HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-24, Page 6oesecaes-seees sereveressereweerewessesseesessesseaseeess,,,,,,„..,, American lice* in England • • „An English correspondent of the London Telegraph, in reply to one who thonglit Ameriertie beef poor etuff, says : 1. have travelled a geed deal, and have al waye found that Whet ever an Englielimen is be. eannol, divest of the idea that only English things are good, and that unless he pays a high price the article purchased can nob be of goed quality. I do not know where your eorrespoudent gets the seraps of Meat Of whieh he speaks se disparag- ingly, but this I Can tell himS 1 have. , for nearly two yeais dealt At seine Arne - linen meet Stores', purchasing my meat at the following..prices : Sirloin, 1O&; topeide• (bast cut), 101; lower side, 70. pe pound ; and mutton, veal„ pork, etc.,. at .cerreSpOndiegly Tow Pricess This, meat 1 prefers unpatriotic, though it may appear to the: Engliehinan, and SO de my children. We ffld it Aimee tend .1: And the fat delteioue. I have the mis- fortune of living in an expensive eels, and formerly paid the .1netche1'e _here peices eauging from J. to 4d. per pee pound more then those quoted above, and siegularly enough, his jeiets were not so large' for the ,weiestit as those I: now get. Sone time age lie called, offeringeto supply me at from 2d. to ad: peirefielifid-teSS: thii*-witIr thanks. ea: ' • . , ‘Hee Woodwartleivenue a, piece is one .those men who, even if "he endeie stood perfeetly well an inquiry (tddress- ed to him, invariably replied : and the inquiry must be submitted again: Th'e world has tens•bf thousands; of these eheys rf but until the other day this Detroiter Nvas the • worst Of all. • Along came:a etranger, the other even- • ing who might and might not have known of this man's eccentricity.' - terhige.the store he remarked : 1,.I-W;antinlriliotuideeofeengarete,ee ' Hey?' replied the other, say 1 -wanted a'• eat -liege etuffen,'. eantinned the man: •What—hey ?? • ' ' • asked if you bad pickles .in vine- -gm,' croolly-romiii.lieti-the-stralrgme Hey ?' . • • • • I—want—a gallen .64fienr, tine,' slowly remarked tlie strenger. Blese-Your-seal thistelakerAelteepsi411- Shd4enly.excigned the citizen. . I didn't suppose yon said I'd 'take Some liver pills in .planseafit..". _ • . •*. ' NO doebt ale dealer had heard 'every single word of the antireeconversatione. and he didn't like ib, very well,. either,. but habit preVitiled and again -call: °LIE": "Hey?' Calico ! calico r. shouted the Stranger; I've .asked yonett dezen tithes: sieve]: _if you. had any good; eiglit.eent calico I' No, sites -no, sire -no, k -Nves'the • indignant anSwere• . • . • • . 'Hey .r.ealled the. •steanger, his hand §OlIbt11$.eb 1 41,110 elf£311S. _ 'CLtuadiuua At Ottawa, on. Friday, a little girl, named Deslauries, -drank a quantity of lye by mistake, and died soon after.. The ehipments of cattle from this Province during the months of May and June promise( to be extensive. Sone of the cheese factories in the vicinity of 13elleville haVO commenced operations, and several others are pre- paring to do so, _ Somewhere ia the neighborhood of $19,500 will have to be raised this year in Mitchell for municipal purposes while the . total receipts cannot passilily be 1110re tiltat ttbimar$15.00°. don, on Saturday, to see who could make A stiike.has taken place in Montreal the laresst number of barrels dut of c, sawed stock in a given time. Tho two contestants were Messrs:. Whitehead. and Ilagam, and the match was for $5, TIT},.(3,INTON 1\714:),V EPA. A.14{11. 21, Nr0 erropeatessanciamzusicaxwaPasm;ssrasa.,..-alicsnocutrawFwaanspf--,-Ik4sera*extetsen-Na•sn_ tementorsassaranramcarisilmaela5maars ATTENTION. Neatly every farinee around 1:;ew 1 • SUI)Selille 'for lit@ lialv Dal' . . filABE NGIIGE, that tho appoiniment of ble,sis. neet to la t'et the domande of the thitario I ge.g es1 es geete,en eed -P-• Zlason & linnSoN, ol Roman, ut; Agents of the Mutual .Fire., instirance Company, Beet Sugsr Company, reeent1), organized 1 4„gt; ri Pe 5.P -/-t in that town:. • . i' Pi,;1•44.•2'01.1.r.' 141 • OE tho Co iity of "Wellingtoni. js thi. day cancelled. ........f 0 . e,.c) Ill W. W., iAltnAlWro Ell(loi has been appointed. Mr, Tiidni as.' Tilers's of Grimsby, made ,1$,1 R. tfr4",'4 e:' ,b" : p,''' ' ' Agent for this towo and vicinity, and is ilow prepared 900 lbe of Huger this spring on the fittan 'Fit ?,F,.ig..e41..-- a. to. take applieations for this Company, the cheapest in the Dominion. hitt grOvt-ing Sagn.l. • of.Mr. Thos. Irvine in the same town- e-sel--?ele•2044° o ••-•o By Order, CIIMILBS DAVIDSON, ship. The number of trees tapped was r-st'is•,0e-eb" giesa:'51 III . Eleey•Treas. 100. A.:I l't 043-gril.: 0 0 uolph , 40.1 Deo., 1878. tf . 54. lfolderness of the `13laele gorse IneSes, es ess.4 NEW WAGGON SHOP Hotel lias reeeiv;d- an order from a II 6-1" ''': ta, 0'-' '' tj ig It horees before July 1st Forty of this •mirle P.P g : ter 1.4 o. 1 _ . .°' ' ' F, -K .1. , ,l't -51 •-°. . . -, 2. ri- 1 ; t 1 1 0, Thos. Friendship 'English firm to supply them Nv'th 050 1 ..... e 0,see a 00 " — number were shipped hist week,. The prices being paid for the aeimals range fiesisi g:,..i. ... g• 6 a FA kii A Ir.•§ 0 .111.A6',1 ai from $150 to trr,800 each. silggl U1-1‘, Desires to inform the people of Minton and snrreuud. log country, that he has opened a WIICSon Shop in --".' s I -• ii"p,E' _ connection with COUCH it ,7014118' BbOkiiMith shoe, ployeeti of Foreetalre cooper alieps.1,the• A race took place between two ern- .0 Fe.'eFsIS•4:8 s Ili e 0 es .; e e.: c.S, , e' e se. i e I.; ve, »4•4.-;„..3,a-sz:-eiha m r _.". g•a, - , ISAAC STREET, 0:41NTON, where hewn). be prepared to execute all Orders for •a ii*.-a..<,..to g 6,1,4 WilgOnS, Carriages, Csst,4 ers, Slefift, •rs0 p Era .rtareng -the' etone,eutterA, They. . dome plain that they gennot five on 00. cents or -70 cents a dave when they ere only employed five months in the year, .Tho finite named won. the race making .At Poterboro,.on .Saturdav„:-Andiew sten hamle, I -legato making thee: The Orange case of Grant vs, ...fleeted ry is to be proceeded witb. TIe Com mitts e • ,of 9,range leaders whn. have the mutter Woodward, while teljiistinn a• block in the machine in a shingle mill, his arui came in contact 'With the saa, and -was • 1.1 c- ^r.i 4' PI 6•Y. 2 a: 9. rates. Depart 3g of all lindapromptly attended to, , kte., he s on be notice, and at the mosi reasonabe l o. /)„i0„,.4133g. . GIVE; DIN A CALL. •F-'4V;S'tle r, ;".. :07 bgl rielata !Minton, March 18,1879; • td SEE WHEAT,0• PEAS• titAR LEY, OATS, g .ts ; Figs( esestO .s 0E1(elf°,1, w 0namitia- imam ainthele et field, Gardea ud Flower Seeds. -CiPP3f0 a co.g•F4 0 I In returning thanks to my patrons for the liberal star. completely severeet little above the el- in hand, and who Diet, at ' Ottawa the Pee g •• aro • se0• .0se, port accorded me the past year, I take pleasure in bow. „ e,..e2ceg ss „other day, \vete, net qeite nuanimous in • 6 tO ferniing the publlethat Mayo, atconsiderableexpense, •__ _81 tuiday-4. navel race. eathe oil at --the matter owing to-rtn-ativM'se'opiniort T . §:is 8 0 8reg 0, sTaiguels107,7i0I'ale,s•adira/ietregernotlea.TI'l'atankaQoteiterieragits11(4: P.r • oroneesehetween CornexBurnseend,een the ,part.of 'their .Onterio, coensel. P. Whiter Briggs for $50' a The If the Courts maintain'that the Orange --- . commend the • -LOSTAATION-and-WHITE 'OHM- .forpaot hoppedesighty yells. and ,thelat,' Order is in' the Provinee of On&• • McICILLOP ae beet spree, variotice grown, both for quantify, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY, vgiRmcgotPiggib411711altt$?Ife.1701111 none Id the Panther, for runts and quality. BARLEY field and garden seeds freah and pure. I always take Special oare to seloot'seeds clean and free from all nox- THos,,, NE/ T AN c. AG]NT' ,re, ions weed seed. Always glad, to show my seeds, and "5 `-‘•"._„ 5 • quality and milling purposes. Ify rests are seeond to ter Tan a hundred, Buena 'wen by thtee bee proceedings will be taken egaiust yards. ' . - the secret Order of Jesuits. ' 13arly en, WedlieSday morning „the . • -residence of Jtidge Wilkssfn, at"Napenhe English and Foreign. was entered by thieves and between . . . • • 8300 end $400 worth of silver -ware oar- :In Tennessee nogrees get .$10 or _away. The •watch dog was 'drugged month and board. • during theaffternmin et the (ley previous?, It is. said •that the Euglieh sparrows and was noticed to set -very Strangly.. in immenee numbers are migrating west- . A Whale seventy,feet long was cap-' -ward. fedea the New England; State tured near Bed Island, C.B., .on INVede • By ',an explosion ,of ,presdairip iri nesday, by Neil McNeil andspn. -After Agrippa coal pit, near ,MonS, • Belgium, the monster was.eafelymooredsitsyoers -mulct be heard seVeral. milestaway..„...The- tapture has caused great excitement. in the neighborhood, and many .nre rush; :bag to. the .scene. A 's'oung• man namod McFarlane, of Carleton:Place, a few days ago was -ou- ting an old leather beet lee with isetharp jack knife: ph loaeliinrr the • an extra eflbet .was. ade ,to pass its but the force 'of Cle extra. Abet carried • the slailfeeepp.f.):440-4sistelsseeesse' viseiege-til* Main artery. The. flow Qf '1;food . net SeccessfUlly Staimeltede.and he bled tedeath, • ” • • On..111.onday morning a number sof Mitehell boys• Initering about -the streets ehamenny seizeid a dog beloegieg to •ebstaus than at wns- before. The woman Mr..-.11a.rry 'Piper, and Saturated the gee§ -for's$10,000 damages,' poor bents) with turPentille, .and then hit . Gem *Johji Adams Governor of the animal go.• • -The dog" atiffeted geetit: $1.re State of New York, died, -in New pain, and made ,foe the up Stairs. of Mr: York. eitY last night. lle was a gentle - Watt's hotel, where it jumped in -toe A Man of prominence in thecouneils of the. .a, bed and &strop:alas largo quantity of •natiene 'having bold many prominent clothing.. The yells of the brute, wore posibione during his life. • He um the fearful,: and it was_ with difficulty that position .of Sumter, .and. was a very ex- it was keen:reed frost -ibis' house. • tensive aveller in many' countries. He %YRS ALSO an author 'of considerable note. During the War of 1812-15 he . . , -served as an:ensign.. At the time •ief his death he' was..82 yeats of age. ' On Thursday eVening a -violent raid etorin ',occurred At Charleston, • whiChcorftineed throughout the • night. Accounts' fram the interiot state that. it •began .with- ' terrifie tornado, which swept through -the lower portion .ofsthe State, Causing sh•ret destruction of life rid property In the 'village' of Waterton' more' than 'one hundred •dwellings,. and all "the 'churches WON' Wep t away. Three-fourths of the. hilt a-- bitap.ts•are homeless. Fifteen persena were lilted; many More. Were wounded ;Qtikly. •All the negro houseeeNvere levelled ; :one negro was killed rinany wore hurt, Similar • casualties_ are re- ported front -Varipus., points Mettle track o f 1,:he • tornado. . - 'Nevadri. ne wspapere a nuotince4leit vast nuniberteof•graistroppee (wigs are. ince; batinfi Sierra. Valley. °A spadeful of sort repreeented to. have .contained stAking the Weed he hit•the unforttinate •• hundreds ofothensands of eggs &posited 'mature • on the side of the 'head inflicting terrible .wound. The poimel clueterk, • -.The ' farmers have. not nia.n was terribly agitated 'neer the af:. Medicalettid was at once sem mon- . but.. feared •the• ',injuries will prove • . • This operation left. the Apse. in. worse -clump] DONE AT A REbtIOTON. 7. The largo factory buildtuq andlot, adjoining the • ' • Grand Trunk Station, formerly. occupied • by 4. IL Bel- fry,. with engine and boner: Premises well Butted for manufacturing purposes, pork -peeking, • 8. Lot 6, onViotoria Siroot, (0 or4lon surrey); a c5o106 IniIIdStg letibetween the G. T. Railway and the . well.fonood,planted,WIth trees, good well, ac. • . . 0. Lot 24, Frederlok streot belonging to Mr..lohit Powell. 'Good iiimo-cottage of live foonss. 'Well and pontp. 'Good garden, just smith of, Mr. Win. slie1.)- berd't3 rosidepoo. -r . , 'Saturday •afternoon a man demise a to Ins ems•• :. e - • • s, j pony' Alto' the Tiverjust below Kensing7 • The citizen. looked...around:for theft*. ton bridgesLondon,. for the purpose :eif pound Weight,. but When. he,. found .. it seisshingethe horee's lege: • He had.gone . there was nothing to throwat.• :?. iti'ltbout'20.feet; when the hnise, wagon . . ., . A CrinkinaPS - Curiosity.' ' and man were observed to.seddenly.dise appear : . the :horse and waseon hatingefell. liming the-lei:Alva' of the Ilairani,,an into;one of the numerousc'eleep hales in inhabitant of ..the village' of ,Frinduckli the river,,at. this' point. • The nianeliew- had.deesSed his child, about two yeere ever, Soon re -appeared and .thatiagedto ' .old, id a shawl '.and. Cap, ornamented swim ashore, still retaining the whin •Mii . ..with pies:tee:of gold, and entrusted it to his hand. A.,LieetsOf shoats :were "Soon elave, who left it ..for a meendifteseated get atleat' and oeuiaed.around tor •eomm in -the Wirt of a:houses. On. his.rettan• titne,:but the hersaand braggy were in. . the child .was gone, and seem's,' fat; it. Very. deefe *dee, the*, in the boat e pot proved' uselese, The father applied t ci bang able Co see thew. • • . ' ' •.the chief Of police At Bagdad, entreat,-• . At the Gatineau Pointeauser :Ottawa, Ing him to' inquire•,into ' the •eircurti- on Tuesdaysan a'ceident of ainost pain; stances, Thin . offloor rofieded. that:the., fill". character occurred: : It appears : a child .coilld not be carried far, On, act • blind man mined, St..Jean picked up an count' of his cries; and therefore' mnst ake. with' the intention of. breaking .a have been taken by One. of the neighs, piece of wood".. Ho. arranged: the 'wood bors. He did: not communicate Ids idea, -to his 'satisfaction, said then raised . the to any oec, het directod one of. bis moss eke. • In the meantime a little gia stip- stingers to go. to flie viliage Of Fpnclecks Preached hiraSnoieelessfis.and instead of • li at the hour of -prayer, .to enter the mosque and summon th aiman (or priest) : to come <immediately to his Thisetur. . When the man came' into thePresence of the chief pf 'police, lie. received apeei- • tive injunction te come 'to Lim Agon on • the morrow, and give the name Of the pee., son who &St:toeing to inqinre of him the 611E6' robbery' Was: sierpetrated at. tin, • 0 turued. a finreow this spring, knowing that• their work Nvoold bo' fruitless of result: • (train crops only fester -.the • • scourge, while to let the ground romain •• 'Being IV tireetiral radehinist. all wort: done i u•arre n Led, • • • 1 le may staes'e the insects into errti " eta- . to give good istisfaetion. ICA lit 0 , ONT. . Farmers wiallig to intim NW llnd this Company ono of tho best and olteapont insure in, and will be waited on at Nide homes if lamination lo sent to the AgetIS' othee. • • ' Qanacla 06napany Lands, • lillEuRATis ,,,6( a .r red 01 a few Loon:. 11 and any other. In dittanatcry Er,' 1.4.1c ser, te Fa, perr,• ago, Sian it'll MUM), ulcers iron, arty Otttivlw, Vw1 It 1HUI. droll other diseasta urn d hy art Acid t. ro.ei,t, raacir produCes •ry °Oh it, Brun Soilwrit will potitivt/y effect a cut e in a few hours, by absorbirg t e acid pc is from; tbe Hold ty draggletb. Brice, See. A ds ire in part kohl r °est t free. • 'W, Dlil74,N.onoNn,, out. • A.yer's Hair Vigor, For restoring -Cray .Hair to its natural .yitality and Color.. A thessing age eattblee • healthy, and.d. • fectna for pre-. serviingsthe : heirs • _Faded or gray hair is soon Al;yi restored to its eplor, toith tho gloss and freshness of -youth.. . Thin. hair is 1hiekened, .falling, hair „plinked, awl baldness oftensethoegli not always, Cured bysits Near: ing can. restOe hair where the releS ."Wid,..tteRVOYGt1,7-612 thesghtiale • aro:Oiled . and ilectie*l. ,But suelcae ifeatebnsas,cd--essfersensefainesse----- • by this apPlidation„. Instead. of' foul- e ing the heir strith a pasty. aediment, it it clean and vigorous, ; Its ' occasional riso will protent the hair. from tumbne? gray or fidling off, alla -give nuyinformation desired by farmers aud others. : CORSOVENItt prevent baldness.. Frees' • • nesiesnntst MY STAND,- • " -from •-these.---deleterious ssub.stanees—S-e Bamilton Street, above Oolbornellotel, Goderieh, which nuke some preparations den- • ' , • erastmenreisesiii. gerones'and injurious to the hair, the • Godorloh, March, 1$70. p A 11 L :boIR E 'Vie* ,ean only benefit bUt not hann • it. If wanted merely for a • eing oyer ten acres, nowhold by joint Mathieson, of. RAIR rollESSIN.G The (Melee Park Lot on MO Street, Clinton, compri. - /cacti for sale omMotlerato terms. • , • tt• . li..11ALE. • . . . REAL .ES'f.A.r.rE yp11. SABE, • • Issitsfell" iri,': ' TWO' "muttered and forty. : ' .. the wood work of the shaft °alight Are, ths,r6h4raXeltd4c."4"").ma7b"!en at ti2D 01110•"! - teen wero in. the mine, and many perished. - C•lin. t°1441147' 48". . , „ A LIST Or LANDS IN IIIIRON 'F011 SALE BY E IIALE ' '- ' A Resew:ninon (Ireland): fanner, re- turning 1115t month' from • the Assizes; LON. DESBORO' .- 1VIILIAS. • . ..•- • . . 1. Farm Lot No, lI# in tin3 tirsi Ci,meassion iilitron where . he. had ..Obteined •oonipaiisation •. , .1toda) Tuoicorsailth, oodtaingO8aeroti aerate:lasers:ran •about two ronolifromClinton,botird fo(011011(011011 in front, good for mnlicious injury to two horses, was , •G R 1 § T..I:N G . hardwood timber.- .1day be made s suoctr dairy forth. seize(' try, two men and flung out of .the .... . . throirgh tryteg to improve •a a A Nevada- stregeon is in' -trot wonlibilles , . IRJ-I. - • '-'T I ,ir.,,,,,,ii;...i.it -tiidi •1,10int..!gbgitIg..j:rtii.g-hvw,gatt-P—il—P-9',-* 'clearance. on • the front, balance hardwockl- timber 2. 'West EAR of L ot•Bigiit in the Elovenvithioff:ioiris train: 33oElt his legS were broken ' lanstesseSheelnalstio'kW-- ft: li'd•ifotterhil/ 711.41"IN°7"iirtg':filb''''''6Y- and -the viii.sliap loft it' in a sliehtly• - ' .. ; nethinks else can be found so desire • • able. Containing neither oil i dye, it doee not soil 3vhite cambric, and yet lasts -long on the hair, giving I it -a rich, S.,dossiinetra and a grateful, i•perfume. I • 1 :Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, . MILL, the hilblialiboro are -now propni,ed 10 110 Fairifi Mills Clinton or to the undersigned °reeked condition, 'The surehon bare. . . PiSTrNrc '1'1IF ---------101 1NNPit 4. The huge and Gent °went 13rick •Storo, in. tlio. Al. „ . . PriictiCal and Analytical dunuists; • sion.of Tumborry, nits miros, good whoat land, sla mites firdittiVingnani and -ono miin from lhe Glenannen Ste. • tion of the Toronto., Grey and Bruce Railway. A Steal T , • 'gained to sireighteri it, and ended the .. • bOVI,Str00010C1C,t10)VOCOU140(11).S. jap.DiddlCOOnlb0. • 0 attenilit to do sp* by breakine env's: sane st ilia en /lost molook, 111r0:ciass.ioltliiittoro,*.tilo Owing Trunit,it tat Mu • • ltelongidg Janfiespn. ;.• • • • (t3,..0.E _AND. SEE t:S. Faille len ne, . 1,01%, llTit,1101:,) NoV. 8 PEI* CENT. atilliiers.& Land Ownefs • • 111113 NEY T N At the 0)o% loa nito of interest. • rArltifl3 TS atm he talu,101,41rO0a UnY 'WHY it? , the borrower. INTEREsT 'Pp,yable catiTo.).33111 one the Mincipal, tho ono. of. •• iartY Yee r; • ' • rorittri e ritt f,'.trnitt Et aPP4 • • • • S. 131.S3R1t: Clinton Nev. Sisk, 18TE: NOTICE. • THE SEWiNO MACHINES AT • H. NORSWORTHY • . • • Olhiten, Jan, 21,1870. Ir. [ALF.. • CONSTITETXONAT4 C....N.'2".‘5...larot TIMIVICTE E . AsT 113: .R. ..Thousanda Applaud • its WoredeDful Cuoi Ilea; what rt Pecer;edirl CleitlIentait deo' or' the Constitutional Remedy . re if,' 3:rAnDiNG , Bso.;, Brockville, ant; • Dear Sir,—it, is now tWo Ye'ars ;Mee Year "C011111110 timid ,cittarrh itemcity” 3ras introduced 'teCine. I litiV waited this long to See if tliti'eure reined per manna before dbing this, my duty to you,. ilr the happy °treats seemed to me to be " too good. to • b ,. MASS.- e -se swila,AN. • .1• 111,41: EG 1.! dorl, . cooling, soothing .senSation Of.. greet ., tti5rdhE't • tilkiJR.r 0-1 With the greatest. care. s . - e••• .13,,,!xxNs1s0,1tali.Bdi;:rti.....-.,i.,..., i., . 0 )0,,,,t_, . . Its- effects are es wisfiderf il end ae- satisfactory as ever.' . ' . ' . ,' • . • yoIntthrfeusleciahisQrg.iftty :or faded .liair:to its• - • • It -removes', al • l eruptions,. itching and ' dendruff. It gives the head a Comfort, hes scalp . by its- use_ - becomes white cad clean.' ' - " • ' iv- its: tonic: Properties' it restores ' e tbe capillary glands to,their normal ' 1• ' vigor;preventing haldness,alid mak- ' • inoethe hair grotv Unclean(' Strong.. •s• As • ts• dresenig, nothmg .ha,s been . A -.[ round. SO .effectual .or ,desirables ' A. A. Iliiyes,31.D.,Stp.,teAssayer • ••• ei •• •el -Massachusetts, says, The con- ° stituents 'are pure, and carefully se. r , lected foe exhalent quality ; 1- 1 1108 afflicted -In my head for yearo before x caw my case described ip many partlealaro. The ii \rani" dropofroni the head bad become very disagre able, and .a.ohoking sensation often prevented rue fro lying long; would,feel liko smothering lind epi , polled to sit up in hod. My health an spirits were, ,Scrionsly adeetod. When your Agent • canio„to. Wa1kor. • ton, in August,1870,1sceured three bottlos. 'Before I. had used a quarter of the contents orate bottle; 'forma decided relief, and wlien had .lised two bottles Ands., third, I quit taking,it, feeling • itteenved of that ailment, mullutvonot oiled any, si till of late I have taken somo'for a cola in my head nee of duty to ,sulferers from that loathsome dist, 'ttirrh,Prompts 'ytie 00001a yon this Certideate, an, cited, with lefrtb •le maim whet MO °fit youniay 000 5161701, " Tenni truly, . - • W. TINDALL,. lftihodi,v otini.ter. I • suspected it to be Catarrh. In reading in your Oireula •coneider it the. BEST PREPARATJON ei• for its intended purposes." • price, Oho. Dollar. ifassola the lest tita Ire haFe Atwell the very beat of satisfaction. Everybody seems delight. ed with • them.' Be not doodled in buying a Sewing Machine, but go to If. Nonswournr, and you will get the best Sowing 'Machine tho rrorld can produce. .Pricos • to suit the (men and thus to snit the buyers. •11 • ftLi..LIETIENKS AT ALI. JPIE.ICES,. from aid to kn. Cell and • youtorder whore -you wit I. mit iterfuct, tle tid,KareriNti MACITTNES, and;. tho vory best, ot instruction. . •• „ • • , • • , Sewing. *gimes . 0 .evetw make' •h',,haire ft.- . . • eause of his being sent for to 'the po- b n Thur 0 les an, • • • ' . wost of the, Commercial gold,. , ate• entertai,ned -------------- i*itesisesei.a rita rnAcrl :.Ift1RON • 000 lice office. The -Titika in : general pay . . o burg, 15 'T . AY. ' TO IV 8 ' -MAY Sweep. do m(1.111)011 the:fertile Valloys " • . ,.. .. parSonage,' occupied by Bev': '• C: •rish, • it. NOUSWOWItY, Post, Office Box 105 little attention to the affairs of others d by burglars and the whale Of- -California,. but Whether they can . .13,1g, ., • • , , . OLvvrox, bee -7r, on returning to the .konpj.0 .ranseckee., was enter° •There „were over a cross mountains of such. altitude as the 1.- ..:- *-----.' . . '-'- '-iiiiiii..;-... 7 - mosque oue men only came to hirn tAi Sierras- is :doubtful. ' It is• proposed •• - WISEMAN dozen . porekins, sleepiiig .in , the - 'mine, to dig trenches before they are able' to -Tlio ilDall replied.that it was only in res. ask the catise of so 'Seddon a; stimmons. 'talon to a firmati.(dperee),Whieli 'he was Yot1; 'Wang° t° Ba..Ta 11° °no heard th° flys and, driving thera iii, to coVer them robbers, • It is.supposed-ohloroform was: :Up, ' This plan worked sueceSsfully 'in BANIINti.. alitt.EXIIANGX used as as the whole 'family felt drowsy V't eh 0.v0 yeltra ago. to _Imee ree bil.t:mbiokly.u._.withd.u.val.: ,,,,,,iiii,tyyti GA dayturif tretiggez m -y . e'liieNT( r;(1-4---0.-Is'Ve- . HoWever, on being informed! by 'the .. inien of what hael. passed, the ehlef of the, way the clothing was overhauled: it AGENTS, READ 0 TH IS. —.• . • . IS. Supposoa' the lierglars. were after „ • „ , , , arrested, and dispoveeed the body ot the pollee caused the inquisitive ninii, to be money or jewelry, ae..aft0„, bringing. a. ves-h win vas Agents ft Salary 'of $100 porMoilth and I 31 ON if., \'.' 11'( / 1,14.1NJJ 041. IING•VlaVi AIM V V nxpenstes, or allow 0, largo ennunission to sell onr • ' • ,., . .. Boom tree,. Address,. ' I minty ert 71 per. lot of thinge down"to the hall they Jet 130W alld wouitertoiuyettiotto, We mean what we SAY. , . s l' ' . 1- -.. . $ ' . • It ' ((Id * • child concettled under .the staircase of then), 011),y taking away a , few Wit gs • %.; 111.1) t+ i rittA A , .• ' sylammAN 4, vo., marghitil Inch 4 ep 0111 lyre SrMinti Jh'irl•ettrttX- .1.6 11.6 , J‘.1 s' ..u. his house, and thus proved that it wee e• . to I ho.value of ahem t- $50.• • col 4 AO ql/S.TS'IS"P iNitirl? .1...Art.' A' • . . ho W110 carried it off. Ho was sentence a .. , ,, s,. _ . es__ _ii:ys .,......A., sto•ry , son.r.r•&!. oowv vs ed to be immediately beheaded, A nista nom amorato 8 . . . - ..,.....• . - - • has jug' eot 'mit to the Gad •thartni . 0 Boscitrie's tierneses Brave cart now he'pur. April let a nu babel: of.Yettue, men wore abased right at hoino, it is tho mot successful invitedle din a at Government .allonse preparetioa ever introtitt oak° our people, It . works like a charm in ail easel Of Constmption, hl .111(1 .1141110 of1im MadonaIc1, 3711.°Y. Pnieemonia, seemorriseess, mums, ssese0 weut hi becoming costume,. and . woro • (loughs, Croup and all other Throat and hung nO6 aware that they had been., fooled 1S1se115e8. No persoa has ever used this Medi. eine without gettingini meal ate relief, yet there until informed by the Aule-de-camp that Mi maodoprad had iskled no are a groat many poor, suffering„, skeptical invite.. ])0080118 goind about our streets witli a sus. o•dunm.i Tke,indYr hrilAcvert, ors1.1 r°111) pioious cough, and the voioacf consumption Oti being nformed o t ie oax, tnsisti1,1g OnIing rota their lunge, that will not try it the gentlemen staying to dinner, and Tf YCItt (11°'1111"" ewn Thu% 8.8 31611 Car' 70 they stayod and passed st very pleasant to germ dtaggist arid get" a sample bottle for 10 emits and try it; three doses will relieve evening. • The authors of the joke were a»y Ilrgalat size nely seeds. F TOWN TICKET AOEN OY Dreparcel in n for, t perfe,t1v 4114%1 -lc to claltlr.34 1(1110110taaotifach111 11,0 '1 1108 Or the oil Irti prod. .1 p: in and gripituf 11111 ilil1Il.nt,his find it Pi 11140.00,4 ; t.ly11141(1.07(1rItIN mit irk 114, 101571, 1':l(13-511mid p.dats- It 15 pre.eininentiy, e. To:alive mid tia 11,1rti ltonwo, autl.a, rentnft f Coo. Mir the orana 'hunk to.ilmty of Canada. We Isette 129rt 1414M, Ont., 24,1818. Aalc. for Littlefield% Constitutional Ca- • tar;.11 Remedy, and *Ito no others T. Iflo Mama, bonsinion AgentrifroasfilleOnt‘,. .104/. tie 4„1, 1)016, *. , - 131.117 Er. • 8*- • TRYXT usp. lillaolzianzham FOR THE' WHISKERS. • This elegant preparation may. be •relied on to clninge the color of the beard from grayor any other unclear,- • able shades to brown or Welt, at dis- Suction. It is easilk • applied, being in ' .011Q preparation, and quickly and ef- feetuellyprochsees it permaneht•eoher, which will neither: rub nor wash . , •. :::Ailufactured by R. P. HAP; & C0.3 • , NASHTIA. N.H. Mllarszsikto, taa Zealot: le • Maim, anufacturingv 0 orn:pany. 4G-1-000D-Eatxforl. (-) _ _ • . VI • '..••••••••-•••-••*••••t&Y ••••••••••••••••••:••••••••••• • .• Boliciis, -Engines. and Mill 141,ael!iiiery or Latest, Styles Middlin srs' Ihiuuiiierco, of Irani ,o-vo<1 ) Tlekets to ell points on the (1-, T: A, falSO to the Eastern ono western Sitttlia. • AGIIICTILTITIIAL- IIVIPLEIVIENTS:. Vir PARTIES sgmg TO MAIIITOBA . . ST, OVE0...of. variouskitids,:. Brass and Iran 6astiiiii. ' (bili plimera Tutiotottr Tree nr s AT 11 Mo. ..• . , . - ..+. . nEP.ei /RN P11031 1.' I! 1.1' ..I I' T 8 Arl..1.10.14 . Pi). . , PASSENGER AGENCY FOIE • . t Int Canard and Ionian Lin ent Steilltune, • FE. 011. SALCHEA.P.,---Second-band Eng.ines . and l'Oilers of 10 . 20 (mil • 30 stiparint4 mid all Intv, Owl I). 1,511y!ITICII LI 11 1'4 11113.- • .nli ur,u( r., plo ptirlativc.:.; E,,t• sole IN ;,11 . f.` 1.91.08. . . jointer and lainer P, ,.• .(411alied. and i, di...iilimit. to 101.e lite place or wild • rt ' Wrst0k N Horse Power ; also, Stave Machine, Shingle and }towing Maahinent 1-1 e a d n Iwo young ladles moving hi high goeloty, ; canes netts no»ersit to try it. Clln ton ; 27, IS70. , • - ObLIIICIty Feb, 1, 1877. 44, 48,, • •_•-•• q. •