HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-03, Page 7k, • I � � "I'll, � "I I . I . � 1, I . - . . , .. . . ''1kl'it11. ,3, 1t� I. ` IIE CLINTON NEW ERA.. ' 7 M .. , _ .__,_-- _.. -_ . _,..- .,.,_..�_. _ . _- _-_._n,....�-. -_ . _ ..,--._..�-_-. __.._, . _. . A. _:_�____. airinet0lW HOTTS� AN,) LOT F0It .S.XL 1YIU T E; '' ` L 0 ► ` __�_�,v �.._ . ` ('nrcits,tnCSN tYtFlt fllonty. \\"o,nnu Clcrkn tit \\ n _� My fl icv,il mus, tl)e paymaster of a The first female clerks 111 tlieNation ,'•^• Q' �' TNGio large rrtilwiq conlinmy, aand,;oue day he al. Treasury were appointed in 18G2.by .. ,� .�asflo n cirnNCE. ON EASY TERIiIIS, 1�(�t) wPt]t aur ,�ii�i .M3(1,000 to Daly :the mei. Secretary Chase, who plaiaed then) in Thatwell-bnilttwo•storyda'elltirg,contalningtwelvo 11x" whieIk rite •Itripelltal CRI' 1'Ine nropc v was. wr»ppeil In nn old news. the o ce of the Controller of ti,o Ctlr. req,na,onlot7°etSpencerstreet,,withgood garden,sta- �� �^' �" -"` - -�'— bis eho bntldau well, &a.,nowv Occu fa lr J. W. !( Al/l Iu S[l IIr all all, • . ° #..,:, + p. 0, , p d y lbe 1'l t It j1♦ilr;r, and lig carrlt4 It under his arm,, renC a, §Gg00 a year. They alit and Yee, will be aoldoil very easy tor,ns, Payment taken o " tVa have muck pleasureJu annottucing. that our stock for tiro S "tin Trade fa " ,•i' a 'wayside hostler f r trimmed'the U ltEdtatE`a:nnte$18Sl1eCl;1Rmonthlyinetaimoats,tfaeRired, applytothoAwnate sub tlltie. dytt[It t>`Fo terga, !i g •: now complete stn r e l _i a n d o n , 1, c l o e oil ft c I it 'n sheets, and did their work ver " well. Mr' Joaoph.l oweI r to Er. $ALE be al points {p{al,ty and. I I , Its wg11 t:alculated. to a+llt the most fastidious, as well as dinner, and It•ft the to n y l a_ > t , l y n of Loan, N ft-. e e t b yers, Having urobased early, and to the best advantage, we lune aeoarecl the Clinton, Sept. 4,1$7$, when :he went out. Re had not gone; .A,s soon as they had .been lap,painted •-.,�_.-t____._ePt- 1' _�-.__. -_ _--_.__� ai,�L' � v IBEST GOODS THO LTi 1MBTS OFl ERE4 D, and at prices which willenxblo.uato compete many nlile:t front the place when. be there were many other applicants# and ! T �r � i successfully with any !louse In the trade. • missed it. .Ino fiew, back and tasked the their number steadily increased, funny Muunteastl s NIL L S. w W. FA �.� AN. ,,, c Q g p I Canton,, Maroh,1878. `1'o can. cul} make lnention.�iere of a fern of aha' lines of which our stools conslsts but. solicit wotutin if she s,. en a parcal, There of them se ul•ing places tllrou h the e- , is a bit 'of newspnl)er c:xl the chair Ile- ctil gr energy and perseverance with '^-- -' -- a personal inspectiou of stook, which we fuel confident will lesee ever intending purchaser. yon.t,' .ssiitl aIle ; ' perllnps that's ' it 1 whiel). they will refuse to take no for C a, I N T'O N t P Y (i1H14 SUBSC$IBER RESPECTFULLY BEGS To I , which it proved to bre a:ild my friend an .answer.. There are now.inore than a informthoinhabitgataofClinEonandsnrrounding nTT�/r A �mO"C%• I 1+��1' JIS'1� OPx'1\TEi) returned it happier audow'fser t)lan. 1,$00 women to the departments at countrythat)is has started hill • J. 1, M 1: 1 L L ,j 9itother Citi urnst»nce : than I know Washington, the majority employed in l�T SHE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES To RETURN His ]� � j � �,� j j� j� p � J� J� N E W SAW � � �, � # L sincere thanks for the liberal share -of patronage. � C�4 wSL C�l `_ 1 Y � YlF' , S [ ' 1 � I � t! G ,[- ,(1 ,[ N TwSf , of lost a roll of tills alnounting to the 13ureall of Engraving and 1'Clntln�, affordedhim, andwould also Intimate that hehas, dnr• -_ y 10000. Then »1Ro were tied u in and in rile Clovernment Printing Off!. a( ingEhepsettvintertlaidinAlarge stock of firetolasa ,: , - , P I ON RUAOe q STREET, materigl,andIs now prebaredto makeuDd put in, the Good Patterns, fast colors', and splendidyalue; a 7 to. l� cent6, a netvspx:per. He told ft friend,. and They excel as counters, their slender, over the Toss and the f sensitive finbers turning notes with ' Opposite'the Great Western Station MAST ;SUPER PUMPS the two talked - o b , probability of finding ttie money,. 'The, great. rapidity and extrctnesa. They de- COTTON Si IRTIN.CS, it tanda-sy Gornwhll and I nglish makes, 10 to 20'oents, frienti mnde him tell all tae g , I)d 11e tent counterfeits, It 1s said, gtlloker thin And is prepared to of every deecript)on, or; the $EOnTsaT•'NoTI�CR, and ' •. on the mo atreasonabloterms. DUCKS & DENIMS, Plain, Twilled,and Checked, l2 to, 25 centQ 11 had boon over since ht hrtd .Clle,lnatie. , mels; though. 'they do "not sildbeed so " _ __�_ __- __.w. ' .. - ,.� . b z CIfG Lo sotzslect)eg o) cisco or Cc. ' r g , 21 f Remember tl)e Place -next door: to 6, - The lust l,ltice he w rl5 at `,i ab rite fibs = ,well in accounts, ,as rho average "'fen)t- - ofitco. The ni�lit wits : wet over' Bead nine mind Lias: little natural love -of lig- Matheso7i'a Blacksmith 9hoP, , " ` c Rnhasalso T.U.iIREit of al kintisonhgnil, foraale, _•., t JtY:dEB:FEBQi7SON,'+�`� `•')+ Co toys at Botto Prices, � and slushy under foot. They stopped uses. gounters and copyists receive • +:... . 111 1110 pOtit-OiiiCe, slid loin; to tlie•placocJ00 a year.; other women $1,200 to•:?OuNTCAf3Z`r.I�. mlaton,April 1s,18rT: � .. 'l!O fY'EL+SY, rP0 tiRELLXNCr', .T1fIT LD rXXBNS'; TT'OLLt1,Yla,y', where the. m+lu had been,: fnilncl two or X1,400, several of .-them 1,G'$ and CtLINxoN,,Jan.17, Ii711 - :lki'USLI'NS, DIAPORS, tfc., as Lois• as the Lowest . three torn lits of newspapm It was one in the Internal Revenue X1,800. _. ' - the same, They looked further, and Most of the, clerks are. , mbll educated T LL N. L NE. GNU.. DIEHL, IN . found the Idst krc-ltsttl . It had been, and r6gried, and filany_linvese 11 more � T . . I V LI iV' h..J ,.Ld' 'sicked in tu, n by every one who carne prosperous days. A number are widows: -- ti8NPERTAKER into the office, and.wheii found waa all 'find daughters Of,army and,navillofiicets. .. " - r' v . in the •civil ,eft LIVERNOL— L0001DIRRY--HASGGwi We are allowing; lines whroh cannot fail to please, iti, COLORED LUS eRE.S 11IELI!,7,'A urr,tetl ford 'connpirtt,ly so,tk_d in Sllisl.. who lost their kt os _ r1C.nlcti t�Jt. Ci111O111. COiiDS, D3ELANGy;S soil .CASH111EItES. in all"shadea at ,pprices ran Ina fry ' '-Chet' sei�-d it ettper. alai. rPinrn'ed to LTery fern of .rho yqunt, women blurry SHORTEST BE PAA,SSA E. .cents. ata- `Viii receive this weak a liuerof- COLO EDS LUST t +. ranging • om 7 to 36 , !, G B R. l rs which we.will .offer th+,ir hotel, inhere they .spent sereml l or resign, and consequently ,the buncirocls I, e a at 122 seats, • . ,. , hours in cleitnin,r it, It tvas ill' there wlio aro seeking laces In WasLington del►ltt Sudorwnediaternd.cteeraF. Tick .. • __ . . g P b .e 98 Tat a.ow-ei;t Antos. " : T t i i . . ailtl at l:tit. they dot it .dI•iod.. The have very slender prospects: of surcesa. •... . - ���`1:tl0On ;�))�'�etl:11Q4CS +� ^i p r r �sI_ �1r�gy�++�r - - !. . grateful To4ii took- 111$ frit+rill out' Tinel. The•tnost untiring, obstinate plttcese'k t VERY' SATURDAY FR®�1.-.HALIFAX. 11 '. O�,dG�i. �.11L.0 OTHIM �V9PAR L JL9fJl,�lC,+t' ' _ . . l „ t F l rxl Tial are women, .. . , - ---. - - _ - )ou„ lit lntu h . llantltinmex4 gold watch. ets,at the Pere cap_ ,__..... ,.. T_ _ , i`atL.in ?i4rer, from:-0liteUe Jr'nrllror-➢Se Q>iSo;.i) T 'I -GP sELURZTY, . - - : ,, .. ..- % , . _>s a::>. :�,... -,.:- _m,... _ . ,tn • , _ _-. _ « � �; y, z T a _ _ -• .z . - s' fille•`cT w tri a'�we .assorted otbck 'of R`ORSTRD- COATINGS and T,12O PRINdS ehairl. he et)ulcl.hritl:. Lotito/l C,tr.,eGla, ,uc t •:;. �a;� - •. . • $U op Protlpeots in the West Y _ _ r _ _ _. ; - --.�.• .. _ •,1 . , SCOTCH; ENO andCi1NADIANY�'EEDS:.,See apt. ALL l�'00.1i' 1'lV'E1;AS at . - . _ .. 6 number�8f go.oti FARMS FQR SArTtIJ . :Ives )line .lnnidbuti,.. ,• ,1LP.J;0E TICKER'S TO• Ct6;cente per yard—they me extra yood`vtthtu. . Phe' Chicago correspondcnt of .the . NCw. Ycrk Coubnze)•cicet:,B clletbt, Nvtit- Lhvr[)ool, Lolld1¢nclerrjl, C(c( 3oiu, nt6eeiis ALSO, SORi�, TOWN LOTS CLt� Via ini.t city Net*: _,lsnle) arise ., the -s )oicislou-of •i•Tr;-,T-i1Ai-Lf - ll�-' Wli� -' -.-:_.._ - .. 1 in on rho 25.t1t i\It;tell srl s : .Ill. cul _ :lulu,:, 13elfccs2, Lanrlmz, Bristol, C<t)cli[]: OUR TAI LQ�Ifl3fl11LGH la:il?)der.. rrlrt!tx :t.ft;ty tlf nittuy u:l'orestuig alncl ° y �_gllslskatsnna cv-0r� iutorirt,itionagplyta: ? gay tn� _ :7 ltTtvr'Z; Attorney;.•vzc, noted for raising out's perfect Tit. GOOD.SUITS''FC)lt X13;. : �?...__- earl�� a.Ir1»g t.olle 1'arthr n ruin; trtt !..11,11tV. t.httt, �1°ei..a011ti11Tllall,: brig )� t •Lt Ino Ca Of ane A. STitAITON, o. T P,:,'tCgeut, C{futon. Cllriton,Tune 0, lS7$. L. Li+ot tho last Ivec.lc we. have had lle,ty y C1luton,,T+Iay 80., ib78. tlbolit ten. _ -.: _ ._. HA.iti,S9 CAM WWITE DRESS S9tIiiTS., .�IE"�9 SGB LAR�;'�R.ADwSy GLOVES uccnitrtt� tillout -the niul��' fulls of•snoty till d bird freezes. _ 1VR ars - oclaelt the other nlotnrng ft clo«.bat full 6110 month behind',. in. par aro '. '.i�gj(]H: . I O. St)I.IllA'l>'DIoAX Ol+�:1Nt1D. itltNDKEiCHIEF &b.l 10 t Nil:let r, . • wax.dretlji,e'i down fLe.'.main .vertical . . . work as,cotnps'edwith last sowiom But (� (t ' y th.4t, of the: Savage' fro.ni.tlie surface, a ver • suulll )ercentfl t, ors ring wheat Scottish Commercial Fire Insur'ance.•Cot '• `' • • ' .' � ' Q S. and went directly through u,cage;0, the_ . S , . I P I ! > , Yd141 . lh'OL'� �► � ]84 ,071. ..D1HlC� .i�V �4� i4. has yeti heen:.s.otvn, est) far, there secros OI+ GLASOoW. _ 041ITt.L, $4,000,000.. bottom, piecing the 1,'onuet and,floor. ' to be but little inclination arnotig the ' -, ; - \iEi�'S SE(1'E11 Ge1TJ ERS 1.50 per air, I30Y-'.S LONG B S j 50 n No one ,vat4 on the. cane at the time, ° 'AU as' - ➢wo �iillioti 9tirlfnt;. - . • + P pair. . Qt1T , . is per pair. fanners te) Increase flletr acreage of. Asset», - - - i,bt►o,000.1. <uld Ifo cue; ryas !tort, }:et t,is.unplea- Izueontc, . r,000,000: .: . wheat.' The low,prices aIle rile pat,•ttal - _ _' s u t r nilriiin a �t ri i -o . z _- beid ----, . , _.:. ._ .., , - - --- - - : tt bl B (,+ p, in a trill( PROM cb or oNTAW6 BftANCIT. _ - fatlure of ilL.ia wheat crop.of 1878 ll . . x ... to reflect timt such dungy sometimes hi i c era Tog effect.., As'thi sett .Head '.0ffioe - .7 Toronto Street, 'TOR.ONTO.' �- . ®ur. F occur. As the b.tl• fall something over till* ail s of . b. ff � . , � a.�Y .PART E T. g seri iiow' promises to, bo late, .and with B0,,am or-billrCTORs i Interest 'from X our to Nige leer cent allowed -�' O . • ti vv .hundl•t•d ya.tYls, it. was tl'avelltn,� so id1•lch fro t; in be' round there will Jollm L.11n.mau,Fsti.; Chairman, President Canadp'LOU-Deposits. e:+` ' ' ) ' l 8 t g + 1 • IS c , late vt nth riavv. ancT fresh goods, SDL. OU .SL (' [l gt; J. nn t 1.�,.1bs:.fur 41.00 - ...-..... , with the lit ullty nttrl,.4actr clfral•can3 it Lnndbdorcditcani an : ._ ..— ..., _ �?lp. w P ::.. p ,. _.. r•. .1--rxtra-aCustt a to .be. _ _..:..,;n. _s 1en'did'1•ah a at 40 cents. -LO••Iles til vlo ,iTk g ,,.,. a 7aitN 9 iatntitent Lti+ otE, oC,Diobturr�ah P�'Co.' t' ��i ���1 p J > -15all . h:6ff-it'.st,i1.1 thty cap;e.,, A. t of ., _g • M i�1 I.QUt H c1 ant,` _ : ^ aOwn Tllet: S Oria fact It In 'wTLLTfiEt, A-cElaaysn, • Eb-ci^,. tTva-•1=rtm,aeut-:Fedarn.�.••,•;•" r.,.,.,.•,,;;K...,:.M.--.:,....:,..._,..,.,..,..,,.._s„_.,:......�-,..: ....,.- .. _.. ._ ...-._ , , _-_ _ .. _. •ruvt'l .no 'urger than' a •filh rt stns a •� ' Pank.ofCauada. .' Glintolr, April,.:1Sr0• •• 1-Y •y; • __ .. �. ..-.._.. g TL. ton ___ ___. _---___- — _-. _ _.__ . Liberal lntlucetneuts bila'redao pities tiii t faro! of the present year,, .e b yd INsrrCTolt- ROIIERT i-1 T AT4 n yl �b ,n largo i7iiantltitTs ftir`eet h.' " lrl:u .t 1:ullet towaccT the Tatter plll't Of was mostly ploughed last 'f i and will RESIDENT. SECAETARY•-LAIVRENCE,BTJ,CH,AN. A nail respect'ftilly solic,►ted, We consider it a pleasure to show oats. - yP .b _ .- 11' . . S - each a }out nay. A dop oi?co #ell into a —1x111 V li 1J. be.iu gciod order as•aoon as tike ii tis _ _ . _.. _____ .. , 2..... . ., _.b . -.-... _ Ilopnsitcd ivlth the Government at Gttnira,.foxsacur, -1. .. . shaft at Cruhl I3r11,, and thoagh t to E _.- ' b Otll of the ground, We, are`over the rityotCanactinnrcltay)Ioldors,S100,OUD. ' rib -aft was but 800 fei•t.it depth two h' Rn . ) l , u. ia. Tis Company ,sines: Policies of'Snsurauce a&dinst 7 •� •� �y �� •moi 22nd, and .with the present mild lass or damagehydroorIightning,onpiaroantile;,nnn- U' D 1,D L L GI V.O 4Ki Sij Londesborouglr,Dinrrh lS� 10i9 men upon W.holn ilio. animal Minded . Weather. R'e hope :SCOW again to hear` of ufacturing,"far,n'nnd honsohold tial o� ati Current rlites. p T 6l Cho d �Aiia� were killed, as .was also the'cluriisy cur, Y, . a. `' Polioieaareissuedfrom•andlossassottlod direetly.by { rho farmers at at.otk, ^�i �]t1 {n It pL - - that failed to hall across thfl' to of. the . ' iheTorouto.oaice,withoutdolny ' ,- ;patC� 411 Uil]GI► Dakar' l - ^-- " ' '-- AtlPremiume taken in thiseountay'are invested in . shaft. . A rat once fell.. dtlwti ' the : Con- lmnginu ,.Hire ',Peelings.' . ,Canadian securities. .. ' + Wrr�i.a . Ge e. tiolida, . .� ted "Vfrginia.'shaft, in attempting = JE Tt, &o., tT conductor of a• train east freta 'OH14.,-�,�nc irT, ,' SE�W:I N G MACHIN:E: DE .POTJ to' x1,11nb across a ilomparfnt. ficin r%VouldrespeAfullyanuo,incotohiacuetomers;and the ^A. splendid assortment of fire t•ciass SEWING' MACHINES alwa s on band. -NEEDLES, . w4111 l,late to wall plate, ancl, 1,1,00 feet- Portland,, Ile., hada curious experience AGENT F'OR CLINTON AND VICINITY tibliageuerall that he has removed Into, hill former Y 1. •r p y, and every famishing. kept in atoo7c. below, lttndcd on 'the bald',, head :of a several.nlght"c ago. Pasting .throngll a' Clintou,July12,1877t building, on' in► a itli -. Ca' asleep, and Arn>sT•-STnsaEr,' Orn... .•rnF M�itltEr, °.�-"-"�- �R' IF, P 1� I ,I N.. Gi- S H.O P; m er and exploded like a bomb, taus, Sewing M'achinea of ,every madce 'repaired. nail new parte ke< t o hand: Bain hin)sel£ eked .him in his Ie to-awitke••liim and P . 9 g. Ing a miner, to. tiifnk' :ti• resit .had.. cut' p., .. , ti . . agi;erelie will on halhila aaloctpasortmentoi practical.machinist, all work done: Bare is warranted to lve cod satisfaction, • et his .tukef .. ,The para raker did; not.:. G . �.' . E .� -1 L " •- _ -.. . • .. . _:.. . .. ' Cl a^ • Op' the top of his skull Ind lat out .tui g - . . ! pgbel Moderate, - .i3. NOR WOEL'SITY, Post. Office Bos'166: •g. res ond. Then the conductor Inched •. Crocks, watches;lewetry,and SilverNar.a olaIf kinds, , brain8, ;A brain of..i)1td Rllot dao peel. .respond. r . P Ma4ufactprorofand;donwein all -kinds of. -I[ttron Street, oate iloinr west oY tlae Com» terpial Ha el Oiinten: Jona. into the toll of a shaft 1;500 ,feet in his -leg, Still isos�gtis; hheconductor which ho. will lienstpoaeoaablerates. RepatrtngofI. .. . , . • - •• inched• harder. Still the slumbeer everydescriptio>;pzomptlyattendod.to. d< ptL would probe. bly, bury Itself • in .a P 1f .l, l ' " _ plink, of piece of vyoed It might happen0 dreamed on. The conductor rtthen con- . • ;,-.r. BIDDL,&)MBE, ciLDEnT iTREST. . . =. to strike at the bottom. That being.tbo • clucked, to go throui . tllg ,oar collect the §iJ Clintan,])ue. s, Is7s •' rest .of the tickets, and make a 'ob uW . . . __.._ :SHB TIONSON SnCh Ynying now entered on a New Yoar, u cold beg to etiato �� case, ]t' 19 riot t O'tiant t0 tiilnlc.Of � • • � __. . 1". . ' 1 � �I�T[, jf�►y``r.'j �{559�� ' ' ' "' ' r of~this"tit after he bpd finished the thatlieIsstillpreparedtoaccommodate'allwho'favor `- WILLIAM •_`T� ����� ES C� tLinhS ria CI'Owba115 roin�,duwn.-shafts.' • hfinwiththeirpaEronage,andiedeteriuinednottobe . I • ' .k �^1 r17 �t fi•l •�_ •i-� .' . 'collection.. . Having returnd, he seize(', undersold in any line.. He would solicit an i.epe tion O.. � ' S 'T � g l 1 O R I) ' ,, ,.. „ . .... -; the fellow by- .leg anti gays It a. urfl of his stock, feeling satisfied that all w)lf he convinced_A Tht, tiny s Nest., • that here ie the place to buy their Fufnliure;'b'oth'as INOORPORA I - I rnendon$ . )oil, w11en., Co Ilia horror. nd ,: ; l D' 5874, succel3sora Eo'.Thomson. Williams; oY,Mitciiell, I . iegarde workmans rip, style anddlnieh.,' ,-,. g -:+ Several rctirs :ago a far el ACi. lase the l,e a Wooden,tbne exm.e.. .. :1. •. n? m :t h.o p , . b ... , . '. a. . State of -fir w Yorh .se11t Ills son Tolllu. off to lits_ hands,., . ., _ . . . :grlcu'1at � 1.41 gine asks to drag a Newly-ploR'.ed. Meld. - • He .•w . 1tTY STOCit CONSISTS, IN P ABT, or. cLL , . • . A, Gracr Swindle:, to drive a y.auntr oa te.f,n)',. and Inia'fa= , + 'R 'T PARLOR a� BEDROOM " SETS vP s : thor in quite a _P—QUI sy nlTnnner said : A heartless.; :sect of, villany, was pen•- g • FL _:____.. _. v_ .___ W i - __ - __E_. 1-_-.._ItOBEi�P.�1'iIO TSOht; YRLa1DElrx-A. 11:'1VZ%LItiibI9 V1oE-PitEs. tYL��, ',Now remefn�ber no bo a ^Ila wit -� - — ~ - L GItA1rT; y I Y petrated on ',tit ,poor blind girl ualns $> c, Tnsns. ; .J, 'ItEDFORD, 'tiY• MO SVAT, J C01iC0]iAN W..'bTA ItiylI LL. ' this tPttm!' Rollin said hQ could:do. NuneyPoaers,;whowas.onherwi�y:froth Sofav, Bureaus, vressinp,Cc6seR,:SideLoarils, t I I , as good as be could, and started for Iiia -St. Louis to Omaba;.. ' Ori �ihe train near . Cupboards, Open send Closed Stands;. E.T� . , ,-�-N.�r�-•�">•"-• •-�,-.; w•�. -., �� . •• . tensiofl G'entrearul f(cll•Iectf 1'aUlev; - :•MANUFACTi7REliS OF work: After the farmer basil 1•ookod,to 'I_ansils'G''ity a•man representing himself' Gabe suet •Wood .Seat, GkPabl p. • . other matters on the farina and assured to be the conauctor looked itt. her ticket BadRteadlt 111f'attrumes $E SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO STATE ti , r i ti. a ' + :L to tho pubha that lie keep's constantly -ear and LimsPI.E' that all vias n)ovlli„ alullg' jllro-. Isnd't'old her it was good only to 1�ansas s riltes, -&c.;, t6c., Johnston harvesters Single Rea ars. o ors .and Combined Machines ' • Alargoandeuporloralaes.of I. g p hen ly, he started for the ,held to look` Ciuy. .The ticket, however, .was. good after Rollin and the teary. ;Now, front est: ,hOtti$ t0 Onlalta: Aa n{sy be Ali•cf w}?iah will be found vrtried and complete. �L-t, Broadclast, Seeders, Seed Drills, �O"s(3, PclWers, Sa Wl]1g r COFFINS, 'CASKETS, • Rollin had done well, and 'everything imagkned she�'wi►k in reat distress and .. Machines, (train, Clrushers, strew Cutters,•Piowa, Gang•Plows, &c.: " ' g• , RErnIDINU NEATnr DONE.•••QiiAlna oANEn' :As 0001) . —AND—+—,,, . . Lad gone along nicely' n'ntil just as, the ,asked his advice. Ro,told `her fo give .. ,ts NETS. , fatr.mer reached the corner of the .field ' ' ' -Coffin Trimming's and Robes, h'Sr Alt - - iZes • . Buiilders 'af Steam' Engines and Boilers, r. 111tH Whsit:montiy.ahe Ilse, and rV11en al • -' CSO. DIEIIT;, \'ictoria9treet:. g' ! . when the drag ATER WIiELS,AND A g KINDS OF 111ILI: ]t2ACHI1t7EIt• „ eaiigbt in.au old stump, riving in Kansas City he :would. et her , . . . Y• . a g Winton, Jan...8,18TJ.. ' With a splendid FTEARSE. PraIN Cor•Fixs at yo . te•alting a, part of It off absI, blinking 8tit _a ticket t0 nnaba. ` 'Being . entirely .i i n supplied In one hour , t tra torsP . • n . _ U + .. i y n o. hand. ,tart Parties can be pp] M t L"on c for ,fir ist and Saw :Milts coriiplete; A18o for; .l'1 later 1Porks for. cities;:towns and •' . tan active nest of Vellow- aciretS. When nocent of.confiders e men d• de rit+ed t wiry limo, at . valla es, on the:,Holl ,'$stem,. �' Cheese.FacCor= Maclairter :a S eeialt c b .an P NEW ' CUIRRUGE .WO_ftjtg g y J y y p y.. the farmer :e„it , •in sigll:t, ;wllat.'was his'of.si ht she ga�e''ani 1111 he ,moue ' i ' g , e. k... y, 1EN .P1✓1�,. CE1VT .LI✓SS Address,'Ti[ODINoly.tc lvit,x.YA1Es, lrtaui faetririn 'co.; strt4tlord, Ont. astonishment and vesatton_,to see. tile: atnottntin to some ,8. �n 'reaching . Feb.4'187G:.' - .L. oxen kicking sad 'tin: )ing`and- It ng`n b 1.1%I . 13 L,:Y T ..H,:",.. • . Than I . 1. robureda:t ony otlicrplaco: _11. . . . . , � r o I was " _x .. , P b g Kansai City she was; told "•tltat she . ahrud and Tic llln tt )xldrtltl, ilnitatln, E -_ L.E_ . . • ' pl Y f; the vietl'tn of u. confidence game, and r.1.A,,full stock of FURNITUR, . titwpir lnovetnents f ' FIerP, boq'! tubal fleas moved the )risen. ars to'tako u a •srL r g P ........ ' . AlwaysonhanI . are yak doing illcre �'scl'e'ulltecl tliefarnt-' collection laud buy her .a ticket thence i `� AA • ,, a THOS, STEVEN80N. %��%%a %�!er In no.ver g�L�;[1�.L% y beetle lnantler: 0 I guess to Omaha ' - - 'minton,.May10,1817, - we're 1n a horn'et's neat,! ausweretl tile. - - _ - a, '- Ok`,' ., frantic ,11ollin. . 'tn a boy'S hest,'Z Onions have 'been grotvtl In the open . - _ . . ,/. ��'''11 +"nese I Isere 1 give me that whiI)",Said 'sir ill Winnipt!g this spring: �® �(j goes �ui�� o 11�►�es �or5e Rr��tkets �c . td ' ` i •n'r(. r ? , Re torts front Southern D •tl) gin _1,010Cks, WatdhesrJawellory, &6 .. j-... __.___.T_q - -__---_.-__ __,-_...__1... _ • ____. ___-. ac cr r, o d father, find l 11 see what l _ scot. es. • • � • terrible xecountis of Bufferin from prairie _ this ha•noeV nest amounts tot, So, S .. . .lid' .: F OM L - n. d.... ; .. .-.... • lttrat ho started frightened . -fires' .1+arta. hotise have hoe desErb -- . • • . .�o y .after the frightened n y. • . Powres toreturn THE subscriber, )wishing to clear�ctnt his present stock in order to make raorn for spring ` team, intent upon )tastily, •b 'Ingtn ti of", ed to great rintnbers and the settlers have •� i -•�,��r �-rC�y� ; I,-tt bb ��rr hieaincercEl,angs uichaseti will soli the lance of his )resent stock at t cr Iow rices. Here is ,fi slap g b !+ tUlAJ.V.I.JI $ .l.r.i.a.ti..kl.X7,,, . . (j hi ginedumoroua purchases, ba ) c y sample • der out of confusion. Ila' hack one but he d_Rula re is said to , the prloes at which goods t i'lol be sold :' . g lost evervtLing, 1 h r%atGotdc,y. Iriondsandoueto b0 be .OnLl deseti )tiell., - merd,fortholiber• A few stepR, h:oW:ever, wbFn the hornets y l • .. '. ,. e , Ni ' �? . _. � . PUIZ ; BU M ,,. '1' 90 woln�en s Pr'iltnella ',Tad lleasareinannou.chi tothoinhabftautsbiTilyEh alathilth llao n ail d I I BOO . • Ss,., 46 , , - met him, slid Ile evidently forgot tlizf � mm;CR, nm Tiil. N• 7C.,P,11dt, � g ® , n othathshnsrd• . 1, , .. and icinity, that he has opened "but -in the Carriage o , d g . roam And all former• into flcns dire herewaa avoryfruo diaplttyof extrachoieo Makin busioose and Illnow prepared to Jill 9,11 wdoid ' . a0lvedWhiibcarri'• W0711e>rl�s l<ilLee Boo s� ll. d P ` i Clita 1ir'l�1>CCxB ,.,.... ('jQ f . w butter at the great International Dair'q Fair. , g ' for 1 �'"" ingorbus,notsin �," i avvayhis'wliill, find, to.;all appearance, -- ® �onnFon,andhopoe: WO1nCYLgs OVCl`s11oOS .., �JO lY i) 1) 5 rho packages that tock ilia prtzea iyele al)lon , . a N rye Iii. by a etrint alto.- ! . r 1 1 heeame,absorhod in the one idea of cid samples of what gilt edge butter ought to OARRIAGIES, WAGGONS, • BUdGIES, UTo., � m tion to business, Rl it, o Wi e8 ! nlil a•11 .t n fl'o 3 o dancing n jig, lit the same' titne furious• be, perfect in quality anal colon'. Among'the o� � m� and using every lff 1 U >� ill. e.uP. . upon theshbrtesttiotice,And At the »lost reasonable oftortto moottho c linear of these uvea that ado b D. 1Vbltiil 1[301 S Iililllliet,•.=..,•.,, JFl•O)llti0 .CCII#s A D. lv slapping lila illtbf#Fiuclln tIOwSPra, Y g, rrttos. Mono but first-class workmen employed, and l wantebihietnahy g . +Goo:Lnwrenee,AndA.lir.(,heever,wiueh,its thevoryboatmatoriatneed. RUPAIRINGattendedto ' _ frftlnda'tocouti.• , , . .. incl nary and' then his Parl•s, in ,a most well AS that nuad,I b all ofThera waa colored nremptly And satlafaatorily. ITOTISL silonma a .. . no, to rittain thofI, , xv` ,All persons wishing T300�.S ANT) SHOTS will final it lit be th0)i• interest t0 f all sail specialty,” . ,. i patrouagA, Inspect his ateck before putoliasing, e i`rnntio and shocking tylxnner. Rollin, to a perfect Juno tiiyit wit 1, Richardson . who had found peaceful quartoro over &Clo:sPerfeotodButter Color. Thisoblorrre• , Tiewoulalalaotnlcothiaepportunf yetatatingthatitb . .. i. t L o' fence, n o:w shbilt6d back : ° ''" ecived the International Diploma overall eom• tr „{ r1 r ^ //,,ll,,t t t�� M M nt has taken his son into partner.hip, Am that the Until" - i r ) 1lOW llo potitors�for trait erior brit stren th erre . bCIIU �OI- ICllr� S ti�IlC�llfgl(t� I111��ClIlCI1lIJ, nesswill beoonildetodin future under rho stylbof S '`\ yon like a bey', t)Cst, fttthCl $ llolliri p p Y, „ g iP C n VOWLlhR &SON• The arm will keep I AR TESS .TRUITI 'S. BUF1F'ALO ROBES &e. Step tion o£ colo)•, and liermanened, 1t was' uni" - : ' M 7 f ! t! ' ii Now a tMtt 'Intl the fits-tuor is Vowed Ono0thebcstmannfaetoriosinCanadn., :CAllaudsoa Watoh88, Oloalls:, dotAeliery, Spootaoles, M1111, • votsallY r eeonlmondt+d both I-61 era and Will bo sold on the nmttt roasonable terms. "' namplea of Ttonpera. Mowera, Sood brills, Mosso Rakes, And all other articles in tbeirlit'o . . • aro., n with tl,t) tcelgllt tlf. Deer fors -seers the btrttet boyars. Tryout butte of wlrito nae 1> it a loggha,Sao,,As.,bofm'opurchasfngalsowheXa, , . i. ll t 1; r a. x c t-1 laughs in a 1 For fall,- L' ' .lars.in ulre of WArrrl & _,.......,.,All_k ng of P..tR.as :liApakefl.and_.If4cu.nted; .. 1"irstltn .socondiolasa SITYNQILDS frcm,,40. coats of bunch, n. , .. _ .,, , . _ } , Y lA. h very y quit b.0 -t_ .. , P 9 _� r P p au+:rand w;lv Itcnovcl It r L9•• rupgrsts, CJlrntoil, who hitvo it for Silo, r� FIrrOP 1)`i tErtTt:F♦,i Bi'1'ItEi r tyv Rnpairinq,etoaaing,.Ce.,donoon short notiee'lu a ALT ,GOODS titrAifltbii'L'ET). VICTORIA I3T: R SI3 "'1 iV olli l refers hltn . OC UB STORK -, , Ila well alk'All druggists acid Inereilpnts k+ener" workmaf)tikemabnor;and onrbasonabioterms, , . . to rile bo s nest, a ot)pneitotlio»dtnlnion'rologfaphoalee. JA1,1 al' STuel,.T. NoitTit at•• TIf1f MAltrrT. , tlr/�til1ES i"I�iTCI'iEI.cL Y ally, 5nmplesive, l0 era, lilac; 27-11 Btytlt,utaTU,ISM, Clinton,Dee,i:,tEi"r, 011M.orr,Dea.so,�10,% • •, 14 . .N v . p P