The Wingham Times, 1904-10-20, Page 1LAURflCR, MACDONALD and VICTORY
TAILORING is our business,
and it would please ns ex-
ceedingly if you would step
in for a look at the elegant new Over -
coatings, Snitings, Trouseringe, etc.,
for Fall and Winter wear. The pat-
terns are the handsomest that weav-
ers' wits could produce.
tome in to see the new
ideas, and talk the
matter over with us.
Quotiug prices for tailoring means
nothing. as you know, but what you
can get for your money is every-
The best dressers in this commun-
ity are our steady patrons, and if you
favor us with your order you will be
in the bands of skilful tailors.
Come in for a look and
a talk, at any rate,
In Hats and Caps we have all the
latest styles, and when yon need any
thluk iu this line you should not buy
elsewhere before seeing our big range
to choose from. Prices 50c to $3.
New Underwear, Ties, etc,
arriving daily•
Homnth Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
iaaned by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont, No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,47'4,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the 'United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
Deoember each year.
D. T. HEP$DRN, Managi3>t'.
a. Vanatone, Solicitor.
are respectfully invited to
call and inspect our large
and ix e, l 1 assorted
stock of
Fancy Groceries
Fruits, etc.
Also we carry a very large stock of
the very finest China that can be ob-
tained at reasonable prices.
—Dinner Sets, —Tea Sets
—Fruit4Sets, —Table Sets,
—Toilet Sets.
Also a large vaiety • of useful
articles in China.
R. A. Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
" Capital paid np, $2,250,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00.
Total Assets, $25,000,000.00.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4.000 acres of choioe farm lands
for sale, in 50, 46, 100. 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Aahtield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy, terms.
Mao a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. Agenera) store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
J. A. MacKENZ1E,
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
President— Hon. WM. Gzgeola.
Vice•PresidC_'" d�
General Manager .J,'1.'URNi'ittr L.
ASSIMEttit Gell, Manager—H. M. WATSON
John >Go. Rutte ford eCyritrq n Bi geht lie,
Inspector --13. Willson, , ,• .
Interest snowed on deposits of $1.00 and up -
N, ariprided
r den
edtO initialed
ial e1 on Siet May and
Special TPoslts ciao 'Modred at current
VreCON1101110, AsI1n0
DICKINSON' & HOL Ilse, Solintlars,
Real Estate Notice.
It will pay you to come to me to buy your
farm or town properly Never before had I
such an ext. nerve list (both in town and coun-
try) for sale. 1 have about 0,000 acres of land,
comprising some of the best farms in the coun-
ties of Huron and Bruce, and now is the time
for the intending purchaser to have a look at
t hem. I can also suit you in town property
no matter what you may desire. Prices rang-
ing from $900 up to $4,000.
Cobection of rents and accounts a specialty.
Life and Accident Insurance effected.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Liberal Com ittee Room.
The Liberal com ittee room. on the
2nd floor of the Ma onald block is open
every night, and al friends of Dr. Mace
donald anti the Ln ier Government are
invited to attend t meetings. Parties
wishing to secure tern' lints, campaign
literature or infor ation of an • kind,
should call at the mmittee r• • + .
Auction S. e of Jewelry.
Mr. H. H. Cl sholm will hold an
auction sale of watches, • ocks and
jewelry of all inds at is store on
Saturday of thi week : 3 o'clock in
the afternoon a • d t 8 o'clock in the
evening. Eve v th • is to be sold with-
out reserve, as the : +op must be vacat-
ed at once. T is is a splendid chance to
get good val in jewelry. Remember
Saturday of , is week at 3 and 8 o'clock
in the store : ext to the Brunswick Hotel.
For violins, guitars, mandolins and
small goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's
music store.
HOUSE TO RENT, ' p+ to C. J. MA-
FOR SALE—Good sound driving horse.
Apply to Alf Glover,
Spend Winter
Dr. and Mrs. To
for Fresno, Californ
spend the winter in
joins with their man
that Dr. and Mrs. T
pleasant sojourn in
turn to Wingham .
than ever convince
like home in Win
Quiet ome Wedding.
A quiet home edding took place at
the residence o Mr. Edward Worden,
Victoria street, n Wednesday afternoon
of last week, w en Mr. Thos. Worden
and Mrs. Ellen McOlokiin, both of Mit-
chell were jot d in wedlock. Rev. D.
Perrie tied th nuptial knot in the pres-
ence of a few .friends. After spending
a few days wi h friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Worden rete ed to their home in Mit-
Do not alliwe it to become chronic.
"Laxative Quinine Tablets'
will check a old in a few
hours. Does not cause ring-
ing in the head, Gives quick
relief for all feverish con-
ditions of the system.
p'OR SALE nle
Walton McKibbn
Next door to Poet Otos.
in California.
er left on Monday
, where they will
tbs. The Testae
friends in the wish
wler will have a
the south, and re-
n the spring more
that there is no place
Smart youth wanted. Apply by letter.
Box No. 4, TIMES office.
Successful O en Meeting.
The members of C art Wingham, No.
505, Independent F esters held a very
successful open me ting in their Court
Room in the Chish lm block on Friday
evening last. Th a was a good attend-
ance, and an excel ent program of reds
tations, music, et , wasrendered. High
Chief Ranger Citi eros. of Lueenow was
preseut and deliv red an able ddress on
the alma and obj cte of the ociety.
A good house to re p( Apply to F. G
Wingham Ta
The Brussels fall
very successful con
ing of their fair.
of Wingbam talen
McDonald danced
Sh nun Trews and
equally at home
hearty encores.
medals for her sk
welcome here.
were well played
father who also
ent Abroad.
air directors held a
ert on the last even -
e Post in speaking
says:—'.Miss Mabel
the Highland Fling;
zi Irirh Jig and was
u them all, eliotine
She has won many
11 and will always be
Her accompaniments
on the pipes by her'
ppeared in Highland
An En
Gives Pre ier
husiastic W-lcome
itiham Tow
this fall. For
Campbell, on th
Mildmay, or at
k lots 42 and 43 in the
Plot. Possessio
lltt iven
erws, apply to R. S.
premises, or Box 94,
e TIMES office.
Store Da
Early Saturday
occupied by Mr.
taurant was bad)
The second story
completely gutted
smoke left the sto
very bad shape. T
is unknown. Mr. K
unfortunate since co
as this is the second
business has been vie
store is owned by M
Both the contents
insured. We nnderst
will again open busln
in a new stand.
aged by Fire.
orning the building
G. Kruse as a res -
damaged by fire.
f the building was
d the water and
k in the store in
e cause of the fire
use has been very
ing to Wingham
'me his place of
ed by fire. The
. Jas, MoKelvie.
d building were
nd that Mr. Kruse
ss in a few days
Dissolution of
In our advertising
Messrs. Ball Bros. a
tion of partnership.
retiring and in futur
be conducted by
Mr. J. J. Ball intend
and will, we uuders
West. Mr. Ball has
of Wingham since
four years ago and
hear of his early rem
but will be pleaseh t
in his future home.
Times extends the b
cess in the oldest e
and undertaking bu
mune this week,
ounce a dissolu-
Mr. J. J. Ball is
the business, will
L. Ball & Co.
leaving Wingham
and, move to the
sen a good citizen
oving here some
are very sorry to
val from the town,
hear of his success
a the new firm the
t wishes for suc-
ablished furniture
nese in Winghatn.
Mr. Geo. C. Gibbons,
K. C.. of London, and Dr. Maedon
id, Candidate for
Huron, Deliver Stirring Address -s.
A magnificent ovatio was given Sir
Wilfrid Laurier and p• rty in Wingham
on Monday.
The Premier and L y Laurier arrived
at 11 10 a , their • ivate car having
been attached to the •:orning train from
London. They were • et at the station
by a large number f the members of
the Liberal party, au others who had
come to do honor to t e great Chieftain.
The Winghani citizai s' band headed the
procession and the P emier was escorted
to tho Opera Hone:, where a pubho
meeting was held.
Streamers were string across the
streets, bearing mot ',es such as "Wing -
ham Welcomes Laur er," "Canada First,
Last end Always," "An All Canadian
Railway," "Lauri r and the Larger
Canada." The in :rior of the Opera
House was fitting) decorated, the na•
tional colors, and mottoes being huug
about the'walls in •rofuslon. The hall
was tonally inadeq : ate to accommodate
the immense thron - that had gathered to
hear the Premie discuss the public
questions of the c ay. Standing room
was at a premium. and hundreds were
unable to gain adm ttance to the build-
Dr. Macdonald, ', ho has represented
East Huron In the ouee of Commons
since 1887,andi wi s D. linty Speaker in the
last Parliament oceu.ied the ohair, and
on the platform w re Robt. Holmes,
of West EInrou, JGeo. 0. Gibbons,
K. C., of Loudon; Geo. McEwen,
of South Huron, Arch. Hislop, M.P.P.
for East Huron, au • many prominent
local Liberals.
Accident o
While Mrs. A. Mo
Miss Aggie Mitch
home from the Lauri
day afternoon, the
might have been
When crossing the
horse was frightened
of people, and Mrs.
to control it. The C
was backing out to
horse attempted to
crossing ahead of th
some yards from th
shell in trying to ju
was caug tin the
slight bruises on th
Mrs. Molague re
VMS nnhnrt. The.
been much. more se;
not stopped before reaching the *sok.
ague ancliher sister
1 were returning
r meeting on Mon -
Met with what
serious accident.
T. R. tracks the
t the large crowd
o Hague was unable
P. R, freight train
eeawater, and the
rocs the C. P. R.
train but stopped
track. Miss Mit-
p from the buggy
heels and received
fano and body, but
fined in the rig and
ident might have
ous, had the horse
The appearance of ' it Wilfrid and Lady
Laurier was the sigi nl for tumultuous
applause, which last d for some minutes.
Mr. R. Vanstone, D ayor of Wingham,
read an address on ehalf of the Liberal
Association of the own. The address
expressed satisfacti•n at the Premier's
excellent health a • spirits, confirmed
the approval of the wise and judicious
administration of 1 oepartments of the
Laurier Governor: nt, expressed a re-
newal of confidenc- in Sir Wilfrid Laur-
ter and his collea • es to stili guide the
affairs of goyernm •nt, and ventured the
assurance that the' would be returned
to power on the 3 d of November. At
this point, thre: little girls, Misses
Horsey, Homnth and Bisbee stepped
forward and pres .need Lady Laurier,
Sir Wilfrid and .ir. Macdonald each
with a beautiful •onquet, for which
they received the c stomary reward.
Dr. Macdonald i • a few words opened
the meeting, statin that he was glad to
see such an euth :iastic audience to
welcome the grea est Liberal of the
great Liberal par y of Canada, All
were proud of the advancement that
Capada had made under the Laurier
administration, an • everyone would
rejoice at the oppo unity of welcodsing
such a man. Canada had had many
great men in the p at, but neither the
Conservative part, nor the Liberal
party has had a grater man than the
one at the head of he Liberal party to-
Sir Wilfrid Lau ier, on rising to ad-
dress the grath•' ing, was roundly
applauded. In his opening remarks he
an altogether unex-
him, and therefore
•• e. In reference to
aim that the Govern-
dit for the prosperity
it should have been
, the Premier told
ad been born under
s not going into the
but ventured the
sky. star would still
victory would be
ty on November 3rd.
now an it was in
should the people
overfitnent for an
nning, the Premier
at Mr. Borden, the
in speaking to a
Wingham audience a few week§ ago,
had referred very • sparagingly to the
Government's trap .ontinental railway
scheme. Sir 'Wilt d quoted the author•
ity a 'Mimes me , as to 'there being
item for even more Tian two transcon-
stated that this wa
peoted pleasure fo
none the leas weir
the Conservative o
meat had taken cr
of the country whe
given to Providenc:
his hearers that he
a lucky star. He w
realms of a prophe •
prediction that the
follow him, and tha
with the Liberal pa
Victory was as star:
1806 and 1000. Wh
exchange a lucky
unittokr one. Cont
said he understood
Conservative leade
tinoutal links of ra
to set before his he
Liberal party in re
of the Grand T
policy was to hay
to ocean, every in
ritory. He adm
energy of the Am
south of us, but i
best with them w
independent of t
Mr. Borden's state
was to pay nine-te
road under the t
He then explained
terms under whic
built, and compar
gain made by -Sir
the C. P. R., by w
in cash, 25,000,00
constructed portio
of Lake Superior
Mountains, were
They were also g
taxation and comp
latest plan in
Truuk Paoifio wa
be bnilt and opera
of Canada. The
government own
in the Intercoloni
way, and proceeded
rers the polity of the
Hard to the building
unk Pacific. Their
a railway from ocean
rich on Canadian ter -
red the posh and
ricau nation to the
order to get along
mast be absolutely
eta. He repudiated
ent that the country
the of the cost of the
me of the bargain.
at some length the
the road was to be
this with the bar -
oho Macdonald with
soh over $25,000,000
acres of land, and
s on the north shore
d through the Rooky the company.
ven exemption from
tition. 11lr, Borden's
gard to the Grand
that the road should
ed by the Government
had an example of
rship in this country
1 railway,, which had
always been run t a loss —it had not
ieven paid one dollar of interest on the
investment, although its management
had been at different times in the hands
of capable administrators. The Premier
asked Conservatives if they recognized
the present policy as that of the old-
time Conservative party. All the
former leaders of the party had spoken
agdinst the idea • f public ownership—
which idea had an advocate in the
Dominion House .t Mr. W. F. McLean,
a - .v
who was now bo, lug the Conservative
party and giving t its policy. Conclud-
ing, the Premier said he thought the
Liberals had 4,verned the country
pretty successful during the past eight
years, and he ho ed to live to see the
new railway buil and in operation. He
paid a tribute to ' ie worth of Dr. Mac-
donald, end thou: ht the electors of East
Huron should be satisfied with him as
their representati e, as they were very
much satisfied win him at Ottawa. Sir
Wilfrid closed a ery inspiring appeal to
the large audienc : with these words,
"Canada first, Ca.ada last, and Canada
Mr. Geo. C. Gib tons, K. C., of Lon-
don, followed wit • a telling address on
the excellent ad •, inistration of affairs
during the past ei _ ht years. We ought
to beproud,said t : speaker, to be decend-
ed from the great British nation, which
had given us our aws and our liberty.
It was the young • eople who would have
to build up this c , untry, and he asked
his hearers to •nsider the question,
"Have this Gove ument deserved your
support?" He t • ought they had. There
clad been some • • e besides Providence
working during the past eight years.
Under the polis • of Mr. Sifton the Im-
migration depa tment was pow con-
ducted on sou • d business principles,
with the result hat more settlers bad
come iuto Cana: a in one year than in
fifteen years u der Conservative rule.
Speaking of th : Premier, the speaker
stated that Si Wilfrid Laurier had
crushed the rac •1 cry i:1 this country,
and was a credi not only to Canada, but
to the whole B itish nation. Mr. Gib-
bons closed a 've y inspiring address by
noting the impo ranee of the building of
the new raifwa • , and the vast and un•
limited resonrc'8 of the country.
Lnakuow to take i • the demonstration
at that place.
A very pleasing attire of the meets
ing was the music •y the Presbyterian
choir, under the le dership of Mr. Geo.
W. Cline, in the , ndering of the Na-
tional Anthem, ' , ole Britannia" and
"The Maple Leaf "
The enthusias • in evidence at the
meeting and the , ge numbers of peo-
ple who came fr, a distance,augurs
well for the pop , larity of the general
policy of th` f par y, and for the triumph
of the popular c ndidate in the riding,
Dr, Macdonald, who has so ably re-
presented East uron for the past seven-
teen years.
A full report . the Lucknow meeting
will be found in he supplement to . e
large bale—mill e
ISARD'S. Come qui
d, another
.+s .f cotton, at
or bargains.
McLean -Patterson Wedding,
A quiet home wedding took place at
the home of Mrs. Houghton, corner of
Alfred and Minnie streets, at noon on
Wednesday of this week, when Miss
Annie H. F. Patterson and Mr. John A.
McLean were joined in wedlock. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm.
Lowe in the presence of the immediate
relatives of the bride and groom. After
the ceremony a dainty repast was served
and Mr. and Mrs. McLeau left on the
afternoon C. P. R. traiu on a trip to Tor-
onto, New York and Ottawa. The
TLuis joins with the numerous
friends of the new)y wedded couple m
wishing them many years of )appy
wedded life.
lots 35 and 36, con. 1
ris, owned by J
Apply at once t4f G. J. MAGUIRE, Real
Estate Agent.
in town just take five minutes and see
what we are offering. Slaughter sale
of Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats,
—Men's, Boys' and Youths'. We have
decided to clear them out.
;elfth halves of
ownship of Mor -
Denman, Biuevale..
Guy Broth rs' Minstrels.
This long•estab shed and reliable or•
ganization, now i its 33rd year, returns
this season with bewildering list of
the freshest and ost novel attractions.
Gay Brothers hay searched the world
of minstrelsy and 1 ve spared no expense
to bring together a arty of superb en-
tertainers. Singer , dancers, comedians,
acrobats, ail are s ars, and the entire
performance is gi en in a setting of
scenic effects brit iant beyond desolip-
tion. The resu is au entertainment
sparkling and c ptivating from start to
finish, an even 'rig of refined mirth and
music that wi prove a joyous treat to a
jaded public. Ar Opera House, Friday
night, Octo er 21st.
We would recommend visit to Gra-
ham's Greenhouse. T e Chrysanthe-
nium Flowers are ificent and the
Carnations "perfe lovely," Frances
Stock ood
25e, 500, $I and $3,75
A 1. McCaH & Co.
Druggists and Opticians
So far as we can learn no Businrsa
College in Canada eraduates to n.uny
and at the same time such a )arse
percentage of its students as doer the
/ti���!%C.r/E'/ `
Our courses are up -to -dal. in-
strnotors experienced and let lutes
unsurpassed. Students may eater at
any time. Write for free catalogue.
Business Change.
Having sold my Real Estate and
Fire Insurance business to Mr.
Abner C s
1P O Plla y
I desire m customers
to extend to him the sauce liberal
petrouage they have given me in the
In accordance with the abov• I
may say that Mr. Youhill's pat t s
will receive from me the same <. t: •
ful attention he has always s wen
Parties wishing to sell or buy urop-
erty would do well to see me 1 Yore
Dr, Macdon: d spoke breifly on the
question of the alleged action of the
Government in'regnard to the Auditor -
General, and -bowed clearly that the
Government di i not seek to take one
power from the Auditor -General in the
discharge of hi. duty.
The meetin closed with cheers for
Sir Wilfrid L tier, Lady Laurier, the
King, and Dr Macdonald.
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier were
escorted to t'• a (.'T. R., followed by a
large numbe of admirers, the citizens'
band disc ursing appropriate music
until the de, 'Mire of the train, about
one hundred of the local Liberals, and
the band, accompanying the Preanier to
Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
for the
We have a line of Waterproof Shoes
for the Children that lire just the
thing for the mud and shish of the
early Fall season.
Made from selected calf skin and
made to
Keep Out All Dampness
They insure dry feet and are a profit-
able investment for this season of
the year. May save a doctor's bill of
many times the price of the shoes,
i$1.00 $1.25 up to $1.50
according to size.
W.... J. G.
Shoeir to the People.