HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-24, Page 443*
T.H.E c(,wroN Nsw ERA.
atkW. (,*OEvti innthi0 Wtet
Auction Salo E. .1Nfas6u,
Manitoba -T. Oretuway.
Cheap llaots 1.3eacom.
Soo.* tl , Gilroy.
Insolvent Act -R. Gibbons.
Insolvent Act --R. Gibbons.
GiriWa,ttoo,-"igew Era 01110e.
leerTOr COhoorttiVillie:Clintch.-• -
Bliteloniithing---D. Stephenson.
and„Shoos-jas, Twitchell.
Scott's Donilsieu-Seott 5 Brown.
First Grand SInaw-John lIodgins.
Grand Opening -Fisher, Craih & Co;
Cattle an.d.florpes Wanted-jas. Wilson. .
Our ,Cautlidates 4re,,,fur tbe "
EAT RIDING. T. (411380N,
UTH DI*0, tasHOP,m.P.P.,
on the 6th ot Jaue tliC eleetorn in the differeut
logs ahould.,,e teat'llotr bal1ot:4 aro IllAlIKED1:011
Copiee ot to-day'e NEw Eui may bo Aad at the Book
'8tora' ot Mows. Diagonal &utunbie, god W,11.,
Baostord, Albert Street. Price 5 ants per copy
. .
THITIt•SDAY,,, APRIL 24, .1879:
TITE 0INTAino Eigorrows..' .•
• •• , _ . ,
The nominations. for the Local Legis-
lature•dias. been • officiallY fixed 'for..tlie:
29th• of May, ,atul the, elections for one
week hater. :...flut,little time; therefore,
remains for.-tvork.• The '.111ctil, fitutiously
• endeaVoes toanake. out' that, foe ft 'pro,
. , • ,
per working of the: Nadel* 'Policy,
polar& in Ontario; but' hi truth the Lbeal
Legiilaturehas no morke. do with, the
Dominion arrangement than the =Irvin
• the moon, and if, the Mui/.really desire's
, te, fight.the'issue on the inatterA.of the
•Iroliei-.We. :do. not think' -Re-
formerb:. will, ebject.
''• The record of. Mr. ,lloWat's7
.• tration is suclilhat it commends itself
to the appreval.of all .lionest-4men, and
the 'facts that ,the ConservatiVeS cannot'
place,theie finger on Mae itesn'inthe
penditure..that they Would: reduen if they• .
were in power, is an evidence of this,
and shows,. 'fairther,..that they cannot
• :-make a sp.ecifie? charge of Mal -ad trifinis-
&adieu tioninst lain). •
The salary grab 'question:is the only onc
thatany sourid complaint bait . be made
against, .but.fltis %Vita 'equally the. act of
.the • oPpositiOn. as it Was that of the
Mowat: GtoVprisment,. which .error . they
. have rectified: ' t • ,
fl Ministerial: candidates:4n
county are all.:gentlenien.of long: resi7.
• deuce here, and have for 'many yeara
taken part in the Municipal government
of Me otiii; gen have eon-
trilauted greatly to the inaterialailvauce-
ment of. Hoven, and have..a, .deep
•terese in its we1frij. As fetch they are
oefeecially weethy of the stipPort of all,.
irrespective of party, and wo trust that
ere. egelegitiniateeteffort-ewilleine pile &hi
teersbop re -their' .retten byhandsome .rnae
joritieg, it eestilt we bolievowe.. ere. safe
• he anticipating .
Thitt Me. Mowet,*i 11 be sustained in
. the:corning eonteet; there is but little
room fore.doubt, if -the:friends of. good
Alld 'e-conomical legislation only do .their
The Opnealtion., by ste means Serstpti-
Ions, ivilitkittlatless• try to gain 'support
by finil 48 wefleri fair means, therefore;
exam*. well all statenienta, they may.
• make with referenee to the. adtninistrat
• : 'don of the paiit livo years, and carefully
confider them lielnee they axe itecepted
aft fart , - •
' -e• •
(..IONS6ttvAIt'VO °raters need to lament,
Guilt the Manlier ;Or emigrants. brought
4tnt dteritig the. Mackenzie' riegitne, And
people vere given to tin:deittand that
this sort 6f litusinesa would quit as 'soon
as iheit jbaders'got. itipoWOr. Since the
Ilotise has met, A number of persons
from different ottntriesThave been ek-
amined Witlethe view 'of improving ta
faeilitiesi fed'getting immigrants to Oda
(*nary. Consisteneyis a principle Mt:
known to thig elAss.
Some of the Conservative popes K re
continually askiug the enestion bow
could the deficit, tint they say exists,
he made up if not by raving thelariff I
and imagitie they have got opponents. of
ptis�ift N: in a dilrettle- position" by
the query. The raising .of. revenue by
mane oft revenue tariff end a protec-
tive tariff are t wo ,veryclifferent things, as
Wide apart, as the poles. To video a
revenue by tinties 911 imported goods,
a good 'statesman takes good eare
that ,no one can take advantage
of that MAE to tax. ft fellow citizen,
•oifai1 to pay Ids share of the reventtelf
he seeks tcf enjoy the advantages, coin_
'forts and luxuries that are perniitted to
be imported front foreign countries: A
large portion of out. revenue is raised by
,means.of a duty on sugme If time duty
was made 80 high thet it would be pro-
fitable to -make all °ter sugar &OBI- beets
there would be no revenue from that
,Aviti!, 24, 1871)
Tnotrufleats .4(7S4IA,, •
Thu !xar of: Russia mist,. by this
time, fully realize that las, • position of
despot le not, the mbst motet tehlo one,
and. - flint aii autooratie government N
not the most sueceasfel'or gives to the
governed'. hegteatest &glee of happi,
ness and protection to lifeand property.,
For .someetime, past parties in that .cenne
try have made fforte . bring ubout
euele -changes. -in thegoVermuent as
woolcl. be productivo. of increased free-
dom and happiness fot the people. The
geverrineent has mete these Obits with
severe and repressive measures, which
has aroused a terrible spirit ef,
. .
creating a society ealled Nihilists,
Who assassinate every onnthat impales
an agent of the .gaverninent in .carrying:
out repressive measures. At the pre-,'
sent- time the country is almost in
.strate- of anarchy,and fasteeverting back
to barbarism, e It is eetiroated that the
wieldy :of Nihilists number Seine 19,900,
'who are heand by .selenin oaths to carry
sonece, Lind other means •of so doing out any order imposed,upon them.
wonld have, te be .reSerted to. The ex. . ---L-44****44----
tiee prietiliiidlikAliemonsitiner Of • tho i.
. ,
sugar would be. used in. Onablina the
e, _
pr9ducer. to make it at a prefite-,,' -11,the
duty on sugar had not been so high. the
Tztn National Polley was prorrii:Sed to
trenclit the working -man as Well is
Other classes. Do eny of ;our readers
keow of an instance where, witgcs have
boon advaiieed 1
TKOt0 whe take rite'. trouble to read
the parliamentary reports, even as given
in tit° Government papers, 044 hardly
fail to notice that tho Premier has, seVe-
ral times- &ring the sciasioe, expressed
himself in A manner hardly befitting bis
position, to pat the mildest corestruction,
possible on his remarks. '
A cieneetts carriage builder living less
than a hundred miles from °tinted, Who
is a good Conservative, deo eget Went
to know, anything about " wile pays the
'duty." The invoices' be has to meet
ishow e him that, and be shows his ap-
. prey, al Of thc .,,lay.s.'enserks "that it
would not -do to repeat.
Tnzgovernine0 elected oe the "eco-
nomy" cry, now propoee to`thango. the
route -of the CenadnPacifie Railwayin
cost' the country one million -.dollars
More, withent_peoducing any benefit.
So muoh fotetheir professions of economy:
• Tom eellent speech 'of.N C: Came -
Esq.,: on the tariff, has been issud
piimph14 form
capital and: labor that, would . be theta ,
in ,
used 111 pitichteing 1)41.0 root siigar would -A oEXTLEMAN who is it. a position to
be turned into a. profitable • chain& ;in knoie stated' the other they, that there ie
some other • . way, as farmers generally scarcely an indusery in Canada thet•is
ti -y to cultivatethat which is most to riot more or less crippled' by the new
their Pro -fit, and when there no two- talik -•
tective 'prolibitive tariff they., do. this
IVIR. .PAREY, or tho • Stratfor'd
evitheut detriment., to any...one... Thie •
. . • • . ilelwa, has beennominated by Con-
ilinsfration holds good threugliont thts. • • , , • - • . , •
. serrates:es of South Grey., for the Local
evhole.tariff question, and -now, 'because • • • • • • •
• . • .Lerrielatnre.. Janice is a smart fellow,
thee:present government 'wants to raise c' 'r • •
. . •
• in his' 'a ay. but we' believe he will be de -
;$2,000,000 metre, they are going" to exel • ' • • " • • •
• • • - --- • • - : featel.
tort front the.' large_niaig 'of, •conseneei's ' -e--
. , :._
$6,000,000 U:48,00.0006 more, If 'tiliti.: ••8:11‘littleav's 0.ftleica 6,zette eentains
. •
74-15t,ehrglfr It 10-15471*Atifea-.1aok-.tlinV thoiiplieintirient-r.'er.sii;ent-ii-doidii-inera
' ..w
fitation, we cainto:t. tell.hat worse oflicial assignees. Since 'the new gdx
. • . • • . • .. . : .
reeaus than !the- .*.rag 'baby" win he orntoont came into power tbo havo.-ci.47
eeoe, . -• an it
e , et:. ,-- - tired isiegee for alinest every town
.. .. . , . ......e. •
•, .. . . . • -
and village:in the ...coettitrye,
• ..i..:.ittitioNAt I.TIES IN .TII.E. MOUS. E. ' . .
4.44444,4411-0-• .
Sui ./011N- Macclonald's Government.
has devetbeied some peculiar traits, the
latest being an. objection •to Roman
Catholic. government eervants. Mr.
John McNeff, Of the London • Custom
House, having just been dismissed, it is
'said, simply because he whs a Catholic
Reformer. , •
OONBERVATIVE -papers a few days since
sbarted a report. that the ..Quebee Pro-
vincial-Goveininfent failed te. negotiate
a loan in the•Ainited States, and- that
there Wee...likely to be' it..deficir id. the
••„. arektien•aa...1V)47 foly-slenies t ti nth sir
these statements; but :these very honest
, .
papeys lnvc nt;i., 'corrected tlqiir [list
'Those who have paid any. atfention
.. : le T/th Kfouse en Friday- niglie, Mr:
to the debates ie. the Itouse, could hard- .(Jarbwrig}i! aSii:eci . A.4... Tilley .." if, the
ly fail to notitc that matters 'iri[elevitnt 1 netvduty of 15 oente 'per. bushel ini 1.61r -
to. the' subject Under discussion at, -e f4 -ley would inereaed the selling . Price in
. . . . ,
epiently dragged into Ae'iiehate to the • Canada to the 'benefit: Of the Canadian
. ,
d :i
•dOtrim.ent- of publicbusiness; and lower- fitTler'n TliverY sitsittesnianlike and •
ing to' the:torso:of the House.. Natural,: ,exceedingly satisfactorY- ats:Wer given
ly, pne. party 'chit:egos the 'ether ' with was (9'4 c°1,114•ari‘v.r. be•tt° .thili :tit"
being the cense of • this stateof :affairs, next •year.", Ohl' " there's" geed . tithes
.bat it•is.cif little import:Mee :which eitle corningehee waifo'little; longer.1:
• • -
. .
is to blame fpr, it, the' feet Of its exist- - • , ' ' • ,,
• - - ••-• • -• • -- -- ••••••,-- ----Tne.,-1,xeter 2"iedee, in refereeee to. ou a
ence 'being sullielent 'req,sort for itA''con.- .
• . remarks about 'Orangenian net being in
deranation, and . if papers in' ieencrel ', ' • -
. . a poSition to ,vote for Mr. 'Kelly,: saya
would' lay.aside their partizan feeilege
" therd is 110 oath dr aftithini else that.
in the Matter, and tiy• to twin :).L..P.,'s- -.- - . • ' - . -' .- - . - . ,
. an Orangeman Anku.y oi
to understand •that the 'ebtniti.y did'iiets five 'tholinatid Catlfolice, if ' he' 'Wanted
desire these 'Femme, •there weeld- be Some '
,to,'•' and exPresSes • ii'...- deal:vete lbeebnie
hopes. Of .good • being sceOfhpliShed. • ' In Acquainted with the Ortangethen we l:'
.thia"benneetio.n .v.ii 'canheartily endorse ferred; ie.!: • Ncro..gitye .the.-:itent. 'fro"in.'•-•an
. .., ,. . . . ,
the fellowing retearldi *freer the Alitchell Orange' later, .but as we don't belong to
AC/wets/a,' a. 1.14 .-tvust,.. that the frankness the ....order, we are net . iii 'a position 140
displayed by oni;ecetem...in 'this' instance, say: anything With referonoe to the ',oath:
may Pnioreaseand abound richly,". fit We could furnish the pathos,' •if - We
the pours.° of a long article that paper thelight it necesse ay, of a'cloien.. proini-
neat Conservatives,. li-ereaboets, who
'Where is claa feat:111'e of the ordbiavY Par- tato' that they cannot eonscientiously
liaineiatary session in. Canada,- against which • -
we have decided objection. Nor hi it Q00 of eirppot t 'Ale: Kelly. . _
recent growth, Or any more likely of cortee. . . • . ,,,,, .. -, ..,,,,.. -.1 ..., • • .
tion'a8 tinie has proceeded. That -feature is • r1'111. contention that proteotioa will
he•ailineattinterminable wandering- hrdebate • ,_ . ' - , .
fr0111 the tree cause at issue. This isnot au 3,10t inerthise the pride:Of .artieleri, to the
idiosyneracy Of one political party more. than cbnsta tner is not borne out by fitots, bet
'another, .' It iealike.the tendency of Goverti, . .
ment and Opposition. Nor pan we iix 5.1301.1 flit) .reverno, - •WIrile. ,ilefeein papers
.. • - •
Tory tieltefottner as. initiatinglheee. tactics ; ,ev1 • . . -, ' , ..- m , •• r .
constituting, thereby, A necessety, for oil:relay 'e all along ainpe
tained eat. prides
'dopattereeef •thought on the eaPosite party, ' Would ' • advance, '''ConserVAtiVes . 1.1avel
Both' political parties, on or off the trait:awry
benehes',. have,as long as we can remember, tried to, ionyinee theh• readers otilerwise.
taken the questionehle eight to veetilate all The tariff has only beon in eperatian a
manner 'of eaubjecte within the limits of a de .. . : .' •
bate on rie well defined question. That this short -tinece, yet Manufacturers have
is a liebik groiiing rather than diminishing, ,, , , , II d .e. d . „fl,- es
is a sefficient excuselot pointing out its ten; . .,
mermen ' rings . ail wot .0 up i m ,
dewy to degrade the intellectual statue of Our ;A ivw..da,ys since N aattairi cotton mill
Jaw framers. and as 'well offend the taste, and, , . . . • • '
by its fearful Wainre of time, seriotisler affeet in the ProVmensent out circulars intit
tho poekettl a tho peoPle at. large. If thelire-
sent Gdvernment do no more, 'they' will con- 'inging ' the t cottons lied advaneedlealfie,,
fet is groat boat. on Otis land, if this geloauee cent, per • yaed. TJii8 being an article
meets' at their bandit; A dealing. Without
glo,vete and tho rovieion 0111041111es of the very Intla tlee,d, e• rot•te:it esfilnattcan
ffouse be renamed as *11 conserve the tree
dhject of parliamentary ditoussidn and respect be korrned of how much will be taken
the most common rules of personal otiquettees, out, or the peekets or the cp0suolor or
„. ....--,--..... . .
• ai ANY WOrO the Images made teat ses- Purchaser' Sild Pieced' in ljle 'aiveadY
t. Wq11-filled pockets of the tuanufacturees.
81,14111;144gaillsb ith 1,1"nar 1/11,1.611txr°f of. t” The advance was stated to be oWing to,
-:°1'''' Aarte.,e.84. ,e"'„,,at/(,`, -'''r., ,'"aeLtell,' the inerCatseff'pi:ice of raw eettone, but
rate was enar(en \MB tavoritistu and
everything e 60 bad. A few days Sinee
tigate th .ehargee, having summoned nothing whatever to ,do with the present atato
Merchant speaks as follows ; --.
' 'The advance in the prima ot cottons Ivo'
a committe - Of the IloitSe met to inves-
• • • he raw ot O Marlette Ms silt/Ay/mid
witnessea all the way. from Winnipeg, of t e t a . o
to tako advantage of the, high tanii, and it
would not have taken place had the old tariff
remained in fordo, Ile asks, and very leer•
tinently, thie question: if the rise be cotton
goode is eineeessItated by the higher:. mice of
raw cottonse-whieh are not being imported
jast uovreewhy it' there :my toce,eeify for a
en dile point a 1-ianei1tote wholesale
but they .feund • esere .was notliiiig in
them, This result Might have been. an4,
ticipateaCnnd it i too bad that the
country is put to suelt 'expense, merely
to gratify politiettl Spite.
statement,! . . •-•
- -7
grain -growing country will find fintlets for
their surplus produets.
Reporter -Of abet materiel ere the wares
leading to market ? 4.. •
Mr. G.-Jmit the old trails, across the
prairie in their primitive stare. These are
very good roads, except in the very wet
season. Thee° roads are never anything
'hie those we had to -contend with in the
county of Heron 25 and 30 years ago.
The land, being more porous dries up much
more rapidly than with us. I drove as
much AB 50 miles a day onthem roads the
first week of tho present month.
Reporter -How far weat of Winnipeg
does your colony exteod, and what spate
does itoover ?
Mr, G. -It extends westwardfroM
Emerson (a town 65 mile:mud' of Winni-
peg) 90 MHO, Making it about 130.mi1es
in a southweeterly direction from the lat-
ter city. As near as I have the. figures,.
those,of Lay. party who took laud in and
around this part of the country (a very few
of Wein went other places) located about
twenty thousand (20,000) !mins,
Reporter -How do ifiAces ' compare in
Winnipeg with London, and what is the
effect of Protection ou pricee ?
Mr. Ge--Teeseprices of general toot ellen-
except in heavy goods, arniittle more
in Emerson or Winnipeg than in London.
As regards the latter part of your question,
I may flay in short what everyone acquaint-
ed with the eine instances is free to admit :
the' N. P. 'is very serious for Manitoba:
Very many of the manufactured articles ere
from the Statei,'atfa must continue to be
until _a revedu tion-has-betmeler•tmgli Vett bout -
in the inanufaotuee of Many articles in On-
tario, that is, by manufacturing such im-
plements, etc:, as ere adapted to that prairie
country.. There being comparatively 110
manufacturers in Manitoba, there is copse-
quentiy no one to derive any benefit from
protection; but the poor consumer, who
'requires his waggon, plough, reaper, niow-
er, eta, eta, in' Most caeca of American
Manufacture (so far as I've learned they aro
inneh preferred), has in every ease to pay
the additional duty as well ae a profit upon
the same. It does. appear to me,' however,
,that the present is a good opportunity for
Ontario manufactureret6 bestir themselves,
study the requirements of the country,
and secure that immense trade, of
which, I an afraid, many of them have not
a proper conception. in this way; no doubt;
they May be benefitted, although it will he
at the expense of the peer Manitoba Con-
an MOr, .
Reporter -11o* much rummy .ahould ,15
person have to.einigrate, or what tools ?
Mr. G.--eAny person who can-roach:Mani-
toba with $500 (many succeed well who have
evor , as -nothing to ferie: Jmeolianic
should take his kit or teals' tilong, but I
would not advise to many suCh to go, ex-
pecting to get work,. It is always sliest to
go -an mate upon and. .
Reporter -How much capital wan taken
'elpInbuedit 7
yriiiyourparty, and how. many people,
' '20.e.-.G.-1--Should-say the amount of 'cape.
tal taken by my party would range from
fifty to sixty thousand dollars. There
were 00 souk in the party when they
'reaChed their destination -110 full tickets.
Reporter -Is there any danger of this
_emigration business being overdene ?
G.. --So long: ad people. go with the
intention and prepared to settle upon lend
there is no clinger whatevere-elie more tho
better. We should always remember that
in the great fertile belt of the Neeth-west-
alone there is over 250,900,000. of acres of
land. Agricultural pursuits, in that great
country, as -well as this, being tlie trim
oured.of, wealth, the mora -that ,getout of
t -tee' Pulous countiesof the older Pro-;
van e hotter for_tal Concerned.
Reporter -What class of perilous ere
Meet likely to sticued In that country,
our previous cop.
versetion you can. roadiiy anticipate my
aniiwer ,to this. While it is a • fact that
many towns and villages are springing pp,
offering Profitable. openings to a .limited
number of mechanids and •b,usiness 'men,
still my invariable edvihe tioulcl he, go to
eIanitoba, if you goat, all, intendingeeto
'settle upon land. If anything more -pro-
fitable three up, all right. I might else
say that I cannot Bee. the propriety of pee-
ple.going RS far -west as that =eh aver -
gad .regicn-the Saskatchewan, a good
country, no doubt, but just as good. -land
can 40 had near Rock Lake,' only one-half
the distadee front the railway.- •
Reperter-Do neany ;gone there intend-
ing to 1001110 KEd then roturar to this' Pro -
vine° 1
0.-.:e1'43eaking 01 13)3' owl: pierty; net
one, so far as 1 an's aware, hag anyideit of
retuenieg to remain in Ontario:1 • .
ereeeIeer 11AS .1.10NB you 1,1AIIIT01.1.t.--I1-
LeudOh Advertiser of Tuesday.
There Di quention but that .s; gteat
inatier people are all:agars, with the emigre!:
tion fever, end their thoughts turn; nae
turally to the great North-west Scarcely
a day passes but pertieiego up to settle in
Manitoba, oind anything. relating to it
therefordcannot fail to have a live interest
in this section. Mr. Thoneas Omni/
ex-M.P. of CentraliaI .:recentLy.took' up- a
large 'party, and .has just returned, With
the batention-, as, seen by adveitieement, of
again piloting a party ef emigrate to the
Nontloavest Believing that what ho might
have to my would prove very interesting
reading) e reporter interviewed Mreel name
way, • Iliut gentlemen professed:JlirnSelf
willing to give all information„ aud kindly;
furnished tho fads, figliresand inattera of
,general import printedherounder-.:
Repoetete--Mr...Greenway, Whatare tho.
general torms•upon which the parties -go-
ing np With you 'are located on 'Clovern-
ment land? • • • •
• Mr. Gre-ed'hey invariably took
a 110010 -
stead, 160•aereae the fee upon' which was
$10. liprin this the •regular settlement
duties reqiiire to be done._ They then
Make application to purehase an adjoin-
ing 160 acres by preemption,. upqa which
they are not -required. to .make any Me-
proeement, and have throe years for tvhich
-to pay forsame, at $1. por acre, without
intereet. :la addition each settler is allow -
cd to purchase 20 e.eree.of timber la.nd for
$20 ($1 per acre) cash.. Thiel each teeteial
settler -waves 340 aorta' cif es good land
as can be got anywhere for $190, . only $30
Of Which he requiros to [183' irt mein ,
Reporter -In what. Shale° do they find
the Iantle-that is, is it ,peturio or 'wooded,
and, is it altogether Without buildingst•11
'the latter. what provisioe an% materal is
there for building 1 . .
may gay ta.14. 8)051 or • the
payty took prairie land. soete cases
there wore small bluffs of timber,: but all
propose taking wood lots itt an adfaining
township tor which they Will have tq go
from two teeiteeniles, Of course the lands
are foetid entirely . without. buildings.
Some hag. houses are conetrtieted LImilat to
those winch comprised the farm residences
111 Ontario -in the early days.. : Lumber. can
be had at Eineriet for $24, and. shingles
from $3 to Si per thousand,
Iteeorter-What is the nature of the suit,.
and for what orops is it WA' adapted'?
, Mr. G -The soil is a black loam of a
great depth, and "very tic:hi pectiliarlyeied,
aided for wheat raising ; itt fact,'I ivay eitY
with the exception of pee!' (foe windh it
appetite to be too -ih), yoti oan raise all
kinds of grain successfully Which ere grown
'itt this part of 'Ontario. .Oats do .eireeed-
iegly even en• freuh broken prairie.
Of all kinds: of vegetables mid rota im-
munise crops are grown. '
Reporter -How is your colony sit:tutted
for markets?
Mr. G. -My party have loeated: them.
solves. from seventy-five to ninety miles weld
front Is:moron, over the' Pembina. Mount
towards Pock Lake, Pot year.,
'however, Any wapitis will be required (at
preeent there is not noirly sufficient) to
supply the &Menai of those coining into
the country; but after a fetv ,yeara railway.
facilities will be provided, end this grent
Zhu fallewingcases wore disphsea ot 4 the
AA8W.98 held last week, and eentinned
y. -Aetitit hir pedectien_
The patties roeide in llowick: efre Dingman
• appeared for pie , Deft, was tehrepresented.
Ile jury Wore out two timers. and gave a ver-
dict for pIff, for 8400..
TROMPSONv. .A.DAUS, aetioss on cove-
nant in (1ec(L 1, T,Garrow for peff., 3'..A,.
Morton for deft. Venliet • by -consent for
$800.86, immediate exeeation mov.e4 for
and greeted,' t, -
PAYNE Y. DAVII- etion fur seduction,
The pdities live in :Mcleellop, The jury re-
tutned aVereicteor plff. for $400. le T. Getr.
row and .1, ,H, 'Benson for plff, Ottft. was
not represented by amnia& ,
CAM:tor: .1% GAUD:NU. Action on cove-
iatit in dud. Mee Holt for plit, deftnot
represented., verdict tor plff. foee$802,25,
Ilsoceurv v. G. \V. 11, This was a ease of
a young peen seeing the Railway for damages
for fain Imprisonment, he 'commotion With the
driving . of a spike ere the bridge at Londes-
hero,. The jury returned a verdiet for plff,
for $200,
GLOP Y. Tan Ithi.hthcn INBURANcB CO.
Aetidll Oh policy of Insurenee. Verdict for
put, for $929.25. W. A. Foster for plff.
IRA not eeprosented by eounsel. ,
rtITCNN.: N;. WOODCOCK. Action oa Cont.
teen Connts T, T. Garrott for vitt, 3, A.
Morton for deft, 'Verdict for pill. for $257,
oath party paying his own costs,
Manic v;RitrafeLeil. eeetion on covenant
in deed. Verdiet for plff, for $429.71. 10.
Ilehestod for ple„ L T. Gartow for.defe.
Movea v.. Paolo. Action on a Promieory
note Which was orte of a number of 'patent
right notoaor
, es. A. normal for plff.,
Oarrow for dote Jury Lound a verdict foe
the deft.
' Yovam v. Sutra. An action for seductiou
The parties livo near Ilulgrare. The seduced
lady, has seen the smiles of .forty suimners.
A verdict was entered by tonsent'ftyr
Mi' Holt for plff.., J. T. Garrow for deft. '
Aiennesoei v. Onenr. Action for Beat -lotion.
The Riff. live': near Wingeam, and is just out,
of her teen% Deft. lives Turnberry. Ver.,
diet by emiscat for 6266 Mr, frolt for plff.,
LC]: )113o4;o°4n17,p1)4. rAoTi Eli def 1.
nN f'sf. Ythe. Sewn°4irT:i
by Joudge, r t693.3,1,
visugu. rQ sEz v Axe a P loopier. was
charged vvith throwing Mr. James Elliott out
of his buggy,. and driving off the horse and
buggy with intent to steal said property.
:Prisoner pleaded not guilty, said he had no
counsel nor had be the manna of procuring
any. Mr. MeGibbou, of Milton, et the sug-
gestien of_the Court, undertook the defence
and made a very creditable showing that pri-
soner did not based to steal the property.
In fact lie elicited from Mr. Elliott, the pro.
!mating witness, that Mr. Elliott had actual.
ly abandoned the preporty, the prisoner sim.
ply. driving off in a drunken freak,. lerisoner
was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary,
gossx v. Ltvis Defendant indictod for
obtai•niniegeods by false pretences. T. Pet.
guson, Q. O. and, Mr. Holt for deft. Jas it 4.1e
Magee for the Crown: Verdict of ;.1 riotguit'
teuYrEr.r:.C.rd v.ta.'rgTiasi:inonsite[s. ohnale'rhgriesfd. oise-miinidnorebeentr eatsi
sault. Ferguson, Q.0 for ' • , inoy.
ed for a postponement of OW. His,hordsliip-„-,
-ordered-tilistindictinaliffdlielraversed to the •
next General SessionS. .Ptisoner to enter
Hiziat°Arkteilas:bne' re ealng9eg-surniz:Olitfe:sil. 1 ftri°°,
lind two
sureties 4'8200 °ea... P. Kelly...Aug woo
tion for treepass, T. Ferguson and 0, Seeger,
jr,, for PK J. Jarrow, for deft. The
trespass consisted iu.the defendant forcibly'.
locking the “Godericbli tlub" out of
rooms which thi eh; elaun they had leasee
Sinl Obtained possession from Mt.- Butler.
.Thomatter was settled by the defendant al -
.Anuthcelruobi tocarseer yet
tr ?epic ia•oinomteo, bo rti4
P°Bectr6af;strotsiir or exes Olken Ale.
At the conclusion Of their labors, the Oraud
:fury made th'd following presentment
"' • •Goclea,GlenhA,NA3PrIll'r8Rt*hit, 117191.'1
• We; tlio Omni Jurors forOurSovereige. .
Lady the Queen, respectfully present,' That
in accordance with your Lordship's instruc-
tions we have visited the,jail and end it clean, '
and excefient ordeil reflecting great Credit e • _ _
eon i. -NL jljekson, the jailer,' Therprisoirers47.'
fourteen number, appear to have received
all &coma • ttention-ancl-had no complaints
to offer. °milt:male prisoner, Ella VanIforn
teeininitted for six months, bu't:not for Mita;
who; at the time Of her aonimittal, had a
child with, her two weeks old,. but since .her
imprison:meet it has died, your jurors wouid
reisminiend that •slie be discharged. • One in-
sane bey,. supposed to lie incueabie, Would •
recommend his removal to an as 1 , p
mble. Your Jurors are_abiainfornied-bYethe-
_pike thatefie is greatly ..ineoneeniencede for .•
the want of both sleeping end:day rooms; and ,
woulul relommend. the county auth rjtjea to'
•allevialethat trouble if possible.- Ant jurors
would call the attention of the county au-
thorities•to the very great need of a House Of .
Refige or sortto other suitable'place for poor.
and indigent- persons. We regret that. tlie
crireinal,. as well as the • civil, calendar has
been so large, but hope that in the innate, as
in the past, the,county of Elairon may sustain
its repetition for sound, morals and a strict •
observance of thb peace. We hog to thank.
lout. Lordship. for your able and•inst t' • '
'address as to our duties on the opening of „
the'Court...We would'aleo thank the 'Crown-- -
Counsel and COuntyeAttorney for their assist.
:ance and courtsey.: All Of which is resPect-
fully submitted.. Signed on behalf Of • the •
Grand Jury: • .,
• RickinnMANXixo, FOreman.
.11is LOrdship thanked. the jury fot their at -1'
tentioneto their duties and for their personal
alluaion to tlio Court, lie also favored their
recommendation of having an 555,1U55:.0k place •
.of range fer the class Of persons reterrecl. to.
He thought smell institutions could be made":
self-oustaniing, raentional the county of
terloo as *eying an Inatieteial..Home: or Re- -
-fife and iromyhat lie emild leamilter&-Vrere
• place's of this kind in several Aro connties,
so far as kn'owle.dge went, they peov-':
bd satisfactory. His: Lordship. thought the
reeminnendatioe of the Grand' Jury, m this -
'matter, Wait worthy of the serious attention,
of the &Mater Council, As he did not wish to
needle:30y detain them lie. would: therefore
diach.arge them.
Oextremose-In Clinton, on ilie2.0th inst., tlie
telfeeof Mr. -Wm. •Cantalon, of a -son.
fissuiforte-In Illyth; on the 20th inst., the
• ,
, wife of Mr. ,I. Denholat, of a daughter. :
Blyth, on the 21s1 inst„ the wife
• of -Mr. .7, Young, ors daughter,
C.,tivrimos.,--In Clinton, on the 22nd inst.,
'• the wife. of Mr. Trenry Cantelon, Of a
• • daughter:
Ali:Oow.tx 13137113, 00 the 24th •
• inst., • by the Rev. A. McLean, Mr. D.
' McGowan, of Winnipeg, It Miss Maggio
Cummins; of Halton; • .
April .24, 1879.
Wheat, fall, red, lebtieheee0 80 a le 87
, „Wheat, eall, white, - 0 85 a 0 90 .
Spriug, Iteelchaff, - 0 80 a 0 85
• Pifo . . - . 0S5 a 088 .
Oats, . - 4) SO• a '0 4.6
Barley, . - 0 50 a 0 65
Pees, 0 00 - a 0 65
Flour, . 4 50 a 5 00 •
Potatoee, - 0 65 a 0 70
• Peek, •5 50 a" 0 00
Beef,. • ' - •4 50 . a 5 25
Buda, 012 a 018 .
}egg& • • 0 -9 • a 0 10
Ilay, •. 8 00 a 900
tTheopettins •
Clover -
Timothy- • - 1 75 a 2
SEA.PORTIR M.11.111Ei1IilirS. •
April 29, 1810.
Wheat -4411 •• • $0 85 It 0 90,
Spriog •
Flour, t
Pea•• .•
Parley -
Potatoes • .•
'nutter .
Tildes -
450 a 5 25
0235• IL 060
• 60 a 3 76
• 072 a 016
a "0'
• 28 a 030
050 ' 0 52
• 050 ti• 060
. 0635. 070
000 a 800
014 t0135
• 0 10 a 0,10
• 800 A a 50
e, 10 A 280