HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-17, Page 2• 2' Be screwed Ilia Awe up •into• the Pere- Vaetrp. , biauce.or a nutcracker as his mice; hur- 'e) riedly entered the apartment, arid came NOBODY. If nobody's noticed you, you must lie small ; If nobody's slighted you, you must be tall; if nobody's bowedlo you, you must be low; If nobody's kissed you, you're ugly, we know; If nobedy's envied you, you're a poor elf ; li nobody's frattered, you flatter yourself; If nobody's cheated you, you are a knave ; ff nobody's hated you, yen are a Slave If nobody's called you a fool to your face, Somebody's wished for your back in its place. If nobody knows of your faulillibut a ' friend,' -Noliody'll miss them at the world's end. U nobody clings -IP -your parse like a fawn, Nobody'll run like a hound when it's gone. If nobody s eaten your bread from your. store, Nobody'il call you 'a miserly bore." if nobody's slandered you -here is our pen- „. Sign yourself quick as you can. TAKEli AT HIS WORD. A wide, cool kitchen, after the airy fashion of New 'England, with a breath of grape -blossoms coming in at the open window, and a glistening tin pan on the table full of dewy, scarlet straw- berries welting to be hulled—this is our Hoene, and our dramatis"personaeconsists - of Mre. Perking, whose drowsily click - inn knitting -needle$ keep time to the purr of the overgrown Maltese cat, and a pretty young girl; with -rather ieflush- ed face, who has just entered from the doorway leading to the hall. Well ?' said Mrs. Perkins, looking • up with that insffably wise expression which is iinparted to the, human coun- tenance by round Silver spectacles perched obliquely on the bridge of the nose. He ain't asleep, isle ?' • Yea, he is?' was the answer,. • -.eatery 'be thanked for that, ren least.' s ai clektra:_Terk ,i115 Pa reut ly imPaling • herself- on aeleng knitting -needle; which• , however, entered harmles'sly into the •horn sheath that she wore •at her side, _ encased__ ine_scallopecl--red, flannel: Theee'll he five minutes...of -peace, .at leeet. You're tired, ein't you, Dora V Yes,' said Theodora White, ' I me rather tired.' . But her"languid Voice spoke plainly that The more accurate phrase would • have been yery tired.' Theodora.:White was a 'slender, soft eyed girl of eighteen, With arcemplekion epearlyecleteneneine-entlete• Wee Itilieee" ean heekee-ea.--gielewith straight nose, and a dimple on her chin, ' and ii pretty, pleading wayof looking at you when she spoke. Sbe at down • beside the windows where the reigno••• nette scented .orape-bloesonis were sway. ing in the leiminer air, leaned her foie- • head up against the easement.. Mrs. Perkins 'eyed her. with an ewl- • like glanceof sympathy. ' • . 'It's a shame,' so it. is l' Said Mrs. Perkine eraphatically.e, A. meeeltain't bileineis to be so tryiu'e-uo, not -if he were sick forty _times over 1 Scold. snap, inael—this ain't eight, and eother • thing is. wrong 1 That's the way he. • keeps it uTh as soon Wait on the old boy hinaself..' •, • Theodora-Saillecl, faintly, and -arched her eyebrows. , 'Why, Mrs, 'Perkins, yOu, don't Mean. to compare my uncle joseph.lo' so 'ob- . noxious a personage -,es you allude to P• • she said demi] rely, . • -L. • , Well,' said Mrs. Perkins, reflective- ly, '''they 't. sci Very, unlike., after all. • I declare s.ornetlinee• .whea lie gists• la his tantrums I've two minds And nehalf to give hina a geed Shakin',.. There ain't n� whs.° in a man'se bein' so • unreason- • able, • You can't please:Jilin; rio -way you fix . • We can at least try, Mrs. Perkins.' Yes;•and that's • jest what's a.pillin! him, He knowa-very. well ehat ifehe was to went the nieen you'd 'hunt up the longeat stepladder, and try o.reach • it clown. It .al'ays did spile children to let thiem have all they want; and. your uncle Joseph ain't nothin' but a growed- up child.' .-•. Bu I don't let him have he wens, Mrs. Perkins,' • And a.protty kettle of fish there'd be if you. did Humph: • And -the old housekeeper pounced oi • -her bell as if she had; :for -the .inoinent, identified ie. With the personage under discussion. • ' . ▪ • It mightn't be such a.had idea,' said Theodore after a Moment's thoughtful • silence. Bo you ora2y ?' demanded Mrs.. Per- kins, truly.. l' Theodora, staeted„froin her seat with Uplifted finger. ,t Hof& awake; • le wants. me.' • • And she was gone, 'swift and 'beige - lees as a.whitoevinged dove, before Arra. Perkins could voltinteee to go in her btead,. •staid Mrs. Perkins to hei•eolf, it is a shame. • Ile eeems to think she's le et eriltgron and India rubber—the old torment P , with tbis rather illogical expression of her opinion, Mts. Perhins resumed knitting more vigoeouelithen ever, . Meanwliilo, ,Theodora huid husstenea up /Attire ioto a "closely -curtained sick- rourn, where a querulous old gentleman lay, tortured with a good deal Of 'hype! findi VIVY litlle actual illness. But eosepli 'White chose to believe he tid li I and who) pray. Wm4 4 bettor to his bedside. I've been thumping on tlre floor till tuy arum are ready to drop of their sockets r he growled. • 0 Are you all deaf below stairs? or has old Mrs. Perkins forgotten there's any one in the world hut herself and her snuff box 7' I'm very aorry, uncle.' • 'Actions speak louder tban words 1' snarled uncle Joseph, ungraciously, How do you feel now, Uncle Joseph 1' asked Theodora, inothingly. I'm worse!' Are your - ,Pulqp higher—skin hot—face flush- ed ; of coarse I'm worse, This con- founded hot reom is enough to throw anybody into a.feyor 1 Open every door and window quick l' Without an iostant's hesitation, Theeflorannbarred the blindseand ftiing open four large windows and tivo doors. The light from tho western sky stream- ed like a flood of fiery radiance into the eporne the drift, whirling through, caught up newspapers, fletterecl the leaves of books and even upset Uncle joseph's pet tattle of medieine. 04-3v..w !' roared the siok man, • with vehemence that prove d bis lungs, at least, to lie quite free -from dideadel yeitc.want to blind me—to blow me' away?' • You told me to do it, Uncle Josepli.' Shut: the windowse--quiek I draw the curtains groaeecleeT,*„„ le Joseph. Whose that battering thrcloors down V It's- oely a very gentle knooking, unole.' • (Then I'm neryclus: Go and see.' •Cs THE CLINTON NEW ERA. tou Geld me you did not went it, told you so 1 Furies and fiddle- strinies 1 yo e iniglit know by this time that I don't mean what I say. Get me some mere—quick if I hedn't , been bed -ridden for A year, I could go twice as fast as you do 1' be added grumbling- ly. I never saw such a Snail he my life, 0 dear to think that I.shall never walk again 1' Uncle Joseph lay counting the Seconds until bis niece brought in a second bowl of gruel, this time so deliciously made and was fastened nt the kuee. Her An einitieeit rneehanic thinks Inunp was manufactured from a ball of that fureign competition would be rags. Iler wrinkled and dirty white possible if the trade -unions eput their face was managed with imitation parch- money in educating their men insteud ment. On inquiry it Ivas found that of fighting' their masters, this youeg woman was of a good family, and that the gaine_she so cleverly earn- ed were ,takeu regularly home to her oBy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations ef digestion EPP'S COCOA. GILME1.11. AND COMPORTING. parents, • nep • and nutrition,•and by a careful application Madame. BonaPalle. Of the fine -properties of well -selected cocoa, Mr, Epps has provided our breakfast tables' A ROMANTIC HISTORY—ONE OF VIE MOST with a delicately flavored beverage which. may save us many heavy doctor% bills. It is by REMARKABLE WOMEN Or TIIE AGO, the judicious uao of such articles of diet that a eouatitution may be gradually built up un- til strong enough to resist every tendenej, to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around Us ready attack wherever there is a weak point: . We may escape man?, a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti- fied with pure blood, and a properly nourished ServIce Cazette,-Sold only in Packets labelled-"JAaras EPPS & CO., Ho- incoopathic C11011114* 48. Threadneedle street, and 170, Piccadilly, London. A (gunmen cough or cold shoWil never be trifl- that even he could not find fault with Madame Pettereon Bonaparte, one of, it. the most remarkable womeu of her daYe 4 Uncle,' said Theodera, she sat it and whose -career has a large element on the little table by his bedside, the ; of romance, died at Baltimore Md., on doctor said yesterday that be really the Ath inst., at, the age•of '96 years. thought if you were to try you could Her fether, William Patterson was a Walk as well as anybody,' • prospereus merchant Of that city, own- ' The, doctor's a fool 1' said Uncle ing a line of clippers that sailed to all Joseph; and you may tell him se,,witli parts of the world. His danghter, Eli - my compliments 1' • . zabeth, was a girl of great beguty and ed with, often when neglected it is converted will, uncle,the next time lie conies.' accomplishments' and generally acknow- into serious and generally fatal pulinonayy iedged. to be one f the belles of Bald,: disease. The more prudent, aware of this, curative whicb,has sustained its reputation for Theodora P promptly uee "Bryan's Piihnonic Wafers," a over twenty years, they.are always efficacious Mut Oafert a most beneficial ialuence on. all the 13tonchial and pulmonary organs; Sold by all pderrugbgoixat.a and country &tilers. Price 25 cents • •Evitaimony SAYS So. -That all who have either used. the article themselves pr witnessed its effects when used by others; all such,"and Wel are. only_ fit- judge, aro -tinaiiinicos the opinion that “Darley's Condition liowdirs and Arabian Heave Remedy" is siiiperior to anything of the kind heretofore or at present in use for cOughs, colds, thick wind, and all diseases which affect the Wind of horika, AS a ooudition medicine it has no equal; there is nothing in it which Can injure a horse whether sick or-wellner need the librse- be kept from, working•while using it ; it is jnO. the article which all who own‘horsos require; and which • they should have constantly on hand. Re- member the name, and seo that tliesignature of Hurd and 0o, is on each paikago. North- rop it Lynn, Tor.mto, Ont., :proprietors far Canada. • . • 'Sir e ' If youelo I'll disinherit yowl' Very well, uncle,' , • Theodora You'll have to feed me. This annoyance has 'weakened me ter: ribly.' • 6 Yes, uncle.' . •• France. Visiting Balthnore, he there Stopeeestop-f-Itts-hotee-you're-ehok-e -Wet Sate88011.- aud marrieaelner, .ing mat'••• despite • the - oppotition of her father, But Theodonaekept yeteeletely who feared 4 nothing but trOuble from' 'So -o -p 1" 'sputtered "Uncle -,Toseple; the uniOn.' The wedding was. a very, nimbly sceembling to the other side of brilliant affair, being attended by the the bea: mayor of the city, the vice .consul of What do you • Mean,. Theodora 3 Feance and other distinguished persons, Didn't 1 tell yoo. instep ?• don't bo- while Bishop Oarroil performed the cere; hove -tbere's an inch :of skin on My mony. The young couple continued in throat.! this &entry about. year,, travelling Much and *everywhere receiving'ilettee, ing attentions. In the meentiine 'omi- nous rePpies for the future of Jeeome :end his American bride paw) from Eu- rope. Napoleon, whose Atar was then aecendin a and jrito wilose,h dart had ee... isiredelle ambition to found an iniperbil- house, Wire. greatly -dnipleasedeirithethe- step•Iiie brother bed taken:, The firse. crnasul W,1S 'antious that none of his fa- mily-MI*6;11d do anything to .ct6tra c from neettons •ilot eikely •te strengthen 'him lece'llayadalerge'eu licsenella.foftleie:Itr4i1; aieb:c1 digietV.,7Or -form auk tharriegc-3 eon- Acrialmmathe'llr k_g 3.tch?„ptliteh, When Scienti; niae, When she wa.a 18 years of age, • Jerome Bonaparte, brothee of Napoleon, I., and commander ofa, French frigate, arrived in New York in the fall of 1808, 'He was on hie way from the West In- dies, whero he bad been cruising, to • ." You told inc -yburself,*.unele, that Presently Theodora returned. • ! MajOr'Cro,wfoot, uncle ; he sends you don't- mean what yell say, •How was to 'know. th14* this was an ex- • • his,, compliments; and wishes to learn how you ere,' , • ception,V ; • • Tell Min"to go to the deuce.' • • An irate rejoinder trembled...on te• • • Yes, __ • . * Joseph's tongue when suddenly he •-said uncle joSeph, "`its -his* eaxIght-sigh t • biu.e column; okrsinok-e wreathing. up under Ma window., niece *returned t6. the bedside 'after a mothentary absence, what did -he say ?' • Whit's that smoke?' be ejeeulated. --'11-13--e-seetnetle'verY trmeh • offended, r I think it's Mrs. Perkins, sir,* put.e • • ' ting fresh kindlings on the kitchen•fire.'. Offended 1 at whikt pray 2' demand- NO: -it isn't l' Yelled- Uncle Joseph, - .ed Uneie Joseph. 'The house is bn,fire I suppose at being told, to go to the Theodora, dropped spoon, howl and • deuce,' an§wered Theodora, quietly. • I alloind rushed ont into the hall, shriek- . Mr, jo$epl) fell:back, flat and motion- ii1g/ • • , .1 The house is on fire I Help 1 Alneder!, Theorloraeyou are a fool:' . . • *' I'm very sorry uncle' beginnino to • . The servants below stairs caileht up • - • • o'• •-• -""'" eerentier oed -sh rill di s rn a v. e eeloireneeeesolerem-eee-fee- rfeto "-Joseph littened Olaf -.bristling prise.. • Could it be possible that •the hair and dilated eyes:- •„ dreeti•fdays and weeks of her oteadfast %I -1(31p I Help' he bawled; tint oee attendance upon him had weakened or responded-, Louder still he yelIed—bilt turned her -brain ? ' • my watee. gruel,” • tic • teed . •to, sta.)/ heti/. to. bo burned • briefly,' after a few moment's ponder- my bed 7' he aeked himself,. and scram- ing oyer' this unwelcome possibility. •' bled out with an. agility that fairly sur - Theodora, brceightit in a neat little' Prised himself,' e e• ' ° China bowl, with •4 silver spoon lyitia The. servants were arrayed .60 the On the showy napkin that flanked it on fawn, staring in all directions to ascer- tain the' exact localityeof.the Bre, .wheii the tray., _ .. - the gardener uttei:ed a:shriek. ' • .„ ' • • .ITncle Joseph ' took one taste,' and threw down the spoon with a fietulan!.., 'Ilhere: ain't. master, a$ hasn't left sound, not ualike a bark. •• , his bed for -a yeer, a-rnunin' as if a tiger we -staffer bine!' ..„. •• ' . * . eTrashl*teash 1 Insipid aFi dish -Water 1 Throw it to the pigs,' • . .. ' Where—where e• tho fire ? panted Theodoee, took up the -kiwi, and ,tart- Uncia•einsaPh, gailng \vildlYaraPql hi'm -erob6afertiV or Ike aiia,;.-- ,------ -- 7• -111Iii 4481`kil.19, t rushed_ to tlee • front • ' Here 1 here l' 'cried Thiele • joseph. ' Where are you going?' . . • ' To the pig -pen uncle.' • • ' Are you. °may, girl 7 The greel'e well •enoegle; only Mrs'. • Perkins forgot the nutmeg."' - , ..• : • . -- • • But,.uriele,' said; Theocloya,eteeting, daintily Of the contents -of the -bowl, it's ' as d's1 w• te ' • Will you allow me lb have an •opinf' .ion of my own 2'. snarled-unclia Joseph.. 'I's very 'good, it the old crone down. stairs will add the nutmeg, and- give it another boil. Quick, now, I'131 getting hungry ! A. man meat eat, even if. lies at death's door.' ..• • A. minute afterwards Mil. Perkins Was sueprised,by Theodora's entrance. ' Well,' said the housokeep, What's a wantin' nowe' , • , • A little nutmeg gi abed id this gruel; and uncle wants it warmed up once • What are you Stelling about, Dora l's Wan_ I •emiling • , ,Ttitireyes were,if your mouth 'wasn't,' sad Mrs, Perkins, keenly: • • .. 'Well, you be as :quick Ds you can, Mrs, Perkins I' /mid •'rheodora, • atiye he is hungry.' . Brit when Theodora re-entered her uncle's room, the invalid had taken nn - 'other' tack. • " • Why .didn't :you stay tall day 7' he growlea. - , Indeed, uncle; I hurried all I 'Could,' pleaded Dora. 'Here's the gruel, all seeokinn. • But -Uncle Joseph ,shook his head. • 'It's too late; 1've lost my appetitoi) he moaned, . 4 Won't yim have the gruel, -uncle NO, I won't • And uncle Joseph elosed bis eyes, as if to signify. that ho was too weak to debate the question further. Ite welt- ed anxiously for Theodora to press the question further, but she -did not, end presently lie opened his eyes,.,,the lenst bit the world. • Theoclora'r ' Sir , • ' try just 813000.11 of the; gruel • before it gots cold.' Why, reticle, threw it away P indge of tle‘ elate of his health 'Threw--my—grneI---away urisped . he Mined( ? • • , the eick men; breathlessly. • i!P . . IA R. APPLL'TON.- OVFICE ••-•• at DAT time and at MOUT ti17113.-, The Iloomiti over the Store of OUnningliarne& Aikenhead-theSquare,Clinttn. 011nten. Pee. 2011877. rut. ItHEVE, Physician, Surgeon, etc., 'Coroner for- JU-/ County of Huron, , Ilosidentieaud Oalett-Corner 4 Albert and Mill Streeta•ClInPal• August 9th,1809. - • O YOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO Iluiversity,) Physician, Surgeon, Ste., resident:0 at Alr. Manning's, three doers east of the Temperance " HU, Londesboro. Om. . • . Londeriboro, joust 74,1579. APRIL 17 1879' t Kral axtes, • Mitchell's Beilickinlr lpolapsratever.d:Inclia Setter Porous • There never has been filling -when the healing of so_ _nianyjillerent disepaleo his been -caused. hy oifivard application as ilia 'wesent„. It is an Undisputedrfact that ovorhalf qt theoentire-po-.• iodation ofthe globe resort to the use of ordi, • nary plasters.•• The principal iugredients -Used in making these Plasters are GUM Olibamen -or better • in his coreee of COM/nest arid 'Ting; i.evifieottiiiitaor iliji:d wittl the pure-inedieinal g'imis, grandizeinent. Napoleon, e • ' one•of the greatest healing d' sent inStructions le' the Bion' • oli"iio(n.Mfli;r4 u;ns ever breught before tibleyillnatorace..m: a • 1" They %are a dliiro wl4ge d . 'plies •i'.0 In, ,3 /:,-iti'ine.,• iiiiatlieFicenbliTi'-- "t4 1.4.1°"1„. to *al quicker than any motheih.a1‘.31-ttsel rtei al ,at New .York to .WitlibOld. sup- Plinite7n7P-iirgentte tilllertti•liaote...t°itte'n9ffitVet81- arlqut.O.were„ prohibited from. reoaie:';;=-- dr attif,:ethe 0,.d.h.4,1,,,,y. kinathe,,A,11-„other-Biastere . Tsoirn'bon. '11!).bliri.r..tEln1 e z(.semIS;ily'et,)li;?.Ei'VO,i,„'',...vophis,,... _tia411.340.eif to-wh - -:-11 'I action, and reatriVe to be wbrii ' tirelY diffilenteeit' Iceirnes , IT itovoitehitsixiiii-j1:7:eibul'o•-. ma - —er. :WC! SlOW Of imiscilf." . The latter, resolved. to ( *. plit_eine, 11,)voilslafebssel its once to' Paris and ititereerde• .i;f11,1gr.)htil: • 11 soothing,..warrrang) sup: . re th erJerome and Ids Wife, Who ppelitn,,grsand.starnelligtil.,sening guantiesof an enter . m 3r who .haite been relieved .. f was about to beceme e. Mother, eiiiiea ISM., TICDOLOREIJX; and. v°a- rBiolnils,ith'UTA3 jsmuff.one of Pa ttergon!S .dippera for FranCe, or s _ . t„ anis in the ',KIDNEYS, BREAST. IDE, and. believe. it is. solely done by, the. fi n ael lly:11.;Stla tiSdb:dP' 7alt‘e clic iii731:10.12 ,t: the es .7ilaiye., wiilaicsi 'uleetrical finalities •whieh ti P ' ritory, ,..• 'Prom . the, POieugese 'capital .no permitted te set foot arl•Fierech tee - Jerome, Bonaparte eeteout 2 /done _fey .Parisi,iterangernenta-likvirigebeerieenaele that the,wife shotild• .eteorme 'proceed to Elteiand. and there ate:set...the res tilt *-of ie eons Plasters contain, and which is imparted to the system, thus restoring them to a'healthy cOndition. • . They are verrsoft and pliable. still very ad- .hesive, ; and a sure•cure for WEAK BA03,CS, PAINS IN THE SIDE AND BREAST; and ore_ in_valuable to 1•11.9eo . Who. he,VP,ft COLD•of loaf tttarirlit4,-and CONSUMP: TION. tionfo even tell -us they believe ,they were entirely cured by the use of them of a long - .ate her husband's interceesion ,NA sed- °nen rn phion. • hirroi . . icon' he eq. eeoeme.eni,npee or -be t mass • . . -Limpreved farms only, at 8 per mint ; cltaNce very .Piepared by CEOKGE• . ,T ATI; auy ,Liraount of vuoiney• to leaf On good,.• ue stool). -Sum no objoet"if security ample. r do nol few months before. • in Briglerea, July . SObI by allDruggists ,• • ,• ,•kud owt, , y tiny Connsiny. ' nit, STANIIITRY, T/IE MEDICAL A/ Department of Victeria Universlityl Toronto, for- merly of the nospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for the County of Huron,Havettim, Ont. July 22,1874.. 81 OWSLEY & 0/13SON,- sine uzon,./lcooucheltra. &C. Ofilee,Ilattenbury Street, next Consolidated Dank. D. E. DoWeLEY, M. D. • • A, M. Chimes, 115, 1.). Clinton, 1day 10, len. --- TIE, WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, STIRGEON, Accouchoui, Licentiate of the College of Phnliclail, and Snrgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincia1Licenti. • ate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Oilloo and. . residence,- The buildingformerly engaged by Mr., T,hwaites, Huron street. • . (Mown, Jan. 10, 1871. itisttliantons tubs. • ;IA oNEY TO LEND, IN LARGE OR 8111A_LL SUDIS 111- on good niortgago seounty, at moderate rates of 'futons& IL Haim. Clinton, August 1809. 7-tf --.11-11113,14CMLIOZNSEa.....a.P,SLNIITIMATEg..- .1.T.Apply at the Town Nall, or at the residence of the- au scriber, near the London, Buren &Droop Railway Station. •JAMES SCOTT, •i ', Issuer of Mariage Liesnaes' . ' ,Clinton, Aprl -7thr 1870. i-Eavogs, AND ' PHYSICAL 'pu- ll Union, having flied in Pain every advertised. romodri has, discoveredm eimplo means of self -Qum - /le -will be haypy ttrfoi•ward the partieilars to anyea- forer on receipt of postage and directed envelope. Ad- dt•esfi, 4, seweer., ewe, Mayville, Hammersmith, Lbridon, England. ' ' 818to Ay Its. A. VESTING'S LIVER AND 13fLRHIS JJI Metliclue is for sale at a', IL Conibe's,r0itoton,77 and manufactilred at 209, Wellington street, London, On. This medicine is highly. spoten of und 3000111- . 711Miletl Air BilicuS and Live]. Complallits, and it Etta also proved highly beneficial. fdr Rheumatism. rime' OENTRA,T. late Fartner's - Albert. Street, minted. s, DIKE, Promiatur. This ho- tel hat lately:been Oen:1y Improved and thoroughly refernished, and Possesses every requisite for tho come. - fort and convenience 'of the travelling publie. Good_ othbling and -attentive hot.tler. Clinton, Nov. 28th, 1878• rtf 1.IY/1112C3T021, DAVI: OF CHICAGO, IIA.VII4G DM. puiehased the Bair Dressing business lately par- Tiell-mby Mr. Bernier°, desires to intimate to tho pub- lic that ho tlits-sunfo hopes to5eceiva fiontInnat Ion of the patronage iteeord eil his predecessor. tadies Hair 1Vork'a specialiff, • Clinton, 1878. , . rusn 110IISE, WIA.IIT0N,,TOLLEX Si; 1.lh Delmore; proprietors. %his hotel hes been' on. larged and newlyfurnisliCdand. now Offers. firsb 'clam; ieePAIrr nrodoftienfiltYgfelit eCelifr tell4e1grtittYcloialriePfguiPlyallalitclee-n-Dded •' - to. Good Senior° Booms. • Winton is roost beauti, -111no;e has liZen carefully Re1Oet5el4, The houso is In- tonletO to -supply a.want long, felt •••81,--tliiiTtruvelliifg-•,, - • public, and by tourists, spertemen, and faMilies Wish- • log it pleas int suramerreitort- Steamers call dally. • • PERSONAL. A LADY, who has hada largo exporionee in nu ' ••••in,, IA. hes ptovidad accdramodations in Toronto fo`r 171- ditoi dialog their tmconchineut. Tho hest medieel and other attendance gbaranteed. Fer full Particulars sy- piy to be 1355, Toronto P.0. • • 5, REMOVAL. T T. WILKIE, L. D. S..; le/bayed lag office and U • residence to liattenhary StreetTsecoitd house west of tho•Market Square. ' Clinton, &att. 16, 1879„ •• • MONEY TO LEND, 7, 1SO'fi, her son, 3*erotoe 1.T h.• ' . . • . • • • • JONN •8..3tOBTER, - , ' • • . . . . . naparte, WS8 born. • She Teeeiyee etre•TII.E • 'Gr.I-eXA•r. heleAle len51.14 , . • 4 "I 47 3 4 - ki-878-.-- • ••• • bsarowili. 01 door, her wit)* glringsetreaming. - ' 1 two 'letters, containing seetimente a 1 . '1 never see *Buth..a • pack�F. bore affection, end 'eptistahey froM, hey ;bus - idiots in my 'life P she gasped. ''' There band, but she never saw bini but once after •tney . parted at . Li§ln. • :...-Tho Orange)! will of Napoleon liiiit its yiay:- He annulled the rearri,ige; and .in a0. cordanee with the •Emperoies. 'Cinalialend 301'0 rn fie-iPpOte- tehigewifeetoerettner: to Aineriea... Tivie years afterwardaherhue• run t no fire—only a few bito. of egreen• weed I pia on the kitchen bee 1 •One would _think, you'd never. seen smoke afore, and—why, if it ain't master '1' Theodora ' said Mr Widtejoeleijee somewhat elecepish, where did yell ebc " :" BEA LC() 0 SON' & lo CIE 20E/ I Cita, 1,11.1.8• • •• '.this wall knoWn medicine is no imposition buts; sure and safe remedy for Foniale DLffi cultieS and Obstroctions,from any cartfiewhat-. ever; and attliougli appweriulreniedy, itc�zu- taiuttnothing hurtftil to the constitution: ...,•„Tei. :VIARRIEE • LA DIES.. -, . ' . • It.i.gli_eenTiarly silited. itivill io Aillairrtti;ne .. _.... _ _ . _ , . . bring an tho inonthly period- witii regularity. In all eaSeS of Nervous and Spinal Affections, ,g.; 'flee e ., . . e.. : ,- ...... , - . band inarried Prince'Sa ...Fredoilca. Clat.- Pains in the Back Mul Limbs, •Reavizieds,. .`1••didn'togee,.it, uncle, but -Yen said arina, of*Wurtembriree,'. To thec'-edit Patigneen slight exertion; Pelpitetion of the the heuse. was on fire,' Theodoraemede ,of Pies' VII' .• In' if seid, be steedily, re- heert, Hystericsac -, Sick Headaches, Whites, answer,..aemurely'•• ' and of course I fosed tolaVehisto . consent or epproVal i. tt(s3371:4N3v.ei EiTi°1171 '1).Yu a , Teo all rthet/ii beat fu I thought. you must know, , PI ease; .un- • his 'se-cond. peareiage and. , al ways. • hold when'. een otlier /Teens heve failod.! :e• • R''''' *re 'ele, go back no bed again!, .. . ' • ' • • the *first Marriage with Misa.Fatterson ' Vilep,e Pilldhave neler. boon kno'prf pc, fan - .' I Won't !' said lincle jadephi gather- to be valid and binding. ...Mule. Bona- where the directions on tbe 2 tid Page•of Ram - ing the skirts of his wrapper around parte, with her son, lived an ee e , 0,1 te. p.hlet, are wrill observed, • e . . Fortalloartionlars get a-pamphlet.free, of him. .-- ' • ' . . .. . ' fill life in Baffin:lore until 181,7*, when age'n/, - - ' -- • . - ' 'But, tincle, you're sick.' - . she resolved to visit *rope., She re- . J',013M6SES,NEWYORKSoes.ls1ternxneMe.' .:.' No, rria not.' • mained • abroad' seven Years. . On one $1.00 and 121 cents for_postage, endosed to 'Do you.,really rii' eel] .it,?' .. Florence ' occasion while in a gallery in . • NthrOp it Lyman, .oronto, Ont.; general • • agentafor the Dominion, will insure ft---lao.ttli- • ' Of course I do, Theo' 1' - . .. ' • . , • And be did meal -kite The cu -had .. . been .effeeted„ and ,TheedMa mentally eengretulated heyself*on 'the ancoess', of her . plan of 'ereatm en t. And Uncle .rovoile'ene V ee-allucled Ter , the 'day on which' ids niece bail so,iruplicitly taken' .hini at his word 1 ' '• /. — i . e r lece s a e containing oter 50 pills hy return mail. • face, •J'erome *as greatly, embarrassed; ,.Sold in 01inten b ' J'. H. Comb n I and, turning eq. his Second %vete, the' Watts; E. iIiekrionY and I% II eadt 1,V. II' Princess Of -Wart h • -whoto •th• J rdcl. C rimbrOok; Parakulerfl' reaStetle pawed' him, whispered, " That is in• , en' tug' eee"ey",:. wild F'. io;drine, Gaciderieli; E. Cemereh, Bay former wife," and Inn the11 • 'NI"' fleldtJaS.Beethronettolleoreinmarid rill naedi. , . ga elY• •• a". eine &Wore: • '" daily) Bonaparte had been mireittittiene •, • -•-•----, --------- • in her eflorts to have lier'inarriago offi. ". • .1003r among; tili.e elaIldren i' cially recognized ila France;- and her persistency 'was so ter rewarded that' in 1861 a formal 'trial was granted her at. Paris. Notlyithstanding..the_eo al.P1 Ate% nees of the doonmenta,ry proof of inate riage she preaentecli the case was decid- egai est her. .N`apeledn III. went go far, 130W0V0P, as 10 obtaina decision from his editneil of ministees to the effect. th•it ;Totem° Napoleon Bonaparte was it " legitimate child of France," elthough hie °We father proteated-egainst" the oondessiMl. ITee grandson,. Col. Jer: • A qever liegga.r. etvery day On the '71a Toledo, the tried* and moat-frequeimlistreet in Na- ples, Might haVe'been sent an old wo- mane bent glider' the weight of. years, Clad in:wretched inotrrning.' Sid, wore a tattered, bonnet 700 her • head; a thlek black veil over Iter features, lied n' pair. of ragged glee/es on her 'fingers. • .She nevee spoke, *but took with a kind of gto*1 whatever.emall eoiri the Pascoe. ger6 re.ight .v'ettellsafe ller• That od ewe elapelean • 13onaperte, who wee worneeee thane wera fratlee pee eie.e; .froth.uhropo. oio Mme. Baia. iate.Ti though she 1ncver 11,tes,ttpe ordittiity.tCali,ut r 011, but Who was she No one could fell, icte'aillnesg, was With' her. She lied figlilit7 rut4s)liavoili oa;' and sh" neveranswnrad until witiiin st short.time showii einnt k3"1.,1;;Sr!,4;Pi,(-%‘11.4°It, Y-4113tai ether d aY a Co 11 1 a af 44a aie'Pa''gu""' le pri‘vers ' of physical etNity and ,;(svt'rna"gall'e 871rsITtn:" ' ClOrELAttil'S SWUM' 'CASTOD ID.eglIttily 'able for, ehildren and adults.. Endorsed, by'. 01(er 600 doctors ;in Canada. Tho difficulty. of adiainistdring.imusuous niedicinea, end arc de- -siralaility.iifilaning Oleo). pleasant to the Vista, • indUced T. Copland to undertake researches which restated in the discovery of ri,fiwinit Cas- tor 011,-•perfactly palatable, of the same .strcingth and medical opealitiee as • the ordinary Castor 011; .and while equally•safa'and harmless., yet eating with -more certainty, and producing 4101- ther.-nansea nor griping, Sonic children say it ishoney ; others al it 't4yrup..4hey all say they like it. Ono parent says—'' My children driok it like. water ;" an other-" .We had • to hide the bottle or they Would have finished it •riglit off f." • another -." Aly. little girl has' taken it tiwice without any treinble, and does., not •know what • laid hands on her, end, 'bundling 1. 0100 harriiPsli'iiill'11c1 110' iiieeieine hail ieletgli; into iveali, tonic, her" 6111 to the 1331,11. . .. ,.. t..Plielli Of. intellect. ' She had always meet, or a staple fraudulent imitations into the market,.but •iiiti on ill'OAL interest in public 'offline,' bantie herne. One of tho female Ate' : , .,,1 i ; ail bnsinus mattor$ few tn,Dit i' VII prlir NI , themnelvbs better finnri- eicr,s.----Troy !Noes, anis' stripped her) And snadenly, Iron the filthy, fetid envelope of rage, enierg.., od, Cinderelhelikei a Iiisty young, we men, toesidcrahly on this side of thirty, fresli-coldredi fat and proeoisessieg. IIer inake-up. was a .marvel ellbet, nor 'curved spine " omit)) 'gee With which • passed 'tonna her peck ed him of neer :Agit tedivess. . areery• .woinam threw red ..eppor into .the !,.yes, Of *rt Chiehmati. one, fr,N, days 'ego, &la unc,,a 1,;te.,:d of blinding hien 0,11 fear -M.0. it bee reliev, serve the name, 1)0" not bo by , • , "all medic:int: dealers. • Price, 257conts, • , • - .E.111111STERS, .2e.; ' . CLINTON elee• ebenriscri, or:onom A..WATsor, • ,t ITALVODTBOX., . • Clinton. ' 3V:.31.1310ADDF.$ iir.ig.aldOTOS021*111 he in 'Clinton• cvei'y Fri4y. . , . eg':e?4 i.gARTW' MORT, 4„Z It 02101711ENTIST, Graduate ditto lIOYal C. liege L. of Dental Stirgeons of Ontario, line opened roonali In'tav Vietoria Week, Albeit Street, Clinton, where, he, ttill constantly bo in' attendance, pia d to per, 'Lam -every operation connected art!' Dentistry.:, Teeth .extracted, with gold, amalgam, or ofher Suing Material. Artificial teeth inserted from one to a full set. Clinton, Apiii 17, 1870. 03 . .• IVIRS.- BEESLEY'S IVIIYALINERY, Estakasliment • A large .apitortment of FEA.THItliti, EEC/WE/0, SILliS and RIBBONg,' in the nowaSt Cloaca. •• Also, large stock of IrlreLT. and. S'PRAW HATS.; o • tholatost styles. COESETS; &e. • . . . Agent for 13tir"ti.inlin's PATTEuxs of garments of doscriptione a large'stock kept on hand. • Felt and Straw Flats °Wane. d and altered ' .Large Assortment orLadios' Mautios.; • Clinton;Pet. 18, 1877, $rpciric itrEnictsit:, TitADE MARE. ,..11tADD English Retedy. 'An onfailIng, ouro i• • , ',for Seminal weak-. 1. 1104.,. perinntor,), ' -inmotenos-, and all alselii,of, ' that folimi as n soottoneo Of Self- ' Abuse, ail Lizosil of Menlo: Univer" Taiii.r.sallassitucledain ,Asfer Teoeug, zein the k. . Pronattire Ohl 'Age , And many other-- - distaisce that lead to Tromoity Or CO 11811111141011, 101111 0 Proticluet Greve, 10 our pamphlet, •i1,1:•0 We (testi° to send fres 1...7 man to every,otie.-• lt4 SpOei1161tOilfeill0 seld Ity an Aron/lists $1 per o (,).. 6 packages for $5, or bo sent .by tn, on reeelpt'of the money, by addressing . • • •• TUE 'GRAY litE,DIci XII CO., • • . . • Windsor , h. Rcl.1 ffilliten broil druggists, and eieryaliere in • 1., pada rani the United States by all .ttliolesale and rn. • till orugglsts. EM o A • J . IT. 0 M , DRUGGIST J.,&4•t• ' public eita gnard thetaselves agitiant subttitntro ' . IT" T.°111°v°4 to ill° l'rentilit't ill! Wn " (which unprincipled ,partics Ara attetnptikr I. rito oix,T) or, ixi-t.coN. xicrjoism,. men ml the reputation of this article) by florin., , . . . o that the mime CtrPhAN WM gNVE1:1; VAnoll Orr , whM1.11,.• will kcal for o�1 salcori.selett fi,ii...l .gonpo ertil or!. ' is on--lioth wrqpper hod direction Intel.u Tho undersigned, having,loiroluiseil Messrs.• • T,Clophuul eetlo.a intsrosten the above prep', 010'01,, (IIIENITCALS AND- MEDICINES', ' ration, are now manufacturing it from tho oil giunirccipc. • •"„ . . . irilil HTUTP8, OLLS, &v. ,. • • NOItT11,1101) &r, LYMAN, TI)11.0(1:ipt,:mig, Rtre,ipt,q, my/ roi,:pemub, citN.. Asit for ( orl.,:u,,i'n's 8 winyr. ( '.t....rtin 0 / n.. 4 :b. • (0., ,,r,/, up, ,, ;1',I. !iwion'elh ' . . eeerese..