HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-05-01, Page 6- THE CLINTON NEW ERA. AuleriCala• Two, men were arrested iu Jersey City, ou Thursday, while dressing the carestee of a horse for •,sale to the buteh- ers. Texas tifitl just experienced the most severe flood that has ever -IVA-fired in. that State. . A great deal a property destroyed. There ie. a movement in Detroit among beeinees and professional men to have uniform office and court hours, bay from- 10 to 8, and it nieets with general approval. The whiter just closest was the. most successful logging tifiati011 Michigan has over known, and the aroaunt of timber taken out i.s uuprecedented, footing up ,17043207,000 feet. . Two beautiful Snell:As girls who in. happier dayo praetised blacksmithing, have in their poverty started a black- smiths' shop in Louisvil1e Ky., ud they have plenty t� do. On Sunday Rev. De, D..ttens, late pastor orthe Third Gerame Reformed Church, of Baltimore, with Lis feruily and two members, of his late congreea- tion, 'were fornially admitted to the Catholic faith. nmer—inn. A. touchingstory is. told of a little New Haven ehild who, baying received. ii—rewa-rd cif sebtrit" 'turd: frenrher home, that 4er. dead fiffier might see how good she had .; writerin thelThicago Tr:ileum soya,, the low price of.wool the past two years has caused the rednetien of-floeks•in some of the '',--Western States fully one-half. Be says-ehe e terafifingh aebeen .a. feileile,- and many. of the best flocks heye gone ont of existence -altogether; , • . Ira Cook, a laborer, sixty-seven-yearo' attoropted;-tofaeale-a J•411.feepe,, Nor-the-C:4ton, 'Mass., and his foot caught between the pickets and he hung there - ti1t ire-clied77.-The.-fen-ce-was- battered with theheel marks of • the other foot, —and. the show was paveed-aw.ay as far as his hands could reach. ' Dr. C. P. Carver, of. Angelica„Alle, gany county, N.--Y.,:ownsa small road stallion so .peoulierly Marked •that when. he buckles e surcingle.around,him there is not a hair back of it that i not snew • white, and not a .square inch in trout Of it that is not a beautiful iron gray: , eye is like that pf a' white horse and the other litre -that of a Week hotao.• • • Richards, -the notorious murderer, who as hanged'. at Minden Kearney county,Neb., on Saturday, mounted•the. Scaffold witli t steady step, and stood. geing the brow& • T•he law of Nebras- ha making priyate execationa neeeesi:- ty, the Mob torelbe bairicade,do_wp and the execution was pitialie. Afterniount% • ling the soaffold Richards ,speke te -the crowd for five' minutes, aaying he was not.guilty of thq:erlinsfor which' he was. convicted. Riches ds was then :tied with • s. rope and :straps, talking all; the time: When the-in:elsewas. odjiisted and,the. black cap drawn down; 'fie still talked until the sheriff kicked the lever. At Chicago, On Wednesday evening, E. Booth Was-twiee'shot at by 111, Goy,. aged 28, who sat -in the upper gallery of the theatie:' The assassin is a drygoods • elerk from $t-.. Louis !mid says he- has. been preparing for the deed for three years. . Booth was unhut, ,.Grey Says. • Booth wronged 'a' friend of .his •sobie •time.' ago,' and . he hs been resolvedto, punish him ever :since. • 'He .was only.. -thirty feet fret's., Booth:when he' .fired. He baa a letter ,addressed. to 4 .1a-cly • named Katie; atating that be intended - to shoot Booth tonight. • He is. in oils,: tody and talks' coherently... The ,audi- ence at the theatre remained and the• . play proceeded. - • . • • We• publish the announcements iu our • ver Using •colu mnsfar pay, and:seldom trouble. ' ourselves to enquire as to • the finalities or merits- of the wares eilvertised, further than to assure ourselves that they aro legitiniate and ma:potable. Hut when an article p6r. forms miracles -in our midst, transferniing • old to young, in appear$oce, at least, we can- • not pass it by- imnoticed. We know of • pe.o.. pis who, years ago, . were .gray -beaded and who now wear dark and glossy hair: How is this It evidently is- not colored,. far it' has a perfectly 'natural swearer= initesid of the • harsh, dry, staying look of liar ii•taineil With • nitrate of silVer_er othey ceintrion hair dyeti. • No! it has been • restored to it its youthfill • color, lustre au& vitality by the useof that wonder of wofiders, 'Hall's Vegetable, Sicilian Hair Itenewm It has:Many imitators, but there is nothing Iiicts it.; , The test Of year only increases its fame, •while its itnitators vlis and aro forgotteb.-Boston..betilY alob• English e itnitiPorefigns. • . About fear years ago the premiaes. of • Mr. Gibbons, a corn deater,; rear Attou, England. were broken :Int -Nand 'a Oatih •libx containing ,tl.55 wa a stolen,bt 116 &ace of the thief: was disctivered.. few days ago Mr, Gibbons reeeived package, from Australia, which 'tvas found te,eontain the long missing cash box. Init,Was a letter eaying. that the writer had ,Ooninaitted the 'robbery tin - - der the preSsure of miefortimm. With the aid of tho,money be had 'made hie way to A.u,stralisrwhere by good use 'of the surplus,' and' bY honest nadustrilib had made for himself a competency., The bo x cOntaitted the original amount' • stolen,. withieterut at I herate-.01.fifteen • per cent; and the writer, \vim gave no • narne ot addrees, asked fob°. fergiveli, and requested that the receipt 'ot-the paokage_might be Acknowledged in tho Melborne Aram. Nonslip, the rope -walker, who a few years ago wes rich, has lot his money through, the failure of an Be rOpt:an bank. Among the regulations of flied:Wes:tan Police is one which forbidsany one to touch ft deed or dying man without the direct sanction of the Folice. In con-. sequence of this enactment, -it is no me, common thing to see a Man lying bleed- ing end helpless flow a severe full th. the streets of Moscow o' St. Petersburg without any one daring to ;mist him. The Russian peasants, though offielel- ly under' Medical supervision, find it hard to secure the services of a doctor, The physician of a district with perhaps 00,000 inhabitants ecettered over fifty square miles, can but hurriedly pass throligh the village once every month,. Under.lbeee circurnatances.many of the peasants, when suffering from disease, resort to eelki Errs, who practise their in- eautatious with holy water, and- to the trainers of tamed bears, who lay the floor end compel the bear to Walk over seyerel times. The very day of her arrival atBave- no• the Queen paid a visit to all the rooms of the chateau. and all its depen- dencies. She.e.venavent to the stables and the coach hotites. In bue of the stables Her 1Viajesty found e coachmen, and thinking that he was a native of the place, she addressed hirn 'several times ihif.ilian-Theltoot lifirif-stitrod- liefOWIWF eyes from the ground. The.,QUeen then discovered t� her infinite -amusement tlia•t,he was an Ruglishnianwid did trot - uncles stand a word of what she had been saying te • Some interesting figdres beat in„,e u on the subject of capital- pliniii line -tit, an with special reference to -the frequency of the crime ,tafansirder.:ip the ,Canten Of -Fribourg, „Switzerland, before and - •slime the abolition of the death penalty, have just been published.' In this Can- ton, whiCh has 110,000 inhabitants, -there- were- only- tieverreases-of -murder hi the ten years between. 1804 and 1874. In the later year the' punishment of death was - abolishedthroughout •the Confederation. During the three years -immediately following the event no few- • er than 15 Murders were eoniiiiitted in the Cafitofr, white this . year alone there have been 6 cases of.homicide, making altogether • 20 in; four yaari.. When capital punislimeneprevailedi "the mardera, :Work C.at the rate*, of lest than:. mirtryear, now they occur at the rate effive: a Year. ' ••- .4 correspondent Writing frMizpah Meeadoz, . Morocco,: states that more • than thirteen tiMiniand persons bed pet.: ished tra that tdwn from hsinger. - There • were 'dead or dying lying in every street in met otit:Of town. The dead were,bu- ;lied not.inorellnin One span deep; and. •(lege soen uneovei•ed the edrth and fed on the •bodies.. • Stnall-pox, measles,. cholera. and -typhoid fever (the latter now raging) have succeeded e„ach Other. In Mallaher; thejewiah. qharter, every • house has been turned into -an • hospital. Starvetioe was not confined to.nien. Cattle, tanfele, horses, eases, sheep and nqultry have .41), or nearly al4 perished; but', the dogs ,have. survived, and in theirinsatiable hunger, finding no feed, in to.wnsand. abandoned by their /nits, tors, who have either died or lett them in search of food; fed on huthan flesh: .11,taarbing over the-countir fo bands of twenty, thirty and.afty„ they schnetimea even- attacked, any human :being they Met, and devoured him. Some twenty. Mee,. wonaeu and. Childrenwere eaten, up within- oni.mile.of town. • .Hotant:restat.Eueors.-It is. conceded on all sides thatDr. Ayer's_Pills itre above Com- parison with Other medicines: Uniting the best elements known to the 'chemist they aro particularly effective ,against the numerous - stomachic disorders forwhich they aro re: commended....as a cure. .These Pills are so mild, yet searching, :that they ars otten pre, scribed by doctors who otherwise do not favor patent medieines. .indeed, with he fruits of Dr; Ayer's genius in the shape of Pills, Sar- saparilla, Ague Cure and Cherry Federal; one Might with • immunity travel. through through tbe t;wa.mps of tropical Atilerica, or fallOW Stan- ley on Ids travels through the interior of Af- rica.--Ainsterete»t. Arieutps• Vali den, Dag. ' :One' Phittee Of riontherh • Life. • . . , " At a Wedding in South Carolina:lately an incident: oeeurred aptly ithistrating social life in. the United States. • The bridegroom; who :.itelonged to:the' €--firet Southern fain:dies,: took exeeptien the ,pileaseology Of the officiating elergyl pan, awl remarked; 't You. ;shouldn't flaY 'those nee whom -the- Lord hath peed together, but them. true • The :pretteher, who -prided hiniself neon the -‘ high- toned' quality of his language, quietly dropped Isis band intfilhe pock- et Of bis surplice1. aod interpolated You jistpaddle your otti-Ji canoe, yofing :feller,. or -lone • troub`felt- begin -Seim SI'M running this tea-party, I am. • As 1said afore, tutt.beioved hear- lAIDS0 tins- as the Lord'e--:. just then the bridegraom made a Motion to- wardsbis hip, but, before he penld draw, the miniater fired from his 'iamb and the rung niaL_I. fell dead at • his feet, Instantly tlip vThEtle church WAS 01BC1 With blazing pistols. In lets than five wends the only person left alive was the brido, who had ducked. behind the spulpitearly. iii...the.-aetiep,-.• The half.. eleieited femele gazed musingly around, and remarked as she started for bow : tt These solkoeklug Tovolyers is playing the 't•rasellief around here, andthat's fart V. oti Vow to t;et o Thither. . A geetlesnan who bad travelled about pretty extOnsively wits greatly perplex- ed to understand Wow it was that .etber persons were waited upon prelliptly and well served at the hotels, while he was eltnost entirely ignored and fiardly able t Q get a Neale mole -complain_ to -tar swear at the waiter as be might. At hist his 0308 are opened.to the dodge of teeing the waiter lihertilly,, suul being of on ingenious: turn of mind he determin. ed to improve on the .plate. The next hotel he dined at be took his seat very pompously at Ow table, and took rant a. Well filled pocket -book„ extracting therefrom •'a ten dollar hill, which he laid on the white cloth beside bis plate, un. placed 14s. goblet von it. In an insten,t .41 most.he. wee eturounde.d by 247 waiters, wile seemed to v • ' ith each other in :attentions.„,' ve wish was anticipated, and all the, delioacies of the k•itehen and pantry were placed before him in tempting array, Hevingfeted as suntptuvaly as a prince (to the envy, of many of the guests), lie took up the greenback, and beckoning to the nearest wafter, was immediately besieged by half a deztn Or so. fielding the .bill. le one hand, he pointed to it with the other, and enquired of the erowd : I Do you see thot bill?' Oh, yes",,-:•eir,' they all exclaimed in chorus,. 'then take a geed..19.e1t,at it sLIIC.,.r.g14,101;-!.f.9 rIgtgYfill never_see it-ogaiii.t.....,Saying.-Whielt.be.. departed, leaving the waiter agbaat. TirriteaeitreetrteNI;Iffla n .DIadnutn., 4 TheSeuen pap'ers centain a thrilling accouht Of a. terrible strugglewith a &adman, : A. harnese-maker .named. Poisleiir-dnrd long baunk. strtifeet ireepi;-- leptic fits, which recently assumed. it Wore' violent form,' and one night, time as ire-was-ahnut to sit down and -dine with Inc wife Rna.diiigliftek; 110 -..was seis- ed with 4 At at raving readneas.. The wife rushed off to the pollee etetion for assistaneS, . w hile.tbe.,dang:thter_took_re, fuge in the nexthoupe. - Twe policemen and a butcher's assietant, named Buis - son, seen 'arrived. The madman in the • tneantinie had .barticaded. himself in hist bedreoin...•The door was broken. open..., One of the . policemen, named • Strobel, 'armedwith achair, made.wdash et him, but -the• inadrann, - Who bad a razor in his hand, slipped. on ono side, arid dealt .A0 policeman a. heavy blow °nth° bead wit1.1 'the :rpm-, •Strobei beat a: retreat,, and O;15. -'s dbilritgibiiili.f6floiied by -the other policeman: . B'uiseon .was eianse, -.qUently left ..abane with -the madman. ..A.,fearful :combat :WO place between the • two. • The 'butcher's assistant, al- though 't-e-poweifel youngthan, was un- able,to epee -with Ponlinn, :who got him, .in . his grasp, :inflicted several terrible woundS On hini And wentd have .killed: Min, on the spot but for the 'timely ar .,, rival of some soldier. The madman; as seenis he paw the Soldiers, released Buisson, and after - gashing Isis :beast and arms with the razor, rushed Shrieking and ,efrea ming., with -blood at -tit em,.lant ' lie was fortunately overpcove ered and Wes:Carried off to the Asylum, The.. policenian,• Etrebel, and Buisson el7.6-11-ot-, expected tb: recover .fronv their wet -suds. .. • ' • Crop :Pro/Teets in. the Weill. • • The 'Chicago- correspondent .Of the New -.York. ,Conpiadecia Bulletiv.:.. Writes on 1- Mil 22nd • . Weather .esald,.. dry,- and .backteard. This is the- condition•frem Dakote..to. Kansas, ftem- fiarisa.s to Illinois. 21zire might, however, to except Southern II: 'lincsis:' 'In this areit; :devoted largely as it is te.winter _wheat, considerable rain has falieti, .whieb has been of great be- nefit- to the erdp,. and .eurwarts aro all encouraging. 'Spring wheat Was large- ly sewn -last week, and, in feet, seeding -May now be 'Said Who' finIshed, With • the exception offlax and barley, The early -sown, wheat is coming•up; but'it is not far enough advanced to report as to its :Maud. •The .acreage. of oats every-. w sere seems to have been reduced. 'Flax, this season Will fori . a very hn.. portant par t of our .general crop... Here- tofore it has. been Sawn .orily. in patches Ofea few ..adres: • :This open farmers who havebeenaecustomed to sow large- . .iy; of oats -are dividing the acreage with flax. •'Corn • planting iswell along in Kinisai; and corii.plOugliing in IIlhioi •has jast fairly conimenced; ,0uo fever- alders:set which will have its effect open the present crop season is, theiin- menscouse acreage of laud which was 'fall ploughed last seasOn will be. of groat Imitate the .fitriners,in getting ie 'their corn in good •Benson. We do. not like to Conjecture as to the seasen, but our preseht outlook wouldieelino us to the opinion of a. bold, dry; ,backward, ave- rage es op• year. - • • PRIZE IIIITTBIL AT T1113 N. Y. BAIR, There was a very fine display of extra choice. - butter at the great international Dairy Fair; Thet,paeltages that took the prizes wore splen - Cid somPles of What gilt odgo.butter ought. to be, perfeetti (plenty and color. amen; the finest of tbeso was that made by IX Whiting, Goo. Lawrence, and A. W. (hover, which, as. well as that usatle by many others was colored to a perfect jute tint with Wells, Ilichardson Co.'s•PerfeetedButter Color. This colorto,, 00ived the International Mel onm, over all cori. petitorts, fon kin poriqr purity, strength, perfee• thin of mica-, and-Tormanente." it wee unt• voi sally recommendect both by the makers and the butter hayea. 11 your tinder is white Us0 it, For full particulars i it qUire of WATTS & Co.. druggists, Clinton, who have it foroale, as well all druggists and merchants gehor- . iSubsedhe for llto NW art, gq' el TA 041 w•B-.1l a 6, Te_05 ,•.g1.1Alt&rivjalerti C ATI otr 8 efe A° rb.- c••2•. a 01 t:1; °-1.1:9 (111 'gra' o. irEt;"5•2P,I,71-mf-t21M %sof ti tuCci•Ten 2 0 1.3 tri r • °.13 kiP1 m < 7151401.1 Ot) FM2 „ 0 - • ..;•=• mos • ti '14;14 -0114101%,, i•fli fa. rz 2 o r"( tr•§1 11 ‘61i*t recf4 E o MIMI" • '&1 2•,el R.° o • . No= j,1 • 1.31 eel el 0 • s •-zt- r • ° m M IVICRILLOR reer...ren—nie neer. ... MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE GOMPANY) TIARLoCli, ONT. Farmers wishing to ineure will find this Company Lthelteat-mul-ctheapeaLto-insure-in,..an waited on at their homes if information lye atent to the Akente' office. •. 4y Canada ,Copany Lands. • • .14.ct•I'cr•v OV'LAND6..IN HURON. FOR SALE. ,h;417/01°,;Ang:detcl?°111,1,30nY may be seen at. the offleenq • R )51 A14 LONDES13011,0' FJAVINGnst thorotighlY revoked their VLOT1,11 the eubscribers.ore.now prepared to do GRISTINO" THE BEST MANNER; .-...—.- • • • ▪ et the earliest nfoment. CRUSIIING DORF.; AT A GREAT REDUCTION; COME AND SEE CS. : E 1ln 0 t01 LONDillinolto NOV. 25, 1876. ' 8 . PER CENT. A To VarmersA Land Owners , . • RONEY.TO:LOAN • '• At the dbove low rate of intermit. ••• PAYMIS NTS Can be mlitle almost any way to.suit • the borrower. INTEREST Payable Annually, Or any sum eau be paid on the princiPal, it the.end of For fortherinformation apply to -: A.-8.•FISHER CLINTON'. :5 Clinton ;Nov: 214,18'ift2 : ' ' ' • NOTICE.. THE SPLENDID SEWING MACHINES u,AT H •N ORS 0 R T.H • • • • . na,. Sold within the last twelve years, have all given •the very best of satisfaction. Ererybodyseeins delight- ed with them. .Bei net deceived in buying a Sewing. ehine, bit go to IL Nontwuntur, and sou will get O best Sewing Mit:lane the world eau 'produce. 'Price• s . to suit the times and time, to suit the buyeri. arauffi:s.es 'AT ALL. p.m CBS, from (110 to $70. Call and leave your order whore yen will get perfect SEIVInGSU5 ItniTTINQ JAQCI • . 040 Neu •best of lustru.ction. Seagull ..3fachines or .'eeery make Repitieett. Being it proatical All work done is. warranted • • . to girt% goal satisfaction. • Reim...Gum1,15 rrtAct -•:1117110N STREET, one door • . • wept of the Commercial HOW. " ;1.1.'NOUSWORTI1 Post Office nox. lop, .. OX.INT02.4 9NT. • WISEMAN. BROS.' BANKING ailti.EXC. HANGE Ofico! ()wk. • AioNin- TO LEND on'tirst-class • property, at Tor cent. - .ef. fie it4 for,•ievr• IIrsl-eltisd 10111E, LITE . "nt 1 Th1;961I.,111r( CVMZ'd WM. TOWN. 'TICK ET A(4ENCY • rot the Grand Truitt 1btivsy st eallaCia. WO home 'Plekets,to all poinfe on Om (1. T. IL, tviso to the fillonterti likud Weslyrn $iat0a., . .tVet •PARTIES GOING TO MANITOBA elly. Sample size, 10 els, Nag, ?I- 3m, •Om Can procure Tifitenold rbinfiTS AT LOWniiT PASO:10E1t AGBNOV. 1011 tbe Cunard and Inman Line of S team erS, 1.311,0S, Criatcpagatch h • A'ITENTION. 11 snorer. NOTICV, that ilm appointment of Wows. 4. mesas Iltruson, of lleneall. ac Agents el Abe Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Of tho Co nty of Weliingtop, is tld day cancelitil. W.. W. IPAICRAN, Erigt., has been appointed Agent for thlii town end vicinity. 'and is now prepared to take aPPlieatiOn13 for thie Company, the cheapest in the Dominion. By order, ercaar.ms pAinusov, Soy-Treas. Guelph, 4th TieC,1818. tf. NEW -WAGGON SHOP, Thos, Friendship Deans to infer= the people of Minton and surrou- ing country, that he has opened a Waggon Shop In Q.:inflection with MA= & jostle" Olacksteith Shop, . ISAA.0 STREET, °LINTON,• Whore he will be prepared to execute all orders for Waggons, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, ou the. shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. Bevelling of all kinds promptly attended to, GLYIS /1151 A CALL. • Clinton, March 18,1879. .,SEED WHEAT, PEAS, BARLEY, ' OATS, ^ And &Wanda 01 Field, Garden and Mower Seeds. , In returning thanks to my patrons for thmliberal sup- port accorded me the past year, I fake pleadifro in'in- forming the publlethat /hove, at eonsiderable expense, carefully seleetedmy present large stook of seed grains flora the most reliable growers. 1 can confidently re- tommend the 'LOST NATION and WHITE RUSSIAN' ao tho best spring vifiletios grown,hoth•for Quantity, -qualityandmiiiing•purposes: -My-PBXS iore7seeond to none in the Province for purity and quolity. BARLEY and OAT$ of the very best varieties. CLOYDR and TIMOTEY geed, TURNIP, 31ANoorm2, and an other 7-sitteid -anday.-geatrollni4 erZt-13-dass141h -elinleitn4*on rfeieTifraolnllru rokx6-- Ions weed seed, Always glad to show my seeds, and give any informaiion deelred hy farmers and. othera. 0 REMEMBEA ME lSTAND, Hamilton Street, above Oolborne Rotel, Godorioh. .SAM )314 Mlt eNAl. Goderleh, Mareb, 1879, • , , • pARK LOT FOR SALE • T1I6 choice Park fot on Erie. Street ,Clintop, compri- sing over ton aOrefl, now held by aohn laatIdeson, Is of- fered for sale on moderato terme.• . Clinton, Sept. 2,1878. • 'REALESTATL FOR SALE, 1. Farm Lot No,,94 in the First Chneession,(11uron. lioad),Tuokeremith, contain 98 acres of fire t-alaes land,, .about two miles froin Clinton, board fence in frouti•gend hardwood timber. May be Made a superior dairy farm.' 2-treet Galt of Let Mght in the Eleventh COnces- sion of TernherryOlftsaareeygoOd wheat, land, six miles frcim Wingham and one mile from the Glenannan Sta- tion cif the Toronto, Grey and Bruce RailwaY. A. email' °Marone° on the front,. balance' hardwood• timher. .Woult sell eheapfor-cash,-oreWierige for-towmproper- • ,tiin-Clintort:7Apply to the Owner. Samuel Thrower, at. Fair's Mille,Clinton, or to' the undersigned. ' .4. The large and convenient Brick. Store,..in tb,e.A!' bertStreetBlookozOw incepted byldr. aes*BiddlecombO. • , , .• • • O. Fir/it-outs grain store; at the'Grind 'frank station - belonging to A. Jamideone . . 7. The largo factory. building and lot. adjoining the • GrandTrunk Station, formerly occupied by 11. Bel^ fry, with engine and holier. Premises well suitOtl. tor. Inanufachnin:gpmpoieerporiepacking, •' . . ,. • . , • S. Let 6,•on,tatoria Street, (Gordon, survey); a choke • bnilding4ot, betwedelhe 0..13. Railway and the River' wen -fenced, planted with trees, good well, &e. ' ' . • • . 9. Lot 24, ,Frederick stinet,.helonging to XT. John roweil, tined Immo pottage of live rooms. Well and punap.. Good garden. Just south Of Mr. Wni. herds residence. • II. 11 ALE.. ellinion, Jin. 44, 1879. A.,41" ARi • CONSTITUTIONAL , CA PA.R.14II 1.3.1q1‘X px7 TT It ES 0 A,T A II, • Thaiaands Applaud its Woadirful Curn 1 , Inar• That Riven a Gentlemcot octo 6.1 the .•.. . • Congitutional 14nteay , T.13. 11.12351,10, BTQekTille• Ont. • • ' Deor gily-AItis paw two, spays since your " Convtitn:. tiotud Catarrh 1ternedy" was introduced Co, nio. waited this long to see if the cure would remain per, xnanent before doing this, My deity te yon, as at first the happy 'offootti seemed to me to be "too good to be. true," I was afflicted in my head for years before•I• suspected it to be Catarrh. In reading' in your Circular I saw my ease desartbed in many particulars. •The in. Ward "drop' from the head bad become yery disagree- able, and a °hotting conflation oftOn prevented Inc !Toni lying long; I would feel like smothering, end be coin. Polled to sit up in boil.. My health and spirits were seriously offeeted, - When your Agent came -to Walker- ton, in A11080876, I soeured thtee bottles. Before X had treed 0 quarter of 'the contents of one bottle, found decided relief, Itud 'damn I had used two bailee and a third, I quit taking it, feeling, quite cured of that ailment, and hard not used any since, till of late I have taken sonle for a•colit in ray head. A sense of ditty to lingerers front that loathsome disease, Caterrlidirompts 1110 to send you, this Cortilleate, unsolicited, with leavo to make what IMO Of it you znay COO proper. • , TINDA.T.t, Methodist Tilinif.t ' Port Elgin, Ont., Aug, 21,1878.. Ask for (Acid's" Constitattomal Oa • ,tarTh. Remedy, and take no other. T. 3. 11.•1Linzarro, Dominica Agent, I; Ma:N.111C, '01n. MAY 1, 1-ql) ali d aoy ither inflammatory baisipcbtr, scrofula • parr/- RHEUMATISM diem, in a few hours. is"earriZtVafil),'y 11 0045 0 Which proinces imianinuttory Ab. Sorbet)! will, poi:limb. i11..ct a cu t la it to% „bow, by ansorbit c t o mil i 11 f,. ru ho system. Sold 1,,k druggist' . Prim , v In [Putman. 04.31:k f rte. • W. T. 111111.VIPN, f•oodo (int. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ror Diseases ef the irbroat and LarngS, such as Coughs, Colds, • Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, - A:01*a, and Consumption. • ,Tlio reputation K hits attained, in consequence Of •. the marvellous mires it has produced during the last half century, is a sufficient assurance to the , public thriett Will continue to realize the happiest • s. results that can be desired. In almost every 0, section oC conntry there are persons, publicly known,who have bg.en restored from alarming and - even despCrate diseases of the lungs„by its Use, . and where its virtues inc known tie one hesitate as to what medicine to employ to relieve the dia. . . 7APes:itridilifferliiikirecnifartolndindliiityritlfdd." tions, Ousumr. rEcTonar, . always affords in. . . , sKtut Mar,' and Performs rapid cures pf the milder varieties oftwonoleal disorder, as well ..fts' *the more formidablesliseaseaef ' „ • As a safeguard ti; children, amid the distress. - • ing diseases wham hetet the Throat and Chest QC ChildirOod, it is. itiral liable ; for, by its. timely uso, Multifiules are rescued and restored t� health. •• • • This medicine gains. friends' at every,trial,as "" • the cures' it iS constantly proauclas are too re- .. Mutable to, be forgotten. No fatrAily_sRould be . and th.ose; rho- hive •onco used it - never will. : Eminent Physicians throughout the' cotintiy prescribe it, antl'OlergiMen often reaornmond• it from their kiselirledge of its effedS. • loyk mile by etll 1.)rotlyi.s1at bnly.Ope Potte'w • per 'Bottle, • .11.T"It IT. • 8* %lair IT., PliFFAITED BY • . • . De. J. •C.AYER & bp, Lowell, Mass,, • Practical anlA,,a1yticl iljhernists. SOLD .131.7 DRUGGISTB' EVERYWHERE. ' • ItAtot 1101111111t. • EGETA13" MAAR ,,.T11118 Stanglard-artiele'lic.Crapottnd- :ed with the greatest care'. -• Its effects are as wonderful rind as .satiffactory as ever. - It restores gray or faded hair t6 it • youthful color.' • : • • reinoves all eruptions, itching! -and dandruff. It gives the bead .1-s ; cooling; soothing sensation» Of great -comfort, and the .scalp by its nse' • IteConies white and clean. '• By its -tonic properties it restores' the' capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness,.and mak- ing the hair grow thick -and strong', Ad' a _dressing,. nothing has been l'ouud so effectual or desirable. • ; , 4.. A. Hilyes,;-31.D., State, Assayei • of 11Iassachusetts, says "The con;- . stituents are pure, and: carefully se- • lected„ for excellent quality ; and I -consider it, the Bker 'FittrARATio,W for its intended pnrposes.i) PJ11P9, .0Pc.; Poliar• IlFeCirkRingTHPIWT21:1KER1:• 76 This elegant preparation may 13.e relied on to change the color.of tbo •beard`from gray or any Otherundesir4, able shade; to brown or -black, at dis- cretion. Ins asily apPlietl, being in one.p'rcparation, and, quickly and ef- fectually Produces a permanent color, wliiell will neither rub nor wash off. Iiianiifaettlred by R: P.'HALlt & CO.. • • ' „.. • Cola $ eliDniggim, sn witivii in moddial. •ann.timunflsonnsinniainzaflunflaisciso. 0 ICI -I 141( LJ,1Y Manufactti.ring Oompny • (441:0100EalacrIt., g• Rollersi Engines. and 111111,111aditperv-of Latek Pr.t.1..ifiers, of' 1 Yrovr 1<iri(11, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMPirP STOVES of various kinds, trass .aud roii castsr (10.: rpoztrPgly, ,-FOR SALE; 01IT.41)—$0cond:band ravines ttri lti.f 111 20 m.o. '7,;(,• I-T•Olte Power ; also, .StaveMachine; Shingle stisd treading Nistehift mold 111 nit iug • • •• ..lointer and Plainer, . * GOrmittort Feb. 1 1877 _