HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-13, Page 5u WJNG1J E TJ11ES OCTOBER 1.3, 1v04
Wingham's Hest Clothiers.
of Quality!
"Flue feathers matte flue birdie " is
as true tQ-day as it ever wa$-' petbaps
snore so. At any rate we are prepared
to supply the plumage, and can honestly
Say that a finer stook than oar highest
grade clothes was never manufactured.
Made under the famous custom -ready
system, a process employing only the
Highest skilled custom labor, these su-
perb garments are in every respect equal
to the finest examples of the most expen-
sive merchant tailors' art, Eyery feature of fit, fashion, quality and service
is exemplified in them, and they' save you half the price.
Custom Ready Suits and Overcoats
$10.00, $12.50, $14,00 and $15.00.
Special Sale of Raincoats.
iG only Men's Cravenette Raincoats, box back, full length skirt,
colors grey and brown, sizes 38 to 44 chest, regular prices $12 50
$13.50. Special cash price - - - -
Boys' Overcoats.
Boys' Overcoats in black and grey frieze, all new styles. sizes 22 to
30 chest $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $7.50
- Boys' Reefers $2.75. •
Boys' Double Breasted Reefers, sizes 22 to 28 chest. in blue beaver
cloth and grey frieze, prioes - - $2.7'5 $3.00 $3.25
Rielt's Waterproof Overcoats.
"Men's Black Raglan Waterproof Overcoats, 54 inches long, chest
measurements, 36 to 50 inches, prices - - $7.711 $8.50
ITnderwear for plan or Boy.
__ We have Undershirts or Drawers to fit the Smallest Boy or Largest
Man at the Lowest Prices or the Highest Price according to
Boots and Shoes.
Boys' Good School Shoes - - -
' Good Orme Leather Men's Shoes
Men's Good Dongola Bal. or Congress Shoes, sizes 6 to 11.
Leather Leggings, all kinds.
New Rats, Caps, New lies.
- $,x.75
The l RI
Wingham's Best Clothiers.
Window Shades, newest colors
35c. to 90c.
Curtain Poles
15c to $2.00
Big assortment of Coverings
for Upholstering.
Silks. Tapestry. Velour. Plush.
Gimp and Cords.
Something New
arriving most every day to complete our stock
for Fall trade.
In Bedroom Suites we have splendid value at
$11.50, 12.00, 1 5.00, 17.00, 25.0o and upwards.
Iron Beds, best wire springs, $6, 7.5o up to $21.
See our Couches at $7, $8 and $ii, best quality.
Examine the Ticking in our Mattresses -also the
Filling -- at $2.75, . 3.00, 4.50 and $6.5o.
The Leading Furniture Store.
I Brick residence, 6th house -West ..pH 0N E
from Hamiltons Corner Drag
receive prompt attention. 69
Store, where night calls will
Headquarters for Picture Mould-
ing. ... See our 10 x 20 Frames.
For up-to-date Moulding - we
have it,
1L at►WEL.
Daring a heavy electrical storm which
Putted over here Saturday atteri}gott ilio
Morris Piano C owpany's faotory was
struck by lightning, a hole about eight
feet Square being torn iu the root. Tee
extent of the damage halt not yet beau
ascertained, but Wine fine petiole >aud
different articles in the ilaiebing pow
on the third floor Were destroyed. The
electric wires are said to have been a
great help in saviug the building front
destruction. The lightniug ruuuiug
along the wires burned the dynamo sled•
ly, j4 flame which trade its appearauce
was q sickly extinguished by the prompt -
nese of the men. Robe '4Vaketord, au.
employee, was thrown about ten feet,
anon was the force of the shook, No
one, however was badly injured,
Thousands. Acciuiring. the Pepe Bum,
The clope habit is being acquired by
thousands of Canadians through tieing
so:called cares for Catarrh containing
an excessive amount alcohol and other
dangerous drugs. Doctors claim there
is only one safe and certain cure for Ott.
tarrh-fragrant healing Catarrhozone
which cures by•medicated vapor that is
breathed direct to the seas of the diseuse.
The balsamic vapor of Oatarrhozoue kills
the germs, heals sore spots, stops drop-
ping in the throat, keeps the nose clear
and permanently eradicates every truce
of catarrh from the system. Otttarrllo-
zone can't fail; it's guaranteed. Two
months treatment $1.00; trial size 25c.
MOB ttVi,
Wm. Taylor, 9th line, recently dis-
posed of a Kaplan colt, 4 months old, to
George Powell of Blyth, for the tidy
sum of $90.00.
At the residence of Relit. and Mrs,
Stewart,Milton, on September 28th,Itnv.
A. R. Gregory, of Toronto, spoke the
magic words that made William Miohle,
a well known Morrisite, and Miss 'T'yph-
ena M., daughter of Lambert and Mrs,
Barbara°, of Grand. Valley, husband and
wife. We extend Hearty congratulations.
The Hespeler correspondent to (halt
Dailies of Sept. 28th says of a former
Morrisite:-A pretty church wedding
and one which attracted special iuterest
was solemnized at 1.30 o'clock this after-
noon in the Presbyterian Church, Rev.
J. D. Morrow pastor of the church was
officiating clergyman and the oontraot-
ing parties were Margaret, seeoud
second daughter of Mrs. W.J, McNaught
one of Hospeler's popular youug ladies
and Christopher A. Mickie, second son
of Wm. Miekie of Morris township,Huron
County, and one of the most popular and
esteemed employees of the R. Forbes CO,
of Hespeler.
No Pac
No home made happy unless it's clean. Now is the time 1
y t begin o be our Fall Housecleaning, and to make it easyi 1
you require these :
Gold Dust' +Washing Powder, large package 625
1 Gold Das& Washing powder, small package .05
0. Liquid Ammonia, extra strong, in bottles ' .10
Powdered Ara
extra stronK
+ in
es. ,
Scrub Brushes, all kin ...... & to .25
20o to .35
Z 1#room, well anode '
Paiis, extra quality fibre ,40
Tubs, :hand.made, gaaraiiteed, ... $t:00 to 1.25
Soonrfng Soap, 3iothing better , , , ..... .05
Gillett'a Powdered Lye, in cans .. . . ..... . 110 4
Washboards, all kinds 20o to .40
11,71 4411.1► MSA 0i 1AAAAAA'1i 114NAW,AAAiALE 4A/iA AAAVAA
V �
131d Yon Get up Tired
At this season tiredness fastens itself
even upon the healthy and strong. If
not feeling well you should build up, get
more blood into your veins,increase your
store of nerve energy. What you need
is that rebuilder and tonic, Ferrozone,
which contains the strengthening
ments your system needs. Ferrozone
makes flesh, nerve and muscle; gives you
appetite, abundant energy, buoyant
spirits --hi short, Ferrozone assures health
and costs 50 ceuts at all druggists. (Tet
Ferrozone to -day.
Mr. Thomas Riley, of St. Catharines,
has been awarded the sub -contract ' for
section seven of the Guelph and Goder-
ich extension of the C P.R. He has
rented the south store in the Howard
block for an office and will make Blyth
his headquarters.
Mr. E. C. Wilford Left Iast week for
Toronto, where he will take a course iu
the medical college and prepare himself
for a medical missionary. He carries
with him the best wishes of many friends
in this village for his future success.
Mr. Joseph Carter, a former reeve of
of Blyth, and for many years one of i;s
most prointnent citizens, accompanied
by Mrs. Carter, has returned to the vil-
lage. For the past three years he has
beena citizen of Jackson,Michigan,where
he was a member ofthe firm of Messrs.
Carter & Eaton, manufacturers of the
Eureka boiler cleaner. Mr. Carter has
disposed of his United States interests
and has returned to Canada and will
again become a resident of our village.
A soofal club was organized with the
following officers: -President, Mr. J. S.
Golden; vice-president, Mr. A. W. Ro-
binson; secretary, Mr. F. A. Anderson;
treasurer, Mr. R. M. McKay; managing
committee, Messrs. James Sims, John
Bell, T. B. McArter, J. 0. Brown and
Hugh Somers; music committee, Messrs.
J. B. Tierney, J. M. Hamilton and S. H.
Gidley. The retain object of forming
'a social club is to provide a suitable and
proper place for the young men of the
village to spend their winter evenings;
a place where they can enjoy innocent
games and peruse daily and weekly.
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want toe The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoses everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger ind
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has provers to be the
right fond for soft bones ii
Send for fret satnple.
SCOTT da SOWNE, ghemliita,
1[ tottto. Ontario,
sot. sad $t.b is ail drugpiets,
Ladies' UndiPweir
This Fall we have placed in this department the lamest range of Ladies'
and Children's Underwear ever placed in our store. We bays it in alt sizes
and all prices. The quality is ell that can be desired.
Ladies' Vesta and Drawers frau), each, 25e up to $1.50
These are "Watson's Unshrinkable," and we !snow that !heti you
buy one suit yon will not have any other kind.
Come and see our Children's I7nd}erwaiste•and Vests; especially take
notice of our Renben's Veins for Infants --the only correct vest for ipfa+its
because they are easy to put on anti thetel are no buttoue on them.
Ladies' Belts and GolUars.
In this department we have the very newest and moat beautiful Belts
and .Collars; also Collar Tabs. Our stook is complete and we invite you to
conte and inspect it.
While devoting so much space to our other dttp'trtments, we would
again gall yon atteution to our large stock of Iinoorted Coats. These are
ahead of any shown in this pert of the country. because they are direct from
the European lnarkete. We guarantee a perfect fit and assure you that the
prices will be satisfactory.
Remember that in all the Other departments of our store you
will find everything you require.
Our Grneery department is stocked with pure fresh groceries
at popular prices.
Highest prices for trade.
Mr. t-lerbett iampbelt, who is attend-
iug the Goderich Model school, spent a i
couple of days last week at his home I
Mr. Wm, Mason and family iutencl
moving into the house formerly occupied
by Mr. Jasper Cook on the farm of Mr.
T. 1T, Taylor in the near future.
Mrs. John McDowell and son, Alva,
and Mrs. Robert McDowell and daughter
Delia, are spending three weeks with
friends iu Michigau.
A very pretty wedding took place at
the Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, on
Tuesday morning, Oat. 4th, when Miss
Kate O'Mally, daughter of Mrs. Thos.
O'Mally of Culross, was united iu the
holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John
Gibbons of East Wawanosh. The church
'was tastefully and.beautifully decorated
for the occasion. Rev. Father Corcoran
perforated the nuptial ceremony and sang
High Mass, with Rev. Father Keboe of
Kenilworth as Deacon and Rev. Father
Hanlon of St. Augustine as Sub Deacon.
Mrs. D. Kelly of Blyth, sister of the
groom, presided at the organ. Mise
Maggie Green of Teeswater anti Thos.
O'Malley, brother of the bride, with
violin and organ, played the wedding
march, while the later sang in a good
clear tenor voice, "The Contemplation of
Heaven." The bride was given away by
her eldest brother, Peter O'Mally. The
groom was attended by John O'Mally,
while Mies Annie Gallagher acted as
bridesmaid. The bride looked particulary
sweet in her wedding dress of cream silk
zebeliue, trimmed with cream chiffou
ruching. The hat was a large cream silk
picture hat with Cluney lace insertion set
in brim. The. going -away dress was a
smart tailor-made suit of brown hop-
sacking, with cream silk blouse,trimmed
with Irish point lace, and choice hat of
brown Leaver with fur trimmings. The
bride carried a bunch of white bridal
roses with maiden hair fere, while the
bridesmaid's bouquet was of beautiful
pink -carnations. The church was crowd-
ed with all denominations for Miss
O'Mally was as popular in and about
Teeswater as she was well known. After
the ceremony the bride was presented on
behalf of the church choir and congrega-
tion with a beautiful gold chain, cross
and heart, together with a handsome
Morris chair. Tho addresa, which in a
measure expressed the feelings of the
donors of these beautiful gifts, was read
by Mrs. John Marrs of Teeswater. After
the presentation the happy couple and
many friends drove to the house of the
bride's mother where a splendid dinner
was served. Here again the bride was
presented with many beautitul, useful
and valuable presents by friends who in
this way expressed their regard. Mr.
and Mrs. Gibbons went on a honeymoou
tour to Toronto, Niagara and Chicago.
Oa their return they will reside in East
The following is a copy of the address
referred to above: -
Miss Catharine O'Mally, Teeswater.
DEAR FRIEND -We, the members of
the choir and congregation of the Sacred
Heart Church gladly avail ourselves on
this occasion of testifyiug the high ap-
preciation we feel towards you in dis-
chargipg the onerous duties of organist
and leader of the choir for such a length.
ened period of time. While you have
been with as you have discharged your
duties efficiently and with scrupulous
exactness and promptitude, Iu our joys
and sorrows you were always with us to
preside at the organ whether to play the
soleuw requer,i'at the funeral mass of
nearest and dearest to us
, or send
the more joyful music of the church on
other solemn and festive ocoasiof,s, tin -
grateful then would we be to allow you
to depart without giving same tangible
proof that your labors have met with
appreciation. Though we are unable
owing to the brie' notice given is to
present you with a testimonial worthy of
yeti, we simply offer- as a faint echo of
esteem and small rectlgnitiott of your
services these mementos. which; we earn-
estly hope may afford BUMS pleasure to
yoil in being presented With at this wett-
able time the ocoasfonof year marriage;
a S PY $
Iwhere honor is due. Be good enough to
1 accept this small token of esteem -this
gold chain, heart and cross. and chair.
We fondly hope to see you back on many
occasions, and wish yon heaven's oboic-
est gifts -joy, happiness and prosperity.
Signed on behalf of the choir asij Gen,
greg tion.
A. Two Minute Cramp C,tri
That isn't equalled the world over ie'
ry iu greatestn
Ne tl e, the relief for cramps
and stomach pains ever discovered. Ner-
viline acts promptly and is very pleas-
ant to take. "I think Nerviline is the
finest remedy in the world for colic and
cramps'' writes W. B. Wilton of Toledo.
"When I take Nervihue I know it's go-
ing to relieve quickly and for that reason
I ata never without it. 1 have found
Nerviline goad for sick headache and
stomach troubles and recommend it for
strength and sureness." Excellent for
iuward use; good to rub on. Price 25c.
Stout Value
gm�t pit
Quick rets
New Fal1 Ooods
At Isard's - the Store of tow Prises.
We lead in LOW PRICES. No one tries to b
our prices, and few succeed in matching them. There -,is
no reason why you should not save the money that y
can by buying here. Our methods are up.to-date ; oar
values are the best to be had, and our store service is sure
to please you in every way.
IA few of the many Bargains to be had at this Store
The Winghain School Board met on
Tuesday evening. Present Messrs.
Abraham, Griffin, Kerr, Long and
Moore; Mr. Kerr presiding.
The principal's report for September
showed the following attendance: -
Dept Boys Girls Total Aver.
1 A & B 39 04 93 81
2 13 30 49 47
3 27 29 56 . 51
4 18 18 36 31
5 20 22 48 41
(i 25 ,e 80 54 48
7 17 36 58 46
8 38 37 75 59
202 252 464 404
The school was open 21 days during
the month, and all the teachers present.
The following accounts were presented,
and on motion of Messrs. Abraham and
Long, were ordered to be paid: -C. N.
Grusin, supplies, $2.89; Canada Furni-
ture Manufacturers, maple, $51.45;Theo.
Hall, printing, etc., $2.25.
A communication was read from Miss
Cornyn, of the teaching staff, asking for
re-engagement for next year, and also
for leave of absence for six months from
January lot, 1905. On motion of Messrs.
Griffin and Moore, the request of Miss
Cornyn was granted, provided a suitable
substitute be provided.
Miss McLean tendered her resignation
as a member of the staff, to take effect
at the end of this year. On motion the
resignation was accepted.
reqnisition signed by, the seven
teachers of the school was presented,
asking that the maximum salary of $350
be raised to $400, at the legal annual rate
of inore'ise.
Miss Cummings wrote the Board, mak-
ing application for re-engagement, at a
salary of $325.
Oa motion of Messrs. Moore and Grif-
fin, Principal Musgrove Was re-engaged
for next year at the same salad*.
Moved by Metiers. Griffin and Moore -
That the teachers be re-engaged for nest
year, with the regular Statntor;; increase
in salary, and that their communication
be considered at next meeting. --Carried.
The salaries of the teachers and officers
were ordered to be paid, and the Boatd
U E 'r�tK RS tN
Night calls tit Button flloclt, or reel -
donee at Ritehie's property on Scott St.
1 on John
thirdhouse est
of echos
r w
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block.
Camp National, No. 130
"[TOM their regular meetings Ott the ind
..iL11.. and 9th Friday in each month, iii Odd -
fellows' Ball, All visitorstt'elcome.
an itt doin t! 0 we aims 1 i'4e honorR, Mxxwzrz C. 0. 1l. H. CtYow•natt, Clerk.
5 doz. Ladies Wrappers, with
deep frill,liued sleeve and waist,
fancy patterns, heavy twill.
regular value $2.00, bargain $1.50
25 doz Ladies Vest and Drawers,
ribbed fleece finish, worth 85e,
sale price - - .25
A few pieces Wrapperette, don-
ble width, small patterns, zeg.
price 16c, bargain price .10
Boys' tweed lined Reefers, navy
blue cloth, high collar, regular
value, $2.50, our price $1.95
Extra heavy flannellette, dark
colors, wide. regular value 120
bargain price - • .10
All kinds Ladies' Far Coats, gond
quality at low prices. See our
special at - - $:5.00
10 doz. Ladies' fine ribbed. cash-
mere hose, searnle is filet, regu-
lar price 35c, bargain price .2
Men's fine print tibia , a.5t O1+181',
worth $1.00 to ar at - .75
Ladies' flannelette Nicht Gowns,
well made, full width, bargain
Children's Tams in plain end
plaid cloth, regular price 500,
to clear - -
French waistinge, in fancy stripes
Ad plaids, regular 50c and 60e,
to clear at - -
Black mercerized sateen under-
skirts, wits dust frill, worth
$2 50, bargain price - $2.00
Fur Ruffs. in all the best makes.
See our Leader at - $6 00
We bought 50 doz 000 pat's at
the mill. Extra heavy, all wool
ribbed, sizes 73.to Jin good,
value at40c, bargain price .30
5 pieces colored flannelette, fast
co'ors, striped, our bargain
price - - -
Ladies percale waists, lined, nice-
ly made, worth $1.25, our bar
gain price - - - $1 00
Boys' Overcoats, fanny cloth,
well Hued, velvet collar, our
bargiliu price - - 0.90
One piece Union C.,rpet, yard
wide. good rattern and colors,
regular 35e quality, for - .25
Ladies' woof tined rubbers, gond
gaality, new toe, barman' price .50
5 pieces Hnmespnn Dress Gonds
word? P1kv rrr'arji g p•iO4 ,74
Ladies' Raincoats in dark Colors, '
$4 00 line, barg.tin price $3 00
10 pairs wide Lace Curtains W1I
Ys. long d
g hu e new patterns;,
reg. value $2.00, sale price $1,55
Mens' heavy, all wool, ribted
shirts and drawers, our special
price - • - - .b0
Mens' lined Kid Gloves, in light
and dark colors, all sizes, bar-
gain price, - .50
Ladies' new top skirts, wide, well
made and trimmed, black or
grey, see our special line at $3.00
2 doz. Boy's Short Pants, made
of strong tweed, well hued,
bargain at - -
H. E. ISARD St Co.
Oposite Hank of Hamilton. - Bight goods at right prices. 1
C The next 6 weeks will he of interest to you.
Special prices on Furniture for balance of July and all of August.
Just think 1 A good Coach, in velour covering, stripe pattern, assorted
For $4.75, regular :t6 50 $6.50, regular $8.50 $7.50, regular $9,50
and a nice line not so good for $3.75
We will guarantee to supply the above goods at these prices throughout
July and August only.
IN PARLOR SUITES we lead in price and quality. Every
Suite guaranteed or money refunded. Note our special prices:
Nice 5 -piece Suite, solid oak frames, done In velour, good patterns, spring, edge blush
bound, regular price $25,00, special price - - • • - - • Sti3.00
Rug Su, guaranteed, ,00 ay
Wedon'itet handle airy slop$90unholqulittiredfor
goo' is
;- we -
buy in our own town,
thereby saving a big freight charge.
O -'See our $'2.00 Mattress.
bo You Take a Baily Paper.
If yon are desirous of keeping in touch
with things -of knowing the essential
fscts of about practically everything that
is happening the world over -thee read
The Toronto Star. Perhaps ycen are in
business; then read The Star.f3r its full
and acourate market and %Sick reports.
You are interested, maybe in politics
The Star's recor of political happenings
is full, and fro from partizan bias.
Whatever you 1t ok for with most eager -
pier you will find in The
nese in a daily _
Star, whether "commercial. political,
sporting, or general news. Its woman's
page makes it a favorite in every home;
iOf artis i merit are
its cartoons point nt t b e
perhaps the best in Canada. Editorially
it is not blindly partizan, but sane and
By subscribing now, you can have The
Star, together with this paper, until De-
cember 31st, 1905, for: 1.85. Don't wait
until the end tin the Year, for in so doing
von miss all the good campaign reading.
Do it note.
Sir WilfridLaurie ed his ()Marie
campaign in Hamilton addressing an ltu-
•dienee of between 4,000 And 5,000.
Flower, Fruit and Honey Show.
At the Provincial
Fruit Flower and
Honey Show to he held in Toronto, i�o-
vember 15.19, the fruit growers and.
florists interested have decided to give
apples and flowers free to every person
who attends the exhibition on two days.
The fruit -growers are arranging to die -
tribute free of cost neat booklets, eon -
tabling numerous receipts for the cook-
ing, preserving, eta., of all varieties of i<
fruit, such as apples, pears, peaches*
plume and grapes. Mach the same line
of work is being followed by the bee-
Six railway employees ate dead as
result of asphyxiation in the great Sc.
Clair submarine tunnel Which oditfeow
Sarnia and Port Huron.
Mr. A. P. Love of the Iinilnon Day ex-
pedition reports the safe arrival of the
1steamer Artie at Port Arthur, near the
entranceto Hudson i
tidltaft Stitt t