice little
Wife she Would make for any man,'
'Very commendable, inded ; only, if
you had consulted 1310 upon the letter
you gent, I should have advised yon to
say nothing shoot Mabel, oilier claims,
or her eXpaetaticnie, I sheuld have
simply asked him to come mid see us,
and have left the rest to Mabers blue
eyes. You see, Abiali ?• •
His lips compressed slowly.
• think I see. And my hopes in
that' direction are allereined 1'
The eilver ;needles clicked rapidly,
and the snow-white yarn came reeling
merrily off the ball under her arm.
Not at all. leave that to me, and
I'll see what can be •done, Trost, a
womrn's witto get even a• blundering
old fella).* like yourself out of a scraPe.'
• She einiled and nodded, and looked
altogether. so inischievoue, that Mr.
Cressington became quite excited over
her little mystery.
' 4 Do explain, Cornelia.'
And when she had explainedhe
leaned back in hit') chair, with an Aix=
pression of positive awe and admiration
cin his faces- - - -
Trapped by an Heiress.
A- cosier place than the hig sitting -
room at Hillcrest wpuld have.been hard
to find, if one had travelled front Land's
End to Joint Q'Groae.s '• and this event-
-id evening, when the destinies of two
worthy people were about taking definite
form -two people who had never seen
-each other, and who had heard:of each
other so often that both were curiously
eager to ineet-on' this impot tent. even-
ing the satin -Fria -6m at Ililliarest had
never look -ed pleasanter or cosier.
A. huge fire -of logs glowed like Mol-
ten carbuncles in the open fireplace; on
the table in the centre of" the floor,
whose cover matched the glowing ;or m -
son of the carpet, was d
eilver stan
. that held ii clezeit• snowy;
whe' betiteleee 'light contrasted • eX.-
'exquisitely with the ruddy rrluW of the
_Beside the table, in a. big cusinned
chair, with his feet thrust toward . the
genial warmth on the hearth;• his gray
dressing -gown sitting comfortably on
his portly form, his gold -rimmed glasses
an hie hose sat the_oWner and master
of Ilillcrests;Mr.. Abiah Cressington,
rich, good-natured, and fond of his own
way. Opposite him'was the' Mistress
of the little plea -little, shrew -faced,
sheep -nosed, merry Aunt 'Cornelia, his
sister, who, since her widowhood, bad
come to Hillcrestlo make her .bachelor
brother's home as pleasant as she could.
• That she had succeeded was very
•evident by thev
iay now •in .whioh
looked -up -fromea -letterohe-shadobeeit
reading -the confidential, kindly way
now in which he did it. .
Walter Wiites a envious letter ,
response to my invitation to come apti
spend.a weeks at Hillcrest as soon
as he gets over his fatigue 6Om his
ocean voyage home, after his five years'
tour abroad. ; I'll read it to you.'
He leaned near th'e-gloWitig lights,
and.began the_short, tincise reply that
Walter Austin bad written from bite
;chamber in the Temple': e • -
You are very liind initeed, Uncle
Abiah, to-itsk me down to Hillcrest•for
as long as I .wish to stay, altd I can
assure yott that the idea of a hoine
is -very pleasant -to --me. ; But -when -I
take into consideration, the peculiar im-
eortance you propose attaching 'to my
visit, lam unwilling to accept the in-.
vitatiora. To 'nie, the. idea of having
fancies and inclinations put into har-
ness, and to feel that I am on continual
ditty t -O the good
grates of my secopci ceueip, Mabel,
whom you are good enotigh to wish me
to marry—' ' . •
Mrs. Cornelia interrupted eloirply : •
Abiah, you never' Surely went and
told Our grandnepkow that you had iti
view his marriage avith Mabel,'
Her tone wail energetic, almost
Why not 1 I certainly I told
him in my letter that it was a chance,
for hittishe'd -never .again, . and that
he needn't feel tnider such terrible obli-
gations tiTilike fonoy 16 AM -little
Mabel, but to corns: down and be ctiutin-
ly, and if onythiit should. beeper', it'd
be right all round: . •
Mrs. Cortielialsnitted vlgorously, her
lavender cap".-rifiborte - gaveling tlie
mellow taper glow. s
All I have to say is; you're -ea fool,
Abiah 1 Waiter is right. A young map
deem' liko to hose his fanciee under
rein and whip, and 'the very fact that
we want him to marry, will wake him
indisposed to do IL •You've made a
very great Mistake in the beginning.'
Mt. Cresteiiigfon• looked aghast ut
his sister's determined fitee.
'Why, I really didn't suppose:es-so
Of cows - 'dial 't It's only
your natural aupiditys yoe." dear old
fellow 1 • Mc n aro all alike. Don't I
know them like a book 1 Arid you've
ruined your hope foe Mabel and Waltee
att the very mated,'
talking so coufidentially toeether 7
f No 1 I mean if I don't, telre the comprehend the principles we taught,
holly at price.' ,
and now a new generation. is ran the;
Walter put Ilia arm around het waist stage; ill acquainted even with the facts
before she knew *bat he wart Uwe, of forty years ago. There has been no
•' Irene, lotak tip. Yon• Shall not go great distress since our -Gars( Litof was
until you lee me Bee in yew eyes if you alienated ; and now, when trouble has.
love me as 'well is I love you! Irene, come for a time, some of' the sufferers,
my deat little girl, I love you very and some of the Towle doetore, who are
dearly r • always ready to prescribe for the public
She was silent fop one second, and cry out for Protection, as if we had
he saw the quiver of her red lips, Then never tried it before, and as if it
been found a specific in other countries.
she raised her head slowly, shyly
. 2
YOU 10V0 me 7 Oh, Walter,. what There m no danger of our goiog hack
will they all say ?• Don't you know it to Protection. The present trouble will
is,Mabel you should say that to 1 I VW'S aWay. It has beeneggravated by the
am nobody, Walter, and Mabel is an evirpolicy of our Government, arid that
heirese will also, pass away; and the simpletons
Walter lied both arms around her by who are looking for lalieflo an explod-
this time, and was looking ardently in ed doctrine and practice will relapse in -
her glowing face, to that silence and obsourity which be.
4•1 know Mabel is an heiress, and a come them. It is a grief to me tbat
nice little gir); and I also know you your people do pot yet see' their way
are a darling -my 4erling-7and .the to a more moderate tariff. They are
only girl I ever asked to be my wife, doing wonders, unequalled in the world's),
or.ever shall 'ask Say yes, pet. history, in paying off your national debt.
His tones were low and tender, but A more moderate tariff, I should think,
triumphant. , : • would give you ,a better revenue, and
•j,And you can deliberately give lip'ee by degrees you might -approach a more
„se's -What -a watuyomearesegorne4ase mods fersinly jpet.rena
I declare, it beats anything I ever heard Hee Wondrous eyes met his braiely
in the whole course ef' ; ; now, and thrilled him with the Idve
4 :7.•. * light,in them. - •
Only just you, my owe darliug !
Why, you are more than all the world
to me ! Come, we will go 'tell Unole
Abiah at once.• just one kiss first -
you muse!'
And be hecl more than one or two
before he led her, blushing, with tears
trembling on her lesbes, like dianacienOs
on a golden thread, to Tfncle Abiab,
who sat in lis library with Mrs. Cor-
nelia, industriously looking over a re•- They tooked. up in sots
prise as Walter marched in, Irene on
his arm,..a picture of cobfasien.
pareble companion, Irene Vance, come• If you please, Uncle Abiah, want
your blessing and cordial consent to re -
my, will bring aboutsicure, not without
some .or much anfIaing, ,but without
We aded Vree Trade in the year
1840. But ourlandownere tIntl, farmers;
''and inliltitudes of our people, did not
JUNE i2, 1811)
that the Ooveinineut should iesue an 1 • gtittni arbs
emple volume of legel trier ettneucy 1 - `°:4-P - ' •
to meat the Imeioess wants of the coml. 1.: - ..._..-e....se_s_.
treerind to pay all its dehts, 1 nu. AP,IILETON.- oreieg -st nes toes and
. •al at MOUT. lime— The Rooms over the Store of
. Cln
., lean:linoleum a Aikenhead—Abe fig Dom ,CII nix o .
Err's Oceo.t. Gassrs erAND COMPultilinto'Dee. 20A877.
lNe. - - --.
After dusk a ,glorious winter day,
with Igoe and there a star twinkling
in the pale gray sky, and the lights and
fires in the Hdlarest sitting -room mak-
ing' an eloquent welcome. to Walter
Austin, as he ()toed in the raidst of the
•boene 'circle, 13;111, gentlemanly, hula -
some and self-possessed.
Old.Mr. Creseington was in his rich-•
est humer us he led, forward 'two young
girls. - . • •
f Cottle, 'don't be shy now. -Walter,
this is your Peueie, Mabel Cressingtee,
and this is Jr good friend and ins°-
to help entertain you. My nephew,
Mr. Walter Austin, girls. And ,this
is' Aunt Cornelia -you remember her
welLenough, heyP' , •
And so the•presentation was • merrily,
gotten -over, and Walter fpuncl
at hotne in theenost pleaSazit'faioily-be
ceive this little girl for your niece. I
love her, and she loves met
Uncle Abiaii looked shrewdly over
his glasses at,Mra. Cornelia. ... •
3Vell, sister; what shall - we say to
this Youth's_ dernancl ?' ,
hadoaver known', . ' A'broad Smile of perfect delight was
They Were reitiarkably pretty -girls, on her merly face:
-With 131116-eyea--although Miss .Vance's Say 1 Why tell then) Yes, and wel-
were decidedly the 'deeper blue and. come sand. let t'liem know their Aunt
more bewitching -and lovely; iyellow- :'Cornelia isn't a fool if their -Uncle.
gold hair. Walter found himself ad-, • s . ,
miring the style of Miss Vance's doilltre 'Walter looked astonished -and . felt
,before he had known her an liour j'and Irene's hand tremble:On hip arm. ;
when ho went up to his teem that night What is it dear ?'•,• ;
he felt a-§ it. between the. two, ectoish, She'smiled through her' tears. as Idle
Mabel and sweet little Irene, he never • looked into his inquiring eye:).
would.coine out heart -whole. " ' Oh, Walter, I an) afraid you will be
. For Mabel is a good little darling,' aifigri• Wu Mabel, after all, 'and--;
thought he, and I will -take Greatuncle and-'
civiliOed....eVeteto.. 'What ran Arieraoke-
strange than for your great, free coun-
try to build, barriers against that com-
merce which is everywhere the hand-
maid of freedom and of civilization 1 I
should despair ef the prospects of nuin-
: kind if I did not believe that before long
the intelligence Of ypur people would
react against the harbarisrn of your tar-
iff. It-seerns now year one greet Inlet-
ilietion ; the world looks to you for
examphein all forms of freedom, As
to commerce, the greet civilizer, shall it
look in vein ?
'Believe me; very eincerely yours,
dOnne Bennie.
Abiala's: advice and s fall in love With, 'And you havn,.. made. lovo to your
her, and thereby secure,a genettnueshai;o cousinethejleiress, in spite of yourself,
of .; the Cressington. estate's. 'Aged i' my bey 1••So Hillcrest is a foregone
that's a:•happy thonglitr • . • •• fete after all, eh ?';' " ' ' . •-• '
es-. Birk -the handsome- • yoling-gentleman sestberi'Keeelds_pleeee. Waiter r Meber
Went to. sleep mid dreamed; instead of pleaded; in a 'low voice, :with her . blue'
M.aliel's laughing Oa, or Irene's (rend& Oyes looking into hie. - • ' '
tender ones; and ..awoke ; somewhere .in. • '!.As if I could. eoela' You my lo Ve !
• the:piddle of the night,, unable to get ...Since3 have you, what needli care
to eleep again for thinking of her. • And Mrs:- Cornelia turned over. the
•Atid,the atter ettitiss wer6 2not anith.• leaves ' .tif the receipt -book until 'she
came -to "..weddiug-pake,'• and avers that
better.. Deipite' the golden .:yaltie of
• t; :she !made theniatch herself
:Mabel, ..there .. ‘.7,:as something'
Trene'Vance that Mack this headstr '
. ong . .4 . , . . Enjoy Life...
•feliewitOrkloOliShly illiiiirerent ' . to tile.. :: What f7t trtili beittitifal world we live in
•advide lie had sWOrrt to fO110*.' . Natufe gives us grandeur of mountains, glens
• c .rjecause, by 'dove! a fellow, .would. :arid oceans and thousands of means for en.
hays to .be made out of granite .th'resist -i0ment ',.We.can enjoy no botter when iu.
tho. sweet, shy ways .of each a little perfect lienatho, but how often. do the majori-
dailao, as 1 .,e 0 Tit rii.arry. ..., . ty_ of people fed liko. giving it tig dishearten-
° . 1 n ..And• /1:er ed diecouraged andworried out with diseas
if all. 6'11 have me, ao4 the Money 'aicd when there is ne occasion for this fooling, as
property- may go to thee-doga 1 : I've ;a every suffeter can easily obtaiu satisfactOrY.
head end, a pair of hands; iltut blue- 'Proof that Green's August' FloWer!,. will make
.• than as. free from disease agVhen born, Dye -
eyed Irene sball net suffer l' ..
. . . .• pepsie. and Jiver Complaint; is the direct:
"It, was not an lOur later that he met• cause of seventyfi've per Cent of 'end. initia-
ler in the hall, carrying. groat boughs dios as Billiousnessi Indigestion . Sick Head:
v?3, zinesCoCthe .11eadi Palpitation of the *cart,
the svalnot staircase.' • ! • ,• and other distressing syMptoms. Three cloaca
. r:Give nae your burden,' Thine; sal& Of August: Plower'will.-prove-its- wondth.ful
be. . t 'Why •did :yen ...not tell: 'nie' yon effect. Seniple hottles0.0 cents. Tyit.
of holly, with which' to festoon, dm ache, Costiveness, Nervous Pro4ration Diz-
were going to eathei) it, and let me go, lir. joiin Bright fin ppotnetimii,
with you.7 • Tem' altogether ' toe heavy
a burden for yew. arms to bear.' •, The fellaiWing letter feom Mr, dehn
He managed to got the lovely sprays BrigIxt to Mi. A.. Thorndike Ride, of
;from hee arme, but it required an Ito, New York, appears io the current num-
mense amount, of tardy effort' on hie ber of the 11,70)•th 4.2>tePiCalt .koview
part, tind shy, sweet blushing on her'ss T.tY DEAR Stnessa. have no difficulty
--'sAtisw"er ine, Irene. Why didn't .in replying to your letter of the 31st tilt.
you let me go with ortiti Wouldn't I do not think there is any clihnee of
you have liked it r ' a return in this country to the doctiilus
He demanded hr answer in the Most of protection. We export everything
captivating lordly way, and Om dropped -but egriculturel produce. To proteet
her eyes in great coat:Won,. our manufactures is matiffeatly mopes-
' Y -e -s.' , sible. .Froth.anothee canse the
'Then why welt. Slot) eo creel to nao tion of our land produce is not snore
'1 ton not orael to anybody'!" Indeect possible. Iraq our' population exists
I'must ge now.' • - haported food ; .0 limit ftOis Leper
Walter placed himself squarely in by customs duties, io Oder if> raise the
the way; and was looking dowo at her 'price of hoomegrotvn. food, is a propo-
rose-lifted face. • - sition that cannot be entertained for a
No, you can't go yet: 'Irene, you- moment. Stich a selieme offered to
are cruel, or you would linever deploy() Parliament and the country would. des!,
,one of the opportunity fa enjoy the, troy any Government and any part,tf...
blessedness oryour socilety.' His voice We aro liaising throngh a time a
lowered tenderly,. and he dropped his commercial depression; its. causes are
head nearer her golden curls. f You apparent to those who examine and
know I think it cruel in you to be BO (judder "the 'fads of the recent past
distant,' and shy, reserved with Me- years, But in the time of trouble ig-
(1611't Ynt ' norant 'Men seize tipoii 'Au&
She. Shrank iiway,- her lovely form impossible propositions and schemes for
drooping like a lilly, her eheeks hang- relief. There is no speeial medicine for
frig Out their eitnale of dist:retie and con- this malady. Tide, patiante, thenwoilt.
fagot:6" fag of natural laws, the airoidenco tonl
• 4 011) please tion't talk NO to me. In,
deed 1 Mud ge I 74abel 1,1 waiting for
03esation, ot the exciterneet and hulfe
reaclneee of the plot, mid e general econe- paid in full legel tender money, and
•—'‘Dy a thorough knowledge et the natural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application
of the fine properties of well -selected cocoa,
Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tablea
with a delicately flavored beverage which may
pave us many heavy doctor'a billa. It is by
the indicioui use of such articles of diet that
a constitutionmay to -gradually built up un-
til strong enough to recast every tendency to
&moose. hundreds of subtle maladies are
floating around, us ready to attaok wherever
therels a weak point, We may escape many.
a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves welt forti-
fied with pure blood and a properly nourished
fraolo—Oirit Service Gazette.—Sold only in
Packets labelled—' Errs 1t Oo., 110,
uneopathic Chemists, O. Threadneedle street,
and no, .Piccadilly, London.
Anstralutfa Fonee„ •
The,. bleak ..trpopet detests lie lase
fortunate brothers of the wilderoesk, the
•lalack. natives, , end_ shows ...00s mercy.
Ho pirrsues there :day after day, for
hundreds. 9f ' -and shoots them
down:one and -all: • Their airu is to pun-
ish 'the perpetrators ef crime, but they
conibine the powers of judge, jury, and
executioner. The White nen- -who lead
th:einetre'frequently• as bloodthirsty as
. themselves, oind often excel them in
actaerwanton cruelty, as Will. be seen
from the following,account.of the des,
trudtion' nativee„Which appeared in,a'
late number of the Queens -land Patriot.
, One riative police officer, no longer
ih the- serviCe, had a itkob of blacks
driven into a Watyr hole. Hi'S.trooperd
had the water, stOotinded,. and there
was no-, apape.,fcir .the. miserable blacks.
One by one the • ileshairing wretchee
Wore shot as they rose to thessurfaee to
breathe. Tlie °Meer etc:94 :32y, anOset
list felt that he . would* like. to 'take a
• personal share in -the work. Stripping
to. his ehirt, and with his belt, he en-
tered the wafer, and with ' dernoostro,-
tionsi of ..,peace • ieduced. one., .of ;the
Wretches." to, approach. • ;Whet the:
black Wassriear enough the wliite efivage
buried his toinallitwk in • , victim's
The- water.' holes herd ep.oken of are.
filfte-eS to Whiolt the. :Waives fespet to
queneli their thirst. They are ofeen,
coestructed ,by the; Owners) ef.
()States, ;but are more frequently. the
week of nature, The ,black trackers
know these Plades well, and theyea,lso,
kupw tbat the natives. mast come -to
• theet" 'for "water. They 'fenquentlY Wait
about these holes for days, slaughtering
the unsuspecting natives. . They very
tirrely; if ever', take prisoners. . ;
• White men -aro found who boast of
the number of natives they killed,- and
one' Man • 'near Somerset, • cape York,
has a fence -every
post of -which purinountod by it. hu--,
man skull, whiclulie. says represents
whom he' hai shot,
These disgracefal. proceedings have
attrated considerable attentiOn shit:log
the past year, tied petitions have been
Vres.entecl to the Queensland rarliament,
praying for the disbandment of the na-
tive. police. • •
11. S., Notional. Convention,
4' ttje among the most eavage aud debased
tribes only that the condition and comfort of the
horse have been neglected." but we believe there
aro many in eivilizecl countries who are guilty of
the same neglect, and without the excuse of the
former; here all may avail themselves: of Meuse
of an article which has den° niore thrill anything
else heretofore known to improve the condition
and relieve the suffering of the -horse. Those
who will not use it will be the loiters, their horses
the sufferers: to avoid both use "Darley's.Con-
dition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy,"
and you will be satisfied with the result. Re-
member the name, and seethat the g ignatttre of
auto Lit Co. is on each package. Northrop & Ly
man, Toronto, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sohl
by all medicine dealers. — •
.stliotild men -wear beards -I Because they are a
great protection to the throat and lungs, and add
=eh to their personal appearance. 'Why should
Ave uee " Bryan% Pultneuie Wafers." Because
when, used for coughs, colds, tieklifig in the
throat. hoarseneae, &e„ they act like a harm.„
Minieters and lawyers usfy them,'physicians re-
commend there, and singers and public speakers
say they aro the Tory best medicine in existence,
for the cure ,of mush, comislainte. •Sold by all
medicine defilers at 25 cents a box.
_ • •
kis Vilivereity,) Physiditp. tinrgeon, residenoe
at Mr.l.slanning's, three doors MLitt Of the TeraPerovne
1.on4esboro, Ont.
I,ondcsboro, anus 14,1670.
Department of Victoria Universivy, Termite, for-
merly, el the Hoeldtalli and Dispenearies, New York,
Coroner forthe County of Huron,BArrInIn, Ont.
lirly 22,1874. , 81'
nent Consolidated Bank.
D„ D0W9LEY, 81.D. it. 3r. ozzeox, If, It'
Clinton, May 10, 1877. -
DonotisAtmonehenrs, te, OTheetliattenburyStreets
Accoucheur, Licentiate of the College of Physician,
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti-
ate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Oftlee and
residence,— The building formerly occupied by Nr.
Timeliest Huron street, •
Clinton, Jan. 10,1871.
4 .....
itistelinneous 'tabs.
CiOnitET bairlster, to., has opened an of
V flee in the Victoria block, VietorM etreett Clinton •
Clinton, May 28, 1670.
JAL on good mortgage security, at moderat'S rates of
Interest. 85. Hum:- •
Clinton, August 91h, 1860, 7.11
111 Apply at the Town Hall, or at the residence of the
subscriber, .noar the London, Huron &Bruce Railway
Station. - ' SAMES SCOTT; '
. 5889100 0! Marriage Licenees.
flinten, AprilW/th, 1876.
1. Oman, having tried In vain • every advertised
remedy, has discovered a simple mane of self.oure.—
Ho will bo happy to forward the particulars to any suf-
ferer on receipt of restage and directed envelope. Ad.
dress, J., Snwni,L, Esq., Mayville, Hammersmith
London, England, •
An 0i:fallible rentedy for all diseases oj 041 • (wan 'or TitEnTori, (.4)
Granftto or the University of Toronto; member t4
'the College of Physicians and Surgeons,. Ont. • •
Omen a•sie Restication,:Tho louse formerly MIMI.
pied by Dr. Reeve, Albert Street, Clinton.
eye (aceille br gramiliction 'of ilia
.lids, ulceration _ of (he lac1tl'1/ Ulitnda).
cord weakness of the vioion fro* any
Tun AunitioAR EvE-SALvE is presented to the
public with the assurance of its efficiency as a
Marative of' Most" 'diseases of the eye, acute or
chronie inflammation, whether induced by scro-
Mousorigin or otherwise, weakuess or defect
Of 'vision, diminished tone of the optia nerve,
or a diseased State of the ,tisanes constituting
Iltat:organ. Also, for all persOne whose voca-
tion requires an -incessant action of the eyes,
the salve•will.aot as a charm in restoring a-uni-•
form healthy aotion1 where weakness, pain and
• misery may haVe long threatened a fatal' ter!
Mination.. It is the most 'simple, safe, and ef-
fectual remedy ever .discovered. The materials
of whielf it is.madehre-pure, perfect, and costly,
compoinded t.rith elaborate care and exactness,
.s.afein'ila • applieStion, being' used externally,
-and, Of . course,: ay.olding..the pain and clanger
which necessarily attends the iutroduction -of
caustic minerals .and eye -washes. ItitTowonai
and Otn.Ciraomb SORES, of scrofulous origin,
or resulting from • whatever cause, yeild to the.
AME016.1,2 -EYE-SALVE. 'i'i IS USED SU.0-
0ESSPULLY FOR PILES'. Iti soothing of...
feat is immediate, and a permanent curet -quires -
.hut a. few. ;applications. The, proprietors of
"Dn. 3: PgrTIT'S.ABIERIOAN EllE-SALvE,"while
making new and inearoved machinery forjnak-
ing a more perfect box for the ErE.Sa Lyn, have
*changed the Ta.ton MARK OU the cover So as to
, correspond with the Cut on the' Wrapper, Cir-
eulars,,Advertiseinents;.etc.. • We callattention
•to tins as it Might • otherwise be regarded; as
' ••••• • Proprietors It'reedonia, N. "r.
,Toronto,.Agents-fer Canada.
. .
mitehell'S Belladonna lpsilapsrotlerrd India Webber Porous
Tire -ie. never luta been atime whun-
of se, Many different diseases has been caused
by outward application as the Present. It is an
Undisputed fact that overhalf oftlny entire po-
-Oration of the:glebe resort to the .use of ordi-
nary pla.sters. . • •-
.The principal ingredie"
nts -owl - in Making
these !nesters are Quin Olibanum—�r . better
known as the Frankincenee of the Bible —Ittib-
her; and Burgundy PRO; which; when seienti-
,fiCally: 'eon:mounded,. is full of electricity; and
iyhen combined with the pure medicinal gums,
it .found to be one of:the greetrot healing onedj. '
onismier brought before theliuman. race.
They are' a cknowlegedby all:who hate nsed'
•theni to act quicker than any other Plasters
they ever before tried, end that' one, of thee
•l?lasters Will cibinOre real service than a hun-
dred a the ordinary 'kind. All other Plasters
are slowi Of action, and reqiiire to be Wern
tinnally to effect azure.; but'with these it is en-
tirel3, different ; the instant -one is applied the•
Patient will feel its effect. • '
• They posseWall the. soothing, warming,' sup7
porting and strengthening, 'qualitiesel all other -
Plasters. • Many who have' been relieved of
1.•lotts.other pains in the KIDNEYS, BREAST
or SIDE, and believe it.iS solelycrone by the
electrical qualities which the Porous. Blasters
contain, and :which is imparted to the- system,
thus restoring theinte; a healthy colidition.
They. are Very soft aad pliable, still very ad-
hesive ;- andLa-sure, euro .for AVVAIC__BAQ10•_
are invaluable to this who have a COLD of
longstanding, and often prevents 'CONSUMP-
TION. • Some ()Vert tell 918 they believe the'
. wereentirely cured by the Use of them of along -
seated Ceinfaiription.
.Prepared by CEOltGE 1.12. MITOTIELL;
Tidwell, Mass •
soldloy all Driiggiste
Jotti •stotoss voinitdDicAit; stb'ILI;s
Thin Of ellknewn medicine is 110 itnposition
rrillE CENTRAL HOTEL —late Farmer's — Albert
Street, Clinton., Et, ent.e, Proprietor. This
haa lately been.greatly improved and thoroughly
refurniehed,and romossos eery requisite 'for the com-
fort and ;convenience of the traveliing-public. Good -
(stabling and attentive hostler. -
Clinton, Nov. 28119, 1678.
I.Y.L• purchased the Nair Dressing business lately car-
ried on by Mr. Delmore; dessires to intimate to the pub-
lic that he will continue the mane at the eld eland, and
hopes to receive a continuation of We patrOriao,e accord
ed his predecessor. Ladies Hair WOrk a specialty.
Clinton, Aug:8, 1878. ,
101)1.1SH ' HOUSE, WIARTON, ONT., suers • 4-
.111., Belton, proprietors.- This hotel has boon en. •
larged and newly furnished, and now -offers first.clase,
Year6sniornr °rodoemtiossubiroiretttheer IguterelaelgrtitrinaveLlrthefgapyub
al rt n dela '
to. Good Sarapio Rooms. Wiarten is roost .beauti.
fully rani -tea on Coital's) Bay, and the site of this
House hoe • been Carefully selected. The house is in.
tended • to supply a want long felt by tho travelling
intblio, mill by tourists, sportsmen, and 'families W11311.
mg a pleasant atuarnenresort. Steameminall daily.'
' J.
T. 1VILICIEt L. D. S., has removed hie °Moe and
reeidenee to Itattonbury Strectoccoud house we3t.
of the Market Square. ° - • -'-,
Clinton, Jan. 15, 1870.
T 1.18VE any amount of money to lend, on good,
itnproved.farras only; at 8 per cent ; charges very ()bleat if Beaux-HY ample: I do not
lend money for any Cominoly.
Nei:A 1878. • SEAVOnTit.
syt.rii•T G- Ei3S
• Var101.19 kitids, st3lcs alld prices; NEEDLE'S, OIL, ,to
All kinds repaired by a Practioal Alachinist. Work,
warranted, Mocrimrs re Rune by We week or month , • -
April 8, 1879, 8m1 •
cm, . •
CRGE ON DENTIST, Oracluare of the Royal college • •• '
Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, lute"opinied reozne
in tho Victoria Block, Albert Street, Clinton, xvhero he '
'will in atteadnuce, and prePar. (I to .per.'
feria every eperation connected with Dentistry. 'Tooth
• extraeted, „sr tilled witll gold, amalgani,-or ether Ailing
metenial. Artificial teeth inserted from ono to a fulls:et,
Clinton, April 17, 1870.1 - •
MILLINERY Establishment
• . •
A large assortment of rEATHIMIS, FLOWERS,
SILKS and RIBBONS, in the nOweet shades.
Also, olargenteck PE.LT_and_STRAW..11
the latest styles. CORSETS, dm. .
Agent for 1117T11/e1's P,Arrtims of garments of oll
deeeriptions ; a largo Fitook kept ou.hand.
Felt and. Straw. Eats: clec,ned arid altered
Largo AisortnMtil, of ,LaSies' Mantles.
,Cliiitan, Qat. 18, 1877. • • •
%Ls Sore
" •
TlliBITATRE,-alrel4"3":: TRIBE
An unfailing cure
fOr Seminal weak.;
nos-, 23pornhatter1'.
• hem impotency, .
end, all diseases
, that folio* na
, MoniorY,. Univers
Broyo Tatkinnsallessitrtdo,pEtio &ter Taking.
inlhollaok, Dun
nest( 01 Vision, Premature ota Age, and many other
Mammon that lead to Inaanity or ConeuMNion, ands
Premature Orave.• nartionlars iri Mir pamphlet,
whieh we -desire 10*tend free by nmil to every one.—
Spoelfie Mialicine is sold by all Olivia(' at SI Per
buts, sere and safe remedy fer Eemele Dife- 'looms, ell packegeo for $5, or will Hi (matron ny
The National Convention of tho :Unit- ' etudes and Obstruotkine, front any ciansetvhat- .
man on receipt of tbo Money, by addressing
od States has adopted a platform favor- over t.and although a powerful remevly, it 00114:— --1 •,... 'am otto.V UiunciNE co.,
leg the recognition and. slisteieesiee of tains nothing hurtful to the constitution. , . - ° Toronto, Ont.
TO MitItItTED LADIES s: 11 Tiftstionands of our business have nenttesster
civil political righto and privilegewirres
out removing to TOronfO, tO Vadol2 place, /dense address •
all :atm° cominsinieatfOne.
gat' AM in Clinton by au draagiete, end everywhere. '
canwa Ana the United States by all whoiound nsa
tail druali sta. r
spective of birth, color, creed, or finan-
cial condition. The- deplorable earn-
therciatand industrial tondition of the
country is recognized, and old .parties
•are held responsible for tho ruinous po-
hey hitherto pursued. Past suffering
arid degradIttion• ire attributed to the
1 og is 1 ati ou'of tlioshtst-qtratiet-of-a
turY s'whicit bsbeen olely'in the
tercet of. the monied aristeeracy and
Corrupt ebrporations. A. eufficient tar -
id hi considered deairable, till h free
finanoiel system shall render it no long-
er nocessary. to taxi abet: for the support
.of capital, and the imposition ofa gra-
dilated ineome,tax is recommended ill
lieu ef all internal revenue tax, The
.Clovention 'also demands that all Unit-
ed Stake bands should be dolled in and
It is pe.ettliarly suited. It Will, in a slapr Wine
bring on the Monthly period with regularity.
In !Lilo ases et•Oleryous and,Spinal 'Affections,
Pains in the Back and Heaviness,
Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the
heart, Hysterias, Sick Headaches, Whites,
anaanthopainful diseases occasioned by ft
disordered aystem$ these Pills 'will etfeoi n cure
when all Other mane have 1ailed-
-4,413hose-Pi110 have never been known to fail
WherMidireiltientl on tho 2nd page of pains
phlet, are Well observed.
For fn11parUeulait, get a p attlphlet f re 0, of
agent. •"
sOh NIOSES,NOINVYOnit Sera Pnorairroo.
$1.00,and 1 tit °ante for posto,ge, enclosed to
Northrop -de, Lyman., -Toronto • general• ,
agontsfor the Dominion., will insure a bottle
containing over 50 pills by return mail.
Sold in Clinton by 3.1.t. COmbe and W. It,
Watts ; E. Hiekson"and F. Lnmsden, Sea -
forth; J. Kidd, Carrouhrookt Parkeret cattle
and F. Jordan, Goilerielt! 111. 01111(1TO/1$13sy,
ssiaths,13outhron ,llodgervill el ail a allMedi.
J. H. 0031BE
tem removed toile premises imown Is
OTAIT titeINTON' 1let15t7t,
keel, 75-r-ifiln Ifelnet awl gonciaTlsoi
sr,ont (4
hittia8, OttlilltICALS set)
STLIP108; OILS, &e,
oes.,0•1 ipuotts, iYipfs, rod 1707fipoundP efwe.
fittvle 'op, with ilespatch,
• utterer reb. 27, 1872.