HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-24, Page 5Axial. 24, 1ST ,J, Friday, 25th , Saturday, 26th, THE 01.11.h.. .Zs'E \ LLA. AND Mit THE $JASON FOLLOWING, TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE . PEOPLE g s� GR �9.N77. sz�c w o FOR SPRING AND . SUMMER --1879. 1879 81:11PING-, MILLINERY & MANTLES, G.H.WRIGET&( .� LL • i Ii2A,D"Sr Now. • • (LAVE HODGINS •4 PAY,) _.1eg- tslaLtnounay Ioapaoploaf.C11nton and aicinrty, that liehas made fait prepoxations. in the above departments—for the Spring and SumnAr Trade, :and on Friday and SaturdaY will be ready for the : • FIRST GRAND EXHIBIT OF THE SEASON, Of all the Latest Novelties in the.trado in TRIMMED PATTERN HATS, BONNETS,.t\I) MANTLES, Also, FLOW- ERS, FEATHERS, ORN,A11MENTS, RIBBONS, LACES, SILKS, SATINS,' )IANTLES, CASEDMEUES, MANTLE CLOTHS, ETC., ETC',, And will be pleased to show stook to any who will kindly favor him. with their presence, to see the .latest styles -+yin the above goods, and would. also say that it'ny order now given for —.-Bennet5 Aatti ott�lllao leq, ta-L,iiil.e or=tiller .C:s i 11L fid" x ,-AL�L1. IQ THE AIQ,ST:SATISPAOTORY 3IANN.EIt Having .engaged the services" of n First. to• -tabs :..elker;51. of_ the Millinery Department, and also a First -Class llttantle Maker for the .Mantle.Depaittment, both §'IIofiOL"OILIY'"1O fl v "rte TlTPI1v fRAnF� and ready to do their bust to meet the views of orery'customer, and execute any order placed with them, in the most prompt and attractive manner, customers can 'rely en }laving all their orders filled as satisfactorily as ever before,- and from A STCll» NEVER EXCELLED IN VARIETY AND NEATNESS, while with the increasers assistance aritl.division of tbe work of Millinery And Nlautles,it is reasonable to expect greater promptness in executing :the , work tII u,has been possible heretofore. ""*..* With a long experience4 and thorough .knowledge of the business, With the closest application to ascertain the wants of the people,, With no restrictions as to where Goods are bought," if.only Style, Quality and value are right, ,The greatest-+care°is"bestowed-in;selecting Goods, The most choice and desirable Goods are bought, The best value is obtained, The most prompt arid, courteous treatment is extended to every customer, .u- NO -EXPENSE IS_.,.SPA.RED, • _NO ',PAINS .ARE SPARED,..• NO TROUBLE :IS .SPARED,. , To keep the store; as hereto'1'oro, in tlhe. front rank of tlic'trade, and notecr'ftrr the best as- sorted stook of goods in thLs.part of the country, and be bops to mci it tbo confidence. and •• 'patronage of the general public. • cspitor, lrl Vii 17, 187ip. C .LINT.ON.. WI; ARE Now 1N. o in - New Store,in the old place, . opposite the Market, Which is EXQELLENTLY LIGHTED, ENLARGED AND IS11)1tOVED, so as to meet the requirements- of our large and increasing business,' and the wants of the purchasing public.' This season wo'.are prepared to Offer one of the largest•end best stocks of first -glass • DRY GOODS, MILLINERY and MANTLES, HATS. and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, • MEN and BOY'S CLOTHING, • T.1141.• has. over been pave all beforerthe eeey d l he. people of this part of Canada Our. (:odds e v great•ea>;e and'baste,-and -'-----3,-; ., P.n'chased before else . change alts the `l'uift, WITH THE'.ITA11D CASi•I, in the best markets of Canada and time United States, end •we•bolieve we are safe in announcing that ' There is' ]ilio louse 111 Westerns 'Canada that can show or give better value thaniire eau, 1 COME ANI) SEE :(4 R NEW GOODS A18 :O1U11 NEW, UNAPPROACHABLE PRICES. LOO:KEliS 1'V•IL:L BE ASTONISHED:. BUYERS. WILL ISI; DELI•GHHTED. :THOUSA.NIDS NJLL•:BET'M,A:DE HAPPY BY. VISITING. JOHN-110DGINS;':;x MONTREAL HOUSE, CLINTON Show -• a APRIL, 1879. iNT mud amid ooh.Qpe i ON SATURDAY, the 26th INSTAN All are invited to see the latest in \MILLINERY, MANTLES, &c. &c.: • ,. STOCIC COMPMMT2M 1+lintou,. April 21,, 1870. Av 00. T000R FPATRONSs t • •• T l:iULL'l1A015 ',LIIL3 W..1.OIm7.1)NEIY OF I OANnilisii Vitt 1,13.014;:i Si 1 't)1 CLLWON A• ND W 1 W novfDYNO country for the libornt patronago they Woe neo,n4.1 l ua singe rnmpneneint; bruintk.1, anal bopo.b' strict attention to bosinoss, keeping n W4111.olo,•1n t Pforlr, ar.? r+nlitettass ar,' eogrt+Rv ti nnr ens• tnm-rn, 1a moot n- oonttnuanoo of the wino. - • ' 1vF;'Eto TO CL.t.1.L ATTENXION hr'ia i;tltl3}; w'logit or Wilt€n Viii 11AyI.', initua ;ni•I:nv LOW. 'ALSO, As t'"St1At, t 1rINE As3Oiat'911;) r h1 EQCIKS>; STATIONERY", F.A.11T0`'it` GOODS &C.! , dI ,,Rin /0N ((J' h VIE P7' .AIIMO. nud .111,1,y1(' 71!)0166`, • PIANOS ' and 'ORGANS, Cheaper than. 'any other house In . the county,1 ON7L'e a)'d 1'IItt!t,. A CTT 1t} t1;0ti81�1.T,i• 801, 1t+ 1•rl:l:, • i Rome0.r-11llto ' .11)(.,:f ae(..*...'.-CLINTON BOOK . '.110.1•tl�1,i DNNGIVIAN 8 HUMBLE. nip ton; Aoil:Oslo. T'IU NEW. MAMMOTH 13-AILGA1N STORE OF: =CHT :& ;Cc OPPOSITE, THE MARKBT',i MANTON, MILLINERY APPRENTIOES WANTED... • • --PA. 40 n • K' • w':® P o o q o al O ; 0 .a 3 0134 , , .• 0 P, •o m'C K •o• :K (� 4: or 09 j4 b o a: . a c�• • P• 0. , • ,.a . '.H 0 ' . 11 4.0 m 1_ • lu U1 b 1 i0 P. r}� , } c, O . .111 to. (T. NI 6 .0 "3 ra II/ p. • X Of 0• r O 4. JO P al '33...4.77IS S MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE P110ENIX BL OQi , CLINTON". LOCKS, BOLTS, NABS, HINGES, Vfl1 E flTO OF Inn AWARL -. PAINTS, AILS, COLORS and BRUSHES. . . on FIMPLEMENTS E •�1M ENR l'Z. N.L T'S AND PLOUGHS ANI) CASTINGS. REPAIRS FOR 'THE'KIRI Y. REAPER. OitL yANI ND .11A,f33BD 11LYCE }FIRE, STOV ES AND •TI11TWARE. Eavetroug hillg, .Pumps, Lead Pipe, &c, 000 Tuu, P,j r $r•,Lrt•T1sI) •S't'Ocb IN TILE noVE,-,LINOS'-..-A Y•WIth;ET - 1Y.i S'i'• PRIDES 'TO,. STJIT THE TIDIES, , . 1)0,N.T L OltCi11T TUE .A1)1)11ESs. MAMMOTH .HARDWARE _STORE,' PH (1 NIX • .BLOCK, • 18. •. - CL1-NT0N..• CD - LADIES SUN. SHADES 1iISSES Alit; (J1{ G,DREN'S WAIL,O.ct HATS, ,ill eolore, aty1es; and prices. • • 7:30Y'S :SAILOTr �fiAT - MEN'S CIIIP ,HATS, • • M E N'S.S.WISS HATS, • MIE'N'S INDIAN PANAMA 1{ .TS, 11EN143 100.3' OANAUA STRAW.I,IATS.: • --goo• I A.DIE1s. :L,AZ' �Es:. IrADI �- .r Before•you • • 1)0 NOP 331_1 1: YOUR. SPR1.NB`: MAN'TLE.S,. see what I have. • Cia 4.ov AS,ut•s ,'V371.' The newest 84•1{1 cheapest gooN ever seen • in Clinton:. J...c. GILROY. • BOOTS & SHOES: 0}IEAPFLp THAN :VER • 1 inding•that my business in .this lino is still sit• ,„e>..easing, I have been:enabled to purchase my 'Spring •aud Summer Stock • Iu muds . larger quantities, thereby obtaining • large reductions for cash,which enables me to ort°r greater inducements to .all that nay favor me *ith their patronage:. , Vim" :Pleakc call inid examine, as it, is wo troubio th show goods. HARNESS ` OEPAE TMEN1 In this department 1 would esti •tlie attention of Farmers and others, to ray very largo stock' of both Lunt AND IT.z;A,vv, Donna; .on) Susan iXelt.rk:s8, made with'tho Best stook and • ' workmnuship, . + mploying none but the hest workmeu,• 1 w>ill guarantee 411 work, 'PlitlEtNiihi Sala 'WAtoIS S, -•A rurylarge ,tiuort-nuletesti veryebeap. '.1•TiUNl1]1 from 75 cents uti, p trent !11 cents per bunch a p, 1t )O\t'' 't 0 Lief, .hist -:rad ser,,tnai•c)n><s �IT1;4(:4liF;S, fret c 1 , r l C i ATA, \;((limo wmtil 1N•TEi), \Ic",•roiuA.. BLOCK iiInt: 51 Cit.11; • ..' JAMES 'MITCHELL.• . wiatou, :tppil24,18711-- r ti TO GEO. WC1'WAIIT A.. M ANT0 k, rol'n siedw'x rc• av�t c� lax s VariattAtinds, Styles And prlaas :narrows, Olt„ Soo nil kivala rol,nir•&l by it L'rarttonl hlaobinlst.. Work lvarinntoai, M.totir$i k: To r Spy t.Ito week or ninntlt April a, 187(L till)! • . 'HOUSE -TO LET, • •. r rt) t 1 T,Lobos nor tlte Omer\ Trunk `3ta.iopi, with, toren moire, oeit three. ii triers of an assn of filo host ttttrlr•tt in t'lintuti, 'or further particulars apply to , , W. Tr, 11AN1413)111). Clinton, April 1,1429, _ • MODERN. MATERIA MEDIOA • Includes many valuable reruptlies for alio- tions. lal o -tions, It is;a matter of certainty that in art oases where the aminal vitality is failing, . 'O ;YIT'IiOS011 is decidedly superior to evetty other remedy at present known. it will were. eiToots strob as nothing alae will produce, and possesses the great advantage. of not causing, when its use Is relinquished, the slightest re adieu or depression. ; Sohl. by Druggists, Pricey 11 per bottle. 49T rP