HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-17, Page 4.- —.11 1-- - __-�-�-- , — - - - 1. I I I — I I I _,s— _, .. I I I 1. ---- - __
� , - -_ '....", will-- ,, W-- W.,W _ ...__1..-__- -1-1 i_- 11111. -1-1.,-..._-_ ..
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4 � THE CLINT-OR NEW ERA. .1 I I - I . I.. . Avum 1.1, 1,��iu - -
I I I I I- — ___ ___ __! �
I "—a_ --NN I . . . 1. �.. I I _'.1"._ .., ____ I
. I> . 'rTIE volIAN(4 '111,ze'riom-4. DRAVIDACKA, SYSTWI. FAUXIMS IN IS71f, ,.1K1RXN*G SUM. I
� . . . Pplitioal and Personal Notes, -
. f . . . . . . . . . .
I ., 'g;V.�Advertfoeinflito V.114. 4*41", — I I : I
� , . — t it, i Ill I
. . __ � 'file Candidates oil both �idon ace '-,ill Ali it is likely Illiller8atid, otberikIttlIti- wo have vz4ei�11111 , 14 *U11111 Lit. of Mr. T. B. Giles it ., been noolinlIted - 'rho M,lik ltldillgl A."Vicii1turk). �' ,jili-ty
I �
i . . . .. 81.,riogy 'Show wL
777-G. 11, Wright & 00- I -ill tile field ill this cougity, and evo long f40tUVQS will bQ alloWet a draWL,nQj; Oil J�Iell$I*H� Pull, D )ijrlO%V it' QO'§. * j)OI, bv South Pertli Vonsorvative.4, for the as held ThuradayAast it t
Attotion wa _j ,�_ . .1 V slaith'o, URI, under wost unfavora6le cir-
,., 0 _ � Nelle& 0 . , I the f1jilures in, the Stitites and it 'allada. 61.
� , I 'peoplo will lie 0,111i'd t1pon to Ord
i I 8pring-Fiflhel', CI ilib L� CO- roe all tile 'a 'y re-OXI)Ort' C cunistancQs so.f4r as bad roads and wat I
; .� pv('dIIQ- thlIt the � during, the 11ust quarter of tl�e'curvcnt
. . � Patent VexI00-401111 Mullff- . their votes for O' lie Or the other -of them, NVIOUld It not be right and, `� . Al ", J, DT. Urib-4011 has WPU 110111inat- weather iii Concerned. The attendance,
; . special Notice.-jobil ljoilgius. . 1, . . ., viagdom on year, atial are sorry to say that as re- ell by the Reformers of Hamiltoti, for . was necessarily spipit and the entries net ,
- I , . .
. . I . cent's rooliabitigs--.T. Jackson, . We do not propose. to enter. oil -4 d is - the pltrt.-bf our, fartners, to; clitin, tile jards our ON%,Il cotll)tl.y it is dit-cidedly the 1,00al 1. tip to tht� avora,go nuniber, being 27 in 411.
. - I
' ,
. . The NOW41-01illy-4- 0- Gilroy. Same peivilege, Tlto millers' will turn unfavorable. Tliw till ellbeV of failures in - Tho,141eut.-G,overnor Of Nova Scotia In heroes Mr. J, J, Fi4her's ,,Simon
I insolvent Act of 1875-1t, Gibbons, I
. . . oussion, of the respective inerits.of the , Pere ` took I
! Insolvent Act of 1875-R. Gibbons, , ' I the wraiu into Ilour alld illeal, the (jill. - the Dondniou during the above pei,iod ia going to England, -it is Said,' to. be 2 ,-. first. honors iri tile heavy;
� Mammoth Hardware Stoic-& Davis. Candidates just now, but would Cal . 0 sho%va an)ixerease of 79 and the l4bili- inighted. - drauglit class, aad the sweepstakes ovei:
. � _ - ____ * tillers grain into al6obol, 4id the inann- -( ` I - M all. 'As i� stock getter lie has.feW E(IllaIII
. __ ____ _ _'. ." _ ----- MT.- the attention of our readers to the file -ease of ,,-.�-2,547�768 its cOln Tba Itov. Chas. W lfawkiwi, Of the
. . t fnetures grain itito Starch, ,And farinel's ties an inci . in the Proiince. Mr. IV, L. Fer,gusoll'o.
00140 It to-filLy'a NEW EUA gjay be ngd at the Bqtk t, -orresponding Claucida Methodist church,, died at. agr�c Itural b6me 11 Coachniani" is a
. " 00rd of rjessrs. mpeptau 4, Ruillble, and IV. 11. that thesolo �Ijarga the Opposition lia".0 will tilrugraill into boef,llitiutton and 11 , new,
. st pared with that in the c .
: 1111lisford. Albert Street. 114ce D "mits 1'er COPY period last year. This is deeided1v Be insville, oil .)ifonday.- � I
. a ::�.., � � ,-,— — *---' _-. -, .. ., , to Walco Or call 111,41co a-aing arnwr can its definitely fix � . a . atipirant for honors aniotig 11tiron lierses.
- — - -= , . , t the ()jILn:. por1c, The f I . X I �
I . 0 the alliount of grain lie lills Converted gloolyly. . . . The Duko of Argyle Nvill shortly Mr. Job" (Reli's ' 0 Young John l3ull" i.,�
. . - . "e%v Yet possessed of axtriordinary bone, MITI
. rio Government is,. that the annuot) ex-. into nleM .1-4, the Iniller or distiller Van ' We cilip ,tile above- parngv;tpli front reach Is ,k on his why to Uauada) in build and -alinost. fatiltic s In f � 4,�`, .
. . � I I 0 � to visit his son, the Marquis of Lorna. � 4 UrIll. fil
I I ponditure has, increased. There has.. and -wo see no reason why tho one qvill ti -10 , nercial report of tho Jltail, which -
I . . . � � I . I t I 0011)1 . , tile throo year old ,-;,enoral purIlose elms, ,,
- � I nover boon an atteilapt on the part of be favored and the other iwt, Oflicers I Afr.. Stephenson, editor of thn chat- tile judgres did not consider either of, the' .1 -
. - � 'overnuilent to disput I of grangas should Soo to this at oil its We have repleltodly sitid befor� '80 often It ail) I Planet, i wa worthy of, a first prizp, and iliert�.
, Q tile G 0 tile factj but '. I 011 I . - , ,8 annoinW.9d to have been horp .""'. ,
- 1. �. _ � I .. -.1 ,,, , . . . it will inake a inatorial diflevence to ,"tl colltradicts that N."lliell. is utteret), ill its Converted by theinsti-titnoutality Of Ilev. fore they awarded Elibcop(l and third a
3%19�__ _. . - I Men- lul,izz, .1
. , �)eY771xt ,,, Q, U-1br-oppositioll kiaq*illt , ',a ,III * I 0 k 4',
- - mers if they Live to' pay till hicreLls(O oditorial ouluxims, N this �,),klqjrl THr. 11i'mincind, the evangelui only. , Mr. John Durnin's 14 youll" .
. .� . . . 'at" gives proliflile of excellence, being, well,
....., - 1. m_ ... "., -11 ... I . -w .t Oil 0+tIt-04h . 4U,-L.LX-a_t0_ Iswo, 0 . .., rel)Ort int 11 . [r. JolY, Ucal llovelop6d anil. balancled ill il,jitits. - Tbe
I - . - . .. . . .
� I I .1 � -to-,vu,itont. that they tire lwop, ,ell. o price. til'o . . i It i ell tI
* � , . they ein't,rly show tlxllt�alll theiv boil.-Aed I . I
- � ve is 02,;travagailt, or tbO reductioll vido for ntall fod�eattic, whi4 they . isc., . .. � Ffermldiv,df Qrlicb0b, and Sit, Fraucis toad and cairriagm stallions- attr '
A I I . ' . � Aloted Ill -A - lo ,
(91114wht R-4K.111"Clu _6 v Al't # pro ' must Ile beforci they 111.0 fit to ship to Ilrotn. Is 'Of 9`o'l t'"los "ftel' tho.."t" Hinclsti itro to go*tQ England .tit coTinev. lAtoilLion tila y of t
. - I . . . . . . jp an lie others. . 14�Ycluil �� �...-
. . � of which fllcywoiild undertake to, lhdol)t 0 Old, counivy. Peacock" lo,oked (yr4lid ; lie knowa . I . ow t 4' i, .
� ,. . I � tit J1 t1lis i� )lot ilolio the 'Of lileptolliber WOI-tI'1l6tlIiDg but; N180- tioll with tlin I.,otelli.0v .(lifficulty, � - I
. .
OFFIOIAL PAFER OF THE CQ.VNT)r. as pal -b of their pQIjoy. . . . . extra ck:T1.1Af . .10 will U4�fuljy . . � efirry hiinself to'* Attract, tile eye of the I .
I . � .. � . . T"___ . . . - __ - . I ' .61.;�,'cltkt hood" ;,ttarcd to dec-civo. lt'ig, cortaill. Both of the 11111"s, of 'tha (itteall Of ljor.jt, fjjjjcj,3fv. 11(i j�4 ("Ir ideill, of ,.
I � Now, as it is the ittiorest of till to t WO . 's . lier'boad'.- Which . � ' . . . 0 . tile I . . .
I THURSDAY, AP111L I 71, 1871). . I . Portugal ard 'pronounced I�y�tliu Royal noblo, wair b
I .Ill(! -ill - -11111 ill ille lig. ly, Vory, detyloLable thatfailur0ii title so C2 . , oree. " Clifton Gold D ds t.;1 -
--'-7--- . - - , I- %% aillount t . 0 a hll�'o " . . pllygiciall's Wbo,affleotcd.. Thoy never. owtioll, by Mr. 11ioluas Connell, is iaio c-, -
i : . I 1%,01-111. CURRAINIL! V., . s . upport and ill,) . I . told aii, honest g2ot . gregato. . . - I . 1. . nuiller . 011s, but it .is not to he wondered tli�loss hope to Save, Ifer ;�i . the bost of. that fine stock that has bLe" ' ' .., .
. � , I " 4over4inent, we would urge upoll� Ille ---------, -&- 4, a 4,.C,--,. . . I . , � . � _Rjesty's'1Jf.&. I
; � I . , at ill tho. lonst. Tfiere ll:kli boon it (]is- , I Wot"'I't to 0111'Wa. His presont 'mvnec . . .,
; . The . li(IN-Ovilt6s of tillt. irrodepuiable cur- pacifIle. tlib necessity of being alive to - . 'I'llIC RIMPUtHE OV TRI[IT11, . . . I . I . 1. .&n attoniTt was. mado oil the life of " has(,,( . , I
. . . i stock Sale in C] intc.w
1: . pure I hilli at the
. I . . I . . _ . , tit '!Zav of Itli,ssia' dn Moiiday,- �ylflle, (,v(�r WyellLt. ngc).
. . . I P* . ,pjp I)ort ioll "i 1, a � � it IlTo ifil t, of constilu.ptiekt." e C '. I _1 - - .. Clifton was c0lisidqrvif .
I ----ft.
1� I V art) 119tting furtit efforts NVOrt, tho hitelesto Of the 1:espective irtb�istn-J .-. , . . .. " 'I" ' M 18[ibl, " " b , I , , * %t,b,, -,
VO.i , ly I .11, 1 1 �
. � . I U it dontititt -fit, - , vit,i i -OC - � I aq)
0__ _ - . 11�. — , . . — � ".....-1 I., . _-1 . . . � J - lou (if clot4r, alid itill" PC , lie W88 Milking in tit(, Illity �'t In the l,II0T('1T,t it) ,. - 1. -1. -
. t"e'tf9"ri;6I6' ffi, ill.bonll)ttvisoll with product O� 08 )y its (�i , I
of a.. bettev causv,. blii'ai'a using VrOgti- rial clin Wit 110111 -I., to. bo " oil Cl,edib pulace,, . VOW �ljots Nvert, lived, �ut'ii'otio liciog, of hv4vfuP bone' tl:ltii tile others' I I .
. I , . d , tes, . While in I lik% . facl istol, 11V'Aite(i ulloll t1to - (P goods . . . .
. I I I . tile Ilftvo booll gotting . . . . . . . 2
. .
. . , , � � . . I I . * . I Rarl,cif jj�it-(.' rVertlier and Lord Suudys,, .1 . - . q . I I . . I . . C, xPellbil
. : )Ilejlts that ,*e - not oilly W(IVIZ and fool- tjono by the-c;I-Xididilte hilnsoff.,, bV sholild, � . ftild are now 1111"ible to"j),a), flit, thein took iifta-6t. . . aild tit the 6tinto tillio sit,) ivill. All 0. 4 . . �
. . . . . . .. lF ,ord� of"I'vitilo- , , . . . .. ' trotijug rt,qq1r,d.jiu4-11% pqrfe,o�',tot-ior,t-ELt,fl-.-.-�".,�.-�,�,.--'
. . , , . I . - irat; I 11 tqfil utioll)1aillod of" tha� js� tive)iot sonlo.kind of pl,cj- , f -1 I - .
I . . I
- - .. - �. - . - . . lor.,L - . . . . . .
. 11 - j! "ic , . . �. , . . .
. . 41 ,1R1..--_-. , t�. . � �.. -10J.. _ � '�Mk-� Ala_t�-40 tItiot--(�f.-:-("t�rt,ii,iti�coloil6t-,,,, 'itr &I 1-66 r w1i 'Ca�iiidii Alotho- WC-eariant tiong-rattillAd farintire ill till
: ualIv disit6lest', flov.-if t1le - .., _11g):. .Alr� 1=."'ball"Ai -,j-1RIt1i.I&�tr:oe- -f-
I . 11 J10., vxlifi w. alf, th � _ flicy'li, . got ail IV- , -- -1) flild in -ally I
. . - 4- )ill!- . 'C'..-J...A. is I ki to "i, 0 - bil C ) -it t they receiv-. ollpies the I)IIII)kt or tile V is v,;,qsIblQ t
s6lianio- is; ever ci�i',Viofl ilito Insictlea it' sary, It should be unders6oEl. [jltj4- jjt, Anicrica Nyho ])till begun', Llic"Inallilflic- I n. 1. � , .1 I I �s , q1. : ,
� . I . I I . I .. . . . . . . ed T116 oiilv imniody for tile 4alwo%sion dist Uturch, Woo(lstliok,'iintil tbo'00117. Itl�atioli of tile county oil rapid inlpro,.e- , .
� . I . will bothe ni�-.11lzi of robbing thfillsawl., . " I tiave of -cloth t4oro." Tho IMillistorli -, , � . . '
. . . . . I . . .1, is only -the standiti-d-beareri wItile tbose, - is, eqoxintuy. and inciemed production'; ference'llicets, when, in irlil iwobabilityj litent artiong. c,attip, iticlecti,we r,ttller fu&I . .
I . , . . . (4 to tl�l�w' rucasurqq f4rtMvitll tIle.. fo�iile�- , will have to - lie peacticati, lie will 6, thor's'necessol. of tho-Rov. A.Tv. inclined to speali; rury plain tru tit and rmX I
. iks the ellarters of till 611V baill's oxpire ("(III to `Voxllil�1111 11 . , I . 4. . , . � . �
I . . I . . . , . . . who pub bial forwitid stand pled., to stol, t o wactice", T110.0tilor day , . .. I � theni it' lecture for lle-loctiq tliia vory in,.- .
. I . '� 'tit . I I 1. .. . . . I , . . I cilbor -voluntarily or by coinpulsiou, -for Parker. ' . . � . � . . . 1.
. ill 188I., it 18 1IUIkOV(Ul!t tit;' if il.11V , Yotksjlir� do � portant,dopariltionto:f t1lefarill.. W-edo.
1. . .� pupport Itial to the end, - The. Collstitit- put"16011 olltf,red a kindred . 'i:163,cclu,116 I lig IV. J, - - .
� ___ - � I I . I '. . . . I . tr1i .Q or continue to give, : �j " ' Boustead, of Tor011tO,'011 not ruean to olly-thiltgrado* udwssb6uld I w
- $6 . . , A .Ot 11, .
I I ,
,...- _-----c4-ffft" -I-H-t Stoni.. of bank- . I -(rivs should be ininutely* si'l).divIded.., "4��,_._, . I . . I I 1. - . . I 111. �
. It, 0 l40.1II'Q8oI)r. Rv en J Ill est tupaillsb Callad itill, III` hil I fl IQ tit vors'. e:rodit'-witi- iliw-lat��--wilt--,qiio-l-,c-,--de�aoi- 4fL�j-qrsflxy ' - keecive-d-, i't � gohtui6,JjjITi(ji,I be,. ho'J entirely ai�d ( LIU b"
. ,
. . , . . � I � I .1 . . I . 1) ) tit, tlicir- - , �
, .
. .
i 11g, is to Ili' 11"'Ide, t1tor Inattor '5110111(l. -Ile. and--wero told thttt the Claila(liall t""'I" for society ba i imbibed ideas ofincreased b4lliA
. . I I .110 coluill I, lflibrods � a a
I , I tops shotil(I bo, appointed, for n- o i I,,, s rai.aed, lilt t we tit) s y ti,at .
. .. _. _ I. I— ___ __ . adjan pcoj)je. - - froui 016 pooplo-of-'Meniplxis, Tonit,2) .
was in the liands PC the Can, I .
q . I . . . . -#-. . . enjoylliollf" arld it,will labor to I . .
. . I .. 1: :lractive bottiir class vf grados nright be pro4tably
.. . valnily iind tMiroug'Illy di',Cu,�O.d, .xn that , I grateful itelctIoNviedgellielit Of 41iq owil
. .. ,� 'III.- Ule stib-divisioils, "F"Verv, y6ter �& illord oillie'lltened will vilivill roll I...' CC- 0 . .
. . . . .1. . I . . . � . . . . .. . �.. Ill the ineaus of'satisfyilif� . . . riised by alwaj;s' crossing with thoronob- - - I
I ili�':-y . l.. -1 tIldso ideas Ol- . . I bred btilig. , I . .. .
: t Ili' Usb jiliul .111tiv 1) o - it I T o I W. d - Tito I , 'Id .1)0 ,So loilifil pohey provW .Ot-our Tteforni �., . I . . . ofibl-bi and those -of tile pocil)lo of-Toron- . . . . a - . . I
� . '. 1. I � . slot on ,iiid talked to.,kt, opeo.. . ... I .
. I - .. -1 .1
r . . I I.. I . I I , ropensttle!i", . . � , "..., .1 - , 'Aid to .. I Nv ver: - . I .
, - . , -ionds, look frick longingly.to tI . . t:2 . . ._ Tlw.foIIowNcouxp'rises the'privo list�.,
. q�IIjIjj-c,_ if.-,tn) \611 have to, �rx.iulade � I , . -1 . . fI to 1114L � I . . . �. . to in 'kildin, , tllt� : ve to -..(P - .
: .
I . . .0 . . l,' . I . I If a iijaii.bas -bizell t6ld *11,11; is. not true t ry., . . . . .Z�,� ., . ., . .. � . ...... -------Wjto�� ....__...___.... 6mifol,urs.lklq.t*giiiiitiiel'".", ., . . . t) .. . . .
I . . I . te, � 00111 11 . . I I . .
. , - . _ -..._. � - - ,P,,, I r ,'-It 131LI,'iEt L�Tj ' L I - . . I �. � , UORsUS, , , . ., I . . .
. ilext ymn, �.-o thlit 1):1111(s "'(11(l, bu,gilloss, ... _ '_..__-_ ... . .. ... '. .. . I . . 4 . ON I),) IM -'. . . . . � - , i . .
- . - ." 11(WU ili�; . Iff --- I -_ 0 . .. -.,-,Ab-ilie�ediiel-u-noti-otjl,,,v.- Nl% J31-irlyll" , Heavy q,�.d ll� I .
I - - __ - 1, -ar: "-.�, . , -NV - � _ . �. _ -1 - , . . _t1raught sta)li�xi;_'ag *ah S, ,lilt . . . � -
__ . . 1___1_- -._-"--1 .,_Al,1d,ut,.,tjIo'. 06v�rllln ell. h It s 11, -- A Vt-i _�s ... . . .� . �. . .�
- � - . - -, . , _.- _ '. � _-_-, . I . _14.0 , .. . � . . I . �t . (I . I)- .0 - dF-fw0T-6&tiOiIV!l; " Jo --'- -- 0z:1 .6 I .
iijen niny .- f ro I. it. - - ]�) tit. W e , . I . Sininu.-I"kire," otv'fied by--J,..,T.,�vi.he!V" . !
. ,ile preparei: . . .. The'lliltilov or t1th.faffious Partive Lct-'� sorilloii 6ii'�S'undkiy, hraho Metropo .
, . I I p Ll't hild ill Possession of tll�,. tI.uC:.,V0I'-. th I - .1 . ...... I I ... . � I litan Colborne. GeilorM purpoSo, aged clas . .
have rxicl Wen Ilint- tbere vVill Ile .any Illa- I . .. . .. . ml C of�,-tWoAbo.vo fiaragetalih-1 oherof a - _-.1 . . . � S, .
. ., : ' to Roy' Dr R.yei%ciii,, 1,t . ..
. sioti. Ulso every' legitilliate, eft,ort to i�e_.. I . . . I ters li,as ivi7itf&i-i,-Fd-Gi-6--',�7-eNv'-I'ork 1.'oltl: ' 4yQIU,_ Von ,_ , , . - _,. T_ _-. ,_'_'_r,_'pac4inau," owned by IV. L. Fi6k� . . . .
. I . I .. b . � Ij
'j--( �� __
- ct I 0- . - . ''. , , - --- - - 1z --h- - -,, - - - - .
jj.f& 'U
if I
- of the 0,ei '011-1 0 gtison,-Ccl )orno; 2nd, "Toting o riBull"'I ' '
. . . . - -It a' Jv . rt,c�8idenb 3. _ . .
terial chan;1"o, for, ��,fth pi�opar resti,ic- I . . I . -lar,go n(linber tllii,t� fial is.6011ti n tial-, . I , P , I
. . . I . . taiii, thotio whollaX"'o' tll.Ay.ifs suppoi-Ce(I . I al. C:Wstic letter Olt ("Inada's, Ildlyly-tiak. .0 , .
. . . . th. There , niet,only - - .- . . . - 1A , , . I
. .:. � . . . ly I)littill" fox tbo T�Ietlx�odi (Janadaj 1 - .,
. . I . I 1: ist 6 Ireb ill by John Glen., 'Colb , Gen `�' I .
tiOIIS, till(I IllideV- thol-011111 . . . ..... I. 0 . . . are. . I . . ;w6ed . orn'. ora,
I . . I'll. gov�ornloiltal � . gived L4011'. Many goo(l 'things.-itro smid' questeri to I) NV it I I.Youn " � .
' it' . the niert . iiow in j)qN)�er;. ond6avbr to clin� - Aioodii in it, but it condemns. - � � . . .. =��. I., . a. ,allo ed to. 'ildress a fow p'urposli threc. yo'6r oldtI 2nd, r, - I -
isupervision, , . � I . . I
0 -present balil,�Iinr� System I . . Several falbL I �
. r 0 I I . q . or, PeHecticlij," owne(I by -b.'. ReMprc '. .
. vinc(I tbo.%'�vho. havo,beretofore a0ted tll(,, jorj6 ()f tile . ill-thk letver, and tile Crild "T, ag�of-)�,Ip.- �-Nrords to tit . 6on,gvd.ryqUoji.. . The - ven . . 'hie, -6 - � - .
. - is ..is good - V ilovy", adtilinis ... . .. . � . 0o1.hi)rne_; 2rd, 11 13-rown Pr .
. - its .diiii, be devi'sed under Pro � . . . .., I . . tratiloil ' I . � "Ible Doctor tlien-intule a'�ow ron4r1cs, I . ince," owned .. - .
. . . 1. , , 6 .Q that . . � - - 'ljoccitt a I, O . , , - h ' I .. I .
. I z1gainst thotn'.� and , , ,rhl`ey'�. fir,qt 'aild secoild �, )s
. ' . . . �. , w.;, .,Lb*ov. ill, Boo]: t -wought. about -the sepit- . . I . . ., : con raintiory.ef 21rr. Bri ', - Goderich - township, . . ' .1 i
- I 7 . .sent cireningtaildesi I I 111tillu'dely I . g -,W �Oi,doh ind, by' )Yin� Morrow, .
. - � . �- ... : - . . . . . 12 G6nerhl purpolso 6yo Par olds lat ' ',
- -, _ . 1. , . . . . � v*01-v c4overly collLms6ed � iiid o�qq�. . tj Dv-folt I. tit, l( I 0
. . __ -
. . ret�111-ov,gain, cis the case, milfbe that i-�Uiojrbr tile 1111itod'sta, -aiii - - - ___ i- � I 1. 1: __' - - I _�__. 2401-1.- -stated tjia't that d-1 --lyaq 0,10 I I q -0QMet 1� - ' '-a1-:-------- � , � -- ----- - -
. To issub. .,ill, irr6doOu1RbIe!paI)Cr olli. I . . . � ) tes'frinil. Dr' ." - 'y . . - - � youm; ownedl,lik John' lorin . . I
. . �. I . . - . . it I , ,� Dy .
� . I . . � I . I.
I . 116iiev by t1w (,C�erinncn't, ilud.t1le forc.-" large nnutral Vote .Nvllipll 10011nM �-xi -Tho -,)'mrlcsliii,o,(Ic!jliit,iti"61i (Jill nlot,611,WV, Deq.1111'e" with -the. i-etallatioil dodge upon . aniliversi:Lry, of his fivat 'eritrance to -the- 117., Nva7waboall., � . ..
. . � . . . , � ..... - I Road or carriage aged- '.*-
. . . , *** . I . . . . . . . . . . - - _. . _�,§I�_t_.�__i:
- ,. .1,% a � , ., _
I 4 :::::::: �,,..tz -F--- �, 1. I !�t=�,.' rpil , hp� :,,a q n� - 1 _. . ,
� .- .... -I. . ". - ., _ . , � -
.�., . . , t -, �z�.�7� , �ql! 1. 11 IrU3 H A _ a, L',YM-1 5'9-`Pd-TcT) dZ,':!`_'6 iv n a". y_. -_W._.. -7 -
I .ig ffl..... `R9 �- 1"' I a-4 - ' ' E " * i ' -
-..A--�;rx--;=*�.,-,,�--�'.5L,--� ,:__�, _--,-_-_ , —_ :�. rc�-X�, , �' . .. ,�,��. - �
, t I .
(filidA - 1. .1 .-ti., .. -j) -CA .',.I 'H " 11 d, -.`� Clifton- Gold- Dtr*." -- ��,...
U 'at �1 ;., � 11,
. _iI.V_j.VL=1 6 61','.- Edit AI�I'IiR_77409t, Re -1110 1I.D. '. ,,
.,.. U , 0 t� . 116 �o,v _ _ -1. - i, -, 6- * -`� ow _S -a � .
j�]*-4 �� " - -- - �
=�. .7 - -1 . ... - -1.1 'lip..;Pejjjl -.'-'&e... ay Ill ent.- �08. � �� ,. ,tb a., Nv Ltld,_ - -wW.Al _ � 'e , I I -1 r,4,�'32 ';: , ` 11:�",ti-v . T" - , E:_,:=_,; f. T P� i-�Ij;r7 , --�o ' I '.
1�gy - 4. a- gr -,i&%-_. * - _4��
- : _j:.t__.' _,4 , In �;_ I . 9;_.-_- `_ _�l - . .... .
. - .- 4 . Ig , -,- � .. _
, . _* _; _�'. 1. - . .I
-jr L, . ly'...,", -
_ __ - " , ,,,I . ..1. �, . . I . , , - . I owiio(:I'by' 1.
. ---V,rft1r�-t-zf-.-0,6"r-l -I-T . � I facturias id this cciili4y, bl-It. agritillst n I s 11 '- 'is .Gr ixW ., t. -01onnell, Goderich,town,abi . . .
� . I _�.�!-_-- . � � ..... , .. .. -_---..1..,- I I— -1 U . . :- I : �
.l.- �� 61 � live I V. 1lidatiturtilaSST- _01 I W, I - Iq c 11 I ed Tri i�T TIv Ill-, 0 . I jy, , .
I . . - I . I . I , 1. � ..... .. -1.1 1. . .. � I -1. I - .. : . .; .,. . . � � � . . �. 11 . .1 . . . . 3rd, '-1 Itingivooll," owned .by -IV. Stotts
. . M . I . Wit"'...- , I �., �... - .-.-.-- .. I . .- -... .. I
. I . . . 1 -
. Nvould"bo. only iWotIter wayl of, taxatioll.. on'trip 6 1 v; "' 1), Goveptitnent � reco'I'd , I.. .ecnvo tavi i1t; shuts tholn: Pitt. of . . I 'Vile, I �'qiiclou:' . Pt " . " . -
. 04'.- . . I I 1?'4`E_G_ '63 " Whicli is n0t Goderich, ",Swccipstal , , �, I - d' * - ". -
. . � I .pVOL . .� tit, . . . . . . . , tes, opene( jto a! . ..
. . The govbviiihiOnt. lias.nlreddY taxicld the bot!h lecriqlati.vu a a d aclininistrativet is . . . I I I k InIcee!; by youl. owil, blind .
. - g - -,; - . I . , .1 yok. yq�, I vall.y,g�yep to writing,nonsclisq, kays_ Lipyggs, -.1w a -to ,' S tit I 1.3are, 11 I . .
. . . . J I I 414� .. - whl I iey ftv�- ttt:.ket1-&1- .. . - . X�UP A 11 - . _Kc10A___., i -o.,.,-,-. =. .., ..; ------- 7-
--- I � I .. . I . -- '.' , " -, . -.- . -
_.. - .-----.- . ........ .. - . . , * ------- - _ I ... . . . . lor .twelve Y *IrS111111k Q -that -1 , 5va. . . .. .. . � -
_. __ - .7 . . . ot � . .
. - -"'- . �( .
To-i-ifirr-,Ftb,� he" 'e,xtout of a !out .twiblvi!l. sit � .,is c minand it,.gelf f6 all i-oqsqll� , . . . � . . I
----c .�t " A- 'to O . . . Y01W iii.view of the tairible exhibition � - - -
. . , . . , � . ' tile IlrotocUoii of . Caii4dkir , � Tim. 01)1)6- 11(, ilinterial, y6or, waggons -.jvI&h the OpImition,is 1-nal-ill,ty.of itself ; I ,ad class, ,Ist pilze and . . I . .
. �. . - 0 .
I illions: in, t1ii". wily, .:iVU01) - -,io Vint able 'anil. ifliprojudiced, minds, -and the " . .. . .. a . , - I . �gt I. )urhaui'bulIs,: ag .
�;, - Ili- I . I I I . . . 11VI i.uvc, 0 -a (I I;,*, , �, -,tt. ili:61y, �tllat It 0-�ilcral - do- diplotila Beac - o - ns(iold," -owiie'd by P, .. ;, � -
. . .. . . I I I I '.. 1 . I � . . . 110115 of the till iff, do not 10.0 -k -back ion cr- . 1)'ir�obql " I �1, .1 luld - �0111iis at 6 aw,a"it is%] 0 Taw I 0' -,* Durlia, . -
. I
. � .... , , it does - n t. find burd6n.qdnie ; - neutral- class referred to are dffeii . ill " I . I . � .. . . , 0.1 - . 1; I . - ' I I Ity I � an d . ' ' . 11 .a�jso'fov I)EV . ' 13lak - bef - re I , qodiiie"h , in bulls under . .
.. 1111111011111t, 0 1 . . . . . , ., I . I . - dou 1-0 . Line, oil. a duty of t 11 Wi � . a 0 Ily . . -, 1
. . . P0 .: I -WC . ".
, .1 .. , gly to the condit ... , . 1, ar old, l,it, I 'Pri 6 art" " I .
, � 1 7 . lll� aon� 6C -tfiltios t mt lek- - i-,'centuai oil out: lonibLy. % . . . I *' I oniqyo Il 011 Is, -owliek . . .
I '
� I I bt�tf if it- isqued and c4iculateli xnuchf�hat 0.9i *.5 , , , -tuse they al -C. rell- - . . . . R I . .� I.)o � -NO*Nv, we "wilich the Ineall.coxispiracios AV lie I have -1 . I .; ,_
� . . . . . I . 1) �iolr'jtl. t beet . I ... 1. bYY.,, "UtItch, H. Wawanosh ; 2hd, 11 A ar- I
. . ' . �, , . . . . . ... istod ill Englan.i.l. a Celitul%y 'I,r"O, but f"ioi will' - wo -will. inalce, . , �
.. at, and,refused to. eave gold . . .. I
inoic, than tb 0 . I §onidile �ind free from prejudice. I I � - .' I I I., .1 . . I . I�e even with you , ' ilitis f"Ir pieven tIV-* quis of Lorfie," owned by 0. Girvin, 'NI'... .
I .
V . . .. 1. I I I dNarev fifty: cents i
� f , . . . . .Aw , . . 'e -iiii " I. to ti'a�nd': inctIce lialliefitiE`171 life will shrink.aNyay'sdowled, awancish. 'Dxill ,of any other .broe , let, -
, . or 'Other 111cam:, ,of foroign* exclitinge for [V , . a doclt 0 of 1, sfactioii that "reat and c" 0, I . . INV - a , - - - '� -
- � . . .'M I __�, . . . ' .1. � b . ei 'O . 0 I .1 . the - poorer, populatiall. br,00nbario to upon and deTbatod.." Me .F�eo Press Gordon Youi&a ".kirshire.'. )--ii?iyatill. :. - � .
. . . - � .110 P "Y e - --o we . . - ,� 1. . . I . � . .. = I , . .
�.1 4 W PAYS . THL ft'(71 ' lorlciid clial, ,�Ali " -been, 1A, (16, bV . I - 'J., I
. . it w1yell. dentanded', - ii-1-4hc jmpev- , j . � . , I . . �� . C, , � . .1. -.3, : Shiver ` Stew� boil, dt'8till �ind 'press - Illay. .t4ce 'Our w9rd f0v , that; ;Mr. t----', -, � :, - - , , 2 , ,
I . , . I . I _ .. — . . * I . . . I . � ih . � - - . . ------- - . .
� . . . . � . - - - = . .
. . . I . the labors of,RCfCl1n1en-,. -alid dint till tile Ile � . . . . .. . . ,. .
. I "�Ainc in -,'-o,Iuu,. ai�d, tlic-4 ,V feNv tjlxy$ sitj�q. it " I . I _-4111-- I ift' 1111d tile Pdliev Bit -I apj)ear in -h�rl 4till ell i fil. .' '. . .
ivould quickly de . . . goiltielilan In toNvit , - - . . . I W. ( adian tax , ake �will'. 10 MARRIED' . I � . .
. . . . . . I' ' ' ' I , I I . I . , . . .
kis eh , is the most I70V- IvArt . .
� ' . v onMung- tbcni.- .We do feel.. N�bich has ctilAd it into w ,If dieve , ,
. .are �iloNi . . , . _j,
. . boldOrS, of it be the suBerers. . The conse- J'� - I � t CC dowil �'61. tunle , ill lixit, -Einsovs. By Rer'. J;'-Varx W�yck . 7.. ,
. � sent. to ,,Lit Ani6klan c " . . . � . ") . . '':
. . . � I . _;, I . I - . B i�_, of Stratlir'by, assistied, by.nov. ., �.. . , ,
.. ity�fov soino g, .,
1. . .1 . , ar- sullpriseil: that inell callim, -fliciliselVes -to ,%'it essenev.. and,the result -is coatain- Ict; lica,Qi-d �vitliin the ranlvi o 11 . �
I . I I
- I. - _. __ �__ __ . 13 f tbo Lib-
. nfl tioi�,.. ' Wfilid-stib, of Hilihiltop, on tbo'2-Sth ult,. . .
. valluo A,iolditfl ihqk�kq, i a� , . ..61�b '_ , . i� .uit,,nda� � ed drilho abbve itiontioneJ kiio� . Tt i"; �l.'i'ti'l),,ti-b�r.':I,e,,LiL,(Iill,, tit . ,(je.,jr � I
. 1. . . :-7. -.d-qll-g�e,p,i�qL."�4kp.lg�l�l���N-Ltl,icty.', - Wisbiijp� 0- livistiall". Nvill supy6l't su,cl, ,
.. . __ . . �
I . . �.. I . . ,.---. I n , I " " 6 s aDilifY Of � at tile INX: 1). parson age, T,�ndon, Rev 13.1.
. . __ � _ ... . "Is - . the . , . I . " . , . . .1 :
., .j 't '... I
thin-wou4cl-appeal. to,41a"Val-loo-, I -- a, falseliddid-utt-mini :Sloc appli a , veq� -tie] -. - N(f4b eve has. - nevdr� � - -iinl��-B.,-,�.,�-,of,,ga':tfa,[b,-to-ijittl� .1
� . .1 . b . ilk, 14Vlele) tO-'11TRfCC.-Mo!rjf-thcth lc-�woit�lercd that clou'$ �i I([ . .Iy I . . , L-Av - � �
.1 � I I ' , 0, V1,G-to-or -tat e -taxed. . 8k1,Clt-.roapPenr�114Q ."t _Dz-,__. - -
. , . , - , . , It . I . .. I ,� . . - . , . . " . . . I ..N P, _.-
.. ',]ill no 0 � . . I . -�I, I t1tis ii.i thP exact troth. , ),Vller� be. - P ---.hkA - 3'oun,yesb. danglitilrof R,ev.-Robeft. O.' .Rr- ' � -- '
. �. .. .� . .. . . � . � . .�tli 'L -
I whell in reality it�'- Nvould be th(k inolley JbdL ' 1b. is reigh-'astorlisolli I"g! to wit- --':�n , -'
. I . . I � P cin iri,i lif 4`cctll�q)irii. .� , � 11
� . , , , � . � `tb ey � . i t arrive suid. P616 -Ann ycid- at - ' - * he' I .1 . � L � � . I . � . solls. ,�Ocroiary of -Xiagitra CO2ifolrenee oE the. - - � - , : 'I
, . iling, ill -valub j: luortgaps and -clot ts .. 4 . ) . I .. ness t atidacity, %ith Which. they. put or o r'vviSc:"terkeej) X[r. Blake oilt.-of � I . �z . . ., - .. . .
. d CCU I Q I . , ev tlio (Itify �,i inevellso(I itis in 9vel'y in- . . .
1. . I .: . . �W . . - . . - the , "U. I�Xhllrcl .
� � . . I'll - their' delay: On i Ues(1%v h6 ll,,cei�\-.ol n, forth s�uela glaritirp and oh;gily d'ot(je 0 CY ,. , . -, . I � , .. � � �
�Allotlltl: Ile paill in a (Inpi't'aitt to , . % . � . . - . . I _V� - - .. 1. .. _t (I . . . . .. pu rd: nn(l, tll"Lt botwOC ' ' t1ii 4tn%l 'UO6Pr1i-0AsI,;.'. Oil the3rd iust.,..�b the re4i." - - ' ' . '
. � ,
�: - . , . . . ..�� 'd,ourrelicy.;m no&io'(�. frolil elid Ousloin's departiucn`i: at ,rillsolloOd, - . , `.1 � _w I � . I . . I . ' blic 1i , . 11 . 9
.. . �. S � - I Stkiltdo tho. Caliadiah,vi-by pay y-],,, tax, jII,,, I)e I .
" I
�. . and pooplojl,tiVing . . . . - , - . 1. . . , . 1. Is 4 . .xt �Scssioll Of Pftvlimxtei�t. ploro, , derico of the 'bride's father, by tile Rev. L.' I. .
I � v,- fixed inconies would ! -: --00%..�_ . : �. . and. Mough the high:tjivill' nial. 01"el'. 1�� .
. , .. . .� .
� se'li'lill- a. . . . I . ... I .. , . ')pI)Or ... lilizely to a .T. t. Chu reb - - .
. . ' 1,011(roll, hinyingiAlitif '�n ']]is " I .. I . , thillt One L tulfity im rise � ROWnsion, ineumbent ed Uirl, I . * . , I
I 1� . . . �. I .. �,�, .
I . . o I ort, bf , , . I E._V(',r-SEI. '4TE121". RAILm" - - ,. ii1te ' - lt� �viff' only -'ll" �O tit , , Frode"rialc IV;. J I ooper, of Contr.%Iia, � . �
- tl bod .'f * I I . . . vil-rati6nal tralle; , I : . that �411 show.ill all unIIlIstiikCablq waty. .
. . find that hey. i.v.erc rob .. � I.. � t . � � � . . . .. w . I. - 1. - . -�qs -� �' ` " �
. � I' -.1 - cer �alll. alnowit to pay tile dtvh-, � the. ,� . - - - I � -:- � . K �: � 41 ... . ')-1 * . . . .. . I *o ,or rr, q " t. Ild ltt�� of .N.Villiapi .C, 0. . ,.
. . r ilm pa' i -x, I . . , , . , I ____ -
.jbei' fortutiv, , tlxoSo . rt6 A6n _11 ; '. .. I - . Alle C-L Of our,.Q�yapeolilul-1 .- -y -- _....._ . �
� . . . . . . _- --- _ " , 'j)j. xe'facL ' tit - I I ;1 I 1. . I - that the. Alost , co-ritlial. " .jlipatll3i � 0".. . . .1y I 0 1� - .. � . ... ,
. . . _ ,trtled, 11, [ tl' � Ti Oil AN'ni.:lr..V,t `61 i I � ....... . .� !'MY., 0 11� I ort, - . 1, . � . � . . .
. ,
". ilftykage wojiidT�� . De's . . . , ll,lerW .1,18 , , . - � .. - , ��";"I-, - - " ` , ' botivepn, thh�g ntlelliall ail 1 6- , .. 1 * ' - ' . . '
* 11, �. � . � . . . .11 I . . � I , d: �tho ackil . .. - - �
, - -ijicSt)io Nvoidd. I . . ! I . 0 .. . D1 Fri. ' -' . .
1. Vhm;rfGev-lootAv1e(1 flicir � I , - .. I 0 . . � I ,
..- . . . . . .. . .� .. � .rcC8iIfI,�,.b0u&it 'L,kr;,mi ,corls%i,yI1rlIC - "'Oe ai . I . . .1
I- - - � . .,:I . k7P - , . '11t,of. A.. D6,111001'kitit., . icky it; .,I* , Ii .- I I
. .1 , , , "' it 2equiro, ft 111,1111*11.1tyl,ily yi . heim ,01','� of*tho' oppo tion alif 'his' folta�iierq, . - - - � .) ..
� .. . - ' his would. bo. a. -ery . 11 ass to sv(,,'wlIO , - I . . .., . .. 91 . J . I I -- 'd�,ileld, ,ou tile 2!nd .inqt,. �, * .
be the gain I * I . .. . I:$ :3 t) I . . . I 1. sl,.'Iclzlr,��At 1,
018. .1 . . I . .. . . I . "to0l. rilil",411- Euglilivi, fllll,� Ji,scri , �� , , N4 , , . I. 1 1, . 9 '. I qR I I . . . , .", '�� , - -
. I .. I., I , I . , � I111111.1 _. ..
, , .
. . . . �_ )I . � , .. the ,.dtity.-.ilc�qis .�ifts6l -,6:.� " 'it ` , , 'r ill I . - il 1� . :,�lj1prictill, , pro , (.1 . Li . c.t �, � I I its cov - � . r , 5 . . . . ., ts. � ... . . ., � . . , ,
I . .�Crl m-PlIbl, . K 0 ., I 1. .. I IJ, 1, r �, . 040, SoIc � p I v- of&qva Fr a I )-,?,:�-. - , Robei-t ,.pad1;ma,n, aged.58 y-ija
tolls .111isfdrit-kile.til socint'Y'.nild" I Q.1 pay�s . . . lic �. � ,� jlll,� ;I,,% �jt. 1 .1 .. I . . . - �. . . . � I I
�'. , . . � . ' I . I . .. . '.. i��' I I.. ., I . . � , . I � I 4 _ _ .. . - , , I Y M . � '. , ��i ..ti:crt;�,,, " of y , . . C't.�*I'lil'ok�--4n Clinton,- oil* the l2th inst., ' -I' . 1. " , -
. 1. . . . . - ` ill-` , - ( hIn t -to the': -,till � (Ill L, !- . � ��e * tu I'— N .1 '00, I . I
-o of A ,gh�ellt (Id"t of Suffer - ; - , � t . * , . .[11,� llowina :-T.lie- 1hat riijinor. Elli 11 *I�ilqflteyof 1111% T)AVillc%nk6_10,11, " . .. I .
.1 T '" , - , * L, qr-c " , -- ;ndon'�X crd 6
' b, ` I , w-iillizatiolx is f"i M t 6* 1 �: rl he � " .
'. � . � 61 I, if.s. ],us V01 .t: le grlj�lhd *1V illu6ll ('01111A, , _ � .
dl�jcti.N I . . llilrt"N� 11110e XI I I I , 0, ,I, , . t .. .
. . . � I .. . � I � " ;,,I' : . I publishes tho fo, . - "", Lt",yl, At— I .. �, ... . .
. . , , 010 J)"Iri. 0. ioltlt'),Ill�llilici,�ctt,,J!i.-l-,",. - 1`1 'ofi, of (,'dii, ( k'i Cal -poll , � gec 'one y.iear, . . . .. I
. One, PC fla, �6!-"iniii fo,r"Llrolss'llo: Of aiv I foi-ciii-ilt,'*��',i�i."�ii,q�eo plainlv delliblisti...'tod .�) .. i3t,fro the. �.Issasqinati 4 -, � t 'if n,.,k. .1inctleruild aud t, 11 u ,
. I . I . . . I � 0 0 . . . I I � � . . I "'.-.1 ., I riespecting b"ir"Joh ,
. , I I . . . I � i . . . I . . � . 'i,-.111derbilo, llit,s sillco. 1111140 puldic" (110 lie , - ' Ilk-Tr-oll thb Idth ink,.tilo ibiant �Ilildpl '.. , .. ... . - �
, . I
� - irradeel;1"I'l Ile Currency thai-E its adrbolttes - - , I'— _-__��. 0 , " - . - .. .. . . . . aeceptsa t1lird,tPrin hotilination. for Let6lii*r question is .worthy of 'th-o4 tric-IN.., Mr. Thontas Last, I ' ' .. . �'. , . I
. . . . � . � � .� , . -v�olt fov- his _couvs� 1 . , ; A fullett. . . . I
, ,
I . i 'I I .rei ;,,' in the Inattov, J Ce tIlo:-.PVc.SideIlV!. The " ey-allgelim tion 611, $tov , d of tho-Dolninioll Govftil- W���,,,, ,__l I—, : . . . ;
- ' .� . I ,. OPEN TO DIS -j"17fl. . , . � at tile bea . .., . 30cenrUm � .
� � -_ ____'_ '_ , - * "' ", , - ,
. . . I - .
-o . I'llailt. fb if; stated byproininang Coll8dr,
. . put forth i.s, chry, 'it N�111 - N tho ne- . . I � 1. . ".,. .
. -C 1. .i I . - 6 : I
, . I � Obviat I I . I — ,. saill Iii�;"V,iic,�li.gli�'llit�011.180 aluoubted t . tll(� ,1401#lk appears to.., I,i-,- Vc%r tit, front I C12,139TO.-V 41,11,1RULT'S... , '.
. . . " . - I
. . - . L .1. . . . x. , . . � .
1�_ * I (I 00; � tons of t1lo 1)6�I; Ell't[i-"ti -Acel rails, . . � e. .. I
. . � 'tell tile' ("701'." pevsisi&llu`�vlxat its, I '�W!t'. : - . . � r.6tives. thttt the Government do not' . �
. cessity of .(I,lr '�Goi-6rnlilom. going to ; fflil i, . . . . .
I . . . . . I I . , � � . 001111) OtO WS . -P I-tt I , , .. . . April 17, 187V.- . .1 I
n whi"ll cm, lliw, (lelivered", inclittlilig du- . . .. .. . � . . . pect a fa�orable respon-30 U .11 lo intiorl-, livllt;�lt, hill, red. *�+Ijil"-11, -0 ,Q() tl� : 0, -87. 0 * - . � �
. � Rhigluall i,1!1LlIAjclrr�;,1viII;,, Inon,Uy 'flieve, .; Opp*0111.'Iffii calle'Ll.." a 670bq R'.�'? ill refvr� ? - .:_ .. _ *-- I ... . ... .... ities rogardi ,'ibe dionii4sal 6f -- 0,11cat fall y"Ilde, - � 0 9 'o ( J * *
. � . I . . . I . . Al authol. ner
. . . . . . I - .� I * . I � ty, 41 -bout .14'.):1,1101, toll. Ili, ptupome's to : ,.. \ , , �)� . I . , , I , p it ,ji,) ,
� . ! I'll tilt,* T_,iCnt.-(3o1Va6ior of 'Qtuilbi-c. T -j 1.) ro - � - . . 1
-31 "ir4t it) Inol"llul-Akon- I i . .§ ". it 0 8 "y - , - , *
I I . Vn 'LtINTI itliv,ty";!s:.�N t1litt (will! . ' . ,� P r in,;, R-n(itilialf . "t. 0, 80 , .
. which it, is llearl� illaiti,d], doinq for I (-iice'to' S )lilt. ill 00 0 inv tileze rlW,"-01'L et 1)61'[1011, of t1lo C,!Il- . . I , Coatillf � ' 'L
44 . . � . . . . . � vide-ior Such 'yonay, �fljjelx 'VI) Ill I I', � :. .
, , , . � . I'j'; ' ' �, _ . 0 8.1 a 0 q .
, <!, , , * 1C. * - , , ir,td traek wlit-r'l tllo.M.Qttl,. all(I , n perfeet vig"If" io �Ui.oplo labprqs 11 - . , '0 . ..
R, I tile collstrtl�ttpxl '()f1)u.bIiC_ S�orl.,. A,k � p.ral, T�10!10111te R'seforillers \11�'vuW'.wil%,' t,,;I�: i,� the I'live. y .. , . c-ituile! Sir Solln and 2-3 colfoiiaue�s to re- �( ,_ . , '. 0 .1 () It. 0 .15 .
. , I
. . . I . t�l "I I I .
. � I I . . I , : . � I .1 . I
1. o ,,5v . evjinn�iit in , -;;; lll.l � (lisposition; t( 'nstive" i"'. fov what "t, . . - , I � .. . - '11 I" � . .. . .
I 'tiltifiletUvOrs hive, ,,Ila v- wherovils-1-they clj)l tj�-ji:j -tIlutil. 4�jt fizt,j a - Sign, it i,� s, id. that the. Rrenlior ag resolv; , " , _ . . 0 50 it Wo.5 .
, � . . li�avieht. , Tit 6 111. I � it it,� � . .
thou'li . ) dw 'ill L -) C(. lim * t� I . � ; .. I 0 r. the current �kcar " ,� . � .. . .1 . 0 60 it 0 0j: * . .
. 0 , tit . 1� . I I . I . .., ."'; au"ok I 14 -t , twelve vollt:i und if - � - - ' ' a. fli*6's#'ixl�ICCl , , , 0,13h�t-tllc estillint, a fo . . � .
. , I , .1 !, t e6i 0 last . . ' , . � (" ,
.ow� ul .olliitk�. d(jos ! dc I . , - , � . olltviwtoll 11111 1 �:'� (" i"'t'll", shall -not. he llhal)5, ililised -till ord 11 . . 14, I (� . . . � .1 . . .01 � , - ,
�,tallcc,,borl (1110y, �Jlci c . � �Cil off worse thtilt. fill ill(16�crotibll. IIIA Re � W wil . 111.1.i.. I 1 -.I. 5 o " a r) 0 i
. � I *
p I I . . . . I I I . I . all".61, tficifC.-ivu (.,tit Wove tIll"I't, dille, ".. a�. - I � I ,
. T . . I . I ... - . striffloll dolle - \rItat.. t)losill, tm(lor ,,4 have Wan'recoLvoJ f r(lin Ainbissidot-O'en- I . llota.t�.Us: *-, - . ; . . 0 ) A � I I ..:
. L - - , (;;, 61 io - .
'not actually ree(tive Inolicy. i i's t I I u result i'sli'!,,io(jlt",I�t,.O.V�Olit', w6tild sticill ,i�f indi- thev al.o. Lt.) lle�vol)llwckl for notbilf"', )W- I . . .. I I , � - � , I
- "_ . .. .. . . . . . , I. If �tho deai�V;ll sillould Ii llorl� - - . . " -ju it 0 00
. . - I . I . . . . . . . "' * ,,�aral ).�tqlgevia, 0 ;�, , I I
. 0 f Ile] I . . 'It says the best Anlovid.ut Men. Jolq �' " 0 � . I 11 . . . . . ��. I I... I I ... .. o, . I
� - -I.Pwill"; �)I(L- iroll, ",OU01111� 'Mlo�llcnq, 1 6�te .'tit. I -vaill-Tortit .. L-1tre now, doill� .." t, ii �V; ol� i�vlig`!�� - lllw . .
. . 0 : . I . I . lt.i� \Vas nob so vory flav ,A"41,;fN . ' , '" � . . . ! that 1'ettillit'r 111al" not ,be - deeapitaled� I I I 60 a 13 2"i '� I .
. I . .1 �, . . . � � S, � T e .Y.
I � I semov V� 114w'), t" - . . ., � ": 0 �1'_4'- d 0 I� .. � .
I . ... , . . I . -art)., , . .. . . . . . 0 '1ZI;. V 0.10, .. .1 .., . . I.
I . . I
" qtlle i TI W f � t,� . I W I I. fi'�',� �- - Pi ie s'-�-, -'t'r. o I I i i '.' -; . v'o n 7 "i", -�,ift onl% . I I 1.- .- - n Mr. 1,110,6l �. I
ail 'co tq ,,�.I.q to ,, I7. T .* , Aill'. t Q I NN , -0,0 ll u,',..i"n,ti,5ed b�-*thd ('on it I . : , , , �
. mill tile Im4titudo 6, r.artieln"', that I i it. -alild It.,' .. . -. " diva-flie Orkr�r* Inailt will rezgll:�., "'ITOW . ,
. . . I . - . . _; C "Lleturc . , 17- - , , � . I , 3 Oat oe-6 , , *
. . . .. . L . ;I- I - - - . .. cri Olt .111aliulf j � givi. - I' . I ,tlxi . . #31101-41 to cijI i" ,,, , - ..
. . WO 1%�MV011`0111 tIUttt0t-IlItj'V. 1.VhiVjL,jV(1 'jjt:oti6jI8 ,It I'lle, �jOftt- 'tO�O - . si�v�ativa' pic"s, I'Voill u -no v I I k of G;Ijla�,. ,� 11, - . I I , . .. I $ 00 a 4) 00 I ��.
. I . .. 1 11 � f. . �)r & - I'liltIOM, -is.:-��--d jilii;n.4j'�guttvant,�6, an(I'it is hi - - . .1octiz; ..,to: forin an,"Ad niniith"'tion, allil , I- ., ... ,I . I
. . . I . I . 11 I I .." ,. I , - . . s export- , L,tor.q foxx . I . , 1, i, . 4 rjo � � it: 5 W , . �
. I - . .' , I:l to. iha qhlllor,i--�ii a%6 contrzt, , the klh�,Jlutlrin, � rip. t io : , , . �'W� - . . I 01, I ..,
. alvst� - I � W , * ". I 0 M - 0 40, -
. 4z) , llilo , 'it, till, it' 6j'��,� .1 ' I I Otis noctoitate I , : 'Ile ,'kil,�i'
reaV 11011016�011:� i,7 'I 1111"o ilt it posit"oll w lnlo�w' " that the uE1110A we" . I , . � . 5 0 I-) a - ,
. - . . , hereof _.aks elxcc� . 111"iViCZ11. L � '�- ps -, - .11 .
� . . . � . I . �tx . . . il'.. - - * - . -
. . . I I . I , , I blic � I- ,
I I I ..
. . I . ` I � I Z.. ... . I I I � Ily, . I It . . I 111111s doUI5 )lot o"Xcee'l,five �-&#,, 11 o oii. oxio.-orthe Sectioiis Of"tho. C,.E.Jl. tire ad- ,;1611�41 without the miplilles Of tile , '' . Ulover . 50. 'I" - ' ' . . I.
1 .1 )11111 a ' .. '. .. , I I
- -6 v6- oniplop, I.. 6jr tit - ib,'tto antl I a ( i -,, . , I , I
- Q ri . Or to_give 'orview be ' -u!dii11qH*1IVoVe Tinititily, - '. - ` - - 1-75 .�a . ;2 26Xl`jj - I . I
,I; of , � ,
ibr. r peopit, . , .1, ,.O or- S -in��'(mlnted, Sho I
. - I .. . ,
.. .. 11 � . � 0 , . , I 01%." -eis tile svillilat I ,.. � I 14j.,-kFj)jL%-11 .1
. '? � I . . e'.4zattila E'rig-liMl t.111ti.1f; ... 166I 1 ii)� llll�de-- . I,% -, Itzri"'r,44 .
oti, - , . , , . it ill Tk-x;t�ealng` iii: jZhu,;.,,o,�.,4 for -')0 0'.Iab'
- . . . . . .. '. . . . 1. . . ,. . . I . I - tilliatQ6, thel4cly I . . _. I . . . ...
. -0011�itv;uitill 'tile Pacilic "(1ni mt, . NVI*o' ,Ily f,eV-:tj;o .rect. it w6p tI ind6od be P.,fitt I ..
I y and , I an iticorrect statonjon-t, of the tiffln it" - NVC' While,(" stinc, Ifilli �5 per colit Iuoro thall I .1. �v i -� I I fo,th6 ii�ht hoit, g �lotnauts' career. As . - 1 . - ' , * ' 1
. . . ,
, I
I ; I , " Guladistil W,jI4rI1I61I" 110 ; - _,i,rx1 I April 17 1 8 j'(j . .
. I thereflivo. -ive lie'low it tlivlli� Voill. dill all article, vl�ill give [( pol. . . . '. I .
. 'otber pilblic work.�. , tl�p� llljl�t bo �ilqi 0 , I ii t: fj'i' I � . Anionic, . )O I —4.- ,� . . . t1lo,ruilloil jln�, );Con. trac,id to Nil own V;Itti.�f,-Fall - ., so 8,-, .,It' '0 R13) -
.. oti, � �O r'Co. . . . I . ... ".).
q th, ' , , v . I
'It . * � . friends, it. gives tho getteral public a very . .'. 14' , I
. " at -that ar present tile T I . Ili Ill C, I "''o Tfi .1 I t.-..
- . portod fi,nin IQ ill itboire.%yn I "IMAs.'an 66 stilijact, . � , .., I . . �ellt 311"wo, we�j,j ill . j,,� sI,,,,,jt, awl �Leteliier. littarm Ifl Engtaild. " V. . 0 - 11% . . I
. . - � . I I ... I _ - . � .. . .1 PI'llt . . .I. . .- I
. : I . .. � �clloftvest thing"to dc� is to, go abroall �6v � fair opifliol� of what his associstail consiJOV .UP �1. a 4 W
, , . � . . ,
, . 7 ,. * , 1) 2 R i 0 il(j - -
Jalx)r, aiJ whild our own 1 " AVG, iini"t 'llid 'mu , I ujivat.- t 14; q. , ,,� ii. - . . , . I Tit ro caii'bo iii) ecollb, Qttl-l� g . - I � . ..
,._,._,gqqplt) qanf1q6 . - . � _i� ----I-14�-oti-y-.�-,..,--lio�v�K- ter, t -11M, -t-_'. -�'� : .�Allle M tile 01(4.�p.. ,�' - � hicit capable of U R,
. . . , _ . . ... * .11 I - "tkol� " . 11 I . � I . I . . � U '--'tj-�j1Ct . ._-, o , I ,_. , .--i)-.j',t) . _.
� . . . S- - � -,t^�.*.j1__ . . .
Oford to trivit,thoni onoit It', R'iwland. .is 1. - but that the jwklu�dlll�?_.�i ot-thu'lleXt. 111111 . . ., � . .
I Jolln,q fill 11jilchithaitarY statett'icitt in vo-' it' is st'll.bt, Americiul Al -tis." ' � I . .: Thid,riday, April I h, IWO . I
. . . 9 0 , 01 . .. . itying to Illit 0 . - - ,�, 1).rl-,Y,, � - -� '. - - . . 0 11 0 ,� 1) 6 I i .
� ne"(, , , . I . . Illy to ilie (lucktipps of .'Uessrs. '11"ok'311- doNvii -whoro the -,train -hud wony 1.4, the I Tv'r idiall be of ail exc;ooditTily inter,38ring cha� . . I .t () , ' ' " '
poso , Tho ivre. , On the roveil)t of the ne-Nvs� %tliat 1 , otlit 0 Cyo',_ it 0 70 ' . . .
'ttir I to -for t I iii t put I - �zie and,1101ton, ic'm cgt tho ro�Ued lightollit. ; TIC lifts roo Aly glrio)l -ail laeltoii'v , tariff tailondifient lind be aotet.�, ;Inkr woll. wtirt.h caroftil f��gt�linilitfflom. P oef; � . I .
. . . nicule � , (11 � - . I ei;, . . - I - - . . . ' � . .. . ' 7() - . ...
.-Ieewtiblo currency w6uia be u,ir,Ww it, of iln, 6TON'rnor.. I oll A ,ic'* , . - . -t- .40��_. . . I . .
. - I . , Doulf, ")It bol)(1l, - - , --w-410, ... � .. I 6 I -I . a. 5 15 , 1 ., �
r* . . ; � 61'mend, ,�.110. wa',�.ctj-. der fur .7.000 tons (if -AnTorl.61.1", 'Re%se- r4lectod LIM, ClinadiAll ,. .11 . .: � '1131INVtqn, .. I- 1) it '8 att
. . . . . 11 I . . 'A. 1) . I (1, .
. this case, as'tlio peoplo ill.England would. olik!6 Paine4 and -Sit -I' , . . . I . . I � �, 'At, Writaifl:itd, 'bit Mrodnesdayf .is � 113uro, - ., - - I`. () 10 , �
. I I . I . . I I � rpri-sed ,tit. the inte - wer raliK - . . . fell two 1101. cout. . I . . . 1. t .1 " - !, . .
Dot re.ceiveit bt.paylliellt 01"flib goods ,j)retation 1)ILAced Tipoll Hir -r.GII)I!A- -I've. . Saill. 'ttowelis vvai,; In of the. .. I .� I
. I . - I . '9111' ,�ljove pM1a6v.y1I.* Ulilityed* froill all . it �10 _., - . 11 � 2 10, ti -, 5
� .6ilitlo W1110 . IM 04 .1 00 it 5 50' � - � -
. . . ns Statoment. by the Engli-oll And I , , , . . A . Tile Lstellior afilail;.'is iquoh di�s6ltssed , ilacblil�rjat'iho Ontario Flouting LHills, . I IV 11 0 0 . i .
I tfulit wc, want" tho).40rc" Nve wonid. have . - I in illo, 1,011doll cilid count'ry, 1141vil'spilper8., i . (,. 4 I)X"Itiv. 04 'mA alMIT14 .
. . . . , . ... Ftevh -.Ar��iiistoi-ial''�1'0,3.,;,.;In(I lyho -lost exe � 9. 'I The . V hisjocket wtts- eauglib"be-' - ' I . ..--. � . . - . , - tjx.,i I 5 7, 387% .. - -
I 'to, ce I .- * , - "'Inge, 9114 -w -s Co316luSiVc1.V ih! �1 Times saysA*.qi,1 ,0tiffe6i hall tit,,' the Sloe` 0 Of Z.7 ; -
I . . . I . licoplo .ire salue fa -alli-I 110 fitil ,I, " W110616, 411`1 (11-i"ving ]'is Wheat.t..-Fall . .- b , it '0 Do . .
- - it - " Ai 'odects%�t f�rotvctiojl. by it cts before .11iii);, od to tW01111 tit Cos �,
eithot 680 C01-18ttlilctilizz - 0111 jlltblk. no titne in asking St - John to'cl pl 11: I I ,
.. .
. Works, or such A povtioll of bboin as 'Ive hi.5 explAllation.W . . .,.. .� .. . . . . �. . dismiss illo Ron. Mr, Lotolliev. jile rilght.aval ini ornsbod itjuib abovefliq . Apring .. I . .0 so a 0 . $5 . . �
. . I -
I I . . 4 � *+4W "..- I Cited. to Use it poor,articie* - 'Ok. pay -' I 4"loar - ' - ,. - . 4,00 ,
could not pay for at Onec., or pay f0v tile , " - � . . clonli) . , , . . A . Th' nul litl t'lled 1IL-ju. I � , ,
. 1 lackenzio Govemnient p.jId. ibe jj.;11�0 olbow u. 46 was . 1. -
Im. ot tlie,election cries was diab � 10 11 . t . Ot .1 . I . 01%tso, . - - . . � . - . 0 , 43 5 a (I ,to . . .�
0� - . . iflov t lall they othel Nvi8cl would f6l" tile. .-� (.,Om which tb%t (40vernillent 0a shoulcler. . .1 �
. Ither fil, twoduce (4 Vit"n, . � tiOn good article. -,,TI!6 fitrinel-14 in the Urfited dontrollecl took ille reqlollsibilit� of 10 -ay- `rlio winnijj,,�g .birc,,- .rr,.*.I'of. alcito - Bliriev, - . I . . o48 ,it 0 X, ,.
. goodi %b at we rooei ved. ei Mons: ll(,%q ..
.. . � .
1. or gold fit once. . . . . . der the now- tar I iff competi . , . . . I Pork' . . . , ..
I . I 0 1�rieo -,)' States, %V110 are tit(' prilieitial Puns that in�f the hkatttr entirely to tho.Qu6bcd ditto sayli:-yestorday AftertjboW John , r 5 00 :� , sy 'mj -
I __ __ . Would jllrdvollb tile inever Of 8 I I I rot1iwil . . . ., 0 ail a. 0 70 ,
-"4lt+*..._. . . I a a 0 .
* '
� .THF 1jonclon .B`ewtomia is _1 adulate � if TIlis wits metwitri the"roply byA�ST611111_ ,use tbo ,railroaLIH, aro tit its compelled to. Ileotorate. Tho prosent Government) West, of Ilowfe,k, Ont., loRt it v Itt Ill Battor - 'o - . .. . I . 0 11 I'li 0 14 �
� � I , " . though plosed, took no action until co- rmkro through the i0o oa Red 'Riv(tv. I . . � 0 10 - ;, 0 16 . .
� . - , .1 y ' ' . , .
I ors, that orint, �vould be'fbvniod" so ns po,� the ircirt 11rdoucel".$1,101f 1?011lIsPI`ani4 rc*d. �.,rlievecelit�6tooft.1101-fouse. g T!116 'itnimpl. ilad 1)0011 en�ngged ill mliivillg '- ' COO a ,7 00 . .. 1.
. _. to be the ablest joutnal in Enefland on ' . 08 . . I � . e a , %VQ . pig-ly I '� I I .
. . trndo niatt, . I . . 0 . till olali]6 tile likillnurnettiriftiI.to Alarge 1110110 for thiv rails than. they tire wot th. a Strictly party Vote. .it, therefore, the freight Oli tlio i", and inst; previous to - - _0�_ _.___- _ . - I I I . .. ,
e I, r . .. I . I I
. 0.1411d. this' isjt poRlion. of 'I I III - I le the Inbor and capital that was om� Ma,,quisof Lorno had accopted the Wd , tbo aceidont was tied to a crato of &ock. At' Genklet6wu; oil Thursday apas- .
I . I
, . , tn. tic., er, but Conservatives -110611-poolled I . . y . . I . .
I . NvftoiA Lwylt� iii 11,61'evenco to the riew . . ild hall advid'o-, WU minIsEers -gave -hini, .110 would 0)��j:wholll solfte-Individunl'.who , _,�4nljever traill l'ol ,
. _ I . - . 1) oyed in producing'doso poor va - se 11AM0 1'' � .... �, A . 11 AL. east oil,. tit ' to Vrand, ,-
__ _.. . _. _. - . . . rijr:- . - ,�Tha 111tevesw of tile III the' ideft, NVO11, 411VIdY W110 ill 019 1-0- been omplayed,in producing ji-ain itffid liave beow administerbig a. censure. not Are could not lelim, untied mounted her, Trunk ran over a, rnaft ilatne(I 011wor6;iq - -
I � . R$s of the $tilt f Papor-inalkers 1100 fdrilled, a Ineat' tho.procluct-coitild have bcon'ox. -Only to thom, but to theiv ptedeCOSSIRS, I Andlift 1�89 tbRl1 nQ tiMO y W(itlt t3lr(lur'll, who, has b6ow iii.-flieI ctniploy lot Yr.�,' � ,I � r
. 00MIL11101:9 havo, beall recklessly sstell- vilig, oil.prodaeor,4 & Iting, and a co0aili. .ejjatige(.jy-a�� rtbrit, _fdr tho: good rails iLo. the' lasVI-6illse (it CoInnIO1103 a n d to thict ica, Tho -mau-,"capod, Lub a $240. Edwavc1s, Thd innit was,bolimd t6 Ito .
. .
� � 1100A ill"favot"Of a few producers." - I 11 F Illade i I 11 13t)glaild. , ,, . . ,f lie W , . I ailinial Wont to litnIce footl to .1LT*fiS116.t(. 11.1111(lor file iliducil.06 of liquor. . ,� .1 .. I'll
. . I class' of irbin �mrvtvufclo.turors hkewiio' , . I O (4 over) let-#Gelleik r
� . I I � I . I I I . I 1� . .� 1. 11 I . I � I . I
. "' . . �.. I , . . I ,. . ,V, : .. . .� . . . . . . . .
""" "'
Idtf I"
I I- ("Ill' t
i , Curren
,�. .,� ,.._ _,
, 1,
�,s76t7�rt,l-,,7t-s-oi-,—o�r,.-, -i
IQ T e
. .- a, 10
po.i.ey m
I lioullie-buildi
. I
I i
.. ..., .� . I
kimmi. � .,...iii,..,,i,.ii,.i.., . ." . . . I . I . , . . , " , , . I I I , . . . . . � I . . . . I . � � I . . . . . . . . .. . . � I , , I . .. ... . I . .. . .. . . I.
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