HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-24, Page 2_
• 2
Crigunrded Tongues,
Tongues unguarde41 throw disaster
Right and left, for w'ords ran wild, .
Cutting dcep, dividing fond hearts,
Turning parents train cliIL
Pleadings cannot stey their mischiefe,
Tears cannot assuage each wound ;
Borrow hovers o'er the places
Where unguarded tongues are found.
1 have seen the laugh of childhood
Checked, by some forbidding torte";
For harsh words of constant chiding
Wear like drippings on a stone. •
*ed by frowns, the child of nature
Dons a moody, sullen air;
Innocence gives place to boldness,
• J(uToestogtim despair -
have seen the elieekof girlhood
Blanch beneath a thoughtless word,
While a rush of bitter anguish
All unsought the Young heait.stirred ; --
Visions of a faithle'ss lover,
Trusted, while the trust proved vain- •
These eold wohls okcareless meaning,
Quick aroused to fresh, deep pain.
I have seen the eye of old age
Under tear g grow dim and blurred --
Tears that gathered fast by tauntage,
• Or by some uilfeeling word.
$ad indeed to sed the aged
tatheli gs ?es-by-woo4
• - But they-whisperrverY ofteni--
" We are burthens, well we know."
• Oh, bow keen a *edge is driven
• In:fond-hearts by word e that -sting -
Words that ever stand mit boldly,
, Though yews pass and ehanges ring
Unkind words were better banished
From the lips of old and young;
Bach should learg.and heed the motto,
Set a guard before thy torig-
• An express train, was tearing along.
• The only passenger thereby with whoni.
we have to deal was o. young man of.tWo
• oy three and twenty. A staid old coun-
tryman would have sot him down fora
whipper.snappe.e-a dandy, ail& a use -
lees drone in the great hive of humanity.
• Really., he was -a geed -looking Youth;
. shapely end Well proportioned. .
. He .opened a letter, an.ct
'life- Written id'a plain pre`atie
and methodical?though somewhat crab-
bed hand: , • ' •
'Mr. Ichabodp: Rouneees-•-stereetitnes.
called Frederie.Aegustus. '•
S Dear sir,- . •• .
• 'I have to inform yen that year-tin:elk
• is dad.- - died on -Wednesday, of
gout in' the stoimieb.• We have„to tele -
'graphic facility here at the preeent time,
-and I 'Must send by pest, which, 'P fear,
will not,give you information in Beeson,
to allow you to be presenfat•- the Tune-.
ral, which will tear Wee on the 8th
inst. But as yeu are. one of the parties
directly ancrmoet deeply intereeted'in
• the distribution Of effects,'youy presence
at your earliest convenience is request-
ed. .YOur uncle died intestate;: butas
• you are one • �t• the three
. heirs, there can be noeseriouttquestion.•
s'in the administrationand. yen May
red assured that an atheinistratOr has
. been appointed in whose geocrfaith and
strict integrity.' all relianoee may be
placed. • '• . ,
• The' family are at the Hall,..where
ou will lin& warm welcome, and•ample
• oceonattod.ation, think 1 'sliall-MY;'
• self -have 'the 'elle:Wire °Pee -Ring eupon _
you at the railway station, aeddriving.
you ovee to the old mansion. It has
no.t altered much since you 'saw' ie'last,
though years have teassed ',since that
time. I expect l'ou have, groWn. to- be
quite a man. Very, i•espectfully yours;
An/or .4.4nweLt..,„ Attorney.' •
A half bitter, half contemptuous, and
fractious oath broke fioin Augustus'. lips
• as he .crushed the:paper in his hand. •
The old curmudgeon le --2s Grown to
be quite e man I'. _Plague:take • him for
an impudent dog; s' §"onrietimeeecalled-
•.Frederie Angtistusy• .He'll. have •the
•4 pleasure of ineetieg .me.!' That's chi
Burwell, .1. thinkI yernenthere him. I'll
inake him sing small before Pm- dope
With him. '.0110 of the three only
• hag heirs r Zooncis bathat
Tom bus. tttrped •up somewhere. Per -
baps -he's got oi,nd wasn't drown-
ed anew all. What •iu. the world was
the need of his- conaing back ? Why
'couldn't- ho .1.1ave et-ied under water'?
He don't say a word about Lizzte.'-I
Wonder if the' old Man left any word
about eur Martian. • Oh, 1.ether 'What:
. nuisanCe 1 Thee.,old let died intestate
'Without wit/Co:hick or ohild; arid Liz.
zie andel are the only heire-ali lefeatid
Tom. He must have- come batik. Well,
• well., I suppose I must make the best
• Of it, though I wish Tom could hate
stayed away. He, watild have been jest
its Well off itt. the bottom of the eceitzel
In past Years there had. leen a fami-
ly of three brotherand a fliStOr. The
brothers were Uebert, William and
*.ashomas, • and the sister wee •Stisan.
Romney was the 'family liana°. Robert
Was the eldest, end never niarried. A.
bitter disappointment in his youth kept
him single for lire. • He Lad been a
keen and ,energetio•mari of husinesa, go
lag .deeply into railroads arid gentile,
:free) all Of .wlitch ,he pad gained it large
fertilize. • . .
•'William, the next 'brother, married,
anti died young, leevinircine einId,
- •
son, whom be nented Ielethed. Doolittle,
after a very dear friend, That On was
our hero of the railway train.
Susan had married -the clear friend .of
her brothers, Iolutbod Doolittle'by
whom she had one cleild, a claugItter,
called 'Lizzie. Susan and her husband
had died -while Lizzie was but a prattl-
ing child, leaving her in the care of her
uncle Robert, who came- in time to love
her with a love that absorbed. the whole
strength of his heart and soul, Sho
Was a dear, good girl, the light and joy
of his declining years.
The younger brother, Thomas, had
been a wayward boy and youth, ran-
ning away to sea in his boyhoed, and
1'01h:eying-the ()wan from that -time. k
few years previous to the period of
which we' Write word had xetwhed his
relatives that Ls ship had been beet
away, and he drowned e_ande from that.
time to the present, Frederic Augustus
had not heard the report contradicted -
unless, indeed, he might take that men-
tion of a third heir as a cizetradiction,
Eight years previous to••the openiug
of this. story, the son of Ny.m. Romney
bad received a very liberal offer from a
relative of his mother, who ulna iri mer-
cantile -business in Louden, and had
gone thither, where 110 had been ever
snrcerhaving-nover. _puce cared to leave
-tleeenitylongeenengleto, visit -the, friends -
in the far down country; so he Lad not,
seen , his uncle Robert'Uor his cousin
Lizzie'sinoee • -The time had been when
Robert Romney, with the desire Of keep-
ing -his estate together in the family,
had hoped that the son of William and
the daughter • of Susan•might marry.
•le. fact, he had ones gene sesib,reas.t•
express his wishes to that end. But of
late he 'had' said lose, and in his letters
to his nephew had not alluded to the
subjeot.• ' e'
After 'a time. Angustus smoothed out
the lettereand put it. back in'his pocket,
and went on with his.meditations„ •
ITCSt as the'Silll'SlOwer Hill VAS fondl-
ing the hill -tops the train came to estop
ha a small village, and the porters (tried
Romney Station l' And there
Augustus got off, Near by was a vehi-
ale which' •might have once been ethe
state carriage of Hannibal or Alexander
the Great. It Was bertalnly old enough,
and,. one wand gay, quaint- 'enough.
An _211_1 _gtiltletn_tat,„In , _snuff, col ored„
:suit, -of dark; complexion, and, coerse,.
heavy features, With a pair ef big -bowed
greenspeetacles upon his nose, and a
long, Leavy whip.in his hand, approagli-
ed the young gentlernah from .London.
'Is this Master -a -Frederic Augus-
tus, 1 thiuk-is it Se •
.4eMy Mime, 81,1,, is Frederic Augastus
Rowney. Yeti, 1 preeitnie, are Adam
• BarWell,the attorney 1' . •
At 'your serVice, sir,' returned the
old man, bowing vOret.lew. ' •
And.I would --like to ask -if that ark
is fins me te ride jn?' - said Augustus,
pointing to the carrittgAforesaid.
.‘ That,. sir, is the *Chaise of. your dear
Old uncle, and I thought you would like
ttionlr6isd.e, in it...! remind.. you cif, old
Oh bother Old times 1 These new
times suit Me a 'geed deal better. And
You brought that hintheritfrold•carcitee
oi pu.rpose to, please inc V • , •
'Yes, Augustus.' .
Dear'old seu1:1 Your innocence is.
refeeshingi l'shouldelt like tp be Seen
in that by anybody thab knew me_
Howevert here's for it. , Whet can't be'
cuted must he endured. • 'Fetch it up,
BarWe. ll, and get my traps*aboard.',
• The cheise was- breughtelearer, end
the.:Old man htpiself .liftetl-the trunk Of
the ..,Yeung gentleman. • -
" Don't you find it rether, heavy, old
manl' • .
•Yea, sir, it is heavy foi:. me.' ,
" Why didn't you get helpl' • .
Help didn't offer; so I did without.'
1 if you mean that as a hit. fer
mo, you may understand, as well first as
last;.that I am not amental.'
' The old man triad° no *reply, and.
when all was ready Augustus tookhis
seat; and the other got -in. by his side'
and took the relies. The mansion,' us-
eally callede"Reniney I-Iall,' was four'
miles distant, and surrounded by helm -
WO scenery.. After 'they lied got une
der way, said Augustus, 'And .8O;my
1111O1a is deed at 14it ,
Yee,. air.' , • --
'How will heCut up, think yeu 1'
How-Will'hee--sylnit, sir V
• IIow will•he cut up 1 What is the
probable figure'? 'In short, what was
old Bob Romney worth 1' ,
Upon my word, -young Frian, you
speak 'very nefeelinglv of your poorold
panel e.', ; • •
• Oh, Agit), 1 den't preach. • We under-
stand all that. What's the uto of mineing words 1 Ho's dead and: gotte, and
there's the end-'
'No, no, young man ; not the end.
Bother l• I mean the end of the old
fellow's ,wanting further lilts of his
The old man made no reply to 'tine,
and Augustus wentori in e, free and
easy; rattling way : D'ye. know, old
man, that sometimes the fear used to
creep over me that Uncle Bob would
make n Will and leave zne out in the
cold, Egad I, thee would have boob
rough. I certainly wrote him the nieest
lettees"I Iknew hew to write, and I did
gemnion hire abeve a bit. But, I say,.
has Tom Mimed up 1 Wase't lie drown:
ed as was reported 1'
''No,' answered the travelling coot-
panion„ with a tench of soft- and tender
'And. he's come home, oh 1'
Owe home -yes,' „ •
„ I don't know aa. I Ought to.
find fault; but, really,. I gen't eee, the
use. It'll take a •big slice out of my
pooket. How does Lizzie like it! Ab !
and, by the way, what sort of a damsel
Itly cousin. Lizzie? Isrshe bandome.',
think she is,' aussvbred the old
man, struggling mightily to hold down
feelings which. were seeking to burst
their way to an explosion,
'Is she gay antLfestivei Oan.she
dance, and sing, and play the piano'l
And -carr ahe-be content to allow a- lover
,to bet on a race now and thee, andto
• make himself jolly 'I' -
'Your cousin Lizzie,' said the old
D, With perceptible aternneseeof
manner, hap been refixed to a life of
truth and virtue,'
'Has she, though? Hallo 1 'What's
that?' •
Thetis the tall tower of your uncle's
Very 'shortly after that they arrived
at the Hall, having driven: through a
broad and beautiful park, and stopped
before 5 building almost regal in its at',
ehitectare, They wera met by a young
and as seerningly_nure and good.
Lizzie, this is your egusin ioba
---e-Angestus.; and, Master Frederic
Augustus, this is Lizzie Doolittle: Yon
may show him in, Lizzie, and 1 will see
to the horses,' •
an ol 1 goy 01014 to.hesure I
Pried' A.eigustue, lifter the old inan had
gone. • e • .
Old•whatsr.said Lizeie in surptise.
Old guy -au old bloke, I mean. A,
regular old musty -fusty l' • '
' ' Of Whom do.'you speak?'- the girl
asked, almost frightened, and certainly
horrified, ' •
Why, of old Barwell, the lawyer.'
4 parseel), thelewyer ? Whre is lie?
Where is he? 'Why, wasn't, that hi,
that brought me Cron) the station I!
He 1 -the man who just left us
Who introduced you 1'
. Yes.'
Mercy 1 how cot41 you be so -e-'
petits weeet again to Romney Hall to 1
leave it DO more. The lapse of time
and the love of his Sweet cousin, and I
the goodness of his dear uncle, had 80 I
chagrin .that he could, from the depths
of his heart, 131%40 the !Mori derived in
the old ark, for it had been the saving
and the making of him.
• 4v. •
" Peewees an ElePhaut..
• Emperor is the most vicious. as he is
the fittest elephant in this country.
During the winter months he and his
six companions are ehained by the hind
legs in an outbuilding in the Oeniial
perk, New York-. - Boatswain, until the
•arrivitl of Emperor, was the pride
of all the female elephants, and Gypsy
especially loved to caress him with her
gentle trunk. But Boatswain once
cried out under ppnishment, and from
that hour he lost his place in the re-
speot of his associates, and Gypsy trans-
ferred her blandishments `to the last
The device of circus ;men for punish-
ing an elephant is cruel. To the legs
of the animal' are attached .to levers,
At a eigual the legs are drawn asunder,
and the animal sinks down, a naafis of
helpless tortured flesh, Then tbe keep -
envoi -Dar- a pproaeli
and beat him on, the legs and .on the
bottoms of the feet. The elephant dur-
ing the e panishrnent• curls his ttnnk be-
neath him and closes his oyes. • Hoer'
after hour goes by sornetitnes, but the
keepers only relax when the •elephant
either becomes insensible or cries- out,
which-letteria a token Of stihniiiiin
and a conquered spirit.. Boatswain .oried
out, and wee never again guilty of of-
fence: Enmerore however, has stood
thii. terrible punishment several times,
'and with snob exteaordinary peeve that
the keepets aro afraid of him. ,He is
'vicieus, and whenever a missile comes
within his reach he chip:Alai-gee it at the
nearest 'Repay straightway,.
On a recent Monday night Emperor
watebed one of the attendantrfyhotii he
paiticutarly dislikee. • •It WAS bedtime
and the man wee making ev,erything
far softened the old sting of shatne and
snug when'EtilAPOt • •
eui1 den1 tim
y :ed
on him and 'knocked him down.. The,
"She did-not----amsh-the-seatenee. A., keseporsereemedes Ecapetm witli a sin ar
light ,broke Over her bean li.f:i.ile„n.S..1.cry of Liege) weion.the_poiret-of-dregging-
thestitTh dryfied-.Upon her., . PhD beneath- his feet Heel stamping Abele
'•"'s'Thistrd'oe-said,e Sp: our dearniiernI to -death. + Help .C;tine and -the keeper
.Roberttlici best, the deal'est, the trobl- was. saved,. and theti it wes-determined
'est -hearted and the grandest 'old pent that Emperor' should seller for What he
that ever . • had deem. . '
'.Uncle.--SRobert l' gasped the- young The attendants took the long iron
man, turning-pale,•.an&feeling sudienl,y poker with. Whioh tho fltes e 814:4:GIL
feint ntl Biit-L,theY••-eyegte• tini and l'I-E1it•T-h''e'titi'41:Td-lf6't77E-tn' peror
-that Uncle Robert- was dead.' • • • was then beheld' in the fashion that- hue
they .write Uncle Reheat?' .• beeo deeeribed, and While .iene of the'
.A.ugustuS• pressed his hand upon hi keepers :held' Ins think, -the other. ran
:brow, and ..reflected. And he reale Vet:flint liker Up in to it: : Th v-
bered that Me: Barteell had sitriply age punishment nearly. blinded Emperor
'Written nude:but he did not squeal. He looked' enl-
' ' Oh, no,' cried Lizzie. It was my lenly all the time at his keepers.
unble Thoreasfwho died, Poor old Cap then the elephant bas. been unable• to.
fain. Toni ! . He emcee' home teeribly eat, and stands alone, sullen,. slapping
shattered, but we made hire -comfortable his, horribly enitileted trunk wherever
While be remained, • with us, though it there is a cool spot in the- shed, .The
was not to be fr. a great in, -'n .can,.tbia .extrerve ;peeishmeee, .11,0
thank heaven, no. -Uncle, deer, good say that it has never been applied befere
tnata is hale and hearty yet; and 1 in this countey.. It was no strengelf-'
p-rapthat. he may long continue he its.' °ugh to sub itte.Eintierer.--Le.Y. Y. Mr-
. Poor Aueteistus staegered against the eed• • . _
'Wall, and his consiu,', frightened by his- .
pallor and hie struggling for breath,
asked him what wai the emitter,
k*Q11,7 he groaned, s 1 thgaght I was
riding: with Barwell, the ,attorney, and.
that Viable:Robert; was dead I' - •
LizZie reacbed forth, andlaida heir
Upon her etnisin'searen, and looked seri-
:m(1Y into Ins face.. • '
. ' Augustus,' she saicl, with great depth
or feeling, yen thought you were ri&
ing with Mr, Barwell; •the old family
lawyer, and that your uucle Itobert was
dead, Uncle wished to test you.. [lis
coming for you in ‘place ' of the ruan
whole you expected, was ne experimen-
tal trip. You know how . yoe showed
yourself to•bien. 1 hope -
But Frederic Augustus did not wait
to hear more. He broke away into the
gatclen, and Lizzie left him to come back
at his pleesure. But he did not benne
back. On the following dt•ty a letter:.
catpe to• the Hall 'from him, informing
his &tele that' he was on his way back
to Londou. - •
:1 You tiled your expeeimeni,', . he
wrote, end 1 canie out at the little epd,
Thank heaven, I can stand alone:
wish.I Ceidd hey° know n uty sweet cou-
sin before Ole thing ha,peened, bet ie is
toe late ow:-nYet I will career a re
membrane() of er while T live ;• end I
-pray that she, may not think preeatterly
Tho thing did not 'end, however, much
as things generally end, 'insole Peobere
sent Mr. Barwell with ,itI600, which
Miele Torn . had left Tor his nephew;
Augustus was not a fool. The leseon
he Intil reeeived made a wotiderfut im-
preesion on him. He resolved that he
ootildAiiie and 'vesper withoet hitt help.
In doing this he began to live a better
life, which Uncle ltohert very soon dia
eovered„. and feeling that he had .served,
the light-headed youth' it trick most se-.
vere, he was ready to make hire an of- At Bulger, Pa., on Wednesday four
fer of love and friericlhip when he meek burglars broke into tin) store of
deeneed it would 1)0 beneficial, But, elittssell* 00. and exploded the safe door,
after all, the ineinory Of that (tweet con- securing a small sum.Thitd,: a tele -
sin was the saving irower. And, strange giapit operator, heard Cho bxplosibn,
ly enough, partlyeon aecount of his real and , going t� -learn the game, the
manly beauty, and partlY from tender thieverobbed, bound; and gagged bins
sympathy, she loved him frotit-the first, in. the store. They then set fire to the
SO the time eanie when Prederie Au- building Ana •epArtpod, Laid fd
• asyfrovei2icelialeitnit. lie nesbe deaeived, Sold by
1 kir% Price, 25 cents.
Alt .gxtiraortilateri Story:.
From the New .York Di,sjiatelb wt) clip
•the'following extritorilinary story
himself of the gag before. the 'games 1
reached bine and his cries arotised the
neighbors, who zescutel him. There is
DO eue. • 1 en. APPLETON.— OFFICE — O'DAY, thee mat
. I 3-, at NIGHT I irue The Rooms otvi- the Store of
Ounningharot eieceacea-ueseeare,enetsie
grr'8 0.000A• 011ATfliUL 4u C01,001tTi1ig•
By a thorough kuowledge of the natural
'awe Whieft govern the operations ot digeation
and nutrition,. and by. 4,4careful application
of the nue. properties of it'Vellezteleettin G000e,
Ur, Epps hue provided our breakfast tablet;
with a tielioatelY•tavored beverage which May
save no many heavy deator's biOs, It is by
the judicious two of stieh arlieles of diet that
a constitution may be grad.uay bUt up 'MP
til strong enough to reeist every tendency to
disease, Hundreds+. of subtle inaltidies are
floating around no ready to attack, wherever
there is a weak point. We may escapa many
a fatal shaft by keeping ourselv.ee well.forti-
+-nedwithpare bleed:and a-properlyegiurished-
franie.",-;Ciefe 4'crOice Gaget/e...--Sold only in
jackets lithelled,-.".Liafas Errs &
remopathieChernista48.Threacineedte street,
and 170, Piacadilly,..Lou don,'
• Kh-diiiiiihireinigh or cold tiieyFJe trill.
ed with, Often When neglected it is converted,
into it serious And generally fatal- pulnionekry
disease. The more prudent, Aware of tl1S,
Promptly use " Bryan's Buhl -ionic Wafers;"
curativee which has sestained its reputation for
over twenty•years;.thekare always efficacious
and vxerta most benefit* influence on all the
Bronchial and pulmonary cirgeus. Sold by all
druggists And country dealers. Price ?ti cents
per .
- EVERYISODY SAYS:So.—That all w o. have
either used. the article themselves or witnessed
ite pffeets Own:need: by othcrs'; a1l suchiand
they are only fit to judge, are unaninteue in.
the opinion -that •"Darley's Condition Foliate
a,aythieg of the kind heretofore or at present
in use for coughs, colds ;+ thick wind, end. -ale-
eiseades which- affect thewind' of•Ini+rees. •• As:.
conditioninetliiite. it has no- equal; there is'
,p,cithing in. if Which, ean injure •a horse Whether
sok or well -nor peed' the lama°be•kept from,
Working while using it .; it it just the article
whicf• all who own horses reqaire„ 4'4.7.140h.
theyrihotibrVailii., adistantly a hand. • - Ite-+
member the name-, and see. that .thesignature
of liurd and Q9, is•On each paz,kage. • North..
rOp. et Lyman, Te6nto, Oat., -..proprietors•
for,Canada. • . • - •' •
• . ,
Mitchell's Belladonna tinproved sulfa Rubber Poreeo.
• • Th ere never :has bcPeliaisatetrime. when the healing
.ef so many different..disea.scs has 'been. caused
by outward. amilication as the -present; 'tie an
undisputed --fact that ovei• half of the."entire po,
pulation of the globe •resort to the use of ordi-
nary plasters, . • - •
1 -The - principal ingredients - used in .roalcing:
these PlaSters• are Ouret.)11banum.-or better
known as the Frankincense of the.131ble-Ruh-
ber, and Burgundy Pitch; Which, when scienti-
fically ' coMpoundodt .is full' of electricity, And
when combined with the Pere medicinal guins,
is found to he 'ene.of the greatest' healing, niedi.-
tims-ever brortght-flefore the 11.1
'They..are Seknowle.ged all.mbo hai e need
'them '1.6.• ant_ Atireke.i‘. ..arirtitlio'i Wasters.
they ever.before-tried,-• and that one. of these
divinara.teal Service tharrit
'clretl. of ' the -ordinary kind.. 25,11 other Plasters
are' slew- of . action; inuf.require to be. Worn con-
tinuallY to effect. a cure; but with these 'tie ere.
tirely different ;the instant one is,applied the
patient will fool' its effect..' • .
TheTpossess all the soothing, .Warming, sin),
'Porting, and streugthenifia,n-. ritidities.of all- other
-Plastery' ''' Many- --wlmeliate:lacien-relievettmt
.13,11EUMATIS1I,- TICDOLORECTX; and va.;
riostrs other pains in KIDNEKS,..BREAST'
or 'SIDE, and bellev.e it .is solely dime by the
electrical 'emelitles • ivkich the•-+PereitS', Plastere
contain,. and, whichos imparted -to the system,.
thus restoring .thein to n healthy condition; ••.
• 'They are very+.soft and 'pliable, still Very ad-
hesive; and a.sure cure •for :WEAK -BACKS,•
are invaluable to 'those who have a; COL.D. of
auel-of ten prevents .CONSUMP-
VION..*. &thnM. eveu tell us. they.' believe- they
woreentirelY mired by the lute of thentAf
seated .Consumption.
Prepared by -CEOBGE E. ..MITOHLL,
Lowell, Igass • •• .
Seta by allDruimists: • " •- • ' •
Clint( u.Do a. 20,1877.
Ph)elehon, Surgeon, etc, GO.I one). for
CountY �f Enron. Ifraidouceend Otifee•-Corrcr
Albert and /fill Streets, Viinte n
eeeust 9(1', 18(9
uuiversityo Puysician, surgeon, ecc., 'cadence
at Afralanning'o, three doors oast of the Temperance
Londesboro, Ont.
Londesboto, June 14.1979.
Department of victoria lIniversivy, Toronto, for-
nuniy of the Hospitals and Dispensuries, Now York.
Coroner for the County of moren,BAYrznan, Oat.
d'uly 20,1874. 31,
, acecuolumrs, &e. oiliee,sattenhury Street,
next consolidated Dank.
D. IT. DoWs1:02, H. D. A. X. Gramm, E. D'
Clinton, llay 10, 1877.
. .
JOB HOSES t.ExiionzpAL
This wellknown medicine is no imposition
but a sure and safe remedy. for 1;4mialis Diffi-
culties and Obetructione, from any eatiso What,”
ever; and although a powerful relnedy, it eon. -
nothing hurtful -to the oonatitation,' '
Co Mee to us ft 0113 a Ittlesian COr i.espob- Itia eeculiarly suited.', will, int a elaerttime
dent'ut Odesee. He says :LL-,-Tliere, ex- bring 011 the Monthly period' with': regniarity,
istS under the _authority of Reessia 4 fie, ?In all istsatsEoof,NnellrevitotiasiladndiSmpbiuse.,1HAeff4eveitnioensss,,
neral• island, 'sittfatecl.in the neicdtbor:
hoed of Archangel on the *17•••olga. The
Raltnucks convey their sick theme and
its :goon .aaa mernbor'of•
wipes ill he is shipped •to the island, s0.
great- i)3' the. dread lest his disease may,
Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the
heart, Hysterias; Sick illeadruthes, Whites-,
and all thepainful diseases occasioned by a
diserdered systern, these Pills will effect aoure
whim all other means have failed.'• '
•Theso haYetnever been known to fail"
whore the lirections on the•end page of pain -
be communicated to the other me'tubers
of the lion'eeliold". IF, in. in exception- .p iipet,areityell.obeerved. . .
al•inStance, the poor fellow gets " °Ifal Partii"lin•got a P.ainFl°1* fr."' °I
dismsl island. On reaching the shores ' agents for the Dominion,. will inert I 1 '
he is fated to die of starvation on
. d,wfell agent.
and 121 cents for postirg,e,reenct.alos,:odttt:
that Northrop.iie liymitn,'.. Toronto, Ont., general
again; he is none the less doom or 3013 Nrosns.,NEWYOrtItSOLIt PROPRIaTaa.
one is overpowered bv .the ofrensiv.o containing over 50 pills by ietu n
smelli ns‘vit,1-11.11/118 yitriiotid: 'tobfefl icebsaarrneel speleander!sainn am + N•v,Satot1s4 i I. iii 01. Hi let ohno obny In; ari..FC1oLmi b er..nadna0111:irs,. et.
' thousands ofbirds take to flieht, The , forth; J. Kidd, Cierronhrookt‘Parlitag. etn Os.' ttl;
an6 1 ;‘..z;Tordan'... groderich; 1;3; Cameron, Bay
ground is strewn with corpse:and site- :.fi„ 14 ,,;tes,lIonthron,Bedgeryilleiand all.Medi-
letons. .In Mbrph, 'when the laver 1.00e1109•10'•
throWe•off its icy fetters, its,watees rise • '• -•:' - • -'"•'''''"•'. ."1" --
end 'flood the island, carrying away into . '''. 1,v3r among the inhvildrOn I ,
dee evriveS of the Ctie-pian all those •Itu- eloeetetines SWere.• resseonsOti, ;, 11 1 '
...ena..y site:.
man eermki". Tice fitets sere Imeliseee able for children and- adults. Endorsed by
in a. Rinelavidt orgatihardy cote over..690 doetors in Canada. The difficulty of
tespom w Attd
" 1 6 I the courtieli to visit sirabffity of having th m I. sant t th. t t
administering nauseous medicines, und tho
p o as ei
Kal n necropolise Ile asked
nnautleerity or law.existed in the plume
The law,' he watt told, was the ntypti•-
kaoy knout, With which fifteep or tweil-
ty streikes aro. given on the banks of the
•Kalinuelts when they reliel againet the
will of. the nien in power.; and AS theee
people. are in Summer naked to the
wieet, the task ie no ("allot* one. If another -" little girl has taken It twice.
it so+ happens that. Gonna high •funetion- rtlelmgeftelgLiv,
eery wandees' so'far aft Atitraditall; VOU and'we never couhl.get her.to thke Without
may. be quite sure that if ',he has ever,
heet4ef the Wand hewill nob ask to be'
Wren there,' '
induced Copland -te undertake researches
whiehresul4l in the diseqvery oftiweet Cas-
tor Oil, Perfectly palatab,10. of theatone strength
antl. medieal qtntlities: as the eirdinary Castor
oil ; and while equally safe and harmless, yet
actiug with more certainty, and. prOducing- nei-
ther nausea IMF grip' ne Some.? .children say it
is honey ; others eall it syrup -they all say,they
like it. One parent says --" My chadreu theme
it like water ;" another-" NV8 bad to bide the
bottle or they would have finistell it right off ;"
fight ;1' yet another • ." T wish you 800008 ot
your Sweee Cement tee, eit ia spleeidel thing
,-14111.1: to take the place of all tho aormnon
The extraordinary demand for this improve+,
ment of a staple houseleedinedicine litiehretight
fraselident imitations into the market, but the
nubile can -guard thmecolves against imbstitutes
(which unprincipled parties are attempting to
sell on the reputation of this article) by seeing
that the name COPLAND'S, P.W1,11,;,1, 0,0Tolt
1'8 oil ball wrapper add direction label.
The undersigned,. having.purchased Messrs.
T, Copland & Co's interest in the above prepa.
ration,. are nnw inatitifacturing it from the ori-
ginalrecipe. '
NonTnitor & LielktAN, •Toronto,
Ask for CorLatfn'te SWEET CASTOR OIL, Ob.
WORTHINGTON," 1511YSICIAlit• street:me,
ee, eaceuceeer, Licentiate otthe College of Physician,
and surgeons a Lower canada,aadVrovinemi bit:anti, • ,
ate and Coroner for the county of given. 'On1ci3 and
rosiaanoo;-- trIto minding formerly occupied by /Ir.
Thwaites, Huron street.'
Clinton, An, 10,1871.
. „.
tat. ou good mortgage security, at moderate rates a •
Intoreet. E. BALa.
Clinton, August flth, 1889: 7-tf •
,Li ulnIAor' 15N8118 ,ND CERTIPTCATES
„OIL Apply at- tho Town !tall, or the. 4,6mb-ha of
subseriber; near the London, Ruren &Bruce BailWay
Station. . JAMES. 8003,7, .
• . . /Aeuer of Marriage Licenses.
'011iitoli;.14i1P27K 1870:
tleman, having' tried in vain every advertised.
rremstly, haffdiscovered a simple means of self -cure.— ,
He will be happy to forward tbe particulars to an; sub
fere; en receiptnef postage. antidireetcid birf °Niro.
dross, J, T. .SuwErm,, Esq., Ilfayville,. Hatumersualth, •
London, England. .
MEseiotoeivaiissTorrisT2 alleYEzi ogiteiBictle°1.11:
and manufactured at 209, Wellington street, London,
Out, This medicine is highly spokenof and recorn•
mended for Bilimis and Livet Complaints,'and it, has
also proved highly beneficial for Itheurnatiorn.
?TOTE CENTRAL HOTEL —late Farmer's — Albert
Street, Clinton. 8, PIKE, Promietor. This ho-
tel has lately been greatly improved and thoroughly '
raurItiehed, and peneSSOS evory requisite for the com-
fort and convenience of the travelling public. Good
stabling and attentive hostler. • "
Clinton, Nov. 28tle, 1878. •
. . •
11A.•.punhased the Hair Dressing business lately ear-
rioa on by /Ir. Belmore, desires to intimate to the pub.
lie that he will &Minim the same at the old siand, end •
hopes to cdceire a continuation of the pitfronage accord
ed bit, predr-c-essor.• *Ladies Nair Work a specialty.
• Clinton; Aug. 8, 1875i '
•'Duerr noresn,.-WIOTOIS. ONT.; aoLtry,
JLt proprietor, This hofel has boon. -en-
larged and newly frirmshed, and Dere olTers flrst.elastr:;
meonuncelation for Om .genoral travelling public. .0r-
Tifunig By Terreftv carchrhy-attended—,•-•.-- .• -
to. Gaut 8101300 100n111., Wiarfon is most: beiluti-
fully 8ittatecl :on:.:Colviy's Day,' and the of. this
House hits 'been carefully selected. 'me house is' in-
tended to supply a want 'Ong felt 14. the travolling•
public, and by touriato, aporterneu, and families wish- '
ing a plottoant summer resort. Ste:floors call daily.-
• .
.ALADT, 'who has hada large ilxperienco nursieg,
'jai movided accommodationin Toronto for la- ,
-dies during their necionehmobt. The best medical and
-ctiliiiietiendance•guarattead.. -Few full'particulartrep-• '
rdy to box•Illia, 1 oronto P. O. • •
T wiLkin, L. D. S„ has romoveil his oilleo and
t,11 • residence 0 R,ttteubury street, second 110100 'W0141
<4 the lfarket•Squaro. *
• Clinton „An. 10. 1879.
••• . MONEY TO ttNI).
T irAvn any amoant of.. money to lend, Oh good, •
ifoigoyetl farms only, -at 8 per...mutt, (merges very •
Sum- no • object if soonrity einple: I de' not
l•end nioney for any-Comintny.•
' • • . 30}1 3.11011192111; •
1ov:8,1878. ' •S.EAFORTir.
311,1:40N t WATSoNi'
13A.ARISTIfIlS, Sre„
vr.O.Avr.. A. .,,ATS011, • • S. 1k7ALcD3ISOlc,
• Clinton. , W. 11.111011ADD,X•11.
3ir!lIaleOrnSDn*111 bo in Clinton every Fride.
UlidE ON DENTIST, Flraduatoof. the Royal
;.../ of Dental Surgeons 'of Ontario Ants. opened rooms '
in the 'Victoria Bleck) 'Albert Strce4i.Clinton-,' where he
willtonstantly lei in attendance, and prepar. d to pert '
form every DpOrntio'n couneeted,with Dentistry, Teeth :
0:dratted, n' 1010 with gold, amalgam, or other filling .
ruateriai.. Atfilleiel :eeth inserted from one to tt full Set.-
' Clinton, April, 17, 1878., ••
MILLINERY Eitablishment
A large avsortment • of FEAT II ERS, emoweess ,.
SILKS and RIBBONS, in the newo'stehlides. ' . •
Afro, a large steak of 1121L19 and STRAW -RATS; 0 ..
the latest styles. ' 001(8(119 11, ,ve.' .
Agont for llOrrnick's PATTERNSof garments of ell
desertptions ; a large stock kept On hand. .
Felt and Stra•itr -Eats oleansd and altered
• L'arge Assortment of Letlies' /Unties. .
Clinton:Oct. 18, 1 877, . • . 1'. •
. , to n,t-ris. •O e4icapire ertnortetx E.. ',
TRADE, NIA,ER,.. E'rltotilesh<447.ni'ltdy. TRADE MADE. -
:.;:c:.1 .
Au unfailing moo
„,\e-e,...e-e., 'an: sati, .8411.1iblaeli:tmesteto* . ...11/4111
' '' :71111 . .; I: liaele t,', : Im.of iiiiillie:oly‘ts';:n.:10.Yita: :.
sequenee of Self-
,. J.,: , ,,., Aml;ttnntio,r, yel Tlicoviavsoory. _ .
1j1.1.01+.4:'..(1): S?::'.I'drieliti,i'-'7:161•Cistillin17113dril.11;tle':115S-el,M-sn'tde. rznaTnayidetIllige;
‘1.1sessDS t Ilmt Ina d to fateotfrY DV 0611flUillptioh, Aml 11
Ptinuature Grave. roll parricular3 in ouy pamphlet,
widish wu disite lo amid Info by Mail to every ono. --
The sneiihte Medi4incl9sold by all drung1111 11 SI Tvr
package; vi, 0 naeleages for 85, -or will be sent free 1)
mail on receipt, of tbe money, by addrtsmsiujiguif,,,r, -.
, . .
teeiettem in Clinton bY all aruggeSta, awl every where it,
tI1'nallet1,(1•1 lie !1l4it States by all allele:ale and r• •
(aft aruggivN. , :
E ,:!sl'O V A 1.4
J . OOM13E
• troi ilimootl to tlio pioodoortialowa no ,
rhO 1()LAT.) Cft.,11‘1'rir....11N—X-1010141L+4
‘,171too ic't•p tor gale a itiooi awl gozonAlltSfitlit.
• bunt of " - •^"
,Preaptg,. and Compo2nali\ertrf.
-fully made lip, olth
Clinton, Feb. 27, 187040,-