HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-05-01, Page 1. -
VOL. .14, NO. IS.
T10111119,41.50 Per Annum, 111 arlwassee,
• e
5 IL IliOL/114,14 SON,
- -11-111E-Conit of Revision for the,..tanthill311Lot.§tanley,,
be held in tho hall, Varna' on ismturdny,
the 31st e08' Nay, at 10 o'clocka. m. "
Staii/oy, May 1, 1879.
• FOR S L E ,
• rIOTTAGE on Alberti etreet, lately ocenPled by Mr'
4...1 Peter Cavan. Cheap and on easy tonne,
c. Apply to . 0, A. HARTT, Solicitor,
or to Dn. REEVE.
Clinton, April PO, 1879.
Fivrlt�angeerretatoeo weetia huinediately.
Clinton; May 1, 1879, . Victoria 131oelt
o Insolvent Act of 18.75-,
I •
Ephratsh Huber and Pariq• Huber, both .in-
dividualty and as'Inentbers of and constitut-
ing the firm of HUber'BrothePs; .DIfendants.
A warT o atteetneeet has issued in Elks came.
21- -ROBERT GIBBONS, Offfolal Assignee.
Goderieb, April 29th, 1879.
-Kronen is hereby tire; Oast the first sitting oethe
1.1 Court of Revision, for the township of Mullett, in
the county of Huron, for the present year, will be held
at the village of Londesboro, in the said township of
Hullett,. ot BiondaY, the 26t1* day of ItInY.
1579, at ten o'Olock a. in., fbr the purpose of hearing
appiale against assessmente; and revising the tteadet:-
toont roll of the said township,
Township Clerk's office, _ '
Mullett, 298h April, 187141 18
fl'IHE undersigned has opened a. harness shmin the
A. promises occupied by . •
• Where he will keep 'on -hand- an- aseortment of tho arti-
cies and block ustially found ht e store of this kind.
13eibg a practical workinen, hele prepared tteaxecute all
orders in good style.
Repairing promp.4 Attended to
GIVE 1111S1
s. sTEVENs.
enietoe, :nee' tot, 1879. 18
Tor Manitolin ond all points in tlio o?th.t-
. traarree., •
'IA •
• • ,
- • —
,.reenz-ierecot, moot powerfal, best equ1ppod,Steamers-
A-$.31.1 the lakes, coinposed of the following drat-olass
Poste :-
• '
MANITOBA.; Carit..I..IL Syntelto • •
QUEBECr; Capt. B. Anderson. ,.
ONTARIO, Canc. 13.•116bertson.
Ond of the above magnifieentHicamers will leave Wind-
sor every Friday morning. •Sariiie, /every Tuesday and
Friday evenings, and tReilerich every IVed.
nesday and hataardar inernitig, for Du-
luth, making close and direct connections there 'with
the Northern. Paeifie Railroad, for Manitoba and:all
points West, and calling -at Kincardine, Southampton, ,
, Brace Mines, Hilton, 'Sault Ste. Marie, Mieltipieoton,
-Silver Islet; reince tblitnie Landing, weather permit'.,
Parties shipping stools..by this line will TORA.0 R(4 good •
Hine, get cheaper rrites,sandrtioeive stock in better con-,
ditfon than.if uhippod-b3,iail. • •
Be sure and• buy " your • ticketk via.H. W. T. 00-
• 11111in7t10311A.V.0 Y, General Manager,
GREEIVIVAT:leavoi Centralia ou the evening 'a
tlie-otwoi mayiwith another patty for Mani.'
Lobe. Very beat accommodation, at loyfeati-ratert, Mr,
G. agrees to acoompany big party through to Manitoba.
Centralia, 4.1•11 23, 1878. . • 17, '
reent artbscriber wishes 10 obtain a.nonibet of cattle
A- from -8 to.7 yeare old, arid horses from 4 to 7' years.
Id. Lumber and shingles given in exchange. • .
SAMES. WILSON, 1.1ly°,tb,
Myth, April 24, 1S70.' . ' .37
oe • •
A 13 it I S
t 'let• k„.1 L I N. T .
f 1ILX1 two.stoly Briek Store and DWelling, on Albert
A- Street, belonging tothe inidereigned, between the
storoe of Messrs. Harland' Brothsra and 'Moors. Broad.
loot Sz Box, with froni and roar lots, will,be offered.at
public Halo, by J".4.,mp8 nowsoe, anctiOneer, on' •
'MKS .5.43.7.) 4AY.,13.t.11, 1879,j
• At 2 p. X,flt1i0p0pm1tcis,
Tlia 58180 to se by 22 feet, completely 110010 for ec.
pupation. Seven rooms tipper story. Wooden store
bone° on rear lot. Storen 10 this bleek, rent at $000
1,er annum. • .
TV:lats.-8100 on 1114- of sale; $000111 one inonth ;
I.ailnt on.limeto Fla purChaser.
trot further particulars apply to the auctioneer, or to
if. HALE; Bee., Clinton, Cr the nutleraigned.MA• SON •
Clinton, April. 24, 1870. . -
!Portable Binh Fence,
• .. Patented Oct.14th,./878.
The cheapest and hest Arm rence,now 1 it ttee, coating
loss then the rails for 0. 00811008 rail fence, Easily
cued -meted, enelly removed, and will last longer *hart
any -ether fenteraelt iareversible•-• The inaterieltestfl-
'70 cents per rod, and Can be constructof for less thnit
10 tents per rod, so the entirecost will not exceed 80
cent ti per rod when ready tO put 11p, filld Iwo 1111711 can
put up 40 ,rods bears breakfast, So that, as ftFafin
Pence its advantages are apparent at 'a glance. ,
TO be nvit, 811120;4U, on Rixir'w tvinber Yard
• County Mid trotitahin nights ior Sale,
• 5„1.11,11 17, 140.
APABLOR CONCERT, on behalf of .the Woman'S
Foreign Mieeion Society, of Willis Chinch, will be
held at the
. ,
Redden -Clot Mr. Themav-inekseno
THURSDAY MAY lst 1879.
Refreshmente will be served dgring the evening,
Iteadinge, Rooltatione and Vocal and Instrumental
Muitio will lorm the programme.
Clinton, April 24, 1879.
best French Calf Boots
- Mang To ORDER;
For from $',3 to. $4.
. ee IT, BEACOM'S.
Clinton,April 24, 1879:
r '1118 undersigned having pUrehiceed the Stock and'
leased the premisce.of Mn. W. GAMEY, on Albert
Street, oppesite Mr. Fair's Mill, takes thie means of
notifying his friends andthe pnblio generally, that he
intends carrying on the Blackemithing bueinces in all
its branches, and, therefore, solicits their custom, -
Being practically acquainted with everything connectqd
with the business, he can guarantee satisfaction.
• Horse Shoeing -a, Bite eistIty.
Clinton, April 24, 1870. •
Shoes, in connection with hiatorrner business
Of the latest and most Fashionahl StIes
Which he will sell at moderate prices. llo
will a1oo1�-
OiTSTOM—WOR1 c.?P Repairing
:Opposite the Post Office:
• Clinton, April 8, 1879. •
itoiTEA1.-frOin tlio.::ontifoniniortli,PV4W7
• • • •• • ,•
Zeed Oats, black & white
• • '•'"
. _ _ • _ _
Dominion Parliament:
Wemeresreev, April: 26.
Mr. Speaker informed the House that
in his ophiton—the meni0ll-4.N= the'
Reeiprocityand Free Trude Aesocietien
of England cotild net S'ele -received. Mr.
rese to ,,a question of privilege,
and by producine adespatch eonvicted
Mr, Domville of haying en. (he previous.;
evenings made a" statement entirely de-.
void oftruth. • The Minister of Finance
also rose to a questien of privilege, and
read a statement signed by several elec-
tors in St. Jehp,' ,Ne B., and editorials
from the St. John newspapers, that at a
nomination held in St. John before Con-
federation he was interrupted hy a few
noisy people, and that Mr; Anglin de-.
uied the truth of the charge, and his
who quoted from arrbport in one of the
vetefrjournals.-edited hy.Mr. Tilley, The
conside.ration of -the teriff in detail was
resumed. The next diseuseion of any
consequenee was on the item of printing
presses, 15 per cent. Messrs. Cart-
wright Anelin and Ross (Middlesex)
pointed out the oppressive maitre of this
impost,. and the injustice of taxing print -
rag presses;_which are not manufactured
in Canada, while the machineay -for
cotton and woollen mills; similarly cir-
meinstanced,: Was admitted free. Mr.
Cemeron (Huron) directed attention to
the complaint by. Stilt"..manrkfaet twers
that they -were not sufficiently protected, -
while the Cost of production was larger'
increased. He requested the 'Finance
Miniater•to allow the item to. .stand for
a day, so as tp, ratable hint te make, per -
%Mal lonquit ies abto. the .grievances, but
the'request Was refused, On the item
of sugar a long debate 'took place,'due-
jetee.: 'itch Mr: Tilley- el Ai to -tee
the tariff for an alleged decrease in the
price a sugar; bub'the Opposition pricke
ed this bubble, by showing that. piece's .
hied already .actually increased, with
prospeete of ,a futuye inber-ease, netwith-
standieg 18 deereeie in the price at New.
York: The..whole of the items classified
a.sugars Were conea'rredtied the
-debate was • adjourned. The ilonse ed.
jeweled at 1:55. a.81)
. . , ,
riven Onenerreite NVIttIA.M -c.aawFortnt,
.11: late of the Township of West Nawanosh, in ths
&linty of Huron, and 1(rinint0 of Ontario, Yeoinan,•
who died on the Fourth 4104 of March, 1879, are re-'
attired,. on or .hefore the SE -00111) DAY OF J2/Stli Imo;
to send by post, prepaid, to BIC/HARD ADAMS and
THOMAS BELL, the Executors of the eaid William'
Crawforth, their obri ellen and. stirnames, addresses and
descriptions, with full rfartieulare of theirreepectire
elating, a statement of their accounts, and the nature
of their securities, if anvheld by•theth, as foullodlatelS
after the said Second day os. iruno, ISa CHOU( Of tiro
said estate will be :distributed anto»g the parties en...
tittea thereto, having referenco to the olefins ,of wluph
• notice shall have linen 'Inthisbcd an above,requiied, and
the fetid executors shell not be liable .for the assets or
any.bart theteof„ to, any portion of whOee claim notien
411184 net &WO. Won re061Y0i1 et leo sad time of distil',
liated ott.ecoal,orough,:t.Wo Sat tete or emit, 1876,
• • n;eirean
. 'Ttioges entre " ,
Batecutors of Williain Cratforth, deceased.
- •
P 'A T'14.1 N
• 1% Snow ileitis':•rner,eeeieti 'wind
or .fiood,
No small animate dare pass under
or 014.0710k .
r,'iflibi roxtPAtP/11,3tT, )sztr..
• • •r-
Ij et...041.2%
IMO 'and Hardware Merchant,
larch 1'0870
Several resolutiena relating to. the:ape
pciintment of end. powers Conferred on
certain bather -veminissionere, water
police, pilotage antholities, etc., Were
adopted. and incorporated. in .Bills to the
same effect., i" The Bill tco amend the
Thtro and•PieteuRailwa' y TratafeeAdt,
1877, .was read a tither:in:nee The con. -
sideration a the ,detaili in •tho tariff
schedure Was :resumed. The: 'first itemoonsidered was billow, and, contrary to
general expectation, the ite:n . of. terie
passed without any discussion. :On the
item of vegetables* Mr. Tilley admitted
that this peculiar item afforded' an illuk-
tratime .of thee contention Of: politicai.
econotnistie that the .eonsumer pay S the
deity. On the item of wooteanclearninn-
lutons, i'fnot exactly .favortibie -th' the
faCtares_of tho mime _clineestiOn.:_aros i
Frb-i,reinarks were- arertiptly
(teeing which the opposition directed
(161:t.a,,,s,,t,iilifoe.o, close by'.60,Speaker dealer -
:attention,. •te pie nen-fulfilment of• the.
ing it six o'eleolc, aridleaent-the chair.
ante-eleotien pledges by.the Governeient,
as regards *this commodity.- The Goer-
ernmeot. endeavored to escape ftoin the
dilemma by arguing that the conntry-
at,d. net produCe.enough wool for home
conSumption. ft was further' argued by
the Opposition that the ttleiff on woollen,
reottelst would so operate as to oppress the
Working. classes who purchase the
coarser geode; wtith wriigli. heavier, and'
consequently , contribute :grave to the
. revenue of the country, when imported
than firier•goods. The remaininee items
in the echedtele.stibjected to &ay' iV01`0
edOpted withoutedincession,` The INIir,1.
ister of Finance inteochieed tho Tariff
13i11 embodying the rbsointithts, .and the
said Bill 'Was...reed the firtie time, The
Itotiee adjoarnetrat 10,45 p. in.,
it was generally held by both sides of
the House ilutt every effort should be
made to prevent the eonipetition of con-
vict labor with free labor, The' resolti-
tion was pessed, as also were the follow-
ing:--Legishition, 283,018; arts, agri-
culture, andstatistics, $20,200; immi-
gration and quarantine, $178,616 ; seve-
ral details of the resolution pensions,
$48,163, -were. ado pted, and the Commit-
tee reported progress, ;The Hensel ed.
jeweled at 1045.
The AIiitister of:Public Works intro-
duced a Bill to amend and consolidate
the Railway Act of • 1869 and the Act
amending the eerne. . The .reeelutione
relative to tho adoption of a national
currency systeth -were *then inered by
Mr, 'Wallace (Smith Norfolk), whosp,oke
_in eidveinacy.,alke.,.p.rixteiplekAyilivAybio.li..
his naine hes' becotnesomewliat associat-
ed. He opened his remarks hy palomino
to the ridicule with which his offortZ
had been met. All money, in his opin-
ion, ifitiat,.and the epithet hed no SPecial-
application to paper .neoney.. Gold was
only inade`neeney by the fiat of a Getv-
ernment. Poper could* .be the sane.
He claimed that a national currency,
based on the labor and public !vorks of.
'the' Dominion had n sounder basis
than the promises to pay nOW'in 'area-
lation only 25 per cent, of which could
treteally be 'redeemed by, the banks of
the Dontinion. If the,. public works
could heconstdered as easels in bori'ow-
ing itt the Marlfeta'.of the world,
than -6-6Y should be considered as assets
With which to redeem a national curriency.
Proceeding, he claimed-it-Wae to the issue
of paper- 'moiler -more -,-thatrprOtection-
.that, the pilosperity of tho 'United States
was due, end be co.ntirined hi8 reinatks,
.fovesorate lengthradv4eatinge: tlice.,details.
.bf ltivschente, Charlton (North
'Norfelk,) in a. . well-prepared speeeli,.
criticised 'ftt length the areartnents...advo-
.citted by • the inovey.•of the ereeelution,,
and reforted in _detail to tlie, history ef
paper money .iti the. :voices , countries
which had.made the exnerineent: Ho
contended that the .experiteent in • each.
instance .hail -beeteele.eignal -fitilnre,, and
'more ' that especially in. that . eerantry.,
(the 'United ;States) in which the, exe
periment had within'the present genera-,
tient heetemade on:a large scale.. There .
people dieeovered :the fallacy of the proe
deeding, mid paseed eietlyeeee voedict:
018 their. previouee ection by • et resumpe
tient or specie payment., . The major por-
tino ofdlie-speech wai occupied in defio,
mg the :natere of money, and the &gill-
.. . • . . ,
ties,which gold offered as- a • tnecliumeof
eitchenge. Ile'clainied,- that instead 01'
a Government making: money, as Mr:
Wallace elainted, it only pieced, an int-.
press upon, the 'tummy in ejreolstion;
and rfigulated it. in .conclodinglie re-'
marks he tbovecl that thee-esolution be
rend that. day six months Mr. 130111-
. . ••
the i{ousn
beietct1711111fassveot tbr.oiefflythi'.0'etpeasor--
The Premier introduced a .13111 to
emend the Indien •Act.. Mr. Diehard
introduced a Bill to reduce the gaieties
of Ministere, Lice tenant -Governors, and
t -he- indemnities -of Senators `Mid inembets
of, Parliament. Mr. Bargeren. intro-
duced a 'Bill to regulate tho ellar,ges•in
Pullman and sleeping cars. ; A. molter
of Governmett measures wertiettly.anced
A Stage, and the Bill rekiectilig.the con -
and statistics, withamendments
made ili the Senate, wee concurred in,
and read a third time, The House went
into Cotmnittoe of Supply, and passed the
following' resol ti dons with little cliscus-
8101) of management, $65;-
600 ; civil ,government, $657,615 ; ad-
ministration of government, $40,785 ;
DoininiOn Police, $12,000, On the re-.
solution votiege $283,008 for1 peniten-
. tiai les, Afr. atieken'zie twitted ilia Pre-
veier with eontinuing the eystent of em-
ploying priscm !Cher in competition with
free labor, A 00111* so contrary 'to his
professions dating the lasb soSSien of the
Irtte Paeliatnent. A brief discussion on
this queetion took place, (luring which
After eedess; 81 numbee.of pablie
we're 11-It1d the, thied thee or. Advanced
ft Stage. ; Mitbartity's 1.30 to repeal the.
Act, to regulate the construction end
Mein tenanee Of marine eleeteic telegraphs
was tead the third- :thee •on a divieion.
1VIesSree Maekonzie and Holton both oro
tered:ci preteet'againet snob a proceeding.
eAfr. UsteDonnell'a (:Inverness). Bili to
peovide fet:the dofet lan't1cosis iri och,
Win del:ions at the . spit of ',the. grown
Wee opposied.by•sir Johnl'A...Maedeeald..
mad withdrawn. . tho'. cfneetion of
in his opinion, was not -favorable to a half. The Government aro anxious to
total repeal of the law: If such a pro- I get through before tleo Weiner matter
position was adopted, preferential I can come back again, the majority, of
sienments would be introduced and the the mrs embeof the Cabb
inet having had
, •
doirahle,eirineiple effirst_conne_firetelteteeranch ofitealready The. Opposition_
ser ved would be in operation. The de- will offerno opposition to the movement,
bate was continue -1 by Mr. Gironard feeling that there has already been toe
(Jacques Cartier), Who favored the Bill great a waste of public time through the
introduced by the Committee. Mrdelayoceasioned by.the Government in
Bechar(' moved in atnendment the sub- bringing forwerd merteurea et the oatset,
stitution of a clause repealing ell Insole The Indians throughout the ..Nartfe, .-
vency Acts.. Mr. Lane • favored the west.are to be taught the , science of ag- .
amendment, but said that if the 13111 be- rieulture, 111 ordetethat they may obtaia
came law tho farming oorlauunitY 'should a living by other means than that of the .
be accorded the benefit of its 'operation. chase: Mr. W. J. Christie, for,' many
yeers Awl factor „of the Hodeon, Bay
'Company, Las been appointed General
$uperintendent, of Indian: atfairit, and
estipeteede. the Hon. Kr. -Lttird. • .
to:eocielo7i.p_ttins% t‘ts.i.'eotifafit.:arrttioei:ettiti.re. IbteatinagnOst,e:ido.!e
dostrial-sehoots, to Iv. established at -
Mr, White (Renfrew) preferred legaliz-
inn-ethe present Bill rather than the law
should be absolutely repealed. Mr. 'Ca-
meron (Victoria) fevered the 1311], but,
though t the .raalud m i nistra tion of estates
by creditors was a flagrant souece, ofellete
natiefriethene The 'debate -eras- ocintecreed
by Messrs. Brooken and, White (Card-
well) in favor of the Bill, and by Me.
Weldon to the same effect, Nth certain I '
modifications. -Mr. Conesell moved, as .
an amendment to the amendment, the
adjournment Of the discussion till Fri-
day next, to enable the House to further
consider the Bill. Mr. Cameron, (Hu-
ron) advocated absolute repeal, and
chided that the operation of the insol-
volley 1.aw Wile demoralizing t5 the cont.
‘mercialenterptise of the country. Mr.
Orton took a similar view, Mr. Casey
favored postponing the division on the
question Until another year: ,Mie. Mac -
dolmen (Inverness), while. opposed, to
absolute repeal, thought the -proposed
Bill contained dangerous innovations.
which required emendation. Mr. £a-
meron - (YiQtoridLroiie to .ipoint of,orderr
and Claimed that the debate' could not
proceed 188 the Bill, was net printed in
French. Mr. Holtonneicl it was 'too..
late to raise -the point :of 'order,- as , the
question has'been debated, Mr..Speek:
er ruled in accordance with Mr. Holton's
view; and added thatethe metialkr rais-
ing the point of -order had himself made
Torte Notes.
AI. -.P., imported 5.00.
barrels of sugar from Now Yoik 'before
the -new tariff went into'operation.
The Marble clealera and ..workers in
Torento.have increased then- price 25 to
28 per . r.cent., and have issued a joirt •
circular to that effeet. Tfp, eqi go tho
I • . .
. Mr. Thomson', owner of' tlie • Seafertle
Oatmeel mill., Ilse 'put:chased site in •
CMcegoe and will remove 1:41 niaehittet.y, •
trethatplace in a, few days. 'rills is the
direct‘reSult,ef the Tai.iff.
Messrs. • Waterous •& Co., of Brant.
ford; ha,viewritten a long letter against
etheewoileingeof eene w -tariff; stetting .
that their leatineee is:greatly injured by
it. The gentle:non 'are stip.poeter,9 Of the „se,
. ,
tresen't goveenntent.
. A merchant- w ritineo e'front-Pt•inee*Ett. •
.wa,rd Island Hoye that tlie inerpletfits'itt •
that Province •ere farions over -the M et •
tariff. He .says 'The duties will be
mOre thandoubled, • and moneywill be•
ft long speeele on the question. M. very ;hard' to collect."
Rees (Thindas).favered the.abeciiete 1e-2 The sit areholclet. 's .of the nudon petteh.
1811115 at .Hochelaga, 1.nceived.,0' :Cleitt*
last _ annual 'Aivid,ind_teventee.47D- • 1.1.P
Cent, Any • .concern.. which .cen
its capital in leee there,Tour yea: s should
not,' oeo would think'. .ilee-oriee much. Pro.-
tection. • • : ,
The entantegers af the l'Ontetiii Oar
Wei..les, London, ere seriously thinking
•' • •
m reducing t len men s wagcb °nice, • •
to make up for• -the incteetsed best of
enatetialerneder tile 11(11.dative -
that the old: tariff was better for • theie
-business than the now. .'. • : •
• By late, • instractiens. fleno. Ottawa,
new.SPapers,. such-tis:...eitizelo„. Illustrated
11retos, Harper's Weekly. ,. etc :ire ...to • be. .
'delivered free Of oust:tn.:8 dilly. in Cana-
da in future; .atid .that
„periodicals are' to he. delivered 11 ee7ef.cits- •
tours duty ale§, whennot eedoiezed . into, .
• e •
. After 'further, disausseon Mr.
0Jursoll •withd row- his areeedinent'to' the
amendinent.• . On Mr. Diehard's amend-.
meat, 'repealing all iritfolvency lirws the
absolute repeal dense ,WAS carried on a
• .
vete of -99 as to 75 nays. Mr.' 'Bech-
ard moved the second reading 'of the.Bill
repealing all existing ineolveney laws. •
A. debate on this -question was opened
by Mr. Paterson .(Brant), who deprocat-
ed the action. of the House,. and foretold.
the dietistebeS conSecnienee to ' the Coln.:
mercial institutions a the °Gantry as a
teselt., After -further discussion, Mr..
.Bechard's' Bill waa read a secotid tittle
on the following division --,--Yeas, 117,"T
Nays, 60... Majority for 'repealof the
insolyenty laws, 57, - • , •
The suppoetersof the 13111-endea.VOied
t�force it onanother stege, but acceded,
to the GoVerinneet'S requeef for dela.v.
The 1-Touse adjeurried et 12i35 an. the Doniiniob atleleeeeed to beet:sale&
PARl-TeceiENARY Aai'D °Mat NOrE
, . Thestarch workst -a
• fernew,s.Ogents.
The Government 'has,* it is :behoved, Oeunty of Dundas, will "lieve to' pay
abandoned its intention to introduce-. a about $0,000 a year in duty on emir
system 'of.Gpverement life
Sir JohnGlever, Presiding .GoVernor cents petehnshel. .Thue the' -Government
inslirence. ported front the States, at the rate of •74„-,
of,Newfoundland, is expeeted.to arrive oncoureetees hoine industry ley texing the
raw niateeial, ordet: to eive proeeetion
:in OttaWa tho ‚300018(1 week in
to farmer's on itif article they cetinot
suoceSsfully rale°. While ditty was •
*dad en 4.0 0, tho 4" war; no Anemone
made iij he ditty, on stancli:- • This -is
another proof of the alisruelit:e of -the
Nation :1 p0113Jv wiriohig i 3)1.iusthie
:Bohome to ieipeee additional taxatione,
Wit10Alireffire44,1110 sooing ithyoilgli it. The
Starch • Corapaq7lei,eit 'der to protect
His leeeinees ie in connection _with the
:admission of his.pro.vince;into the
. • • : • ."
It is said to be- the intelition•Pf. the
• GO'vernment to the 1.31:itieh..0el-
Etinbideg•by heginnidee the censtremtion,
of the weetein end Of the Oancele Pacifie
,RailWay at net early data, Tondore• for
about ono hundred miles of -road in the
thenis'elves front less . •41.1aVe' to in:
the second.reading of Mr.'. Methot's Bill Vraser.River' Valley. will. 51)01 ll, be•ask-
. , • 11 CI.e1160. AO Price of • their reanufectures,.
to ti's. the rate ot' ietereet in Ofnedie and ed fOr- • .
and If they eannot SnoceSsfelly c,ontp,ote:
prohibiting- usnary, the . Minister of The. British •Coltinibitt .ntetethers ..are With th e 'A nicirictins;i1 eat thatket •
in it state agitatibn ovev-the des itches I
Finance •reqiiiisted that the 13111 be -
drawn, hitt' Mr. Methot refused. Mr. • which •Intve 'cote° to hand -from -1.1:e Pa- under presentelisedvantages, the, result
- will bo tltc. elosing.of lho factry.
Plumb moved , the Six months' hoist, citic Province, Which 18 0101 paeific- by.
The effects of the new Canadian tariff
which was carried one vote of •07eYetts, any means if the reports are true. . 1.
ere felt in Maititoba-in a manner,whick,
68.. Nape. The Minister of ePublice is said that themajority of the people of I
Works brought down the report of the British Coltnibia are 5000.. if tho eieconnts as Set -forth, by the Chi- -
Eradneer-in•Chief on 'the Cenaile Cage Tribune eeo true, is certain to en-
ing frran the .Thlininion- • ' • • • •
Ranway, otiid. time rIettse-Ludicatentt(1.itt
11 p. tn. '
ICilvert ietroduced JiIlto provid-
fet the extension of time for construct-
ing the bridge over the Detroit River
at 'Windsor, and the incorporation of the
Company. te construct the bridge. The
.13111s wore read a first time. Aftereeetnii
discussion and objection by Quebec re.
prosettatives, the Government's 13111 to
Anther amend the Supremo and Exche-
quer Court Aet was read ceseeond time
and that respecting trade marks and in-
dustrial designs pasSed the final stages,
Oft the second reading of the Insolvency
Bill, Mr. Oolby advocated' at imnsider-
able length, the provisions of the .Bill.
Ho dwelt on the humanity of providing
relief for debtors, but claimed it Should
be done in such a manner as would ie -
vont the front/n=11.8ml mulct the Am.
isting law,. The feeling in the country,
Seturdey morning, when 0.2
Marqttis of Lorne WitS vieieing the
frouses' of Ptiriiament as an escort of -
two young English ladies; guests at
Itideen Hall, Mr. Ilesko, M, P., Nerth
Pettit, had the rudeness to call .his
oellency aside for 'the puepose of` in -1
troducing him to au unimportant visitor 1
from his (nr. Hasson's) neighborhood. ,
.The House not being in session mil
Saturday, a game of quoits between
/Ton. Mr. Mackenzie and Ur. Paterson)
of Brant, on the one side, and 'Messrs,
• McCallum and McInnes, to Conserva-
tives, on the othee, was played. The
• game attracted' considerable attention,
• :and the menthere gathered about in Iarge
numbers. The Reformers were soccess-
ful, winning two games out of' three. .
The 9th...of -May has been fixed upon
is the day for prorogetioin und businees
will be managed to 'euit. This will
mire11. sessien of twelve e.,teks and
ate in that Ilourishing.-provinco a decid-
ed distaste for so-ealled "protection."
:Et is said that colonists intending to
cate on the fertile farm lands of the Red
River Valleir aro waylaid by„ sheeted:
agents in Minnesota an 1 Dakota, and, by
them informed that under the new tarit
rates now in operation 'in the British.
possessions 'a farming outfit, will cost
them $200 more than the same ,can,loo
procured for upon United States Heil.
Maly, immigrants are convineed forth-
with and cowhide to nettle upon the
equally desirable lands of Minnesota and,
Dakettt, where they .may enjoy the be-
nefits of a free go-vernmont and make 'a
saving of $200 on theie farm esupplies,
Others, disbelieving, go forward to Ma-
nitoba, and, finclittg the statement 'true,
return to the cheaper and better coon -
try. now long Manitoba can patientl1
endure, this heavy handicap itt the raee
for development and growth is a quep
tinitpf some intereste--N. &NOR.