HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-03-27, Page 5Apoi atiedery. rather Catisatthon, a famous pr6 er, brOnght up the animal' la question, wbieh, having become attached to bine Wished to follow him wherevethe went. One day Oaceaubou waS going to church, the ape, not being made secure, follow- ed the master to the place of worshiPi and, tieing a good climber, silently n3ounted the sounding board, and there lay, quiet and concealed, until the ser- mon waS in course of delivery. It then advanced to the edge of its perch to eee what was ping on beneath it, and watch the action of the orator. Them were no sooner oheerved by 'the aide initnie than it began to perform also, and its imitations of tbe preacher were so per- fectly grotesque that the whole congre- gation was put intcatt state of great risi- bility, such as could not be repressed. The good father was alike shocked and hadignant at the ill-timed levity of his audience and began to admieister some severe. l'eproofs. But seeing all his ef- Wilily lac-lentichertafertlx-into- violent action, accompanieil by loud yea oiferations, Ilis frequent gestures the ape did uot fail to take up intexecliately; with no less animation than that which inepired his roaster.- And at this appar- ent-compatitien of the „two. videals the people, burst into roan') of latigliter,' and when the animal was painted out to the pastor, thengli highly exasperated, it is said lie could herdly command his own countenanee while he gave diree. tions to lie ve the ape removed. . Tours to AnneXittion.. A- mire/me` hdati t the Nash att , New Havert, Telesgrap74- wiatintaaafrare-Mont:' treal, says that at no titne has. the senti- tnent'in fever Of the annexation Of the „...._inominion theolinited Sta teii 'been eo • strong as at the prompt time. " The movement," as the Writer calls it, "is 'quiet but significant. It is not the r' - stilt of any fresh'. admiration (Or the United States on the part of Canada, but the necessity of the situation." ' The fact that the dollar 6f the United States has °eine to be as gootl-as that 9f. any other nation is one of the causes at- tributed for the change of sentiment. " Again thoughtfal men in Canada see • that the tariff of the United States may 'be reduced, while the increasing. debt of Canada an& ils toP;heaVy govern -tient •rencler_itimposeiblelotaher parli -ment to reduce (Intim other taxes." The MissOtiri Republican, .counnenting .oe the correepondence referred 4,, says "Every .year the •neeeixsity of' having • free admission- to the -markets of- the- • UnitedStates is impressed avert the .. people of Catiacfa. They boiled to ob• - tain this by the means of e reciProoity treaty, bat all hopes in that direction , have faded °et."' So now we are trying @onlrensgb- tins tem.q. Manitoba A new bide is being thrown across the Little Saskatchewan et Prairie City, A severe form of distereper is carrying off a large number of tram doge in the North-west Territory. There are numerous' large, bands of buffalo °nailer plains about fifty milee south Of Battleford, N. W. T. Scarlet fever has broken out at Lao la 13iehe, on the Sasicatchewenaattad several deathhave already occurred. Entries,of borneeteads and sales are made daily at the Land Office at Prairie City, dialhe Little Saskatalietvad Rivera Fresh meat from the plains is deliver- ed in Edmonton, N. W. T., for the Hudson's Bay Company at 5 •Cents per pound. . It is remored that a party who left -Edmonton, NWr T„..earlyalatit. mime tner, have discovered gold on the eat_ era side of the Recital" Mountains, and. 'have been'finding $100 per day. . . The Lisgar Agricultural Society, at their annual meeting recently held at Selkirk, Man, decided to held a grand' Tthat tovin duritag twat fall.- :At a 'recent meeting Of t.ltet building cothruittee of the M. E. °Introit at Berson it .Was decided to proMed at once with -the erection of a new 'chapel. The run between Carlton and Battle - ford, a distance -of eighty five miles, was recently nand() by Mr. Ballantyee a .tiegia;eirain se On teen holt . 7L- inissio-tien" de ti g of th-e-Mea!- thodist Church' of Canada, recently held, at Selkirk, Man, it was reported that. the reeeipts..were. 300 per cent. • mere than.•last year.- :. • Iii th'e storm of the 24th Febritary, Several cattle wore frozen' tp death e few miles from Prairie City. :Amongst them ,were two belonging to settlers who -were on their Ivey to the front,. " Pieria for the erection of immigrant' sheds at Emerson -have been prepared, and will shot.tlY be forwarded•to Ottawa. The buildings .will ace,ommodate 100. persons, and are estimated . to cost $1,700, • , -The-•lattentailfrlara -Battleford; NaWa- T.; was mad% up of 100 letters, 750 e-wspapersaitrcl'-half-a-dozeta This will'giye soine idea of the large h'uoiness- done here. The inhabitants are asking for a weekly mail ilistea,d of • reimtltlyaes..et present. • . _ 'Considerable indigniitibra T eicpressed by the residents. of Vianiiieg' at the dastardly ant Of flame one •whO• spread. 'quAritity of poison on,the streets, the' consequence 91' which was that several , • to .gain " free' admission to the markets ' cows and pigs belonging to poor people of the (Jutted States" by acloPting a po- licy of retaliation which, if carried out to its legitimate conclusion,' will effect- ually bar out all, intereo•urse between the two great countries 'of the North, American, continent. :The Repablicai& remarks: "The annexation sefitiment is'found alemat exclusively in business • eireles; Indeedaihere is no -real seta= ment'in favor of annexation which does not have its origin in business neceisity." Very true, and -if any sort of legislation that can be effected by.ourselves or our neighbors is calculated to foster-annexe- tioxiist sentiinents in Canadains the in. stxtetion'of .Protectiveipoliey *Will be agreautturist fzam 1Xatk1iam, Onb, has. , just about is auccessfhl in that three:, arrived and taken up. a .whele township tion as anything that we know of.—* (213.W.) fot himself•and associates, as Loudon ando»d a stoel.raising 00 grazing farm. It is said 2,000 are to be .brOught.in at once. For The Journe)' Ot Life. Thi e lobation is just south of Reck Lake, , The followirut s• f th of Dr. West, 11mm:dingle his mentoran dum, aro • thrown abgether as getieral way marks in the jeurney Of life : Never ridicule seared things, or whet •Others May eateem as such, however absurd they may appear te you. • Never show levity, when people' pre enkageriti"-..woraip. • , Nei-6/.41)801rib, a supposed injury till you know the viewa and motives of the anther of it. : • Always tae the pert of• an absent person'Who may be _censured'. in sop.- any, so far as truth and propriety will inertia ' . • • INTeVer thlit.ic worse ofanother.•on his differing froni you in pialitibal and relig- ious sul3ject. • •Never dispute. with a man who is more than seventy years ne age,' nor with a Womaninor any,sort ofenthusiast. Neva affect to be witty, or to Seat so as to hurt the feelings of another, 'Say as little as possible of yourself and those who ti,E6 Ilefir you. • • ' ' Act with cheerfulness Without levity. • Never condi the favor of the rich by flattering their -youth* or their riche. A cavalry pores is being organized at Portage la Prairie, Man. • • Were poisoned..•Should, the misCreant • be discovered. he may eXpect 'a warm time of it. • . Petitioni.are beingIcirculated through the Little Saskatchewan couetry asking the Demieion Government:to extend the 'western boundary of Menitoha so as to inefude thet portion of 'the .North-West Territories in the Province, and continuaC the presenreatrictions upon the liquor traffic.. The Petitions are being largely signed by -the .. ' . .• • • A correspondent of the EmersonIa ternational writes from Meuntein'City : Reescr, exteneive capitalist and ro e papers wird-adittirahly actapted-forlbe-purpoie. ' -• .11311411Sh. 8,114 g*. The expense o of thealate Paris Expo- sition were 55,000,000 francs and the receipts 50,000,000, - An -English -woman who looked for for a I Wall tinder her bed lately fiiiirtit We Would not advise any New ERA readers t$'go to Leadville, the new silver city in Colorado. There are about Ma 000 people in the plea, but every kind of businees is over -done, and there are over 2,000 man out of work, and with not a dollar in their paekets. Rents are enormous—a theatre capable of holding 700 people., packed close, bringing $1,- 400 a month. There is%ny quantity of bullion lathe out of the mime, bat only the itiOst experieneol Miners • eat work in them, Green howls are de no use. Ahem, end'.had the presence of mind- te say :nothing •and goietly pick, up her watch and other valuables and go down stairs and call the porter. Stanley,' Airicanue has made a good 'thfng ont of bis volume of Afrietirr,tr& although a. Thom wretched speeimen of itieehanicial booktnaking never ap- peared; • The -first English edition cow - ,prised 6,000 copies, whiela sold at $10.o copy, and another' edition is in -progress.. The pebliehere have already paid Stan- ley $3%000. He is at present leeturiirg in England. More than eight Years ago the city authorities of London, Eng., offered a prize for artY invention which would en- able then' to get rid of the snow .in the streets. SeVenteen schemes' were sub - Witted. •. ho successful apparatus was at once erected, and has been in oPera- don every year sinae. Ihoonsists sim- ply of an inclined 'plato iron, fixed be- low a manhole leading to the main sew- er. Undet this plate are ranged gas burners. The enOW earted from the joining thoroughfare is elioVeled down the manhole grating, falls on the heated plate, is tedueed to water and patios away down the sewer. Theeanstunp- tion otgas is very moderato, and the cost is said to be inneh less than that incurred' by carting away the tinote on the old systetn. The apparatus, Says Enghteer, has proved extremely suceessfel and the invention ditserves to be wide clOpted. • THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Alineripau, In 1870 there were, occording to cen- sus reports, 481,000 naivete of •Canada residing in the United States, against 20,000 citizens of the States ?living in Canada, It is reported that three one thou- sand dollars United Suttee Muds, stol- en from the Manhattan Savings Institu. tient, at New 'York, have been' received et, the Treasury Department in a pack. age sent by a London hankerfor redemp- tion. 4 warrant of attachment has been issued against the property of the New Revert Steamship Company, Charles Cooper (coloured), having sued the cont. pany under the Civil Itighte bill, for re- fusing to pernait hint to eat in the din- ing saloon on the steamer Continental, he having purchased a firt class ticket. In january, 1877, Golly 1.3ohd,a at Bartlett, attempted to elope with the daughter of a neighbor. Be.ing oppop- eirliy "fhtfi rabbir ' or yobiig lady lie killed him taking; the daughter 'behind him on horseback. T:1e left the lady at a neighbor's .and mcaped to Texas. A jury declared him imam, and he will be confined in a lunatic asylum. „ A young woman-of•...Rich re on d, was insulted, she claimed, by a young man who offered to lace up heasslioes in - a shoe store. She felt so deeply Wm. - ed, in fact, thet she calIad three times at the same store before she Was sure she had been insulted enough. Then, at her solicitation., her lover caned the yoking man and afterwarde,shot him. a he l'ath Brooklyn regiment are pre- paring for their Vistt to participate in the celebration of the next 24th of May. 'The roll of the regiment: now contains 600 names. They ere drilling carefully and diligently in order to acquit them: • selyes creditably, On thmearrival. at 'Montreal a grand reception will'be ten- deyed them: • . The C.,hicago"Com monists held a grand ball on Saturday night at the Exposi- tion buiIdng. Twenty-five. thousand persons were present,' among them a military body estimated at from• five hundred to one thousand. • The objeet of the ball is said to be.ao raise money b.perfect. their' ,organization, military and polttioal .7. . Terrible'prairie fires recently in Re- -:public -and- ad -1°4d ecieti tieer: Kansas - swept over an urea of ten nines king and three widealestorying ev erything. :Aboit t 100 houses are cot:warned, -Ind:the in. habitants are -obliged to Nice reettge nn - der gretiner; • .Mrs. Esaverson. was • burned to death while abternpting tore - lease horses -'from a :stable. Several Qt4an's have been Oveyely injured. • The , , lose is $40,000. . , . A. horrible disgovery las:made • on Monday -by Samuel Crandall; a 'farmer liviug a! Tow miles amith of Terre Haute, IathHe was informed that the family • OfThotens Staeleyaware very siek and they detired Ids help. Ile started for • their house and found that the family, consisting of eightapersone, father and .nmilier and six children- were poise/Lied • ateath.weuld be the result'. 4- • phyeiCian. vies summoned rind upon in- vestigation it was found that theyabad through some • mistake mixed Janies. town weed with their food and that all had partaketi of it. While Canadians are afflicted with the 1.4IanitOba fever it looks is' if the Southern blaelcs• have been seized with traie.bo go 4.k Oa West". :The Negro emigaration from some of the river par- ishes of liouieiana to Kansas :sees ,to • continue in spite of every effort made to - -chterit7--Every-fv.s.-,tinys-a-filesh-carg of colored people is .unloaded at • the wharves In St. Louis from Mississippi a Louisiana, who,had left their homes hrough the belief that better ones await heir arnival in Kansas.They 'were nfortned that ineann and , eabstame would. be provided for them While in St - °aka: and that free • trapspertition _ould' be given 'them 'from that city to fice.„ land of the grasshopper. *Neatly fteen hundred are now in St. Louis. 14114or has isstied a proclamation ed who are said to be en intte titan. they have b'een grossly de- eived, how and by Whom lie kifoNte not. ki; the meantime what to" do With the ftecie hundred 'now -on hand is .what hazles the Mound City municipal mind. d. Kansas was very kind . to the egroes while they were at a distance, rid wl3cn the abolitionists wanted it to e a free State, but-theyare not wanted y. closer. BOSOnitlen GnhinAli Steyr' can° new be pur- ated right at home, it is the most Successful operation ever intrOdUCed ter our people. rt rks like a charm is all eases of CortfilfmptiOn, enmonia, noinorrhagerl, sthtlea, sovOit tight, Croup and all other Threat and Lung Freese& No person has aver used this modi, e without getting iinniediate relief, yet there a great many poor, suffering, Skeptical de- mons gOing about Our Strowith a bits. iotis cough, and the voice of consumption riting from their 11Ings, that Will net trY it, you die, it is your own fault, is you Mtn go your druggist am get a sample battle for cents And try it ; thVe() tleses will relie• ve ease. Itegular siml only 76 °to., • 8 PER CIENT; IriiEariners& Land OWners MONEY TO LOAN At the above law rate of interest. PA.31111114.V.161 can be math) almost any way to suit the borrower, INTERES'r Payabla Annually, Or any stun can be Istid on the principal, at the end of any pax. Vox, f urtherinf grata t i011 ApIp4 IO A, S. FISHER andox. Olinton Nov, 2130 878. • .1110K11.4LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE TI-ICIS. AI.F.aL,ANS, AGENT, ,...33[Jtatrip (ilk, ONT.' Fanners wishing to insure will Ana this Gorepany one of the best and cheapest to inshre in, and will be waited on at their homee M inforation bo sent to tho .Agents' office, 4y • a Canada Company Lands. A GIRT OF LANDS IN 11131tON roa sALEnv ..ca. the Canada Company easy be /loop at the office of th studepigned. - • • 11 mama. Clint(in ;Anal, 1870. 4'4..4444 .• Tilts standard arttele is.compound- ed with the greatest' care. Its. effeCts•are as wonderful and as - satisfactory as y -ever.. It restores gray or faded hair to it youthful color. reinor.e8 eruptiona, itelfin and- dandruff. It "gives' the' head, cooling, soothing sensatioh' of 'grett comfort,.. and the scalp ,-1,?z, its us : vezniie-g whitilikkr oesu: By its .tonia properties it restore • 11ra-capillary glands: to their nortna ligcia, preventing baldness, end mak ing the hair. grow thickrr and,strong. • • .Aa dressing, nothing has Vee _found so 'effectual or desirable. - A. -A. Ilayes, M.D., State Assayer • of Messachusetts, . says, " The on stitnents are. pure,. and carefully se looted for ,§_aceellent. quality ; and I consider -a tile -BEST PREPAItATIal for its intended puiposes." ,; Price, • One Dollar. 13110 4, 3titellata's 957 FOR THE WHISKERS. n • This elegant preparation' may be, ipIied on to change the eolor of the beard from •gray or.nny other nridesin. able shade, to brown or Week, at dis- cretion. It is easily. aPplidel-; being in one preparation, end •quickly .and ef- fectually produces a.permanent eater, whieb rtib, net wash 00. Manufacturer! by R. P. HALli & 00. NASHUA, N.H. BOIS 17 all Maids. ad lagers In 0 -L 11 4. fi a an Pr wo Pn Co Di •cin are papir co to 10 any ChOrilr..Peot.otal MARCH ?,4•879 ATTENTION. MEIIi ANOT/CE, that the appointment of Messrs, c. • F. C. WILS()N,.• ,...„, Bretton & Henson, a notate% its agents at tho 1 iiiitual.,filit- Iniuranse Ciiinpanyg -.Chem-1t:::st and Druaoist) Of the CQ uty of Wellington, is thig day eancolled.,_ W. W. FAIRRAN, Esq., has beet) appointed ' — .tiouron Street, CLINTON. ,kgont for thzisytoowonea:d. violuoittyll,Ral:81 8 vtlAOWET0,01; rs. el.; lac :T.. , the Dominion. Just, OPENED OUT and will be mad cheap IOT anell>b) '4hr/000.078. SI, • tal5G1 tO aPplieations for Vas Company, the cheapeet in NEW WAGGON SRO?, St •••••44.. Thos. Friendship Andrea to inform the people of Minton and surround - i05 eonntey, Mat he has opened a Waggon Shop in connection with Conon & 3origs' Binekomitli 81191h ISAAO STREET, • CLINTON, wizero bp wilrbepreparea to exceute all macro for . . Watgvonfa. Carriage:a, Btelrfit Slelghs, on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. Repair' ig of all kinds promptly attended. to, WYE Dna A cAup. aulnon, March 13, lin!), SEED WHEAT, Oaks, 'BARLEY, OATS, And all MIAs el Field, Garden and Plower seeds. 15 returning thanks to my patrons for the liberal any - port aceorded me the past year, I take pleasu*. in in- forming the publie that I have, at cionsiderable wen Se, earefully seleoted myep oraza reseenntdlatrbgeo atocic of Ftted grains 'flore ra theest reliable growers, I oar( confitlently re, , _ LOSITNATION and-WIIITE RUSSIAN as the best spring yarietica grown, both ler quantity, quality and rolling purposes. Ny PO AS are second to none in the Province for purity And quality. BARLEY and ot the very best varieties. GLOVER and TIMOTHY seed, Tunurr, MANGOLDS, and all other field and garden acedo rresh and pure. I always take special care to select seeds clean and free from all nox- Jona weed seed. Always glad 'to show mY node'frna an3r440r,n1=ati.0P desired bYtarmers and.others,•;:. R431E:MIER szkno, Hiunilton Street, above.Celhorne Rotel, Galeria.. Godericli, March, 1879- j'4 t.1" • pAnK.'LoT Fort S. L The choice Park, LoniMErie Street, Clint, compri- sing over ten mires, now held by John Mathicson, is of- fered for sale on moderate tome. Clinton, gept. 2;1878. , "" RLE_STATE -FOR SALE, . ., • 1. Form Lot No*. 84 in the First Concession (Ilium). Road) Tookernmith, contains 96 acrOs of Arat-elass land, abont two miles from Minton, board/once in front, good hardwood tirober.' May be reade.a 'superior dairy farm. .. 2, West MU of Lot Eight in the Eleventh Coned. oiou of Taraberry, Aftyaeres, good wheat land, taxa:dies from,Wingliam and one mile from Me Glonannan Sta- tion a the,Torento, Grey and Bruce Railway. A small Weiland:4 an the, front, baiauce 'hare wood. timber. 3.icould.soIl eleaptor call, or mfehdn proper-. 014144, ty in Clinton. Apply to the owner, Sainue Ivor, at Fated 3.2118,01121ton, or.te,the underaigne . ' 4. The large and convenient Ilaick.htoret In Ma Al- bert 2 Meet Block, now occupieaby Mr. Jan. Biddleoonibe, - - 6. First-class grain store, at the Grand Trunk station belonging to A. Jamieson. . 7. The large faetotriairling arta lot, adjoining the Grand Trualliitation, formerly occupied by 7.11. -Bel- fry, with engine and bailor," . Premises well salted for manufacturing purpeses, pork -packing, Lte, 8.,7t 6, on Victoria Street,. (Gordon etave7);'a choice buiding lot, between the G. T. Railway and the River • well -fence& planted wi tli trees, good well, ,te. . • . O. Lot 24, Frederiek street, belonging to Mr. 3ohn Poweli: Good frame cottage" of five roomg. Weil and_ pump. Good. garden., Just south ot..Mr. Wm. Shop- lierd'S residence. .. 11. ALE, • Olin ton, San . 94,1870. • D. , • • .120 ...A: M • IdONSTITOTIONAL ‘• Q.A.2,..A.3ELEVSE ENEE V - A1 A 710.t..13140. Api.1.44 •• • • gear wkit.a. li'everend Gentlentan sap of th.e . Constitutional .Rentgek :-- • T. B,Ilannzato, Bs., BrockvIlle, cint. •• , . Dear Sir, --It Is now two yearfi eirice your " Conatink' tiOnal Catarrh Remedy" was introduced ta Me, I have waited this long tweet) if the cure would' remain -per- inaneni before doing Mist my duty to you, as at fireg . the happy °Roots seemed to me to he " too good to be•LONI). ESBOR0'. MILLS, . truffin. I was afilicted in my head for Years before I - ' suopeofed it to be Catarrh. In reading in your Circular- . • ,,,an.kahoki sensation.ofton prevented me from -.-—,----- . ' G.R 8 . I saw ray ease d.eseribed in many partioulars. The in. , r ---o , • ward " drop"1 tont the heacl had become very disagree. x T I'N'Ci.., ,•. lying long ; ITffle him smothering, and 50 0012/, • palled to sit up'irt-bed. )Ly health and spirits were .serionsly affected. When your Agent came to Walker- c, if IRO I S III X 17 C+,• ton, in August, 1870, I 'moored three bottles, Before I • ' had need a Tidier of the contents of one bottle. I . tonna deckled relict, and when I had need two bottles ailnienttand have not'used any eince, till °Irate I have sae a third, I quit taking it, feeling quite cured of that a j_T_TimiTTLINDO, tjhaostsuithse6rriebnegrbolyararenpociretdretpbaeirer(1 ro,L,d0.0Uft- taken some for a cold in my head. A Beim) of duty to • . sufferers from that loathsome diurnal), Catarrh, prompts r'i -- 100 10 and yen thia Certificate, unsoneited, *with leave l7rilISTINV. IN THE BEST gANNE111 to :nate what roe 01 11 3'�u May 13(38 proper. • . . • • - • • .2°rt 'Elgin' °Ili" Aug. 241878' • • .. • . efilISIIINg D.ONT AT A.. GREAT iliD.U6TIOS. .. , .Toonwrg. tTrinslyD,ALL., vret40dist And at the earliest moment, ininister. A.elc for Lath:diem% .constitutioriat ca.: •-, tarth Remedy, and take no other,. COME AND sat es, . . l'URE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT . DYE STUFFS, .1-1011SE 4 CATTLE MEDICINES, •• OILS 4i ESS PINCE% • SPONGES, - • COMES, BRU6S1IES, 4ND,PEllft AMEX. havieverY'amtblenco In recommending the folloaLing Preparations, as being earefully prepared (rare the purest Drugs and Cheinioule:- WilsO4's COUGII ELIXIR, 4. speedy eine tor Coughs, Colds, hearfloness arid leas 0 • — poke, and a ready_relief for Astlirda,„ Bronchitis, and tin Maw etimphant's. Viirentil per -Fettle: ' Allit -B10111,1..811 JIVER ERIS. ,The best in use. Sugar.coatpd. Give them a trial. '9V141-3iQI0X,- • r Dr. Wyatt's Vegetable' Tonic. For tho cure of Indigestion, and cleansing • the syetern of till'impuritios," 11 10 Alto highly mom- mendea for motoring the appetite, and is useful in many canes of Nervoim BehilitY• • • ' Pam), hay -pints, 80 cents ; pints, 61,00. WilAON'S', WORM POWDERS SATE, 'SURE ANQBE5xt5g, :15 cents per bor.!, Driffleld. WHITE OILS. • The best Linament for Sprains, Itheumatiem, dre. • Only 20 cents ver 'bottle. WILSOIA .SPICED- bONDITION- awls n PII°ovacel'Cat41aSiiilaeverydriPtlilrMstk.ghisPowrri hlghlyreeonitendedfe fattening and -bringing into fine zondition, Stook that are intended for ehow or sale: PRIOR, 28 bents Ear - 0, packet of one pound, Aye pounde fOr 31. -,ATA-L41514sicians•-ixrcscrIptionSanci Fa9hilY Receipts carefully, pyeparett. • ' OthaTON, Feb, 27, 1679. . NOTICE, THE ,SPLENDIll SEWING MACHINES •TILAT H. 141ORSWORTHY Bag sold within the last twelve years, have all Wien. I. • r the very best of tatiafaction. Everybodyseems delight- — od with thorn: Be not deceived in 'buying a Sowing Brachia°, but go to tr. NORSTIOSTITY, and you will get the best Sowing Illaehine the world can produce. Prices • • to shit the timos and titit torsuit tho buyers. SEWING • Nucruivits wr ALT:, PittICESI— from. 610 to vo. pan and leave your order where you Vim get parrot SEWING ADS ISNITTING 7,tA0IIINEG, and She very hest of knitruction. 'Sewing Machines 'of every make Repaired'. • Being a peactibal machinist, allwork done is warranted. •to give good satialitatiou. ' Rims:mina TEE mace -.311IRON STREBT; ono deer west of the Commercial Hotel.., • Er. NOESWORTITY, East Office Box .106, • 8105 ' • •CuraIrott, ONT. • Por Diseascit of the ,4ith • Throat and Lungs, tn't stick an Coughs, Colds; 4):54.„0 ---.Whooping d o ugh, • .121ronehit1e, A.sthnitt, 4 • and: ConsunaPtiott, .The mini tenon it has anainedini onqiiceot the marvellons euree it has produced during the ,Inst halt centtity; is a sufficient Rasuran00 to the 'public that it will continue to YealIZO the haPplest results 1hat Can be desires. In abaosteveay taction of country there .are , Persons, publicly known ,rhe liave been res tered from alarming and even desperatediseases of the iteare,•ty its use,. All whehaVe tried itotchnowledge its superiority; and 3i.thera Its 'virtues are known, no Oneinsitates as towhat medic:MS to empty to relieve the 51s - trees andlittrering peculiar to pulmonary affec- tions. Osmanli' l'actOnAi. always' affords in- . stern roller, enclperforms rapid Mires Of tho milder varieties ofbronchlai dieorderi as well • as the; mord formidable. die crises of the langs. As it Intfegtifird tO children, amid the diatross. Ing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest or Childhbodhit invalunhie; tor, hy Its.timelyusei multitudes are rosetied and tutored to health. This moilicino gains monde at ovary trial, as the mires it is consiandy producing are tea m. tuarkabie to be forgotten. Xo family should' be, without it, tind those who have onettuseti it never win' • The hest Salve in dm tiorlil for Cuts, BruAhn% a . Remittent/4 Antler' Salve. . Sores 'Ulcers, • Salt Blount, Tatter, Chapped Ifands,Chilblains, Corns, Etna all kinds -of Skin , „ , Eruptions,• This Salve It guaranteed to give perfeet satisfaction In every ease or money re - fielded. Prise 25 cents per bog. Per sale by J. H. .Combe, Clinton. • ttrilnent rliysieffins througbOUt the counirt rescHboit, and Clergymen often recommend it - ..ant their knowledge erns mots. rimpAssn Dr, J. C. AYER dt C0.1 Lowell; Mass,, Prim( lout Ono Ai I soar> lit':tar, nrtt.tuut,IsTs tVERYwnititt. • T_3. p. FfAunnM, Dora/Won Agent, Brockville, Ont. Al. $(/61 bY 011 bragdisP at only Qns' Dollae pee Bottle. BUY 'IT. 8*. TRY IT. • • .11T..7.13 3;C roinninniono lkittitit; Noy: Os, . . DERTOTt FOUNDRY 144r:tr.-et Manufacturing Company. G-03)natia11, Boilers, Engines. and Mill Machinery of Latest Styles- , Middlings Purifisll'es, -of Improved. AGIUGULTVRAL IMPLEMENTS, • STOVES of various kinds. Brass -and iron Castings. • 1EPiIRSin,UMPTLY ATTE21).8.7) • FOB SALE OlIEAP—Seconcl:liathl Engines and lloiler's of 10. 20 end 30 Horse Power ; also, Stave Machine, Shingle end Heading 11.feelline !and lreading hinter and Planter, Gonnnzon, .reb, I 187'7 4