HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-05-15, Page 6@ontunseb dos 04knadian, THE CLINTON NEW" ERA, • TwOvpun nen of St, Catharites Bush fires are nein to an alarming tem% out near the xteen klreek ou extent in .several 14'airts of• the 'United soasay captured a good sized young -flub states, . hear. *0 A victim of omnibus pickpockets in — . • , In' Peply to a deputation the Marquis Paris determined toget even with them, , Xennotites areasre_ahliigzuingas b,20porifcozes of Lol'il hits qcPreetsed_hiS willingnese to so be .put 'kite his pocket another pocket- - for cattle, getting on the Guelph Central Exhibition, in book containina• only A 1. f • oxen et Spencerfield, Men. ., . Septeinber, It is understood that the on which were written the words : eII ip o= paper The small -pox has been stamped out ' Princess Louise will also be present. 'This time, you rascal, you've Iost tile in Marmon. There were in the. place . The benefit concert given by Mr. rewai•ds of year labor.' He got ,into fifty •cases, of which nine terminated flamilSen Corbett, at: Stratfdrd, on the same omnibus and waited, resolved fatally, . Thursday; for the relief of thesufferers A Moutreal tavern -keeper was* on Friday, fined $50 and coots or allowing a three-card-Inc:int° man to fleece his customers, to have the 5rst pickpocket that meddled hy the great explomen was the meet with him arrested, Twenty minutes 1 auceessful affair ever held in Stratford. passed end nothing happened, and, tired About one thousand people were present . of waiting, he got oue having first as - and numbers had to leave, not being able to get into t/ae ball. Mr. R. Duffield, -of tioreheeter Sta- tion, this spring has bad eight136n lambs Severe' days )ago as' Me; Kenneth from eight ewes, all of whiela are sloing Kerr, West 2orra, wae getting ready to well. E, Stevens, aged 99, a resident of Niagara township, dropped dead on Thursday morning, while at work on fence. near bis residence. • Mr, S. P. Davis B. A., Of the Strat- ford high school, has been appointed science master of Piekering college, at a salty of $1200 per annum. „Pia Thursday, the body of a veloped female infant, tied up in a pil- low case, was found by a boy on the bank of the . River Sydenham; at 'Strathroy. s .._ • 'On Thursday evening a child, two vihile playing on the etredtin Ashburn - was run over by a passing wagon and instantly killed. .It is ;proposed that the childeen the Kingston Public &heels greet the Governor-General and Priticeep Louise . with a song ,of welcome oz their arrival _ theresop, fNtliinsts.___., • At Brantford-Polite-Cenrt-ort--Thurs-• day, S. Read, a lad of 13 years of age, ,=-svii° charged with bane stealing. Ple pleaded and was sentenced to three years in the •Referrhatory -Prisons While two'young ehildien of Mr. G. Watson.were. crossing Phillips' mill- race in London, on Friday, on a tiingle plank, the little boy aged, four yeers,. fell in, end before assistance came was drowned. •. On Tuesday night the wife of Mr. • Morrow, hotenreeper,• of Fergus. at• - tempted siaicide in the river et •Guelph,. .hu.t was reaped by two.rnen who were' near hY at the drill) •all'd • head her pereams. She is ,said to be insane, and --;----/A741;,444442--rebsOect Sts,s4osephis • • An. eecentrieindividual named- 'Wm. Southelillebehdiedin.Monteeal under peculiats•cireunsitanees. He had beep ill for some time but refused all attend- • ance: He kept a loaded "revolver at his bedside to shoot either doctor or clergy- man who might be tempted to visit. him. He was in a disgustingly. filthy state at •' his death.' In view of the disaster ats'Stratford, • some uneasinees ;ins felt ori Thursday tight at the-, Grand* Trunk depot at Brockville when it was learned that; a . car -load, of dynainite had afrived. Chief: Mitchell was interviewed by. Smile cid-. eons in reference to having' t he- ear 're- • moved, but he having no jurisdiction in the Matter the suspected' ear Still re- ' • Maies there._ . . • • • The nurabir of Indians in the' Dentin - ion is estimated at 90,680, being appor- • • tioned . follows: Ontario, 18,731 ;' • Quebec; 10,947s- Nova • Seotia;• .2;122; ..isiew Brunswick, 1,459 .; Frites) Edward Islan e, .306 Manitoha and North ivest Territories, 27;204.; Arthabaska Dis- • trict, 5,398; British Columbia; 35,158 ; •---Rupert1-174,370:: !• The prephet'Vennor thus speaks ! judging from the moVenients of the spring birds, 1 feel certain we are going • to experience gt wet 4iunnier, with ire- •. euent cold relapses and severe froatS,. the same condition. to, extend theough a Itergo porOpry.a.lsoo-ot*eLyeited-State6., The winter of 1879-80 will be again • severe, with heavysnow falls,' • Mr. J. P. Wiser. M. P., shipped from. Prescott on Wednesday, for' the.English. markets two hundred head. of. dietillerr fed cattle, the avenge weight,of the cat-. tle being 1,700 -pounds. • Mr. Wiserlfas fed during the pasts.winter elev.en:liun- dred head of ehttle all of' Which he an- • ' tends shipping to Engliali markets • . during this month. * •• Mrs, W; Cachael,. mother of Rev. • .Jas. Carmichael; .of Markham, died sud- denly at Montreal on lkionday last, in presence. of Ler son, who had come to that city to, obtain a collegiate" degree.' A ourioue eirciunstance is related in connection withs_the_sad_affairs..- to -the - effect that while on the joerney to Mon- treal, the reverted gentleman dreamcal hie mother wet dead, railway accident of a very actions nature ()Cowed oe' Saturday afternomr on the Credit Valley Railroad, neer Toronto: It appears that tile Digclors of the road, with, a few friends, proceed- ed to Carlton -to inspect the work lately done there. While the car in whieh they were standing on &Adding, waiting for a engine, the switch Was turned, and locknotive came dashing clown at tho rate of eighteen Miles an hour,. running into the car and knocking it into frag- ments. Among , the- number wounded wen himself that the pocketbook was still there. He opened it, in piece of bis piece of white paper there was a blue one, whiele he unfolded and read satisfy his appetite, stood in the barn as follows: What a sly joker yeti are.' yard and lit • his pipe, throwing thel There was a strange and warlike spectacle seen et Gilin ore's Garden, New York, last week. 'Thirty fierce Zulu warriors and twelve Zulu maidens fresh from the Bootle African Kraals, were. on exhibiVon, They were advertised as the conquerors of Lord Olielmsford and the gallant Twenty-fourth.' reporter says they were evidently all Zidus, for they wore no clothes to speak of, and • brandished- assegnieff ferocioaaly: ' Ter they looked bashful, and some suspieion was created by a spectator accosting one 'Of theinswitir-!-HallosBobs what Toil dos- , in" here f and_subsequently proud/ ex` - match at his feet amongst the straw, and passed on uneoucerned. The match -ignited- -the-straw, and in nn instaet (before anything could he done to atop its progress, the wind blowing high at the time), it reached the straw stack, and thence to the barn, Which soon be- cern° a prey to the element. The barn contained a quantity cif hay and straw, and about 1,000 bushels of grain nt the time. Some of the grain and imple- ments and the live stock were saved, but theslotirettitniedsVoultatiornit t� about $1,500: ktraserrstii t--thiertiees-seess aine-d-Tharreliad male pOrtiod Of our population is much terms with this chieftain for spnus years, in the minority, and, accordingly, the having.neade his acquaintance when he chances of a young lady obtaining a used to dine at a restaurant •up town, husband without difficulty are very good, where his friend was employed 6t8 a waiter. Thie _fact has beet recognized by quite number of young laides in the Eastern Provinces, who haye, frointirae to time; •• Enjoy Life. ad YelitiSett ter*Chariees• to • geetelthesietone. trulrbeautiful-world-werferia &tare giveituagreildetivottniountaine, glens .in.ordev of-coursestosget. mtrried; - On Wednesday evening a servant girl from y !tot:Km:stairs, _a_nd thousands of ineans for enjcn oy no no better when in health; eity in Ontario ar.rived• in town and -perfect At ow often do the niajori- applied, for a situation at a prominent ty of people feel like giving it up dishearten - bearding -house on First -street. As aer- ed, discouraged and worried out With. disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as vents are seam) her application was every sufferer mus easily obtain satisfactory quickly accepted, and the new arrival proed that Green's August Flower will niake was engaged at $12 per.. month: Shp them as free from disease as when born. D ys. did not return. however; and inquires ea of seyeaty-five pe cent of such mala- pepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct elicited the fact that the 'girl, shortly after leaving the hourie, remixed a pro- ache,dieus"aScoBstlivoeunsensrsiTeIrnvdotestinet see, Head, posal of marriage frorn a' young man slues ef the IleadsPalpitatiOrnosorfaloenilepoirzt",' who *as prepossessed by her appearance and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will 'prove its wonderful and 'Who promptly " popped the ques- effect Sample4ottles, 10 cents.. Try it. tion." • We -Et day. was appointed for the cereinnny • and one daY. afte lE.11.sh• : And V-orekg,ii,• her arrival in' Winnipeg found hersel •die-WEI.-of.-4... -Inings:htisbendsesselEirtat Thritela7171kdrcity of breadstuffs 'tit pog..,..',Timp0.. 4.:,... 4,..,, ,,,.,, , .4 • . ' ".'.."".'"...-.... •-:-;.7.7....rork.wen,..104 . . . Madrid, Spam. , • . . . Abierieau.. Cattl. ,A.- to. the nuniber of 500 from .• South America, were slaughtered at A liFfital prize 4ght between. two GlasgoW.On Thursday • =, • ' . - . XmOricans; -took place at Port DoVer, ' • ' - . - .. Nine. thousand political prisoners are en Friday, andavas witnessed by.a Crowd ' to be sent to Siberia, by the " Russian or AmerWan snorts'. It was •a, shaine- fullaffeir; one Of' the cOntestant° being authPrities during tile sunimee. . . .:. sd•badliinjaredlhat he is not likely to •bargoes of cattle .which arrived ,in .i.eeever....:. • .• • • . . • • England from -the United States were French and Beavers -drew -revolvers. suffering from phsero-pneumimia. in ,I,ehnionville, Tenn.; and, pulled. the On Baster Sunday- the sound of an triggers. ; but both, weapons miscild. Are.. organ in public's worship .iri : Glasgow F,reneh then stootl zuotionle.sa, as though (Scotland) cathedral waa .heard for the paralyzed by feight,..while, Beavers Cool- lint tithe in 300 years.• - s .- ly aimed' -at his' antagonist again, and ' •The state of affairs in Rnssia. is cleS, killed him. • . • - • . cribed•by..a cerresponcleritsis beyond de- . • • Mr. -Woodbridge of 1-Iillsbore,.,Texa''s,. . , g eoPFLIe scription the oppression Inivin b - went into .a drug store, drew a. ievolNier, no gre.at thatihe people desire a .chaUge. eompellett:a. -clerk to give' , , , hi no matter of What sort. • . ' •:... • . . strychnine, saia-:that he Weald shoot llogssfroiss the United States having anybody WhO tried to Prevent his suicide, been. disbovered 'suffering froth disease took the poison, and died with the cock, on landing at Liverpool, an .order is to -al weapon hi' his•hend. _ - • -.• .' ' ': . he issued by the Pi•ivy.Council; with a' . Six Catholic 'children have •...been .ex,: view of having all .swine slaughtered .at ollAd. from the State .Blind ASylum lbe. PPrb. of :1.4.1:16i2g aft.ex' 3.6.12: 1st. • • • • - • •. , • • • at Detroit, `for -refushi,g to partieiptite • Otiedri Victokia • boa ,nine •liettufifill in the sbaging-Of the . '.` Oloria". -frea ereeni-Ccilered• horses. Stabled . at , the :Mozares Twelfth ..Mase, at Apublis •,Ex- mews ' of ,Bucleingbain ',Palace., :Bn. hibition. Father .Hare, their pastor, those. animals are.. so .Valued that' th7y instructed. •thein ' that such Singing: :are never used. -1.7bey',Wthic not Oven would be itoi)ions. Alogislative inVev. harnessed. for. the .late royal Wedding, tigatiokis 'proposed. ':. - •• •'-• ' : • . because the roads of 'Windsor. Were 4e Amongthe sceentricg.or Detroit • is a eideill too hilly for their tender feet: mail Whci alweys. keeps twottemand two Not since the n'teeriage-e-f-the , 4 e --W-DATD.?r-sei.-virrt,--a-r--ad insuitecl,upon qlie 1Yales•have .the (been's state carriages, men ,having black and. the Women 'ma with ' their accompanying gorgeous heir. 'This is with a viewto hick, lima- liveries ben seen. • • .. • . Inuell As years ago he passeita black -hair, ' . ., • . • .. • • .4, cid rotiii and red --haired girl walking to- • A Lira -lie and fps Dirail, Wee, , gether; and presently found h purse of ••s • • . • • ----7- • - = . . • ,. money which se,as never claimed.. . . .. .A lunatic has staight to raisc. the. dead • The engineei:,and fireician of a loco; near Baltimore.. Fred. Bokerti a -well - motive' on . the ' Aliasouri, ltansas. it to-do farmer; 60 years old, who 'bee been of enseinid mitd for ..setee..time., Texas Railroad had a desperate fight on ,,,,,,,s, ;., the trip frota Emporia to. Pa -1.8611S, •. tli ("ul'urre" ' ' the reinains. of. his. wife, husied. twd. years.' Ago -111 Western: the struggle the.throttle-valve• wae:Pull- . ed, wide operk.„La .thespeed of tlie. train. Cemetery, and denioyed the Collin, pion- becarne. frigli dui; The Concluetor fon.nd taiting a. black and shrivelled corpse, them belaboring met °thee •with ham- to his house Where it lay on the fleet the disease% they are recompended to cure. ATTENTIoN. The Golden Medieal DiSeoverrand Purgative .......„. Vellets are the beet alterative, tom?, nod ca. meet NO.EXCL, that tho appoluttnont of Meseta, auntie remedies that can he used in chronic • at IfOniox, of lionsau, as„agents or. the diseases of the otomach and liver. The world Mutual Fire Insurance company, wide popularity of the Ii'avorite Prescription, Or the Co ni. et weliugiou, is thi day cancolled. ' us it neverditiling remedy leo Female Diseases, • Esq.onie been eppoiuted would hOve alone secured to its discoverer r'',11:: YAIRRAIV, the fame he has so richly wou. Dr, Sage's rog:117:14,11108,=0"iValL",,lni,v, au'l la now OroPared .......: °rivalry, the cheapest in Oatarrh Remedy', of which -Dr. Pierce is also the Dominion proprietor, is recomniended by those who have tested its virtue SS a Bate anti reliable remedy for entarrla in its worst forum - 7,1 0 g qx4g1,41.2 ealmttix Fa. 5g, =no e.,4,Dvg0 • ‘,0 bit EA L-70‘ iI owsZ 8,1.4-42 F.0:1 -r, del 0 F,E1 14 ?a,.:Fritit51'14 MAY i3, 1879 NEW HARNESS SHOP. rpm undereigned has opened a harness p in the Prinalires occapied by L I. STEEP, ALII/IIT STREET CLINTON VYhere he will keep en hatta Itla aaaortr000t a the arti- ohm end stook usually 1 ound la a store or this kind. Doing ;a -practical w.orkmen, be is prepared tt:execute all Dy order, CliAltLitS, DAVIDSON, • 0 4 Y O• Seay.Trtas. , Guelph, 4th Deo., 1878. U. Repairing Promptly Attended to. SEED WHEAT,. GIVE TUI Nt A. g.0 sA.. ar...Thl.u. is.s. PEAS, BARLEY OATS, obitot, Ar43, Sgt. 1879. .And all Icluilo of Field, Carden Mid Fielder Seeds.. • • 18 . •-.-,.. FARMERS, ATTINTIUN. % To zeturnIng thanks to my patrons for the libefal sup - pore aceordcd toe tho past year, I take pleasure in In. SHUTTLNWORTH'S forming the publio that Shave, at considerable expense, carefully selected my preeent large stock of seed grains p from the most reliab -.. 1 1 ortribier tarn" kence 1.071,imera.the5 can confidentiy re. LOST NATION and WHITE RUSSIAN Patented Oct. 14th, 1978. as the best Heriee vasistios erOW13, both for quantity, Tho cheapest ssa beet Farm Fence now in use, costing il‘i 2.7.. none in the Province for purity at:1d quality. 13Acimy constructed, gosilY removed, and will last longer puks quality and ini1ling purposes. lly PrIAS are second to alensyS oththeonr itehriecor,eui:sitfolorra0079;eon,,rrailiol ,fennateeer;alEcaossitl: and OATS of the very. best vartefies. CLOYElt and l'al 1; ,I, „.•-• = s,,...6 TIP,10TRY seed, TURNIP, MANGOI,DS, and all other 70 cents per rod, and San be conetrirotcd for less then see 7 -4 2 lield and garden seeds fresh and pure. X always take • le e();tTpt Tie ri'reci ar °all eann ilia% ye ntot 111;ente°a8pt, wainnd ntwu lo °Ilticeene le 9480 sc, special eare to select ends clean and free hom Minos, tia ,s..s .c...„ s•-, t ious weed seed. Always glad to show my seeds and put up 40 rods before breakfast, so that, as a Farm 15 °e'l1 t,' ,11,-. give any information dealred by tanners pad othe'r. Fence its advantages are apparent at a glance. • ,, E.{ e t' M Fil:41 75.1* ti • ; siemens= NY STAND, 8 ra n..,...... .0-,...,g, Hamilton Street, above Colborne Hotel, Galerich, Rib 14 hi dlii '5;444:1/ Goderich, March, 1879. ' .1. A31E8 ItteMAIR•- SI '' Olt •,.1 L VP ip g .F. -Ill 0.1.!.;94,In'ii • Ayers P4 -iii(?,'"1"-!"r•i?q,1 • • - -111---5, i.e.?: tti •E 41154 - 40•II' 1,0 :0 0....-o•n k s...se-s-si -cttr t or,_. trelludittIFtt- m , restoring Gray Hair to.. , ca 7,11' 0: 1.2Z• tz' I Wai Z ' .i.its natural Vitality and Color. it 14. . pi .4.g..7,,E.o.p..4.9. . •A dressing 0441S litg ail WO' 14 61:4I-liblI'a 'Which is at once . ' ealtly, agreeable,andeg• NE'Vr"VrAGGON' SHOP. 01.• feetual for pre- -;,- ;I , .,_ .. - >..4. ,o...,,i3, -7.... ‘ , ; \, va3irr.v.i.kzellio; Thos: Friendship )11 l' ' ci,i, •,:. A\ ,t,t,v,` , ,, gray heir is soon Desires to inforrh the peophrof Clinton add stureimd. rr ;101 ''. , ' ' ,Ats', s • t.%,1( ),reStOred tO. itS ing coontry, that he has opened a Wadden Shop in - •.\z‘.' -';-. ort:g-inal color, connection with, Covell & JOXE4' Mookalaith 9hop Mere cite gloss and freshness of 'youth. ,SAAP. STREET, • CLINTON; Whine he will be prof;arecl to *011ie all orders for - Waggons, Carriages, Willows, Sleighs, &o., on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of all kinds promptly Mtended to. GIVE DIM A CALL. Clinton, March 18, 1879.. • • - • . • A GREAT OFFER. . . ---:!FO-:-n-g9A9---;--.•-..z---.-. ngWo willgontlyou, bo , In fall sheep' an•kunalnidge Worcester's Dictionary, The Fortnightly Review, - 'For one year. • • Itetail price, Worcestor'e Dictionary 12.00 Subscription price, p,9r annum, "Fortnightly".: 5,00 Or wo;Will give an unabridged, bound in sheep, WOE; CATER'S DICTIONARY for fly° yearly subsoribors to TILE FoRMIGILTLY REVIEw, or for four yearly sub-' scribers to the mile, we will give a copy of that famous work, bound in 2 vols., Surnnal.tionAr, Agents Wanted- to whom we will pay.n good commiesionip canvass their locality. For particulars, .ordet books, specimen copies, &o., address the publish- ers, , BELFORDS, CLARKE it,- CO, 60 York St., Toionto REAL ESTATE FOR .SALE. • .Eractleal.and Analytical chemists, ." • Practical and Analytical Chemists. • - .r•.rt,r Augt . 1. Farm Lot No. 04 in the First7Conesseloirql— " ......... Am:Tom 24$BuitywIlERE; lloadj Tuckersmith, tautens 99 sem lirst-class land, ' about two milaslinni Clinton, board fence in front, geed • '-. ' • • hardWaodtim.ber. lifiry be madea superior dairy farm. . 2. West Ilalf.e&Lot Eight in. the Eleventh Conies - Mon of Turnberiy, fifty acree,good wheat land, six mires from Winglutm 511(1 030 mile from the Olopannan Sta- tion of the Toronto, Grey and Brim Railway. A small clearance on the front, balance hardwood timbbr. Would sell cheap for cash; or exchange for townproper• ty in Clinton. Apply to the owner, SanmeiThrower, at Vales Clinton or to the undersigned. 4. The largo tilla convenient Brick Stere, in the .11. bortStroetIllook,nowocoupied nr. las.Biddlecombe.. , . 0. First-class. grain Store, at the Grand Trunk statiem belonging tp J'kunieson., '7. Tho largo factory building and lot, 'adjoining the • Grand Trunk Station, formerly occupied by jr. Eel. • fry, with 'engine and boiler. Premises well suited for " Manufacturing mimeses, pork-packing;'&c. 5. tot 0, on Vie toria Street, (Gordoir survey); a choice bUililing let; hetween the as T. Bailway math c Myer,. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though fiet always, cured by its use. Noth- ing can .restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glatids; atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of foul -7 Ing the hair. with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorcnis. Its occasional use. will revent the hair omsturiungsa,Trays.ors consequently prevent lieldness. Free from -those • deleterious substances which make some preparations dan- gerous, -And injurious to the hair, the Vigor part only benefit but not harth it. .If wanted merely for a__ . " HAIR DRESSING, nothing else ca,n be. found so d,esitu able: • nothing, neither oil nor dye' it does not soil white cambric, and lasts long on the hair, gi-iing it a rich,' glossy lustre And a• gratefill perfume.' , Prepared by Dr. 1. C...Ayer & Co., To be 'seen standing, on Fair's Lumber Yard County and Tovvnahly Rights tor Sale. - 303IN MULT4014 Solo Agent. 01Ititon, 17, 1879. Ayer s erry- ee raf1-7-7,- 1111,e 111a! w. *oat and Lungs, Whooping 0 is mho suoltas Coutchs: Colds, For Dinneen of thif J;ironahitis, Aethma, „ . and Consumption: . The reputation Mai attained, M consequence hr• ' tie marvellous Cures Alias produced diving the . last half emitury,is a sufficient assiWteice to the public that it will continue to realize the happleia results that can be &sired. hi aimed Orery • section of coutdry there are persons, publicly • knewn,whohaveboonrcstoredfromalarmingand even desperate disquiet; Of the lungs, by its use, .A11 Who. have tried towknowledge its superiority; and where Its virtlwa are known, no one hesitates .as to what medicine to employtarelloye the dia- • tress and suffering.pemillat to minnows" affee- -,..tiellat,„...c..4411X.IXOTODAL stout relief, and performs rapid ,eures • Mildervarieties of bronchial disorder, geivell as • the more formidable' diseases 'of the lungs. As aSafeguard to children, amid the distrees- Which beset the Throat and ?Cheat a • Childheed, 11 10 invaluable ;for, by its timely use, • mul Modes. are rescued end restored tOliertIth: This medicine gains friends at everytrial, as the cures it is constantly produeing are too re- markable to bp forgcatem Eo family should he . without it, and: those who have °moused. it • •.neyerrvill. ' . Eminent Physicians throughout the eciUntry poseribe it, and Clergymen often 'reeorainend it from their knowledge Of its effects; •• . PREPARED BY " Dr.l. C. AVER & CO LoWell Mass 1, I If 11111) .BOOTS & SHOIES CHEAPER THAN FNEll „• otes-se,-• ."........ - 04/64f: -.. large reductions for cash, which enables me to • • ,.. offer greater intlimements to all Oat ' mey favor Q ., .11 much larger quantities, thereby. obtaining ' spring and Summer Stock creasing, .1 .havo been enabled to Purchase iny . . „. mo.with their patronage. Finding that my buiiness'in this litro is still in! . .. eratt0-' '.1 . . well•fonced, pl anted with trees, god Neel], &o. _ :il. Lot 24, Freeleifek street', belonging IP Mr, J-ohn • " Please call otnedsebxlitImu go xis it-tird,:truh, . „ . .,, -....... , • of both Tr"i";.1'1.; Al): li.4'irki-ilV.1477-1/0-11IlLIE 7tD SiaNGLE ItzuNzss,:tniicle with the best stock and. Powell. .G00 tranle cottage of tiro rooms. Wen and fr . ,,,..f -..-....-...., pump, Good gilrdom Just south of 'Afr. Wm. Shep. -,,, , • .. . • .. Lord'arooldence. , . • • , 'o' • . .' '•... *-ir, HALE. ., , : ., , . , -', =, - ,— , . , ..• ILARNESS DEPA-ItTNENT« . •:plinton,aftn42,4; 1679: , ,. r it tuis ceparement r wOurit'dliti tie attentionovrarmers ane(otherS, te M,y very .iiirge stock 1,11.. III A. 1RJ 1:6 .workmansliip. Employing hope but the hest. workmen,. I will.gimientee all work. na-elyzitt a ird •VA.E.lif.311,4.7-A very large nasortkentinid vi.iy cheap. ,rnesli'S irpm: 75 cents op. fl • i ,.4......4.1.• 'Uhl ton , *AIM' 24, 1815 /at trial. 2nd .elesS 811I.V4i.,ES, from. 4,0. ce.nits., piir buneh, up, '.' .A. reinii over the shop to let. . ALL •Vouos, .IVAIticASITED. ..V1i.J01tIA BLOCK SHOE STOTIE * 7- JAMES TWITCHELL. ' . houltuds Applaud itd.tondatfil Cold I 1.-....". ' 1)DERtati. i F()U.IN7DRY. CONSTITUTIONAL .0.A.T.A.111-11EX U -R ES OAT .A R -R risers ..and wrenches. - The -train was in the puler withont any of the nnigii. Va• t,. what o Reverend G'enauman $ows gr.' ate stopped j ust in time to avoid a collision. wiser kir several dos. 4, "Consatutional Remedy hors being the Fven, then it would not have been Eso., Drockrine, ont. With a freight train. • known had not invited a le.cly in-tl 6 tiotiol Catarrh Itemodr, woo introduood to the. I have' .flont io uow.two yottro since your " Oeustita- ivalted this long to 500 if the cure would remain per- manent before doing this, my dutylo you, as at first the happy diode seemed to nio to be "too good. to be truo," I was. afflicted in ntii. head for yearn' before I suspected it 16 be Catarrh. In reading in atom Circular Tjaw my easofteseribed in many partioulars. Tho in. ward "drop" troni thglreAtl had becOrho vary disagree:. ableoncra choking munition often prevented rao from lying loAgt I would teel like smothering, and bo cora. polled to sit up in boil. My health and write were and said Ins wife' was 1- seriously affected. , When your Agent Gate to Walker. ton, in AUgust. 1878, I scoured three bottloo. Before I' .o occupy it. had used a neuter he °entente 01 038 bottle, 5 found &laded relief, and when 5 had mod two bottles "and a third, 5 quit taking it, feeling quite mired of that ailment, and have not need any shaeo, till of late I have • taken some tot a cold it my head. A senile of ditty 16 sufferers from that loathsome disease, Catarrh, prompts me to send yeir tide' Certificate, unselleited, with leave to make What MO of it -you may see ptop6r, ALL, Methodist Fort Elate, Ont., Aug. 2,1,1878. Asir for Uttlefield's constitutional Ca. tarth ROTYledY, and take no other, T. .7.• IlAnnixo, Dominion Agont,BrOekville, Ont. Por sole .1 pl all Drat:nista at 0n/a/ Ono Dottor • • per .lottle, BUY IT. 8*• TRY IT. The treasuret of Fulton county,•/ -4a., recently owned a saw-Inill, but when he Carnett look for it a few .days ago it • was missing. The mill-, saws, wieriches,, dogs, crowbars, logs And the whole con- cern had been carried oil' by thieves. •Being a man who believes in inaking the best of every evil to which he may be egposed, he is now thankful that the water power,•was left behind. Police oilieers are detailed to attend balls'in Now Orleans to take chrage ot tho revolvers and other concealed weal). - ons of the attendants, and politely to return them when the owners are ready to depart. At One ball recently the searding•prcreees resulted in the dis- was ex -Mayor Morrison, Aids. Blevins °every. of. 79 dangerous weapons con - and &aril, Mr. .)-anies Goodorhata, jr, coaled on the persons of gentleman ap- and others. Mr. Gooderham was so seri- plying for admiseion to the OVening only injured that he died.at midnight. amPsoment, neighborhood to ins house Co show h r something partionlar.: The visitor Was horrified to see the blackened remains, gis monemania wits, ?mots/leaf-but wasAceompaniecl by no violence of be- havior. lie had recently built a new house near by.. lie called it his chapel, A Word to Doubters. There is a good old English maxim that teaches us to"believe every man' honest un- til we know him to be a villam.1 American custom seems to.have reversed this law and appears to make every man a villain until he has proved himself an honest man. As with people, so with things, Every article plod in Our markets can lay claim to popular favor upon intrinsic merit and value alone, Con- tinuedpopularity, therefore, is proof positive of intrinsic exeellenee. Dr. Pierce's Family ternedies aro' far more popular tcsday than Over before, The people hare tested them and know them; To he genuine remedies for te • •.seS, . . Manufacturing Company. Boilers, 4E1101)6. 310ohinery Latest . . • • • of Improved 1<ix0s. GRIGULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS, . • STOVES of.various kinds.. Bras Ei and Iron Castings, BEPAIPS .1)2W1111"PLY To. • • FOR SALE 611.EAR--,Seeon(14.1and Engines and Boilers of 1G, 26 and ' Horse:Power ; also, Stave Maohino,*Shingle and Heading Machine ?and IfOading ' ter And Plainer, Gonsition, geh. 1, 1877, •°