HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-04-03, Page 6• : -
$onbencetr getcs Stone..
The Dunkin ea was: sustained in the
townehip of Roxborough, on Monday,
. by Majority of 68.
Voting on the repeal of the Dunkie
Act in the county of York is 'to take
place on the 26th or April.
Mr. James Begg, a West Williams,
• boiled one• day last week, 120 pails of
• sap into sugar and syrup.
Ten, CAI% of emigrants for Menitoba,
from the vicinity of Peterborough pass-
ed through Stritferdo'Ve 28th Marl,
in Saturday's Globe there were 578
advertisements, covering 32 ;minims
space, and in the Mail 394, covering 2.4
A. Mon tree' eon) mercial travel ler,
while intoxicated, woe taken into alow
• den ir TorontO and robbed of a gold
watch valued at 8150, *.
The Manitoba party *hich 'Started
from Ottawa a couple of days ago paid
to the railway authorities" the large !attn..
of $14;000 for freight and.pabeage.
At Windsor, on Thureday, J. Seerlet
was sentenced by , his Honor Judge
Mcult. to five years'. confinement in the
penitentiaty for. making counterfeit
' The'following notice was clis▪ Playecl'on
the 'door. 'window of e store on Yonge-
'' street, Toronto : "Talting_stock, out
• Be opin tell 1 am threw: Seiler er
leiter; Sined," etc, • •
A tramp who was orderedput Holli•
well's news depot, 'Cbieliee, deliberately
picked up a number of stones broke
every piece of plateglass h the.windowil,..
0 • Of Mitch41,wb en:going
• to the *Aim of.hi g intended bride on
Saturday last; slipped, fell, enti broke
ATetition from 1,428 electors of the
comity of Lanark is published asking
tbr the eubtilittal of the Canada Tem-
perance Act that county,• polling to
take plaee Che 24th of April.
' At Brockville, on XvIonday, George
H. Westlake was sentenced by judge
Macdonald to AVQ years hi the peniten•
tiary, for burning his ewn dwelling
house to defraud the Isolated Farmers'
Risk Insurance Company,
The body of a baby, supposed to be
about thirty-six hpnre old, was feund.
near the G. W. R., Woodstockron Sat-
urday evening. TJpon examination it
was found that the eyes had been pluck-
ed out and the tongue cut off. It is
hoped the party guilty of such a horrible
crime may be brought to josticre, '
The other day A. McDougall, fernier,
East‘Flamboro," went to his bush with
his teana for. a load of weod. After
loading the wood he got on the Joad,,
and lied not gone but a short distance
when a boy who was with hirn observed.
him fall isaek,- end sad to say, be was
Six boys were captiteed on W,edries-
day evening for being disorderly at the.
•Opera; House, London. The Police
IVIagistrate fined them $1 or four daYs'
imprisoninent. Their parents not pay-
ing the finee they were marched. to jail:
•The prospect 4f their incarceretion•
seemed to be very pleasing td then!,
• m •
A. yoUng an named R. Stevens, on
his way home per tho Grand Trunk
Railway from the lumber ,sbanties in
Michigan, -was. robbed on , Wednesday
of $120, being the amount Of ilia earn-
ings since last September. He fell as-
leep in the cars somewhere near. Point
Edward, with the bills in his vest pocket;
_rnictAirlial he woke up they were gone,.
Moral :---Don't go asleep in the cars
with money, in your vest poaket.
Ea shocking aecident occurred at w hot
. , factory, Toronto, on .Saturdain - which
.. bie-le,g--anaee. the- cm kle.- -On the'foltiirti-: _ the ...propyieto r of the factory, William
ing Monday. thsy WeE?, TmEifiLL._
• .--Irechtle, had one or his aims almost torn
The Western Fair . Association have oft by the machinery. • .When the aCci.:
decided to hold the next fair • tho •week •dent took lace Mr. Iredale was working_
--.'•---ii-ffdr:::tlTi..:24.*o*iiieiaI--EklifbitiT:hftit'O riedFa e t w ic °might his Shirt.sleeve
we, and to hivite.-his Excellency the and drew his arm around the *heel,
Govereor-General .and the• Pritmess which made.almost one revolution when
• Louie to be present at the opening'. the belt wits throWn off. l'he unfortu-,
y A fashipnehle English jout•nal makes
O the rather startling announcement that
O " kleptomania " hes become so prevalent
80 among ladies whose position ought to
precliide such thing, that no large
shop is considered complete without a
13;, detective department.
Pacts that We lieetV.
Texas papeis declare that it is foil
to catch murderers in Texas, and go t
the expense of trying them, betiatts
they ree ahnoet invariably turned loo
by •the jurors. But a horse -thief
lynched on the spot.
judge Elliott, of the Court of Appeal'
was instantly' killed in front of the Ca-
rded Hotel Frankfort, Ky., on Wedne
dayty Dine, Buford, • Elliott had re
dered adverse opinion in a case Baer
had. in court. Buford loaded a donhl
barrel shot gun and waited till Ellio
Ca010 to dinner, and walkednp,and sh
him through the heart. •Buford was ar-
rested. There is a stiong feeling age inet
hini. • Buford acknowledged that the
other barrel °Utile gun was loaded for
JUdge 'Pryor, and he would have killed
him alsii had not his children been in
the way .
EllgliSh and Ftml.g11
. •
s -
•If you are atiffering with a severe cough, oold,
astlimai bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice,
" ticklin in the throat, or any affection of the
e- throat or lungs, We know that Dr. Icing's New
tt Discovery will give you Immediate ,,_ We
kflow of hundreda of crises it has completely
cured, and that where all ether medicines had
failed. No other remedy can show one half ea
many pernaauent dim, Now to•give Satiefft0"
tory proof that Dr, King's New Discovery will
cure you of Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
Cone Meptiou, severeCoughsandColds, Hoene -
nese, or any Throat or Lung disease, if you
will call at ,f. FI, Combi/s, Clinton. .
.7,000 men have risen in insurrection
in Macedenift: . ,.: .
Harveat proopeots in Austrelie 'ore
said to be good. ' ..
Three shillings poi. day is -the reduced
wages of th 0. eaters in England.
During,. „1878 there were 2'77 strikea
_in England. . How many of, them' Were
successful? Only four. e a• .
. . .
. In the house • of Lords; on; the 28th
lcIerch, a preposition was made t�enquire
into.: the present depression in commeree
and agriculture in ;England.. . .
• There is Only _enough meney.'in tliti
T,Orkiali Troasury to carry on, the goy-
ernnient of the country for ten days:
At the eiPiretion of that time?.what is
to' be donewill be a diffiCtilt Oestion for
tbe Vitance Minister.'
. The distress. in the Nile Valley Egypt,.
is appalling. In sonie villages the peo-
ple are past harp', -sitting naked like wild'
beasts, eating roots,. and. 'stiffering with
dispeir,. The' Le odon ...7.yezes.„ while -0 -
miffing the failure%f Crops as the lin-
_mediatenceasion of the distress;finds in
the heavy ,tale of taxed...wrung from the
rellabs th Meet the extravagance'ef the
Khedive the true cause of the Suffering.
.'9. .E.Q4IneciipOefotPlilee..rn° .o:st ruino: es'habits -ci .f the
Rusi• iiin peasants is #isplayesci 'et mar,
riage ceishitatione. A' peasant, to cede!:
The Church.Ceurt PI. the MethediSt nate inaii.fell to•the floOr, in a seini-un- .brate the marriage of his. son; procures
• Charoh, consisting of. ReV.. Mr. Eyck... ; eonacienis state',. where he was, found hy twenty -1i. ve gallons of whiskey,,,,..to7gate
men, President of .London Conferefice, • some of the eipyloyees a short time. af,-inottey_fpr-nhietrlie-sellshiscow-
-Revsr.-Mr:-arayrjdb'frWilliiifns, G,- .11. TerifaafiT-Therfounci it necessary. th ,p...r. pigs. and_ is 'reedy. • to .. beceine-''a-psua
.. $3.114PIO,Q11 t...•1-Teeston,: -Dr:-.4tice-rantl. •ampirtarertlitrariii.77"77::,-..,:'.].....'..;-, ,I.i.tr....,.„ke cannot -resist -111a practice, fiir.
• bout, fifteenLothere; .mot at Wcipdsteelf; - --- ' -- .7 - ' - . ' . -..,- custom requires that the • population of
. on Tuesday, to: begin an invAtigation - :American.; .. ..... men, .'Woinen•-or-ehildretr,.'
' into the-conduct-of-Iter.--W:13:7Prirker, — - :.,.. _. — • .• . Must.get drunk. . A rich :peasant, at,
:. pastor of, the. Ridcleh•Street Methodist' - Oettle.disease bap made its .appe rbnce: -the...marriag,e-fostia4cli will proeure one
- •Clurch. - :This investigation iS Owing to in".varioni.parts Pf•Pennsyivania. . . ., hundred. gallonsof . whiskey, '' and • the
a petition of 'the' congregation'.praying, ' . A 'woman actually died in' New Oi- 'neighbotini-villages are invited to 'take
. for his renieiral frOte' the Woodstook. Aii., the:other day, from :aviole.nt' fit :Part in the.-earauFal: .
. - church.; :, ..-• _.'• . . . • . • - ..Oflineezing; ' .: : .' ' .' . ; ...., • . .
': It isIaOti easy to .eatimate the effect
There' reeitles-,ie Beantford a lady, . 31orristoWtt, N.J., adverces 'states -that which the etiOrmons: additions to the
(educated and refitted, 'yei-..pccentric); the iodiPatiorce • are that the ensuing groin -producing and tattle -raising areas
.,.._whoLlias not enteeed a place.ef woril4i1) peach crop 'vrill be tho heaviest known' of tbe West Will . have nponthe eldet?
for oVer. thirtp,years. ,As .... she .:is-. now for sPiPe-.years.' 'A-MiltiOn*d.:Follars.'are. 'Ve-rtions of Canada, the Middle and
' --getting advanced in , years, there is one inVested in .the peaeb orchard s in the. Hastern'States,: and Upon the..marliets
thing she 'says she, would like to. be .per- aorinty: • ' ' ' - •. • * beyond the •sea. • The' depressed condi-
Mitted to do 'before she dos, and that is • • lierth of Enili,sli egricultuee has given
to go into some Eeglishchurch, and '1.c.Strawherries:kre plentiful -et fifteen
rise , to i d isc ussiOn'of,itsprobable fainte
place ,Z200 at -the alter,. and 'walk right, cents per.„quart,' the .air.,ie fragrant ..Wite
out again: She : feels: She •could then and. ire the: statenient .6f. the pr9bleni•
Ile -Wets, and the mocking ,iiii.ds All' the
';AtrieriOart conapetition.s play.' AT import
die hapoy, .• ...., • ..: .; .,, ... ,. • •. ', air With. intisio.." :Stich- was . the . condi ant pert. 'Aasufnieg •that:-...*Catiedian
• ' • • ' tion of things at Pessadenat Cel., a fort -
At Ingersoll; on' Wednesday Chas. „L.a,,,...„,„' wheitt can be sold in.Liverpool.,.fcir .$1.-
' Moore', a:painter by trade, •enterked. the "6‘." ago 2 '' * ' ' ' ' 7 25 per bushel, ' the:L.ciin of .the English
, Royal Hotel, where R.Sedith„ a healer,: ..A, telegram received at Chicago Wed,, iwbeategrowera is prerniunced'hoPeleits,
was sitting in a chitir apparently asleep.. nesdtty Stated that the acreage in wheat As'a matter of fact, however, wheat -can
Moore thrpW.Sinitb-frortrthe chair. arid.' •In t.4°.:711:1*.ja.84.°Ifa ah'w a 1:16i.ese Ve'profitablygrOWri in Red River Val,
kicked No once or titi.e.e in ;the. neighborhood Of aa.a.. this year ecinal to about 8,00.0,000bush-
ley-at a 'figure Whiall'Avottld.adMit.of itir
killing hitii instantly. Mooteis aryoting ''"ok. TES- js.. in. .i1113 deliVery,in7Liverpont.for.$I.-Per bushel
man 'about 25; and Swith Wasen ow. 100,009 Ores leas than was..seoded. in '''.. ' Canada- is ?lot by ei,ny means the only
inoffensive man liroblitli -50 , years of 18'8 country ' , . . • ':' .... '. country •that is suffering from.. the..eala,_.
. age! Metiretall under the influence nf,' 'Willi:NU fhlitnitz suielded by sheeting wit known. as "Hard Tirnes...!!. :--Mer-
, liquor-at-thel iriOhOnglit had arNaw-lt,.on Thiarsday. His wife, captile'affaire in gcotlatid...Present kt
seam old grudge igainet Smith. - Moore .Whe died a Year ago,Aold hinv.that she more gloomy aspect 'than Canadian Cid-
was promptly Arrested:. . dreamed she found hire on the flooi. sens oan readily realize. The effects. of
A successful confidence genie has with a bullet in his temple.. .1Ie was the greet bank failure are "still being felt
found in all partieulars as 'she, had 'pro-. •on all hatitle;. The-hoine• tade especial -
been, played in -0.ttawe by „ e sharper', )11 ced.
dty baseuffered very severely. • • With the
.retair shops ,throughout the eOuntry
trade has • 1-ecome .alniost 'extinct, and
the large wholesale houSe.are now fel-
tunnel will he 8,700 long, will. ceitend ing,the ed'eete; . NumbersPf theie ous-
.1Ie sent orders to. several .of the large e ' • ' • ...L. • ..
grocery firms for. five pounds of tea, en- ' ' 16 fs stated Positively that Vanderbilt
• closing a$20' bill in each instance• arid has awarded the contraet for tiin'nelline•
requiring e cheque for the halanoe, The the Detroit' River at $1,600,006. • The
amounts of: the ,cheques 'thus secured
were changed, that;ot Baskerville 13rori. from Stoney Island to the.Cariada.shore,
-:-the.OnlY.one UPori whioh any Money and will have' breadth for .,.ti double
.wasiecitred•-•., from $i6' tcr$1;600. ' The .track Qt.' rails', .', '
: .
sharper worked Under, thii 'names. di A. A' tootlin.g incidentin the Cleveland
B. Thunder 'and F:Voods; :HO lefethe (0*. police: court' the ether :day, was
city $600 'Heber thafc.,e Caine in. ' Judge.Tildetea'prosecution of his own
„ . .
A: Montreal paper 'says • '..A.ccoiding a"' filr atglilig 4.0aat .aad than Tawa-
to.the'caitnilation of the Chief of Police, fag K. nia venerable father has. IT•een.
as appears by bie &nousl report for fife the honored jndge.of the'cOunty for 24
. year 1818, there are In this eitynitiety- years, • „ After. examining.; his ; eon and
two houses of ill -fame, containing two saying thathewad satisfied that ' the
.hundred and sixty .inmate. 'Thirty. slin•ulg taaa• was guiks. "Tu4ge. Tilden
' four of these 'dens are . in St, Louis .'burst into tears and could not control
Ward and 27.itt St.' James. Ward; 191 ,biniself for Some' minutes., •. • . . .
of theinmates are :French Canadians. At Fort Sou, KP., on WatIneSday
There is little doubt; but that this cal- Bill.HOward, a negro, who -diabolically
oulation is tun& 'under the mark -,'as , assaulted Clara Porid,, aged ' 12 years,
far as the total ritiniber of the houses is was discoVered in an old thine, and. de- Prailt...ls Mighty.
concerned. . .. livered-hiniself after.being promised be As the' little. leaven bid in the measure of
A mail named Bond 11,Ving southof should receive to bodily harm. 'In the i' 1 11 ll 1
iod.,, =Le a__ _oaVett, 50 trath-gradually over:
Pilpiflt SOM. ti. steer irnme 'time • ago to evening,1,000 people, accompanied by place. of B.egile,,N. Y., announced that hie
conies all doubt and disbelief. When Dr,
Mr. jOhn itobaon, drivdr in 'this way: thirty masked. men in a solid line with' Zivorite•Pretieription would. politivelY We
•'Robson was to pay him d4..63 per hun7 drawn revolvers, ,marched' te the jail, the ninny diseases and weaknesses peculiar to
dred i
.or $60 n a lump turn,' at his tore the iron grating from the window women,,some doubted, and continued to eln-
option. When the -day for delivery ai, .of Howard's Cell, and took him out, ' A. ploy the. harsh and caustic local treatineut.
the mighty truth gradually beeatna.
rived, the owner Dli reaching Drumbo, rope Wati tied around his neckli
; . and e knowledge& Thensmds of ladies who had we-
, Bat e
not being sure bow he offer would be was dragged five blocks and hung to a esilly undergone untold tortures et the hands
, accepted, and being determined if it latnp.poSt at Alio corner of •a. public of different physicians,'employed tho Favorite
. Went by -weight to make Soinevhink. out' square. After the body hung 'fifteen Fr'acription; and were speedily eared. Many
°fit, when he knitted opposite a hotel, minutes, a shout of '' burn hina !" &ink
. So sanguine is Dr. Pierce of its power to cure'
physiemus now presribe it in their practice,
gave the animal a pail of water to drink started, the mob took it down, Arcteeed that he now 'sells it through druggiets under a
blit alas 1 11Stry 0, drink Wantd it. lake. 1 it to the square, ..i.a spite oi,) the ohje.:-
The following. solikainj, `Was'ilien. :01;er- . tio'n4 cif a" lort` n f LI • - 1 - 1 ''''' ' '
I VaPiV•VO r10.1tOotite*. ... ...
_. .•
/ .. 1 i '.. i• rALATAPIX i.tritit (Sits, Ayer,'s Cherry Voc. -
orally roasted the tartlainfl in' ft fire .of 1 ieral is'it lien -eyed &tap of relief ;1116 Gather:
dry, gopd. boles end 061,41.011, amid de.] tit, Pills glide sugareshoct oVer the relate ; and
monawationa ., thiai '. rivalled Eatido. hie Sarsaparilla iS s nectar that imptats vigor ,
Men ill iti. .
•thrum's' bills are t3oming. back 'clfahorior
ed. " March and April will...tell the
streng,th �f some of theni„ as inaddition
to sa uniph :paper te''' they have
.heevy payments to meet in ,these two
months heavier', than at 'any' other time
of the year. •It is freely predicted that
soine will be forced to. go under. For
this state of adhirs the banks are largely
.,to blame. Since the Glasgo* Bank
thdre has been no dealing 'witli
them. For some time after that event,
they had e hard struggle for existence.
They•have recovered .nciw, but the scare
they reeeived has left Such an impt.es-
sion, on them that they still refuse the us-
ual facilities to Many Of their etistoters:
• Hacklen's Arnica Salvo.
The hest Salve ih the world for Ogg,. prnistts,
Sures, Ulcers, 'Salt Rheum, Tater, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin
Eruptions. This Salvo is guarantqed to give
'perfect satisfaction in eyery ease or inoney rc
landed, „Price 25 cents per kat. For sale by
J. H. Combo, Clinton,
Ann.. :11, 1879
IRRElliflivrisx adillsdeaa:YerrieVliglsehttri
rfl4KE NOTIOZ, that the appointment of Demirel
, X8,301`t 111108(45 0 Henault, as Agents of the
Mutual fire Insurance Company,
Of the Co. ;Ay of WeBillgten, thie day caneelled.
W. W. PARRAN, Esq., hire been appointed
Agent for thle town and vicinity, pais, pow prepared
to takellifplioatiops for this Oompany; the cheapest in
the Dominion.
Guelph, dth Bee., 1878. tf.
Thos. Friendsh.ip
iesiro to inform the people of Clinton and !Outland.
whore he will bo prepared to execute an or1er0 for
• Waggons,- Carriages, Cotters, Sleighs,
ou the shortest notice, and at MO 17108 reasonable
rat. liepairlIg of all kinds promptly attended to,
ewe IIIM A CALL. .
Clinton, Merril 18, 1879,
And all kinds aFfeld, Garden and Flower Seeds.
In rettu'oing thanks to my patrons for tho /lberal
port accorded the the pet year, I take pleasure in in.
forming the public that lime, at eeneidelable expense,'
carefully seleeted my present large ateek of seed. grains
hontfibe most reliable growers. I can confidently re-
commend the
. .11AitteCK, ONT. •'
„ ,
Rarmers wishing to insure will Ilnd thie 00,raMINY
one of the beat and cheapeetto insure in, and will be
waited on at their homes if information be sent to the
Agenial °Moe. , dy
Canada Qom:path:5T Lands.
the Canada Company may be seen at the °Aloe of
,b3,intl.088igned. •
C11nton.,4n.17. 11/79.
WE will pay Agente a Salary of $100 per mcinf h and
-• a large' comiaission to soli our
now and wondel ul inventions, We mean wbat WO say.
Sample free. Aildresn, • • 7
• SIIEHHAN st. CO., MarshtilWiftich.
C4 Istrii\T
• .
ItAITING just thoioughly. repaired their ELOITII
• MILL,..the'sublealbersiarenew,prepured-to.do.,-
as tlaa. best, spring varieties grawn, both for quantity,
quality end milling purposes. My PEAS are tsound
0000 in the Province for purity and quality. BABLDI
Sul -OATS of tho 'very beet varieties. CLOVER'•and
TIBIOTRY Need, TURNIP, MANGOLDS, and all other
held and garden needs fre ", •••• T a1
way pure. ft.ways take
special care to select seeds clean and free from all nex.„
boas ,weed seed. Always glad to ehow my seeds, and
'give any infoiluatleir desired byfarrome and others.
HaMiltOli.Street, above Colborne Hotel, Goderioh.l.
• niondniun my STAND,
Gadorich March 1E179 JAMES 11:reNAii"
• BrYeillehte, merofulo., parri-
ago, skin irritation , ulcers froin any cause, and a Sun.
tired 'other duatto are °trawl by an arid f •rtnent,
WbVh produces intlammatery act' n. Brugiou'a
sor mit Will posi. Nob. effect a 00,e in a few belfry, by
absorbing t e acid poison from he sYstont. sold. by
druggists. Price, 50e. Advi,.e p trtionidx easee
W Y intuvroN,
London, Ont.
Tao choice Pari tot on Erl. .Strout,t)lintoniopIPPri•
sing over ten aerespnow held by John ,Ratinestali iesa•
fermi. ter sabiananoderatOterins, ,
1, rant Lot No. 64 tire Pirat Conceesion (Huron
• oad) Tinikersniith, centainuSS-aercs of iirst,eiassin44,
about two miles from Clintonrircard fence ten -oat, geed
hardwood timber. May be made a eu porter dairy faun..
• 2.• Wdet Half of Lot Eight. in the Eleventh COnces-
sion of Tnruherry, fiftyacree, good. Mi:es
foul Winghani and one mile from OR Glonannp.n Sta.
tionuf the Tpronto, GrepandErarellailivay. A small
clearance on tho front, balance hardsvogg timber
Woull gall Cheap for cash, or mule -age for town proper.
-ty-in.Clinedn...Apply,to4h0 °mien-0=nel Thuriverrat
Pelee Mills, °Hut ou,fiir
• 4.. The large,and conveniont-Briok Store, the Al.
bort StreetBlook now occupied by Mr. Jas. Biddleeembe.
, And at the oarlieet morneut.•- -
• COME• AND ..SEJr-t/S. •
X-rUlFS,F,10, • it
.I.OtruBsitulto Mix,Ls, Nov, 88, 1678.
To Fanners it.Land Owners
110NET 4-N
. .
.:• At the above lo* fate Of interest....
PAYMENTS eanhe Made (tiniest 'any Way to eitit,
- the borrower.
INTEREST P,ayable Annually,
Or' any stun Can tie Paidion the principal, at the end of
• , • any yelp.:
Pclrlartherinforination appiy to
FISITE11, CiaNtox010bi87a ••.
• •
irrkr • - .•
H.. .N 0 R S.WO T if
Has sold within the last twelve years, haat) all given
the veryhest of satisfixotion. verybody seems delight-
ed with them. 13e. not .deeelved buying a' Sowing
Machine, but go to IL NOUSWORTHY, and you will, get
the best Sewing Machine the World can produce. Priem.
to suit the times and time to stilt the buyers. •
. ,
from SO to $70. Call and leave your order whore you
will got perfect SEWING and leilltriXti MAcrtigns, and
^ the very best of instruction. ,
Sewing 'Machines. (if. every otak. 'Repaired.
Being•a practicalmaphinist, all Woric dono is warranted
to give good satisfaction. • •
. •
1119.818181118R TIM PLACH-vnITRON STREET, one door
• \vat of the Commproial. Hotel.
• E, NORS,Well,TITY, Tod °Mee Box 105, ,
CratiTow, Oar
, .
MONEY TO LEND on first-class him
prpperty, at 7i per cent. •'
Agents for several ,Ost.eiais PIRA LIFE
poi the Grand Trunk Itailway of Canada. Wo Isom
TiCkets to all rointo, on the G. T. B.LieltiO to the
• Eastern, nod Weatern Nantes.
CCM prolars Twooeut*Treairs LOWNgt
heard i Drink Old boy,' (patting Mm
on the back) r want you to pull tlp
and Make sure of it, at least that $60."
Such is lifet-aWater'oe tornipe,
• to lite, restoros the health anti expels disease,
Walmford (Pa), Ativerager. •
. ',ASAP:1'1;61:1%, Atil,s0Y•041 • . •1
!lie Canard atalaretta Lio.'t of Steitraters.. .
linton, March 27, 1879."
• 6. Eirsteloargiain Atm, attlaterandartiok station
belonging to A. Salutation. •
7. The large faelory-beilding and lot. adjoining the
Grand Trunk Station, formerly occupied. by .7., If, Bel-
fry, with. engiiie and boiler.. Prentises vadiseiroa
manufacturing purpoece, portx-packing,,do. .
8. L616, on Victoria Street, rhOrdonf surreyk a choice
betWoon tiMG.T:ltailway end theItiver
woll.fenood, planted .with trees, good wen, (to.- ".
0. Dot' 24,'Preder1ck street, belonging to Mr. John
Powell, . 'Good frame.00tbiga of tive. moms. -Weil nod
•putnn. Good' garden. 4u:4 south of Mr. Win. Shep-
herd's reablenect.
•••'Clinton, Xen-. 24i 1870. - . • • - • •
. .
fi A.11' AIR, 1R,'
nioulands 4ppliud, Tondorful. Cr
• liegr 'what' a Reverend 6on4leynaia:8010ojthI
• • „ Coast:Eu(0po7, Eemeity.:L. .
T. B..BAUDIteekt Ego., Brookville, ent.
.Dear nowlwo years since year. " Constitu-
tional Catarrh BeMedy" was introduced. to me. 1 have
waited thia long 18 see it the. bare would remain per -
the happy effeeteseemed-to-MOto7ber ‘-tcargood-te 130
r was . afflicted in my head for years before I
suspected it to be Catarrh., In reading in your Circular
saw my cage described in' puny partiOulars. The 4n.
ward" dror from the heal had become .very diliagree-
able, and a choking sensation often :Prevented roe from
lying bong; I would feel like . 'smothering, and be born -
roma to. sit up id bed. My health and spirits were
seriously affected. When your Agene came to Walker-
ton,ln August, 1878,1 secured three.,bottlee. Before I,
had need a 'quarter of the contents of one bottle, I
found (leaded relief, and when I had 'used two bottles
arid a third, I (pat taking 11, feeling quite cured of that
ailment, and have not need.any since, till of late I have
taken some for a cold in my-Inad. A sense of duty, to
stifferere from thatleatheoree disease, Catarrhowompts
-me to nend you thia Certificate, ungoltolted, vfltb how°
to make what* use•of it you may see pceper, , •
YoursY. tTiN
r ni A L ; Methodilitmihisior.'
Port Elgin OntI. Aug 24 1878.. • • . •
'Ask for 'Littlefield's constftutionex Ca,••
• , tarrh Itebiedy', and take no .Other,
••• ,
T. 4...11.11mforso, Doprinioa' Agent, Brockville, Ont.
salt.,:14 O.:Druggists atonly:One.ffollar
. . • •. pep Bottle..
Birr IT. 8*, .TRY' IT.
• Sarsaparilla
For Scrofula, and. all
scrofulous diseases, Erysi,,
pelas Rose, or St,- Anglo.
ny's 'Fire, Eruptions. and
Eruptive diseases of the
skin, Ulcerations of •tho
Liver, Stomach, Kidneys,
• .Lungs, Pimples,. Pustules',
Boils, 131otches„ Tumors,
Tetter, Salt Itlieurn, Scald
Head,,Ringworin, Ulcers,
.Sores,:lilieumatisin, Neuralgia, . Tani in
the Bones, Side and -Female
Weakness, Sterility,.Leucorrlicea, arising
from internal ulceration, ' and .Uterine.
disease, Syphilitic . and Mercurial dis-
eases, Dropsy,.' Dyspepsia,: Emaciation,
.General•Debility, and for Purifying the
Bleod. • •
This Sarsaparilla is . a.,combination of
vegetable alteratieee—Stilliogia, Man-
drake, Yellow ..Dock With the Iodides
of ,Potassitun and •Iron and is the 'nest
ellicacions medicine yet known . for
the- diSeases it is:intended to cure.. •
. ingrediente are so skilfully coin-
the:Jull alterative effect of
each is assured, acid:while it is so mild
as te bi harmless even. to children.; it is
still SO' effectual its to purge .out fretn. the
JIP.1.A.14.ges aiid corruptions
*blob deVelop into
. • The repittetion...it enjoys is derived
iorn its Ceres, and the confidence which -
'prominent physicians •all over the.coun-
try repo4e. in it, prove • heit elpeuence
of usefulness. .. •
... Certificates atteating its,virtues have • ,
.._acctunalated,_. and .are
•and 4iiinany .o t these ; cases are .
publicly known, they•farnisli convincing, .
evidence of the superierity of this Sar-
saparilla . over • every other .. alterative
Medicine. , So • 'generally,- is its stiperi-:
to any Other medicine known, that. •
,. we need .do no . more than to assure the
poSsesSedare strictly maintained.
. .
.• • .. ." •• ritur,,tace By
• Dr. 'L C.: AirER 4.- CO.`; Lowell Mass, ,
....Prgettcal gold Alf (Otrtit.i8f1
1)4tIGGISTS nay wucusi.
.. •
Cherry Pectoral
' For Diseases of the
• Throat and Lungs,
• 'Whoopin C 0 ugh,
ouches Conghe,
The reputation it ha s attained, in ecinsemtence of
the Marvellous cures' ithasprhduced,duringthe
last iMIreenturY, is a qicticient assurance to th0..
public thalt will continue to realize tinflidepiest " ,
results plateful be deldred. • To ahnost every
flatten Of Country there are periens, publicly .
!known ,who.hay.ebeen restored from alarming,and
oven desperate diseaSes Of thet lungs, by its Ilse.
All Who bare tried itiacknowledge itasuperiorita;;"
andiihereits vireteS are known', 80 000 healtateai
• •
astewhatinedibine to maployMyelleve. the dia.; ;
tress and suffering peculiar to puhrionary area:.
stint ieilef, and performs rapid ,ciires of the '
„milder varieties ofbrouchial dis§rder, es well as "
more formidable disnaiell of the Mugs.
• As asafeguard to children, amid the diatress-
Jng diseases which beset ft Throat and Chest of
• Childhood, 11 18 invaluable ;for, by its timely. use,
muitaudertare rained and restored to health. .
.This mediane gains friends at eYery trial, as
the cures it is constantly producing 'are too re-
iiihricanie to be forgotten. No faintly should be'
it(1 , a those whe have one -eased it .
: Elninent' Physicians throughput the cottarT
prescrihe it, and Ciergynien often rddominendit, ;
-front their knowleparlts effeets:-.
si;A.P:aliypt.i"eal Cl.temists.
Dr. C. AYER &CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Man.u.f4cturing Company.
G-taatickx. c) ar%
Boilers, Engines. and Mill Machinery or Latest Styios
— • . •
Pu.i..ifiers, .01' Ixp.proved
• STOVES of yantsus kin4s4. L'Erass *rid Iroxi Casfir gs
REPAIRS " .f.rrplittrm, rot
• .
V011. MLE LCITEA.P—Zoaond-band Enoinos "atIn i, •10 211 a!,,i
Rorse'Power ; also, Stave Machine, Shingle and Treading Mnf`kir( #1114 !Jowl 1 g
*Minter grid Plainer. '
Gboxition, Feb, 1, 1877.