HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-17, Page 6•• •••—•-• TnE wayroN NEW ERA. nutTen$03' filjtents. Many tiegwee to Vit giuia 111,) pre- paring to tnigrate to Kansas, .- The farmers ere trying to. detain them. Johu Misted was arrested in. New York on Saturday for habitual, drunk, nese. —11e -has spent $7,000 for liquor during the past two years, and lmost ineroverisined bis family. Harry Bate, .ot London; Eng.; aud Charles Bate. Of San Fre n disco; brothers who Lad not see o each other for thirty years, met accidentally at Des Moines, In, on Thursday. Neither atnrat re- cognized the other, ' • A. pig upon the farm of 1,ts. neer Howelite, Corm, which has been allowed to rim in a field with cowto has been d iscovered drawing rnilk from film: The shoet supply of milk given by some of the cattle was thus accounted fqr. At a late meeting of the United States Cebinet the responsibility of tire Caned- ianGoveviiment foe the actioneif Sitting, Bfl wire disco u•el., and the opinion pretty generally prevailed thee the Do- tninion was answerable for. bit behavior. • • Miss Julia Evelina Smith, of Glaeton-F bury, COX n., tho only enrvivor of Ilte Smith eisters, celebrated for their mitt- „ teem to taxation withont rept eeentation, • was marrted et, nairgairrnizch rthe oree,ite.e.theue- eigb,exe, seventh year: , - 'Ira S. Remey, formely a weetithY • - farmer, aysidi»g uear Middleton, LY., was. found dead front Pxppsuro on a road - nine -char tilifiT Tad f",—.13:6 was 42' yeera of age and intemperate in his habits. :He leaves a wife awl 80\4- • rale young •child roe. • • - --tee-erAri Opeeetion '-for thrtitiTSTWeiig-tif human milk into the vies of .a. elute patient was dope for the first time ie is said, by Dr. Howe at the:chaaityerbespi- .-taLatiBlackwoll's Island; New York, on Saturday. The operation was not • Considered e success. A Newark undertaker, ion being refused payment for the burial. of an in- fant which had been placed in the re- • ceiying vault of z cenietery,.retteened•the _body•to tbe hone() of the parents' during their absenee,. Of :Course the pheents horrifiechuson-theiii-eretnfel:fec fit -di • the Wetly, et pon.-to table, elm t- they...have : -been tin a'blij t671.fritilY:filry 'red resg. . Engineer Shillinger Was buried Under - Lehigh Valley rafiread. Crushed h Rev. John Miller, D. D., of Princeton, has been deposed for limey. Ile. WitS pt•ofessor of t rte Theological et:olio:try of Prim:ctn. • Wm. It: Stnith, a religioua enthusiast of Hartford, Conn., who insists on fast - ting for forty dee% hes been sent to en insane (+Wynn). Edward Kinsey, colot•ed, and his white -wife, hove been seetenced to the EioLtwond penitentiary for five year a for miscegenation. Sinoe paper napkins have been lotto - &teed by a manufacturing firm in Wis. °ensile, a year ago, one Boston firm alone has void 25p0e9.00• of them. jas. Keefer ploughed up an iron °Ilea at •Deop Creek„Vae.conteining several thousand dollarsin gold coin. • It is •be - Roved that it was buriedduring the war. . Two lovers at South Lincoln, Mo., were •so anxioue to get married, the othei. day, that they set out for the Ministee% honse in u furious etorn companied by two men to shovel a pith for the sleigh through the A•witnetet in te badly -flitting shirt was lately exemined in a San Francisco pert, IIe Was stied for .tailing.to pay for half - a -dozen shirts; lie gained Oa fever of the jury by wearingeme of theOill-fitting •g cements, and won the -case, . AL tramp in Anstm, Texae, who shad ittedrgieereecontmieeration• Wilpper. epeill....otteu.l.hlued, was arretetod a few days -ago. and on him was found a pack -- age of; finely -powdered' brick -dust, which he had.been accostomed to chew, • ' ••• A terrible cyclone .sereektite...12:wn of_ oo Monday, deatolislo big ten buildings and 'ruining 'thirty. °there, and damaging more Or less some seventy-five residences and • besineas ehouseeeee. Only gnu -Omen-was • -killed,: A' 1,ittle girl and two or • three '.others woro badly' injured. TI10 greatest ett-, • giteneent and confusiou prevailed for some time.. Mrs. Sohn Horioe of • Washington, , . . . KY., gave birth to five •children a ,few nights since. At her•firse confinevent she becaniethe mother of twine. ..-Eigh-• teen months. later . she -suprised her nejgbbo. by giving biethtfothree children-, and the...other day sho• became the mother of five additional:".phildrenf intervening between • the of:.each:.-- husbarafr' is; - -nerdy-11*re ted; and 'ha S -beeit lirdidAdd! -to apply • to -the "Keettucky Legislatnre • ,initcad-ofeeteleaegeterkereeeliefeeeelleetleete eh -Mien are. doing well... e •• • • upeempied from the train, anti went on LeCeelleeleerih 1 its way rojoieitte without its usual ap- ”" ,ror .110 peo (lege. The intter, howeyer, follow- ed thb engioe formerly thi•ce miles, the conductor meanwhile, posted, on the top of the front car making ft:tau° eigro14, which were eventually obeerve1, nod the tnachiee went bark for its toed. Three, mites may seem a pretty e4eood etretch for a train without -tt ruotor, but the eonductor won't abate au inch, and still further persists in the soh ma Assevera- tion that the train was on up grade till the time. English and Vatelgn. , • Belgium iseconsiderinee the adyisabili- . ty of a Cuetoms onion ...with France. Russia and Turkey have agreed on a scheme for the settlementor the Eestern Roumelie diffieulty, _, • • - ,A.11 hope has been ahandoetiOd of o' 80t OW:Dent hot ween the. Mestere ciod the striking colliers at Durhanx, England. • A. one-armed street singer as la tel y assasemeted, io Perk, and his body Was followed to t be erave by 800 beggars. A. terrible eperadie fever is raging at Casablanca, Morocco, mote; both eue fives and Eueopeaue. • Ilusiness is at a staturstill,• , • lennonitc'a are geite auximis leet the lagneeet, •ecentltragingeiteelteresier .t e the means of stoppiug tho levee int- igeation of-their-cat:int rynien t•oni Ihet country to Menitoba the comingsummer. IsTews received from Brazil in Panama 8110 ,t Inengeued ..dietteesseikeeloinge sad woik itt some Of the provincc(. In. Mosoro more than 1000 persons cen- egregated • together dolt:Lading eller -- The police, interposing, a eollieiou oc- ecitered, AO AAP k9-4.1.km WV). wet-Milt:at The ChierOf POliee was 'Oiled. 41g ag,rwo or( l':11,0114 r44. 4)1 t RPAIgh•gi 111 Ni&e:seee 5.44 Eee.gol g az r,o% jo imitgavt 71 0 too 51,:iirit.04 rid rpm gaiFill.trl 41 0 "71 S 00.515 r! VS:. • 0,0e,41.7kelife r11644,1111, • 1.„1,110411.111t4 rn Re:.g!...a-24.6.100 '" rue il 00 rboW •f;dit,p,41.gltreig a :la 14 6:Kg; 0 r4). 1101111101111101tIft - the Mass ,of iron and scalded by ''.the l'ilanitbha, Items. . • steam, he•pleittled to be shoteand_cursed : the spectators for Alfusing to put' him A literary Society:is toehe formed at: out of his misers. They- war ked bard, -St Boniface.• • _ 4 , but he was dead before ' theyecould. get Ten dollars -a day eltift reining at Fort him out. . •• Seekatchewan is the latest gold nowe. David Snodgrass the only lawyet•111 A peg' i'orttemporary says the Fitie ilgton Va• 1;eCatne dow4sel 'for. • mercury has, :at last Consented to stay. • . Sofia. very detestable curnuials.' The .ahove zero: . : - :people of that village were inliganteand • • •• scooted the idea. that the worst Of , old- • The -new ettgine for the Pembina_ re entitled to legal defenceBranch has arrived and been named pelts •a. Theo he grew angry, and. told his neigh- •loset)11 Upper." hors tie' attend to „their own business A meeting has been held at Emerson, rather than to. Ifs: !Mat night. Mr. Man, for the:ern:pose of...forming . a Snodgrass was taken out of his house; county agrieultensal society. whipped, tarred, featheeedreatia rid den -_The esinfabeg expellee -es. of tlie fire ae- on a rail. '• - • partment of theoitv cof IVinniPeo es, e, Ou Satueday afternoon Conduotor titnated at.$7,350 for the Coming yeare Radcliffe'in 'charge of . a spacial freight, .. A gentleman lately arriVed at Ether= train•on the G., T. R,, from :Victoria, son, Moneefroin Blame:1.0k reports 'tliet • 'when' about a.mile VQ0 of the the pissenger:saw fromthe car. Windewe. station, Was.fired at by ti party whOesvas a herd of twentY. Miteloperi. • ' • . • . Sitting near the: track. ..Redeliffe's face The Indians et the Bagel . Hills re - wee terribly itteerated beremall•shdt.-He. 'Seel:Ye . .. was taken to Delenville and ai tii; getting oot -with which fittfrgial' to:Anee more land to.be broken ine-the procurea. .111fr7ColaTe"uglii-ned betecttve sPring. Kranz started in pursuit of -the miscre- They intend • to blant about . t ' ant, and ierested a notorious Character brimacrest nexSeasen known as Brandy Netice, who ucknow- Welf:,roisoning is now 'the , popular ledgedthe deed and steted nehad. nee pastime at Bettleford, N. W. T. Five • thing -against Radcliffe .and 'aid 'not gPod'crosertses, the remains ofthree. that • know. why he geed the ;hot ,• . •had. been devoured, and three. crow's; recently fell toethe shire of'one ‘wolfer.! A Curious specirnen of the traticp tast. :iylon• ng there were • -day St.- . family Mimed up at Datibitry, Conc., engipee, at Ste Vincent at the same' laet week: .'Wheri arrested and search-seventime. . This will give .an idea of the . ed nine'pairs of trousers; ii•dozeri waist- cobusineee which is being doe on the St. • de Medan equal number of coats Were Paul and Pacific. • removed before the cceitiehers mune npon • the fratneWork of the. • man hireSelf. The people .0Springfiela and am:My:. These. articles of clothing With the ,cone side, Alan., arceabout. to Petitioh the Governor -with a. view to• Bemire tentsof their pocket's, eveighed some 200 pounds and-, theo.officerri: turned out of their addition to the County of .Selkirk* thenixubbish °fall sortsis tin tut -foe Parliamentry election purposes: :••• fiment.teefill an Ordinary flour barrel. The City -Clerk of Winnipeg; under Amid the various bits of old iron, rusty 'directionsof the City Connell, ha e for - scissors, knives; etc., evere: fund $1.47 warded engrOsSed copies of the- petition • • in greenbacks. • •of the Council to the Dominion Govern - Pittsfield has lied .a •eetheateg. •the ment respecting the $50,000 appropria. • daughter of one of the town's 'wealthy don for a railway bridge ',,oyee the Red s_fell 1 !coin with a poor but raver. • • . • . WoicthY itinzig man, who reciprocated • DrT.Perter returned to Prince Albert the damsel.affeiitione, and an engage- N. W: T.3o&thejsth Feb., from a 'threo-. merit resulttd. Papa opposed the match days' trip be Sturgeon Lake, where he 'becaorie the swain was poor, an dbotengh t had been visiting a bana of ere° Indians, a man of property on „the 'scene as a and reports that he found thero in it ,suitor for the maiden's hand, After/ 'pitiful' cofiditio4, moat of them sick with Much pareeasion and entreaty she ace searletefever,-and starving. • cepted the proposal of the rich men ap- • . A 'few nightS ego direct telegraph parepely proving fake to hoe troe love. • eon inunidationowtis had betwOon Battle - The father Was delighted, held ordered ford, N. W. T, and Thunder Bay— for his daughter an elegant teonseetie, distance of twelve hundred milee. -The' head° giving heeett hhealsome marriage operator at the Bay, however woold n�t portion, indudbig tt furnishog house. Via believe it, although he got a lot of I3at, for it grand wedding was appointed, tleford news. ]ie thought. some. oe his , and, the Methodist church was to be friends near at lucid were trying to put tte teemed the affair Threedays Wert a joke uponhtn, andto col:evince hist the appointed:time for the,weddin,g the cot:resplendent that he was net to be dutiful daughter with- her first, true and taken in, he closed by qaying, e Why, only.love, °ailed on the pmeon ley night Battleforcl ii awe.y-ont near the Rocky • and wa0 4uieb1ytartied. The. bride Mountains.' - • WA, poetessien of her new home, and a happier couple than she and her now. titi$band do nat,llie in town. A few mornings since When the rain "- n. the Pembina Branch going to St, Beni-. Pace, thcongine by some moans booame t The Wats 'Minister of England•bas an agent be. New York for the purchase oE five hundred Meths for Akio, to assist the livitiah.' troops lighting .theZulus,• Only the best animals are purchasod, and good -prices are realized.. The. mules Will be shipped on the siettper " Onto- rio."...This vessel also takes 300 tons of hey, 250 tons_pfgrain,,89 tone of bran and ficl• extra moo tot. holOi • . .• • tiomruifle :74°6% . say e• -the tothee'el a,ys, eforatecamee uee-ended•neede to -reed theestrenge his- toloteetti,,Soottisb plQt1nian who;bas 'returned to his, native heath aftee exile. • Twenty yeses ago a farmer in ,Orkneybired a young man .to do rem Work. • The. -plaughman • tobehed the fancy of hie master's daughter, and the result :WO. that in a rob 'away -fashion, and in opposition to the•Will of the pe- Itierchal farnter, the two' became man and wife'. The, old gentleman was fo- riocia end turned his .back eleterminedly on his son-indaw,• The young plough - 0)817 kissed his wife, left her in her. Ilt- ther's mine and staled . for .Australia, 'Whe.pcei he soon 'ceesed. tee write.e, }lig wifebecame a mother and remained in arstate•of•snah wretched -suspense.. that her father began to repent of the treat, ;nett to whieh he, had subjeeteti her Intsleciodee•--Effoets ;were -then :ntecle to eetice the whereabouts of the latter by adverfisipgin colonial papers. and other- wise' but all tanO 1-1drpese. . He had gope to elmoriee. Yeas passed: „The grandson: greiy up tonianliQod, and, not liking farm work.,..,bacie. adieu' to Orkney, took a-- ship'. last year to the United States, and, after• some knock- ing' about food dicipleYinent ink :neer- cantile-house in Illinois: In eliecourse of business he- discovered that, the gen- tleman at t.4, bead nof the hien •wes a native of •Sootlanel, hailing indeed .frOat the satne district at; himself. (Jecasione al tneetings lea to more minote inqui- ries he t� dates, names of pixie* persons, and the like in, the._ old; ,cotintry, and after being six 'months in'the establish- ment the youth found--lioweVer wen- . .. derfal it May appeartha.t , he.. was ite- tually ae a. clerk with no. other theii• lils: own. father! , .The effect of this dissovery on both • mey be left 'to the imagination of the teader. Father and,senure now in Seotland., The man who went away aepefiniless ploughboy but returns rich, 'hes been welcomed with much. etuotien hy. hie venerable Who is still hale and hearty as well as by -the Wife whdoe he left. many yeargo indite youth and beauty, bot who is now ft ini.ddle-aged niatren. • . " An lloirest Medie_ilt,rioe di Charge. • Of all medicines ddveibised to care any affec- • tion of the'Throat, Chest or Lungs, we know of none we can recommend so:highly as Dr, King's New Discovery for CfalsublP,Litin', Cola, Asthma,Bronchitis, tray _rover, Hoarseness, i tickling n the throat, 'logs of vele°, eta, .Thio medicine -does positively cure, vand that. yhere everything else has failed. No thedicine can show one-half so ninny positive and pernument cares tis heve alrefulybeen effected by this trply warderfulrernedY. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific, curing the very 'worst cages in the .ihortest time possible. We say by• all means give 18 11 trial. Trial !pales free, Ilegu. lar size $1.. :For sale,by J. H. COMBS.. • AGENTS, READ THIS. uTE will pay Agents a Salary fd 8100 per month and. V V expenses, or allow a largo commission to sell our totv and WOJIdOt,hil in'rentfons. Wo mean whet we say, Sample froo, 'd.cldrette,• • SD.BRIIKAS it 64.4 311atshallit, Welt. untrsn' AND LOT FOR SALE. $250 WILL furAhasioto eounitifqtabnleelnagt e°11'1'01enti 1:1'1 ti; it Sod. orrom, o 1 , ee 6 Sit e EtSer.-- Apply to •• o CHM fillt 1870 AlkitS PAIS. 1; P'q. i; I P. • CO) 11111TUAL"FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY: • N EILANS ,LAC1rENT UA lQqti., • .Alqt.u, 17, L-37-9 -..earee.eemee-reerseeteltuemeteemeemee ewe . • e . ATTENTION. • e • • i'RHEURATISTil and any other iratantmetoi y • ai.ante cured ma low/ours. rilAKENOTIChl, that Ow (.1 3lessrs. ; umiths, Ag,,t4 ,d ; ago,skin Irritat.on. Mutual Fire Insurance Company drol otin r ii:!••',0 0 010 cacao] 'by an r,vi,1 rraput, W. W. r ARRAN. Esq., has bun appciuted I 41:43411tit''' • , absorbing. t aci I p• :4'11 fain a;: te W.— •-old by S•Irbti:t will ,ffcetli eui in teeth( ine, by Price. 4no. Ad.vi( c in partteulcr (....vt • frm, Of the Co lay of "i'litilin4ton, id' this 1111.Y i this townow • th°D"21.'"Dni• order,' °' CEIA.111,ES DAVIDSON, W. T. DRIT.1110N; Agent fur n end vidnity, 111111. a prepared Ouiaph.,ith Dec., 1878:' •-• Loodet., int•• . to take applications fOr thia Culupany, the cheapett . Seey•Tree F. tf. witshinv te9i000re will -and this Company one (Aron', bAst a,,a goo ti iinaup In, end will bo waited on at ths 8 hini 1J hiSoolIt' 8u Iai ant to the. Agen,li'•oPlee " • • • ' ' ' ••4y • . • Oid.0ortipany-Lartds.-- . A t,zsT tit? LAND'S IN IlUXION FOB BALE Bi „k3- the Canada Company may b o soon at the oflhee. of, "beundersigned. •• , • RALE 1870, • "• LONDESBORO' GEISTING. Or:RiTSMiii\TC+: • ' NEW WAGGON SHOP. • Thos. Frienclphiri Desires to infornt the people of Canton and. surround. I ie g country, that he hnirePausd & Waggon Slum ht aesseetion,ivith Co7u i JONES'. lillossuilth Shop, ISAAC' STREET, ° °LINTON; I- • • when, b.wlIt beprepared to execute all orders -for I 'waggons. earyinges, Shutters, Sleighs! 1 alt tipisvoitovt n hittFie inotirromenahlo yaks.tepatri 5 ell kinds promo.)y attended to. GIVE DIM A CALL, Clint 3fareli 13, 1870. r'Nfitnraitiisibiormere-stis-aevrreFkvinttb-ilii•-•-•- :-Gr And at 'the inirliegt moment. t11111SILINC":Doxii.Am-.A..GREAT REMIGTIOY, •• • - . - . . 0 iser.ere: ierie..esteq' eXeTe. •neepecteoceit Idir.r.;"Nov: 2S, 187S. •. oeSs. 8 .PER„ °ENT. To Farmers & Lund Owners DIONEY TO. LOAN ' A 1181 Voyo low rated interest- • rMENts can be made itlaio4: tiny way to suit . ' the borrower. • . . . . . ! ,.,. INTEREST gsTalple,Annual13r, .. Ornny PM van brpoid on tlo principle, al the end ol .•.• •• •-- any •ycor.- _ ,- • Fof rt he info -nun tion apply to • . A: S. T1sgE4; c,v4DTT6N. Clinton Nov, 214t, 1878. • NOTICE, THE SPLENDID. SEWING MACHINES • * .SD WHEAT," PEAS, BARLEY, OATS, And'. all kinds of Field, Oardon and Newer' Seedr. ••••••••••, fa returning' thanks to my tratrons for the liberal sup. port..acetwasta.ree the past yearrI,take•-ploasprit.in Torbling'thei.uldic tlrat'lataveotteousfileralildMtpliise,' carefully seketediny present largo stock of .seed grains limn the most reliable growers. I call • eOnfidolatly is ' . commend the LOST, 1ATftII.antlifitfirrE. as the host spring 'Teriotioe.gown, both fuS?ounnlity, ima,lit,y and MillingporpoSeli.-- itfy P.B.A.S.ara.seeerulin non in liroVinee tor purity and quality. ItAIILF.17 and OATS of the very best "Foliates.' coovon Ana TIRIOTRY semi, TURNIP, alANGODDS, ana all other field and nerden spas fresh and pure. I always tako spoeial rare to select Hee,b . clean and tree from all no*. imusawood mood., '41:13Mit-' par Sec d ,-/tne" give any Information desired by farmers mid. othet„, nnnnnntsn.1\1Y STAND, 'Ayer's Satsapt..1110,... For Scrofula, and all scrofulous elieease§, peles, Rdse, or St. Autho. ny's Fire, Eruptions and Ernptive diseases of the skin, Ulcerations of the • Liver, Stomach, Kidney, Lungs, Pirfiples, Pustules •, Blotelieee—Ttunorse.-- TetteriSalt Rheum,. Scald . Head, Ringworm, -Ulcers, ores, Rbeumatism, Neuralgia, Rein in • the Bones, Side and Head, Female Weakness, Sterili ty, icorrIme, arising • from ieternal ulceration. Mid Uterine dieease, Syphilitic, and. Mercurial die, • eases, Droopy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, • General Debility, and for Purifyingthe • Blood. • This Sereaparilla is .8 combination of vegefeltle alteratives-- Stillingia, Mane' •DoCk.--witlt the Iodides .of Potassium' and Iron. and is the reoet • ettetncious medicine ect baleenf�r -*•:°"-treetret*-it cseateatleed to ci . • THAT • " 'NORSilVORT.14Y witniu the last twelvci 31.51-a. have all given tho very 80,5 11 Satisfaction. Everybody seems delight,• ed With them, lie not deceived in buying a Sewing .11rtehine, bat go to It Ittouswortruv, and you will get -ths hest gewing Machine the world (10 9108100. Prices • ,,.,, to math° times and tflme to snit the buyers. Si: WING, •Af 111.',1Es ..VIVICES; • from A10 to 07d.' Chl arid loess l,1r &der Where you will get perfect 81wrnp mid RNITTricu itt,toursits, and •. • •.; • ..f ha yery best of instruction: • , ' • &Mini/ Aifieltint.s.:,ty' yr# en51b..1eop,tityft, • . . Doing a rrartical machinist, all work 3,301 30 warranted • give geoCsatitifae.tion.. ••. new:elven Tut xMkon--nunoN sxnurecim• e aceit• woet,nf the Commerei(l.flotel. ' • ' - onswortrisr, host 03e1o1O3, .111u."1 • CLINTer:, 014/T, WISEMAN - BROS.' BANKI�aji EXCHANGE:Nice; vi,INToN orr; • . • 14.10N EV To .1.1.4;N1) on first•elass fern' property, at 'tit, per etent.'.' elf/eats veverat slit'vt-elavv Fail% 1.1113 .1 a oft .1 KVI DEAT INNURei ;VCR •, , MalEir A 2%." TalArN• TIGRET Aumcov• por tln; GraMi. Tout Railway' 01 *Cataula: We 104110 Tickets to on points on tha G. T. It., also f to the. Val Stelrll SVOSteier! Or PARTIES GOINCTO MANITOBA Can preetirc ..Tithornit peRiVra It 1.;•'.v1.'„il5 • PASsENctEP AallNCif volt the Cunard and Inman Line of Steamer,, . • • NVIS'EATAN. linton,Forelf Street, aloe° 001boMe totell.doderioh. tiodortch,111arelts,-Ii;sill. JAIME S elNA • ,Tho ehlco Park' I.ot on Rao 'Stroe't, Clint o n, conipri. slug overten acres, now hold by 3 olni.Matialeson, is of- fered for salo rnederate temp , . , .'01Inton, Sept., 2, 1878. - • • -1:1,11A.L •ESTATE FOR SALE,' . •-.1. Farm lot ice, iu the Virbt Coueession 1115100 ,• • Iload) Tooker/m:04 contains (38(0005 a [list -chips lantl, about two nillos from (.11Inton, board fence in front, Maul Implanotl-timber.Ilay bonmde,a-aiiperior dairy farm. ...2. West Half of Lot 'Eight iu the Dieventh Comes. Men of Tu1-nberry,-11ftyncren1good-445e5t3013itirralr from Winghlim and ono mile from ti3o 'Crienaunan Sta- tion of the Toro/Ito, Grey and truce Railway, A small clearance on the-frent, -balance hardwOod 1V.ob18spll ehortirfor •aa ph, or °robe imo-fortowirproper,. oWitei;BirifiriiirTrinwer;Wc.' yaiee 31111a, Clinton, or te the.undorsipmed. ' • its ingredients are so skilfully com- ' tim tI8Jh11i1ftkiriitikd eirect".ir each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be haemiese eeen to children, it is iligut1511;11 ga 1a1C1Q'cl.ot.. !ii:t.Q11.1)10111:' Which develop into loathsome disease. ' • The reputation it enjoys is derived • from its cures. -and the confidence which predooeue,pilesieiting till over the cana- 1 • try repose ill it, pave' , thoir experimice (If ite :usefulness, • . Certifinatei-attestIng- t•s•virtiles •lmve accumulated.. and 'arc constantly 'being received; and ateentany.c, fe.these. cases are publiely known: ty furnish convincing evidence -of -the superiority of tide. Sar- Saparilla over' every-. other • alterative , medicine. ,So • generally is 4.ts...seperi' • °ray to any other medicine known,..that eveueed do no more than to aSSure the • publicthat the best qualities it has .ever 'eosese..Se,d . .1'JW.(ARall I1 PPUOLICOE itirtinal //flea 5eke/H.1:0$. 111" AL8 '14111GpIST4 "1:V Eit 1 VT] , • •. -4, rho largi and tionvouiput 13ita Storein tho Al. .er •. . hot Street IllookinOW occupied by Wcr. 3as. Bidal000mbe. • . . • belonging to A. Jamieson. . • • .. • ---. First-olnis grain storo,nt the Grand Trunk station Pec 7. Tho largo %din hilibling and lot, :adjoining the, Grand Trunk Station, formerly .oeouPied H. Bel- fry, with engine' and boiler. 1,14:anises well suited. manufaCturinp, Ourpotmeagnit-pacifing, Sm. • ' 8, OnVictorieStreet..(Gordon survey); a bheice blinding lot, botween the G. T. Railway and the River well:fenced, planted With trees, good well; dm. 9. Let 24, Frederick' atinet,holonging to Mr. John Powell. Good from° cottage of tivo roorns. Woli and. munn. Good garden. lust .sonth of Mr. Wm Slicip. herd's 7061(101iC0."• • n. meas. • ethameien. 24; WO; •• . A. 'II CONSTITUTIONAL CTIUIItlEp11014,I7 ,URES GA ir _ Thaus4Bds.Applui itfiliVondorful I. 'Hemwhat a Reverend Gentleman: ;kips qf the • • • Canki(ulional Reineitij T.13. IlaronsoNsc.,Ont., .• • • ' • • , Dear is now two years since your. Constiru. tibnal Catarrh Remedy?, was introduced 'to mo, 5 have waited. this long to 00511 1110 cure would rcraain por: moment befo1'e-4°112g this, my duty to you,- as et first the happy effects seemed to me to be too good to be true." I was afflicted lit .zny head 'tor years before I suopected it to be Catarrh. In readingin yonr Molar saw my ease described in many partiehlars; The In - *aid drop"from the head had *became very disagree- able, and a choking sethiation often prevented me from lying long ;• I would feel like smothering, and be com- pelled to sit up in bed. My health and spirits were seriously affected. When your Agent came to Walker. ton, in August, 1876,5 secured three bottles.' Before I had used a . quarter of the contents. of one bottle. I found decided relief, and when I had used two bottles and a third, / gitit taking it,tekling quite oared of that ailment, and have not *used any since, till of late I have taken some for amold in my bead. A sank of duty t• o suffcrerstrom that Toothsome illsease, Catarrh„prompta 100 to send yen thiS Certificate, ungolleited, with leave to make What 1100 of it y�u may see proper. Vu•t I .v.r, TINDALL, AtokocuFt reinirror. Port tight, 0,nt.., Aug. 34,187...• • .Ask„ for T.4.Alelie1d's Constitutional pa- •: tai'Ph 111133ed0, and take po Other. 5. J. B. 1tMi01N0, Domir,tiou Agent,Tirocityille, Ont. nr ADP by. all Druxfists • per Bottle. ' BITY •'• • For.. Diseases of iho Xhroat • and Lungs, • such its Coughs, Colds, Whooping Co ugh, Bronchititi., Asthma, and. Consumption.. 1 Thereputationithas attained, intonsequence or the inkrVellous cure.s it hag Droaucou:durfog the •lasthalf tentary;Is a.sullIcielit as -mance to the i public that it will continue tereatiee the happiest results that can be desired. An alinost everk• , section.Of country there are ..petonsvpublicly linowh,who have been restoredfrOnialarming and • • even desperate diseases et the lungs, by Haase. • Ali wbo hatetried it,achnowiedgeita superiority; .• and whersitik virtue's are, kr} own', nO One hesitates rig towhat medicine to eniPloy.to re/leve the dii.' tress ana Mire-ere:1g fleaultaietoiettimonary time. •cminny regretter.. atteites afford i .ine! !AMA relief,and performs rapid cures of the nolo:varieties ofbronchial disorder, as Well 'as tile more formidable: dfieftses of the eines., . safeguard to &IWO, amid the distress. ing diseases which beset the ThroaCand Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable; for, by its lintel y use, molatudes are resetied and restored to health.' , This medicine gains Mends at every trial,as the cares itis' constantly producing are too, re- . inevitable, to forgotten. No family -Should, be • Withont it, and those • whe have' °att.:fused it, 110301 wJhl • tminent Physicians throughout the einintry • prescribe it,ancl Ciergymen often recomniend it frOm their knowledgW its effects, • " , • runPArtEn DY, Dr', 1 0, AVER & 00,,lowelirMass., Practical 6na Aualyilcal ' SOLD .1#1' ..1LL DIU/ClOISTS VITIlltYWITERE. DERIC — INT3D– anufacturing ()onapany. • , . 110iiers, Engines. and 1Iill Machinery of Latest Styles • impilo\red AGRICULTURAL -IMPLEMENTS, STOVES of various kinds.. • Brass and Iron Castings. 11EP4TRIS PIMM.I'llt-r A TrieNDE.iv POlt SAL -11 oll114.1?--Seowid-hath.1 Engiuee and toilers of' 16, 20 and. 30 ITorso Power' oleo, Sta've Ilaehine, Shingle and Heading Maellineftria Iteading hinter and. Plainer. • ' Gonunten, l'eb, 1; 181, . , .