HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-03, Page 8CLINTON NEW ER;A,, • • etvn:, as ut. itounollip*LOOM W JtEETSCENE. ltfoNDAY.--" What a beautiful, spring like day thie is. The air so fine and. fresh, with birds chirruping tand'e' ery- thing pleasant.. This is the corintry for sue, sir, I do like a Canadian spring," TUESDAY, "-Well, did you ever see the like'? Why I thought yesterday we were going to, have spring, sure, and here it is snowing like the twiddle of winter, Blam'd such a climate as this, anyhow, there's'no depending on it, I'm going to git out as soon as I can," WEDNESDAY.--" Here's another'. day jut like the lust. This weather is - enough to make a saint dislike the coun- try. However, I never did care very much- for it, to • tell the 'truth. ' But I would like to see 'a few finee days in suc- cession, though I suppose we may have sleighing 'yet." • • 'bre snow is still nearly level with the fences on many parts of the county roads: .A1R:. .JOAN RANSI'GRD, Who lately went on a trip to the told country, is on Iris way back again. . Rev, A. D. MCDONi1LD,.late ofElora,- will occupy the pulpit of Willis Church, here, on Sunday next.,, • HOTEL REN. TED —.Mr.•Garter,' of this place, has rented HenryYoung's Hotel; _- — Wingba ;rand taken irri iiecliate--posses- siont. .SEIZED,—The stock of Mr. F. C. Wilson, who lately opened oust• a drug. '--busirless-liar-e;: vas -seized by the-Sheriff-- iest week. ' SOLD ouT.--Mv. Geo. C11id1ey, who a short. time ago removed front here to London East,- bas, disposed 'of his drug business, and is at present in town. . PexsONAli -•-Mr. A. S. Fisher has re- turned from. Montreal after completing kis spring purchases in that great centre of the dry goods trade, also carefully in-, speeted what is ,offered to the trade in Toronto and Hamilton. DhAniATIo,—On`Monday evening next Plunkett's Dramatic Company will per- form "Ten nights in a Bar Room," at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth. Mr. Plunkett also appears in his favorite Ethiopian. sketches "Trip in a'balloor}" and "He's got to come.' They will likely be well patronized, , CIRCULAR POSTAGE. --It isnot gene- tally known among merchants and others who have occasion to send circu- lars through the P. 0;, , that where they are to be ' delivered at . the same Post Office at which . they are mailed, the postage for each circular is only one- half cent, •'-DRTAINED."-We hear -that• the party that left Londesboro- a couple of weeks 'rI-Il r. ULI TON NEW E13;.A., SEA 'OR.TH. ' CHANGE or BUSINESS. :Tho, ipartner- ship, of Armitage, l3eattie & Co,, of Sea- forth, has been diseolved,.11r. Armitage. will continue the wheat end produce business, Mr. Beattie intends, devoting his time to„the flax and°Jpork peeking branch of the late farm. • 311,14,N11l1I.LER, CONTRACT LET.—Tare contract for the erection of the Zion B. C. Church has been awarded to Mr, -A., Heddle, for the sum of $1,475, the building: to be ,ready for opening by the `15th of September. TEiipLAlts.—The following are the of- ficers elected for div, 308, Sons of Terni perance, of this place, for the .present quarter, P. Cantelon, W,P,; M. B. Gled- hill, W.A.; W. Robertson, R.S,; I, A. Walters, A.II.S.; C. Walters, Chap.; J. J.Vloore, F.S.; A. Heddle, Tres.; G. Stew-' art, Con.; Ms Lautbe_at,-A.U,; B,. Lam- bert, LS.; T, Hed&ale, A.S.; W. Larubert; ago for Manitoba, are detained at.Emer-- P.W.P. This onto': has lately erected son, on account of the breaking up of a hall which for size and neatness reflects the ice in the risers, and the overflow, credit, ing of. the small streams: If this is the case it will be a great drawback to them, as they will scarcely be able to get on to their land sufficiently early to put in a crop this season. • • • . WINNGIJ- M. • -• SUDDEN DEATH --•Mr, Joltrl E. Kent, of `this place, died very suddenly on Sni • 'day morning, lre•hnvrng been around and as well as usual on Saturday afternoon: He” wsis=taken suddenly ill iii the even- ing with congestionof the lungs, and died before'' Morning. ..-- GONE TO MICHIGAN._-Last'week Mr, VVsn. Bingham, .of this township, left on it visit to Michigan. ' '• Viler ILL,=`Phe -friends' of Mr. W. Wallace, of• the 7th con.; Hullett, will 'regret to learn that lie continues -very ill. .,PRESEN.TATiox.=lVfrs'. uttriuelnael, FARMS SOLD. -117x. W. Brotvtileo, of '4th con,, last wee.k, sold his farm 'of 0• arses-by•auction,. his neighbor; Mr. T. Carbert,:heiug the purchaser, -at $2,600. Mr. • Brownlee intends going '10 Mani- toba:: - ?11x. David Hill has sold his 'far tn.on" the 8th con., three rungs from Kinburn, to 11Sa:: W= -tis:' -0o1- .fol #,0 4 _Thstfat m contained 50• acres, with 'fr.ame build , tends-roman-irlg_ te: Sault Ste, Marie, where he has. taken ,ip' land. - wife. of the .Rev. Janes' Carmichael, Rector of . the -Church of Ascension, Hamilton, formerly of Clinton, was, on Friday •evening, presented with a splen - e iiusband by the . cli_d o�..�:'.pztr•ai,t.cf ..arer ' • ineinbers of his bible class Foil'MAi,*IioeA. By.. advertisement• . -.elsewhere-•rt will.be•seerr-thair-Me.Green way intends getting .up' another party iar-lVlanitaha:irr: a few::: y_ :: s lie-l'rirlly- be at the Queen's hotel, ,here, on the 23rd Inst , . so that parties. wishii. -to- .arrange_ with him can:convoniently do so Mit, R. W: MdICerizie, of Godericb,_, writes us in reference to the: paragraph • inserted. p least week, :that Mr. R. M. Raney had .bought out his heavy hard- ware, end says he•does not, wish it•to be understood that: are is curtailing .lits Business, but only going out of one de-: pertinent, enabling him thereby to 'ex; tend itso_far es _builders,.. painters and. farmers are concerned, •in which lines he will keep a full and first class stock.., . Fritz•;,—Y-esterijay iiioritriig ,about five. -o'clock; the fire' alarm was sounded, but the wind was so high that very few heard. it. The cense of its ringing was• the dis- covery that a kitchen attached' to .the house of Mi. :P.Cronyn, was '6n fire; neighbors being soon on the spot the _fire. was put out before doing much damage. In.a few moments -,after the alarm was hounded steam waa.upin the engine, -and • it was run out of the arouse but was not taken :down ..:.•The origin Of the 'fire . vas an ash barrel in the kitchen, Sciioo i TRUSTEE . MEETING? -The . re- gular .monthly ineetitig of 'the .Scheel Board was held oix Monday ' evening: Present, the chai:rman,and-Messrs, Coats, Holmes, Scott and 'Hine. The minutes - of'previctun meeting read and confirmed. 3Vlovod by Mr. Coats, see: by. Mr. Holmes that the following accounts be.. paid. viz:, E. Holmes & Son, $9 ; Mulloy, $1 .50 ;• ZV H. Ransford, $10,- 60; Silas'Davis, $3 74, --Carried. 'There being no further business before the ' meeting the board adjourned: LECTUn i.-W'e learn thatHon.:Vied- Chancellor Blake will lecture in the town ball, on Wednesday, Oth inst., at h o'clock, on 'c The It:blin • Men' of Ca- , nada." This lecture is given ander the auspices' "of -St. Peas Church Young People's, Assooiati.on, who , deserve ,ere; dit for bringing such. en .intellectual treat within reach of the people. The Hon. Vice=Chaiacel.lor is probably the most extensively advertised public speaker in' Canada at t ire present time. A :.a lecturer lie- ii. &fable, stirring, eloquent, full of pathos and 'humor, and tremendously in earnest. aTickets are to be had of members of tare' Association, • and at $onic of the principal stores. , THE Clintor'.t NEW ERA has a subscri- • ber' who.hasBard for his per up to the end 'et:1880.- HO is the only,snb� scriber in Canada tubo 'has evei/Vi".on known to pay for his paper ,two years in advance. If be had, but known of Mother Shipton's lirophecy, that the world is to come to an end it .1881, he would 'no doubt have paid for that year; too, when he was about it, on the chance that after that date no more papers would be wanted. As for our subsdr. tiers, if the world cornea to an end then we expect a great many of them will , 'Sewer, EXAiIINATIOR..--1'Ile'(]nalter- ly examination.of 5,5. No. 9, Hullett, was held on the 28th March, there be- ing. about 6'0 ~visitors' present:: The. pupils were •examined in the •different. subjects. by their. teacher, Mr. Wilson; and �othets present. The manner in which the .pupils uccf„uitted" themselves has. ieised•Mr','Wilson in the e'stitiration of all present. 'Luncheon was served at 12 o'clock, and the exercises of the day 'enlivened by recitations and dialogues. at.the'elose addresses w.ero delivered by Revs. Messrs. Pritehard -and Jamieson andothers, all of whom expressed them solves ,Highly pleased with 'the exercises of the da. • ' Whitechurch. K :ithscribei•, to the NEW EE'RA'writes. front, this'placc its follo«s`i Your : New • ERA; . published, and I' presume, duly posted, Thursday after- noon; -does not. reach a post.oiiica.thirty. •miles distant until' Satnrcltty afternoon Barely -the .circumference of,, Goclerich, Manchester, Luckuow, .Wingh am, and. back to. Ulster . should ,arouse the ele- phant to • "settle that horse. question. With the opening of •spring'and. enriched capitalists', the neighborhood offers -in- ctcements to a ,general grocery,. esry ,. 'dry goods, and hardware store. A grist mill and a grain buyer would, find a lively business here, farmers having to go 12 and I4.."miles to 'grist and market.. A splendid -opening for a waggon• maker and job shop; cone along with the tools, the shop is to be had for a nominal sum; A. .stave and barrel heading ora hoop manufacturer. May find the best'af tim- ber right at his door, a tanner. ser. ]ikewise hark laid town for n trifle. Healthy oourr'try, good •water, and rail facility,. come along'N. P's., more anon, • LONDESBORO. CoNEERT.—& -very, •agreeable and: pleasant 'evening was spent last Friday by a goodly, number of the people of Hallett, inthe• Presbyterian chureh hero; on the occasion of Prof. Salter .giving•a, concert at the. -close of a singing school 'which -he has conducted' during. the win- ter, notwithstanding the.:bad roads, and the night rainy a. considerable. number assembled to enjoy the singing. Prof, Salter may indeed be proud of his I3111- lett class; they evidently hshvo paid good. attention to the instruction which ho gave, from the. Manner in which they acquitted themselves, it is evident tlntt he lune done his duty faithfully in im- parting to theism the knowledge requisite to make, good singers. Prof. Salter was assisted by Miss Wade, of Clinton, who presided at the organ in an efficient manner and added ria little to the enter- tainment of the'•evening. The• music was interspersed by 'en. address' by the Township. Council Meetings wEST wANANOSrr. • - ,< Council' inet, according to adjournment, .on the 25th March, All'themonsbers pres- ent. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of asst meeting read and adopted. Mr. Done aid. McMartin applied to be refunded $10,- 62, overcharge on school rate, which ho was paid, 'to•.be'refunded by the section to the totynahiii this year. A large tiumber of obieetions ,bein i. made- to the passing of by-law.; to take lift 1.4; and west -half 15, con. 7, from school section No, 3, and put it to No, 8, the passing of by-law was laid over.till next meeting, to see amendments to sehooL.act • Moved J 0. Durnin, -see, by J. Washington, that: ,Thigh Morland, James Gibson, John • Plunkett,: John Cant - ;mon, .John Elamlin, J'clseph Radcliff, Rich- ard \Vilison, Alexanilerr Pentland,. John ' McLean, Duncan McPherson, Geo. \Veath- erheadt and: James Cumming, .bo fence - vie wers..0arried. ence-viewers.-0arried.. 3. W. Jackman, John Robertson, Wm: F•rusupllrey; Alex. Cam- eron, John; ;I3itriter; John Jones, and Jas.. Bruce, be pou.ntl keepers: -Carried. 111ov- ed'by E. Gaunt, sec' by Cltas Dtirtiin; that by-law appointing pound-keePers.and fence-, e read a first time.—Carried. The _ , vievversb 8 -_ folTowtng accounts were ordered to be paid, ..• viz.; Armstriing &131owey, lumber, $6:84 ; .W. 'wi rat; $1.; P,; Collis; -lumber, $2.25,,L John Cullis, gravel,,$1 John Mc- Whinney; -luiiiber, $3..88 Wm,-Kituhau,. - charity, for -Wm, Gilpin, $10. The clerk - was instvactecLt -write:_.te,. John MMIcLean, respectingSprmil's sec. cunt for Mr. Taylor's funeral expenses. The council adjourned till; the 29th April.. R. MunnAY, clerk. HURON- ITEMS:. • Mr. Cieo, 'Mitchell,'.of Scafoi'th; re- -moves to Chicago; Brussels these Factory has been pro- mised the milk ro-misedthe'milk of 400 Gows.this year. . Tho premises ,of Mr. P. Noble, Code rich, 'were slightly dart age •-by fire, on Thursday. 'An ohn log; that weighed 10,000 lbs, was • drawn . to' Wingham;. by a ' single team, lair week:' Brussels Driving Park' Assocation in- tends giving $x;:000 in prizes on -1st and 2nd of July next. Dr..Dellenbough, of 'B.uffelo, was last week fined $25 and costs,- in Blyth, for' lraetisiiig medicine without a license - ` E. Gaunt Deputy -Reeve of West-' ;W awnaosh, recently refused the hand -some • offer of $375 fro& an American• btryer for las span of draught horses. - ., Emma K. 'Troyer- of Hilts Green, aged. 12 years, has just'cornpreted alog•cabin quilt, with 3,250 pieces in it. This speaks well for; the industry and skill of A twelve year old girl. Mr. Cardno intends removing . the, clock in his tower, at Seafortb, and re- turning it to the. maker, as he cannot afford to keep'it,and the town authori- tiesgive no assistance. Mr Joseph Cowan, of the Yill'ego of Fordwich, las been appointed, by His es 'Hon./Judge Squier,, Bailiff of, the 9th. _.. Division Court, vice 1V1r."S Playford, . resigned. • • On Monday. .last P. Kelly, Esq., : of Blyth, purchased two car loads :of cured pork from Messrs; G: , iSc ;3. Petty,; of Ilensall•. ' The meat WAS' purchased fpr Mr: Whitehead, C :1? • Tt contractor.. Mr. Giles Jenkine, of Wasvaiiosh, had a quantity of wheat stolen some time ago, the whole that he had laidaside for his summer use. Mr. S. Barr, of Hul' lett, also lost two bags of wheat about a Month ago, arca Mr. John McPherson, of Hallett, had a quantity .of peas stolen. We have often heard it said *that it you dream the same dream tlrr'ee• times in succession ib will prove true.. Buell has beet verified in our midst. Master . 5. Pollock dreamed three alights in suc- cession, that he found a revolver, -after which curiosity led him' to the place where it was to be found. Strange to, say he found the article just oat had been described in hie.dreani.-•TJ%yth Vie.. view. ' • Mr, John .131ackbruff'e. residence, East \Vawenosh, was entirely • consumed by fire ort Wednesday nfteruoon. The family being in thekitchen portion of the house, the firsy was not •discovered. until the whold of the nia% building was _bo in arrears; at thing.whieh tine' would pastor, Rev. John S.'Lochead, and read- in flanges. A few bed elethes throe or much regret for their sake, as dofan]ting ngee Yvon tho whole. it was a siioecss. four chairs, end other minor articles wore sub'scriber's have suell. a wretched Ounce The proceeds,. Amounting to $13, are to ell that was saved, The fire, is thought Of :salvation -1litale/Z ),,e ire -e .p ndetl in the .Sunday seliool Ebro,- to 'have originated through the children corder, rya: --.t Cost., playing with.,naatclicls. • • H H �HHHIth HIH A. A A A A AAA A A. AA AA MU, 3', 1870 TTTTTTTT T T •. SSSS Ss sSsss gs gs sssT In'ituying your Huts for the Spring, cult', at Where you will find one of the largest air" ri ost complete "' assortments of HATS and CAPS in the county. CHR•ISTY'S:--ENGLISH STIFF HATS, CHRISTY'S 'SOOT. FELT HATS, .q AMERICAN' FUR HATS,. GAPIACIAl1I FELT- •HATS, - ' All being, the latest; and most fashionable Goons t0 be obtained in the market. Men's Tweed Hats, Boy's.. Worste4.. Caps, Boy's Scotch Caps; Men's Worsted Caps, show a very large' range Of Boy's hats and Caps. 0 • VICTORIAwBLOCK, CLINTON, ONT. J 'CLINTON, April 3, 187.9. WALL PA1Fi All PAPS Window Blinds. Window•Blinds. ' Window Blinds. ansford's CITY'.;BOOK• STORE*, CLIN`r N..` , Clinton. and Vicinity r favors extended to, hill) While tiianktn„tr.the people y fo... .. "since he started in bueiness; . the subscriber desires to inform the public that ho has imported IMMENSE •STOCII• '()i klsh &Igurina Wall Papers and Widow 1ith, ,Of a quality and cheapness that have never been seen or heard of before in Minton, -and'•.. + the Extra 'tariff', he is . ' Notwithstanding ' going' t.o - sell nt, the obi Cheap Prices...M. `•, E PUl-C%TA.�S1Y0 EZSEdl'.JfERL'. rr?.u'� a.��n ,SEE Ill;SP(lCK serol; ft • 'ItAVIa's; ItoUOIIT A L,AICGE •A\U SI4,,E.NDin 'ASSORTJlENT •Ori, 3E3O01-KS 4 isb1w3.d ► r rr .A...910 it) lel ,rust I>reviouss • to' the.. tariff changes,.: and getting these ata largo reduction ori regnlat• prices,: he -is pitparec] to.offer eescr'.r.' INnt eeiwENTS Tilts LIT,. Also, • on hand, a. choice selection of FANCY GOOpS,BERLIN6TOOLS A. lot of BEAUTIFUL MOTTOES and PIOTURES 'from New 'York; at very low prices. 1 HAVEor ALA AIMED To ACLES VERT Low Furores,."'AT .:1rs, ;melt A VINE LOT op ��. �{ g y} CE-�tSolleo'o Old Ota1ld, G'or>'itr of :Markt 'Span aid 41bort :Street. R�MEtd01�R1 i�� l Wm, E. 'RANS"'O:,I). 0LT T(i2 , larehS(. t:rn •