HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-03-06, Page 5•
.j 41tc'Il 'l;,'r879.
THE U.LT:N (j.'()1 -N EW ERA
ManohesfP .use,
( I.1rC ION, March 6, 1870.
Before taking Stock at -the
We ° will offer special : inducernents in order to
clear out f.W
lines intei Goods, o ,such:'as MILLI-
which, :.will -be worth, to purchasers, from 10 to 15
per cent. Evei bod should ask to see these
Goods and prices.
'aoA ]LLS1T.
sprin Trade
Note fresh arrivals, of WHITE and GREY GOT
DENIMS, TICKINGS, &c.,, &c.,: at • extraordinary,
low prices.
pIs a IRJ,, GRA=B : '& CO.
Jan. 23,- 1879.
1/nri,(rf pirelIa.s(rl our! of .1%tlS,i' 1)1. t'rante1ih, WP, C(.4/L IOU' -2twar a.t1•• 'S(tl6�fN:-
,f-irm 'to 'all who ars' . in meed of
sPEC TAC'..7. MS
( •chic/<' tee,
hare a line ,1001., evil, jvrt('ess).ifrUvri,';:
VEl� XOS, •
GOG t rtES,
fril"rl*r'r'yih 7+;j
,Di1�7G 41.Z cS X-TJ1273.1=,EU, .
CLU Lt , 3lgrrb 0, 18711, -
1. OF JIA I,Nl.S'4 FOP. N r t>:cE ,
+1 -0,L1N)rJieel or811vor:nouttea single
s, - %
n, Op; undersigned, bare tiiaday0,1tut•entire
wub: a014cher.tnrhor1r dadfare. .. y tenrtn06o,•k t, 5es:rs; (ra[.rrrTtvtot,i.t's1L,• xTnANnft• iv, will rot -Item thP in thepremises!ntmer•
iliut:•r„inn• 1u, 1811. ocoupied•by
u t We talo. 014 open amity or tirntk,
fog oar nornrruu•) it;rods and ru1tosu0re- for ' their
(1 T' E S 7 -rt 7i ,t) A 1, f'` . Ifberai p,ttronn{tt tlnt'fna torr bn int ae enrcrrr and Enka
tit'nvuto Lr ri'anr emending otic 0ll0(01> 1 75 a0 young.
111011 of 5)01 lins[ne.•n abihly ,null^(n every way worthy
et ronlldenco rind anpnnrt
11. A\ ATI,.tC1; 6, C0..
1'.M,••.th. Marilee: indebted to 1t0'hy Noto or -nook
Alnonnt, are .rr roosted -to snit and sortie 04. 0)170.
r,otulceborou rh, ye)), 13(8, 1870, -
• ?VoT!'om, ,• •
-to-o .`tC11 1e hereby given that the undesi;tno.1 bare
.11 t1tio ,ley entered' Into C01pertnerahr'(> G)r. ibn
per ln$e of u•ttryln73 n,, tlot 11neinee35. t 01 *.T:ltiir,
SJilit('tt tNl'il ire the Village ,f i otrle:tboroirgIi. •
lno.l on 1) 00ur11,1, . \\'ItT A\11 r lrl'21t('l'1'f',
1)trvrl) (J() ("I(.T T,: ” \017\A rilf.t1 A. ^r,ttrro11,
Rept.; 1 ?irt, ')'ebranrs-1:431>,1>7'>,,. .
18 ttn•it.,.i•:uod offer:, Ern' >406: his two superior two-.
tory Irrituedwellinrt•ltuu40n, oal:r)r,Htreer„n,t far
(min 0. W. it. Station, civ,: -
1. II.,u.n containing slttinieroonr: rlining•raum,.kit-
-•hou, end (nor bodrenme; gond otable,wnodolted, pump,
mud garden with fruit tet es. . •
z, no....o containing elitini'not.ut dt11b1„yironen, kit-
r:ten end time boatrorcr,,s,t:e(lt good garden', end fruit
r rtes to bearing.
'Poem. mndc•rittc;' pert el edit, if iennlred, ' nprdy to r
:r. i;, -rale, os to the nn.letst
Political .auci I'ersoxlal Notes, ' 110411011 gllti' (`;0111111erCh . 1
Lord Dufl'i'tin has atrivetl at St. IPetets
It is said that the Niagara contest cost
Mr. P. Ilughes :+20,000.
r' Rev. R. 11. Starr, of Grave Church,
Brantford, has resigned his charge.
ie said. Queen F ictor is will visit ()tine-
•da -and the Unit.d Suites next year.
The 'Princes% Lonied has hada safe made
at 1v ontrelali in' which, to keep herr jewels.
Queen Victoria is to visit the Continent
about the latter pert of the present month..
Mr. \ti 1m. Carling,brewer, brother of the
Iion. John Carling, died at London, last
Hou. Edward Blake, wits on Saturday.'
elected Treasurer of the Lep Seci0ty .of
Tito J3iahop Of Huron eoriftt'tned about'
forty candidates in ,Strathury ota Wednes-
day eyoning,
Mr. Shannon, cif the Kiogeton ,)\seal is
said to be a candidata fur the 'Postmaster -
ship of that city. ' ' •
Iii the eloct;on fo` iTriyor at h`,Ian.treal,
-on Saturday, the notorious l3eanclry was
defeated by 900 of a majority. •
'''Mr.,Peter McCarthy has been chosen by
the Conservatives of Lincoln as titer ean•
ctidate'at the coming Lodal election:
:Che EmperoroF William gave ii grand ban-
quet at Berlin last Wednesday in honey of
Lars Duffertn, British.Ambassador to St,'
Petersburg. ' - -
• Rev. Mr. Dickie, to t erlin, has accept.
eci the call tendered him by Uri; Central
:P•reabyterian.econgreratianv"�Ilu•ftaleve 4*i.
will receive a salary of Ott$2,000, •,
Au` ()Wawa 'despatch. says —Now, that
Mr: Wheeler has -been unseated -,died. tlis-
qualified ,for North Ontario efforts are be-
ing made to induce Mr. Blake to accept
.the opening made for httn ttowel,k once
more into, Parliament. ' .. 1t..
Mrs.: M. •liaekenzie• died in: Lindon.
township" on `Friday,. Mr. Mackenzie and
wit`s Were the, first *settlers iii London.
township, having Bloated there seven years
before•the first tree %vas cut on the site
where London city now •stand..
The Princess T.rciuise has employed an
az•tist:to take-photobraphs.:stf::.laticleat. Hall.
from Vesicas ppu>-ts_of,-i.ntesest,•_.far. - the-
ptn'pose of forwarding thorn to Iter'Majes-
ty the Queen; who; . it is understood; has
•expressed a cdesire that they shoitld'btrSept
seventeen ger Dade of elmese were Hist:
'week ehil1petl to 'Liverpool from 9lontreal, ,
.T. &s 0.:\IcC1 ry, of London, shipped on
Saturday-, via the Grand Trunk, a car.lond of `.
stoc es'for Australia. ,,
011 horses were purchases., in the, Montreal f
market last week, affil shipped. to the, .ttited {,
States at•an ac•err ge rrfee of 8,67 molt. ;
John Elliott R Cm, of London, have ship- i
•ped to llavre, E'raneo. a car load of =were, 1
reapers and other agr'caltural implements. '
Twenty-five car loads of wheat were shit:.
ped fronx.,l: nterson, Man., -on the 1701 Veb,, ,
by W. J. S. Trai11, const:pod Unrnes s: Co,
Duluth. ,
• One thousand, barrels and five hundred.
sacks of flour were shipped from London last'
creek'via the Graded. Trunk railweytfor Chts.'
gow,SeoUup& .
Two German buyers aro at :1lontt'eai with ,
fAl(1 O
orders for Uanadian cattle. 'sit i$ understood
that a Montreal firm has made arrangements .
for supplying 500 cif• them. -. ,
per 'week -ending Feb, 8, there arrived in
Liverpool, 7,313 quarters of beef; 2,07,3 ear -
cases of Mutton; goo dead pigs.; anc1303 1ivl'
Latest•utail advices from England, in re-
ference to butter, are satisfactory, and 140.count sides have been received of ,ti.rte> t sly.
radian butter soltl..in Liverpool at 112s. per
cwt., which is equal to about 22o per' lb. here.
The Mersey •Dooks and Haebor Board, at•'
• Liverpool, G.I3„ have decided to spend B30,.'
000 in erecting acebmmotiation for cattle from
'tAmerica, as.well as straighter sheds. They
evidently have faith, in -tile ,rctttgi a continn•'
ante of the trade,
The hlurneapolts millers are elperitnenting
with tneehineryetey comta+ssatnc lrrtir fgr..11le. _: .,
purpose of shipment to Europe Ibis belies
•ed that it can bo do .compl•esse(l ,as to'get as '
'muchweight into a given package a -s" the .
Cases of New BOOTS & SHOES,
. shipment of well-a�sor��d�:
• •.Prof, Arnold,. of 'Rochi,st,pr,la gentletetui
•w1ia:-has devoted rmtoh time and attention''
to the manufacture of cheese -and butter,'
has beentengaged by the Western Ontario
Dairymen's Ass;octatwri,,a td.wiilspent. the
summer season io Iournfeg,Cauadian dairy
men' how-to ' dt'est" cheese uo.der tho n.ew
Process:, . • -
+st1a Re#,tster•
Dry goods, • 3te., o,( 11. Adams, . Londesboto,:
commencing this (Thursday) evening, •
t'i4rm•,stock,Ae - of Mr. lt_ l ehLurray; lot 33,
• Ann, 10, c(oderich: township,'pii IaTeh
Otlt, at 12 noon. James •Howson; auct: -
Farm stook, ko .'ofRobb:':rlaD uald,'•lot 23,
2nd •con.,':Hallett; on the lith Marcb,.
J. Howson, tinct. '
F' t'
Chemist mid-
itlhrivlYr ifrli•f,
us'r (eiftiO 1 (>0-1''ape
PCrRE , 1 R1.1(xSr
will be ,.01,1 •cheap for
• PATENT iiI E l)Ic'11 lt:S:
• ' YE STUF S .
:HO'Rbh is (1ATri'LL'4I1i.1)I('1NEii
'l1 tUs T,(E`r,
` A \ n PE1t ra-;[i iNJER 1.
I hose otory sottltd00 w Iu toeotntnomlitig`tho following
Prepnratious, an being enret'ttlte prepared froze the
Purest Dregs and etivetionlsr-- .
Wilson"., ou.6IE BLIXI'R
A Speedy ante for Chetahs, Collie, ltoarr:euese andlose
inner, and a ready rs111eeter Asumen Dronteatis, and
nil lung 0,-00 110W $ thtrc r , 20 ,erit0 per bottle. e••
ave•• twER ,r
•sari e'weuld bold,of {lour, ,
It is said tiriat the'Torouto Cattle Dealers'
and Butcher's Association purpose holding n
meeting shortly at the Bossin. }rouse, to hid by
•all the prominent Ontario (Attie. shippers are
to be invited, when•the live Steck t,rado with
33rita•iti is to be•fully (liscitssed and.plans sug•
Bested 'as to the-b'est mode of -dealing with
the clnestion. `{
:\Ir. Defuse, the Ontario,,'oornnnssioner at 1 ( , ILI'.1�1:
the Paru', 'Eposition,. reports 'having,, made
the following Sales; 'Ileapers 2,122, mowers,
1,100; horse rakes, 90.0 • corn sbellers, 2,0o3;.,1
Arriving and being opened' out claire.
' 1 .
:flaw curtri"i,, Z5Zittlleglbli Bilis Fs '.;f; iirDivs r
251;,ltoreo•powers, 25.1 ; grate :drills, 252 ; j
riiot-cutters, 253 seed -drills, 252 ; grain 1
.•grinclers„.252 t grain crasher's, 232 ; assorted !
hay and ntannt•e.'forks, 2,000,464.
Mr, A. C. ?Ylacdougall, of St. 31ohus, Nfld.,
has entered into contracts for the delivery in''', '
London, Eng., •of .font hundred. ~thousand
pdunids.af salmon during the corning season, -
fie has also engaged to deliver alive two bun•
dred.thonsaud• lobsters, The salmon will be
caught in the season,` stored in :refrigerating! •
boxes and will bt1: sant over to Englrnd' in I,
.fresh -condition es. -wanted, where..th•ey will be •
olcLat. w reasonable_pr dee ..,,.,. � _ .
''Tae ;\1ontreal'`litraltl•.gics the•fellowir.g'
as the exports of Jive stock from the port of1 •/�.ii;,, t� p r
Montreal durin8-the-past-three'.year9 1 V M "' f J 7-41c. +F� ■ L • �+.
• 1876... ' <1870,;. 1878; ,1
•Horned Cattle.. -'2-880 631:10,• 18 35 l
,2 FnnTvfi,.n.t^3,tab`.;18r9.
.13hee 2 686 E)'.J � r ! b •
P:• • ,. . , 0 41,2,10 {
Hoge. , •130Ta :•,',,•2,075 , 1
Horses:: . 355 .351: 6901•
And says ."l'o arrive. at.tlie" exact value r
of the live stootz exported is a cliflcnit• mutter, t5
r F
_E'er. � p' 17 -.�1 �:'J �►.4J'r� ri 1:7i.
1i r uiee : Ip,#Stock pu c Bassi f► cin .11. ' apace
ek �.� n c es
roti Il#FQi e��.t
but taking hofned cattle at an average of.` 801'.
.per bear.; sheep at 17,50, -.hogs at SI) awl
horses at $.120; We think a fair idea of the
value nifty be 'thrived at • . -
w80 •
'Sheep rl) t 7 r(1, ....
Flogs, 2,078 at n 12 0} 036
Hor§os,, 098, at 8120
, .
• Total
Cattle 6 r5 at $
109 3.7.54 -«
1/ILII TOlN ¢I•%RKI5414," . 1
' • Alarcll.0, 1870.
11 ite'xt., tall, Yea, 1,•rbilsh; +0 • 8:1 a•. 0 00.
4 %p le.,t,fall,.wbitc, : • 0 93 ,x.•'0.96
S'ring .Ped"chail" 0 80' 82
Cats, • 0 30 a 0' 34
•' 0 ;0. -a 0.65
Peas;•, ,
• Beef; -
' PltttCr:".
.:l' Sgs.
0 50 .a•5.00
50” a '0' 80'.
5 , 00. o. 5 25
-150 521
012 ri 0'15
{) .Ill : a 0 16
hfay, - _ ••8.00► 14. -9...00-
' Hideo.%
9::00,T•liides, 4 50 ii 5 25
tiheepskin:, - • 0.25.' a.0,75.
(;lover 3 '50-' a' 3 7r"�. 1
,Timothy . ' .1 75 . a 2.25
• '411•triottr15 et.t.HIE 1'4 • '
1 uertttry 27,-18../.1)
•:Witaat..-•.Ptrl . $0 83 ':A,- 0 SO'
ti itml; .0 72'. ii
p, 0 70
• G'tour,' - . • • 400 a'4.30
Out's -
leas. ' • '43.: u0 24.' • an 0 05330
Barley. • -0' 50 . a',t) 00
Potatoes - 0.45 a' 0 50'
'Cay •- � , '. 11 900 •n 8 00
FiutterW: () 14 n 0 16
Tho 11.4 iu n":. Sugar-e0ated. (lira theta a trial,'.
• 2, rents pot foe:, • ' •
1 r'• - ;W y rtt's. Vegetable t
• . .0 15' a 0 18'
Ffidr• a'.Otl a 5 54)
•1loorl:- 21(') n' • 250'
... YOU. KNOW..
I.GII,ROY.'fo °
!-GILROY for
GILROY. for:
[GILROY fol.'
YOu iNow.
all kinds of Goods at 'a low rate.
1.lifiDElt'ii;Jl r i. 1ItE'l ti; - tilin'trntl 1''r•b. 27, 1'$ 9
\I tech 4r• ;tilt.),'
$058 a 000. I
• 0. 78' a 082
433 t 1130 ! �J
B ���
0 10 a' 0 40 , ss' .
• nn tt 1 rn
•• • 01.0 a 050. •
NEW W TO N ...._ ---1 E.N NI
0 -1 r ttr�."(1 Tia . .
Iay U O0 ` 'tt 7 Oil .
c. eton,078,To taiAitrte rrie. ;. ? tr r 7 l y 7 r iy. , 1 t r i
7:bti following tatlld ,represents the "eine of IPC^&H'N E S 1lIAN�•' J.•AC trilli1J�,L$; &(•., (,L.[N 0 .
prodnt'e at. the fanners' market : a _ _ rrr)U.
• »lista--ttyU ,-
• ;prin'g
l 'Peas, .
T, tr soy, •
8g •
sr• -
I'or the cure of Tali estioti;•n,liouintesia, and ItE•atlsinll
(h n54tem of ali.lntparitiea, It is alno highly 700,10. 1
ntc�urlyd for restoring 040 appear.; and .ts u0ehr1 in!
• ' many 50000,1N01$0ns 5'y'obility.
1 Petr t<, belt-piuh .il-neut-0- '.ptrta,.a1.Wl.
Witsows 1lklORi`til P•DWDE.RS
Oslo,. s>nr; ttin Rcr.0 %ma,. ea 'r•,n't•per-
Driffield ' WHITE OILS•.
`Cllr lest Tinarntrnt for 14p' l rs, 'ttheinuntlino. +4.0,
• Oral v `..'.Il .eent)4. pet' hiltll(•.
I'nr411nr>7),4hittle. 1'1-t,tpt ttnul •.c,•rr at•weripti,'Pl of
11:(10-atoelitt.'"110I0Pax' 1,•r is /liable' rt eotnust•nd„l for
fatt71Tmit ar.1 /M/71410:,.: into fine e luill ten; idooh;brat
are Intended (or Phew lir Dale, Plife1•1, 2;earned$ ilea'
reel.: ofn.)(1 r 11, 4c' putntdr i'.re Yl, •
14, •''haled i(rai,c 1'•re.wW-1.111,),$ (111(1 F,nurlrl,
jt'(rrdirt ever,jr(JJrr )rtr'ut,114t4 . L. •
(WIN r,\. Do), 'Ji, 111r.
- •ltarah 5, 18(1)
Wheat, fall, nett', perthosh0 85 a SO 97
Wheat, epi•iuU, (11 i '' 0 73 i 0.00
T1a1'lE•\', ' d,t -d) 4 t 6 ft ' (7 77
Oats, •lr. 0 ,1•i 11%1
0 33
'Peas, do' a aO n t(0)):
) f,l'.
live, dv 0 30 a; 0 00
Dressed liege, per 1001110„ 5 30 a (4 00
lleef, hind gra., pee 100 Ibis„ 5'00 a , d -50 i
Batter, tills, • '0 14. ,a - 0''16.3
liggs,.freslr, per tlnz„ 1) 20' a ' '0 2(11
i ''Pilo subsoribr'rn laavitrg poi eb•i41 4 the Itaru(ess•llcti in =. Business 101IlIerly- earried on by'iltr,
J,'(`, AIF! 11.11, beg to intimate to the people' of. this- sectiontltitt.tlteywill continue the
1 same ; on all its branches, itt the old stand. I3eitip;';Itraetfcal• workmen, bud by giving' strict
atthutiot1 to 1tu1•inrss, tltcy hope try merit n centinuauceof the patronagesaliberally bestowed
• ne their pec-dt'cesovr. They „will keep it1 steel, or nutnnfaetnre to,o0der,
Tilt;A.VY'A t) 61T)1),I)ES. x',, &e.,.
waren \t'il.r 11111 :t0I.it .1'r 111•.1y(I:Nd111.1i: 11,\THS.•
lPettitnes, perbag, 1 OA n 0' 00.I
1' 1,O11)01 ,i! . Itit 1,1,:•-•.,,
,..#twirl TI'lliiicv, 9It]IS('!:, Rollie•, 'IVlai.irx, dorso ('folitilig, )tett all urtitles. en n•n -
4Carcli J, 18711, 1c. • 1
\\''.lite tthont, pu'1' l3i)11,7„ • w1. 60' It '3) 6.) r V dorrltrt to no �ttflrtlrslon►en of ttii+i ttitlyl, 'will Mfr. kC1at 101 atOeif.
Iced hall. ,1r. 1' 34)5 '5 1 (4{ t.,Tc.-.1.1I` ' ir3,A' ' 1—±osS .r3:, �at,FRic r
Spring, . tiff, »I let a i :1(.,;1,.. r� >=r�C"^5 „
larlr'y, tl,' (t ilio a 1 ,,
ord.. 1' O syr', it. 11 111)' /,rl air'i.)'/
0 15ii• lr-1(1 ,
st 13,110 r�
.. , t
t. 'r,7j
OJ1'1)ii`i.x J I,"Y711'1'Ditr'lr1;J.r1” Noticeirto.
r.'1'Vr'SYri'f ); r l)i* N.lS1,�id;r'C:ri()\,S'i711il'`!ri •