HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-05-15, Page 4THE GUNTON NEW ERA. PetvA410064006 titio tib;rut; WAY Tun nrenY !Onus. • EDITORIAL NOTES. ' -----e-. • a'he Grend Truek owns au exteusteu from ' fladlow, opposite towhee, to Riviere du Loup, , STBK1, RAILS 'JOHNSTON is llgaill tO I b nt 110 tuilee tanning the fore. throturb a miserable reIn''' tm- - 'aGo°11.forsakee stretch of counCry, end Costiefi "le he 411)°"8' cm• tb° Pasture -R. lteasford. Stray- Colte-johe Foot. Auetion Sao -Dr. Reeve. Paper Harighta Garden Plants -T, , abont three tillIo§ Muell ,t0 MaIntaltl• as it -platform in...opposition to Me. R. .M, eteter retureedV.. The line, obeli tire Interco. wens, M.P.P.roe seete Breton. Briv:38 • • • 1Viusto Teacher --Mrs, Whitt, lomat radread was completed from Imre ( 0 eema men wonderfully in push ; Loup to .Efalifax, became virtually a breech of "‘” Ordered Clothing -T. Jackson. i the government toad. The government, re. mg tlielbseheS fe,rward. Servant Watited-oNew Eaa. Oflice, quiring a deep water harbor terminus at Que. Emporium of Fashi)n-Mrs. Fitch. bee, has been in negotiation fzr this branch, Suove New Year's there have been about twenty failures in this county. West Ruron. Electten-A. M, Loss. . For the not Weather -j, C, Gilroy. Shorthorns for Sale-av, J. Riggin. Anction sale-Itobinsen, O'Brien dr, Scott. • - • _ which was worthier% to the Grand Trunk ; and on Friday lest, in the House of Commons, the Finance Minister gave notice of resolations authorizing the cabinet to purchase the line, with ruuning rights, to Chaucliere junction And Point Levi, fora sum not to exceed$1,500.00°. The necessary papers have been brought down THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. to parliament, and the putchase will thorny be an accomplished fact. Wo clip the above Faragrapli from the • London _Free Press, consequently our Couservative friends will have to ac- knowledge that the statements contained. therein are true. TIM excuse that the go- vernment required a. deep water tern -d- ans at Quebee is all buncombe, and even if they did, the acceptance orthe road as a gift, with the condition to keep itrun- 'fling, was more than a, sufficient compote.. sedan to the Grand Trunk for the relief they received in getting rid Of such a treasury exhausting concern. ' The truth is negotiations. were going on for the transferef elite:1MA' befeeelliT)Wd vent of the Mackenzie administration; hut the o -government put an end: to- theni. $1,- '500,000 thrown away for nothing, and •an unttnewn amount to go the SAME way for 'ever! What will the end. be I • Our Candidates am, lor the - WEST RIDING, A. M. ROSS, EAST RIDING, T, GIBSON, .M.P.P, SOUTIi RI G; A., BISHOP, M.P.P. On the 5th of anus the electors in the different Bid, ,TO .hould ..ce that, Hien. 'ballots are MABEED,011 . NEESE, MEN. • • Olpies of to•day'e *New Inlay be and at the Boot Store of Messrs-. Dimon= & Bumble, and W. II. Eansford, Albert Street. Price 5 cents per gm 6111tiOn • OFFICIAL F'AFEE. OF TEE COUNTY. • THURSDAY, MAY.15, 1876. • reoceel, .EroiseTioeitee • • But a few -.weelts , intervenes .between the prosent end 'the, eleCtions,. for the Ontarie Legi,slatfare; when evety -fron- t holder will have thd opportunity of say- ing • who shall be 'elected to • assist•!in. carrying on. the buSinesS of the province, and as it is important and-te his interest to secure the most. competent, arta intel. ligent person to fill the, honorable' and ireelfonsible.pesition, it behoves him to • , . • eXeraiinibelt in•the- seleo-- tion, The present.ineuihard.of.thattiree. -: ridingswt'Thisc-oaii:EY7;--w- aie again • candidates, are .oldoresidents,--endThaate. hag occupied prominent, p'osithens in the municipal, governinent of the county. , they are well knOwn to almost every inhabitant. Se long as Messrs, qibson and Bislio.n ran for seats 14 the Inunicipal boarathe met with the Most te-eble' op- - position, if any,' anddid good and ao- 'ceptable service -andacknOwledged • by most all parties. Mr.. Ross is •so . qualified, 'and mich. an efficieet officer that -a change ie.aearcely whispei; ed, elien by pelitical:OpPoneets. TtieSe„ gentlenien ' have occupied seats ein the Legislaturefer several years.; and faith-, fully laboved in the intere.st of theoetin-, no elle beiegetible tridlifully to ley .any charge, detrimental to -their cherac.. ter as public seryoutS„againat theme' The rtytestien ioseeashaltelthesce-aaethly. ' intelligent 'and; eve•II tried men. be set; aside. for "untried and, z scarcely known ones ? We eitimet but think .the good r & sense of ow.' citizens will give an answer in the negatiVe. • - So far as have seen, there ha e no _ feaefireio. the character of their- _ -•.ents been pointed Out that' would •fa mver- ably recomend. thnt• eto the nO. tic° tho electorate ; they aro only moVed by the Spirit of anibitien to seek election.; However laudahlo this spirit'maY io ab it gretified at the oxpense of theeetintry. . , eitOTegct eraer V.1.42,..4.0), The .11/itil and several Other Conserva- tive papers have.- been persisteutly hs- scrting that the subject of proteetion is being strongly agitated. in .Thagland; avittni the real-truth•is that two- de three noisy manufacturers; who itish to recoup Ode losses theeitgli the uniiereal a6. presSien,' and etikes in that country, ate almost tho only ones* that entertain ettch an abaurdidea. In at -Other colnitin we give a coeple of extniets from ANICh). 1110 Is snot Actuated. by any political • proclivitiee, and haS:np selfish ends to servo, brit g,enerally gives forth thettale and right sound .oh. alt. eeciai mical enestione, WO cominend the tWO 'oitracts to the carjetil perusal or our Conservative le:adore, who pride. Meth - selves fig Finch upon liniirg .80 strongly attached to the Mother' Coentry, her institOtione and Well being. •• — Notwithstanding this fact, people aro askea to still believe the men who last September promised -them that after they wero returned to power, there wOuld be no failures. MAN 15 1879 As Ottawa paper onntruM•ca that ONTARIO ELECTIONS TO THE 14.11IICITORS EDI I. Edward Blake will eddrees several UsT C4 1U leoatt'afATE0„ meetings during the campaign. It is memo,. possible that be_in.a.y.Lisit this section. Addington of the country. oa learning, that "the gifted, the good, and bretheru •of the Berlin News., Was nutterin ° -Barr .. the great" 13: E. W, Moyer,'" our friend cerieton ,„....... • Tun Galt Reformer In attires ts su rpr Ise .. Brent, s ....Hardy Wilson ...... ...Bohinson..,Flesher ntri ... .. once a "collegian." Did it never know . . that he waa also a G01(.1 Medallist, and Ibirhnaltn, W . .... • OF TUE %NO', itEFORM. gossidenvii. INDErgg'81'. Dnroche , .9Dennison—Lakc West. Riding of Ifuron ...Lyon Brant, N... .... Young " Baird • that to his name his brethren •of the Ma, .11:::::....Kwe'al•aca--101);wther4 Le quill tacked the cabalistic X. Surely r.:=: ..... , Tgaiier' . onr cotem. was aware of these things. Fr("4mae .Dawson ,•..cagia ..:::hisaut-n::. ......-- . ureueme, 6 ., ,. „Fraser Freoch Orey, N.... ..... Doyle Creighton Ores*, 5 .... ,, ...,Hunker ....Fahey Ores, E . ._,... ..., . ..... ........ Lama• r .. Berke Iialdimand . . ..... littxter „ ...Thomps...on,:.,. • • • • .., _Robertson. , Beaty Hamilton - . ..... Oihson.„...Murray ....„. ... Hastings, N - Bonner ....Wood Hastin-s, hl Gordon ....Appleby— I +‘• We have it on good authority that Sir . :Wilton the Conservatives aro. coos John Macdonald will not bug -remain in 1 tending that. the Salary paid the Hon. Ut'hile c'ilica''''''"" 4dverti8er' • Statements • of this Ittnd hay° been Mr. Mewat is too largo, it may .1.ko-in- . - made quite' frequently of late, and as ,they have net beet) contradieted, we are inclined to think there is some ground l for them. Ills well known that many ...,:-.-........:._. 1 of the respeeteble .members pt. the Con - Some of the sessional plerks engaged i servative partf.objeet to their present at Ottawa thisyean,'have'not done a leadership, believing that a cliangewould teresting3o know that the Oficial. income of- Sir john Macdonald to -day -is $9,000 a year, or $4,400 more than Mr. Mowitt gets, I . - edd. to the- tone. of their perty, • -days work since Parltament• • opened, - . . bet occtipied their tiine as newspapoe correspondents. ; Evratv•oatmeal mill in the countryis Theyhve drawn their either closod or working. on short time;. it day, nevertheless, from the. funds �f the country. If this is a sample of wages reduced by-inianufacturer.ein ad- -the. coda -in -FM& "Conservatives intend • ferehtliarts of the Province, the wigof - to practice, the fess of it there' ie theijs'ing.increased in aii-iiost every respect -1aboreisowit12e. td do and -lots o' A aineintut of the Local House, l'ato time to do it,' a spirit -a uncertainty •is a moderete Conservative, stated to us and uneasiness pet • el' 0. the land. This v, in„ is about the state'a affairs the 'country, last week, that "the county of Hurcin over, and protectionists aro yot bre- had an able repeesentative in the per- • fiteed enough to assert that." good times have set in." _ • It is.reaTly alarming to witness the' repiclity with which the country is drift- ing into irretreivable financial, difficulo ; debt being piled upon debt, taxa- tion tniOn taxation, and but ecimpata- tively 'little to show for it, and if some stop is •not,shortly put to it, the burdens will be too 'heavy to.. bo. borne without - - suffering. , IVIillienv of dollars have been spent upon: works_that iire not self- sustaining aftee they have been con- • • etrueted, and some of them the ...country Could. haVe done juet as well without as. With,- Thet7PettionTefAhe; Pacific Railway running • front Thunder • . Bay to Winnipeg One of them. It ts • eite ofethe most eoatlY roads to cionstrupt '-through a country that will not be settled for years to eorde, if eve; :and Will not be run mote than six Manthein the year after it is completed., • Miring the winter the rptite tO 'Manitoba will be by tlig' way of Chicago in sPite - of, all the efforts of our geierinnent to • the conttary. . „Thelattilding .i0ad i.p.i4er the old plan, that is, as the teSourceS of the country would , admit, was . ;bad 'enough, but,the new achatne:.originatedseby the geVernationt-that of taking .1 00,00(7,.- :900 .fteres of the best hied in thte Noialt West, a tract as largo as E:ngland, Ire- land and Seotland enited--.-should meet • • . . - vith the determined., opposition of 'the whole cotintry.,e- The ine.:tip these .lande. and . holding tlimn 'at • $.-'62 per. acreto actual eettlersois •abstred, • tind• groatly retard the eettlement• of -the 'country. It would he, far better to seS- , pend the coostruction • of the. t•oad tor theyObsent, than involve the coin -thee in -such Any -rate th SOrtletiOtt of the:road .cannot he done •in: lees than ten.or, •fifteen•yearS, for it will be very difficult and costly to obtain the 'rind % Supplies- that istant collate-. • son o.f Mr.. Ross, Ide is the best tean on finance we have in the House, and • the county 'should be proud of 'him." • A. correspondent of a. otratford paper Zeti_the people of West Huron are -ask. puts .fortifatd the following strong plea ed to exehange-their representative for on behalf of the Mowat administration: . . . 4 nonentity lake his opponent.• • If ever it Government deserved the con- . fidence of .the public Mr. Mowat's is that . . •Ovrts, in discussions on polities, Con- Goverfinient. The moat- unscrupnlons krtwatives will say, 4! 01.11I'mliot a stiff .fatilt finder could •not point ofit a single party man. el vote foe tile best n.in, act of . theirs that- could honestly be ton- struediuto a blunder; much loss a Millie. If a good man ia brolight out. on the on the contrary, the people of. Ontario. Reform Side, I'd vote for him; 1. don't . *have. had :more benefi chit elegisletion , froni follow the party all tho time. .,. In the atia.rule than theieier had before:from the Ontario Government during Mr. Mow - West Riding of I-Timm-76nm of these • hoth %Local and Dominion combined.. As. persons are, .to bb met, and een3r. will for itestance, theElection Laws i the Liquor. Lowe and that most important and bene- Sune. Some of th.ern We know, .shaell,earefitilyonotooth000e Tepal..1te'e7,...-::,-,.._—_, ..yebnc4et-.9Pwaineltaiteottkieedebt le the. Mitnjoi- have. it ni:agn.id,..__eent opportunity of show-. jug ,..thitir.,indepondence. eon.thee..51.11 _of and eurplurramongisE-themunicipalities.- It -is ficial et all others, the distributioreof the !gay that those of them' tialoLeint Fund -would ere now lee entirely _Tun nominationS:forothe• Local -Lege. -bankrupt had. itnot-been-for-the-ableand islattire Tor the District Of Muskoka take •eqpiteble manner in which: Mr, .Mowat • - • - . grappled with the alestalise queetionand place On the ,22nd instant, instead on solved it to the of all coictedin- . . . • the 290, as in the rest.pf -the Proevi.cnocnel. ed. Latany,eandid man look at the duo. This is oivino to.the eitent of th c, . - bursements fehirt the surplus. in the trea- sury towards the Construction of the many. stituency,And the' of tune re(piir. ,new rifivrays at present dotting the Pro ed to serVe the notibes,. Pelting, how., Niece. and serif he can, could any better 'ever,. takes place on the, 5th of Sime, as use he. made, of. the money. -. There can be oresone. no doubt that if it were not for the large elsewhere. Mr. Miller,. the . 'member, will. probelily again be the -can- sums put iiith-ciretilation in this way, On- didate, and, -if so,- there is every probe.; tario would have felt with. more intensity and .at an. earlier period the commercial bility of his re-election ,hy, a Iarge ma- • crisis which has,fallen so disastrously upon jOrity. . . ••:. .. . • •' . • .-• -• "7 'a-11: -the civilized natinlia 'of the globe, .' If . . • . . . ---.107s-r•-• , ., '• the deatinjes of the Province Were entrust- • Coeservative papers have a mean Way ed in the hinds. of the Opposition 'our fair of deceiving their readers by aourone, a Province Would pow scarcely be any better. ...• • ee e, ` than unfortunate Qttebee tinder heeineint- piece frbm one of. their oWn 5tripo•, and' • poteet legislators.". : • • , , Clanger*. . .... $4 tweert.Eaegie, At the request of the 1terorn2 convention of the Riding, 1 am a second time a' candidate for your surrages at the approaelting election tor the Ontario Assembly. - My actions, as your representative, for the past ken, years are known to you. I know I have acted to the best of my judgment fer your interest. I trust the course I have pur. sued meets with your approvals. In a circular addressed to you before the lest meeting a the Muse, I briefly referred to many important and beneficial measures passed by the present Government. These E need not again allude to, Sino e then several valuable acts have been passed. The most importaut is the aniewlmeuts to the Jory law, a measure of true Reform, which I claim some credit for, being mainly instrumental in press • ing 11 epee the' attention of tho House. Tleie mean; w.....,Holden Robertson, „ .... . measure to:11 lessen your taxation in the come Ifuron7:4 -.Bishop Horon, ... ,Gilligen ' Holmes .... . Huron, W,.,'.....Ross ,. Kelly pea, E . . • .. „ItleCran`ey .•,,Nrerice Kent, W ..... .Robinson, ...Coutts Kingston . . ... —Robinson...Metcalfe,. „., T.anthton, ...... -Graham „Shirley • . . ..... Lambton, W Pardee. „MeGarvey Lanark, X „ ...lifostyn • Lanark, S ....Elliott Le.cds&Orenville,IiMelkle' ... _Merrick ..., Leeds, ..... ........ -Green .- Lonnox, . ... . ..... . Lincoln .Neelon ...McCarthy' „ ...... London .... Magee Meredith • Middlesex; , Walters McDougall Middlesex, R....X.31(01min ..Tooley Middlesex, W ....waterworth Richardson muck .. . ...uareourt, „Musitoko a•mflirrymiller Sound Norfolk, N. , "Freeman ..,.0NnorrtaohtimberlandlV.pFaxialtod.n...m.....G„.„ Northumberland =Perris Cosi:barn:an,' e - Norfolk, ' Austin • Morgan oCitittaalrylio, .......Dryden ,.BrOwn Q"Donoghito .{MeCaffroy Oxford, N... ,:Mowat ... „Currey „ Oxford, 8 , ....... • Peel , Perth, 'N „„itay. • McDermott S • ,BallantYnc: Bremner "Pecethorouili .. . Peterborough, W,BIllott 'Scott...." . . Wescott,. Ryan,Ilarkin. .„Johneon Prince Edi•vard ....Striker Clapp .1, • -erediting it to a -Reform- journal, there- "47; • by Ondea.voring to convey the impression ' • • COTIDENITE N gA, ADI(AN's, ty about '1,000 a year; and will be -a- saving tie tho whole Pretence:of about $40,900 per . annum. . The revenues of the Proyincp having' been more than finffietent fer tittl. ertlinery.eapenses -. of gOveriiment, the present ministry have 'deemed it,iiseto spend a portion at,t1,1.0.- ' --.4 plusrevenue in the interest of, awl; few 'the • benefit of thp people, rather than heard it tip Amprolltebly in -the banks, rrhey bare-, therefore, erected n.ew asyluins, and enlarged the old, thus amply providing for the care of all classes of the- afilieted of the Proviude, * They have been. liberal in -encouraging and aiding the constructien of now lines of rail- ' way. They. have increased the greet to - schools, and to agricultural. and kindred so- cieties in the intoreste of the farmer. They' •have relieved the municipalities of is large oporepceteetAreopest, of edatihistration Of j llettitartoTtfriliiii(FaW7--- they have distribUted directly to the mune, eipalities 'opwarols of $3 000 000 of the • er.' plus funds-inetheirhands.. . - . This increased expenditure is . now made the principal charge against - the _aclministra.: tion, but the people of -Huron, who havere• ' eeived-u-pwardsef-$200,000-4-these Tailwa7-:_...---• . grants and ncarlY 6900,000 from. the surplus distribution,, will not, I think, say this ex- . Renfrew, N mufrai .. .1, penditure is unvmse, • • . . . , .Ritssituomnn$,sceserooeleelw,i ,sF!:'• , • • • • mune' a • . memo , ,.:5,prrkerhiii . Tierney ... For. the future, I will only say, if elected I • will support -good -mamma-from whateVer • source. they may emanate, and will indepon- ••Phelim . Cnorraolf.n. Ssteoreri° , , . cleaver so•to.act.as to promote. the prosperity Long.-, ...... .,...... dently,. and to the best of *my judgmentilem; sterstont. ' .and advancement Of Our•nobie. Province, and Toronto; E..... -„Mowat ' Morris the important Riding I represent, ' Toronto, W ... -.Ogden — „Bell • Victolia, X Pock .; ..Fell ., In ail, gentlemen, • • ' Victoria, .5 .......Wood ..,..;Russell Neer •Ob't Servant, waterloo, N...„.Sprhiger ...VValterS .. • -. - A. Al, ROSS. • Weiland-. - ... .Currie........Near. ' Waterloo, SI.- ...Liiringstone Phin'... . 'Ooileideb, Orli 28th, i875. '' ' • ' • Wellington, S ...,Laidlaw.....§weelman • Wellington, 0. -.Clarke • •• . Wellington W ....McKim; .....Iddiowint .... „...• • • • • . .--• utono•al Fr:efts, i'. -• - • __..._ . 1" I vi r co pn ttNANN:corr thi::Ns..... : : 3AI ue TiS fel 1 o n • Carpenter - '. ' 'The:total assessment of Winaliancfer • • • . , MeMonies . York, N.. ... , . -Widdifield -Murphy tills year is $399,27.0. •- • • - , York, 12„;:.,.....':.:litidgerow ...Robinson Yorir, W ..,.. . • . . .. ...Patterson ....Tyrrell • , ' -.Tariff Notes.. - vraAivgrg10.S.nein.o. Gf Jas;,mu',Serimtelalf,:_Dilleiv.zeh„iroekfel: . his leo...larit week by . jumping_ from a --:4-.0-onservatiye--gentlenio,n,:.,:trevelling. for Bruce Mines, -Algoma, on • Tuesday. , , on businesethrough the county Of Simcoe, Twriteirthat he "11-a-Tyet•to'nfeerthr-firg Aniirtencliiettlinrthtfrei-7-'7".. ..-...T.- ---7:-.:7-- . farmer who ettpressee himself initialled with ' '• Mr. X. Glazier, of Blyth, has removed" ' o, the new tariff.'.' . ' . . • ' to the farm of Mr. GeorgeSheppar& 9th , . .. Our enterprising ,; townsmen; !desire. Von: Goderich townbliip,. ' • • e • ... . .. Poehlman dk Reddicliffe, are not the only A hen belonging -to an gxeter: gentle- , . oatmeal millers Who. have to relinquish a lien 'Vial buried for 4 Month, beneath a large and profitable export trade in"conSee. ,00t.t.o. stack i . It Was alive Ando, well qUence °Rho iniquitous.N.P. Frein Til- .... wneu liberated. •. . : sonburg,Pergua Dundas and -several other ..., Mr. Wharton. 1-lodgson,' Exeter. has ' .places; come tidings- of the 'clesing of mille since- Tilley's rascally tariff,tocrk effect.- Sold the fifty-ecre.farm which 'he lately :Stratfor:d Beacoii: .1. , . ,. , 1 , purchased from Mr. D. 'Wilkie for. $3,- .. - A merchant writing to the Viotoria, B. 350. 'Mr. T. S. Wilion, i) Hensel]; is. ' ' O., ebfenist; upon theinCongruities of the the buyer. . • ' • • new -tariff,- concludes with -these Worda :.e. The '44' Clearing out".,feVet eeeins to be " The compilers' Of. this tariff wait have epicleinie in Winghani. . Pining the last been, smitten a were these at the building few .weeks several besinese • men have. . of the -Tower of Babel, so chaotic is it:2er reference, And -distorted emits proportions ran away, and new two mere .are added. : as to p.tit: a, quietaa,open all:businese .and to the neniber., . Mr. 'Xolin•',5,lyliester, • ' paettlyze the spirit of .Opterpris.e so effectne ‘Ohn oat -vied enee - frefitee' lett town, . •• ally ne to ldas.e but one bubble on the stir- ith.ont.the middle of last• week • and litts . fa00 to denoteits exit.' 1 . • -.. . ...... . . . not since been .heatd of The itmonnt.of . • .TILT,EY SLOWBOY.7-111r. Tilley, Canadian . • . his defalcation is .sernewere.in the neigh- - Minister. of. Finante, has • distinemithed Ititnielf by drawieg me a prOtectionist tariff borliood -of .$:300. • Last week Mr, Gee,' • mote than commonly tending to false the Kennedy, who hong& bides on the ineree.:,,,, Coatetind isoodurritifeh :the" eonsuniption, Of .ket.for his father f; Ingersoll, oleo :'ele- , the nvitinfaeitire he oesiee8 to -encourage: caMped. ' 'Tie': father oarriee, Dii an ex- . -TitleY-velley„1•715Itt-ii"good- deal' .niere:Tillf.y -.-tensive-limnerritr-htioreoll,und George than "valley." qp.tAnierdial-tiovs—iiiore , , • • arepoon. till at the bank. to pay for tho . that. the individual paper .heS paralk.l. "., • ' ". • .(Fr orn Lohdon Punch)... ddeae with . their owe. -The Gbderieh , - it te impooette to contemplate the now ciiiis..11;W ,S'• pei'petrated•this Vick lesr•week•bv a acOr Nt iti-.1011t ,i,I. £60110g Oi ST1$1110 and.huittillation.” • .. . bo reads Me. Pon& ileitis rime's of Friday copying a paraciraph.frbin tho St Oatha i t• n' 't i Z 07, , .r, , , . . . -, . 8.9 , and, in is capitol ye ETIS t..0itCriii , OS rilieS. JO? o./04 in reference to the start; -0.stini big eYe over the tariff in question ' he iog of ..e new factory- there, 0, paper by l'imilirrat'Piese' ' As"---h°w°ver'-h"t'ar • in another Dart of the' Sante pepe.rthet4" $0, • the ,way,'. prejudiced as theStar.) and 'crediting the Same to thnHerog, the Ile - form piper. • , • . Tuts, front an exchange; hite the' nail on the head :-". A Conservative:6.pm, not longsiace,in aPaalling ot the Mow, it Adminietratione-' w ith i. rel'reshin outepokeuness said,: , Wo have:no spe- cific.chitrgete bring against the Mowat Government except that of general. in- competeace and •of -giving aid and corn: fort to lIttekeneie: ..O.• Co ' • The whole , . . •ttuth about theopposthon :to Mr: Mow- at lies in the last clause of tine sentenee. • The principal i•li.ht2011 fOr the. emietette.,. 1 He is a Reformer, and that:1n the !tag - tion of this load is to.pleain a few• ,mation of a". OonServative organ ,iSan tios.in British Oolumbia,•foi. it is fealty earth were moved.while the Local Le- . • . • . unpardonable offenee • Heaven and , • ' chownright nonsense to suppose thereis gielature WAR in session, to trump Alp going to bp Iraffic- Of any kind other chdrges against him, but' the failure- to • • - de se was even more signal than the of - than whet iney be eallod loeal,., and of tort,. Mr. 3Iowat is not only a iientle. this kind of treffic the amount - -will be mon, but a matl of distinguished talent, so small that a train each way a dayit ' whose ability 6,8 a legielator. rid tnese oil , , ' - . _ _ ed ?organ Will formee, moment dispute. avill let • all, efition- ie -that he is a Reformer, Did d more han suffieient to cart v• Ifisotily dime in the eyes •of the. Oppo- Tla AMer'ican Pacific italiway ' only he head the- Oppoottione.every Coeser. It ad him to the skies as a statesmen of expenses and. maintenance, elthough IV the first'weten. But he belongs to the . 1 at Y lc ' son with what the Canadian will have. WIT whylicl should be turned out of of - 'It starts on this eide of. the *continent flee. ' The Conservatives haven't got a 'from a centre of freight and passenger sin& men in their 'rake who tould re-. traffic imMensely greater than what the place 'Mr, Motvat. Aside from politic.% Canadian. will ha,ve for • many Years., to his.foreed Or voluntary retirement frem come, and its terminus on the Pacific is office would be a great loss to the eottn- at the capital. of a country rioh iti every try, , .)3Lit ipsario As Apo the efforts of thing andortheady centeriog a hirge the : gentleman's' . party to raise a lino population, . We urge dVery one to calmly examine.. caont(tltieta; against Inin, he has served the And - weigh the matter, fin it is ono of, amount JoPolVietincalacIlladuilotbrlYw'ilitli-stilitccenec9f I very great imperial* imperillikig, mit in ousting him from the position which: does, the Ivy politieoteutemnity of the holies filled itl t I honor to Min - self and advantage to tire cohntry. • . • 1 ' .. • doekaAittle mcire than pays its i•unning • vtativc. paper in the Dominion wolild has a monitor of advantages in compa.rie, Reform 3 .D tirtt is sufficient rea- • eountry. peculiar aud without a parallel in the wide worthy of a;narrow-innicled. shopkeeper world" as .the position of the Donunion, That than an enlightened statesman denote Mr. " even avowed free.traders in principle," after paying it a visit, admit candidly that there is °thing lef t f or it but protection, pur ptilinfp/e, ho puts forward the following pass paper. • To Cobilenitea like himself, who doubt wile- • they they are as yet edncateil up to the new standard, it may provelighly useful. i- v 1. Define "Awed Pree,Trade," and trace ittletailihe ?Sala" Of ealinnitienthat 1i5virra17 fen on this coentry from the repeal Of the'Corn • 2, Explain. the working of " ifeciprepity Tariff,' and show how, if A. refuses to buy new -laid .eggs of his neighbor B., B. betters his own conditiou, under the eirearastanees,' by getting a had hat and. paying doulele the price for it.• • • 8, What is" Retaliation," mid how 'does. the non -producer like it? Illustrate your subject by giving an imaginary social sketch- of Eng- land, suddenly ,deprived of sardines, iclaret, operdtboidre, lnd gloves, chocolate and caviare. ,AneethusitteticTrotectionist, who is ite forested lathe prodectioh of carpet -bags, &lila some difficulty in managing, at present prices, oak.11,200 a year. 't revised Cominercial Treaty does not enable, him. to thrust his.ear. pet -bag upon the:European market. but abliget Wm to pay an additional '170 por tent. on all tho neeessarics of life. lloW long will his en- thuelastn Jest M. Analyse the normal miseries of the "un. happy consumer," and slipwthat hods morally bound. • • • (a) To go to the worst market ; (b) To regard the producer as a dear toad dependent relatiou ; • • . • (c) To provide comfortably for his aedlin, lug years.. , „ 0. I li vein a deserted road with three friends,. who smash all the lamp -posts and putout all the lights before their houses. Show, on strict Proteetionist principles how the road will be infieitely neve safe and cheery for all tour of us when L iu my turneheeeesunealtela tinguislicd the lights before inine. , • 7. (-liven it thermometer ten degrees below sere,. and a five months' Canadian winter - Point out the advantages to the eonanunity generally of the Coal,owners getting an import (levet fiftycents aton ttieked on to foreign coal. • 8, •Put into plain English the matting of a National Poliey," as mulerstood by the pres- ent Dominion Government; and say how long it will -take, With a good steady danderdteaded blundering administration, tAill bff the Whole trade -of the Colony. Tilley -more :competent to a till, than an Wx.ohequer.--Lcitdon...Paaelt, • It Will probably be interesting forthe vodates of the National Policy to become aware of the fact that Mr. W. 11. 'Vander; hill, -who controls the -Canada Southern Railway,,- _intimated at •St. Thomas the other day that owing -to -the' increithed dit- ties en 041 and other articles required for that railroad entailing an additional outlay of .5100,000 annitall,y, that it would be oh - solo tely necessary to reduce thh weges of alt. the employees on the line at an early day, The end of the N.P, has evidently not COUVO yet. 7Directione • intro heed 'issued from the office of the Londonderry Iron and Steel Alonufaoturhig Com pariy;Itiontreal, to the works in Neva Scotia to blew out' the•fur- naces as- soot] 'as the- present lortlern have been filled:- 'Phis actiotron thepart of the Company is said to have been taken with great reluctance, but as 'the •cost of their rase. material has greatly increased, and the $2 per ton protection oil pig iron is practically no protection at' all, tho Com- pany, feeling itself worse -off than tinder tlgroaltdiotnasT. iff,-Ititti e determhied aitrspend omm • An exchange says; --N.Ve were shOWII re-. .contly a private letter from a gentleman .11111'00 pectioii." in Galt, to .a friend in Stratford, in which • he says "Our progress heretofore has been slow if pretty sure, and htis been based, to a largo extent, on its nianufwe tering establishments. The foundry of Messrs. Goldie & McCulloch bait 'been for a number of years one of its chief main. stays. Last week, however, it had to dis- charge some 30 hands, for business has not been so bad " • e as; it ia at pre- sent, and the prosefocte for the season are anything but aSsurim4 while money has alma disappeared. Soyou will infer that the salutary and life•gi ving influence of the NP ., has not reached Galt yet. The two other large ,foundries here have•just shut down," And that's the kind of 11poit. parity" tho N.P. has brought., Waged re- duced. Mothanics discharged Large foundries shalt clown 1 The earne story comes froth almost eveey town in Canada. ' • . • • hides he • onght: He (lid his father 'out of netirlY $1,000.. • , , The preparations ter the Orange cele • - brtion Gederich On. the 12th of jitly. are proe°nnssing.. most: successfully. Mr. W. P: °..B.ogers, .-chairman of the; calcination. coin mitto• says. 10,000. )er- onseareeXpected-toovisit the -town -that day. Hon. 'Madkenzie -Bowen, Mr. J. 0. Rykert, M.P., and allot prominent Oral:Wei-nen aro expected to he preeeut'• - to -whiresses. Arrangements- • .are being made for a mimber ef oxonr- grins. • . • Sale : Itealit me- • nouteholdfurnit ere rit Pr. 1 lee's • ' Clinton, on the 1713h inst. J. lIowson, , DIED. Hullett, on the 12131i inst., IL. Me- linde„ danghter of kir. 'William Ball, -aged tvvo years and twelve days, Dutomt,-;-At her father's resicloneo, North Yarmouth, on the 12th inst., Fannie .!•l, ratIclob, wife of AL IT. Dunbar, late 'Master of •Blyth pnbfie. school, aged twenty-five years-, mic nionth, and twelve days. ' tom omimmine. . • MR. ROSS Ana ethers, will addresc the Eledfors the following ilhicon, at the datesynrusil: Ai'1oylor$14 Sobool iToSe, Clocterfelt Town. ship, lintriday, !Hay itOtb. at 4 P.m, tVlnghnIU,NVednemley.• May ?Act.. t.an Schnel Alewife, Basil Clues fitodorItli • •Ohlli, Tlintrndoy, Huy Weil,- itt 4, pan. Town Jinn, 011ittett, Thurediny, Pray itt 7.30 P.M. (tioibOrtle) hinty ra, t 7.30 eau. • Leeborn, !(olborne) Monday) :Huy 20, 2) arh, . Port Alberto (Aelifield) litontlay, Mity 46tItt Itt 7,30 p.m. Mr. Kelly Is Invited to attend