HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-13, Page 1WI
VOL XXX1II,-1 O.: 1705,
TAILORINQ is our business,
and it would please us ex-
ceedingly if you would step
in for a look at the elegant new Over -
coatings; Suitings, Tronserings, etc.,
for Fall and Winter wear. The pat-
terns are the handsomest that wear=
ers' wits could produce.
Come in :to see the new
ideas, and talk ' the.
matter over with us.
Quoting prices for tailoring means
nothing. as you know, but what you
on get for your money is every-
The best dressers in thus commun-
ity are our steady patrons, and if you
favor us with your order you wiIi be
in the bands of skilful tailors.
Come in for a look and
a talk, at any rate.
In Hats and Caps we have all the
latest styles, and when you need any-
thing in this line you should not bay
elsewhere before seeing our big range
to choose from. Prime 50e to $3.
New Underwear, Ties, etc,
Homuth Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
are respectfully invited to
call and inspect our large
and w e l l assorted
stock of
Fancy Groceries
Fruits, Oct
Also we carry a very Iarge stook of
t he very finest China that can be ob-
tained at reasonable prices,
--Dinner Sets, —Tea Sets
—Fruit Sets, —Table Sets,
—Toilet Sets.
Also a large vaiety of useful
articles in China.
R1 A. Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Who Wants a• Farm ? •
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doinggood business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonop. Aeneral store with large
trade, live village. Also a Iarge amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
J. A. IiraoKENZIE,
Inauranoe Agent, Holyrood,
Real Estate Notice.
It will pay you to cone to me to bay your
farm or town property.Never before had I
such an extensive list oth in town and coun-
try) for sale. I have about 0.000 sores of land,
eoniprismg some of the best farms in the conn -
ties of Huron and Bruce, and now* is the time
for the intending purchaser to have a look at
them. I can also suit you in town property
no matter what you may desire. Prices rang-
ing from $400 up to $4,000.
Collection of rents and accounts a specially.
Life and Accident Insurance effected.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
D,po-er Hunt7,.�Pv„t_icenses.
The deer hunting
the lst of Novembe
a number from this
go to the norther
wishing to secure
the same at the Ti
of the usual fee.
lined by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital: paid up, $ 3,00 0 100 0
Reserve Fund and
undivided profits $ 3,474,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
aDewed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th Jnne and 81st
Deoember each year.
D. T. HEPBl7RN, Manager.
B. Vanstone, Solloitor.
Capital paid up, $2,250,000.80.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00.
Total Assets, $25,000,000.00.
President— Bor. Wal. Gtnsos.
Vioe•President and
General zanagerw•3:'ttrktimmy,.
Assistant Geri, Manager -0.1C WATSON
Jbbnproctor,the A. eOyres A. Birggondrie,
G1rispbotbi'- ti. FiJi1ls6n
Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 hnd wards, up-
andrber Boli Mpal Dir filet Marend
Special Deposits also readied at tarred;
pates of intermit.
001111017/ i, Agent
Zi014111600 1k Dtyt f i U, flolieitere,
eason will open on
next and no doubt
locality will again
woods. Parties
licenses can procure
Es office on payment
—The Daily Star till lst of January,
1906, for $1. Leave your order at the
TIMES Office.
The Consumpt
The special meetin
oil was not held on
The ladies having in
of the money for the
tal at Gravenhurst h
ed their canvas of t
intend asking all t
town as well as pri
liberal contribution
$300 is not co/lode
regular Novembe
Council the laai;
ail to donate any
needed. An op
be found in eae
and Union facto
factory, Western
tory, Bennett's p
& Groves' tabu
being made to al
and Sunday soho
Wear Greer's ShOes and Rubbers
A Fine Exhibit.
Mr. John Campb .11, implement agent
had an a;cellent isplay of carriages,
buggies, cutters nd waggons at the
Wingham fall f : r, which was over
looked in giving • r report of the fair,
Mr. Campbell se red the red and blue
tickets ou buggie and cutters and the
red ticket, for lumber wa •n, and
diploma for the •st d,spla, ot vehicles.
ye Hospital.
of the Town Conn -
Monday evening.
harge the raising
'onsumptive Hospi-
ve not yet complet-
toWn. The ladies
e societies of the
ate individuals for
, and if the required'
• by the time of the
meeting of the
will ask the Conn-
alance that may be
subscription list will
of the Banks, Bell's
s, Walker & Clegg's•
Foundry, Lloyd's Yar-
ning mill, and Pringle
y. An appeal is also
the fraternal societies
sof the town.
Smart youth wa
Box No, 4, TIMES
t• ; . Apply by letter.
Bible Soc
The :tunnel me
branch of the Up
Tract Society wil
ham Methodist c
evening of next
This society is
the public are Inv
A musical progra
ty Meeting.
ing nf,the Wingham
r Oanada Bible and
be held in the Wing.
urch on Wednesday
week, October 19th.
denominational and.
ed to the meeting.
ime•is being pried.
LOST—A small box meta ing eight
souvenir spoons, on str to f Wingham
on Monday evening. . der will be re-
warded by leaving at t e T1MEs,offlce.
Prociam tion Bills.
The proelamatio bills for the East
riding of Huron ere printed at the
Tams office this eek and have been
posted in the differe it parts of;the riding
by the returning o cer, Mr, W. H. Kerr
of Brussels. The p ]ling places in Wing -
ham will be as fol ws:--Ward 1, at J.
B. Cummings' ah ,; Ward 2, at Wm.
Gannett's office; and 3, at the Town
Hall; Ward 4, at Walker Bros. & But-
ton's store. Th nomination will take
place at the Tow Hall, Brussels.
For nit best makes of Pianos, call and
look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to
suit purchasers. They are the hest
money can procure. Remember the
stand, near Bell's factory.
For violins, guitars, mandolins and
small goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's
aikido store.
The Brussels f
Thursday' and Frid
the fair directors
cellent weather.
ahead of Wingha
tetldanee, but ry
Wingham had a
show of horses in
was the best ever
The inside exhi
ahead Of those at
A number of
Brussel* and fess
second prize on th
and second in the
their horse, Don.
Denald, piper,and
aid, Highland dab
tainment for the ti
H. Orniokshank 0
heavy hermit; Mr.
speeding events, an
on root* and Vegeta
Fall Fair.
11 fair was held on
v of last week and
re favored with eic.
he fair was a little
in the matter of at.
would judge that
larger exhibit. The
Wingham this year
en at a country fair.
its in Brussels were
Ingham in quantity.
inghamites were at
s. Beattie Bros, won
it teani of roadsters
Speeding event with
. hells.- Mr. D. Mc-
Miss Mabel Motion-
:r, furnished 'enter.
tatora. Iifr, Wild.
dated ars judge on
neohtel on the
. T. C. Graham
Barn Rais
There was a ser
Geo. Walker's b
line, Turnberry, o
The work of raisin
oeeded without an
evening, when one
fell and struck Mr
Bluevale road, an
broken just belo
Walker was also
The rain 'bad
slippery and this
cause of the tie
ler was moved to
aid summoned
and he is now
ing the serious
trust he will s
g Accident.
cue accident at Mr.
n raising on the B,
Monday afternoon.
the frame bad pro -
hitch until towards
of the heavy timbers
James Fowler, of the
one of his legs was
the thigh. Mr, Geo.
urt about the shoulder.
ads the timbers very
's said to have been the
r slipping. Mr. Few -
is home and 'medical
d the broken limb set,
ug very well, consider-
ess of the accident. 'We
on he able to be abous
Dr. Ghiehoim boson.
At a largely attend d, convention of
the Liberal. Conservat . es of East Huron
at Brussels- on. Tu sday, Dr. Thos.
Chisholm, of Wings , was chosen to
contest the riding in he Conservative
idterest at the Domin on elections tobe
held on November 3 . No othername
was enbmitted to e meeting, Dr
Chisholm being the animous choice.
Itt the evening a, pub o meeting was
held, when Col, Sa Hughes, Dr.
Chisholm and others a dressed a large
gathering of the elect s on the issues
now before the people.
The reason
of Scotland i
Overcoats at $
.50, re
FOR SALE --G sod eound d ing he'Fse.
Apply to Alf Glover,
Ion • the'Sons
c : are Scotch.
r price $5.00.
Hockey Club R • -Organized.
The tsrnual meetin
Hockey Club was he
chamber Friday even
dent 0. G. Vanstone i
following Cicero wer
corning season.—lion
Hors Vice, W. Corb
Vanstone; Vico-Pres
Secretary, H. C. Ke
Wilson; Manager, E.
Committee, Elmer Mo
Fleming, D. D. Wilson
man, The name,
Clni,,” was, adopted.
well attended and
The prospects for the
very bright and consid
showing of the team 1
parted with the goo
Ebner Moore and c
Wilson that the Win
able to defeat all tbei
year. A . number o
available and a list f
will be picked will
The next meeting wi
place and hour on i4
17th. All iutereste
' Death of dgar Bowles.
The sad news was - ccived In town on Satur-
day of the death at •angeville of Mr. Edgar
Bowles, aformer wet. ;known resident of Wnig-
hant. Mr. Bowles we • in business in Wingham
for a number of yea s, first with the firm of
Bowles & Hiscocks a d latter Homuth & Bow-
les. His large circle .f Wingham friends will
hear of his death w h. regret. Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Homuth, Miss • aura Homuth and Messrs
W. T, .T. and M. S L. Homuth attended the
funeral at Orange 'lle. The Orangeville Ban-
ner in recording M Bowles' death, says: "The
death of Mr. Riga Bowles occurred at his
home on 1st street
years or more ago
that time in basin
of the Wingham
in the council
g, Oct. 7th, with
the chair, The
elected for the
Pres., R. Clegg;
Id; Pres., C. G.
, D. T. Hepburn;
t; Treas., D. D.
core; Managing
re, chairman, A.
nd H. H. WI ,1: t•
-ingbam Hockey
'he meeting . was
ry enthusiastic.
owing season are
ring the splendid
st year it is .ex -
management of
aching of D. D.
ham Team will be
opponents of last
new players are
m which the team
e published later,
1 be held at the same
ouday evening, Oct,
are invited to at.
Death • f An Old Resident.
On. Sunday last there passed to ber re-
ward one of , e pioneers of East Wawa -
nosh, in the p arson of Helen Inglis, relict
of the late Ja«es Wilson. ' ,ie deceased
was in her 77 • • year, and the cause of
death was pn: umoria and heart failure.
She was a ua ive of Lanark, Lanark-
shire, Scotlan , where she was married
to her late ha band, and they resided
for some time in the city of Glasgow.
When thehar times at the close of the
Russian war i . 1856 set in, they determin-
ed to try th fortune in the New
World, and wi h their two children bade
their friends a • d Scotland good-bye for-
ever. Arrivin' in this country, they
lived for some t me at Columbus, Ont.,
but in 1862 mo • :d to East Wawanosh
and started to •• ake a home in what was
then—over, fort • years ago—a solid for-
est. The late M s. Wilson was a truly
typical Scottish haracter, looking well
to the ways of he household and eating
not the bread of i • leness; a kind friend
and faithful neig.. • or, she was often call•
ed, and oheerfull • responded to help
the sick and distr:seed. Her husband
died eleven years go. Since then she
has continued to :side on the old home-
stead, with her son ndrew, and daughter
Margaret. The mily comprised six
sons and two d righters. One son,
James, is dead; t• : others are, besides
the above, John ' ilson, V. S„ Wing -
ham; Gavin, Will ata and George, and
a daughter, Mrs. obert Stapleton, on
farms adjoining t e homestead, In re-
ligion Mrs. Wilco , was a Presbyterian.
She was the last :rosining • member of
her family, and • us in Oobnfort, str'
rounded by her se s and daughters, she
passed her deolini years tin the and
Dame. The furter 1 took place on Wed.
nesday afternoon o the Wingham cense•
tery, and was lar: ely attended, the re.
mains being laid : side those of .hes de-
ceased partner.
A few more • :ars nht<it roll,
A felt' nior oesons Come,
And We Ott rest,
Atepbn lhetenb
• R
on Friday forenoon. Six
the deceased, who was at
•s in Wingham, contracted
a severe cold, whirl ultimately developed into
short time failing health
up his business. Since then
ontinuous struggle against
insidious malady that had
victim. The care and soli-
-lends, the efforts of skilled
employment of the most
of treatment were alike
e ravages of the disease.
the ago he hnd a bad turn
ife and death for several
flied sndfleienIly to be able
Last week he had another
al seizure. The deceased,
year, was a son of Mr. T.
Dufferin county. He was a
osition and 'excellent parts
and was very poet lar about town. He is sur -
Miss Homuth of Wingham)
r, who have the sympathy
ave,nent. His parents and
s and sisters are also left to
consumption. In
obliged. him to giv
hie life has been a
the inroads or the
marked him for it.
citude of devoted
physicians and th
approved method,
powerless to stay
Less than two mo
And lay between
days, and r
to go about again.
and this timo f
who was in his 88t
Bowles, Sheriff of
man of genial dis
vived by a Widow'
'and a little daugh
of all in their ber
a family of brothe
mourn his loss. '
Bowles, Mono Ro
Mayor Green,. of
which was largely
Rev. John Locke, 1
dist Church, cond
phe house and grav
At this time whe
ioal prefermelat are
eye a short sketch
gentleman whose
the readers of th
place. He is the
riding of East H
whose return on
beyond a preadv
their duty as th
Dr. Macdonal
the world from
Scotia, but mov
of Huron when
Brucefield nei
years of age he
4 years at harne
for the trade pa
the cargenterin
5 years followe
work lying in
ing, etc. Fo
toilsome life
the occupation
school which a
10 years with r
in Stratford fo
Principal for 4
Turning to t
subject of this
from Trinity
1872, and, to use
out his shingle"
the same year a
has continued t
up to the presen
He was electe
town, was the s
7 years altogethe
identifying Nims
for the general w
also elected him
Dr. Macdonald
able interost in po
amount of work O
ions campaigns h
tion as candidate
contest for the Co
Feb. 27th of that
ed, his majority b
now of Brussels,
1891 election the D
the sweeping majo
Holmes, the prese
Jesuit question w
many Conservativ
Government, refus
Barrister Dinkinso
down before the d
with 159 against h
the same two can
showed Dr. Macd
by a majority of 1
thy of mention th
always won and w
change the splend
valiantly and clea
In Parliament
spurs by his clear
brilliant speeches
not slow to give h
!ono of the best de
Four years ago h
elevation to the D
one of the most
f positions in the H
with his wide
thinking filled th
hope to; see him t
Dr. Macdonald
of the Presbyteri
fine service in n
questions that h
the well-being 0
Electors shout
into to be addrm
the liberty of in
on tho subjects
the coming cam,
NOY, 3 and mar
eral candidate.
That •
De not allow it to become chrOdid.
'Laxative Quinine Tablets"
will cheek a cold in a few
hours. Doeti not cause ring-
ing in, the head. Giaes quick
relief for all feverish on-
ditions of the systera.
FOR SALE 1312'
Walton MeXibbon
lstext noor to Post Moe.
men seeking polit-
nch in the public
f the well knowp
ortrait is presented to
TDIES will be quite in
tandard bearer for the
ron in the Commons
hnrsday, Nov, 3rd is
uture if the Liberals do
have in the past.
first looked out upon
e Co. of Piotou, Nova
from there to the Co.
1 years old, locating in
borhood. When 15
ent to London and spent
s making but not caring
tioularly he turned to
, framing, etc., and for
it, a goodly share of his
uron Co. in bridge build.
lowing this somewhat
r, Macdonald reversed
nd commented teaching
ocation he pursued for
arked success, teaching
a yestr and at Exeter as
study of Medicine the
tch graduated as M.D.
iversity, Toronto, in
common phrase "hung
Wingham in May of
in that good town he
practice his profession
with uo smaIl success.
first Reeve of his home
onti Mayor and spent
at the Council Board,
12 with whatever was
al. The School Board
as Chairman of that
Laurier i
Sir Wilfrid La
Premier, will visit
next, October 17t1
electors in the Op
This will give peo
excellent opportu
fug Canada's Pre
arrive in Wingha
from London and
by Han. Wm. P
Customs, and ot
clans. The meeti
largely attended,
from Wiugham to
will address the
Arrangements ha
special train to le
close of the meeti
Wingham and poi
the platform in var.
received the lamina -
East Huron in the
mous in 1887 and on
ar he was first elect-
aig 60. T. Farrow.
as his opponent. In
. was returned by
ity of 308, over Dr,
Co. Treasurer. The
rife and a great
s displeased with the
d to cast their ballot.
ughty medico in 1896
m and in 1900 when
dates met the records
ald still the winner
Dr. Macdonald has
expect 1904 will not
roll of victories so
lv secured.
r. Macdonald won his
Wed, argumentative,
nd his opponents are
m ersldit with being
Mere in the House.
was honored with
puty Speaker's chair,
Moult and onerous
use but our member,
bill so well that we
e Speaker of the next
er, Canada's gifted
Winghara on Monday
and will address the
le ha this section an
ty of seeing and hear.
ier. Sir Wilfrid will
on the morning train
ill be accompanied
tenon, Minister of
here promises to be
ir Wilfrid will go
ucknow, where he
lectors at 2.30 p. m.
been made for a
Luoknow at the
The pretty stra
witla jealous eye
The blackest pa
than your whi
ht shanghai, tithes
they o assing by.
ts of ife is better
The Late
Tbe hand of
and sadness to
Powell, of the
berry, his belo
the bounds o
Some time ago
with typhoid fe
that she would
became sudden
despite the e
friends, succu
being due to hea
ed, whose maide
Musgrove, was 13
but removed wi
berry when but
a family of twel
Mary Ann Musg
still living. Tli
School ; John,
of Niagara, Fall
of Grey towne
Wisconsin. T
many good qua
She remained si
and tookcare of
they lived. A
member of t
church, she w'
indeed by tha
ago she was
who with a
years old,
ed wife an
place T
in the Win
Baker, pa
Church, con
and at the g
sisters of th
the bereft h
the profoun
be extended„
eath has brought sorrow
rat concession of Turn-
& partner having passed
time on Sunday last.
rs. Povvell was stricken
er, and it was thought
Itimately recover. She
worse, however, and
orts of physician and
ed on Sunday, death
failure. The' deceas-
name was Mary Atm
rn in Hallett, township
her parents to Tarn -
child. She was one of
children of John and
vet), of whom six are
Turoberry; Dr. George
Ont; Mrs. R. Pearson,
i and Mrs. Emerson, of
deceased possessed
es of mind and heart,
le at home for years
er aged parents while
onsistent and faithful
I be raissed very much
body. About six years
arried to Mr. T. K. Powell
tle son, Robert, about four
w suffer the loss of a devot-
mother. The funeral took
sday, interment being made
ara cemetery. Rev. Geo.
or of Bluevale Methodist
uoted service at the house
ave. To the brothers aud
deceased, and especially to
sband and little son, will
sympathy a many friends
n churoh and has done
olding the great moral
ve so much to do with
this glorious Dwain.
attend the public Umet-
ed by the Dr. and take
king full enquiry of him
hag distussed during
ign and then go out Ian
their ballot for the Lib.
rusSels Post.
chorea choking pf"the
len of a whale, the lead.
bee drawing himself
the ockand sometimes
Wer trill* to wash off
of t fleb. No relapse
e on, McDuff, if yott did
try a little of the Old title
After the t
Mg clothing Me
to 4th Oct,, has
sometimes up t
oVer head, as it
the dirtY mark
setting in, dot
not get enotig
fun on dry latt
iu town just take five minutes and see
what we are offering. Slaughter saIe
of Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats,
—Men's, Boys' and Youths'. We have
decided to clear them out.
Stock Food
Druggists and Opticians
So far as we can learn no Businees
College in Canada graduates so many
and at the eame time such a, large
percentage of its students as does the
Our courses are up-to-date, in-
structors experienced and facilities
unsurpassed. Students may enter at
any tirae. Write for free tIntalogue.
Business Chang&
Having sold my Real Estate and
Fire Insurance business to Mr.
Abner Cosens, I desire my customers.
to extend.to hina the saute liberal
patro nage they haye given me in the
S. Y01.711II L.
In accordance with the abate, I
may say that Mr. YouhilPs pat • ma,
will receive from me the same (
attention he has 'always elven
Par ties w g to sell or buy I. rop.
erty would do well to see me la fore
Wingharn's Leading Shoe Store
Here's a Message:
Now We're Ready
To show or sell our new Footwear for the coming 5-easons.
Our displarof Fall and Winter Footery for Men, Women
and Children is, without doubt,
The Best the Town Ever Saw
Remember, our business. is selling? Shoes, and our
entire energies are devoted to supplying you with THE BEsr
that the shoe world produces.
We atk special attention to our lines of
$3.00 and $3.50 Shoes for Men and Women.
We know that they are away ahead of any Shoes that
can be bought elsewhere at the price. Everybody says so.
We have Shoes, also, for the customer who is looking
Everything in Shoes for everybody, and we hope to
receive a call from you.
Headquarters for Trunks and Valises.
Shoer to the People.