HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-03-06, Page 1• 7" • ' • VOL. 114,110. TERNS -1,1.50 Per &Paula, in advance.. Btu! atttrifolemtnio. AlsTD LOT POR SALE. $250 WILL purehase'a Small, comfortable house, , . conveniently situated in the Town of Olin - ton. Terms, 8100 down, balance to suit purchaser:- Apply to . JAMES PAII. . ' . Olinten,.ifarch 6th, 1879. • • lirousE TO LET 011...•PO1t SALE. t 1111AT conveniently sitnated Cottage oa Victoria rooms, hard and soft water under cover, stable and drive house andthrealots. Posseskion givenlst April. Apply t this aloe, or to . • A, DODSWOBTIL Clinton, Itlatelt 5,1879. • FARM POR SALE. • . • MEE undersigned offers for sale a farm 01.1thellt 40 JL aeros, being lift 80, 10th Con, Godertch Township, alSare111„ iS 014 Atato...2/..18,11,4111110,11. „SWAP* rrame house, and now ham on tho premises. For nor, tieulars apply to • JOSEPG WFLEATLEY, " 'James Street, "Clinton: Winton, 'March 5, 1879. 10 TOWN cesne, mum- ONLY. MONDAY,, 1Vlarc1 lOth, 18179. appcarauce in Clinton; qf the great Artiste Lorng . - WOnderful imPor40h6,0611-0t- In Harriet peso/ter 'Stowe's •sliblime Work of UNCLE'. TONI'S CABIN'. Supported hy her own splendid. New Volk ,OomP80:1'• ADM.T.SSION f..rit AND 5Q CENTS. " Tickets MAT on solo by diagram' fit RANSFORD'S Book Store. • 'SEED WI-IEAT,:". • PEAS, _BARLEY,' ." OATS And all kinds of Field, Garden .end Rimer Seeds..- Part accorded mo the past. yoar-,-I take pleasure Min,. In returning thanks rny atfor thlib t6 itrdris • e al Sup- orming the public that Thom, at eonsiderable expense, - carefully 601m:steamy presentlargeutock of seed grains fi out the most reliable growers. I•••oau confidently rt. ' • . commend the .' LOST NATION. aitCWHITE RUSSIAN' as the best spring 'varieties grown, both for quantity, quality_ and milling pfi1posea„....31'y_FE_Aagre„secund none iu the Provinee for petty. and <nudity. BARLEY and OATS of tho very host 'varieties. CLOVER and TIMOTHY seed, TURNIP, •MANGOLDS,and all other field and garden seeds fresh and pure, • I -always tusko special care to scloet seeds clean end free from all nox- ious weed Med. Always glad to .shew my mita, end give any inforniation desired by farraprii. and &hers. ER61E5113E11 "MX STAI4D, • • Hamilten Street, above Colborne Hotel, Goderioh. JANES 111eNAllt. Goderich, March, 11879. • " .A -GREAT 0,FFEA:- --FOR 410.50 -- Wo Will oiid you, bound in:full eheep, awaits:bridged - • • • Worcester's Dictionary Tho .ForttightlVite*.; vr, . For one year. Setailprice, Worcester's DictionarY. • ••• anbseription price, per annum, r'Vertnightly'l., 6.00 Or, wo will give fin 'finabridged, hound in.speop,_WOIt- (JESTER'S DICTIONIRY or8v- 7car1y subscribers to Tire Fon:mums! ^ItsvutW, or., / four yearly sub- , scribers to tits same, we will Ore a copyol that famous work, bound in 2 vq19., •Sursumgrungr, RKLIGION. , &gents Wanted—..to whom We trill pay a good ".trammiesion to canvass their Iteality, For•particulars, order books, Speehnen copies, Sm.otddress the publish. DELFORDS CLARKE Se CO, .• Gd.York St, Toronto. es, NOTICE TO DEBTORS. rINERSONS whose accounts we:retina dn 1st Jan.., are requested to pay up et ono, or I shall hove toping) it in Court for collection. •W. IL HIE, • Clinton, Feb. 26, 1870. • ilt.PPAENTICES WANTED. • 511808 WALKER, .• • • onpodto the Tia•ttentury IThuse. . Clinton, Feb. 26, 1878. 9: SPECIAL NOTICt (Aron IS /*fay given that all parties owing- the • g..11 undersigned aro rogue:doll to settle the same be- fore the 15th of 'March, or they will be put in other lianas for collo:Alen, iv; a change is scion to be made in the Brit, reqdrIng thefiettleatent 61 all outstanding acoonnts. " 0 fillEfNGI//thlre AI1(EN118iAD., Clinton, Feb..27,1870: • , 9 POCKET BOOK .LOST. .• • OST, one day' last week, , supposed; to be between noltacsvillo and skeleton,a. rotator Pocket book - containing quantity of hill aiatf a Ithatt of hand drawn in favor of Ilichard Rye. • Tbe finder 8111 be suitably .nwarded• on leaving the satne at the litcultut cr with .A LEX. thilIALkEST02.1. llolinesvillo, Fob. 21,1879.• :2' , LICENSiE INSPECTOR'S NOTICE. 4, LE, apelleationa for Lioorisni for the solo of Liquor, ..t&. in this Riding; nnst be hr toy hands before the first ilay of April next ensuing. • :SLED:TEATES,' Insneetor West Riding Goderloh, Fob. 28,1870. : 0 . _ ‘, • .extr.4..teren, at once, 20 or 80 cords of good dry wood, V V for :he Public School; •Apply to the Seerotary, W. IL, rirtm, • (neon, rtt. 20,1870, . 8 WA(4.(11.):N Pt)lt and polr, c1mtp1ete. Only1,111, artionlorP.; alirilY to' ollo' n( ;• "I.: • • • Cabinet Itlaker, Vief Orli.. street, CHM. ,n, ;fan 15,8111), \VDOD MILK :( !OA" FOR HA LE. & E1.VLY CALVIII) COW VOL SAIX, by ' . —JENK, KINIinpn 14,0. ToWitthip, reb.20,1870tp • . • AND C.41CTRE IIITRON GENERAL ADVERTISER. CLINTON, ONTARIO, TIT6RSD.j;, —MARCH 61 1879. .. • • PARTNER AVA.NTED, • .. 1311,11TEER WANTED, with 81000 tu 41000, to t4o • half interest in it Stem Saw Mill. Business ne'r. ly establfshed, Apply 1.0 E, 5101,:„NITCASTLE, OT..INTON, ONT. II0I7SE FOR .SALE OR TO RENT r • subieriber offers the liouse acid Lot, at present ocenpied by himself, for sale or to rent on racoon. able terms. The house has been recently built, and is linnet° on the Rattenhury Servey, Further particn. lars on application. •• • • 'c'o' •AUSTIN CALLANDER. -011141ri-Vebeiler•18711-: • • . HOUSE TO LET: - • — ritun hens° lately occupied by Mr, W. U. Ban:4001 situated on Victoria Sfreet, 'near Grand Trunk Railway, with stablveyard, and a liplon4i3 gardeb of three quarters df an acre of /and, with fruit trees. Rent 8100 per annum, to be paid (mat terly. For further particulars apply to the ligNi Engrained, where the 3,6s, •-teni be found, or to "'""'"4--"'-'-`-'-',3•011•11-100PEIT111813r, ItinaleyLToyygge,:, ,• Clinton, Feb, 5, 1878. a SALE riMUI SURBORIRKS offers for side his Farnl,. eon. gisLing of 711 acres, being Lot 25, 12th con. of KO. lett, (adjoining the village q,f Londeshoro) 85 acres eithivKmn; balance good hardwood. On the prernisert 14 ti"ffilirfliertire;" frame ,stanies, barns and outbuilding:4, good bearing orthard, never -failing spring, and good well. . Particu- lars on applieation. , ' A, COOKERLEIE. . • l3USH LAND FOB. SALE. rrultn' subseiiber offers for sale 40 acres tit valnable timbiir laud, situate on the Mtn con. orGederleli To'lvuship, being north -half of lot 80, about one mile INT111 Ifolutesville, and four from tho towii of Clinton. neVer failing spring creek on the front of the, lot, Terms itheial, Also, let 82, Oth on. eon:dating ef SO acres, oecupied by the proprietor.• • ' • . Learns S'llEPPA111).• Goderie1r-Mvushi1(",,Feb.12, 1879, •7-tf • • F.A.11111 FOR ,SALE. 1114,ElE findersiguetl offers for sale that eligibly situated --fitrnerbeing.lot:21-i-llukon-Roitdc-42raderieb.-town- eine, Just outside the limits of tho town of Clinton, con- taining 90 acres, all cleared. There are in it a"frame house and loam, ten 50110 011 fail wheat, and a huge or - &lard, The land is in a -good state of cultivation. As the farm is a corner lot it will, if required, bo divided into two lote,,of 40 and 50 aeres each, giving a froitogo of 100 rods Web, or as may be agreed,npon. For fur. ther partioulars apply to II. W. proann. pawn, Jan. 15, 1879. Dominion Parliament. • ,infintsotkv; The Committee on Standing Orders reported on a number of 13ills and asked that the rele. be suspended in the case of tlie Bills relating to theSelkirk .rir• South Saskatchewan. Rathottcl,. spi9-ifgA Doge° Werp.introdaced as follows To ino.or- prate theSh.-ate1tewan COlonfeatibii- Reilway CO., to awn* the Act ef the Canadian Life Assurance Cat., relating to the better qualification of public .see• yant, etc. Mr. Perreault, the member elect for Charleveiv,-. was intreduced. A 'Bill Was introduced to.exteed the pow- .ere-of•-thrDominterr-Teitrgrapireb-;:ia • was also a Bill relating to the Interne: tional Bridge Company, and the time for receiving Pidvate Bills was extend- ed ten days. The correspondence in .the matter of tile ,Lieut.-GoVernor of Qnebes,„wakr_presentJA,,,,A,,. statenent of° superannuation allowancea, *seeted,. and a number Of questions were asked, among others; one by askrne what proportion or the fish- ery award, which had been received froth the- 'United States, the GO'Vern: • . meet citended• to•set-apiirtferthete fit of the popI or Peince• Edward Is- land.. Sir johnroplied that ne i)ortion had as. yet been set apart. , Dr. Christie brought tip his motion in, reference _to Stibtiath Observances. After it leugthy discussion,'the Postmaster -General only- cd•an riSendment,. which Was carried. ' the ainount expended on •the Conine% wood ltarborditring1878. Mr. Landry moved for a statement of the 'atnotints' due by residents of the, windy of :Rt.: oionSki 'for earriage on the Iniercelenial • 'Railway. dating 1878.. Sevet'al .other -Mations were ageeed to, and the MO° • , FARM TO RENT, adjourned at .6 o'clock. ' • • FR,ID.R.V. cin the 16th coneession of Goderich township, about 21 frE'suineribitr offeM trisent a farm, consisting' of _ •.• • ,... ... . ...., ... . . .,•. • 40 acme, 89 cleared, being north -half lot 211,. situate . Very httle• actual. business •was' dene 'WOOS from °sewn:- -Eiett-tuacaratiall•wheat,„Inclunce" Trare-nouge this de,y, ti..discrisbion en, .cet, ter a term of two orilve yeara Full partieulara on re anson• a ,..7,1„.,01) the 11 , . applicationat NEV.' ETiA °Moo, or to '. . ill'110.• 110 Cv0V0011111011t had taken tile ' WALTON DODS WORTIT .plowed., bo rented Wither with fall wheat or wine. the / t• 1-' ,ost of 'the . • south.holf lot 88, 15th con. ' Goiliriela township, jail:" 8 1879. F11 FOR 5.A E 2,•he substriber offers that' conveniently situated and desirable farm lot 81, 7th een. Hellcat, for side, 100 aores,•80alearee,-reemmeot good hardwood bush, There are:two frame barns and two frame sheds, dweltIng house, splendid well; good orchard; very good grazing elm, and' only four miltis from Clinton, *where -there fire Iwo railroads. POSCE181011.giVellinnnediately. • * • .• ' - WM, inNorette Millett, Sept. 12, 1878., • • • , . • • ‘NOTIC, • rateenha ameiee resurveyed their li laid out .property in town' lots, during the, last ten years, will please forward at once a Plan of theirlots, with -the :nimbus thorecin, to the.Clerk:of tbe Mupiri- 9ality, Maid the Assessorain fulfilling their duties. W. O. SEARI,E, Clinton, Feb. 2d., 1870, . • • • •. E,M 0 V A L'• • J. Hi- GOMBE, CIIEMIST E DRUGGIST romovoclio the premises known aw 711 5,.t 0120 CLINTON h0-21EL. MDT° will keen for sale rt. select anti general as'sort mont of • CHEMICALS 'AitU MtDIdIN!S, 1)Y STUFJS, OXLS, &a, Prescriptions,' lteceipts; and Compolintts care - folly made sip, with despatch. ' • °union, la79. JUST RECCIVED WALEER %SEER, ISM; IN usu. LOTHES WRINGERS. R • -turoiteent (tr, 33 A. P., '11247) • 131 ir&1,ia, L I ikkiTO-N. lVfareb 28,1878. " • Metter .Ont of the hadda of tho, House 1111 rtivardine contracts for -reportiew the e, debates,without consulting the merebers. Pienee the ,discussion. •' • . • • • The Ifou.se epened.at 3 o'eloek,-.mhu the Speaker .presented the, dccision of the judges in 'Prescott.election • Case. Hon Mm Holton presented •a .petition 'train the Montreal and.City of 1:Offewa • jnnetiori 'Railway.. Ur; 1.3ecliard intro, duced 4 J1ll AO repeal.' the Inedivenoy_ te•.: introcluoed a Bill te. lath*to the inland -bills of • exchange.. Mr. Mac.denald (Invernese).. introcluc,e.d a BO td:provide foe the retyment Of defendant's costsin certirin,caees .at the suit ot the' Crown. Mr. Cailey intro-- dueed Bill to amert4.the .A.ct concern- ing the eleetion, of ,inembers.• to.; the _House of don'treons,. and in- doing so explained the • Varions• 711rtioncltrippts • which if wae. proposed to neake,„ in the 'present ACt.' Mr. Seriyer introdeced: a " .5tC1ND AV. •, Rill to amend the -charter of the .Mon - ,trial mid Chainplain 'Junction .Railway Company,' . Reports. were. •posented by Hon. Messrs. Dowell ' and Baby: Dr. Schultz. Moved the second reading. of the ' Billto:,Incorporate.. the Saskatchewan Colonization Railwarclempany, which,. after some disCussion, . wag .carried, and,. the. Bill referred to the 'Polifinittee on Railways, . The bill to arriend the Ca- nada Life Assurance Company's Act 'of incorporation, and the Bill to incorpor- ate the'Selkitk ,&"•-.-Routh SaskittchoWan Railway Company, .arr well as .others, Was also read a etcond timdand referred to the proper coinmittees, In anSWer to Mr •ParroW,•whe Asked if the Gov- ernment, ,had a :Stenclatel measure for 'ti8.A`v.16,;•9 ' Mr: Baby maid the matter was limier consideration. 'Hen. De. Tupper, ••in a ti swer.to -MK :Dubuc, ',said tille Gov- ernment intended: to' -erectitnmigritet eliede 'at Emerson, but whether Mere accoMmodetion . Was ...revived tet St, Boniface was not yet known. - , The Postmaster -Gomm! answered several interrogations in connection with the Post Office „Depaetnient,. Hen..2g1' . Masson, -in .auswer to' Mr, Thompson ' (Thildimand), who asked if the Poyern., I meet intended to cause camps of in - aril -kin to be. formed ' this year,. said -the--mattee• was. under- considerations:. -Motions for returns were made, . among which was one by Sir A. 3. Smith, re. leave, to the payment of $10,000.to 'ono Clarke, iri connection .with tho Fishery, Award, Soveral othee returns' were ask,. ed for, the Mounted Police.reselutibris read a 'Second time, and the Howie ad, journed at 6.15 p, in.. ' - • . .' • • • ••• TUE81).AY. On the opening ef the Ji01,186 Nevem' petitiens Were presented, and" the Min- ister of Sustice moved for it committee of:thiett3tt. to--eXanfineilite tho Working' .. n of the Insolvency Act. Mr. (.3irouard introdeeed a Bill te. repeal the Insolvent Act: The tittle_ for receiving pet.itiooa 'for Private Bills was exteilded for, one week. The House went into committee on the resoultions regarding the North- west Mounted Police, whicI7 .Were• ourred in, and the House went into conen?itiee on the Bill itself; which .was; isenseedt length r. e Mit g mov- ed for a minim showilie the number of -Tpr.sons.-employeatantlie railways:of the Dominion 1878; else, the niunbee of aeddentS, et., occurring in -eonnection. with the same during the..perioil mimed, Mi % Hay. ntoved for a return setting • forth the reiteortS fot. the appointment of T, Petteson Postmaster at Toronto,- --A---lengthy-.-cliscussione,teak. place on the motion, which was carried,. after,being emended.. Hon. Mr. ton (tailed attentien to the • feet that a, motion by Mr. .Moussean %watt 'on the papei befere that of Mr, • and he suggested that a date • should be fixed • forethe-eliscession..„,of,,Mr,__IM'onsseati's. metion„ • The suggestion was concurred.. in and. ' tiesday next fixed as the date. A mcition for a return respecting per- sons emplpyed on; .the Intercolonial Railway on the esti). Deceirtber; 1878, itas-caredeclf-ari. Was:altida motion tenema- ritterrr showing; the cptantities and va.• hies ef articleg imported into, British Columbia .fretti the other. Pt:mitres. in 1878,' and :respecting the contract'' ntui Service with Prince Edward Island at. the time. the Islend entered the Confe- deration. In answer to Mr. Cartwright, Sir John Illactlanahl said •the Finance' 'llrrnsfer was enithrierttififfielftliFFRIT illness. The House adjourned 'tit CA PAH.L,IA,MENTAE laNb °THEP NOTES, • 1.,t. is .1`8,1)Ortdd.. that the. Dominion Government are going to prevent Arne: ricaii boats runnieg•in: the. -Canadian .Waters Of Red River this summer; A mon, those who :dined With the Marqtr is, on Friday, •wei•e thofol le white Hon. iMitekenzie Mrs: Maekenzte; Hon, ' on. , 'art wright,-:.1fort.. J. Trotting. t())1 Mrs: Huntiagton. • One night last week someone entered the room of (for South Wentworth).at'the Windsor tel; Mid stele- his pocket book, which Contained a Considerable surn of money. Thp Senator e' and members of :Parlia- ment- have been• daily interviewed by HiS Excellency the .Governor-General, Who requests their, attendance. at 11).'s oflice,in the easternblock. -The C4over- e.e..-General is gathering all theinforrea-. tion he can in regard to the•Derninion: • It is announced that the.:.IIon, Mr, Masson,,who was takeri so suddenly ill while•about to address the House last week, has entirely recovered,' ani.tis onc0. more,in. the full possession of The People of west to.ke a warm in - tartlet in 'Mr. Masser-,. and will be great- ly Pleased to hear of his entit o recoVerY" „ . Prepeeatbry-^to the Aliscussion of the - Budget speech, tho Hon. Mr. Ctrit'Wright' has given notice of motion for returns regarding the Louden loan, the amotint of-:-ettrittons duties for the month of February and the amount paid during the same inentli''on the ,ar- ticles -L -of tea, sugar, wine, cotton and spirits: ' • , • • • As iswell.known, the rush to' Otte:. Wa.tolecure situations under. the, Gtyli. eminent has 'been- .semething unprede. dented this year. Apr.opos of this,' it 18 said that the •Conservative M. P., re - ' siding. inthe capital, was driven, by the. 'demands of ritvenous constituents, , to cut the wire of his door bell, reMove. the kr-poker' from the doers; ttiVd effect his exits from Mid entrances to •,his micile -through hick 'street: . ''' • There aro sonmeurious !inners float- ing round in 'regarYd to the. Canada Pa Pia° contraets... It is generally believed 'that eveeything has not been square and abet° board; • Amex -Minister is said to heve retteived 20-,0O0-forP'his s'ervicas as a "go between,". while ethee parties reeefved varieetk sums. The contractors aro evidently bonnd to make a fat. thing Opt of the country, The cost o11 the 'work Will bo cher a million dollars' mere - then the first award. ' Perlitiment has now been in teesion three----weekts the menthers have 'done nothing to - ,commenattrate ' with the amount of time,and money spent, 110 P, has not boon 1M -ought deWn, 1100 is there any sign of it. Never did a Parliament meet in Canada before and Ministers so palpably acknowledge' their inability. to furnish IIICASAIMA for public consideretion. The sessions° far hag cost the con ntry no loss thun'$75,0 00, $55,000 for , the Commons at $20,000 ter the Senate; and yet there aro persona wlio eitll [hie evonomical ]egislation. It- is an.N..P, that the people of Canada. had -not bargained -for.;. Qamullan News Items. - A. U. Brown, a noted dry gods man of Aylmer, died in the Asylum itt Lon- don, cm 'Friday,' Saturday., a farmer named J. Tighe, living in Burleigh, was killed ire the • • woods while' tt tree. Votingoir the rope:A of' the Denkin Actin the Connty'of Ontario,. ,on Fii- day, resulted in 4_1 for the. rcqiet.L. N..:.Maley-, W. 011:11:110W11, citizen -of Kemptviller was fpund frozon to death front-itt of his ---own doer, en Friday night. • ,.. A. lady in London, has, since the ist ef November last,..knitted 107 pairs of _JAW Kinsf-eitirs-and-utittens.....-That_is. ;the kind Of •nniterial worthy- of admire - tie!). ' • e• • The- la te J. A lid rich, of Little . Ger-, ninny, \Vittorio°, 121,1yes seven brethers, all of whom' ere • pork lautchers. The. brothers resule In several towns. in this section .of the Dorninion. ' . . • VW) little son of--Mre-Pee-Iceilleri7of •Ayton, While taking a colt to water an Monday, playfully put ono end of the halter:strap round his own neck,' when the colt got frightened and dragged the 7hortill-he-Was-diatt • A meeting of Ottawa, worliingmen 'has been calfed for the purpose of forte. ing a Settler's league,with the objeet:14 aesisting the -unemployed in the City to trikenp lands irethe NorthweSt.. It is proposed to tisk' the Government farad, • 'bast Week,. , betWeen the lieirrslef fi ple viSited the' OttawaMayer's officcron.- businessonestlY conneeted with apph. cations for employment. This week- the: Visitors hat'zie averged over 125 per day: A project, is on foot at Ottawa' ter a. Vend chai•ity concert to, bo given ;under the manaweinent of the 'Mayer . and - • Aldermen -of the city,' The action has: been pietiipted.•43, e,ddetoeipvod000d. ot -the-utter destitution extant variens -Tun %Tit tingly and unintentionally injured parts Of the city. , ..• • The U. T. R. 'ticket agent • at Ottavia '.• made iirraegements to forward • a party : of intending settle, s to •Dakotit .,Territery: • A along the party is8 couple. Whose,corebiried weight is 614 pounds, 4he husband'werghing305, and..his. bet- ' ter.:ha1f:319 pounds: . A young Men named IlUgh: Cashel], :aged 24s• while chopping. on the Holigan . Val M near ,.Aberfoyle, ' was •rteeidently killed,. on Monday, by the 'falling 'On hitreef A tree, which ;firs* ledged, then sining 'round and 'struck: him, b11 the head, killing hini instantly. `-. • . Vhi10 four 'young rnen.3,Vere out liitnt- ing on Saturday on the MK. J. Barry; •Ekfricl, theycaught sight of largewildcat in a log, They,'clemolisk. pd the aniniars.hiding.places And. gave chase tv.i.th their dogs, one of. ,Which- the wild -oat foright and itijnsed fataily. Th animal wtts hot dead. • • Lait, Week tho youngest *id or my: ',Mitchell, Met with n Voi.y ,painful 'accident. A pot 'et boiling wa- ter was left' standing.upon the floor, and 1 he poor little thing fell sitting -into the vessel, scalding the thighs in aSheek-- -ing manner. The child; however, was not dangerously injured, and now do- ing . ' • J.T.WerneY, employed as a sawyer at . . Messrs. Gilholm & sawmill itt Galt, was itecidet*aily killed on Thurs- day while attending to his duty. ' His feet by some means slippod when on the large eirculie.saw,,and: falling; the' saw caught him On tite•back of the head and nearly, severed ij., Death,. 'ensued al. most instantlY.,' T -he. deceased wits 4: :married mans.and lea.veS a Wife andfour, children, . ' . • being cirdulated through., Out the caanty. of Brant, asking the Ontario togislatere to -enapt. a Iaw_ to prohibit,stock of. alt •kinds (hdrsits,' cat- tle, sheep, pigs, poultry, etc.,)fterm •rutt, niug.at imp on tho ptibliehighway at' all 86801/8 of year, :The idea Is to relieve farmersfrom the nodosity • o' keeping tip milesof fencing .in order to guard their interests from the; inroade of stook now permitted on.rthe.highway,' lhe.petition is largely 'Tho • :Hamilton .:„Nortibiwest Colenizo tine Society have 'received the .resert in, the '''.Saskatehewtin Northwest Territory, 'for which 'they 'epplied- • to the Governmenti- • •Tliee 'Benin is stated to be one of the beet in the Northwest, and will doubtless ;be- -fully 'settled during' the anSning season. Tho seciety have now branch agmicies hi Dundee,. St. Getx:rge, Woodstock, and Stratford, mia are receiving daily ntt., litmus applications, for pertnission..to join. It. is expected that tho throe townships granted will be tiottled With- out delay, as tdroady those at the head of the Scheme inc receiving tenders for the conveyance of baggage, horses, etc., to the spot.--;-•ffpeeecitor. .„1110X..itIES 4; SON, •Pisallihers. STANLEY. - STATISTICS. :total essessment the towriship..„10 Statiley- for de` year 1878 amanita to $1,70t,180, The total amount levied 'on ratadlo pyoperty $10,- 838.58. The tcnount paid to ciitnity $4,032.52 for schools ;;‘,'4,626.8q,!, fel roads. $2,307,64. 'Balance tomieet yea t.s '.ble for the fellowing, yarn t- . . tin Wrixer.-2-A .0.erniatt named 'Jacob' Wurtzet, who had Heed in the township of Stanley for • a -of • years,. was. prpsonted with 'a mentento., mid an •address the- other evening„, pre-, vions to.his return to'his friends in Wrie teidde county.. The doners,of this.harel siii Melee -fife." Proceeded . n. his. lionite, and werelWariely received, The object oi their visi t. dashed upon, JaCob'S mind, end his face :worked spas- - • medically with delight, leu t when. the • chief spo keSta tan had read the address his, face grow 'pensive' and he' tuned tway his 'hood, iutfliis eyea were -ixottcerl- present tin tiposed that his .reelings".if tf. P-yei•e01110 /11111, and steod quietly awatk• ing the "Win of thetiu, fltt 0110 °' more inqu isi tire thin thb,,,,:restr quifaily tapped him On the. arin and imptired the eanse of his disturbed:feelings,. "I feel • . awful bad," lie said„."..I. Vas if' de" eions clot. you fel las void :do somecli eel" • geendt--dot-you youhEshow-yotie rest ter me, and make me feel here he rc-dapsed' for it few fitirtr ee recovering, Continued, 1.4 bn, ,t).e.,Lti11tirkkes„,„Lean'IAgf- dose Veeps. Now vatyen.* dose beoples down by Vaterloo 'Wtt say ven, 'cley saw dot ,biece .af -baiter, . eh ? vill told me 1 Vas sO1t1,--dot il sch.nide., Nodings'abodd doken Of esh. teems' riodings aboud 'enti•onsie value! ' ntttilngb ab„ondsioniedings at all t yen I bink aboini dingS.j. feel amfd] t1" hofiniii.ediately fell back tipen. the •rod Itandkei'cliief_'_al,etln:and the crowd. -firelt:'sleWlv Mit -feeling :flint they 'had . - the feeline-s of a' neiehbor and friertd, • • , • • -- Wil Vittsep,-of Blyth left on 1N: on- . (toy 11101 nin(Y for Scotland. The Exetei 'Spline -8111W for ex.hibi. : tion,of.stoek will beheld in Exeter op, the 16th .of Apim1e Alr. J. W. Elder, of Seaford); lia8 legrbly written the Lord's: Praj-er itt .space the size of it iibi[ Ve, cent piece; , I3 attemp c o rob the house . of Mr, BOW -4., tened•off by the lady cif the house. . The people of Tipperary appointment,. I Methodist Church, :last week met qmpe, the residence of Mr. G.. Sterility,' 'Kin- 7. burie_attd preseated -himwith afi. 'art* chair, in recegeition• of his' Services - Class -leader for maw's, years. , . On Thneeday ltiat as Mr. 0, ler, was WAS walking. op ,Tosopiline Street • .Wingliain, iio .picked a small box.. which on being opened was found:: to contain 100- dyearnite :capS. The. caps are an inclm iti .length and about ,the thickness of ti;Jead pencil. One half is filled with d,ynatnito and the other with, sawdust. • -• ' . 1 The Exote.v Times says ;ZA.,/1"a' dy in this neiebberhood fell heir to 2O0 Acres of land on thedeath of .1 r 111)10ther, .which occtired a Short ago. • Tho land/ ,.. was' willed to her byhete &ler,she to • ' conic into possession at tipe.time or her mother's death: She has 'manifested- a -eplrit, of 'noble generesity rarely.o.nte WitleAtimalcing a deed Of 50 jatotot q 'each °flier two' brothers whe 'Were not letVanything by the will of their father. A sornew`itat unusual-exCeurrenee was presented on &Miley Morning on the ,fixern .owned by 'ay. s.' Paul, of Morris' --an event that.wilkhereafter bo hatfit" ,• as a wonder o'f /he past, ° heifer belonging to the abovAtti,:iWd" .gentleitan gave birte trf, eAt'pritreg of one body,' tIvo,,,dret;t4s4,14ito extending. the 401.0„letiOtiet .J;ocis, 111 tt Aro' - o tirAoy, the re, • ifrom the tight if; rather obliqUely.. pig of the ratepayers of • village of !Avid), took plean town hall on themitexiing.df , the 25t1i11eb., to tqke into eerisideretion the. prospects of having a certain, lino of railway bnilt from St. IVItiry'svia Exeter v, and Zurich to Bayfield. working tinninittee was appointed, Dr. Buchanan chairman, and D. Steinback seeretaar; also dologation 644 prosent from EXOtelY and Baplk.. , a freely discussed. Ile meetii;g° WAS largely attended, and was imaninmuely in favor or gtattinga liboral bonus to any. Company that will tinder 'take to , ••• . •'.