HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-05-15, Page 7.UTE CLINTON NEW ERA.
MAY 15,
stsIsioussessivisz elsewhere, it will
be seen. that Mr. 111. Ross will hold
publia meeting in the town ball, here,
On Thursday evening of neit week,
wben be will lay his claims for support
before the people.. Mr. Kelly is invited
to be present. We trust there will he
a large turn ont of electors.
Thafemaxce.-A lecture will be de-
livered in the temperance hall, heves
toonorrew (Fridaal) evening, by Mr: S.
3, Bradley.
. Hasansostz Canalaoh.---Mr. D. •B,
' Kennedy has just proeuret1 a handsome
• covered carriage, for uie in his livery,
asianufeetured lay Caution Bros,
FIdstrixo.--Two persons engaged in
a general rough -and -tunable fight a few
evenings'since: It is a shame that aged
wen hove to settle their disputes. in thin
spanner: .
Crears,-The fall wheat is growing
-wheat bas shown. itself where sowed
early. Seeding has been done in good
order, but the lack of rain is plainly
•--s-s-sh.th-wirtzsitirevis.A-utrot-saresscounty -a-number,of-spersons-footangootsarotinds
(lsosatoe or DATE, -The annual meet-
ing of the Directors and members of
the Mechanics' Institute will be held on
the 21st inst., instead of the 15th, as
previously announced.
PEnzsTataiirsn.-- Walking matches
are All the rage now. We are going to
institute one here soon, as WC; will Walk
out and visit those who owe.,ns, if they
don't walk in and "pony up.
Bartrs LooaLs.-The water coarse
fronting the Brickhlock, hes been nicely
pa ed The weather probabilities' bul-
letin is consulte.d every', day. Moving
sign posts, &c., in -compliance with an.
ordee of the council, bas • been the or-
der of the day, The ilrickhlock shows
to much better avantage by having
the verandahs removed, besides making
the street look wider.. The contract for
supplying gravel for the streets will be
let by auction on Saturday. Part of a
waggon projects over the road, just out-
side the corporatiOn, leading to the ce-
metery, much to the inconvenience of
thew who drive skittisla horses,. he
Seat are are being..erected in 'the Driving
Park, for the better accommodation of
visitors thereto. The fire Company had
the on,gine out for practice on Monday
night. Morning find evening witnesses
�t Huronr-announce that it is .nearly
completed, and „that t13,eir agent will.
-commence the delivery of the sante in a
very short time.
'IforisEs Bayous..Mr. on71110
- -purchased and. -shipped from this place
- -Wu-horses on -Wednesday, -L-The highest-
• tgure laaid was $150, which was for one
that weighed 1,600 lbs., and the lowest
was $80. They wereallgoad animals.
To solo PEoproz.-As the Queen's
birthday falls on Saturday, and as that •
day is generally the' best for business,
would it net be as.well to postpone"the
holiday till Monday, as some other' •the roOm. 'over Patton's old store. Some
towns are so doing. W. C. ftARLE, boys tied a rope across -a street the other
Mayor. • night; for the puttee° of tripping pe-'
Limn Griairrors-Mr. Kennedy's destrians. Two •females coming along
'hotel not being ready for the inspector saw it, and untying one end and cutting
on his lase, round, the time Was .extend- the other, they carried it off,: it was a
ed, and on Saturday the Inspector ex- new clothes line. Veil, acceptable rein
pressedhimself as well satisfied with shower last night, •
the improvements that had been notde, ,
• and a license wht_granted acCordingli. '0)
• .1-0-dr.S• -4-2•VA- statUS,RMEIM-
the driving parkrby way of practice for
the walking match. Wouldn't it «be
nice if the South African 'fashions were
in vogue here, tiering the warm weather;
there r Alan is eonsidered in full dress
if he has an old paper collar on. Fruit
trees are blasseneing profusely. Only
00 in-thes-shatlestrns-Tuesday-s-pretts
high for May. Council sits on Monday
ilight. Rhubarb and ween onions are
the first or this season's vegetables in
the market. liouse cleaning is general_
and seems to be epidemic. The Conser-
vative Association -have Chan,ged their
meeting rooms from Victoria Block, to
.A.cePosTp.- W. Ward, (who is a
=tither of the (ouncil) net with a seri-
oue accident :on Monday, 4 barking
dog caused his borne to run away, and
he was thrown from the buggy which
passed over him, fracturing his , left
collar bone, and otherwise injuring him,
:Under Imedical treatment he is progress-
ing favaably,
of promotional-lay:6 been made- in the- . -• • -citIPET.
school, the lower departnamais hay.° been. The new cricket, grodriti inthedliving
relieved of their previously crowded eon_ park, which has been put into -shape by.
cansequently..jurtiors will not be our micketers, now 'presents a .fine ap-
tinder the necessity, '4, staying away imranc4. A PiecO:of grourid, 80 by 90,
part of the. day ..• 'There.is. room for all. has been ploughed.and sodded afresh for
A -Now MillinersssEstahlishment. has ..the crease, while the •outfieldThatisheen
been 'opened by Mrs.-Fiteh; in the C levelled and well rolled. The club go
• • into active practice next week..
son Block, be'•eeen. by iefei
ence to her advertisemeot:. As Mrs: LAcnOSSE.•
Fitch has lied the most extended '7ex- .' junior lacisosse club has been started
perience, we believe sire can ,reasolitibly in • this place; and they play their first
expect. a liberal Share of the patronage.
of our townspeople and neighborhopd.'
ness men and others in town ha-v-ing sub-
scribed a sufficient 'stun to pay for the
isprinkling of the streets, Kennedy's.
sprinkling .waggon_swas, .b.rought • out
yesterday, and did service an setthng 0 ,
the dust in the business' part Of town . take place on the Morning of••the..24th;
We believe it will be. used during the
. ,
summer season, , .
match with the juniors of Oedema-, on
( gaily they would not do so again, some
the morniog of thea4th. Stratford and.
the most :bitter, Conservatives' de-
GOderich clubs play at the latter place on
the 24th hist, •
• 0. F. Sanumar Schools -The annual
meeting of the Presbyterian Sabbath
School was held in, the above church
on Friday evening, when the Superin-
tendent, Mr, D. D. Wilson, read an ex-
cellent report, which contained all the
information necessary to inforta the con-
gregation that the school for the past
year haa been more successfni than for
the lent eleven years, both as, regards
athendence and general profieiency, the
average attendance being 288, Prizes
were given to the three best in every
class, and excellenfaddresses were given
by Revs. Ross, McCoy, 'Mosgrave, Ed -
moods and MaDonald, after which a
handsome-purse-woestrosooted to Mi. With apanfussAccideni.s. Her, brother inst., by,pulshe auctions, . •
lVfosgrave by Mr, M. Y. McLean, on was driving her home, wheu the horse Sash or Snoxernertsr.f-kr. John
bebalf of the congregation, as a small became somewhat untnanagealale, throw- Thompson, of Hallett, has purchased
token of how his labors were appreciat- ing her out of the buggy and on her the Bull calf Prince Charlie," from
ed by the congregation whilst they were bead", Fortunately no bones were bros 7. J. Biggins (Elmlnitht) Clinton at a
-without a pastor, to which. Mr. Mos- .kensbut sheyeceived a very severe shockgood figure.
kind that she has nietwith few siding in tino twnship,
tehrios'ftrseirr6"6-7ssor of I 'Preraaactlinraltalli3.114rinIngTf-271
of her class,* very successful. Her simul-
-grovesmadesesmostosaitablesreplyass -This-isothe-seecinchraceident-of-Aessans
' CiL.BORNEs months. .. 200 acres of land, has pigs sothin that
• •
1sTZW STons.4---Mr, Youngbiut, of ttis sTANtairy.
NEw B (Li Lamp. -M is Hugh (.4 il m our,
place, having sold his oil premises, has on tbe 3rd con. of Stanley, as putting
up a new stone dwelling, house, and st.is
benag rapidly pushed forward.
purchased the property of Mr. Venal -
stale, and commenced the erection of a
One brick store thei•e, which he intends
to occupy as soon as completed.
liseoultniato.--The village Counoil
aro trying to abate the nuisance of vari-
ous animals running at large, and have
issued noticts with reference te the im-
pounding of all animals running at large
contrary to by-laws.
CELsnas,rioss.-Posters have ' been
issued for a celebration here on the
24th inst. $200 will be given in prizes
for the eustoraary sports, and the peo-
ple are going to try and make the affair
a pleasant one. There will also be ex.
curmons on the water,
ACCIDENT. -One day last week, Mrs.
David Elcoat, of this township, met
FATAL AcoinnNr.-On Tuesday morn-
ing last an accident happened at Lee's
mill, south of Yam', by which a man
named McArthur lost his life. Ile
was engaged in chopping teed, when the
stone burst, fli is supposed from being
run at too high a lute of speed, and as
he was leaning over the stone at the
time, he received° euch injuries as to
cause his death four hours after. Mr.
'Lee and a man named Weeks were also
slightly injured by the flying fragments.
McArthur leaves a wife and family,
and was requested to discontinue work
last week, but he thought he would con-
tinue anotneur uwetelt-L. • ETT.•
To, an SOLD.-.Partof lots 19 and 20,
7thlon. of this townshie, will be
ooffnetrheed for sale at Clinton, on the 29th
t're subject "Mensuration ;" arguing that
this *ea 4 subject too' much neglected .
our schools, and prging, the tettoberss to
impar, at least, an introductory know-
ledge to many of those pupils, who geoid
.not hOpe secure any more than an ordi-
nary school coUrse. He showed how prac-
tical, and useful this knowledge is to the.
laborer, mechanic and fanner ; and ad.sis,
ed 'hot to defer 81141 instruction until a
knowledge of higher mathematics had been
• secured, tut to teach it by experimental
proof, of which he exhibited some very
nice examples.
Mr. Morelli gave hia manner of teach,
ing grammar to juniot classes, proceeding
• from tho aynthesie to the enalsous of sen-
tences. This was allowed to be the most
efficient and successful method of teaching
this subject, as it comprises. grammar and
• composition;
• The town hall had been secured for the
everting, when the bill of fare, consisting •
•of a lecture by Mr. G. W. Field, B.A., on
the "Duty of the helve," together with •
Mrs. Coulter, Miss Forsyth, Messrs. Tay-
lor and Groves, watsliscussed to • a crowd-
ed house,
Mr. Field's' lecture proved to be an ex-
cellent, intellectual treat, rieli ineloquence,
profound in sentiment., and „perished in
• dietiob:
' On metion of Mr, Leckie, Reeve, those
who -carried out the programme, received
the thanks of the meeting.
During the forepoon of Friday, Mrs.
'Coulter showed her systein of teaching
A so% of Mr. Wm. McKenzie, of dna
• DEBATE, -At the last regular meet- township, near Kippen, mEt with an ac
ing of the Sons gf Temperance, Ben-
. cident on thesOth-test-l-which-was 0:41--
.raillersthefollowing-aubjedowas'dismss- Sidere4 rather serious: The little fellow
ed Resolved that the Steam Engine ip
fell. from a height, and it was thought
more beneficial -than the -Printing Press, a roken'hui-leg."'"'Medreftl. at was
The leaders were, affirmative A. Heddle, sent for, after putting him tinder.ehlo-
negative P. Cantelon. After an inter-
reformand making
ettfing and lively. discussidn the chair- , g a thorough examin-
ation the doctor fonnd that, though se -
man :gave decision in favor of" the. .; .
riousiy mauledn
, there were •o bones
Piting--Nisci. broken.
EDUOATIONAT.4.-The felloWin" list
Comprises the most successful pupils in
the written review of .S. S. '1,To, 2, for
the month of April. Class 6 -Nettie , LEAvilch. Tewi4.-Mr. Ilugh Alexan-
Gledhill ; Class 5--Janot Cowan; class 4,. der takes his departure frorn this place
-1, Miry Stevens, 2 J. Stewart, 3, W. to -morrow, and will at once take posses
Lambert and II. B. Maedel ; Class sion of his stage Inc
Mary Morrish, 2, C. L. 'geode], 3, D. T. • AgATH.The friends of Mr. Dunbar,
_Gledhill and Liv. Manning's class 2-1, teacher formerly ef this place, will te-
Eliz. CoWan, 2, flE. Mortish, 3, J. Fish- gret tctlearn of the death of his wife,
er; class 1-1, A, Meedel, 2, Agnes which occurred on Monde last.
y• he /:_asTsistisS' issfssienSitSiss
' Attilar"re-Atirlifieri;' -its prospect--of-
EAST W.A.W.A1110STI, " striking or salt: If thie -fens it,
sortie other stay will have to he looked
THE FALL Wineasr..-:-Mativ farmers
hereabouts have had to plough up, their
fall wheat and re -sow. A feature
Worthy of note in this connection is the
fact that grain •pat in. with a Chill is
nearly all right; while 'that sown brad
• ! showed the. estimation in which she was
• Poiaares.--There are a good. many held. Her husband, has the symPathy
Conservatives, end -others in this neig,h- :of the.communit in his loss.
borhood who veted .fer- the protection
when theasavast to squeal they have -to
;eau agaitst a fence to do it. '
GOon---wEnstnTr---Faniong. the thor.
oughbreds owned by Mr, Humphrey
Snell, of thistownallip, are some aplen-
111 anrarals, and -lie -is eVidelitiy der':
mined to make them "heavy weights;.'
the way he •ie putting flesh on. them.-
Last week two of them were weighed, a
sibs ruontlis old heifer going Over .600
lbs., and a year bid 920, lbs. This is
extra good weight for the age, and shows
the benefit of good stock.
The regular sentisannual. meeting et. the
N.H.T. Institute, was held in the Public
School; Brussels, May 8th•and 9th.°
The Presidents Mr.. Dewar,' opened the
meeting With some pointed and appropri-
ate remarks. Minutes of last meeting
.se.'...sehmittedounl-onittpted. . 1Vir.- James.
Turnbull, B, discussed. "First.class
-grammar,- paper- of -Julys- 1878," -in-his
'usual soholsrly and systematical Manner.
Ile handled the many difficulties with
much tact and ability, and .to the entire
kstisfaotion of all present. Mr, J. Ring-.
ston followed with 'Notation of decimals,",
showing his method of earrying his 'class Mr. Z. D. Johns, late of Exeter, vvho
over the most difficurt points in this branoh-st:
as now in 'Emerson, Man., . expresses.
of arithnialic, which was concise and ac;
, himself' as well Pleased withtheporintry,
Mr. Dewar,.1.P.S., next proceeded with l far.
feis-or else • 'it will settle down to -Its.
fornser self. •
, •
• LArtd..F Vossie.sis-;---The funeral', of
Mrs. McTavish, (whO•died here" -last
Week from Childsbed feVer,) en Sunday,
east. was oproOted. by the frost. . *as the largest eyes' seen hereabout,. and -
'policy Mat :.but they !say emphati- ' Nero GIAT4ERED Blyth
can show a larger pile ofsaw dust, more
saw Ross, stave bolts and shingles, :title.
any plate .of -it Size in Huron, The
way our " busses" run. around a stranger
,would- think he bed entered, into.a small
City, and the_weY some of our " busters"
around, a teSident _ w cad thinkthe
nornieints the . policy as " The. biggest
piece of7 turebtig und frind :they ever.
. ,-IVALKING 4ATon... -were.sUbjeeted to." •,...
. . • - •
The "walking 'match fever has struelt'TT . .
. . '
•thie plece; and a grand matck.under the _ • Fear MANITosA.-On ' Saturday last
auspices of the Clinton cricket club', will .Mi s C. McKinnon, nud :f4ruily.of eight,'
left fdr.Manitoba,staking. • ,iVith . them st
.span of horses and waggons-IIe had
takert toi .360. acres last years .. Previous
.. .. . , ..
to hisdeparture hepurchased tickets
for tho. trip, giving them to his wife for
'safe -keeping, bat in the..bustle• Of peek-
ing ups,they.Were. forgotten- until they
ii.rrived at Maori*. when his disiney
at finding no tickets scan -be: ithagined..
ilci telegraphed back to his home, • and
the tiblietS Ni'ere found on an -old shelf.
Locruen..There.was a fair. audience.
present in the P. C. •ditirch, en.:Triesdai
' evening, to listen to the'leeture: of. Rev.
• W. Luke; ,Ons ." Ancient Egypt." The
reverend gentleman exhibited is number
of illustrations in reference to diseovei:-
ies, conneetion with hiesobject,
giving a running Comment thereon. At
• :its COncltiSi9n,aVOtOE of 'thanks'. was :ten:
dered the lecturer. • . . • '
Ono- neu NoTts.-:Rev. XeSqrs., SOW -
art, of Clinton, and Lon oheed •otisond
bora, exchanged ontlisifs • on. 'Sunday• ':
Mr. Stewart treading in.the Methodist
• church at that place in' the evening.
Sacrament was Administered iri the Me-
thodist church, here, cm Sunday, Rev: .1.-4
Graham, .pf Seaforth,••officiating. _There
Was a largo -attendance. •
SMOOT, B04133. -A, special meeting
•of the .014°4 board was held -on Thurs-
day evening. The objeat of the meetieg.
. • was for the purpose of consulting Mr.
Malloch in reference to sthe crowded
state of Mist. Ofrently's room. '• ..After
considering the Matter, it was decided
to leave it to the bead master and Mr.
Dewar, to malto the necessary classifi-
cation an& equalize the work.
Busharss OnANOE.-Dr, Reeve, Who
has practiced his profession in -thins
• for a number 'eras, and enjoyed a
Wry lucrative practice, hakklispesed et
Itis premises and lbusiness to Dr. Wil-:
Maws who will shortly assume possses-
eion Of .the same, . Dr, Reeve ietends
wmoving to DAVIN and' will carry with
him the geed wishes of hissuany friends
hereabouts. The Salo of his hotinehold
eirects takes place On Saturday next, '
FRUIT TREE. PAAUD-S.-We have '01-0
• thisavarned out teacloth against purchas-
ing fruit trees of irresponsible parties,
, .wlso do not euro for Anything but for
the pa.yment of theni, as they, nester in-
tend to canvass the section again. These
,parties fill the -orders they may obtain
with the culls and failormi of foreign
nutseiieS, or even with imitations from
die woods, as they know revue of their-
oustomers are not able to detect the ims
aiosition. Thoro is ilar it Canada some
first-class fruit tree »tirSeries, from
which can be obtained good stools, and pose ereetin a hew ...hureli at. an. tottly .
no fear of boinginwoml upolii...... ' 'f.1(ty .
when the: following prizes will. be given
foe walk of 10 miles ' 1St $10 . ond
• •ss
$5 ; 3td, $2 0• Alargenumber are in
training and a vetys exciting time is ex-
pected. .• •
There is no signs of •a base hall club
here this season, the Dauntless having
beeotne defunct: '
1.*.AITAL .Erucor • MI:einit's.T.-As MrS
McFall]; WifeAf "Nit. 3.1eFaid, merchant,
Staffe, was driving heina, on Monday
esreiiiiirfrom -Exeter, and-Wlsen wain
Ismile of the of Cromarty, her
horse took fright and ran:Away, throw-
ing from the buggy and "killing her al --
most instantly..s• Her 'little. girl, aged
aboat three years; was also thrown out
mar sesetiontily-injered that little' hopes
are ehtertained of hersreatamy -
POLiir1,.---Qii Monday et,oning last
C public meeting was Indd here io con-
nection with the W.ca Huron electietr;
There Nitta Si very good attendance,
speeches were made by Mr. A. ;Moss,
and, Mr. X. MeMillan on his behalf ;
and by Mr. Porter oe behalf of Mr.
Kelly ;the latter attempted to speak
or aLaketslitp,•„0,,,..bnishis effort was .so
ored as to be painful to his hearers,
and many expressed' wonder tlealt,undee
any coesideration he shohld hav"d' been
induced to tun, ,•sor ---
.To nn moonlit» ,wmt.--Tho diced
of the land fertile new Methodist efliu oh
ab HoltneFiville having been segurekl, the
work will soon be proceeded with. ,
PEUSON'AL-The wife of Rev. J.
Philp has been quite ill for some days,
from general debility, but .we aropleas-
ed to. learn is in 'film way of recovery.
• Selivrees etoseiss--=The revival ser-
vices 'being hel& at RucliVs church were
closed a few days sinCOlafter art additimi
of about twenty' to the -membership pf
the church,
-1Csav Ontsaemss-The 'Methodist body.
have purchased of Mr. L Currie, 7th
eon., an eighth or an 'leo, directly" op-
posite the Orange Iran, where' they pur-
NtAaTX ,Sainley .after -
neon last A - spark ati adjblning
house,:. Se t.firct•to some sawdust lying
atongaide of. the :Alethedist • :Chu
this iillago,-and in a few inothents
small tire was under. way.' And it not
been•discevered and put.oet., just when
it *ttS; t ftaVs inientes Would have seen'
the 1.1%,Ittiail' of the: rob
taneous readings were admirable, Ur.
W. E„ Groves explained. Ns method of 4 '
teaching. geography, associating„,histerys__
He -did-patio° to thitiiiiimikint anbject,.
and convinced all that he understood his
duty and was familiar with some of the
Mr. A. M. Taylor next gave his essay
on ” Responsibility,of the.teticher for con-
trol and influen'ce ' which was acknow-
ledged by a vote ofthanks from the meet-
ing. , • • •
The centralization question was fully
and freely discussed. In future the meet, •
ingir will be held M Seaferth, Winghatn,
and Brussels, soccessively.
The Meeting proceeded to the election
of officers, with the folloWitig result: Mr.
Jas. Turnbull, Pres.; Mr, Yes, Ferguson,
Vice -Press; Mi. A. M. Tayler, Sec.-Treas. ;
Mr: W. E. Groves, Asst. -Sec. Executive
,committee : Messrs. Clarkson,. Hender-
son,'Dewar Shaw and Canspbell, together
with the .oilicera. • Auditors: Messrs.
Coats and McGarva, Clinton, Delegate
to P.T. Association, Mr.. Hendereon....,
- The meetiiig was largely attended; and
the intense interest shown in the work by
thessteschers bore pleasing-evidialnee?that. „-
they are endeavoring to improve -alive to
their duty and Conscious of their respousi- •
bility. •
sA. M. T.suon, Sec.
. LI:Tc.A.N.,
• -: The New EP.S. is a 'Welcome ViSiCa' Up'1,
lig.r• ..., '. .-.._,:- ' • , • • . - 1 Roberta, drovers has on hand ono of the
CANTI.,E,L-W.o.see that Mr. J. H. Mc-
ecoressesacaace of the 1`4:.wl.,:di,k... '
. .
. . John Hodgins' butter &milers ate coo-
•splatiously . before thodairymaids, who
will do ,well to adorn his prints.
We notice an addition o'f 21 hood to
the village' population, whilo. seine are
of to-Nanitoba, and other:" to Breee
naluee. ' . • , ,• •.•
• A pine tree lying at MrsAllen's shingle
• mill, from of the .flirm of Mr: L Mc-
ICriezie• West Wawanosh conSiete of 11.
logs,' the hutt being .36in. itt diatneter, •
and containing in all about 5,270 feet...
Wlie-e-olifes next for good shingles? ' •
Accotints fronasthis, neighborhood as
to the appearanae, and paospects ot the
fall wheat crop, are conflicting.; on new
land it has suffered Very little 'from the
heavy snow Of tho winter, and the pro,
ttacted frosts of the spring, while in
other. spots it looks thio and weakly.
Spring seeding is hear through. Wea-
ther hot and dry ; refreshing showers
juat now .would help vegetation •Very
mech, and a bountiful harvest 'would
de more to relieve our depressed indus-
triesthan such political handiworks as
are hovering around Ottawa just now,
. •
so*od half the barley with salt rir the'
rate per-aere as tho wheat (two beads
to the acre) itt a week or two we could
seoa ‘Yreat dliferenee intim barley; that
which had •been salted being taller nnd
darker; AS harvest time approached, the
difference became more noticeable, tho
barley which had not been salted became
dead ripe, was bro.kon' clown, fulls of
clinch bugs, 'while the- other Was yet
gecen, and seateely fit toont. Estimat-
ed yiOld$ One third More infaVOr of salt.
Sow it, fartaera, as' aeonsaa thts grain in
ab.we ssesiuni,
finest collection otoettle an the province,
which he has been, .fattening. all 'Winter
for‘ the European market,: where, they
aro to besshipped sluntly: •
' Rdiawav.-khot so belongihg-to Mr.
arts. Davis,_ of Eiddulph, was frightened
in some • natmer by a passing freight
train, •on'Thursday the 8th inst. It ran
furiously down the main street and <les-
pite the efforts. of some of'our citizens,
its prOgress was not ,checked until it
had thrown Mr: Dais out of the rig,
but -no great damage was switaified,
.LECTURt.--:-Ur. J. B.,.Watson, the
Canadian humorist 'and lecturer, is to
gist olio Of his famous. lectereein aid of
-the Luean "Mechanics' Institute, on this
Thursday evening; The lecture is en-
titled " Society unmasked." . All we
!levet° say is, that if bo can suecessful-
ly unmask lateen s.oeiety,' he iswell
worth -tho patronage 'Of every peace lov-
ing, citizen.
Walters,„,the Local
caudidato for North 1Middlesex, in, the
raorm interest, called a meeting on the
5th inst:, in the town Liman, for
the parpow of explaining hit VieWS.:in,
connection with tho set.talled extrava-
gene° of the 'Matfett administration,
He gave a ver Y able speech aiid,eonalu-
iviy ehowed by figures in, his posses-
sion that every cent spent was for the
benefit of the- • province, . tr. McDou-
gall, the Opposition emaciate, .theo.
.arOsc and tried to reply, but it was
dent from the iirst .he ,wWl- rio matell
whatever for Mr, Walters:who, in our
opinion is the right man in the right
place,. 'Although the majority in the
hall Were ConservativeS,both inert Were
'aliened rtStentiy.ely, and Mr. Welton
chatter] a s'..41" 114`444r41;14 itnpression.
- -For SPRING- and SUMMER SUITS--we'show by far the
largest and most attractive -stock of,GoOds in town.
In HALIFAX' TWEEDS we.Aow. a splendid tine at $11.,
$13 and $15 per .suit, in dark and.light colors.
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of Scotch "'Weeds, imported direct from Scotland, and for va-
liety and style, cannot be surpassed In the west: Plices range
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Splendid lines. in -WHITE and FANCY VESTINGS.
New shadeS in Lima PROUSERINGS:
In WORSTED SUITIkTOS we havo' a very
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BOY'S CLOTHING we present a good
Canadian Woods, at very Tour prices,
grge assortment
range of stii.png
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