HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-03-27, Page 1- a AND CtNTRE' IITTRON GENtRAL ADVRTISERi vox,. 14, NO. 13. iriesasss--es.no Per Annum,. An advance. 1 CLINTON, olirrAlgo, THURSDAY, 1VIAROH 279 1879. TO Notice is hereby given that all Ac- counts due late firm of Thomp- son & Switzer, being unpaid on the 1st day of April, will .positively be placed in the Division, Court for collection. - J. nenioitiPsoie, 18..sw.trrZEte. Clinton, Karl% 20,1979. • gcw NittrtiOtmentO. SERVANT WANTED. vETAIrrED, at °nee, Itiood general Servaig:-A-Pply- -V to 11118.. Jorp- OALLANDaB, Clinton, March 27, 1879. FARMING LAND TO LET.. rprarerv ACRES OF ents,r.oss LAND, IR _a. cuat9a, south of the GrandTrunk Railway. U. RALE. Clinton, klaroh 27, 1879. - SPLENDID WAGGON FOR SPiL _ — A PIRST,OLASS, Platform Spring, Machine *Wig- • II. gon, Petered, with buggy front, is etcred,tor sale oheap. Tongue and shafts. Apply to ;TORN DAYRIVNT, ' Olinton,,ifareh 97,1879. Paten.t_Baker!s_Table.. THE wider -signed -having egeurc,t1 the rigla 19 nrMan. ufacte the new Pu ATENT DAKoi Tanrx, an article that le 'espeelally adapted for the bettor care mua d raising bread, will mattuitietilre then according, to any sire reqUired. • • A .specianea will be oz • view at tile. tare Store ql Aressra. BROADFOO T. at BO.A.r, Albert Streft, wlier de orrs mccy be left, Those who have; tried them saithey are a VI" 'great saying and convenience to bolas:keeper& AAR. ,I•TITARDS• .• • - ••Tff 0 S.. NEAR N.S; Clintoti, March 27,1879. WISEMAN. !BROS.' BANE G EXCHAN4 •M CLINTON,'ONT. ONEY TO LEND on iiist•claes farin property, at. 7i• per 'cent. . • Agents for several first-class FIRE, LIRE and A OMEN T INSITEANP. E • ' COMPA..g.TES. ' TOWN TICKtT AUNCY Dominion Parliament. •WEpleesnay, March. 19, Mr. Holten directed the attention of the House to the fact that there were in Cireolation Awn copiee of the 'Votes 4nel ProoeediugS of Friday, last, contain- ing the tariff resolutions, and both sign-et:1 by the'Speaker and the Clerk. The copies substantially differed 'from. each othan er, cl the last piirportedto bo correct. He claimed that the Speaker shbuld order a table of errata to be pre- pared, so that the Ilense could see what the precise alterations were. The Min- ister-of--P4iblic_Werke combatted the right claimed by. Messrs. RelteiViad .,W6117.0artrurratfaeturingiudustrieS,•,initirt; Mackenzie to have such a 'table prepiir• ted . by it. .Mi Coelcbut•nt .(Muskoka) ed, but the Premier entering the -House pointed out the depressing influences: at this junctiire; and informing himself .which the toriff would' Have on the ,al- as to the subject of discussioni.readilY: yeady -depressed lumbering industry, And acceded to the reasonable request. 'the he supported his position by quoting Minister of Public Worksjesumed his number Of Yaluahle:statiatics relatiye to Seat, apparently not pleased with the its inkportance. . The debete 'was ad, Premiet's-repudiation 01 his unreason-. jeurned, and the House rose at Mere% able conduct. ' A number. of returns O'clock; • . wee° laid on the table'by the Minister ' '• moxo,Av. of Puhlie .NITorks And Custoins. The A number of petitione asking for. •ram -1-01,•.: t4) 'Mr; TrtYwr svid-iiiaditeattiiiiiin-thetariffWere:prekiented:. that the GTOvernment did:not intend -at-- -A.-khnnyi--ifwui t'priVaie Member's present abelis.thing the postage ori aews- Any, the Premier introduced a GoVern- papeis in the-countj., or -city of publica- meat motion 'proposing that on Wednes- tion`• -A ilehite- ietie•oti-A- 'tendon by day.-ae*,t,the- debate on .016 taw':be 1:6_ :Kr.' Huntington asking for papers, tim.; sam-cd;_aad.bc,con0aued en every „day respecting the dismissal of '54r• Regis until it is passed. Macknzio, Cardinal, heretefor€. e.nemployee of .the without 'expressing ally epition . as to Inland AtWenue'Departinept, in whieb; the therita of the moriokt, pointed mit :while Alm---OPPosition-,3eridUnced tho.•111.- that Ha -it Was on the notice paper; troduation pf.the---.Amerietin system of as the day Was one devoted to private diSmissals-in tlie Civil Service; seVeralnutiit81the idotiort was out of order. iPe:411?ev,s (A. tii.e'LM'ijlister4-11 8VPPo.rt.e1..Sie.jOhn A..!Macdonald jumpedto his boIdty announced 'tlienteelves •. as Adve, feet and characterised Mr. Maakenzie's catei of the doetrine that to the :victors' objection as a 'r Forthis hreach belong the .spoila. The debate.: was ad,. 'of parliamentary decorum he 7as called. iournecl at eik ecitick. : .te okdoi.- th0.siyeakcp. Mr; 'Macireit_.- • TuuesnAV. • " 'then. preSSCd for a ridirig on his' ob- letters from woollen and tool menufae- turers to prove that the tariff gave sa- tisfaction to mapufacterers as a whole. Mr. Sproule addressed the House till reeees,ie favor of the tariff, and after reaeSe Dr. Strange 'continuedin the same strain. Me, G. W. Ross (Middle - stet), criticised the tariff, demonstrated to the satifaction of the unprejudiced afternoon ruled against by the Speaker, and flue several titne,s in one day did the Speaker sustain the rights of the minority, SirAlbert J. Smith replied, and the motion was carried. After re- cess a number of 'Other -metihns asking for returns •were passed.. Or the second reading of Mr. Mills Bill to declare the rule .of decision in the Cburts of the oppressive character and anomalies, North-West, a debate, took place. From He described the tariff, exposing its the discussion it did not appear that the anomalies to the ecrutiny of the House, Government had any other., objeetien and in the concluding portion of Ids to the measure than that it was intre- speech condemned the Government's duced by the bee, member for Bothwell, ethss legislation, and foretold the evil therefore it was refused a'*.' second read - consequences as the result of the system ing. Mr. MeCuaig (Prince Edward or bribery to the various Provinces, as county) moved the second reading of e Bill respecting the Niaritime Court Act, but at the -request. of- the_Premiee, the_ Bill was WithdrAwn. The House. ail- joarneeat midnight. - -- There was no sitting in the Hems° te-daY, osving to it being „Annunciation Day, • PARLIAMENTARY AND -OTHER NOTES On Friday, Mr, .Plumb was introdriced, by .Sir:John Macdonald and Dr..Tuppir... . When Mr. Masson fell in a fit in:the House of Comtnons the -other day, his pecktie was opened by those ..who..rtt-. tended.. Jam. ..'„Froni that *.reomene...,to this •hie, breastpin, which he valsiedat •$500,..cannot be found. ; Mr. Mason,, Ito:night to be' added, sits on the.. Minie"- terial side of the House. ": a retitrii brought down' it shown that there .were thirteen tenders in:for.. the missing . :Pacific Railway•for.. the_entire werk.;. tWOlity for seetien A, separatelY,-Srld -foiirteen for seetion B. .The wovk. will cost abont -$700;000 More 'thaw if the contract luta . been- fairly arid boneStly niven jeCtion, and theSpeaker deaided that as ' " - - '''. • ' ' '. After routine -the' debate was resti mad . , . . . On Mr. Huntiugtoe'S Mellon With, refer.- . the motien_wire 011ie netiee _paper the Aceordin,g; to a return brought .'down• ... . _ __ erten to Ale clisittieSal, of Regis Cardinal. praCtice of the 4onse. was.as. Me. Mac- vit-TW-Odifesday-, Iliii-affiliiiiits -of- '-ater, The disemiSioni which wits.ceetinued all lceOle had:contended, unless: the Illoie iliticiFwvluring .ettre:.raenth of ' February, the afternoon 'and .after recess, thek..a. unanimeusiy agreed to suspend the'rnle, -81-0..p.on the ft:go:wing articles 4era :— very Wide ranget'•- Charges were. freely the Motto was out of. order. , The um, Tea, $183,0363- sngtir, $514,631: wines,. made, :with reference to diariasela frear, tion was withdrawn:. In reply to.a um, $37,501; . Cettoost,:,$245,112 ; ' spirits, office for political reaeons:. ' lir. me.- tion aiking'for copies Of correspondence $29'5,800., : The exeise: duty paid on' rein-fald (Pieten) had the bad judgment between Lord Dnfibrin and'hisAdminiS- sPirits . during the same' month Was at eleven ,o'clock, after the on. trators relative to distniesals in 1874,. la $1,112,058. ' .. . * . ' **- aigensgi had dragged through two daye,:to Make ednununica4°n ,frcnii the Gi°ve.r"r- . General's Secretary was read,,informin,g violent and general .attack on the late Mr. Farrow has given notice to an enquia7 fl-ont the _Cloyernment as to . • the House there as no Stich Correspon. whether they will 'see their.' Way...clear' to call Parliament together Jamtary• initead of Febreary, as formerly. -FarroW .will look around iavill firid. that the Governinent do. not see their way clear ;to -de anything just .now.. Sir John.ancl his, colleaguesare goingit blind ire'everything;'. . • . For the Grand TruneRailway of Canada. .1Ve issue , 0 rn n . . .0f . which -he elerice. Robertson (Shelburne) ill Tickets to all points on. the G..T, B., also te -she • • . • . . • Eastern and Western States. ive - reply in. the course . . IRT PARTIES GOING TO MANITOBA. . . •Can procure Tr/notion TicitETS .DoWEST RATES. • . PASSENGER A.GENCT, FOR , the:Cunard and Inman Line q.tagedri.ete.. • WISEMAN Imp& cllin ton March DI,. 1871 HOUSE AND .LOT FOR SA -LE. .$250 0Wonn'yeigeunrga=a8tMeni°:hinettbni•edtrit ton. Terms, 9100 down, balance to snit purehaser;-- Apply to .„, JANI4S Flint; Clinton, March 6th, 1871 • . EXECUTORS' NOTICE. XTOTION is hereby given that 01 creda rs 61 other IA persons liaving claims against the estate Of Alm late ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, 01 Clinton, Out, are re - ;pared to Sena in their claims to DONALD CAMPBELL, BAYF/ELD, Or 10 PETER CAMPBELL. CLINTON, Oar, on orhefore the 8rd„dny of April, 1879, .after which date/ the Executors will proecod16 distribute and appropri- ate the estate and effects of the said decals:3d among the persons entitled thereto; and will not after that date bo liable for the estate and assets Se distriVed and sp- . preprinted. • (Signed) • DONALD CAMPBELL,- PlaTER CAMPBELL, Clinton, ?Sarah 18th, 1870. PATESfT STEL BARB rum. o ( CHEAPNESS,' ' UTILITY, £8 MERITS ' EFFICIENCY,• . AND ECONOMY5 No Sinow Drifts. Unaffe ted by ioind Preying el copies o . t,orrespon ence, brought the ,Minister of Finanoe to bis dm., . feet•to deny that.he had ever..sat in the relating to the distribution of the Fishery 'Award, directed the:attention House andvoted with the cOmtnitsion ' or the•House to the discourteous - helm - in his pocket: 'M. as Lieut. -governor of New . Brunswick iv -fills pointdd, t6. vier of the Minister of Marine:to'him. a .'r few days ago; *hen asked if .14ny corres-o the date of the.Order in Council appoint- few or comPienication between the 'ing the heti: geutleman as ,October 27.. Doiniiiieu.end the Nova Scotia Govern-. Mr..Tillerreplied that when he. found ments had taken•plaae on the subject. that this recommendation_was. made, be ' Sir Albert 'Sthith, without offering a bac' informed thse Governor-General that Single cm -anent; moved ',for copies of he had 'no -intention of accepting the :, accounts and bilis 'Showing'. in -detail .pointment, and cilled upon the Premier with piece, the goods and supplies. to stille-that-aeben the Order in Council .furnisliedth.the Department of Marine was Passed' he knew 'nothing abont it, And Fisheries by -the late firm of Messrs. and_wAs'out of the country, as be wish- , Rebell Sr Co. Montreal 1st January, ed this matter settled. -Sir jelth A. M Macdonald kills 1 0, to 1st Jautiari, 1874, •ote, Im- then pointed eomplied, And Mr. out that the Premier was mediatdY the motion Was put Mr, Plumb 'charged Sir Albert Smith with guilty of great 'impropriety in allowine having•made a motion which. he would; a gentleman holding. the commissien of-- not dare have, made had . the Hon. Mr. Lieutenant-Goyernor to Sit in the House Mitchell been in the House. He was and vote. -, The debete ii.'as continued followed by Sir ;John A. Macdonald, gr .some • iime afterwards', and it . Was who, Pumped to hie feet, and repeated reznarkahle that the members who spoke Ir. Plumbs charge, A eroes-sfire took on the . GoYernment, Aide availed them- ' . p ace, and arterwar e Sir Albert Smith selves, of the opportunitY'th press ori the consideratien Of -the Government their to. recent to reply• !. and in • tieing :Bd. referred a' recent debate when trumped.up respe'etive leealities: The • Hi:else ad-. • ellargoe, suppeeted by the reading of journeci at 12.30 a. . 'garbled eorrespondence, 'Were made . FRIDAY.. against. his achninistretion of the 1:)e.• . The Minister' of Public Works. intiu, partment of Marine: He was palled to &cod three Bills 'relating to Govern- orcler,•by thel Premier, on the ground ment railways, and among the number that it was not admissable to refer. to was one proposing, with cortain'inoclifi- pat debates,' The point of order was cations, to ratify an agreement for the sustained. The Minister of Maixne running of trains. over the Pembina proceeded.to refer tcoextpers which be Binh of 'the Canada Panifie 'Railway; had iead in a•recont similar to that proposed by Mr. Mac- lin immediately adopted- WS :eremier's kenzie last year: M.r. Himtington tacties, and as a. result:the .Minister of to question, of privilege, and mention- `Marine' was ,ruled ent 'ef order.' The •,ed that the Courrier du`banacla annonn- Minister Of Marine•becarne excited, and ced in a 'recent issite-the retraction of pulled a. bundle of pretended official pa - the reference he had previously made to pers freta one of his pockets, and flour, Mr. Jely as, the PrOtestant-Premier of ishing thPrn before _ Oic..A.fouse, said Quebec. He expressed :regret that a those were papers relative. to the pur- member of the House, who was editor °lids() of the s',teamship Glendon by- Sir Or flood . of the Courriei. du Canada, ha 80 fai• tobort'Srolt,b, go, Viaa proceeding to abusethhis position as to slander 4 fel. read frorn these, when tlie Speaker, low -member. A brief disenssion enstied, liovidg his attention Called to tho fact in whibli•Hon. Mr. A.ngliu, as Roman, Catholic; said that during his whole presencein the Hoes° he had not heard a single offensive word Against 60 no - Man Catholic religion. Tittered by the hon. member • for Shefford, and tho Mi. WI. 1:=ZACM., viaftrgos egaitiPt'hiin were Vile slanders. Tho debate on the titrie war reamed arid 14r, Cartwright requested the FL. 4011 and Hardware Merchant," twice Minister to eomplete his 'financial ; statement, but that' gentleman 'declined Oral t',0' 'TO INT. to de so till 'Wednesday next., Me... liobertson, Hamilton, addressed the.. House in favor of tho tariff, and read Thus was the Premier twice in <me legs in its usual place. ° . • • No small animals dare pass unde or throvgh it. cam tOrt tt, tutu.. • Ntaroh-18718-70,r-- .r.tbo French. Conservative ,..meinherS are resolved that M. Letellier Shall be .distnie.sed from his position. as Limit . - Governor' of .Quebec. • -On . Saturday evening they:presented A round robin" to that effect to 'Sir John, threatening yoter'agattist•him•en the estimates un leas he'acqieyeed in their , The Premier' has, had an interview with his excellency -_in regard to the matter. • It is said ,that, in case Sir John folio we his own inclinations in. reference to -the question at issue, and declines to accede to the demands of bis French colleagnes, he will receive the support of Mr, Hol- ton and the other FrenCh Liberals on the estlinates. What will be. dem ean. scarcely be surmised. • • • -. CanadIan. Oa -Tuesday a house near Bob'caygeon was burned--doWn, 'and. an • old woman named Fletcher roasted. 10 death. A Norwegian - walked forty miles in eight hours and a'half at St. Catharines, en Saturday, for:a wager bf $ad, . Smoke, whilst out shooting on Thursday afterneoil, on the -2nd con. of Moore,. about, six... _ miles, frem Court- wriett, shot at a mark Oil tt tree. The ilanoing Off it, pierced the heart of WE-O-Via-iiear by unknown, to Smoke, killing him ifistaritly. •f Eflgomuuts itON reibpellsoirs. A,woman in Montreal has been at - rested for inhumanly treating two little girls. • She kept an asylum. J. And eeWs, of the -township of Ekfrid, aged about 35 years, committed •suicide on Thursday, by hanging, himself in his barn. He is supposed to have been insane. At Louden on Thursday a couple of youthsfor a wager of twenty-five cents; - walked through -the streets to their homes with no elothing on them except their drawers. . • There died on Tuesday, the 18th inst., at Major Bruce's, London Township, -a .pet sheep, which, had `attained the unus- ual age of seventeen yeArs. She had. bad Mamba, twins sik times, ilarkley, a fa*mher POSidiller in the. c.• 17th eon.. of Williamsburg was found: on Frtn Friday morni-by kollisterrin lie 3rd on of Williarnsbnrg, hi -tried under his load. It appears•-thatMr:- Barkley' started for -home about dark' with a loa:4 of provender he had had ground at the mills, and ,Was •found. where his load Weis upset, and piled oh top of him. • . A series of misfortunes is said to' have ist befallen De: Q.* •Vaillancehrt of St. Anseeline,,Dorchester. Within less than a Month. he has lost four of. hie' children by the band,of.cleath._ _On the ilth of February 'a _fine little girl was •cariied off; on the 13th of March his eldest son fell a ; On the -15th he lost another son and op.the 16 hi's .eld- eat daughter breathed her last. His rq- mainitig child is Biel as well aphis wife. -Five men;_untler the leadership.of Jacob Nold, of Detroit,atteniptedon ridar night to land . a-. cargo. ' of: •drY otisale,apd other merchandise valued at 411 five hundred dollars below the ruin" :Of Raels.distilkiy, on the ..Canada.. slaere._ They :wer'e fired upon 1r e17iknowh perstis; suppesed to bo, Cuatomlionse officials, and iminedintelY•roived back td -Detroit.- "They spy -they-Will tey.it again in,n few 4:;1,ys, , , . •. Almost, a fatal accident happened:'at • Lindsay, on Friday. An old man named Q. Griffith; a kind Of gunsmith, cante into- the office of the:Benson Ranee to slMwan old 'breech -load Lig 'pistol which be bought, and tried to sell it. It hap- :pened to be loaded, and while handling it carelessly it exploded,the bullet Striking the office elerk, named James Watts in the -mOoth. FortOnately it Struck his uPper teeth, arid saving ,his life; leaving -t1 libaY flesh wound -which will mark, him for life._ " • - • '--At a meeting of the London Division Grange, on Tuesdaylevening, it was re- solved to petition the Legislature..lo take away from cities the right te. levy market fees, its -they wee a•hindrance tb Ornumerce,kt„ the some' time a com mittei as appointed to wait on tho County Council, at its Itine session, to urge upon them to abolish tolls, on roads. that the papers were foreign to the de- bate, tlie amiable :Minister of Marine One of imitirWs freaks 'may be seen was a second time ruled out of orderon the farm ,of Mr. Wm. S. Armstrong, Sir A. Smith rose .to reply to ihe insinuof tramosahip has it two year pure talons against him 'which had betm,mado bred Ditrhani that Carries its .heart in dating the debate. The Prontier eoi te throat all the time, and thereby dif- tended that Mir tSlbeit Finith was fors front 0084 of the human species mtt of orderheeling() he 'had spoken whose hefu•t i'WEAtid to their threats twiee. • The Speaker, towevet, ruled only under extraordinary eireninstunces. that Sir Albert had' a right to reply-,: The-palsation of the lima in Mr. Arnt. and further, that lie did not consider strong's itnitual can be soon quite plaIn- the convorstitimfal remarks twos§ the ly, as it is It little distance up it' its floor of' the House to be sPeeeliesneek instead of being bock of the front • 404 Ort Monday the first ethigrant train of the'seasen for Manitabo, started from Ottawa. The train,on leaving' Brock- ville, was Made up into two specials bound fof the great North-West. -Ot- tawa:furnished fourteen freight ears and three passenger care ; Aultswille fear freight and one passenger car; 1VIano- tick, , one freig4. car ; and, Brockville five freight cars and two passerigi•er cars. Li addition..to this two boggoge -cius were -furnished, ,which will make two tkaina of sixteen cars each. Some of the best men of the Ottawa valley have pul1! ed up stales and are -gOing to plant themselves in the North-West country and others are preparing to follow :suit. The party will consist of. 250 people, who take with them a large ara mint of ft-eight.Tlie *London Free Press says Our. attention bas been called to a caSe Which must prove a warning to anyone inclined to take advantage and increase .,,the value of a horse by altering,its color; or any portion of it. It appears that a party residing in Mitchell, dyed the'face ofa horse, altering the -color from white to brown. Thus colored, it was sold to Dr Somerville, the well-known horse buyer, who shortly afterwards discovered the do- ciptiou. The i•esult was that a lawyer was consulted, and the party in question eblig- ea to nicer considerable expense, and ex• -press his regret for concealing the alteea- tion mentioned. The Doctor in Arturo does not intend to be so lenient with any one similarly offending, but will have the next one aerated and punished to the fullest extent of the.law. We find the following in a Brockville paper A gentleman ft°ove Brockville had occasion some time ago to travel up the Opeongo Road, 811(1 when., about 25 miles South of Renfrew lit upon the rural post office for "the settlement; in the shape of a soap box nailed to a tree at the 'road side, In this the mail ear. rice deposited the letters andpapas oneo a week for the settlement, and took out ivhatever he found. therein. The residents of the neighborhood whet expected .commenications or papers from the outside world 'paid a visi,e to the soap, box, examined the contents, and took mit their.ewii mail matter. A great saving .would be offeeka to the conntry if this Sysferil wertrgenerally carried but. But, then,, what would become of the money letters. • Tariff Note. „ The family who uses 100 lbs, of sugar ft year, paye pne dollar extra for the privi- lege of having the National Policy,. A man who burns ten tons of coal a year pays Ave dollars Joy the'privilege of having a Conservative gnvernment in power. The price of oatmeal has abnady ethane ed one dollar a barrel. This is politica economy with a yengeauce--taking the._ 'bretidittirfra ef the-Peer.- .Seventy-$1re cents would have bought AS Mild; provisicnis for family nee two weeks ago as ouedollar will to -day -on account of National Policy The Thompson & Wi11iam Manufactur- ing Company, of Strattord, are Ilargo (swi- mmers of iron of all"kinda, and coal. 'The extra duty paid, by them will' be about $5,000 a( year. . .• A Brantford firm (Messrs.Hirrii Soni) who manufacture agriceitnial imple- enento- largely;statee that the. new 'tariff ;. annum.to ------. 'A number 9f petitions front printers and newspaper publishers, praying for the re- peal of tho clauses of the, tariff.schedule imposipg- defies on type, printing, °ink, printing 'presses; ete., were presented • in . the House 9f Counnons on Monday after -- noon.. , : veered...that E...&...G.:1Gerney, Of Toronto, in view of the protective policy of the, Government, had imported a very . large quantity of stove nil -ea -enough to" last for three yesrs-- and hadr Paid a duty of 1717 per cent. o8 the article, In • the • new protective tariff that article is on the free list. The Ivlbotog4tin)ri:es -hat:idea -lower ahn.on --SSOC.:-.;(111 met at 1701'011,t0; 011 Friday, aud decided to. ad- - %Teem:the price of, stoves and sfeve ware 20 per cent. in Ontario, rind 25 per cent. ,than in Ontario. Every membe.r at Abe meetitte.,'exeept% three .„ was hut a vole of censure was 'passed on the' • Governmentler its " Mestslling and Mudd- . . ling" tariff. - • - .W.,W. O4ilvi,,' the" prciprietrir of - the flouring mills at, Montreal and Gode- rich,,waited ce Mr. Tilley, on Wednesday, ancr.dernanded, the rem Orel Of the _duty on AMerican-graie, and infOrme,trthe,Govern-'..,' Meet unless.hia request was heedecl. he should be compelled to close is Millet Goderich, which waa, supplied saber/at en- tirely Avith Anierican • : . The Canada SeUthern Railway .Com- pany have.hitherto repaired their leconto. - motives at St. Thomas, and purchased for the %Voris about out) ton and a half 9f brass , 'end copper every month 'from the local dealais. On account of the imposition of the; tariff on these . metals, the company have decided to change the name on tho • locomotives'from Canada Southern Rail- way to New York Central,. and to have the work clone at It is stated on good authority that Mr. co_representative of St. John City- -with the !row Mr. Tilley, is so much 'sat- isfied that the Finance Minister's tariff•is objectionable to:their.constituents that be. intends to tender his resignation and place : himself once more in the hands of the people. He -does not appreve -cf the changed tariff himself; 'and feels that the: citizens' of St. John are of the 'same ppin-- Ottawstele,grain :-Mr 11f. C. Cameron, tile representative of South Fluren,:. hats just returned from hiacenstitaiericy. He' says the farmers there arc• generally:wife. verable to the ,new, tariff. . They regard the duties on ,breudstutis its a farce, and 'point to the increased prices Of the -articles which they, pnrchsse, as a grim. reality. The salt producers are also dissatisfied With the dutyori their produce. . C. Mr. Cesey. P,, has 'received a letter froni•Meisra, Macpherson, &know 4; Co., agricultural implemeat manufacturers at, Fingal and Clintotr,. Ont„ in which that firin.•oharaCterized the tariff as ." the most deplorable legislationthat cotild happen.' the country.' ,It will affect their ballinalla adversely to the extent of .43,00,0 per an- num. This increase -will necessitate an. advance on the price of a machine of $20, wine& Must.be paid by the consutner: . . . It is computed that the framing of the "..Notional Policy"' Cost for outside aid alone Some $5,000: Some '$2,000 were paid to Messrs. Fraser, Young and . Lean for their services; eaoh one being paid at the rate of $10 dollars a day. The parties summoned to give expresinens of • opinion regarding what was needed in the way.of ditties on tho various articles ini- ported•for home consumpsion were paid at a similar rate,;besides expenses. 'This is $5,000 for a " National Policy" that will cost the people of Canada thousAnths of 'd°Afewllars'. clays Mr. See.- Rymnli end Mr. Elliott, M. P. for Peel, had a dis- cussion in relation- to the vexed question aa to who ,pays the duty on 'everted corn. ' Mr. Elliott contended that the producer did, which proposition Mr. Rytnal disbe- lieved. The question, was, however, set- tled on Friday in rut itittexpeeted manner. It appeal% that Mr: Elliott had ordered it quantity of Ainerican oats a few weeks ago, which produce he expected to have passed through the Custom House before the now tariff was enacted. By reason af tho ice jam at Detorit, tho oats were not passed, over before Friday week, and Mr. Elliott telegraphed countermanding the °tam-. Rye ..1 elied Mi.. Elliott why he did eo. •01.1,' readily replied Mr. Elliott, '1 . was not going to•pay.the itiereneect duly.' what auto, replied Mr. Ityrnal, !I thought the producer paid the antyr and not the constrmer.'Charity comgels the drawing a veil over Mt. Elliott's confusion. .:;